O2 Programming Language

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The 02 Database Programming

C. Lkluse and P. Richard


GIP Altair - Domaine de Voluceau, B. P. 105, 78153, Rocquencourt France

The next choice concerned the programming language of the system. Among the possible solutions (extending an e.xisting language, designing a new language, or being language independent), we have chosen the last one mainly for marketing reasons (from a purely technical point of view the second was probably the best). The system is viewed by the user as consisting of a data definition language (DDL) by which the user can manipulate a hierarthy of classes. He/she can attach methods to classes or to objects by writing these methods in various languages. Our first target set of languages consists of C and Basic. Rather than speaking of the 02 database programming language, one can think 1 Introduction of the 02 database programming languages. Pro First, The major objective of Altair is to prototype a complete gramming in 0s is donein two d&&steps. the wonrammer defines classesusing 02 commands. development environment for data intensive applicaThen, l&he programs the code ofhis/her methods tions. The functionalities of such a system should using one of the 0s programming dialects. For the include those of a DBMS, those of a programming time being, two progr amming languages are specilanguage and those of a programming environment. fied, the CO2 language which relies on C and the We decided to build an object-oriented database sysBasic02 language which relies on Basic. In this patem, named 02, and its programming environment. per, we specifically report on the merge of progamOur motivations for this choice are the following: ming language technology and database technology [AtB 871 and we shall only describe COa, as it is l We do believe that one of the main bottlenecks the first we have implemented. Furthermore, the to the productivity of the application programmer is the impedance mismatch between the approach followed for Basic02 is similar to that of COa. A full description of the 0s object manager programming language and the database. This impedance mismatch cannot be solved by re.- can be found in PBD 891. This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 condefining the database box (i.e. by changing the frontier between the programming language and tains an informal presentation of 5bjects and valthe database system) but by mixing database ues in 02. Section 3 describes the data organization technology and progr amming language tech- in 02 through examples. Section 4 shows how pronology to build a complete system with the gramming is done and illustrates it using CO,. Section 5 explains how inheritance works in 02 and jusfunctionalities of a DBMS and of a programtifies its foundations through subtyping. Section 6 ilming language. lustrates the features of 0s which deal with sets and l We do believe that, among the available techexceptions. Section 7 briefly describes how methods nologies produced by programming language are type-checked in 02 and how method safety is people and among the possible approaches, the insured. Section 8 compares the 02 system with sevobject-oriented approach is the best one to mix eral other object-oriented database systems (OODBS). with database technology. This is due both Finally, we present some conclusions. to the intrinsic characteristics of the approach and to the appeal this paradigm has to pro 2 Objects and Values in 02: an grammers. In this paper, we describe the 02 database programming language as it is currently implemented. We first show how 02 provides the user with both objects and complex values. Then, we present the persistence management of 02. We describe how objects are encapsulated and manipulated through methods and how V&KS are directly accessible through operators. We also present the subtyping and inheritance relationships in 02 together with the typechecking mechanism. Finally, we mention some interesting features which deal with exceptions and we make a comparison between 02 and several other object-oriented database systems.

Permission to copy without fee all o+ part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the VLDB copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Very Large Data Base Endowment. To copy otherwise, DT to republish, requires a fee and/or special pesmission from the Endowment. Proceedings Conference of the Fifteenth on Very Large International Data Bases

of ob-

O2 is object-oriented: this means that information is

organized as objects which have an identity and encapsulate

data and behaviour. Manipulation

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jects is done through methods, which are procedures attached to the objects. Object identity is useful for supporting object sharing and updates management. The theoretical foundations for object identity as a programming language primitive can be found in [AK 891. In classical object-oriented languages such as Smalltalk [GR 831, the value encapsulated in an object is always an atom or a tuple of other objects. In object-oriented database systems, this value is classically a tuple or a set of objects [MOP 851, [I?an et al 871, [Kup 851, [LR 881 since databases must provide flexible management of large sets of data. However, this value is always a flat value, as it can only contain identifiers of other objects, and not directly other complex values. This limitation is exactly the same as the limitation of relational systems which has motivated the introduction of nested relations and complex objects. In 02, we provide the user with the possibility of defining, not only objects, but also valves as in standard programming languages or in the so-called complex objects2 languages [AB 871, [Kup 851, [BK 861. Of course, complex (nested) structures can always be modeled through the use of identifiers but we think that this solution is awkward, just as the modeling of nested relations with surrogates in relational systems. For example, we can consider the following three objects (objects identifiers are written in italics):

of eiffel-tower. On the other hand, cities evolve with time (think of the population) and might be shared by other monuments, therefore we wish to model paris as an object. In our system, the object eiffel-tower should be modeled as follows, with address appearing as a structunzd value and paris aa an object: eifiel-tower. tuple(name:

Eiffel tower, pans, address: tuple(city: street: Champs de Mars), description: Paris famous monument, admission-fee: 25)

tuple(name: Eiffel tower, address: eifiel-address, description: Paris famous monument, admission-fee: 25 FF)

tuple(city: pans, street: Champs de Mars)


tuple(name: Paris, country: France, population: 2.6) While both paris and eiflel-address where modeled as objects in this example, we believe that they should be treated differently: eiffel-address is nothing more than a pair of strings which only appears in the value
lThe previous [LRV 881

prototype of 02 only dealt with objects


2which are not objects in the object-oriented but rather complex values

An object-oriented data base system intends to provide the application programmer with a powerful applications development support using encapsulation and inheritance. This important step forward should not be canceled by an increased complexity in structure manipulations and by losing data independence due to the navigation through objects identifiers. We claim that pure object-oriented database systems have severe drawbacks. The user has to define a new class every time he/she needs a complex value. This results in an undesirable growth of the class hierarchy. Thus, the class hierarchy should only contain classes which correspond to data shared by distinct software modules. It should not be polluted by classes which are only used to describe non shared values. Some authors already felt the need of dealing with both objects and values: in [Ban et al 871, there is a notion of exclusive relationship between an object and some of its components. When an object is exclusively owned, it can not be shared. The same notion is introduced in [CDV 881 where the programmer can specify whether he deals with a reference to a complex value or with the complex value itself, and also if an object can be shared by several objects or is exclusively owned by an object. This proposition introduces the desired distinction, but values are still implemented and manipulated as objects. In the new version of FAD [DKV 871, one can manipulate objects and values. A value in FAD is either atomic or structured. A structured value contains values. An object in FAD has an identifier and a state. A state is either an atomic value or a structure containing objects and values. Objects may be updated while values may not. Objects also allow for sharing. Exodus [CDV 881 also provides the user with a mix of objects and values similar to us (see Section 8). In 02, we follow a similar approach. The user may choose between two kinds of organizations: classes whose in-

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stances are objects and which encapsulate data and behavior and types whose instances are values. Values are not encapsulated, that is, their structure is known by users and they are manipulated by operators. To every class is associated a type, describing the structure of its instances. Classes are created explicitly using commands and are parts of the inheritance hierarchy. Types are not created explicitly since they only appear as components of classes and do not appear in the inheritance hierarchy. The underlying model is presented in [LR 891 and analyzed in [AK 891.

type as defined above and the behavioural part is a set of methods (see Section 4). Classes are created using schema definition commands as follows:
add class City

type tuple(name: string, country: string, population: integer, monuments: set(Monument))

add class Monument


and Classes

In 02, the user has two ways of structuring data: types and classes. Types are recursively constructed using atomic types such as integers, floats, strings, class names and the set, list and tuple constructors. Instances of types are values. These types are similar to classical types in programming languages. The following expression is an 02 type:

type tuple(name: string, address: tupIe(street: string, city: City), description: string, closing-day: Ii&(&ring), admission-fee: integer) We denote class by capitalizing the first letter. The first class has a name City and a type which is given after the keyword type. Instances of this class are objects. That is, they have a unique internal identifier and a value which is an instance of the type associated to the class. Objects are encapsulated, that is, their value is not directly accessible and they are manipulated by methods as explained in Section 4. The second class defines historical monuments. Note that classes can be mutually referencing. The City class references the Monument class which in turn references the City class. For every Monument object, the value of the city attribute is an object which may itself references the Monument object .. Following an approach similar to Galileo [AC0 851, the equivalence of classes is by name as opposed to type equivalence which is by structure. That is, the type of the values only depends of their structure. One the other hand, two classes are always distinct and the compatibility rule is the name equivalence rule.

(name: string, country: string, population: float, monuments: set(Monument))

This type describes cities. The monuments attribute has a set structured value. Monument is a class name. A value of this type can be:

Paris, country: France, population: 2.6, monuments: set( eiffeltower,


Recall that we use italics to denote objects. One can see from the above example that values can be arbitrarily complex. The elements of the set value of the attribute monuments are objects as we shall show in the next subsection. In 02, the user builds types using atomic types such as string, float, integer, char and boolean and three type constructors: tuple, set list. There is no restriction on the use of these constructors. We have already used the set and tuple constructors, an example of use of the list constructor is given in the next subsection.





The Schema



In 02, the schema is a set of classes related by inheritance links (see Section 5) and/or composition links. A class describes the structure and the behaviour of a set of objects. The structural part of a class is a

Creation of objects is done through a system command called new. This command new takes as input the name of the class corresponding to the object to be created. The object is created with a default value depending on the type associated to the class. The default values are: the empty string, the integer 0, the float 0.0, the empty list and the empty set for list and set types, and a tuple of default values for tuple types.

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and Persistence


In 02, objects or values can be named. The following is an example of naming:

add object

City with extension type tuple(name: string,



country: string, population: integer, monuments : set (Monument)) The with extension clause in the class definition tells the 02 system to create a named value of type set(City) with name City. Moreover, every city created with the new(City) command will be automatically inserted in this set and will thus persist, as it is a component of a persistent set. Note that, according to our persistence rules, objects of a class without extension will not persist unless they are explicitly named or components of some other persistent object or value. Classes with no extension are a natural way of dealing with transient objects.

The name Eiffel-tower will then stand for an object of class Monument. In the same way, one can name a value as follows:
add value



Parismonuments is a name for a value of type (set(Monument)). In 02, persistence is attached to names, that is, every named object or value is persistent. Such a name can be seen as a global variable dynamically attached to a given object or value and makes it persistent. The attached object can be changed by assignment. For instance, we can write: Eiffel-tower = new(Monument) This instruction assigns a newly created object to the name Eiffelfower. The initial value of the object is the tuple default value corresponding to the type. This object will always be accessible trough the name Eiffelfower during the life of the system, except if the user makes another assignment. The persistence rules are the following: 1. every named object or value is persistent, 2. every object or value which is a part of another persistent object or value is persistent. For example, let us assume that we have made the following assignment: Parismonuments set( Eiffelfower, = triumph-a&)

4 4.1

Objects ulat ion


and Values


In the object-oriented approach, objects are manipulated by methods. A method is a piece of code which is attached to a specific class and which can be applied to objects of this class. In 02, method definition is done in two steps. First, the user declares the method by giving its signature, that is, its name, the type or class of the arguments and the type or class of the result if there is one. Then, he/she gives the code of the method. The following is a method declaration:
add method increasefee in class Monument (amount: integer)

where Eiffelfower is a named object and triumph-arch denotes an object of class Monument with no name. Then, these objects are persistent. The first one is already persistent due to its name and the second is persistent because it is an element of the named value. The same holds for objects or values which appear as an attribute value in the named object Eiffelfower. The eden&on of a class is the set of all objects created using the new command applied to that class. The system provides the user with an auto m-at&management of class extensions. This is done using a set value which collects all the objects of a class. For instance, one can write:

This method increases the admission-fee field of a Monument object. Methods can be private or public. Private methods are only visible within their class, i.e. in the methods attached to that class. Public methods are visible by every classes and can be freely used. When declaring a method, the user can add the keywords is public in order to make it public. The default is private. 02 follows a multi-language approach. This means that method programming is done in a standard programming language such as C or Basic with manipulation of 02 objects and values. Therii%iGdea is that most of the programming is done using the programmers favorite language. This includes iterations, control structures and arithmetics. Access to, and manipulation of, objects and values is done using 02 features. We give below, as an example,

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the code of the method language. body


using the CO2 description: closing-day: admission4

increasefee(amount: integer) in class Monument co2 { (*self).admission-fee += amount; }

street: Champs de Mars), Paris famous monument, list( Christmas, Easter); ee: 25)

The curly brackets delimit the CO2 block of code as in pure C. The value of an object is obtained using the dereferencing method *, thus self is the object and *self is the associated value. This method is applied using a special syntax which follows the C * use. It illustrates the association between objects and values. As in standard programming languages, objects can be seen as pointers to values. In the example, the value *self is tuple-structured, and the access to an attribute is done using the dot operator. The assignment is done as in C and increments the integer value representing the admission fee. Notice that we stick to the C syntax for manipulating 0s values such as dereferencing or extracting a tuple field. This way of manipulating objects is syntactically very close to what is done in C++ [Str 861. In 02, however this similarity is purely syntactical, as objects and values are implemented and manipulated in a special way by a persistent object manager and the CO2 compiler generates calls to this object manager [VBD 891. A method is applied to an object by message passing whose syntax is the following: [receiver selector(arguments)] The square brackets are used to delimit 02 message passings. receiver denotes an object to which the method whose name is selector is applied. This eventually returns an object depending on the method increase-fee is applied to a code. For example, monument using the message passing: [Eiffel-tower The keyword self object Eiffelfower increasefee(3)]. in the above code will denote the when the method is applied.

This assumes the * method is public for the Monument class. We have seen above that we can extract a field of a tuple value using the dot operator. All the CO2 value manipulations are done in this way, using the classical C constructs. For instance, we shall append elements to the closing-day list of the Eiffel tower or modify one entry of the list as follows: *EiffeLtower.closing-day *Eiffel-tower.closingday[l] += list( June 6th); = January 1st;

02 provides the user with the usual sets and lists operators (union, intersection, difference, cardinality, concatenation, . . . ) whose syntax follows as much as possible the C syntax.



The iterator described here is applied on set or list structured values, not on objects. Indeed, objects are encapsulated and one should not know what is the structure of the encapsulated value. Of course, the values to which the iterator is applied may be a set (a list) of values or a set (a list) of objects. CO2 provides the user with an iterator which allows for easy sets or lists manipulations. for (x in S [when condition]) <Statement>.

This is an extension of the classical C iterator. It applies the given statement with the variable x bound to every element of the set (or list) value S satisfying the optional condition. The when clause adds no power to the for iterator, but allows some optimization when the condition is directly evaluable by the object manager. For instance, we can write: co2{ 02 Monument x; for (x in Parismonument when (*x.admission-fee [x increasefee(amount)]; 1 The above code increases the admission fee of all the monuments located in Paris, whose admission-fee is less or equal to 20.00FF. The expression 02 Monument x declares an 02 variable which is used to denote objects of class Monument. Recall that ParisLnonument is a named value of type set(Monument) which is supposed to contain all monuments of Paris. The for iterator is of course less concise but more




< 20.00))

The CO2 language ues using the set, can, for instance, integers as follows: associates a value

allows the construction of 02 vallist and tuple constructors. We write a set value containing four set(l, 4, 34, -21). The following to a newly created object:

Eiffel-tower = new(Monument); *Eiffel-tower = tuple(nanre: Eiffel tower, address: tupIe(city: park,

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flexible than the classical join operation. The reader should notice that it is far more powerful in the context of 0s which is a programming language and not an end-user query language.

set(tuple(name: string, address: string)) is a subtype of: set(tuple(name: string))


and Inheritance

The same relationship holds for lists.

Inheritance is a powerful mechanism which allows the user to define classes in an incremental way by refining already existing ones. 02 provides the user with an inheritance mechanism based on subtyping.



Based on this subtyping relationship, 0s offers an inheritance mechanism. We can define the Historical-hotel class as follows: add class Historical-hotel inherits Monument type tuple (numberzooms: integer, rate: integer) The effect of this declaration is the definition of an Historical-hotel class whose associated type is a subtype of the Monument type. The user only has to give the extra attributes (the other ones are taken from the definition of inherited class). The 0s command interpreter checks whether the inheritance definition is legal, that is if there is no subtyping violation, and creates the subclass according to the subtyping rules. An object of class Historicalhotel will automatically be considered as an object of class Monument. This results in the possibility of applying any method of class Monument to Historical-hotel objects. 0s also allows for multiple inheritance, as shown below. We first define a Restaurant class. add class Restaurant with extension type tuple (name: string, address: tuple(city: City, street: string), menus: set(tuple(narae: string, rate: float))) add method checksates(float): boolean in class Restaurant The method checkmates checks whether the menus rates- are less than a given amount. We can now define an Historical-restaurant class as follows: add class Historicalsestaurant with extension inherits Monument, Restaurant type tuple (redefines name: string, redefines address: tuple(city:City, street: string)) add method check-rates(float): boolean in class Historical-restaurant



Subtyping is a semantic relationship which connects two types. There are several ways of defining subtyping. In 02, we defined a set inclusion semantics for subtyping. That is, a type is a subtype of another if and only if every instance of this type is also an instance of its supertype. This allows to say that a person is a human or that an employee is a person. The formal definition of the 0s type system is given in [LR 891. Another approach is taken by Vision [Car 871. In this system, subtyping is expressed by means of a mapping from the objects of the subtype to objects of the supertype. We adopted a Cardellilike approach [Car 841 for tuple subtyping. A tuple type is a subtype of another if it is more defined, that is, if it contains every attribute of its supertype plus some new ones and/or refines the type of some attributes of its supertype. The following example illustrates this. tuple(name: string, address: tuple(street: string, city: City), description: Text, closing-day: list(string), admission_fee: integer, number~ooms: integer, rate: integer) is a subtype of: tuple(name: string, address: tuple(street: string, city: City), description: Text, closing-day: list(string), admission-fee: integer) Another characteristic of this subtyping relationship is that a set-structured type set(T) is a subtype of %&(T) if and only if T is a subtype of T. For instance:

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{Eiffel-tower = new(Monument); *Eiffelfower= tuple(name: tour Eiffel, address: tuple(street: Champs de Mars, city: Paris), description: Paris famous monument, 5.3 Late Binding closing-day: list( Christmas, Easter), An important feature of object-oriented systems, which height: 315, is fully implemented in 02, is late binding. The acpower: 15.5); tual code of a method to be executed is not selected (*Eiffelfower). height = 320; at ,compile-time but at run-time depending on the return ((*Eiffel+ower).height);) actual type of the receiver object. The main benefit is dynamicity and reuse of existing software. Indeed, Assuming that de-encapsulation is allowed on Monexisting methods do not have to be recompiled when ument, this code first modifies the value of Eifthe code of the methods they use is changed. An fel-tower and adds a height and a power4 atexample of use of late binding is: tribute. Then, using the dot operator, the height attribute is updated and finally its new value is refor(x in Restaurant) { turned. Note that exceptional attributes are allowed if(![x check-rate(120.50)]) for any tuple object or value, even if not named. printf( restaurant %s is expensive, *x.name); 1 This iteration loop applies the check-rate method to every restaurant. Due to our subtyping semantics, some of them are historical restaurants. For these ones, the system automatically applies the method defined in the class Historical-restaurant. This avoids to explicitly take into account the different status of historical restaurants. Late binding is a
3The rates! restaurant is historical and is allowed to increase its

Class Historical-restaurant inherits both from Monument and from Restaurant. Here, the method check-rates checks whether the menus rates are less than twice the amount3. We shall not detail the conditions that method signatures must satisfy in order to be inherited through the subclasses, see [LRV 881. As opposed to single inheritance, possible ambiguities may arise with multiple inheritance when an attribute or a method name is defined in two or more superclasses. There are several solutions to such ambiguities [Ban et al 871, [SCBKW 861. We decided to follow an approach similar to that of Trellis/Owl [SCBKW 861. That is, the user has to explicitly redefine the attribute or method name when needed. We think that, as opposed to solutions where the system solves the ambiguity by itself by ordering the superclasses, this solution is more natural and enhances the readability and maintainability of the schema. Thus, the Historical-restaurant class redefines the attributes name and address which are both present in the classes Restaurant and The reader should note that we do Monument. not infer the subclass relationship which is user defined. The system just checks whether it is legal with respect to the subtyping rules.

critical operation from the performance point of view. The 02 choice for the implementation of late binding is described in [VBD 891.



In this section, we describe some interesting features of 0s which improve the expressibility of the 0s language.




Due to the semantics of the subtyping relationship, a tuple value can have extra attributes. If we consider the Monument class, the Eiffelfower object can have a value which also contains an attribute height. This extra attribute will not be dealt with by the methods associated to the Monument class, however, the standard operators available on tuple values will handle it. For instance, the following is a correct CO2 code:




One can associate specific methods to named objects. These methods are used to characterize the exceptional behaviour of an object. One can also override an existing method in the class of the object with an exceptional method. An example of this mechanism is given below:
The station Eiffel tower is also a radio and a TV broadcasting

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add method increase-power (amount: float) in object Eiffel-tower



This method will be used to increase the broadcasting power of the Eiffel tower station. Note that the method is associated to the name not to a particular object, and that the actual object associated to the name Eiffel-tower can change at run-time. The late binding process will associate the exceptional method to the object currently bound to the name.


02 emphasizes user definedclasses and their associated types. This is a natural way to structure data. An other important motivation is type-checking. The goal of 02 is to increase the productivity of business applications programmers. In this context, safety of programs is critical. Thus, 02 offers a static typechecker which detects the illegal manipulations of 02 objects and values when inheritance is not used. When full use of inheritance or of exceptional attributes is done, 02 must perform some run-time type-checking. Of course, since the method code of 02 can be written in several languages which may be loosely typed such as C, there also may be errors due to the host languages manipulations. The type checking algorithm used in 02 is standard. It is conceptually similar to that of Trellis/Owl [SCBKW 861 in that a variable can only be assigned values (resp objects) of its declared type (resp class) or of any subtype (resp subclass). The user may mc+ dify the schema dynamically. In this case, a method which has not been recompiled may perform message passings which reference non existing methods. Of course, if ,the user recompiles every method which may be concerned by the schema modifications, references to non existing classes or methods are detected by the type-checker. Other run-time errors occur with exceptional attributes. At compile-time, the type-checker may not know whether an attribute, which is not present in the variable declaration, but is referred to in the code, is an exceptional attribute or not. Accepting such a manipulation implies that the method may fail at run-time because the actual value does not possess this exceptional attribute. We accept this for the sake of expressive power. The user may choose not to use exceptional attributes and have safe programs.

In this section, we list the main characteristics of 02 and see what kind of solutions others OODBSs provide. We compare 02 to other systems on the basis of the programming language only. We shall not be concerned by query facilities, user interface or physical management. Gemstone [MOP 851 is to our knowledge the first implementation of an OODBS. The philosophy of Gemstone was to turn Smalltalk into an database system without significant modifications of the Smalltalk programming language. Vision [Car 871 is another interesting approach. Vision models data in a way similar to Daplex [Sch 811. All informations about an object are embodied in functions which map a collection of objects into another. However, function application follows a message passing mechanism using a Smalltalk-like approach. Iris [DFKLR 861 also follows a functional approach in that, to every object, is associated a set of functions which characterize its content. Orion [Ban et al 871 is another example of a functional approach since it is implemented using Lisp and has a Lisp syntax for the message passing. Vbase [AH 871follows an approach similar to 02 as the corresponding language (COP) is a strict superset of the C programming language. Although it is not a true OODBS, Trellis/Owl is another example of an object-oriented language with an imperative way of programming. It has a conventional programming language syntax and uses a procedure call notation to invoke operations on objects. Trellis/Owl does not have all the database functionalities but provides persistence through an object repository. A common characteristic of these approaches is that they provide compile-time typechecking. The Exodus system [CDV 881 is also an object-oriented system which allows abstract data types definitions, objects and values and a query language named Excess. Programming is also done in the E language which is a persistent C++. We now list the main original features of 02 and describes what is done in other OODBSs.

02 provides the user with both objects and structured values. We do not follow a pure object approach as in Smalltalk or Gemstone but allow the definition of nested values built using the set, list and tuple constructors. 02 manipulates objects using methods and values using operators. That is, full object-oriented features are available for objects (such as late binding and inheritance of methods) and values are manip-

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ulated as in database systems. Most OODBSs provide object constructors similar to the set and tuple constructors. The Exodus system also gives an array constructor which is similar to the 02 list constructor. The distinction between objects and values can also be found in Orion. In this system, however, the notion of complex value is implemented as a dependent object [KBCGW 871. That is, non shared values are still objects with a constraint enforcing their privacy. The Exodus data model [CDV 881 also provides the user with this distinction. However, just as in Orion, values are second-class objects with no identity. In 02, we enforce the distinction between objects and values in the programming language because we encapsulate objects which can only be manipulated through methods. Exodus adopts a point of view which is less object-oriented but more database oriented. In Exodus as in Orion, for the sake of query simplicity and uniformity, objects and values are manipulated in the same way. In Iris and in Vision, one only has objects. Objects are atomic items which can be printable (like the object 3) or not. If an object is not printable, its value is characterized by a set of functions which can be stored, and thus plays the role of attributes, or computed. As opposed to 02, where the three object constructors have exactly the same rights, due to their approach, Iris and Vision manipulate complex bbjects which are records of functions which can however be multi-valued.
02 follows a multi-language approach.

type. A variable can only be assigned objects of its type or of a subtype of its type. In order to have statically typed languages, types and methods are not modeled as objects and manipulated by methods but are primitive constructions manipulated by schema commands. . 02 provides an automatic
management of persistence through named objects and values.

Every named object or value is persistent and every component of a persistent object or value is itself persistent. The name can be seen as a handle which allows the user to access an object or value after the end of a program which has defined it. Other systems provide a somehow similar way of managing persistence. Objects in Orion also persist because they are components of persistent collections. For every user defined type, the system generates a set structured class which has at least one instance which groups the instances of the former +ss. In Gemstone, the management of persistence also uses reachability informations, that is, objects are persistent if they are attached to a persistence root or another persistent object. An Exodus database is a collection of named persistent objects.

Classes and types are created using the 02 schema commands, but the code of methods can be implemented using several 02 extensions. In this paper, we concentrated on CO2 but another extension is currently under implementation based on the Basic language. Up to now, among the existing OODBSs, 02 is the only multi-language system.
02 has a compile-time type-checker.

Systems such as Gemstone based on a Smalltalk like approach do not provide such a functionality nor do systems based on Lisp such as Orion. On the other hand, systems based on an imperative paradigm are statically typed. Among them, let us quote Trellis/Owl and Vbase. As in 02, Trellis/Owl and Vbase have a strong typing. That is, every object is an instance of a type and every variable is declared of a

Updates are always implicit in 02. Objects are created using the new command. If a clags is created with extension then a named set value is created which will contain every object of the class which will thus persist. If the class is not created with extension, then the created objects will only persist if attached to other persistent objects. Deletion of objects or values is obtained by removing the links which attach them to the persistence roots (the names). Classes with extension are also provided with a delete method which allows objects to be removed from the class extension when no other objects or values refer to it. Gemstone and Orion have a similar update policy, as they have a similar persistence policy. In Vbase, however, every object is persistent, and temporary objects have to be deleted explicitly. 02 has a set inclusion ing. semantics for subtyp-

Objects of a subclass are objects of the superclasses. For instance, if one performs a display on the instances of Monuments, one will also see the instances of Historical-hotel. Some systems follow this approach, such as Trellis/Owl

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and Iris. On the other hand, Vision has a mapping semantics: an object of a subclass has a corresponding image object in its superclass. We find this somehow unnatural. However, this provides the same kind of functionalities at least in the context of single inheritance as provided in Vision. Iris has also a set inclusion semantics. This is even more general, since an object can have several types even if these types are not related in the specialization hierarchy. We are not aware of the way they solve ambiguities. Orion has no set inclusion semantics.
a Multiple users. inheritance conflicts

is that Galileo does not support object identity. We did not put in this list the Damokles database system [DGL 871 which is designed for software engineering environment. As their designers say, Damokles is a structurally object-oriented database. That is, Damokles provides the user with object identity, complex objects baaed on the tuple constructor and n-ary bidirectional relationships between objects. However, Damokles does not provide encapsulation, inheritance or late binding. It is rather an U complex objects system.

are solved by


In this paper, we have described the features of the 0s system as it is currently running. We only described the CO2 programming language, but most of the described features are common to both CO2 and BasicOa, and the difference between the two languages is mainly syntactical. The target applications for our language are (i) traditional applications such as business and transactional (excluding however very high performance transaction processing systems), (ii) office automation applications and (iii) spatial data management (such as geographic data management). At this stage of the game, no specific emphasis is given to CAD/CAM, CASE or knowledge base applications, but we believe that, in a later stage, the system could be enhanced to serve also these applications. AltaIr started in September of 86. We first implel The 02 system allows exceptional methods and mented, in December 87, a throw away prototype attributes for objects. [Ban et al 881whose data model is described in [LRV 881, Exceptional methods can be associated to names. in order to test and show the functionalities of the These methods are only accessible from the obsystem. ject currently attached to the name and overThis gave us a lot of feed back and we completely ride the methods of the class. Exceptional atredesigned the system, its language, its data model tributes can be added to every tuple structured [LR 891 and its architecture. The major differences objects or values. To our knowledge, no other between this version and the throw away prototype OODBS provides such a functionality. from the language point of view are: (1) complex values together with objects, (2) names for objects Another interesting approach is that of Galileo and values, (3) the list type constructor, (4) an au[AC0 851. We did not put it in the collection of tomatic persistence mechanism, (5) the possibility of items above since it is not really an object-oriented data base management system, however it has some separating classes and method definitions from the implementation and (6). last but not least, a better object-oriented features such as classification, abmerge between the 02 syntax and the host language stract types and types hierarchies. As opposed to ones, i.e. every implementation of 0s on a given host 02, Galileo does not have the set constructor but language follows the syntax of the host language. is higher order and has a function type construcThe current prototype runs on Sun and implements tor. It has the notions of concrete and abstract types which roughly correspond to our types and classes. all of the functionalities listed above. The Basic02 compiler is under implementation. Galileo presents a very interesting solution to persistence which is however not yet implemented to our knowledge. Another important difference with 02 Trellis/Owl proposes a similar solution. The user must solve the ambiguities which may arise. For instance, when there is an ambiguity on the inheritance of a method (operation in Trellis/Owl), the user must specify which one he/she wishes to inherit or redefine it. 0s follows exactly the same approach as shown in Section 5. Another system which provides multiple inheritance is Orion. As opposed to 0s or Trellis/Owl, Orion automatically solves ambiguities. Roughly speaking, the system maintains an ordering among the superclasses which desambiguates inheritance of methods. To our knowledge, other systems, such as Gemstone or Vbase do not support multiple inheritance.

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The authors thank F. Bancilhon and P. Kanellakis for their careful reading and comments which greatly improve the quality of this paper. The 02 compiler was implemented by the language team of the GIP Altair which includes D. Excoffier, L. Haux. C. LCcluse and P. Richard. The module which is in charge of storing and managing classes and methods was designed and implemented by S. Gamerman and C. Delcourt. The object manager has been implemented by the system team. Numerous suggestions and improvements qn the language and its syntax have been proposed by the Alttir team and in partitular by F. Bancilhon.

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