May 27 Newsletter

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May 27, 2012

The Christian Messenger

Brad Seevers Senior Minister (740-550-9882) David Tingler Associate Minister
Sunday Services 1st Worship 8:00 a.m. 2nd Worship 10:30 a.m. Bible School 9:15 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.


June 3, 2012
A special congregational meeting will be held on Sunday, June 3, at the close of each of the morning worship services. The purpose of this meeting is to have our membership vote on a recommendation by our Elders for the hiring of Scott Brown as a part-time Minister of Worship and Outreach.

Fifth Avenue Church of Christ

115 W. Fifth Ave. Lancaster, OH 43130
740-654-0626 e-mail


Sunday School 1st Morning Worship 2nd Morning Worship Total Morning Worship Evening Worship Family Reunion (05/16) Weekly Budget Budget Received Building Fund 76 97 85 182 39 29 $ 4,633.00 $ 4,737.25 $ 25.00


Our group will be departing on Monday, (5/28) at 5:59 am. I want to ask your prayers for our health and safety. We will be returning on Friday.


At the Table 1st Serving 1st At the Table 2nd Serving 2nd Pastor of the week PM Deacon Patrick Wersell Tim Huffman, Ralph Conrad, Don Gardner, Jack Hardwick
Dave Riggenbach & Ned Tomlinson

Our Wednesday study groups will not be meeting this week. We will resume on June 6. At that time we will be taking a look at chapter 5 of Galatians. Why not join us for either the 10:00 AM or 6:30 PM session.

Tim Huffman, Jacob Neff, Tom Puckett, Neal Rudolph Dave Riggenbach Tim Huffman

COMMUNION PREPARATION 1ST Worship Brenda Hines nd 2 Worship Ralph and Reta Conrad GREETERS 1ST Worship 2nd Worship NURSERY Sunday School 2nd Worship Thea Kallenberg and Judy Smith Dick and Marg Shumaker Laura Wersell and Thea Kallenberg Nick and Tracy Hinson Shirley Alexander Kelly Maffit Dan Brown Bill Kelly Mike Bussey George Lambert

The topic, tonight (5/27), in our Hard Sayings of Paul series will be Dead Men Eating. This lesson is based on I Corinthians 11:29. On June 3, we will host another of our famous Mystery Speakers. Why not be a part of these 6:00 PM worship services. Each week we enjoy a brief song service and communion for those who desire.
GIANT PRINT BIBLES: I still have a few of

VISITOR CENTER 1st Worship 2nd Worship SECURITY 1ST Worship Bible School 2nd Worship Evening Worship

the giant print, soft cover, NIV Bibles on hand. If you would like one, you may see me or stop by the church office. The cost is just $12.50 each. Speak when you are angry and you will deliver the best speech you will ever regret.

I want to express my thanks for all who helped make our first annual charity golf event a success. Many contributed financially or donated drinks and snacks. Thank you so much as you assisted with keeping our costs down. Others spent their afternoon preparing the food and setting up our fellowship hall. You were great! Finally, allow me to thank all our men who committed to playing in the tournament. Without you, the event would not have happened. I hope everyone had as good of a time as I did. We raised a total of $500 for the local Foundation Shelter. They do a great work in our community. I am proud of everyone who helped be a blessing to this ministry. ~ Brad

Ladies Prayer Breakfast

Saturday, June 2 ~ 9:00 a.m.

Frances Trimmer will be speaking

A sign-up sheet is on the Womens Ministry Bulletin Board All ladies are invited and encouraged to attend!

Library Sunday June 3rd Preschool thru 5th Grade

Please meet in the classroom area for a Kids Song Celebration. If you wish, come prepared with an instrument or a favorite song! We will then travel to the Children's Library (located on the stage - Room 116), to enjoy the book. We will also have a craft time. Parents are welcome. For the future, please mark your calendar for the Kids Library Sunday, every other month, on the first Sunday of the month. The next Library Sunday will be August 5th.

Mark your calendar

Sunday, June 3rd
Blood Pressure Checks

Sunday, June 10th

Carriage Court Service

Wednesday, June 20th

Elders and Deacons Meeting

Sunday, June 24th

Food Pantry Sunday

Monday, June 25th

Book Nook

Thursday, June 28th

Missions Ministry Meeting

Vacation Bible School

The June meeting for the Dorcas Society will be a picnic/potluck luncheon at Juanita Harmons home on June 19th at 1:00 p.m. All ladies are welcome! A meeting will follow the luncheon. We will discuss trip planning. For information, please contact Juanita Harmon, hostess, or Linda Daubenmire, co-hostess. June 11-15
There is a list of items needed for VBS meals on the bulletin board in the coat room. Monetary donations can also be given, if you prefer. Make checks payable to the church, mark them for Vacation Bible School, and place them in the offering. All non-perishable food items being donated for the VBS need to be brought to the church by Sunday, June 3rd. If there are any questions, please contact Mary Alice Coats.


At the Table 1st Serving 1st At the Table 2nd Serving 2nd Pastor of the week PM Deacon Larry Bussey and Ralph Conrad Dale Rose, Bill Kelly, Carmel Marsh, Dick Shumaker
Tom Puckett and Nick Hinson

Philothean Class Party

Sunday, June 24, 2012 after 2nd Service Given by Sandy Mooney at the home of Dick Herman 4705 Blacklick-Eastern Road, NW Baltimore, OH 43105 Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, and Drinks are furnished Please bring a covered dish to share

Dale Rose, Dale Thornton, Ned Tomlinson, Rod Troutman Larry Bussey Dale Rose

COMMUNION PREPARATION 1ST Worship Don and Judy Gardner 2nd Worship Nick and Tracy Hinson GREETERS 1ST Worship 2nd Worship NURSERY Sunday School 2nd Worship

Larry and Jane King George and Alberta Ellis

Shirley Marsh and Margie Ayers Tracy Eldridge and Marie Huffman

Our military hero for the month is:

VISITOR CENTER 1st Worship 2nd Worship SECURITY 1ST Worship Bible School 2nd Worship Evening Worship Becky Wellman Bev Puckett

David Will Ray Coats George Lambert Jim Puckett

LcpL Grabaskas B.S. Marine Security PLT American EMBB15 6330 Sanaa PL Washington DC 20521-66330

Our Battle of the Bands has been postponed indefinitely until more interest is shown from local bands.

Prayer Requests
Ron Ogden Wib Sparks Our Troops Stacy Byers Don Taylor Joy Cost Sharon Britch Wanda Dickson Jeff Ellis Tom Puckett Charlie May Nick Brunk Ed and Norma George Dorothy Herman George Andrews Hendricks Family Mark Miller Jr.s Family George Miller Mark Hartman Jeane Goldfarb Wanda Stover Treena Mack Julie Baker Naressa Allen

WELCOME TO FIFTH AVENUE! At FACC, we focus on loving God, loving people, and turning the world upside down.

Sunday School Classes for All Ages

Classes at 9:15 unless noted
Nursery (Birth through 3 years old) Jesus Loves Me Room 102 Courtney Beiter, Coordinator Young Children (Ages 4 through 2nd Grade) Who is Jesus? Room 101 Deborah Will, Teacher Middle Elementary (3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades) Be Wise and Trust God in His Power Room 106 Sheri Puckett, Teacher Junior and Senior High Acts of the Apostles Room 301 Nick Hinson, Teacher Young Ladies Class (8:00 a.m.) Genesis Room 214 Cassie Bull, Teacher Ladies Class Women of the Bible Room 209 Beverly Puckett, Teacher Mens Class Headlines Room 205 Tom Puckett, Teacher Adult Class 1st Peter Fellowship Hall Brad Seevers, Teacher Harmony Adult Class God Establishes a Faithful People Room 204 Dave Tingler, Teacher Philothean Adult Class Parables Room 108 Jim Love, Teacher

We are happy you chose to worship with us today. We hope you return next week and bring your friends with you. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out a Silent Roll Call Card, located on the back of the pew, you can then place it in the offering plate as it is passed. Thank you. For more information about our great church, contact our minister, Brad Seevers at or call him at 740.550.9882. Have a great week and may God bless your life.

Joy In Christ
A Bible-study on the Book of Philippians

Every Monday at 1:30 p.m.

Led by Scott Brown Location: Larry & Phyllis Busseys 150 King Street

Mens Fraternity
Every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m.
Led by Brad Seevers Location: FACC Fellowship Hall

Pastor of the Week Dave Riggenbach

Core Values...
Values central to the life, mission and vision of Fifth Avenue Church of Christ are:

Making Memories at the Jordan Joshua 4

Brad Seevers preaching

Christ-Centered Worship
We make it a priority every Sunday to celebrate Jesus through our music. (Romans 11:36-12:1-2). We focus on Jesus through grace-based preaching and teaching & understand the Bible is our authority (2 Timothy 3:16).

Sermon Notes ________________________

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ _____________________________________

Church Health and Biblical Balance

Church health becomes reality when God's people seek harmony & live consistently. We expect every member to protect the unity of Christ's Church. (Romans 12:16; 1 Peter 3:8)

Global Evangelism
We are constant to our founding call to worldwide evangelism, proclaiming to all that Jesus Christ is the Savior, Healer, and Soon-Coming King (Acts 20:27).

Fellowship and Ministry

After people begin their journey with Jesus, we will equip them to find a ministry based upon their strengths. We want everyone to serve in some capacity. (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) We also want His church to be the living evidence of His love and power to the world.

How Can I respond today?

At FACC we look to the Bible for guidance on all issues. We believe that Gods Word is clear concerning what a person must do to become a Christian. Trust that Jesus can bring you to salvation. Turn (repent) from the sin in your life. Confess your desire to make Jesus the Lord of your life. Be baptized (immersed) in water for the forgiveness of sins and to receive the Holy Spirit into your life. To make this life decision for Christ, we ask that you come forward during our commitment song at the conclusion of the Sunday message. Baptized believers are welcome to become members at FACC by coming forward on Sunday morning or by seeing our Senior Minister to discuss this further. We ask that you complete a series of Curious classes to help you better understand what you are committing to as a member.

We do not want you to "get religion" here at Fifth Avenue Church of Christ in Lancaster. We are all about teaching you that Jesus seeks a daily relationship with Him through a life of obedience. In other words, we want to see the things you are taught actually change your lifestyle & your daily decisions.

Social Conscience
We place high value on the sanctity of human life, of Biblical marriage and morality, and we welcome ethnic diversity (Isaiah 56:7; Philippians 2:15-16).


Exalt Gods Greatness; Evangelize Gods Work Equip Gods People Express Gods Love through Jesus Christ


To Love God and Love People!

Fifth Avenue Church of Christ ~ June 2012

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Ladies Prayer Breakfast, 9am

3 Congregational
Meeting after both morning services

Blood Pressure Checks Library Sunday

Joy in Christ, 1:30pm at Busseys

Mens Fraternity, 7pm

Seniors Bible Study 10am/6:30pm Family Reunion, 6:30pm


Carriage Court Service, 2pm




No Seniors Bible Study




Vacation Bible School ~ June 11-15

17 18
Joy in Christ, 1:30pm at Busseys


Dorcas Picnic at Seniors Bible Study Juanita Harmons 10am/6:30pm Mens Fraternity, 7pm Family Reunion, 6:30pm Elders Meeting, 7:30pm






Food Pantry Sunday Philothean Class Party at Dick Hermans


Joy in Christ, 1:30pm at Busseys Book Nook, 6:30pm



Family Reunion, 6:30pm


Missions Meeting, 6pm



The birthday list for June is posted on the bulletin board in the coat room

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