Midwest Edition: Doc Financial Reporting Is Stalled
Midwest Edition: Doc Financial Reporting Is Stalled
Midwest Edition: Doc Financial Reporting Is Stalled
Midwest Edition
June 6-7
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June 11-13
June 26-27
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Sunshine (Continued from Page One)
accept gifts of any value from pharmaceutical or medical supply companies. Physicians should be very transparent and avoid the appearance of a conict of interest by avoiding accepting gifts of any value by pharmaceutical and device companies whether food in the ofce or pens or anything, Wood said. The policy applies only to MMA members. There is no method of surveying physicians, so Wood said it is, to some degree, voluntary. He added, though, that device companies have been reporting the information for a number of years, and it is readily available on their Websites. There were physicians in the organization who expressed opposition to the policy, Wood said. They were concerned it would create a chilling effect on their ability to collaborate with outside business. But Wood and the MMA disagreed. Im not sure of where there is any example of a policy of this sort that has limited education or research efforts between companies and physicians, he said. And the federal law shouldnt be an impediment either. The law would benet other physicians who would know that literature or a lecture
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In Brief
Minnesota Blues Names New CFO
Jamie Rice, a veteran finance executive with a number of Minneapolis-area firms, has been named as chief financial officer and senior vice president of Eagan, Minn.-based Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota. Rice has spent the past four years at Yukon Partners, a capital investment firm based in Minneapolis, where he also served as CFO. Prior to that, he spent seven years with UnitedHealth Group, serving as CFO of its commercial business and director of corporate development. Prior to UnitedHealth, Rice served as an auditor for the Arthur Andersen accounting firm. "Jamie's considerable industry experience and financial acumen will be a great asset in managing the financial strength of Minnesota's largest health plan," said Minnesota Blues Chief Executive Officer Ken Burdick. Rice, who also serves as treasurer for the Second Harvest Heartland charity, will start at the health plan on June 18.
they are hearing may be biased because of nancial conicts, he said. It will benet policy makers who hear physicians arguing for payment or reimbursement reform and may have conicts. And ultimately, if information could be provided in a way thats more helpful for consumers to understand, it might inuence some of their decisions, too, he said. A lot of providers, including the Mayo Clinic, receive money for research and development. According to the Pew Health Group, direct marketing by pharmaceutical companies to healthcare professionals is estimated to be anywhere from $20 billion to $57 billion annually. For most providers, it likely doesnt inuence what they do. But Wood argues that the information should be disclosed so patients and others at least have the knowledge to make informed decisions. It is important we be able to collaborate with industry to develop and study how devices perform, Wood said. There needs to be some relationship and industry makes payments to physicians for development, but I think its important for those to be open and people understand where those conicts exist. TAMMY WORTH
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Continued on Page 3
Smoking (Continued from Page Two)
because it wants its employees to have a representational image or specic mental projection of the job of a healthcare professional. The hospitals CEO, David Brown, also said in the article that it is due to the healthcare costs the organization incurs associated with overweight employees. This is an extreme example of how hospitals are trying to create a healthier workforce. It may not be modeled elsewhere, but a growing number of healthcare providers are taking up the same charge with a different target: tobacco users. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 19 states allow job screening for tobacco use. Geisinger Health System based in Danville, Penn. quit hiring smokers at the beginning of the year as did Summa Health System in Akron, Ohio. Other Midwestern entities that no longer hire smokers include Truman Medical Centers in Kansas City, and St. Francis Medical Center in Cape Girardeau Mo.; Crittenton Hospital Medical Center in Rochester, Mich; and ProMedica, a system with hospitals in Michigan and Ohio. Cleveland Clinic was one of the rst to stop hiring smokers when it instituted a policy in 2007. Paul Terpeluk, the osteopathicallytrained medical director of employee health at the organization, said the move was part of a continuous wellness initiative at the clinic. Potential hires are tested and if they are positive, their employment offer is rescinded for 90 days. During that time, they are able to undergo a smoking cessation program. If they test negative, they are eligible for employment. Terpeluk said it has reduced the number of smokers, but only affects a small number of applicants. The provider has performed about 25,000 tests since 2007 and about 250 were positive. What we want is a healthier workforce,
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In Brief
Solove Research Institute and Critical Care Center. It is the largest construction project in the Ohio State University systems history. Ohio State officials say the expansion project generated 5,000 full-time construction jobs, and will generate 6,000 full-time research and healthcare-related jobs.
he said. But it also gave us a national platform we have gotten good publicity about it and it is good for people to have the debate about whether or not they should hire smokers. ProMedica instituted its policy in January 2011. Laura Ritzler, director of wellness, likens the move to screening for drug use during the interview process. Theres no use of tobacco that is healthy for you, she said. It is about making personal choices that are bad for you. The main motivation behind the move was to be a role model in the community, but it has had peripheral benets as well. Wendy Papenfuss, the organizations director of human resources, said it is a very costly habit for an employer to take on. Studies have shown that smokers miss an average of six sick days of work per year (as opposed to nonsmokers, who miss three). The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that smokers cost an employer almost $3,400 annually in lost productivity and increased medical spending. Ritzler said they hired about 2,000 people last year, of which about 400 would have been tobacco users (if they had a smoking rate similar to that of the overall community). This equates to more than $1 million in savings a year in related healthcare costs. The organization is also one of the largest healthcare employers in its area and acts as a clinical site for a number of local medical schools. The schools have put the word out that if students want to be hired at ProMedica, they cant smoke. We are living our mission, Ritzler said. And the impact on the schools is that, when students are nishing up clinicals, the school is telling them this is probably a trend in healthcare so dont use tobacco. TAMMY WORTH
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