2009, December 14

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Hughesville Borough

Council Minutes
December 14, 2009 – 7:00, PM
Council members and staff present – Frederick Newhart, H. Thomas Eddy, Jeffrey Berger, Robert Carichner, Brian
Lambert, Barry Hess, Mayor Frank Welsh, J. Howard Langdon, Dale Cahn, Dolores Moyer, and Chief Shearer

The regular meeting of the Hughesville Borough Council was called to order by Council President Fritz Newhart,
followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guests and Visitors: Seda-Cog Landscape Engineer– Brian Auman spoke about the “Green Ways” Grant which will
connect Eastern Lycoming County to other areas of the county now completed. The intension is to use existing
resources and connect them together. Examples would be Safe Routes to School and Health Living Programs. The
concept would be a pilot project and will cost the Borough no monies to be involved. The goal is to have the plan in
place by September 2010. Council suggested East Lycoming Recreation as the best contact
Bob Simmons, Dave McConnell, Walter Reed, Harvey Breneiser, Shawna Turner (Sun-Gazette), Bill Senseman, Andy
Mook, Richard Welsh, Jill Perry

Approve Agenda: December 14, 2009, Barry Hess moved, seconded by Bob Carichner. Motion passed.

Approve Minutes: November 9 and 16, 2009, Jeff Berger moved, seconded by Bob Carichner. Motion passed.

Solicitor’s Report: J. Howard Langdon, Resolution Daye Construction and Trinity Estates Resolution# 7 of 2009.
Berry Hess moved, seconded by Bob Carichner. Motion passed.
Mineral Rights Griffth Land Services, Inc. Langdon said he would not recommend signing the agreement because once
the check is accepted we would forfeit future options regarding mineral rights and royalties.
Reminded council that the next meeting would be a re-organization meeting on January 4, 2010 @ 7:00 PM instead of
the usual meeting which would be held the second Monday of the month.

Police Report: Chief Shearer reviewed monthly report. He told council that his cruiser was parked at the bottom of the
road from his home when his future son-in-laws brake failed on his truck and hit the Charger. There will not be any
expense to the Borough for repairs.

Mayor’s Report: Frank Welsh said that the Chief Shearer is requesting a check in lieu of unused vacation for 2 weeks.

Emergency Management Report: Frank Welsh

Public Works Report: Barry Hess said that M & M Paving installed the inlet box at the Irvin Houseknecht residence
also repaired curb damages caused by the Crossnickle contractor on Third Street. B & B Spouting will be coming in
soon to repair the spouting on the Borough building as discussed earlier this year for $920.00

Water Report: Jeff Berger, said that the Water Authority will be willing to work with the Borough on the $29,000.00
transferred in 2005 for expenses.2010 Water Budget for $453,181.46. Jeff Berger moved to pass the Budget, seconded
by Barry Hess. Motion passed.

Zoning Report: Code Inspections Inc.

East Lycoming Recreation Authority: Request copy of minutes

Hughesville-Wolf Authority: Request copy of minutes

Treasurer’s Report: General Fund - Check# $ 48,370.21

Payroll Summary $ 30,576.41
ACH Debits $ 11,806.34

Barry Hess moved, seconded by Tom Eddy. Motion passed.

Borough Secretary: Dee Moyer has 2010 River Valley Transit Budget, EMS News, requested mail and email
addresses as well as phone numbers from new council members.
 Barry Hess asked if the Holmes family applied for a permit; house is located on the corner of
3rd/Walnut Sts; the setbacks have not been met and there is the potential for future problems. Code
Inspections, Inc will be contacted.

 Approve Audit proposal Lindsay & Hager, PC, $2,500.00 Barry Hess moved, seconded by Jeff
Berger. Motion passed.

 Cell phones for the Police Department, originally the proposal submitted was for $31.00 per phone
but has been modified to $51.64 per month plus the purchase of the phones. Council decided to allocate
an allotment for use of officers’ personal phones of $25.00 per month for fulltime officers and $15.00
per month for part-time. Bob Carichner moved, seconded by Jeff Berger. Motion passed.

 PennDot Route 118/405 “operational test” completed.

 Approve sale of Case Loader 580 to Brady Township for $3,100.00, Barry Hess moved, seconded
by Tom Eddy. Motion passed.

 Agreement with First Priority Health and Blue Cross Highmark Plan# 1 (24-29% increase), Bob
Carichner moved, seconded by Jeff Berger. Motion passed. Hess cast a lone “no“ vote.

 Mayor Welsh said that the cruisers are going to need winter tires.

 Resolution# 8 of 2009 Elimination of employee Police Pension contributions, Barry Hess moved,
seconded by Tom Eddy. Motion passed.

 2010 Budget, salaries and benefits, proposed .50 mill increase to general real estate
Discussion took place regarding a Fire Tax or just budget a line item for the Fire Department. If a Fire
Tax was enacted than an ordinance would have to be passed. We do not meet the requirements to meet
the criteria at this time. Council might reconsider in the fall of 2010.
Barry Hess moved to give regular employees a $.50 raise and no increase to their insurance co-pays,
seconded by Bob Carichner. Motion passed.
Barry Hess made a motion to adopt the Budget with a .50 mill increase to real estate, Bob Carichner
ROLL CALL: Carichner – Y; Berger – Y; Lambert – Y; Hess – Y; Eddy – Y; Newhart – Y. Motion
The Borough Secretary will place an ad to advertise the next meeting on December 28, 2009 @ 7:00
PM. The general public will be able to inspect the Budget until that time. At the next meeting the
adoption will take place.

Committee Reports:

Properties – Barry Hess said that Rudy Remsynder did not drop off a letter to do street cuts next year for
the same price as quoted earlier this year. He suggested that Council rebid next year.

Adjournment: 9:05 PM. Barry Hess moved, seconded by Tom Eddy. Motion passed.

Fritz Newhart thanked outgoing Council Members for their service.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dolores Moyer
Borough Secretary

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