Pesticide Residues
Pesticide Residues
Pesticide Residues
ISBN 978-92-5-106436-8 ISSN 0259-2517
FAO Manual on the Submission and Evaluation of Pesticide Residues Data
The revised first version of the FAO Manual published in 2002 incorporated additional
information from the JMPR Reports of 19972001. Since its publication the JMPR has
elaborated some new, as well as revised many existing principles used for the evaluation of
pesticide residues which have been reproduced in the Reports of its meetings. The OECD
Working Group on Pesticide Residues has also elaborated several Guidelines (GLs) and
Guidance Documents which are directly related to the design of supporting studies used in the
evaluation of pesticide residues. The activities of the JMPR FAO Panel and the OECD WG
were complementary, as several experts contributed to both activities. The OECD WG
considered the principles applied by the JMPR, and the JMPR incorporated a number of the
OECD GLs in its evaluations.
The second edition describes the basic principles currently applied by the FAO Panel in the
evaluation of pesticide residues for recommending maximum residue levels. These
recommendations are for the consideration by the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues
(CCPR) for possible advancement as Codex Maximum Residue Limits (Codex MRLs) to be
adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). Some elements of the OECD
documents have been incorporated in the Manual without specific attribution. These GLs and
Guidance documents have been listed under references. In cases where more detailed
information relating to a specific subject was considered to be particularly useful for the
reader the reference to the relevant GLs is given.
In addition to the general updating of the text, the second edition contains new information on
metabolism studies,
data requirement on environmental fate,
performance characteristics of analytical methods,
planning and implementing supervised trials,
use of monitoring data for estimation of maximum residue levels for spices,
statistical evaluation of residue data,
calculation of animal burden based on expanded feed consumption tables,
estimation of dietary intake of residues.
In order to facilitate location of various subjects in the Manual, the sections are numbered.
The chapter number is indicated with bold-faced number, the appendices are referenced with
Roman numbers.
Preface to the first edition 2002
The preface to the first version of this manual in 1997 accurately describes the Joint Meeting
on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) and the aims of the FAO Manual.
The first edition (2002) incorporates information from the JMPR Reports of 19972001. The
reports are revisions of previous guidelines or additions because of recent developments in
residue assessment.
The last five years have seen many changes in residue evaluations. In particular, long-term
dietary risk assessment was placed on a more formal basis in 1998 when JMPR first published
detailed intake estimates for the compounds evaluated that year. The methods for short-term
risk assessment were developed to a stage where, in 1999, the JMPR was able to publish
detailed assessments for many of the compound-commodity combinations being evaluated.
Other areas where there have been substantial changes since the first edition are:
residue evaluation for commodities of animal origin
residues in genetically modified crops
effects of food processing on residues.
Guidelines should be understood in the context of their origins. In JMPR this is usually a new
situation where the current guidelines are silent or clearly do not make sense. A Panel member
documents the approach taken in dealing with the new situation and, after agreement by the
JMPR, the published report becomes the new or revised guideline. Guidelines should not be
extrapolated too far; there is no reason to expect them to apply more widely than in the
situations envisaged at the time they were formulated.
Guidelines will continue to be revised as new developments occur.
A further aim of this Manual, although implicit in the others, should be explicitly stated as:
to communicate with the CCPR, its member countries and other CCPR participants
to explain the procedures currently adopted by the FAO Panel.
As stated in the preface to the first version: The FAO Manual will be updated in the future in
the light of experience gained and further developments in residue data evaluation.
Preface to the first version 1997
The Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR) is an expert ad hoc body administered
jointly by FAO and WHO. The JMPR evaluates pesticide residue and toxicology data for
estimation of maximum residue levels and Acceptable Daily Intakes (ADIs). It is composed of
two groups, the FAO Panel on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment which
estimates maximum residue levels and the WHO Core Assessment Group (formerly WHO
Expert Group on Pesticide Residues) which estimates ADIs and identifies risks to organisms
in the environment.
The JMPR has evaluated pesticides over the last 30 years with the aim of estimating the
maximum residue levels in food and feed which are likely to result from legally permitted
uses of pesticides. These estimates are the basis for establishing international Maximum
Residue Limits (MRLs) in food and feed commodities moving in international trade.
Both the FAO Panel and the WHO Core Assessment Group have applied consistent scientific
principles and data requirements in their respective areas over the years, although elements of
these have gradually been revised to higher standards, as has also occurred at the national
level. The formats of the evaluations (monographs) have also been gradually revised.
The aims of the FAO Manual are to:
clarify, update and consolidate the procedures used by the FAO Panel for the
evaluation of experimental data and related information
improve transparency of the work of the FAO Panel
define and provide guidance on the type, amount, quality and format of data
submissions required for the estimation of maximum residue levels on which the
Codex MRLs are based
facilitate the acceptance of Codex MRLs by the governments and their use within
the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
serve as a source of information and instruction for all those directly involved in the
activities of the FAO Panel of the JMPR, including data submitters and FAO Panel
data reviewers
assist member countries in evaluating residue data for the registration of pesticides
and in developing their national evaluation systems.
The present FAO Manual incorporates all relevant information and principles which are
currently used by the JMPR to estimate maximum residue levels and supervised trials median
residue levels. Because guidelines by their very nature are subject to revision with time in
order to accommodate new scientific developments and standards, users of these guidelines
are advised to keep abreast of these changes by reading future JMPR reports where such
updates are recorded. The FAO Manual will be updated in the future in the light of experience
gained and further developments in residue data evaluation.
The FAO Manual is referred to in the text as the Manual.
The first edition of the Manual has been updated with the new principles applied by the JMPR
since 2002.
Professor rpd Ambrus, a FAO temporary advisor, prepared the manuscript for the second
Dr. Ursula Banasiak, Prof. Eloisa Dutra Caldas, Mr. Steve Funk, Mr. Denis Hamilton, Mr.
David Lunn, Dr. Dugald MacLachlan, Dr. Katerina Mastovska, Dr. Bernadette Ossendorp,
and Mr. Christian Sieke, members of the FAO Panel, and Dr. Yong Zhen Yang, FAO Joint
Secretary, contributed with useful comments and suggestions to the preparation of the
manuscript. Their contribution and assistance are sincerely appreciated.
Mr. Kevin Bodnaruk, FAO Editor, assisted with the editing of the text and with the style of
the Manual layout.
Acknowledgement from the first edition (2002)
This revised version of the Manual has been updated with recommendations of the JMPR
since 1997.
Mr. Denis Hamilton, a FAO Panel member, prepared the technical and scientific content.
Input is greatly appreciated from the other members of the 2001 FAO Panel and invited
experts: Dr. rpd Ambrus, Dr. Ursula Banasiak, Prof. Eloisa Dutra Caldas, Dr. Steve Funk,
Mrs. Caroline Harris, Dr. Dugald MacLachlan, Dr. Bernadette Ossendorp and Dr. Yukiko
Yamada. Comments and suggestions from Mr. Tony Machin are also gratefully
Dr. Amelia Tejada, the FAO Joint Secretary, was responsible for organizing the project. Ms.
Jacinta Norton assisted with the grammatical editing of the text and with the style of the
Manual layout.
Acknowledgement from the first version (1997)
The preparation of this Manual was initiated by the FAO Secretary to the JMPR and work was
started by Dr. A. J. Pieters and Prof. A. F. H. Besemer, and then continued by Dr. K. Voldum-
Based on the recommendations of the members of the FAO Panel of the 1996 JMPR, the
previous text of the manual was revised by Dr. rpd Ambrus in close co-operation with the
members of the Panel and invited experts, namely: Dr. Angie V. Adam, Dr. Ursula Banasiak,
Mr. Stephen Crossley, Dr. Eloisa Dutra Caldas, Mr. Denis Hamilton, Mr. Fred Ives, Ms Elena
Masoller, Dr. Tsuyoshi Sakamoto and Dr. Yukiko Yamada.
All contributions to the preparation of the Manual are highly appreciated and acknowledged.
FAO Manual on the Submission and Evaluation of Pesticide Residues Data
2.1.1 Procedure for proposing pesticides for Codex Priority List 7
2.2.1 Periodic review of compounds currently being re-registered nationally 10
3.2.1 Identity 14
3.2.2 Physical and chemical properties 14
3.2.3 Metabolism and environmental fate 15 Farm animal metabolism 17 Plant metabolism 18 Environmental fate in soil, water and water-sediment systems 21
3.3.1 Sampling 22
3.3.2 Sample preparation and processing 23
3.3.3 Analytical methods 23 Extraction efficiency of residue analytical methods 25
3.3.4 Stability of residues during storage and sample processing 26
3.4.1 Periodic review compounds undergoing re-registration by national authorities 32
3.4.2 Presentation of GAP information 33
3.5.1 Planning and implementation of supervised trials 36 Number of trials 39 Consideration of various types of formulations and derivatives of active ingredient 39
3.5.2 Rotational crop studies (limited field study) 40
3.5.3 Sampling and analytical methods 41
3.5.4 Reporting the results of trials 42
3.6.1 Submission of monitoring data 44
3.6.2 Designing of selective field surveys and reporting data for obtaining residue data in/on
spices 45
3.7.1 Guidelines for the conduct of processing studies on the nature of the residues 47
3.7.2 Guidelines for the conduct of processing studies on effects on residue levels 49
FAO Manual on the Submission and Evaluation of Pesticide Residues Data
vi Test conditions for processing procedures 49 Nature of the processing studies 50
3.9.1 Animal feeding study 51
3.9.2 Direct treatment of animals or premises 52
3.9.3 Documentation of animal feeding studies 53 Nature of fat samples in studies on fat-soluble compounds 53
3.9.4 Information on direct treatment of animals and animal housing 54
4.1.1 Data submission 58
4.3.1 Utilisation of national evaluations 60
5.11.1 New and existing MRLs 70
5.11.2 GAP information. 71
5.11.3 Supporting studies. 71
5.12.1 General principles 71
5.12.2 Principles followed in defining residues for MRLs 74
6.2.1 Interpretation tables for supervised trials data 84
6.3.1 Treatment of apparent outliers 85
6.3.2 Residues below LOQ 85
6.3.3 Rounding of residue values 86
6.4.1 The Mann-Whitney U-test 87
6.4.2 Kruskal-Wallis H-test 88
FAO Manual on the Submission and Evaluation of Pesticide Residues Data
6.5.1 Information considered in estimating maximum residue levels 91
6.5.2 Principles of selection of residue data for estimation of MRLs 92
6.6.1 Fruits and vegetables 94
6.6.2 Grains and seeds 94
6.6.3 Forage and fodder 94
6.6.4 Animal products 94
6.7.1 Estimation of HR and STMR values 101
6.9.1 General principles 102
6.9.2 Special considerations for dried chili peppers 103
6.11.1 Estimation of maximum residue levels, HR and STMR values in spices 108
6.11.2 Estimation of extraneous maximum residue levels 109
6.12.1 Residues arising from consumption of feed items 111 Use of the calculated dietary burdens to estimate maximum residue levels and STMR
values for commodities of animal origin 116
6.12.2 Residues arising from direct application to farm animals 118
6.12.3 Reconciliation of MRL recommendations resulting from direct treatment and from residues
in animal feed 118
6.13.1 Expression of MRLs at or about the LOQ 120
6.14.1 Recommendation of temporary MRLs 122
6.14.2 Guideline Levels 122
7.5.1 Animal commodities IESTI calculations 132
8.2.1 Relevance of pesticide specifications for JMPR evaluations 136
MRLs 137
Appendix I 145
FAO Manual on the Submission and Evaluation of Pesticide Residues Data
Appendix II 147
Appendix III 155
Appendix IV 157
1. PHASE I 157
2. PHASE II 159
Appendix V 163
Appendix VI 177
Appendix VII 183
Appendix VIII 187
Appendix IX 189
Table IX.2 Beef and dairy cattle 193
Table IX. 3 Percent of poultry diet 196
Table IX. 4 Percent of sheep diet 201
Appendix X 215
2. GENERAL 215
3. FORMAT 216
3.1 Tables 216
3.2 Diagrams 218
Appendix XI 241
Table XI.1. Residue interpretation table for folpet residues on tomatoes. GAP 242
Table XI.2. Summary of good agricultural practices for pesticide uses. 243
Table XI.3. Residues data summary from supervised 244
FAO Manual on the Submission and Evaluation of Pesticide Residues Data
Table XI.4. Table format for long-term dietary intake calculation (parathion-methyl example). 245
Table XI.5. Table format for long-term dietary intake calculation (myclobutanil example). 246
Table XI.6. Table format for IESTI calculation for general population (parathion-methyl example). 248
Table XI.7. Table format for IESTI calculation for children up to 6 years (parathion-methyl example).
Appendix XII. 251
Table XII.1. Example for calculation of minimum number of trials depending on the crop production
regions 251
Table XII.2 Minimum number of Supervised Field Trials Required at cGAP for Field (or Outdoor) Uses
Appendix XIII. 259
=0.05 259
FAO Manual on the Submission and Evaluation of Pesticide Residues Data
Scope of this Manual
Historical background
The object of the work of the JMPR
The JMPR assessment process
The Manual gives the historical background of the operation of the JMPR and describes the
purpose of the work, the procedures involved in selection of compounds, the data
requirements for estimating maximum residue levels and the principles followed in the
evaluation of experimental results and information provided.
The definition of terms used in this Manual is given in Appendix II. The documents which
were used in the preparation of the Manual are listed under References.
The rapidly growing use of pesticides in agriculture after World War II gave rise to regulation
by governments of the sale and use of pesticides to prevent chemicals with unacceptable
properties being introduced onto the market. The use of chemicals was regulated in order to
protect the users of pesticides, the consumers of treated foodstuffs, domestic animals and, at a
later stage, the environment.
For this purpose governments requested manufacturers and other data submitters to submit
information on the properties of their products and on their intended uses. As differences
arose among countries on the extent and scope of data to be supplied, international
organizations initiated attempts to harmonize requirements.
In April 1959, the Director-General of FAO convened a Panel of Experts on the Use of
Pesticides in Agriculture in Rome. This panel considered various problems connected with the
use of pesticides. With regard to pesticide residues the panel concluded that governments
should be urged to include, in addition to public health authorities, bodies involved in
agricultural pesticide and plant and animal protection which advise on regulations to control
pesticide residue levels. Studies should be intensified on problems involving the analysis of
pesticide residues in or on foodstuffs. Furthermore, the panel recommended studies to be
undertaken jointly by FAO and WHO on the hazards arising from pesticide residues in and on
food and feedstuffs, on the establishment of principles governing the setting up of pesticide
tolerances, on the feasibility of preparing an International Code for toxicological data and
residue data required to achieve the safe use of a pesticide.
A joint meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts and the WHO Expert Committee on Pesticide
Residues was held in Rome in October 1961 to implement this recommendation. In their letter
to the members of this meeting, the Directors-General of FAO and WHO stated that the
meeting should consider, among other matters, principles for establishing tolerances for
Chapter 1 Introduction
pesticide residues in food. The meeting developed definitions for a number of terms, which
laid the foundation for the current Glossary of Terms used by the JMPR. Although the
meeting developed the concept of a permissible level, calculated from the Acceptable Daily
Intake (ADI), the food factor and the average weight of the consumer, it accepted at the same
time that the tolerance, which is comparable with the present MRL, be estimated ...taking
into account the range of residues actually remaining when the food is first offered for
consumption (following Good Agricultural Practice).... The meeting recommended to the
Directors-General of FAO and WHO the promotion of studies on methods for carrying out
toxicity studies and their evaluation, leading to ADIs and promotion of collaborative studies,
leading to internationally acceptable analytical methods for pesticide residues. No conclusion
was drawn with regard to the estimation of internationally acceptable tolerances. This might
be ascribed to the meetings opinion that different countries may establish different tolerances
for the same pesticide on the same food, but that this would not impede the free movement of
that food in international trade as long as the permissible level was not exceeded.
In November 1962, an FAO Conference on Pesticides in Agriculture was held in Rome. The
Conference expressed its concern that differences in residue tolerances existed not only
among countries of different regions but also among those of the same region. FAO was
strongly urged to investigate the reasons for these differences and, if possible, find ways to
harmonize them. Consequently, the Conference recommended that the proposed Working
Party on Pesticide Residues should pay particular attention to (a) the toxicity of pesticides and
test methods; (b) the possible unification of tolerances; (c) coordination of methods of
analyses; (d) surveys for collecting residue data; and (e) the establishment of a list of
pesticides to which interested governments should give research priority. The Conference
supported the principle that the amount of pesticide residue in food should not exceed that
resulting from Good Agricultural Practices but recommended that governments should not
adopt residue tolerances before international agreement on this subject had been achieved.
In a Joint Meeting of the FAO Committee on Pesticides in Agriculture and the WHO Expert
Committee on Pesticide Residues held in Geneva from 30 September to 7 October 1963, the
toxicological properties of a number of pesticides were studied for the first time and a few
ADIs established. No developments took place in the area of residues.
The first meeting of the FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues, recommended by the
1962 FAO Conference, took place in December 1963. The Working Party studied ways and
means to arrive at recommendations for levels of residue tolerances. The following were
considered essential:
Residue levels resulting from Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) should be obtained by
FAO from governments and pesticide manufacturers. These data should be considered
by the FAO Working Party on Pesticide Residues. After consideration of the ADI and
of the national nutritional patterns as stated in the FAO Food Balance Sheets, the
Working Party would propose tolerances for residues on individual crops for
consideration by governments and by the Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues of
the Codex Alimentarius Commission
residues found in surveys of marketed commodities
ADIs to be estimated by joint meetings of the WHO Committee on Pesticide Residues and
the FAO Committee on Pesticides in Agriculture
national nutritional patterns
Chapter 1 Introduction
acceptable analytical methods for residues. These methods should also be adopted by the
Pesticide Committee of the Codex Alimentarius.
For pesticides where an ADI had still to be estimated the Working Party would propose
provisional tolerances. It was stated that the Expert Committee on Pesticide Residues of the
Codex Alimentarius Commission (the predecessor of CCPR) should meet only after the FAO
Working Party had collected and evaluated the required data and made its proposals for
tolerances. This procedure would enable the Codex Committee, composed of government
representatives, to act on the basis of technical information developed by specialists acting in
their individual capacities.
The current JMPR comprises the WHO Core Assessment Group and the FAO Panel of
Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment. It is an independent scientific
expert body convened by both Directors General of FAO and WHO according to the rules of
both organizations, charged with the task to provide scientific advice on pesticide residues.
The WHO Core Assessment Group is responsible for reviewing pesticide toxicological and
related data and estimating no observed adverse effect levels (NOAELs) of pesticides and
establishes Acceptable Daily Intakes (ADI) of their residues in food for humans. In addition,
as data and circumstances dictate, the Group estimates acute reference doses (ARfDs) and
characterizes other toxicological criteria such as non-dietary exposures.
The FAO Panel is responsible for reviewing pesticide use patterns (GAPs), data on the
chemistry and composition of pesticides, environmental fate (as it impacts on residues in food
or feed commodities), metabolism in farm animals and crops, methods of analysis for
pesticide residues and for estimating maximum residue levels and supervised trial median
residue values (STMRs) of pesticides in food and feed commodities. The toxicity of the active
ingredient and its metabolites, evaluated by the WHO Core Assessment Group, is taken into
consideration in deciding if residues may or may not give rise to problems of public health.
The maximum residue levels are recommended to the Codex Committee on Pesticide
Residues (CCPR) for consideration as Codex Maximum Residue Limits (Codex MRLs) to be
adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC). The CCPR relies on the scientific
advice provided by the JMPR when recommending international food standards for pesticide
residues. It is essential that the Meeting provides state-of-knowledge evaluations. This
requires independent assessment of all available data.
The monographs prepared by the FAO Panel contain all the information which was used to
estimate maximum residue levels. In addition, they give supporting information such as the
physical and chemical characteristics of the pesticides, distribution of residues in various
tissues, storage stability of residues, effect of processing and cooking on residue levels and
fate in the environment.
This Manual is limited to the procedure followed by the FAO Panel of Experts.
The evaluations carried out by the JMPR comprise three main categories:
review of new compounds (compounds evaluated by the JMPR for the first time)
review of compounds under the periodic review programme
Chapter 1 Introduction
re-evaluation of new information relating to compounds other than new or periodic
review chemicals.
The principles of evaluation of new compounds and compounds under the periodic review
programme are very similar and follow the order of subjects described under Data and
Information Requirements (Chapter 3). Re-evaluation of a compound is carried out when new
information related to its use and residue levels becomes available, e.g., change in or new use
patterns, data on metabolism or residue behaviour. The re-evaluation often deals with and
clarifies a single question raised by the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues. The scope
and depth of periodic review and re-evaluations are substantially different, and they are
explained in Chapter 5. To make a clear distinction between the periodic review and re-
evaluation of compounds, the latter is often referred to by the FAO Panel as normal re-
The agenda of the meetings is decided by the Joint Secretaries of FAO and WHO, based on
the priority list proposed by the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues and approved by
CAC, and on the information on availability of sufficient data for evaluation. When a new
compound or one undergoing periodic review is evaluated, it is generally preferable to
conduct the toxicological and residue reviews in the same year. Practical problems may,
however, arise, e.g., when the residue definition is uncertain the residue evaluation cannot
proceed satisfactorily or efficiently. In such cases, it is preferable that the toxicological
evaluation precede the residue evaluation.
Member countries, industry and other data submitters are requested to supply the FAO Panel
with all relevant information on identity, metabolism and environmental fate, methods of
residue analysis, use patterns (registered and officially authorized uses), supervised residue
trials, farm animal feeding studies), fate of residues in storage and processing, and in special
cases information on residues occurring in food in commerce or at consumption, and national
residue definitions.
The FAO Joint Secretary of JMPR assigns the compounds for review to the members of the
FAO Panel and informs data submitters accordingly. The companies submit the required
information to the Panel member, who performs the evaluation of the companies data
together with the information received from the member countries through the FAO Joint
Secretary before the meeting, and prepares the draft Monograph containing the summarized
experimental data and relevant information, and the draft Appraisal containing an assessment
of the results and draft recommendations.
During the Joint Meeting the FAO Panel discusses the draft monographs and appraisals and
agrees on the recommendations. The JMPR recommendations are based only on the results of
the scientific assessment of the data supplied. In the absence of sufficient toxicological and
residue data the Meeting cannot make recommendations for maximum residue levels. The
FAO and WHO Expert Groups coordinate their activities and, as needed, discuss chemical
and toxicological aspects, e.g., metabolism patterns, level and toxicological significance of
metabolites, clarify or resolve problematic issues, and finally the groups issue a joint Report
containing the conclusions and recommendations of the Meeting.
It is the prerogative of the CCPR to accept or reject those recommendations, including
recommendations to withdraw previous maximum residue levels suitable for use as Codex
MRLs. The CCPR has the option to consider other factors that it deems appropriate in
retaining MRLs.
A short introduction to the assessment process carried out by the FAO Panel is described
below. A more detailed account of each stage of the process is given in succeeding sections.
Chapter 1 Introduction
In the process of evaluation of a new compound (or periodic review compound), a wide range
of information and experimental data are reviewed.
The physical and chemical properties of the active ingredient, the metabolism and degradation
of the compound in animals, plants, soil and water are studied to determine the composition
and distribution of residues. Based on this information, and taking into account the available
analytical methodology as well as the toxicological significance of metabolites and
degradation products, the Panel recommends the definitions of residues for enforcement
purposes and for dietary intake calculations.
The JMPR does not approve uses. It is emphasised that residues derived from supervised field
trials can only be used for estimating maximum residue levels if the trial conditions can be
matched with relevant national GAPs. The maximum residue level estimates are based on
already approved maximum national uses (critical or maximum GAP), which normally lead to
the highest residue populations in the portion of commodities to which Codex MRLs apply
(Appendix VI). An exception is where the highest residue may raise acute intake concerns.
Under such circumstances, if suitable residue data are available, the JMPR identifies an
alternative GAP that would lead to residues of an acceptable magnitude.
The maximum residue levels for residues in commodities of animal origin are mainly
estimated taking into consideration the results of farm animal feeding studies and residues
occurring in feed items and, to a lesser extent, the information obtained from animal
metabolism studies. MRLs for animal commodities may also relate to the residues arising
from direct animal treatments.
The analytical methods with accompanying chromatograms and information on stability of
residues during sample storage are evaluated to assess the reliability of trial data and to
estimate Limits of Quantification of residues which can be realistically achieved in regulatory
The fates of residues during processing and cooking, as well as residues in the edible portion
are taken into consideration in the estimation of dietary intake.
The results of national monitoring programmes provide useful information, on residues
occurring under practical use conditions, which are used for the estimation of extraneous
residue levels (EMRLs) and as a special case maximum residue levels in spices (Chapter 6,
Section 11.1).
The fate of residues in the environment is evaluated to assess the possibility of uptake of
residue by the crop, e.g., from a soil treatment, and by follow-up crops, and the contamination
of the environment by persistent residues likely to lead to residues in food or feed
Chapter 2 Selection of compounds for evaluation
Selection of new compounds
Periodic review of old compounds
Re-evaluation of compounds
The Secretariat of the Joint FAO/WHO Food Standard Programme regularly invites member
countries of CAC to propose pesticides to be added to the Codex Priority List of Pesticides for
subsequent recommendation to the JMPR for evaluation. The proposals are considered by
CCPR at the successive meeting. Based on the information received, CCPR prepares the
priority list of pesticides and the tentative lists of compounds to be considered by the JMPR at
its subsequent meetings.
When prioritizing new chemicals for evaluation by the JMPR, the Committee follows the
criteria described in the Codex Alimentarius Procedural Manual
2.1.1 Procedure for proposing pesticides for Codex Priority List
The procedure is described in the Circular of Codex Secretariat, CL 1996/35-PR. The
procedure to be followed when proposing pesticides for inclusion in the Codex Priority List is
given below. The form in which information is to be provided is given in Appendix VIII.
Criteria for inclusion of compounds in the Priority List
Before a pesticide can be considered for the Priority List it:
a. must be registered for use in a member country
b. must be available for use as a commercial product
c. must not have been already accepted for consideration
d. must give rise to residues in or on a food or feed commodity moving in international
trade, the presence of which is (or may be) a matter of public health concern and thus
create (or have the potential to create) problems in international trade.
Criteria for selecting food commodities for which codex MRLs or EMRLs should be
The commodity for which the establishment of a Codex MRL or EMRL is sought should:
a. form a component of international trade
b. represent a significant proportion of the diet
Codex Alimentarius Commission Procedural Manual Eighteenth edition, 2008,
Chapter 2 Selection of compounds for evaluation
c. contain pesticide residues as evidenced in monitoring programmes (for EMRL).
Procedures to be followed for commodity-pesticide combinations which meet the selection
Governments are recommended to check if the pesticide is already in the Codex system.
NOTE: Pesticide-commodity combinations which are already included in the Codex system
or under consideration are found in a working document prepared for and used as a basis of
discussion by each Session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues. Consult the most
current revision of the document to see whether or not a given pesticide has already been
If "YES",proceed to section (b) below,
If "NO ",proceed as follows in (a):
(i) Consult the manufacturer(s) regarding the existence of sufficient
toxicological, residue and critical supporting data and confirm that the
manufacturer(s) would be willing to submit data to the JMPR, and in which
year, and
(ii) Submit the information to the person designated by the CCPR using the
form given in Appendix VIII.
b. Where the pesticide has already been evaluated by the JMPR and MRLs, EMRLs or
GLs have been established, two situations may arise:
(i) Interest exists in proposing MRLs for a new commodity. Consult the most
recent working document containing all MRLs to ensure that MRLs have not
already been established or considered for the commodity-pesticide
combination. Where interest exists in developing data for a new commodity,
governments are urged to discuss with industry the possibility of collaborative
programmes, e.g., manufacturers may be willing to analyse samples from
supervised residue trials conducted in accordance with the basic requirements
described in Chapter 3. Proposals for new commodity-pesticide combinations
and new residue data may be submitted directly to the FAO Joint Secretary of
the JMPR, who may decided on scheduling the new proposal for evaluation,
without the need for submissions according to Appendix VIII, as described in
(a) above.
(ii) In those cases where additional toxicological data have become available,
governments may wish to propose a pesticide for re-evaluation. The form given
in Appendix VIII should be used for this purpose. Where a serious public
health concern exists in relation to a particular pesticide, governments should
notify the WHO Joint Secretary of the JMPR promptly and provide appropriate
Chapter 2 Selection of compounds for evaluation
Copies of correspondence
All communications to the various persons mentioned above should be copied to the
Chairperson of the CCPR and the designated person without enclosing the detailed
toxicological or residue data.
Data deadline
The above procedures relate mainly to the establishment of Codex Priority Lists. The 2009
Session of CCPR confirmed
that proposals for evaluation by the JMPR would be finalized by
the Committee for adoption by the CAC in the same year and no further changes to the
current years schedule would be possible. Once the agenda of the JMPR has been agreed, the
Secretariat of the JMPR requests that detailed residue and toxicological data be submitted by a
stated deadline.
Starting in 2010, the data directory should be submitted to the joint FAO Secretary by 1
September and the full residue data submissions are required by 30 November of the year
before the scheduled review. Less substantial submissions to support FAO Panel
consideration of questions from a CCPR meeting, (usually raised by way of a CCPR
Concerns Form) may normally be accepted by 31 May of the year in which the issue will be
considered. The agreed Priority Lists indicating the pesticides scheduled to be evaluated by
the JMPR are attached to the Reports of the Sessions of the CCPR and distributed to Member
Industry contact points
Further information about industry contact points on specific chemicals is available from the
Technical Director of CropLife International, Avenue Louise 143 B-1050 Brussels, Belgium,,
Since the use conditions of the compounds may change with time, older existing Codex
MRLs may not reflect current use patterns. Furthermore, some of the old toxicological studies
and residue trials may not meet the contemporary standards. Within the CCPR, and also
within the JMPR, there has been concern with respect to maintaining official Codex MRLs
(CXLs) that may no longer reflect the current information. Consequently, old compounds are
re-evaluated under the CCPR Periodic Review Programme (Appendix IV).
When prioritizing chemicals for periodic re-evaluation by the JMPR, the CCPR will consider
the following criteria:
a. if the intake and/or toxicity profile indicate some level of public health concern
b. chemicals that have not been reviewed toxicologically for more than 15 years and/or
not having a significant review of maximum residue limits for 15 years
c. the year the chemical is listed in the list for Candidate Chemicals for Periodic Re-
evaluation Not Yet Scheduled
Report of the forty-first session of the codex committee on pesticide residues, para 187, Beijing, China, 20 25 April 2009
Chapter 2 Selection of compounds for evaluation
d. the date that data will be submitted
e. whether the CCPR has been advised by a national government that the chemical has
been responsible for trade disruption
f. if there is a closely related chemical that is a candidate for periodic re-evaluation that
can be evaluated concurrently
g. the availability of current labels arising from recent national re-evaluations.
2.2.1 Periodic review of compounds currently being re-registered nationally
The following information should be provided to the FAO Joint Secretary for compounds
notified for periodic review while undergoing re-registration by national authorities.
current registered uses
current registered uses that will be supported
envisaged new or amended uses
the status of the registration and an estimate of the date on which new or amended
uses will become GAP
an estimate of the date on which old registered uses will be revoked
a clear description of the uses (new, amended or current but not to be supported) to
which the data from supervised trials of residues relate.
See also section 3.4.1 Periodic review of compounds undergoing re-registration by national
After a compound has been evaluated by the JMPR, changes in the authorized uses may occur
or new information on the properties of the pesticide may become available which may affect
the recommended MRLs or require the estimation of new maximum residue levels for the
additional commodities.
Where a pesticide has already been evaluated by the JMPR, new evaluations may be initiated
if one or more of the following situations arise:
a. New toxicological data becomes available to indicate a significant change in the ADI
or ARfD.
b. The JMPR may note a data deficiency in a Periodic Re-evaluation or New Chemical
evaluation. In response, national governments or other interested parties may pledge to
supply the information to the appropriate Joint Secretary of the JMPR with a copy for
consideration by the CCPR. Following scheduling in the JMPR tentative schedule, the
data should be submitted subsequently to the appropriate Joint Secretary of the JMPR.
c. The CCPR may place a chemical under the four-year rule, in which case the
government or industry should indicate support for the specific MRLs to the FAO
Joint Secretary of the JMPR. Following scheduling in the JMPR tentative schedule,
Chapter 2 Selection of compounds for evaluation
any data in support of maintenance of the MRL(s) would be submitted to the FAO
Joint Secretary of the JMPR.
d. A government member may seek to expand the use of an existing Codex chemical:
that is, obtain MRLs for one or more new commodities where some MRLs already
exist for other commodities. Such requests should be directed to the FAO Joint
Secretary of the JMPR and submitted for consideration by the CCPR. Following
scheduling in the JMPR tentative schedule, the data would be submitted to the FAO
Joint Secretary of the JMPR.
e. A government member may seek to review a MRL due to a change in GAP. For
example a new GAP may necessitate a larger MRL. In this case the request should be
made to the FAO Joint Secretary and submitted for consideration by the CCPR.
Following scheduling in the JMPR tentative schedule, the data would be submitted to
the FAO Joint Secretary of the JMPR.
f. The CCPR may request a clarification or reconsideration of a recommendation from
the JMPR. In such cases the relevant Joint Secretary will schedule the request for the
next JMPR.
In the above cases the compound is re-evaluated by the JMPR at subsequent meetings.
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
New and periodic review compounds
Sampling and residue analysis
Use pattern
Residues resulting from supervised trials on crops
Submission of information for estimation of MRLs of pesticide residues in/on spices
Fate of residues in storage and processing
Information and data from farm animal feeding and external animal treatment studies
Residues in food in commerce and at consumption
National residue definitions
Reconsideration of previous recommendations
Data requirements for EMRL estimation
The JMPR is not a regulatory body and therefore cannot require (in the strict sense of the
word) submission of data. However, it can and does refrain from estimating maximum residue
levels when data are inadequate. In such cases, the data inadequacies are identified in the
Report. For residue evaluations, the Meeting considers all aspects of the use and the fate of a
pesticide and its residues, which implies that all studies that provide such information are
necessary. It is solely for the JMPR to decide which data are relevant and which are not. The
JMPR publishes lists of those data which it considers desirable when these are found to be
lacking or if areas are insufficiently addressed in data submissions.
Data submitters are advised to follow the guidelines in this chapter when compiling their data
The data and information needed for the evaluation of pesticide residues of new compounds
and compounds evaluated within the periodic review programme are outlined in this section.
An objective of the periodic review is to make the best use of the existing database, regardless
of the age of the studies. Consequently, countries and industry are requested to provide all
relevant information irrespective of whether it had been previously supplied. However,
experience has shown that some periodic review submissions contain data that are of limited
use for estimating maximum residue levels. For example:
Residue data that do not relate to current good agricultural practice (GAP) and are
not accompanied by adequate details of the conduct of the field trial, the handling
of the samples or details of the analysis (including associated recovery data).
Residue data developed with non-selective analytical methods, e.g., colorimetric
analysis or bioassay.
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
Lack of information on specifics and conditions of sampling, sample transportation,
sample storage and intervals from sampling until storage and storage until analysis.
Omission of critical supporting studies, such as metabolism, farm animal feeding,
processing, analytical methods and freezer storage stability studies.
Residue data or studies with obvious deficiencies submitted even as supplementary data can
be judged only on a case-by-case basis when considered in the context of the available
In preparing product monographs (working papers) the data submitters should consider the
relevance of residue data in the light of current use practices, residue definitions, analytical
methods etc., and that only data pertinent to commodities with current or proposed uses
should be provided. If critical supporting studies are not provided, the submission must
include an explanation of why specific critical supporting studies, e.g., processing
information, were not provided. Studies which fulfil the requirements of modern national
registration systems will generally meet the needs of the JMPR.
The content and format of a submission (data package) should follow the format of the JMPR
3.2.1 Identity
ISO common name
Chemical name
(Chemical Abstract)
CAS Registry. No.
Structural formula
Molecular formula
Molecular weight
3.2.2 Physical and chemical properties
Provide a detailed physical and chemical characterization for new and periodic review
compounds as guidance for the interpretation of available test data.
Pure active ingredient
Vapour pressure (in mPa at stated temperature)
Melting point
Octanol-water partition coefficient (at stated pH and temperature)
Solubility (Water and organic solvents at stated temperatures)
Specific gravity (... g/cm
at ...stated temperature)
Hydrolysis (at stated pH and temperature)
Dissociation constant
Thermal stability
Technical material
Minimum purity (in %)
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
Main impurities (range of amounts; confidential information will not be presented as such in
the JMPR monographs)
Melting range
Reference to FAO specifications for TC or TK (TC, technical material; TK, technical
Provide a list of commercially available formulations.
Reference to FAO specifications for formulations
3.2.3 Metabolism and environmental fate
Information is required on:
Animal metabolism
Plant metabolism
Environmental fate in soil
Environmental fate in water-sediment systems.
In addition, in vitro data are useful to show if the pesticide is likely to undergo hydrolysis
(acid, base, or enzymatic), oxidation or reduction, photolysis, or other changes.
The dose level and criteria for identification and characterization of residue components,
including non-extracted residues, are similar to those described in guidelines of registration
authorities. In order to guide data submitters and assist the evaluation of experimental results,
the most important principles are summarised below.
Metabolism studies are conducted to determine the qualitative metabolic fate of the active
ingredient and elucidate its metabolic pathway. Many pesticides undergo change during and
after application to plants, soil, water and livestock. The composition of the terminal residue
must, therefore, be determined before the residue analytical methodology can be developed
and residues quantified.
Radiolabelled active ingredients are required to allow quantification of the total, extractable
and unextracted radiolabel residues. The active ingredient should be labelled so that the
degradation pathway can be traced as far as possible. The radiolabel should be positioned in
the molecule so that all significant moieties or degradation products can be tracked. If
multiple ring structures or significant side chains are present, separate studies reflecting
labelling of each ring or side chain will normally be required if it is anticipated that cleavage
between these moieties may occur. A scientifically based rationale may be submitted in lieu of
conducting studies with multiple radiolabels if no cleavage is anticipated.
In choosing the position to be labelled, assurance is needed that a stable position is selected.
The preferred isotope is
C, although
S, or other radioisotopes may be more appropriate
if no carbon or only labile carbon side chains exist in the molecule. The use of tritium (
H) as
a label is strongly discouraged due to the possibility of hydrogen exchange with endogenous
materials. If a potentially labile side chain or tritium labelling is chosen, a metabolism study
will be considered adequate if all significant radioactivity in the crop is identified and found to
be associated with the active ingredient, and not related to loss of the label from the basic
structure of the active ingredient molecule.
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
The specific activity of the radiolabelled active ingredient should be adequate to meet the
general data requirements of the metabolism study (quantification of 0.01 mg/kg total
radioactive residue (TRR) in edible tissues, milk, eggs or crop matrices). Studies with 1
application rates are generally necessary for the decision of exceeding or not exceeding the
threshold levels. However, dosing with an exaggerated rate, e.g., 5, is recommended when
low residue levels are anticipated, which in turn may result in a lack of data to define the
metabolic pathways from the 1 treatment.
The desired goal of a metabolism study is the identification and characterization of at least
90% of the TRR in edible tissues, milk, eggs and in each raw agricultural commodity (RAC)
of the treated crop. In many cases it may not be possible to identify significant portions of the
TRRs especially when low total amounts of residue are present, when incorporated into
biomolecules, or when the active ingredient is extensively metabolised to numerous low level
components. In the latter case it is important for the applicants to demonstrate clearly the
presence and levels of the components, and if possible, attempt to characterise them. Studies
should utilize state-of-the-art techniques and include citations of such techniques when used.
Table 3.1 provides guidance on strategy for identification and characterization of extractable
Table 3.1 Strategy for Identification and Characterization of Extractable Residues from
Metabolism in Crops
amount (%)
Required Action
< 10 < 0.01 No action if no toxicological concern
< 10 0.01 0.05 Characterize. Only attempt to confirm identity if straightforward, e.g., a
reference compound is available or the identification is known from a
previous study.
< 10 > 0.05 Characterization/identification needs to be decided on a case-by-case basis
taking into account how much has been identified.
> 10 < 0.01 Characterize. Only attempt to confirm identity if straightforward, e.g., a
reference compound is available or the identification is known from a
previous study.
> 10 0.01 0.05 Significant attempts to identify should be made especially if needed to
establish a pathway, ultimately characterization might be accepted.
> 10 > 0.05 Identify using all possible means.
> 10 > 0.05
See notes
Notes: The extracted solid material should be assayed and, if radioactivity is present in the unextracted radiolabel
fraction down to the trigger values of 0.05 mg/kg or 10% of the TRR, whichever is greater, release of the
radioactivity should be attempted for further identification.
Treatments of extracted solids materials may be performed sequentially or in parallel. Types of treatments suggested
include addition of dilute acid and alkaline at 37 C, use of surfactants, enzymes, and 6N acid and/or 10N alkali
with reflux. It should be kept in mind that the milder procedures provide more accurate assignments of metabolite
structures released. Exhaustive extraction such as acid/alkaline reflux would probably release moieties as their final
hydrolysis products, which may have little structural relationship to the original unextracted radiolabel. Further
details on the recommended procedures for performing metabolism studies (test site and conditions, sampling,
analysis, identification and characterization of residues, etc.) are given in the OECD Guidelines for the Testing of
Chemicals, Test No. 501: Metabolism in Crops, and Test No. 503: Metabolism in Livestock
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Test No. 501: Metabolism in Crops; Test No. 503: Metabolism in
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
During the conduct of the metabolism studies, it may be helpful to retain radiolabelled
samples for future analyses by the subsequently developed analytical methods (for
enforcement, data collection or dietary risk assessment) in order to assess the extraction
efficiency of these methods (sometimes referred to as "radiovalidation" of methods). Samples
retained should include representative portions of crops, muscle, liver milk and eggs. If
specific metabolites accumulate in specific organs, samples of these organs should also be
retained. However, if the analytical methods mirror those used in the radiolabelled studies,
such data would generally not be necessary. The radiovalidation of the extraction process of
analytical methods should be submitted as part of the report on the analytical method, or it
may stand by itself as a report, or in the metabolism report itself. The cover letter or summary
of the full data package should indicate where it has been placed.
The information provided for evaluation should include documentation on the proposed
metabolic pathway, including a table with associated chemical structures and names
(Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) and International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
(IUPAC) as available), the quantities of the metabolites in the different parts of the plants
(surface, leaves, stems and edible root), in different animal tissues (fat, muscles, kidneys,
liver, eggs and milk) and in different soil types. Any postulated intermediates/metabolites
should also be indicated in the pathway. The rate of the formation and disappearance of
metabolites in plants, animals and soil must also be investigated. Where the structure of a
metabolite or alteration product is identical to that of another registered pesticide and the
information is in the public domain, the data submission should state this fact.
The capability of the analytical methods utilized in the metabolism study to determine the
components of the residue, whether free, conjugated, or unextracted, should be clearly
It is emphasised that all data on animal metabolism have to be provided to both the WHO
Core Assessment Group and the FAO Panel of Experts. Normally the WHO Group will
include detailed discussion on the metabolism of small experimental laboratory animals, e.g.,
rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits and dogs, in their monographs and the FAO Panel will include
detailed discussion of the metabolism of farm animals, e.g., cattle, goats, sheep, pigs and
chickens, in their monographs. The required data on plant metabolism should be submitted to
the FAO Panel, while the WHO Group wishes to receive only schemes of plant metabolism.
The metabolism studies on farm animals and crops should provide the basic evidence to
support proposed residue definition(s) for food commodities, and provide evidence as to
whether or not a residue should be classified as fat soluble. Farm animal metabolism
These studies are required whenever a pesticide is applied directly to livestock, to animal
premises or housing, or where significant residues remain in crops or commodities used in
animal feed, in forage crops, or in any plant parts that could be used in animal feeds.
Separate animal feeding studies (farm animal feeding studies) are required for ruminants and
poultry. Except in special cases, it is not necessary to carry out metabolism studies with pigs
since information on metabolism in a monogastric animal is available from studies with rats.
If metabolism in the rat is different from that in the cow, goat and chicken, pig metabolism
studies may be necessary. Such differences may include (but are not limited to) the following:
differences in the extent of the metabolism
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
differences in the nature of the observed residue
the appearance of metabolites with sub-structures, which are of known potential
toxicological concern.
Usually the most important metabolism studies are those involving ruminants and poultry.
Lactating goats or cows and in the case of poultry, chickens are the preferred animals.
For each set of experimental conditions for pesticides (dermal vs. oral application or for each
radiolabelled position), the following number of animals should be used. A ruminant
metabolism study can be carried out on a single animal. For poultry, the use of ten birds per
experiments (or dose) is recommended. Additional animals may be included if it is
scientifically required. It is not necessary to include control animals in livestock metabolism
studies. The minimum dosage used in livestock oral metabolism studies should approximate
the level of exposure expected from the feeding of treated crops with the highest observed
residues. However, for oral studies, livestock should be dosed at least at a level of 10 mg/kg in
the diet. In the case of dermal application the minimum dose should be the maximum
concentration from the label. Exaggerated dosages are usually needed to obtain sufficient
residue in the tissues for characterization and/or identification. Ruminants and swine should
be dosed daily for at least five days, and poultry for at least seven days.
If the metabolism study is intended to be used in place of a separate livestock feeding study
with unlabelled compound, inclusion of a second animal (or group of animals in the case of
poultry) treated with a realistic dose and extended dosing period is strongly recommended, if
it is suspected that a plateau is not likely to be reached. Such a study may allow JMPR to
propose maximum residue levels for animal tissues in the absence of livestock feeding
studies. Use of a metabolism study in place of a feeding study would require fully adequate
scientific reasoning, especially if a plateau has not been reached in milk or eggs in the
metabolism study.
All estimates of relative dose used in animal metabolism studies should be based on a feed dry
weight basis. It should be noted that the use of percent crop treated information and median
residue values are not acceptable to determine the dose level in these experiments. Plant metabolism
Plant metabolism studies should be designed in such a way as to represent the composition of
the residues when the pesticide use matches maximum GAP conditions. When low residue
levels in crops are expected from the maximum application rate, experiments at exaggerated
rates may be needed to aid metabolite identification. The crop should be treated with
radiolabelled active ingredient, preferably containing formulation ingredients typical of an
end-use product as applied in the field.
A metabolism study should be submitted for each type of crop group for which use is
proposed. Crops can be considered to belong to one of five categories for crop metabolism
root crops (root and tuber vegetables, bulb vegetables)
leafy crops (Brassica vegetables, leafy vegetables, stem vegetables, hops)
fruits (citrus fruit, pome fruit, stone fruit small fruits, berries, grapes, banana, tree
nuts, fruiting vegetables, persimmon)
pulses and oilseeds (legume vegetables, pulses, oilseeds, peanuts, legume fodder
crops, cacao beans, coffee beans)
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
cereals (cereals, grass and forage crops).
One crop from a group will cover the entire group for purposes of metabolism in those crops
within the group. In order to extrapolate metabolism of a pesticide to all crop groupings,
metabolism studies on a minimum of three representative crops (from the five different crop
categories) should be conducted. If the results of these three studies indicate a comparable
metabolic route, then additional studies will not be needed on crops in the other two groups.
The studies should reflect the intended use pattern of the active ingredient such as foliar,
soil/seed, or post-harvest treatments. If, for instance, three studies have been conducted using
foliar application and at a later date the authorised uses also include soil application, e.g., seed
treatment, granular, or soil drench, then an additional study reflecting soil application should
be carried out.
On the other hand, if different metabolic routes are observed among the representative crops
from studies conducted in a similar manner, e.g., foliar spray with similar pre-harvest interval
(PHI) and growth stages, further studies should be conducted for uses on crops in the
remaining categories for which MRLs are being requested. Differences in the quantities of
metabolites belonging to the same pathway will not trigger the need for additional studies.
There are situations where an authorised use is unique, in terms of the crop and/or its growing
conditions, for which a metabolism study would be necessary, in addition to the three
representative crops. For example, if a use exists on paddy rice, a metabolism study should be
submitted for paddy rice, regardless of other available metabolism studies.
Metabolism in rotational crops studies are conducted to determine the nature and amount of
pesticide residue uptake in rotational crops that are used as human food or as livestock feed.
Such studies are generally not required for uses of pesticides on permanent or semi-permanent
crops including, but not limited to, the following commodities or crop groups: asparagus,
avocado, banana, berries crop group, citrus fruit crop group, coconut, cranberry, dates, fig,
ginseng, globe artichoke, grapes, guava, kiwi fruit, mango, mushrooms, olives, papaya,
passion fruit, pineapple, plantain, the pome fruits crop group, rhubarb, the stone fruits crop
group, and the tree nuts crop group
Specifically the studies fulfil these purposes:
Provide an estimate of total radioactive residues (TRRs) in the various raw
agricultural commodities (RACs) via soil uptake.
Identify the major components of the terminal residue in the various RACs, thus
indicating the components to be analysed for in residue quantification studies, i.e.,
the residue definition(s) for both risk assessment and enforcement.
Elucidate the degradation pathway of the active ingredient in rotated crops.
Provide data to determine rotational crop restrictions based on residue uptake
levels. This information is mainly used by national regulators.)
Provide information for determining if limited field trials for rotational crops (see
section 3.5.2) should be submitted.
The study should normally be performed using a sandy loam soil that has been treated with
the radiolabelled test substance applied at a rate equivalent to the maximum seasonal rate
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Test No. 502: Metabolism in Rotational Crops
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
(1), unless the label limits its use to one soil type other than sandy loam. In either case, the
soil should not be sterilized. Where the label allows nine applications at weekly intervals of
1 kg active ingredient per hectare, the maximum seasonal application rate may be obtained,
for instance, with one application of 9 kg active ingredient per hectare or three applications of
3 kg active ingredient per hectare or other application scheme as long as the maximum
seasonal rate was met. In all such cases, the aging period for the soil will be considered to
start at the last application. The soil should be treated with radiolabelled pesticide active
ingredient, preferably containing formulation ingredients typical of an end use product as
applied in the field. Following application to the soil, the pesticide may be incorporated into
the soil if this represents typical agricultural practice.
Rotational crops should be representative of each of the following crop groupings:
root and tuber vegetable, e.g., radish, beets or carrots
small grain, e.g., wheat, barley, oats or rye
leafy vegetable, e.g., spinach or lettuce.
Where possible, crops should include those expected in the rotational schedule on the label, if
Representative rotational crops should be planted at three appropriate rotational intervals, e.g.,
730 days for assessing circumstances of crop failure or closely rotated crops, 60270 days to
reflect a typical rotation after harvest of the primary crop and 270365 days for crops rotated
the following year. The rotational intervals selected should be based on the expected
agricultural use for the pesticide and typical rotational practices. In cases where the pesticide
applied, e.g., certain herbicides, results in excessive phytotoxicity to rotational crops at 730
days, an alternative timing for the first rotational interval should be studied. Information
regarding planting restrictions due to phytotoxicity should be provided.
The study may be performed either in a greenhouse or in an outdoor plot or container or a
combination of the two, e.g., rotated crops can be grown under greenhouse conditions in soils
that were treated and aged under outdoor or field conditions.
Post-harvest uses require at least one study if no other appropriate foliar metabolism study is
available. A foliar study can substitute for a post-harvest study if the mature commodity was
present and exposed at application. If there are post-harvest uses on a number of commodities
from different crop groupings, then up to three additional studies should be submitted.
These studies provide information on the approximate level of total residues, identify the
major components of the total terminal residue, indicate the route of distribution of residues
and its mobility (uptake from soil, absorption by plants or surface residue) and show the
efficiency of extraction procedures for various components of the residue.
Transgenic and non-transgenic crops may metabolize the pesticide differently. Full and
detailed information will be required for a transgenic crop with metabolism differences from
the non-transgenic crop. For genetically modified crops that do not involve the insertion of a
gene conveying resistance by means of metabolism, no additional metabolism studies are
needed. However, the rationale for concluding that the gene does not alter metabolism should
be detailed. When a gene is inserted that conveys active ingredient resistance due to pesticide
metabolism, then a crop metabolism study should be conducted for each crop grouping to
which the genetically modified crops belong. If one such study shows a similar metabolism to
conventional crops, however, no additional studies would be needed. If a different metabolic
route is observed, then two additional studies should be submitted.
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
21 Environmental fate in soil, water and water-sediment systems
The FAO Panel does not evaluate data on environmental toxicology, but does require studies
on environmental fate relevant to the potential for uptake of residues by food and feed crops.
These studies are normally required for all pesticides except those with a specific restricted
use, e.g., seed treatment, post-harvest application in storage. The availability of relevant
studies is essential for the assessment of the potential for residues in food and feeds.
The FAO Panel reviewed the various types of environmental fate studies as related to the
process of estimating residues in commodities and concluded that some of the studies
included in previous evaluations do not assist significantly in defining the residue of concern
or estimating residue levels. It should be noted that the studies required are in some cases
dependent upon the use pattern (soil, foliar, seed treatment) and that paddy rice presents a
unique situation. The data requirements on environmental fate are summarized in Table 3.2.
Table 3.2: Requirements for submission of data on environmental fate for the JMPR
Type of use and requirement (yes/no/conditional) Type of study
Foliar Soil Plants of root,
tuber, bulb, or
peanut (at/after
seed potato)
(for weeds
in crop)
Paddy rice
Physical and
chemical properties
Conditional Conditional Conditional Condi-
Only to the extent not
provided for the technical
material, e.g., hydrolysis
and photolysis.
Degradation in soil
No Yes Yes Yes Yes No May be part of confined
rotational crop.
Soil photolysis No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Degradation in soil
No No No No No No
Persistence in soil No No No No No No
in soil
No No No No No No
Adsorption by soil
No No No No No No
Hydrolysis rate and
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Hydrolysis in sterile
aqueous buffers. Abiotic
epimerization should be
provided as appropriate
(e.g., pyrethroids)
Conditional No See foliar No No See foliar Plant metabolism may
suffice. Needed for special
cases (e.g., abamectin)
pond water
No No No No No Conditional Plant metabolism may be
adequate for rice. Useful
for GAP involving
application to water
Crop uptake and
bioavailability (see
rotational crops)
No No No No No No
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
Type of use and requirement (yes/no/conditional) Type of study
Foliar Soil Plants of root,
tuber, bulb, or
peanut (at/after
seed potato)
(for weeds
in crop)
Paddy rice
Rotational crops-
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Not required where no
crop rotation (e.g., orchard
crops). Soil and crop
should be analysed for
radiolabelled residues.
Rotational crops-
Conditional Conditional Conditional No Requirement conditional
on results of confined
rotational crop study.
Field dissipation
Conditional Conditional Conditional No Requirement conditional
on results of confined
rotational crop study.
in water-sediment
No No No No No Conditional Metabolism study for
paddy rice may be
adequate. In other cases,
needed, e.g., application to
pond water.
3.3.1 Sampling
Reliable results can only be obtained from samples taken according to the objectives of the
study. Utmost attention should be given to the selection of sampling methods, handling
(packing, labelling, shipping and storage) of samples. The study should be designed to assure
the integrity of the whole chain of activities. The sampling method and the selection of the
objects of sampling depend on the purpose of the study.
In crop metabolism studies, samples of all raw agricultural commodities should be obtained
for characterization and/or identification of residues. In commodities with inedible peel such
as oranges, melons, and bananas, the distribution of the residue between peel and pulp should
be determined. For crops that are sometimes consumed at an immature stage, such as baby
corn or leafy salads, samples should also be taken of such commodities for analysis. Where
mature inedible crop parts, e.g., apple leaves, potato foliage, are used to help identify residues,
the edible parts must also be sampled and analysed to demonstrate the similarity of metabolic
profiles. If more than one use pattern is involved, extra samples need to be taken to reflect, for
example, the different PHIs.
In rotational crop studies the selected representative rotated crops should be harvested and the
appropriate plant parts of raw agricultural commodities (RAC) for human and livestock feed
sampled. Samples should also be collected on selected crops at multiple intervals if both
immature and mature crops are normally harvested as part of normal agricultural practices.
Harvested samples should include forage, hay, straw and grain for cereal crops; an immature
and mature leafy vegetable sample and both the root or tuber and the leafy (aerial) portion of
the root crop, even if the leafy portion is not a RAC of the actual root crop planted. Data from
the leafy portion of the root crop and the immature leafy vegetable are needed as these crops
can be used as models to extrapolate to wider ranges of food crops. In addition, due to the
increase in the culinary use of immature greens, an immature leafy vegetable sample is
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
needed. Immature leafy vegetables are defined as the crop stage representing approximately
50% of the normal time period for the plant to reach full maturity. Sampling of the soil is not
required, but may be performed depending on the specific objectives of the study.
In livestock metabolism studies excreta, milk and eggs should be collected twice daily (if
applicable). Tissues to be collected should include at least muscle (loin and flank muscles in
ruminant and leg and breast muscle in poultry), liver (whole organ for the goat and poultry
and representative parts of the different lobes of the liver if cattle or swine are used), kidney
(ruminants only), and fat (renal, omental and subcutaneous). The TRR should be quantified
for all tissues, excreta, milk, and eggs. For milk the fat fraction should be separated from the
aqueous portion by physical means and the TRR in each fraction quantified
In supervised field trials the whole RAC should be sampled as it moves in commerce. For
some crops, there may be more than one RAC. For example, the RACs for field corn include
the grain (seed), fodder (stover), and forage. One sample from each RAC should normally be
taken from treated plots at each sampling interval.
Some crops may be shipped without having been stripped, trimmed or washed; therefore these
procedures should only be used on residue samples to the extent that these are commercial
practices prior to shipment. Of course, data on trimmed or washed samples may be generated
optionally for use in risk assessments. The recommended sampling method for supervised
trials is described in Appendix V.
In selective field surveys and monitoring programmes the Codex standard method of sampling
for the determination of pesticide residues for compliance with MRLs
should be used. The
method of sampling, handling and storage condition of samples should be described in detail
in all studies. In the case of supervised trials, field surveys and monitoring programmes the
information provided should also include the method for selecting the timing of primary
samples (sample increments), the number of primary samples in the composite sample and the
total weight of the composite sample.
3.3.2 Sample preparation and processing
To provide residue data for estimation of the MRLs, samples of commodities should be
prepared according to the Codex standard to obtain the portion of commodity to which the
Codex MRLs apply
. The guidance for sample preparation is given in Appendix VI.
Edible portion residue data are required for dietary intake estimation. For commodities where
the RAC differs from the edible portion, e.g., bananas, samples should be further prepared to
separate the edible and inedible portions for separate analysis.
3.3.3 Analytical methods
Analytical methods are used to generate the data for estimating dietary exposure, to establish
Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs), and to determine processing factors. Analytical methods
are also used in enforcement of any MRLs that may be established. It is important to note that
the methods should be able to determine all analytes included in the residue definition for the
particular pesticide. The residue definition used for dietary risk assessment purposes may
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals Test No. 503: Metabolism in Livestock
Codex Alimentarius Commission, Recommended method of sampling for the determination of pesticide residues for
compliance with MRLs,
FAO, Portion of Commodities to which Codex Maximum Residue Limits Apply and which is Analyzed. In Joint
FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme Codex Alimentarius Vol. 2A, Part I. Section 2. Analysis of Pesticide Residues ,
FAO, Rome, 2000, 27-36.
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
differ from that used for MRL enforcement purposes, thereby requiring different analytical
methods. In the event one analytical method cannot cover all compounds included in a
particular residue definition, more than one method may be necessary.
The major residue components should be determined individually as far as technically
possible. The use of non-specific methods is generally discouraged. For some analytes,
specific residue analytical methods might be unavailable or difficult to perform. In these
cases, conversion to a common moiety is valid when all components containing that moiety
are considered toxicologically important and when no single component is an adequate
marker of residue concentration. Under these circumstances, a "common moiety method" may
be used.
For enforcement methods surveillance laboratories prefer multi-residue methods, which could
include a large number of analytes, as the laboratories generally do not have sufficient
capacity to apply individual methods for all compounds possibly present. Despite potentially
lower recovery rates associated with multi-residue methods. This fact is clearly demonstrated
by the published results of national monitoring studies which indicate that compounds
recoverable with multi-residue procedures are much more frequently analysed than those
requiring individual methods. When the analyte is not amenable to the multi-residue method
techniques, a single residue method may be provided.
In practice, data may have to be generated in such a way as to provide the flexibility to
establish two separate residue definitions where appropriate, one for risk assessment and a
second for MRL compliance monitoring. In such cases, where possible, applicants should
either separately analyse for the individual components of the residue definition, rather than
carrying out a common moiety method; or carry out first analyses according to a common
moiety approach and a second series of analyses of the field trial samples for a suitable
indicator molecule in parallel, if the common moiety methodology is unsuitable for practical
routine monitoring and enforcement of the MRL at reasonable cost. The availability of
appropriate methods for monitoring purposes should be considered.
The method(s) should:
have the ability to determine all of the likely analytes that may be included in the
residue definition (both for risk assessment and enforcement) in the presence of the
sample matrix
distinguish between individual isomers/analogues when necessary for the conduct
of dietary risk assessments
be sufficiently selective so that interfering substances never exceed 30% of the limit
of analytical quantification (LOQ)
demonstrate acceptable recovery and repeatability
cover all crops, animals, and feed items being treated. If significant residues occur,
cover processing fractions and drinking water
cover all edible animal commodities if animals are likely to consume treated crops.
Enforcement methods should be suitable, where technically possible, to quantify residues at or
below 0.01 mg/kg.
The methods used in various studies should be validated to demonstrate that they are fit for
the purpose of the study. During the analyses of the samples the performance of the methods
should be verified with appropriate quality control tests. Details of method validation
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
procedures, including testing the efficiency of extraction and confirmation, the criteria for
acceptable performance parameters and format for reporting the method are given for pre- and
post-registration studies in the OECD Guidance document on analytical methods
and in the
Good Laboratory Practice elaborated by the CCPR
Analytical methods provided should include:
specialised methods used in the supervised trials and environmental fate studies
which were submitted for evaluation, and
enforcement methods.
The methods should be summarised including a clear outline of the compounds determined
and the commodities for which the method is recommended. In addition, the specificity,
repeatability of the method, the limit of quantification and the range of residue levels for
which the method has been validated, the mean recovery and the relative standard deviation of
recoveries at each fortification level, including the limit of quantification, etc should be given.
Information should be submitted to the JMPR not only on the principles of analytical methods
used in the supervised trials and experiments but also the whole analytical procedure in detail
including a precise description of the portion of sample analysed, stability of residues during
sample processing, tests to prove the efficiency of extraction, recoveries at various levels,
limits of quantification, limits of detection, chromatograms of samples and controls and a
description of how the limit of quantification and detection were derived.
In addition to the methods developed by the manufacturers, published methods suitable for
use by regulatory authorities should also be provided. The CCPR may not proceed with an
MRL if no published regulatory method is available. Extraction efficiency of residue analytical methods
Extraction efficiency is regarded as key for the development of methods, and data should be
provided for the solvents and conditions (temperature, pH, time) typically used. Extraction
efficiency may significantly influence the accuracy of the analytical results as poor extraction
efficiency can be a major source of bias in a method. However, it cannot be checked by
traditional recovery studies carried out with samples fortified shortly before analysis. The
rigorous validation of the efficient extraction of all residues included in the residue definition
can only be performed with samples that have incurred the analyte(s) through the route by
which they would normally reach the sample. This is generally the case in metabolism studies,
where the efficiency of extraction can be determined by means of radiolabelled analytes.
An IUPAC report
on bound xenobiotic residues in food commodities of plant and animal
origin has recommended that the extraction procedures used in residue analytical methods
should be validated using samples from radiolabelled studies where the chemical has been
applied in a manner consistent with the label and Good Agricultural Practices.
Ideally, the commodities of interest from the metabolism and rotational crop studies should be
retained for determining the extraction efficiency of the regulatory methods and methods used
in supervised field trials and rotational crop studies. Justification for the commodities selected
OECD Guidance Document on Pesticide Residue Analytical Methods, Series on Pesticides Number 39, Series on Testing
And Assessment Number 72, 2007
Codex Secretariat (2003) Revised Guidelines on Good Laboratory Practice in Residue Analysis CAC/GL 40 1993, Rev.1-
Skidmore, M.W., Paulson, G.D., Kuiper, H.A., Ohlin, B. and Reynolds, S. 1998. Bound xenobiotic residues in food
commodities of plant and animal origin. Pure & Applied Chemistry, 70, 14231447.
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
should be included in the study report. The retained commodities should be subjected to the
extraction procedures from the analytical methods of interest so the extraction efficiency can
be readily determined using radiochemical procedures (combustion analysis, liquid
scintillation counting and chromatographic analyses using a radio detector). The efficiency
can be compared to the relative amount extracted from the metabolism study, wherein the
commodities are subjected to rigorous extraction procedures designed to remove most, if not
all, of the potential analytes of interest. This comparison is known as radio-validation and
should be conducted for the extraction schemes from all methods, if possible.
Alternatively, comparative extraction efficiency studies including the frequently used
extraction solvents, such as acetone + water, ethyl acetate, and acetonitrile, can be conducted
on samples from metabolism studies for compounds expected to be included in the residue
definition(s). Information should be provided on the efficiency of extraction with the solvents
used in relevant regulatory methods.
In cases where samples from metabolism studies are no longer available for development of a
new analytical method, it is possible to "bridge" between two solvent systems. Incurred
residues obtained, e.g., during supervised field trials, might be extracted using as a first step
the solvent system under the conditions applied during the metabolism studies and then, in a
second step, by using the solvent under consideration. Information on extractability can be
obtained by direct comparison of the analytical results.
The testing of extraction efficiency can be either part of the metabolism study or the method
development study. In any case, the results of the investigations should be cited in the relevant
method validation studies since they are essential for the development of both types of
methods (pre-registration and post-registration).
3.3.4 Stability of residues during storage and sample processing
Ideally samples for metabolism studies and residue analysis should be stored at/or below
18 C. Storage under any other conditions needs to be recorded and justified. Storage stability
studies are required because many routes of degradation and dissipation can occur, even under
cold storage conditions.
In most residue studies, samples are stored for a period of time prior to analysis. During this
storage period residues of the pesticide and/or its metabolites included in the residue
definitions may decline due to processes such as volatilization or enzymatic degradation.
Therefore, in order to be certain that the level of residues that were present in samples at the
time of their collection are the same at the time of analysis, controlled studies are needed to
assess the effect of storage on residue levels. Storage stability studies are performed to
demonstrate that pesticide residues are stable during frozen storage of the samples to be
analysed or show the degree to which residues decline in that period of time.
Storage stability studies should be designed in such a way that the stability of residues in the
stored samples can be definitely determined. When the analytical method determines a total
residue, storage stability studies should include not only the total residue, but also separate
analyses of all compounds which may be included in the residue definitions.
Normally, samples should be frozen within 24 hours of sampling or harvest. However, where
this is not the case, the period of ambient or cooled storage should be considered in the
planning of the freezer storage stability study.
It is preferred that the form of the commodity e.g., homogenate, coarse chop, whole
commodity, extract, in a freezer storage stability study should be, as far as possible, the same
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
as that in the corresponding residue studies. In some cases the freezer storage stability study
may need to reflect storage of more than one of the above forms. For example, if the trial
samples are stored as homogenates for several months, extracted, and then these extracts
stored for several weeks prior to final analysis, the freezer storage stability commodities
should be handled in the same manner.
Where residues are considered to be stable, typical sampling intervals of 0, 1, 3, 6 and 12
months could be employed, which can be extended if the samples are stored for longer periods
e.g., up to 2 years. In contrast, if relatively rapid decline of residues is suspected, sampling
intervals such as 0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 weeks could be chosen. If there is no prior knowledge then
the choice of intervals could be a combination of the above
Duplicate samples of every commodity at each time point for all components of the residue
definitions need to be analysed. However, if a significant difference (greater than 20%) exists
between the results for the duplicate samples from the same time point, judgement should be
applied and consideration given to analysing additional samples of the commodity from that
time point.
If the freezer storage stability study uses incurred residues, then it should be established that
all components of the residue definitions are present in the samples and at sufficient levels to
allow any decline to be observed. In this case it is important that the sample is analysed fresh,
i.e., immediately after sampling, and at appropriate storage periods thereafter. An old, i.e.,
frozen, sample with incurred residues may already have degraded to a stable level and when
storage stability studies are conducted on an old sample, this may not reflect storage stability
behaviour on fresh samples.
If test substances are added to untreated commodities in the laboratory, it is usually the active
substance and/or relevant identified metabolites that are added. Where the residue definitions
contain more than one component studies need to be designed to demonstrate stability of each
component. Consequently, the use of mixed spiking solutions is not recommended as it could
mask potential transformations from one compound to another. Therefore, the freezer storage
stability study should be conducted with separate samples of each commodity under
investigation spiked with the individual components of the residue definitions.
Samples should be spiked at 10LOQ, the limit of quantification of the method for each
analyte in order to adequately determine the stability of the residues under storage conditions.
This will make it less likely that highly variable recoveries would prevent the determination of
the stability of the residues. Spiking procedures should be undertaken in the same way as the
spiking of the samples in the validation of the analytical methods e.g., for the recovery data.
Where this is not possible, then a full rationale/ justification for the applicability of the data
should be provided. In instances where no detectable residues are found in field treated
commodities, or residue levels are close to the analytical method's LOQ, spiked control
commodities should be employed in the freezer storage stability studies rather than incurred
Residue storage stability studies in animal tissues, milk and eggs should be provided in the
event animal commodity MRLs are needed.
In the case of studies involving crop commodities, the principles of extrapolation between
commodities within specific commodity categories is supported .The commodity categories
are as follows:
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Test No 506: Stability of Pesticide Residues in Stored Commodities
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
commodities with high water content
commodities with high acid content
commodities with high oil content
commodities with high protein content
commodities with high starch content.
If residues are shown to be stable in all commodities studied, a study on one commodity from
each of the five commodity categories is acceptable. In such cases, residues in all other
commodities would be assumed to be stable for the same duration of time under the same
storage conditions.
If MRLs are sought in just one of the five commodity categories, the stability of the test
substance in 23 diverse commodities within the desired category should be tested. If the
stability of analytes is confirmed, further studies with other crops in that category are not
If there is no observed decline of residues across the range of the five different commodity
categories then specific freezer storage stability data for processed foods will not be needed.
However, if instability is shown after a certain length of storage, any commodities (RAC or
processed commodity) should be analysed within the demonstrated time period for stable
Determinations as to whether sample integrity was maintained during collection, sample
preparation, and storage should be made. The study conditions should reflect those to which
the samples from the residue trials have been subjected. Where sample extracts have been
stored for more than 24 hours prior to analysis, the stability of residues should be
demonstrated with recovery studies performed under similar conditions.
In case of metabolism studies, the tests should show that the basic profile of radiolabelled
residues has not changed throughout the duration of the study. It is impossible to spike
samples before the identity of the residue and the length of time needed for metabolism
studies are known. Storage stability data are not normally necessary for samples analysed
within six months of collection, provided evidence is given that attempts were made to limit
degradation of residues by appropriate storage of matrices and extracts during the analytical
portion of the study.
If instability of the active ingredient is suspected or observed, based on other information,
steps should be taken to safeguard the integrity of the study. In those cases where a
metabolism study cannot be completed within six months of sample collection, evidence
should be provided that the identity of residues did not change during the period between
collection and final analysis. This can be done by analyses of representative substrates early in
the study and at its completion. The substrate should be the item stored, i.e., if the matrix
extract is used throughout the study and the matrix is not extracted later in the study, the
stability of the extract should be shown.
If changes are observed, e.g., disappearance of a particular HPLC peak or TLC spot,
additional analyses or another metabolism study with a shorter collection to analysis interval
may be necessary
The residue concentration present in the intact sample material may also significantly change
during the sample homogenization process (mincing, chopping grinding). The decomposition,
evaporation of residues cannot always be observed with the usual recovery studies performed
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
by adding known amount of analytical standards to the homogenised test portion shortly
before extraction. Acceptable recoveries may be obtained even if substantial portion of the
test material disappeared during homogenization. Systematic studies, performed with fruits
and vegetables applying test substance mixtures containing a stabile and several other
compounds with unknown stability, revealed that the decomposition of residues can be
substantially reduced or eliminated under cryogenic processing of deep-frozen sample
12, 13
Detailed reports should be submitted on stability of residues during storage and sample
If trial supervised trial samples are always analysed within 30 days of their storage in frozen
conditions, applicants can omit conducting a freezer storage stability study provided
justification is given e.g., basic physical chemical properties data show residues are not
volatile or labile.
Current GAP information on pesticides under consideration must be made available to the
JMPR. The essential GAP is the set of current registered uses involving the highest rates and
shortest PHIs for the same pesticide on the same crop in the same country and the use patterns
in the supervised field trials should reflect this essential (often referred to as critical) GAP.
The GAP information should be presented in a systematic manner according to the
standardized format(s) given in this Manual. Formats are available for applications on
agricultural and horticultural crops, post-harvest uses and direct animal treatments; other
formats may be necessary for other types of use. The information should be presented in such
a way as to facilitate comparison with supervised trial conditions.
GAP summaries are intended as an aid to the evaluation of submitted data and are to be
provided in addition to certified labels. It is emphasised that copies of original labels have to
be provided by the manufacturer(s) (or other data submitters) in addition to the summary
information. Furthermore, the original label should be accompanied by an English translation
of the relevant sections, e.g., dosage specifying if the concentration of spray or the kg/ha rate
is primarily defined, application methods, growth stage of plants at the time of application of
the pesticide, use conditions, and any restriction of use, if it is printed in a language other than
The summary should not include any use information which is not specifically given on the
label, e.g., not kg ai/hL if only kg ai/ha is specified; not calculated PHI if application at a
specific growth stage is authorized, not number of applications calculated from specified
intervals and PHI. Crops included in groups, e.g., leafy vegetables, or fruits, should be
individually named, unless they correspond with the commodities of the commodity groups in
Fussell R.J., Jackson-Addie K., Reynolds S.L. and Wilson M.F., (2002): Assessment of the stability of pesticides during
cryogenic sample processing, J. Agric. Food Chem., 50, 441.
Fussell, R.J., Hetmanski, M.T., Macarthur, R., Findlay, D. Smith, F., Ambrus . and Brodesser J.P. (2007): Measurement
Uncertainty Associated with Sample Processing of Oranges and Tomatoes for Pesticide Residue Analysis. J. Agric.
Food Chem., 55, 1062-1070.
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
the actual Codex Commodity Classification
. The specific uses of a compound will not be
evaluated if the relevant labels have not been provided.
Labels reflecting current GAP should be clearly distinguished from proposed labels.
Furthermore, indexing of labels in such a manner to allow easy cross-reference to GAP
summaries and supervised field trials would facilitate the evaluation. The specific uses of a
compound will not be evaluated if the relevant labels have not been provided.
If GAP information is provided by responsible national regulatory authorities the above
detailed information is required and the submission of the label is desirable. The submission
of GAP information by national authorities is especially important in case of a generic
pesticide produced by several manufacturers. In the latter case information on the chemical
composition of technical products and their formulations used in the reporting country would
also be desirable.
The use patterns should be summarised by the data submitters from two aspects, (1) biological
efficacy and (2) formulation and application. The biological efficacy may be described by
listing the major pests or diseases controlled, or it can be given in tabular form. In the latter
case, the table should contain the commodities, pests controlled and the growth stage of crop
when the application(s) is (are) likely to be required (see an example in Table 3.3).
Table 3.3 Information on pests and diseases controlled by terbufos (JMPR 1989)
Crop Pests/diseases controlled Timing of application(s)
Banana Aphids, corm borer, corm weevil, nematodes 2-4 times per year
Cotton Soil pests, wireworms Furrow treatment at planting
Potato Black maize beetle, wireworm Furrow treatment at planting
Sugar cane Nematodes, pink spittlebug, sugarcane
froghopper, West Indian canefly, white grubs,
Furrow treatment, at planting or side
dressing, 4 months PHI
Information on formulations, application methods and active ingredient dosage rates should
be summarised in tabular form (see Tables 3.43.6). Specific information relevant to the use
according to GAP (such as dosage depending on the pest; specified minimum intervals
between repeated applications; total amount of active ingredient which may be applied during
the growing season; restrictions on irrigation or aerial application) should be added as a
comment or footnote(s).
Table 3.4 Registered uses of folpet on vegetables and cereals.
Crop Country Formulation Application
Method Rate kg ai/ha Conc.,
kg ai/hL
Number Interval
PHI, days
Barley France 1.5 21
Beans Greece WP 800 g/kg foliar 0.61.5 0.1-0.25 34 7
Beans Portugal WP 800 g/kg foliar 0.13 12 7
Beans, green Spain WP 800 g/kg foliar 1.6 0.16 21
Italy WP 800 g/kg foliar 0.350.40 10
FAO/WHO. 1993. Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds in Codex Alimentarius, 2nd ed., Volume 2. Pesticide
Residues, Section 2. Joint FAO/WHO Food Standard Programme. FAO, Rome. Note: the CCPR currently is working on
the revision of classification of commodities. The reader is advised to check which groups have been finalised and
enforced BY the Committee/CAC
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
Crop Country Formulation Application
Method Rate kg ai/ha Conc.,
kg ai/hL
Number Interval
PHI, days
Lettuce France WP 800 g/kg foliar 0.64 21-41
Lettuce Israel
WP 800 g/kg foliar 2.0 weekly 11
summer PHI 21 days, winter PHI 41 days
in days or weeks
Table 3.5 Post-harvest GAP uses of .... on fruit.
Crop Country Formulation Application Notes
kg ai/hL
Contact time
Apples Australia EC 310 g/l dip 0.05-0.36 minimum 10-30 secs
Apples France dip 0.04-0.20 30 secs
Apples France drench 0.04-0.20 30 secs to 2 mins
Pears Turkey dip, drench or fog 0.075 max 2 mins
Examples of method: dip, drench, spray, fog
Concentration of dip, drench, spray, etc
Contact time or other requirement, as specified on the label
Explain if treatment is variety dependent, if commodity is not to be consumed or sold for an interval after treatment,
etc, as specified on the label.
Table 3.6 Registered uses of .... for direct external animal treatment.
Country Formulation Application WHP
days days
Beef cattle USA SC 25 pour-on 2 mg ai/kg bw 25 g/L
Dairy cattle,
USA SC 25 pour-on 2 mg ai/kg bw 25 g/L
Dairy cattle,
USA SC 25 pour-on 2 mg ai/kg bw 25 g/L
Sheep Australia 25 jetting 0.5 L fluid per
month of wool
25 mg/L 0
Farm animal as stated on the label.
Methods include pour-on, dip, ear-tag, jetting, spraying.
The rate or dose may be expressed per animal or per kg bodyweight. State explicitly if the dose is expressed on active
ingredient, formulation or spray solution.
The concentration of the spray or dip, etc., applied to the animal. The application concentration for a pour-on is the
same as the formulation concentration.
With-holding period. Label instruction on interval between animal treatment and slaughter for human consumption.
Label instruction on interval between animal treatment and milking.
When different formats are used to report GAP data on special uses, e.g., seed dressings, they
should always include details on the following aspects of the use pattern:
Responsible reporting body
Pesticide names
ISO-E common name. For other international code names, indicate the Standards
organisation between brackets-, e.g., (British Standards Institute: BSI), (American
National Standards Institute: ANSI), (Japanese Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
and Fisheries: JMAF). Proprietary name(s) or trade name(s) can also be given if
CCPR number of pesticide, if available
Information on the use pattern as described on the approved label. Use rates and
concentrations must be explicitly expressed in terms of active ingredient.
If GAP information is provided by responsible national regulatory authorities the above
detailed information is required and the submission of the label is desirable. The submission
of GAP information by national authorities is especially important in case of a generic
pesticide produced by several manufacturers. In the latter case, information on the chemical
composition of technical products and their formulations used in the reporting country would
also be desirable. Governments or responsible national organisations are requested to
summarise the GAP information, as shown in Table XI.2 (Appendix XI). The entry required
under Country is the name of the country whose GAP is listed in the table, which is not
necessarily the same as that of the country submitting the information. The table should
strictly reflect the information contained on the label. In the case of extensions of use that do
not appear on the product label, i.e., off-label approvals, a copy of the regulatory approval
document or its English translation should be provided.
The following GAP information requirements are re-emphasised:
The summary should not include any information on use that is not given on the
Valid copies of current labels must be provided, together with English translations
of the relevant sections.
Crops included in crop groups should be named individually unless they correspond
with the actual Codex Commodity Classification of Food and Animal Feed
Individual commodities should preferably be referenced to the Codex Classification
of Food and Animal Feed.
Labels reflecting current GAP should be clearly distinguished from proposed
Summary information on GAP relevant to the submitted supervised trials and
current GAP with higher rates or smaller PHIs, etc for the same pesticide on the
same crop in the same country should be submitted. However, to avoid unnecessary
costs for the translation of labels by industry and to avoid unnecessary extra work
on uses that are inadequately supported by residue data, copies of the original labels
(and if necessary the translations) need be provided only for those uses that are
adequately supported by residue data according to FAO requirements.
3.4.1 Periodic review compounds undergoing re-registration by national authorities
In national review programmes, current uses are frequently revised to meet new requirements
for the safety of human health and the environment. The data submitted to JMPR therefore
often include both current registered uses and labels awaiting approval by national authorities.
Data from field trials, however, usually relate to new uses. In such cases, the JMPR cannot
amend or recommend maintenance of existing MRLs.
FAO/WHO. 1993. Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds in Codex Alimentarius, 2nd ed., Volume 2. Pesticide
Residues, Section 2. Joint FAO/WHO Food Standard Programme. FAO, Rome.
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
Furthermore, for some compounds, both old labels and revised labels stipulating lower rates
exist simultaneously, and MRLs reflecting the adjusted uses cannot be established.
In order to ensure the best review of data on residues, the following information on periodic
review compounds undergoing national re-registration should be submitted to the FAO Joint
Secretary to the JMPR:
current registered uses
current registered uses that will be supported
envisaged new or amended uses
the status of the registration and an estimate of the date on which new or amended
uses will become GAP
an estimate of the date on which old registered uses will be revoked
a clear description of the uses (new, amended, or current but not to be supported) to
which the data from supervised trials of residues relate.
Reviews of such compounds should focus on new or amended uses or current uses that will be
supported, giving full details of the evaluation. MRLs will be recommended only for current
MRLs will be recommended for new and amended uses only when those uses have become
3.4.2 Presentation of GAP information
All information should be presented in English and must come directly from approved labels.
Crops and situations should be described exactly as on the approved label. If the approved
label is for use on crop groups, e.g., citrus or orchard trees, this should be the entry in the
GAP table. Individual crops included in national grouping should be identified by their
English names (local varieties in brackets) in Table endnotes, preferably using crops
associated with the commodity descriptions given in the Codex Classification of Foods and
Animal Feeds.
Pest information can be given in the form of the English name of a specific pest or in the form
of a broader group of related pest species, e.g., powdery mildews, spider mites,
lepidopterous insects, yeasts, etc. The use of a Latin name (between brackets) may often
provide clarification. Avoid the use of very broad classes of pest organisms, such as fungus
diseases, insect pests or similar indications, as this generally provides insufficient information.
Present the formulation of the pesticide product using the two-letter coding system developed
by GIFAP and adopted by FAO and CIPAC. The codes are given in Appendix III. The
definition of the terms can be found in the FAO Manual on the Development and Use of FAO
Specifications for Plant Protection Products (2006)
The concentration of active ingredient in the formulated product has to be presented for liquid
formulations in g/L, such as EC (emulsifiable concentrate) or SC (suspension concentrate,
also called flowable concentrate) provided that the label instructions give the dosage rate in
litres of the formulated product per ha or per 100 litres spray liquid (or in similar measures).
FAO. 2006. Manual on the development and use of FAO specifications for pesticides. 1st edition..
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
The concentration of active ingredient in solid formulations is expressed on a w/w basis as
g/kg or % of active ingredient in the solid product.
The type of treatment must be given in sufficient detail, e.g., the type of apparatus used and its
output, such as ULV, high volume sprayer, etc. There is often a link between the type of
treatment and specific formulations developed for such applications. It has to be recognised
that the residue deposit from different types of treatment may differ considerably, e.g., a ULV
application may give rise to a larger residue deposit than a high volume application, both with
the same amount of active ingredient per hectare.
The greater part of the residue at harvest consists of the residue deposit applied at the last
application. Since the persistence of the pesticide residue may be different in different times
of the season, the growing stage at the last application should be recorded. For example, in
moderate climate zones the residue decrease of several pesticides in autumn is in general less
than in high summer, due to the higher light intensity (UV) and the higher temperature in the
latter period. Code numbers (preferably BBCH) used to describe growth stages should be
fully explained.
State the number of treatments per season only if specified on the label. Since the treatment
intervals, and thus the number of treatments, are often linked to dosage rates, the
recommended alternative situations should be clearly indicated, e.g., for scab control on
apples dosage A is applied for preventive treatments at 78 days intervals or a higher dosage
B (approximately1.5A) with an interval of 1014 days. The interval between successive
applications may have a considerable impact on the amount of residue deposit at a certain
time since residues from earlier applications of the pesticides may still be present at the time
of a successive treatment. Some labels specify the maximum total application rate per season.
This information should be included preferably as a footnote.
The application rate should always be expressed in metric units. See Appendix X, section
General for non-metric to metric unit conversion factors. The dosage rates should also be
expressed as amounts of active ingredient in g or kg/ha. When indicated on the label, the
maximum amount of active ingredient which can be applied within a growing season should
also be provided as such, and not calculated as a maximum number of applications.
In cases where the indications on the label are given in g/hL or kg/hL (spray concentration),
state this spray concentration but do not calculate the kg ai/ha equivalent with the average
amount of spray liquid used per hectare. If prior compilations included calculated kg ai/ha
values, this fact should be clearly distinguished from label instructions.
The pre-harvest interval (PHI) in days prescribed or recommended and stated on the label
should be presented for the commodities concerned. If different PHIs are recommended for
the same or similar commodity, e.g., for glasshouse or outdoor grown crops, or in the case of
higher dosage rates, the particular circumstances should be clearly indicated. Sometimes the
timing is indicated in terms of crop growth stage, e.g., when the pesticide is recommended for
use at a very early stage of the crop development, such as bud burst in apple and pears, pre-
and post-emergence applications for weed control, etc. In such cases the reference to the
growth stage of last application can be extremely helpful to clarify GAP. PHIs included in the
GAP table should only be taken from explicit PHI statements on approved labels.
In the case of direct treatment of animals, the withdrawal or withholding period between
treatment and slaughter for human consumption or treatment and collection of milk or eggs
should be stated. For application of pesticide to forage and fodder crops, the subsequent
grazing restrictions for food-producing animals should also be indicated.
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
Supervised field trials (crop field trials) are conducted to determine pesticide residue levels in
or on raw agricultural commodities, including feed items, and should be designed to reflect
pesticide use patterns that lead to the highest possible residues. Objectives of crop field trials
are to:
quantify the expected range of residue(s) in crop commodities following treatment
according to the proposed or established good agricultural practice (GAP)
determine, when appropriate, the rate of decline of the residue(s) of plant protection
product(s) on commodities of interest
determine residue values such as the Supervised Trial Median Residue (STMR) and
Highest Residue (HR) for conducting dietary risk assessment
derive maximum residue limits (MRLs).
Crop field trials may also be useful for selecting residue definitions by providing information
on the relative and absolute amounts of parent pesticide and metabolites.
The term supervised trials covers the application of a pesticide approximating targeted or
authorised use including studies for residues in crops grown in fields, e.g., outdoor, in
greenhouses (glass or plastic covering) and in crops treated after harvest, e.g., stored grains,
wax or dip treatment of fruits, and involves careful management of the trial procedure and
reliable experimental design and sampling. Residue trials performed along the lines described
in the OECD Test Guideline
are considered by the JMPR as supervised trials. New
supervised trials should be planned, implemented, documented and reported according to the
OECD (or comparable) GLP principles (OECD, 19952002) or in compliance with national
regulations which ensure the quality of residue data.
Maximum Residue Limits are largely derived from residue data obtained from supervised
trials designed to determine the nature and level of residues resulting from the registered or
approved use of the pesticide. Since this work will usually have been done before registration
is obtained, in many cases the trials should be based on the intended registered use. Since the
compounds are evaluated by the JMPR after they have been registered by national authorities
(see Chapter 2 Selection of compounds for evaluation) some of the trial data may not be
relevant for JMPR evaluations. Therefore normally only supervised trial data reflecting the
current GAPs should be submitted. Note however, that in cases with a limited number of trials
at GAP, results from other supervised trials can provide supporting information, such as
residue decline study to indicate rate of concentration decrease or trials with higher rates
leading to residues below LOQ. Residue data should be presented primarily for mature crops
at normal harvest. However, where a significant part of the consumable crop is present at the
time of application, some residue dissipation studies are required to complement the residue
data obtained at normal harvest.
Residue decline data are necessary for uses where the pesticide is applied when the edible
portion (human food or animal feed) of the crop has formed or it is expected that residues may
occur on the food or feed commodities at, or close to, the earliest harvest time. Residue
decline data are used in residue evaluation for purposes such as:
OECD Draft Test Guideline: Crop Field Trial 19-Feb-2009
Draft Revised Guidance Document on Overview of Residue Chemistry Studies, (Series on Testing And Assessment
No.64) 18-Feb-2009
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
determining if residues are higher at longer PHIs than requested;
estimating the half-life of the residues
determining whether alteration of the PHI to levels represented in the decline trials
around the GAP PHI affects the residue levels
allowing for a degree of interpolation to support use patterns, including PHIs, not
directly equivalent to those used in the trials on a case-by-case basis
determining the profile of the residue over time to add to the understanding of
metabolism of the pesticide under conditions more applicable to GAP and to assist
in appropriate selection of residue definitions
determining the time interval to reach maximum residues for a systemic compound
applied to crops such as potatoes or peanuts.
For estimating maximum residue levels of pesticide residues in commodities moving in
international trade, results of supervised trials representing the typical agriculture practices,
growing and climatic conditions prevailing in all exporting countries should ideally be
considered. Therefore, it is in the interests of national governments and the responsibility of
data submitters to provide all relevant valid supervised trial data and supplementary
information to the FAO Panel in order to ensure that the recommended limits cover the
maximum residues arising from the authorised use of a pesticide and a realistic estimate can
be made for the long-and short-term dietary intake of residues.
It is emphasised, however, that the JMPR performs the evaluation of the submitted
information and estimates maximum residue levels if the database is considered sufficient,
regardless of whether it represents worldwide use or is limited to a region. The number of
trials (generally minimum 610) and samples is dependent on the variability of use
conditions, the consequent scatter of the residue data, and the importance of the commodity in
terms of production, trade and dietary consumption. Residue data should be available from
trials, preferably carried out in at least two separate years or at least representative of different
weather conditions in accordance, or approximately in accordance, with Good Agricultural
Practice. If uses are authorised in regions with substantially different climatic conditions,
trials should also be carried out in each region. Residue data from only one season may be
considered sufficient provided that crop field trials are located in a wide range of crop
production areas such that a variety of climatic conditions and crop production systems are
taken into account.
3.5.1 Planning and implementation of supervised trials
The general principles which should be considered in planning, conducting and reporting
supervised trials are briefly described hereunder. Detailed guidance can be found in the
referred documents.
Field trials should be conducted in regions where the crops are predominantly grown
commercially and should reflect the main types of crop maintenance and agricultural practice,
especially those which can significantly impact residues, e.g., bagged and unbagged bananas,
furrow and overhead irrigation, pruning of grape leaves. Soil type, e.g., sand, loam, sandy
loam, should be identified and reported for all crop field trial sites. If the product is directly
applied to soil, the field trials should include field sites with different soil types.
Post-harvest treatments on stored products such as potatoes, grains and seeds are often carried
out in a number of storage locations with variable conditions in regard to temperature,
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
humidity, aeration, etc. Information should be available on the use practice and all the
conditions under which the treated commodities are kept. How commodities are stored during
application can vary from commodities stacked in sacks, box stores and heaps to automated
systems in large-scale silos or automated systems for fruit treatment.
Crop variety may influence the uptake of the active ingredient and the metabolism capability.
Residue trial reports should identify which crop varieties were utilized. In a set of residue
trials, a selection of commercially important varieties of a crop, e.g., table and wine grapes,
seasonal variations, e.g., winter wheat vs. spring wheat, vegetation period of different
varieties, different maturation periods, e.g., early and late maturing fruit varieties, and
morphologic variability, e.g., cherry tomatoes, should be considered. This will provide a range
of conditions of use that are representative of actual agricultural situations.
Plot size may vary from crop to crop. However, plots should be large enough to allow
application of the test substance in a manner which reflects or simulates routine use and such
that sufficient representative sample(s) can be obtained without bias, generally at least 10 m
for row crops and typically four trees or eight vines for orchard and vineyard crops. Plots
should also be large enough to avoid contamination during mechanical sampling or harvesting
if applicable. Control (untreated) plots should be located in the immediate vicinity of the
treated plot(s) so that cultivation and cropping take place under similar/identical conditions. It
is also important to ensure that plots are adequately buffered or separated to avoid cross
Application of the test substance may be made with hand-held or commercial equipment as
long as the equipment can be calibrated. Hand-held equipment used to make test substance
applications in crop field trials should do so in a manner that simulates commercial practice.
Where water is used for preparing the spray solution for aerial application and the label rate
specifies spray volumes 18.7 litre/ha (2 gallons/acre) for row crops and 93.5 litre/ha (10
gallons/acre) for tree and orchard crops, the field trials can be performed with ground
equipment instead of aerial application.
The maximum label rate of the active ingredient with maximum number of applications and
minimum re-treatment interval (according to the critical GAP, cGAP) should be used when
applying the test substance for crop trials.
Application timing is governed by requirements to control pest and plant growth stage, e.g.,
pre-bloom or 50% head emergence, and/or as number of days prior to harvest. Any time that a
specific PHI is indicated on the label, e.g., Do not apply this product less than 14 days prior
to harvest., that specific PHI must be used in the crop field trials as a component of the
cGAP, whereas the growth stage at application is of minor importance. Inversely, there are
cases where the growth stage is a critical component of the GAP, e.g., pre-emergence, at
planting, pre-bloom, flag leaf or head emergence, while the PHI is of secondary importance.
In these cases it is important to include as many varieties of the crop as possible in order to
evaluate an appropriate range of PHIs, e.g., shorter and longer intervals from planting to
maturity in the case of pre-emergence application to an annual crop. Basically in all trials both
the growth stage at application (preferably as BBCH code) and PHI should be recorded.
For all pre-harvest applications, the application rate should be expressed in terms of amount
of product and/or active ingredient per unit area, e.g., kg ai per hectare, and where
appropriate, the concentration, e.g., kg ai/100 litres, at which it is applied.
Row crops (potatoes, wheat, soya beans, etc.) are typically treated with broadcast sprays for
which plot area (length width) is a key consideration. In contrast, for some crops such as
tree nuts, tree fruits, trellised vegetables and vines, the crop height, crown height or tree
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
height, i.e., treated foliage height, should be recorded in order to allow crop row volume or
tree row volume estimations or rate per unit area calculation as needed. Special consideration
may be needed for foliar applications to tall crops, e.g., orchard and vine crops, hops,
greenhouse tomatoes, where flat boom spraying is not common practice and (air assisted) mist
blowing equipment is often used. It is important to consider and report both the spray
concentration, e.g., kg ai/100 litres, and spray volumes, e.g., litres spray mixture/ha, at the
various crop growth stages when planning and conducting crop field trials in these crops.
Application rates for seed treatments are normally expressed as amount of active ingredient
per unit of seed weight, e.g., g ai/1000 kg seed, and seeding rate, e.g., kg seed/hectare.
In case of post-harvest dip or drench treatment of fruit, concentration of the active ingredient
in spray liquid should be recorded, e.g., kg ai/100 litres or hL, as well as the amount of fruit
treated per volume and contact time in seconds. Where dips are replenished to maintain the
active ingredient concentration during treatment, i.e., where residue stripping occurs, the
additional top-up treatments should also be recorded. For powdering, fogging or spraying of
stored goods, e.g., potatoes or grains, the application rate should be recorded, e.g., kg ai/ton or
1000 kg. The application rate for gases and aerosols used in fumigation should be expressed
as amount per unit volume of treated bulk good, e.g., g ai/m
The design of residue decline studies should include 3 to 5 sampling intervals in addition to
the target PHI (if practical, include 0 day sampling). These sampling intervals should be
spaced somewhat equally and, where possible, sampling should occur at shorter and longer
time points relative to the target PHI, when such is permitted by the window of commercial
maturity. When multiple applications are involved, a sampling point immediately prior to the
final application is desirable to determine the contribution of earlier applications and the effect
on residual half-life.
Another acceptable residue decline study design option, referred to as reverse decline,
involves applications being made to separate plots at different time intervals from the targeted
commercial harvest date. All plots are then harvested on the same day, the commercial harvest
date, resulting in different intervals from last application to harvest. Such a design may be
appropriate for situations where the commodity is likely to be harvested within a narrow time
window. For example, such a study could examine the use of a pre-harvest desiccant close to
maturity where harvest must occur within a short time frame after application.
When residue decline studies are conducted, sampling of more than one commodity or matrix
per crop may be needed. This will be the case whenever different commodities are used as
food or feed at different growth stages of the crop, e.g., cereal forage, cereal fodder, cereal
grain and straw. This will result in two or more sets of sampling dates within one residue
decline trial.
The formulation tested in crop field trials should be as close as possible to the commercially
available end-use product for the crop or commodity.
Adjuvants such as wetting agents, spreader-stickers, non-ionic surfactants, and crop oil
concentrates may result in better deposition, penetration, or persistence of pesticide residues
in or on the plant. Therefore, for a test substance which has a label allowance for the use of an
unspecified adjuvant, crop field trials must include an adjuvant (any locally-available
adjuvant), applied according to the label recommendation of the adjuvant. For a test substance
which has a label recommendation for the use of a specific adjuvant, crop field trials must
include the adjuvant, or another adjuvant with similar properties, applied according to the
label recommendation of the adjuvant.
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
Additional plant protection measures, which are not the subject of crop field trials, are often
required for crop management during the course of a study to control weeds, disease or other
pests (could also include fertilizers, plant tonics or plant growth regulators). These crop and
plot maintenance products should be chosen from among those products which do not affect,
i.e., interfere with, residue analyses for the components of the relevant residue definition.
Additionally, these maintenance products should be applied to both the control and treated
plots in the same manner, i.e., rate and timing.
In many cases, active ingredients may be applied in combination, i.e., tank mix, pre-mix or
sequential, in crop field trials to a single treated plot as long as there is clear analytical
separation, i.e., no analytical interference, of active ingredients and any relevant metabolites.
A single sample may then be collected from the treated plot and prepared for residue analysis
for two or more active ingredients. The exception to the combination of active ingredients in
this manner would be those that are known to be synergistic, but will not be formulated
together in registered products. Number of trials
Currently there is no international agreement on the minimum number of trials to be provided
for the estimation of STMR, HR and MRL. Different countries have determined the minimum
number of crop field trials required for registration of a use on a crop and establishment of a
suitable MRL. Geographic distribution of field trials within a country or region serves to
ensure that data will be available for trials in key crop production areas, and a sufficient
variety of horticultural practices may be represented in a crop field trial data set.
The JMPR has not specified the minimum number of trials required for estimation of
maximum residue levels, high (HR) and supervised trial median residues (STMR). The
evaluation of the experience gained with the application of statistical methods for supporting
the estimation of maximum residue levels (see section 6.10) indicated, however, that a
minimum of 15 valid residue data would be required to obtain a realistic estimate for
maximum residue level using the statistical method.
The OECD Working Group on Pesticides elaborated guidance on the minimum number of
which should be generated for registration of a pesticide in all OECD countries where
the target GAP is uniform, i.e., maximum 25% deviation in one of the key parameters. The
number of supervised trials required in various OECD countries and the number of trials
recommended for a comprehensive submission is described in Appendix XII. Though, the
JMPR does not require specified number of trials, adherence to the OECD guidance may be a
safe way to decide on the minimum number of outdoor field trials to be submitted for
evaluation. Consideration of various types of formulations and derivatives of active ingredient
Data needed to cover additional formulation types or classes shall be addressed on a case-by-
case basis.
Controlled release formulations, e.g., certain microencapsulated products, normally require a
complete data set tailored to that particular use. Since these formulations are designed to
control the release rate of the active ingredient, increased residues are possible compared to
other formulation types.
Draft Revised Guidance Document on Overview of Residue Chemistry Studies (Series on Testing And Assessment No.64)
18 Feb 2009
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
Granular formulations applied intact will generally require a complete data set regardless of
what data are already available for other formulation types. No residue data will be required
for dusts if data are available at the cGAP for a formulation of the active ingredient applied as
a wetting spray, e.g., emulsifiable concentrates (EC), wettable powders (WP).
The most common formulation types which are diluted in water prior to application include
EC, WP, water dispersible granules (WG), suspension concentrates (SC) (also called flowable
concentrates), and soluble concentrates (SL). Residue data may be translated among these
formulation types for applications that are made to seeds, prior to crop emergence, i.e., pre-
plant, at-planting, and pre-emergence applications, just after crop emergence or directed to the
soil, such as row middle or post-directed applications (as opposed to foliar treatments).
Some active ingredients, e.g., phenoxy herbicides, can be applied as one or more salts and/or
esters. Different salts of an active ingredient may be considered equivalent for residue
purposes in most cases regardless of the timing of the application. However, examples for
which additional data may be needed for a new salt include the presence of counter ions that
impart surfactant properties, significantly change the degree of dissociation, or chelate with
the active ingredient ion. If the PHI is less than or equal to 7 days, the different esters are
considered as new formulations of that active ingredient for the purposes of determining data
needs, and bridging studies would be required as for different formulations.
In the case of up to 25% increases or decreases of the nominal active ingredient application
rate, the number of applications, or the PHI, under otherwise identical conditions, the residue
results can be assumed to be comparable. Tolerances on the parameters should be those that
would result in 25% change in the residue concentration, not 25% changes in the
parameters themselves. It is 25% for application rate because application rate is directly
proportional to residue concentration (see also section 6.2). When combining field trials for a
complete data set for a crop use, this 25% rule may be applied to any one of the critical
GAP components; however it is not acceptable to apply the rule to more than one cGAP
component listed here at a time. The same principle may be applied for judging the
equivalency of residue data where a specific formulation type with different active ingredient
content was used in the trials, provided that the cGAP is not changed significantly as a result,
e.g., no more than 25% increase in amount of active ingredient per unit area.
Bridging studies (see also 6.2 Formulations) are an essential extrapolation tool to make the
best use of existing data to support minor changes or variations to existing uses. A bridging
study normally involves a comparison of different formulations or application methods for the
purpose of data extrapolation, but may or may not involve side-by-side comparisons. If
bridging trials are deemed necessary and a pesticide is used on a wide range of crops, data
should be generated for at least three major crop groups (one crop per crop group), e.g., a
leafy crop, a root crop, a tree fruit, a cereal grain, an oilseed with a minimum of four trials per
crop. The trials should be carried out on crops that would be expected to show high levels of
residue (often those with applications at or near harvest). If a bridging study is conducted and
residues are significantly higher with a new formulation or different application method, or
the combined residue data set obtained with different formulations would lead to a higher
MRL, generation of a complete new data set may be necessary.
3.5.2 Rotational crop studies (limited field study)
Metabolism and residue studies conducted in rotational crops (sometimes referred to as follow
up, following, succeeding crops) are typically required for uses of pesticides where it is
reasonable that a food or livestock feed crop may be planted after the harvest of a pesticide
treated crop (or in some cases replanting of crops after failure of the pesticide treated crop).
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
Residues in rotational crops are determined to verify if and at what levels residues detected in
the rotational crop metabolism study (see section may be found under field
conditions. The data generated are used to determine if MRLs in rotational crops will be
required or to establish appropriate rotational restrictions at the national level, i.e., the time
from application to a time when rotation crops can be planted where there will be no residues
of toxicological significance in rotational crops.
The residues in rotational crops are usually composed of various metabolites in low
concentrations and the compounds included in the residue definition are generally below the
LOQ and do not require any further action. Rotational crop studies are normally not required
for pesticide uses in permanent crops, e.g., various tree and vine crops, or semi-permanent
crops, such as asparagus, where rotations are not part of the normal agricultural practices.
In cases where the TRRs exceed the trigger value (0.01 mg/kg) in a RAC from crops in the
confined rotational crop metabolism studies, then the nature of the residues in those test crops
having a TRR greater than 0.01 mg/kg will normally need to be determined and submitted.
If the relative toxicity of the components found in the rotational crop metabolism study is
considered to be less than that for the primary crops residue definition, then rotational crop
studies may not be needed, even if residues above 0.01 mg/kg could be expected. In such
cases, a reasoned argument should be provided to support the decision.
If there are particular toxicological concerns, it may be necessary to require residues in
rotational crops (limited field) study in circumstances where residues could be expected below
0.01 mg/kg.
Field rotational crop studies are conducted with a non-radiolabelled pesticide applied under
the agronomic use practices at the maximum seasonal application rates in at least two diverse
agricultural regions representative of the use. The study design should seek to address
situations where the potential uptake of pesticide soil residues in rotational crops is the
highest, either due to mode of application, soil type and soil temperatures, pesticide
persistence or other environmental or cultural practices.
Studies involving a root/tuber crop, a small grain crop, and a leafy vegetable crop are
normally sufficient to represent all possible rotational crops. If there is no uptake of
significant residues in one or two of the representative crops in the metabolism in rotational
crop study, a limited field study is still required for three different representative crops
. If
the pesticide is to be applied primarily to paddy rice, an alternative study design, such as
aging the pesticide under flood conditions prior to rotation to field crops, may be required.
3.5.3 Sampling and analytical methods
The basic requirements concerning sampling and analysis are described in section 3.3 of this
chapter. The sampling methods are given in Appendix V.
Analysis should include all residues significant for both residue definitions (MRL compliance
and dietary intake assessment). The concentration of residue components should be
determined individually as far as technically possible.
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Test No. 504: Residues in Rotational Crops (Limited Field Studies)
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
3.5.4 Reporting the results of trials
To ensure the availability of all detailed information necessary for evaluation, copies of the
complete original reports on the supervised trials have to be submitted, preferably in English
or with sufficient keys or translation to facilitate review. In addition, the results of supervised
trials should be summarised in the form given in Table XI.3 (Appendix XI). The explanations
for the entries in the table are the same as those given under section 3.4 Use pattern in this
chapter. The location of trials should be given by country and region within that country.
Names of countries should preferably be recorded in English. An acceptable, but less
preferred, alternative is to use the ISO alpha 3 code made up of 3 capital letters (ISO, 1993).
If more than one analyte is measured, the concentrations of individual residues should be
reported separately. The total residue may be calculated additionally. In the latter case the
conversion factors used for the calculation should also be reported.
The residue values should be reported taking into account the uncertainty of analytical
measurement. In view of the performance of current analytical techniques, that would
correspond to two significant figures. E.g. 0.0012; 0.012; 0.12; 1.2; 12 up to 99 mg/kg. For
convenience residues 100 may be expressed with three figures.
The recovery values obtained at different concentration levels should be reported, but the
residues measured should not be corrected for recovery. If the correction was done by the
laboratory, this fact should be specifically mentioned together with the reasons for the
correction and the method used for correction.
The analytical replicates (obtained by analysing replicate portions of the same laboratory
sample) should be distinguished from results of replicate samples. The average value of the
analytical replicates should be included in the summary table (Table XI.3, Appendix XI).
Samples taken from replicate plots (in close vicinity and treated on the same day
with the same equipment using the same formulation at the same nominal rate) and
replicate samples taken from a single plot should be clearly distinguished. For each
trial, result from each replicate plot should be listed separately.
When primary samples are analysed, the weight of the primary samples should be included in
the report.
The method of expression of residues should be clearly indicated including, for instance,
conversion factors applied, correction for blank or control samples, or recoveries. Uncorrected
(or unadjusted) residue data should always be included in the report.
The residues in animal feed should be reported on a dry weight basis (see also 6.13
Expression of Maximum Residue Limits). If it is not expressed on a dry weight basis this
should be clearly stated, together with any information on the moisture content.
Based on the experience of the FAO Panel, the presentation of the following information in
the summary of supervised trials is often insufficient or ambiguous, and needs special
attention. The supplementary information and explanation of trial conditions can be given as
remarks or footnotes.
Description of crop other names (varieties or cultivars) can be given in brackets.
Dates of application in relation to growth stage and intervals between applications
and between last application and sampling. Clear indication of the related dates of
multiple applications and sequential sampling is of special importance. Especially
important is information on the intervals of handling and storage conditions from
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
sampling to sample storage, and intervals and conditions of sample storage prior to
Method of application in relation to GAP. Application rate in metric units.
Sampling method should be described in detail, including the number of primary
samples in the composite sample and the total weight of composite sample, and the
method of preparation of subsamples from a bulk sample. In the case of new trials,
the sample sizes given in the FAO Guidelines on Producing Pesticide Residues
Data from Supervised Trials should be followed as far as possible (Appendix V).
Sample preparation should be carried out according to the Codex Guide on Portion
of Commodities to which Codex MRLs Apply (Appendix VI). The portion of the
commodity which is analysed should be unambiguously described.
When the residues in edible and inedible portions are analysed separately the mass ratios of
the two portions should be reported for each sample, for example, residue data measured in
citrus pulp alone are useful for estimating dietary intake but cannot be used for estimating a
maximum residue level.
The JMPR must be able to clearly identify the portion of commodity in which the residues
were determined.
In the case of cereal grains, some grains and seeds are still in the husks, and for rice results are
often reported on polished rice. (The residue levels are usually considerably different for those
sorts of commodities. Furthermore, the rice commodities analysed should be in the form in
which they may enter international trade.)
Stone fruit data should clearly indicate whether the residue is expressed on the whole
commodity without stem or with stone and stem removed. In the latter case the proportion of
stone in whole fruit (% w/w) should be given at each sampling interval.
In animal products, for fat-soluble pesticides, the data for meat should indicate whether it is
expressed on the whole trimmable fat basis or on extracted or rendered fat and the types of fat
The requirements described in this chapter should be applied for all trials, including those
performed by government institutions, irrespective of their sponsor
The 35
Session of the CCPR decided to elaborate MRLs based on monitoring data.
Monitoring data had previously been used by the JMPR for estimating EMRLs; however,
more detailed information is required for estimating MRLs for pesticides which may be used
according to the current agricultural practice.
Registered or permitted uses of pesticides on specific spices may not be generally available,
and farmers may use a range of available pesticides to protect their spice crops from pests and
diseases that have been found to be effective against pests and diseases on vegetables. In
addition, the spices may be indirectly exposed to pesticides applied to the primary crops
within which spice-producing plants are also grown, i.e., as an inter-crop. Therefore,
supervised residue trial data on spices may not be readily available. Residue monitoring data
can be a source of information in the estimation of MRLs for these commodities.
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
Post-harvest treatment is usually made on a spice that has been aggregated from several
different cropping areas. The original crops may have been exposed to different pesticides,
which may increase the number of pesticide residues for which analysis should be undertaken
when spice samples are investigated.
3.6.1 Submission of monitoring data
Spices are usually difficult substrates for the determination of trace organic contaminants.
Reliable identification and quantitative determination of pesticide residues in spice samples of
unknown origin can be a very laborious and complicated task, especially where access to GC-
MS and LC-MS-MS techniques is limited. More commonly multi-residue methods are used
for analysis of samples in such situations. However, MRLs may only be estimated for
pesticides for which analysis was specifically targeted and positive results were confirmed
with an appropriate method.
As the spice commodity is usually aggregated from several sources (fields) and not blended, it
cannot be considered a single lot, as with samples from supervised trials. Consequently, the
sampling procedure involved in the provision of residue data for the estimation of MRLs
should be performed with utmost care. Primary samples should be taken from as many
randomly selected positions as technically possible (preferably > 25) and the mass of
laboratory sample should be 1 kg. Where a large amount of material (> 5 tons) is involved it
is preferable that more than one independent sample be taken to obtain information on the
residue distribution.
The evaluation of monitoring data submitted to the JMPR indicated that the distributions of
residues were scattered or skewed upwards, and no distribution fitting appeared to be
appropriate. The 2004 JMPR concluded that the analyses of at least 58 samples are required
for a given pesticide commodity combination to estimate a maximum residue level based on
monitoring data alone.
The submission for supporting the estimation of a MRL in a spice commodity should contain:
a. the scientific and English name of the spice producing plant and its Codex
Classification (Para 199, ALINORM 03/24A, 2003) if available.
b. description of the agricultural practice for growing the spice producing plant
o cultivation as a main crop or as an inter-crop;
o pesticides authorised on the main crop and their likely use in relation to the
harvest of the spice-crop (if relevant);
o likely direct pesticide applications to the spice-crop and their timing in
relation to harvest;
o frequency of harvest and harvesting method;
o information on the processing of the spice-crop to obtain the spice
commodity; and
o storage conditions and need for post-harvest protection.
c. a detailed description of sampling and sample processing methods
d. a description of the analytical method, or reference to a well established procedure,
used for quantitative determination and confirmation together with its validation
data and performance characteristics [Residue components included in the reported
result (residue definition); LOQ, mean recovery and its CV at various fortification
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
levels (if reported results were adjusted for recovery, the method of adjustment)]
for individual pesticide residues recovered by the method. The actual LOQ values
should be reported which were verified during the analyses of the samples. For
further details on basic requirements for analytical methods see sections 3.3.
e. The summary table of results presented for individual spicepesticide residue
combinations as shown in section 3.13. Data requirements for EMRL estimation.
f. Any other information considered relevant for the evaluation of residue data.
3.6.2 Designing of selective field surveys and reporting data for obtaining residue data
in/on spices
Selective field surveys are an alternative approach to generate residue data to support the
elaboration of MRLs for spices, as monitoring results have limited use in estimating
maximum residue levels mainly because of the lack of information on the pesticide treatment
history of the sampled commodity. In such situations pesticide residues present in the samples
may not be detected precluding the estimation of suitable MRLs, which could lead to trade
problems. The analysts should, therefore, have as much information as possible on the actual
or possible use of pesticides on the spices to be analysed.
In a selective field survey samples are taken from fields where the crop is grown, treated
directly or indirectly with pesticides, and harvested according to the local agricultural
practice. The essential feature of the selective field survey is that all pesticide applications, the
growth stage of the crop and post-harvest treatment of spices are recorded and are attached to
the sampling report. This allows the laboratory to identify for analysis all pesticides applied,
in addition to environmental contaminants such as organochlorine pesticides, which may be
taken up from soil.
For MRL estimation the selective field survey is a better data source as the pesticides used are
known rather than pesticide monitoring data involving the testing for pesticide residues in
samples of unknown origin.
The following aspects should be considered in planning and conducting selective field
A successful survey requires the full co-operation of the growers who should
understand that it is being undertaken to help facilitate their production and that the
correct information is essential for success.
Sites for surveys should be selected to represent typical growing conditions of the
particular spice. The more information and residue data provided the more accurate
the maximum residue level that can be estimated.
The minimum number of fields surveyed and samples collected depends on the
diversity of the growing conditions. As an initial step, a minimum of 10 reliable
residue results representing the typical growing or processing conditions with
supplementary information are required for each spicepesticide combination. Field
samples are taken with 12 primary samples sufficient for preparing one laboratory
In the case of post-harvest application a minimum of 10 lots, treated independently,
should be sampled, preferably from different processing or storage facilities. The
laboratory samples should consist of a minimum of 25 primary samples.
The following details should be reported in addition to those listed in section 3. 7.1.
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
Person and organization responsible for organizing, supervising and reporting on
the selective field survey.
Typical agricultural practice (see details under section 3. 7.1)
Description of growing conditions of the plant producing the spice, e.g., main or
intermediate crop, the growth stage at harvest, date of harvest and harvested part of
the plant.
Where the plant is grown as an intercrop between rows of a major crop, the
registered or permitted uses of pesticides on the major crop.
The date and method of application, and dosage of pesticides actually applied on
the main crop and intercrop, for treatments carried out on the fields where the
samples are taken directly from the fields
Details of post-harvest application together with information on pre-harvest
treatments where available.
Description of any processing of the spice and its storage conditions.
Storage conditions of samples until analysis.
Portion of sample analysed
Residues of ai and metabolites (mg/kg) found in the samples. The results should be
tabulated as shown in Table 3.7.
Table 3.7 Summary of selective field survey results
Commodity name with Codex Number (if available)
Pesticide application Date of Analysis
kg ai/ha
kg ai/hL
Date(s) Harvest Sampling Date Residues mg/kg Method
indicate whether the application was direct or indirect.
Once the residue has been identified, information on its fate during storage and processing
should be included.
Processing studies are among the critical supporting studies required for the evaluation of a
new or periodic review compound. The effects of industrial processing and household
preparation on residues have to be studied to estimate residue levels in processed products.
Objectives of processing studies
Processing studies have the following objectives.
To obtain information about breakdown or reaction products which require a
separate risk assessment.
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
To determine the quantitative distribution of residues in the various processed
products, allowing the estimation of processing factors for products which may be
To allow more realistic estimates to be made of the chronic or acute dietary intake
of pesticide residues.
Need for processing studies
Studies are not normally required if:
the plant or plant product is normally only eaten raw, e.g., head lettuce
only simple physical operations such as washing and cleaning are involved
no residues above the limit of quantification occur.
Studies are necessary if significant residues occur in plants or plant products which are
processed. Significant residues normally means residues above 0.1 mg/kg in RAC. If the
pesticide concerned has a low ARfD or ADI consideration has to be given to conducting
processing studies with analyses for residues below 0.1 mg/kg. In the case of hops this level
should be 5 mg/kg (residues in beer are then < 0.01 mg/kg because of the dilution factor). For
residues of a fat-soluble pesticide in oilseeds, the possibility of concentration in the oil has to
be taken into account.
Determinations of the nature of pesticide residues in processed products are basic to
processing studies. They make it possible to confirm the definition of the residue for
processed products or to define extra breakdown products to be determined in further studies.
3.7.1 Guidelines for the conduct of processing studies on the nature of the residues
The objective of studies of the nature of residues is to establish whether or not breakdown or
reaction products of residues in the raw commodities are formed during processing which
may require a separate risk assessment.
On examining the effects of processing on pesticide residues one will find that the main
procedures, e.g., preparation of fruit juices, preserves, wine, will be mainly hydrolytic,
because processes involving heating would generally inactivate enzymes present in the
commodity. Studies of hydrolysis are therefore chosen as the model for degradation in
processing. Since the substrate itself is not likely to have a major effect, the presence of the
commodity during such studies is not required. Studies of hydrolysis are not required if the
water solubility of the substance is 0.01 mg/L.
Hydrolysis data (required as part of the physical-chemical properties of an active ingredient)
are normally generated at temperatures between 0 C and 40 C for a time chosen to allow
observance of degradation up to at least 70% at pH 4, 7 and 9. The objective of these studies
is primarily related to environmental conditions. Therefore, they are not interchangeable with
the required data needed to assess residue behaviour during processing, where higher
temperatures but normally much shorter periods and, in some cases, at more extreme pH
values are typically involved. Reactions are therefore faster and may lead to the formation of
different degradation products.
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
Table 3.8 summarises typical conditions (temperature, time and pH) which prevail for each of
the processing operations
Table 3.8 Typical parameters during processing operations
Type of process Critical operation Temperature (C) Time (min) pH
Cooking vegetables, cereals Boiling 100
Fruit preserves Pasteurisation 9095
Vegetable preserves Sterilisation 118125
Fruit Juice Pasteurisation 8290
Oil Raffination 190270
Beer Brewing 100 60120 4.14.7
Red wine
Heating of grape mash 60 2
Bread Baking 100120
Instant noodle Steam and dehydration (by frying
or hot air)
140150 (frying)
80 (air)
Temperature of the vegetables during cooking
Time the vegetables or cereals are kept at 100 C
Temperature within the fruit preserves during pasteurisation
Time the fruit preserves are kept at 9095 C
Temperature within the vegetable preserves during sterilisation
Time the preserves are kept at 118125 C
Temperature of the fruit juice during pasteurisation
Time the fruit juice is kept at 8290 C
Temperature of the deodorization during raffination
Time of the deodorization
White wine is not heated
Subsequently either chilled quickly or allowed to cool slowly (overnight)
Temperature within the loaf and on the surface during 2040 minutes
Time the loaf and the surface is kept at 100120 C
Wheat flour is kneaded with 0.10.6% Kansui (alkaline water containing 20% K2CO3 and 3.3% Na2CO3)
Based on the details given in Table 3.8 three representative sets of hydrolytic conditions can
be considered appropriate to investigate the effects of hydrolysis for the relevant processing
operations. These are defined in Table 3.9.
Table 3.9: The hydrolysis conditions listed below are selected to cover most processing
Temperature, C Time, min pH Processes represented
90 20 4 Pasteurisation
100 60 5 Baking, brewing, boiling
20 6 Sterilization
Closed system under pressure (e.g. Autoclave or similar)
For other processing practices involving more extreme conditions (deodorization during
raffination, high pH of instant noodles (Table 3.8), the temperature and time for preparation of
meat and fish) specific studies should be considered on a case-by-case basis.
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Test No. 507: Nature of the Pesticide Residues in Processed Commodities
- High Temperature Hydrolysis
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
The effects of processes other than hydrolysis, e.g., oxidation, reduction, enzymic or thermal
degradation, may also have to be investigated if the properties of the pesticide or its
metabolites indicate that such processes may produce toxicologically significant degradation
Depending upon the potential range of pesticide uses, one or more of the representative
hydrolysis situations should be investigated. The studies are normally conducted with a
radiolabelled form of the active substance or the residue in question. The desired goal of such
a study is the identification and characterization of at least 90% of the remaining TRR. The
principles for selecting position for labelling, identification and or characterization of residue
components and basic requirements for performing and reporting the studies are the same as
or very similar to those described under metabolism studies (Section 3.2.3).
The JMPR will take into account the nature of the major products in the hydrolysis study,
dilution or concentration factors during processing, and the initial residue levels in the raw
agricultural commodity when evaluating the results of the studies.
3.7.2 Guidelines for the conduct of processing studies on effects on residue levels
Processed products can be classified according to certain types of process. The studies have to
take into account the importance of the processed product in human or animal diets.
Degradation products of toxicological significance occurring in the hydrolysis studies have to
be taken into consideration as well as residues of concern found in plant metabolism studies.
For a core set of data on an active ingredient the processing studies should be conducted on
representative commodities such as citrus fruits, apples, grapes, tomatoes, potatoes, cereals
and oilseeds. By using core processing procedures and selected crops it should be possible to
extrapolate to other crops processed by the same procedure. Only in cases where it is not
possible to derive consistent processing factors or where a very low ADI is established would
it be necessary to conduct processing studies on every crop
In some cases further trials may be necessary to cover particular circumstances. Examples are
the determination of residues in oil produced from oilseeds with no significant residues where
the active substance has a log P
above 4, and extended studies on active substances with a
very low ADI. Test conditions for processing procedures
The procedures to be used in processing studies should always correspond as closely as
possible to those that normally occur in practice. Thus products of household preparation, e.g.,
cooked vegetables, should be produced using the equipment and preparation techniques
normally used in households, whereas industrial items such as cereal products, preserves, fruit
juices or sugar should be produced by procedures representative of commercial food
In some cases more than one commercial process may be routinely used, e.g., the different
UK and US commercial practices in the production of potato chips; see the 1998 JMPR
evaluation of maleic hydrazide. Reasons should be provided for the chosen process.
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Test No. 508: Magnitude of the Pesticide Residues in Processed
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
Importance should be attached to carrying out processing studies for commodities included in
GEMS/Food diets and for animal feedstuffs derived from crops, e.g., products of cereals,
oilseeds, apples, citrus and tomatoes. Nature of the processing studies
The studies should be designed so that processing factors can be derived and MRLs
recommended for processed foods and feed important in international trade. For consistent
processing factors the results of more than one study are necessary.
Processing studies should simulate commercial or household practices as closely as possible.
The RAC used in the studies should be a field-treated commodity containing quantifiable
residues, so that processing factors for the processed products can be determined. This may
require field treatment at an exaggerated application rate to obtain sufficiently high residue
levels. Processing studies with spiked samples are not acceptable unless it can be
demonstrated that the residue in the RAC is entirely on the surface.
When residue data are submitted to the JMPR from treatment of stored products such as
grains and seeds, the treatments are often carried out in a number of stores with variable
conditions with regard to temperature, humidity, aeration, etc. Information should be available
on the use practice and all the conditions under which the products are kept.
Treatments of grain and other products in store give rise to particular difficulties. Pesticides
used for storage vary considerably in stability. The rate of disappearance can be influenced by
variations in ambient temperatures, e.g., tropical compared to temperate, moisture content and
aeration. Application of pesticides can vary from commodities stacked in sacks to automated
systems in large-scale silos. In addition, the variability of residues within a store, i.e., intra-
store variability, can be particularly high, for instance in situations such as fogged potatoes in
box stores. For this reason sampling procedures must be designed to obtain a sample,
representative of the lot.
The results of livestock feeding studies are used for estimating MRLs in food of animal origin
and to assess the dietary exposure of pesticides due to consumption of such foods.
Feeding studies are generally required where significant residues occur in crops or
commodities fed to animals and metabolism studies indicate that significant residues
(> 0.01 mg/kg) may occur in edible tissues or that the potential for bioaccumulation exists.
Residues in livestock studies are typically conducted in ruminants (dairy cattle) and poultry
(laying hen). In general, the results of cattle feeding studies may be extrapolated to other
domestic animals (ruminants, horses, pigs, rabbits and others) and laying hen feeding studies
to other types of poultry (turkey, goose, duck and others).
Except in special cases, it is not necessary to carry out metabolism studies with pigs since
information on metabolism in a monogastric animal is available from studies with rats. If
metabolism in the rat is different from that in the cow, goat and chicken, pig metabolism
studies may be necessary. In such circumstances, if the metabolic pathways in the pig study
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
are different from those in the ruminant study, a pig feeding study should be conducted unless
the expected intake by pigs is not significant
Farm animal feeding studies are not necessary when residues levels are below the limit of
quantification in feed items from crop field trials that reflect the proposed critical GAP of the
pesticide, i.e., maximum rate, maximum number of applications, minimum pre-harvest
interval), unless the livestock metabolism study shows a potential for significant
bioaccumulation of the pesticide in animal commodities. However, when quantifiable residues
are present in the feed items, it will be necessary to consider the anticipated dietary burden
and the results of the livestock metabolism study.
In cases where a metabolism study with dosing at the equivalent of 10, where 1 is the
anticipated dietary burden, results in levels of the residues of concern below the limit of
quantification (LOQ) (typically 0.01 mg/kg) in all edible commodities, then no quantifiable
residues would be anticipated in livestock commodities as a result of the proposed use. In
such situations, the metabolism study can also serve as a feeding study.
3.9.1 Animal feeding study
Farm animal feeding studies use unlabelled compounds to establish the relationship between
levels in feed and likely residues in tissues, milk and eggs.
Animal feeding studies should be designed to provide clear information on the fat solubility of
the residues. Therefore, the likely fat solubility of residues with log P
> 3 should be taken
into account in preparing the study plan including sampling.
The test substance used in the study should be representative of the residue in the crop or feed.
Livestock are dosed with the representative component(s) of the residue as defined in the feed,
which is derived from crop metabolism, confined rotational crop and processing studies. The
residue definition of a pesticide might consist of parent compound plus one or more
metabolites, or a single or several metabolites or degradation products. If the parent
compound is the major residue in feeds/plants, and when it is metabolised by livestock
similarly as in plants, it is appropriate to dose the animals with the parent compound only. If a
unique plant metabolite is the predominant residue in the feeds and plants, then it may be
appropriate to dose with the metabolite only. Generally the feeding of mixtures is not
recommended and needs a specific rationale. In some cases the use of field aged residues is
The test substance(s) should be applied in a suitable form, preferably by capsule to simulate
the residue concentrations in feed and to ensure consistent exposure over the duration of the
study. If the substance is applied to the feed, it must be thoroughly mixed with the feed and
regular analytical checks must be made to ensure the consistency and stability of the chemical
in the feed over the study duration.
Once acclimatized, which is indicated, for example, by normal feed consumption, body
weight stability, or the production of average quantities of milk or eggs, the animals should be
dosed daily for a minimum of 28 days or until residues plateau in milk or eggs, if they have
not done so in 28 days.
It is important that the study period is long enough to reach plateau levels for residues in
meat, milk and eggs and to observe the rates of decline of the residue levels when the intake
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Test No. 505: Residues in Livestock
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
of feed with pesticides has ceased and quantifiable residues are present in milk, meat, fat or
eggs after the terminal dose at the nominal 1 dose level. A depuration phase conducted with
the highest dose group is sufficient to cover all feeding levels associated with GAP, as the
objective of the depuration phase is to provide information on the decline rate. At least three
time points following cessation of dosing at the highest dose level should be included, i.e.,
practical zero withdrawal and three other time points, with at least one ruminant and three
hens to be slaughtered per time point. An adequate number of time points should be chosen to
be able to estimate a half-life of depuration in meat/fat, milk or eggs. In some circumstances,
such as the cases of compounds that preferentially accumulate in fat as opposed to milk,
registrants may consider conducting a separate depuration study using beef rather than
lactating cattle, as the rates of depuration may be different where milk becomes an additional
route of elimination for the chemical. Typically, three animals should be included at each
depuration time point. Livestock are typically fed at 1, 3 (or 5), and 10, where 1 is a
level based on the lowest expected regional dietary burden, as estimated from the highest
residue levels in individual feedstuffs (median residues in processed feedstuffs) and the
percentage of each feedstuff in the regional livestock diets. Additional dose levels may be
added as necessary, for example, to refine dietary risk assessments. As the basic assumption is
that all feedstuff that make up the total livestock diet will be pesticide treated, the dietary
burden reflects the reasonable worst case that may occur in practice.
The 10X dose will allow an estimate of what will happen if the normal level is exceeded, will
indicate whether residues are proportionate to the intake and will provide additional data if
new uses of the product are introduced.
For studies with ruminants and monogastrics one untreated (control) animal per study and
three (3) animals per dose groups are required. In the case of bioaccumulating substances, the
highest dose group will comprise a minimum of 3 additional animals. For studies with poultry
one untreated (control) animal per dose level (3 to 4 per study) and 910 animals per dose
group are normally used. In the case of bioaccumulating substances, the highest dose group
will comprise a minimum of nine (9) additional animals. Cows should be in mid-lactation
producing an average milk yield, and chickens should be in full egg production before dosing
is started. The condition of the animals, both during the acclimatisation and dosing phases
should be recorded throughout the study period, together with information on the age and
individual bodyweights, daily feed consumption (individual or mean group basis), milk
production or egg production. The physical condition of the animals can provide important
information on rates of absorption and depuration of the administered chemical. Any health
problems, abnormal behaviour, low feed consumption or unusual treatment of the animals
should be reported and the effect of these on the study results should be discussed where
3.9.2 Direct treatment of animals or premises
For pesticides that are directly applied to livestock or are used in agricultural premises and
label restrictions cannot preclude the possibility of residues in meat, milk or eggs, residue
studies to determine residues levels in edible livestock commodities should be provided. The
studies should reflect the maximum exposure conditions and all possible residue transfer
routes such as direct absorption, direct consumption or direct contamination, e.g.,
contamination of milk from milking equipment.
Separate studies are required for each application type, e.g., ruminants (cattle), non-ruminants
(swine) and poultry (chicken). Extrapolation based on direct animal treatment is generally not
justified. Dermal treatments on cattle cannot be extrapolated to dermal treatment of sheep.
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
MRLs are set only for sheep if application is on sheep. For direct treatments, the formulation
might also be important and therefore separate studies might be required for different
formulation types.
Each study should include a treatment at the highest exposure (treatment) rate, and at 1.5 to 2
times that rate, using the proposed methods as indicated on the label in two separate premises,
or in two isolated areas of the same premises. In a third separate area animals should be kept
as control animals. The animals in all three areas should be of the same breed and sex and of
the same general age, weight and body condition. In the study, adequate details of the nature
of the housing and application of the treatment should be reported. Where multiple treatments
are proposed, the trials should be carried out accordingly and the animals slaughtered or
eggs/milk collected after all treatments are completed.
There may be specific situations where data are needed to simulate exposure from direct
application of a product to livestock in addition to exposure through feeding of treated crops.
In such cases, the residue study should reflect the level of residues to be expected from the
combined exposure scenarios. If separate feeding and direct treatment studies have been
conducted, it is normally acceptable to add the residues from these studies to determine the
appropriate maximum residue levels. However, this may result in higher than necessary
MRLs for animal commodities.
3.9.3 Documentation of animal feeding studies
Information should be provided on:
number of animals per feeding group
weight of each animal
nature of the residue or compound being dosed (pure compound, aged residue,
mixture of parent and metabolite)
dose rates per day (mg compound/kg bw/day or mg compound/animal/day)
equivalent feeding levels (ppm in feed on a dry weight basis)
feed intake (dry weight basis)
description of the feed
milk or egg production
duration of dosing and withdrawal, times for milk or egg collection and animal
residue levels in tissues and milk (and milk fat for fat soluble pesticides) or eggs.
Tissues to be analysed should include, as a minimum, skeletal muscle, perirenal fat,
subcutaneous fat or backfat, liver and kidney. Special care should be taken to ensure that
residues on the skin or wool do not contaminate the tissue samples during sample collection.
Individual animal residue data should be reported. In the case of fat-soluble chemicals fat
depots should not be pooled, but analysed separately. However, if there is insufficient backfat
for analysis, the backfat should be supplemented with other subcutaneous fats, preferably
brisket fat, and its source reported in the study. Nature of fat samples in studies on fat-soluble compounds
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
The information obtained from feeding and direct treatment studies must allow an MRL to be
recommended to cover residues in the various types of fat which may be subsequently
sampled by regulatory authorities. It is sometimes assumed that the levels of residues are
approximately the same in the different fat depots within an animal (except at the site of a
direct treatment), but this is not necessarily the case.
Farm animal feeding and external animal treatment studies for fat-soluble compounds should
provide information on the highest residue levels likely to occur in any fat depot when
directions for registered uses of the pesticide are followed. The highest levels would be the
basis for an MRL recommendation. In such studies fat samples from the various fat depots
need to be analysed separately.
The description of fat in some studies has not always been totally clear. It could be taken to
mean trimmable fat containing moisture and possibly some other tissue or it could mean the
lipid portion. Residue levels of fat-soluble pesticides should be expressed on the lipid portion.
For fat-soluble pesticides in both feeding and direct animal treatment trials, the fat samples
analysed should be fully described because residue levels may vary in fat from several fat
depots within the body of the same animal. The fat description should include:
the nature of the fat, e.g., peri-renal, mesenterial, subcutaneous,
location in the animal body (if more than one possibility)
lipid content (rendered or extracted fat may be assumed as 100% lipid).
In external animal treatment studies a sample of the fat at the treatment site, e.g., the site of a
pour-on treatment, should also be taken for analysis.
Residue levels of fat-soluble pesticides may depend on the condition of the animal, which
should also be recorded.
3.9.4 Information on direct treatment of animals and animal housing
When a compound is used both as a pesticide on crops and for direct animal or animal
housing treatments full information on approved uses for both purposes and data from residue
trials according to the approved uses, together with metabolism data in animals, should be
included in the submission to the FAO Panel.
In the case of the first evaluation of a compound or re-evaluation within the periodic review,
veterinary uses will be treated in the same way as all other uses. If information is not supplied,
the FAO Panel will not recommend MRLs covering direct animal or animal housing
treatments for new compounds and will recommend withdrawal of the old MRLs which were
based on such uses.
Monitoring data are the basis for establishing EMRLs for pesticides which have become
environmental contaminants (see Chapter 5, Estimating extraneous maximum residue levels),
and in the case of spices. The spice monitoring data shall be provided in the formats specified
in section 3.6.1).
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
Information on national residue definitions is needed for new and periodic review compounds.
This background information assists decision making on residue definitions.
In the light of new uses of a compound or additional information on its residues the compound
may have to be re-evaluated, in which case all new information, additions or corrections must
be presented.
The new information and data will mainly be related to additional GAP and new data from
supervised trials, which enable the JMPR to estimate maximum residue levels and eventually
propose MRLs for additional commodities, change of established MRLs or confirm existing
MRLs. Other types of information may also be submitted, such as reports about additional
metabolites which were unknown at the time when the pesticide was first evaluated; ratio and
magnitude of the parent compound and the metabolites in additional matrices; new reports
about animal feeding studies; improved analytical methods with lower limits of quantification
and improved ability to differentiate between parent compound and metabolites.
When transgenic crops are developed, additional information on metabolism and analytical
methods will be needed as well as the usual data requirements for new uses.
It is emphasised that recommendations of the FAO Panel can only be based on information
available to the JMPR, and requests or suggestions from the CCPR for changes of
recommendations should always be accompanied by a clear statement of the reason for the
referral, and must be supported by the data necessary for the JMPR to (re)consider the issue.
The experience of the meeting shows that often the information available to national
governments has not been provided to the JMPR. The full documentation available to
governments should be provided to resolve any questions referred to the JMPR.
It is only possible to obtain STMR and HR values when all the relevant data for a particular
compound are available. A complete dossier of information is available for new and periodic
review compounds. For other evaluations related to new uses of a compound or additional
information on its residues, estimation of a revised maximum residue level may be possible,
but calculating the revised international estimated daily intake, IEDI, value may not, as it
would require consideration of all residue data evaluated previously.
The Extraneous Maximum Residue Limit (EMRL), for JMPR purposes, refers to a pesticide
residue arising from environmental sources (including former agricultural uses) other than the
use of a pesticide directly or indirectly on the commodity (See Appendix II, Glossary of
Terms). EMRLs are estimated from residue data generated in food monitoring programmes.
In any proposal for EMRLs a clear statement that the pesticide (or any precursor) has no
permitted uses on the crop, the animal or animal feeds is required. If former uses have been
discontinued, provide the date of the withdrawal of the compound from the market.
Include the following monitoring data and supporting information for evaluation:
Year or years
Chapter 3 Data and information required for JMPR evaluations
Commodity description (Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds) and
portion analysed
Pesticide, and residue definition
Sample classification as import, export or domestic production and consumption
Statement whether the samples derive from random monitoring or are aimed at a
particular problem or situation.
Analytical method used together with its performance characteristics (see basic
requirements for reporting methods in section 3.5.4). In addition, indicate each
LOQ level reported by the laboratories, e.g., LOQ: 0.05 mg/kg, 0.02 mg/kg or
0.01 mg/kg.
The detectable residues should be reported individually in order to facilitate the
application of statistical methods for estimation of maximum residue level.
The detailed residue data should be presented in an Excel workbook in tabular form shown
Standard format for reporting pesticide residues monitoring data
Residue components measured by the method:
National MRL:
LOQ or limit of reporting (mg/kg):
LOQ or limit of reporting [mg/kg] Commodity
No of samples
0.01 GC0640 Barley grain 52 2000-2006
0.02 MM0812 Cattle meat 23 2000-2003
0.01 MM0812 Cattle meat 34 2004-2006
Describe the commodity according to Codex Commodity Classification together with the portion of commodity
List different commodities under each other
The table contains example for reporting LOQ values
Detected residues
Year Commodities
b, c
Barley grain Cattle meat
2000 0.012 0.02
0.012 0.021
0.013 0.021
Replicate samples taken from the same stored commodity should be marked
Describe the commodity according to Codex Commodity Classification together with the portion of commodity
Insert additional columns to the table as needed.
Chapter 4 Preparation of data submissions for the consideration of the FAO Panel of JMPR
Organization of the dossier
Data directory
Working paper or monograph
Before a pesticide can be considered for JMPR evaluation it must already be available for use
as a commercial product, which means that scientific studies have been prepared and then
evaluated in national registration systems. Such studies are generally adequate for JMPR
purposes and dossiers of reports prepared for modern registration systems are generally
suitable for JMPR. However, JMPR does not review some topics, e.g., efficacy, some
environmental fate aspects and ecotoxicology, and they need not be included in the dossier
submitted to JMPR. If submitted, these studies will not be referenced or summarised in the
The dossier to be submitted to the FAO Panel of JMPR should be arranged within the
following topics. It comprises the technical reports provided in support of the working paper
or submission summary (see below).
0. Data directory (see below, also Appendix VII)
1. Background information
2. Metabolism and environmental fate
3. Residue analysis
4. Use patterns
5. Residues resulting from supervised trials on crops
6. Fate of residues in storage and processing
7. Residues in animal commodities
8. Residues in food in commerce
9. National residue definitions
10. References, for all studies submitted
A table of contents should be included at the beginning of each volume. Each volume should
be clearly labelled as per the example below:
Company name
Common name of the active ingredient
Number of the volume and total number of volumes in the submission
Title of the section
Chapter 4 Preparation of data submissions for the consideration of the FAO Panel of JMPR
A list of commodities dealt with in that volume (for residue trials, farm animal
feeding, processing and storage stability) and a list of animals, crops, soil and water
(for metabolism).
Bayer AG
November 1992
Volume 15 of 18
Section 5 Residues resulting from supervised trials
Citrus fruits
lemons, oranges, tangelos
Pome fruits
apples, pears
4.1.1 Data submission
A hard copy and or electronic copy, based on the reviewers preference, of the data is to be
submitted directly to the reviewer, with an electronic copy provided to the FAO Joint
Secretary. If the original data are not available in electronic files, the reports shall first be
scanned in pdf formats.
Working papers, summaries of GAP and residue data should be provided in Word format and
diagrams of metabolism pathways prepared using a commercial chemical structure drawing
program suitable for inclusion as a graphic in the document.
See also Appendix VII, Standardized format for organizing the data directory (index) of
information to be submitted for evaluation.
Manufacturers are required to supply to the FAO Joint Secretary a detailed index or directory
of the information to be provided for the residue evaluation by 1 September of the year
preceding the scheduled review.
The directory provides an opportunity for data submitters to conduct a brief overview of the
data package and identify gaps or omit studies which are not up to current standards and it
ensures that an acceptable data package will be available for the consideration of the FAO
A review of the directory prior to submission of the actual data facilitates planning for the
JMPR and helps ensure an equitable distribution of work among the Panel members. A
comprehensive data directory simplifies the process of finding relevant sections or studies
during the evaluation, particularly in a large submission. In addition, these directories provide
a permanent record of the data submitted.
It is not possible for the FAO Joint Secretary to determine from the directory the acceptability
of residue data in relation to the use pattern, the availability of critical supporting studies or
the monograph. This initially remains the responsibility of the data submitter and ultimately
the task of the FAO Panel.
Chapter 4 Preparation of data submissions for the consideration of the FAO Panel of JMPR
The detailed reports submitted to the FAO Panel in support of the monograph must be
organised according to the standardised format of the directory (Appendix VII). Reports or
submissions developed for national regulatory authorities may still be collated according to
this format.
An electronic copy of the data directory should be supplied in Word format to allow
document searches and for incorporation of the references into the Evaluation.
The JMPR manual for FAO Panel members (Appendix X) may also be useful to those
preparing data submissions for review.
Manufacturers are required to submit a working paper or monograph in MS Word format
summarising the results of the trials and the conclusions drawn from them, together with
copies of original reports, by 30 November of the year before the scheduled review.
The working paper should, where appropriate, relate the residue data to the residue definition,
analytical methods, GAP information, dose levels in animal studies etc., and clearly
demonstrate the basis for a proposed MRL. The sub-sections describing supervised trials
should follow the sequence of the Codex Commodity Classification and conclude with an
evaluation of the information provided.
In the case of submissions provided in support of a new or revised MRL, the evaluation may
be limited to a brief discussion of the available residue data and GAP information. In the latter
case, new critical supporting studies are valuable information and should be submitted. The
re-submission of previously evaluated studies is not necessary, but the relevant studies should
be referenced.
The preparation of a draft working paper is expected to facilitate the evaluation of the data by
the reviewer and the overall operation of the Panel. It is not intended as a substitute for the
FAO Panel review of the individual study reports.
Reports (in English) prepared for submission to authorities, for example in USA and Europe,
are likely to be considered generally acceptable. Where such reports are not in the format
specified below, a directory must be provided which permits the reviewer ready access to the
individual technical reports. There may also be the need for additions to such submissions, for
commodity descriptions in Codex terms,
summaries of good agricultural practices,
summaries of residue data from supervised trials,
summary of residue definitions.
The data and information required for JMPR evaluation and the formats recommended for
preparing the summary information are described in detail in Chapter 3 Data and
information required for JMPR evaluations. The information from the individual studies
should be organised according to the suggested subheadings in the directory with an
evaluation of the available data in each subsection. Under the various subheadings, explain
any trial details relevant to the assessment of the data that might be considered to influence
the residues or the validity of the trials.
Include schematic diagrams of metabolism pathways in electronic form.
Chapter 4 Preparation of data submissions for the consideration of the FAO Panel of JMPR
Processing studies should be grouped according to the commodity or substrate of interest.
Summarise the data in tabular format. Such tables should be set out carefully so that it is
absolutely clear which sample is derived from which product in the processing phase. The
scale of the processing by the weight of commodity processed should be indicated. The
review of each study should describe the field treatments and state the application rate in the
Include flow diagrams to explain any complex commercial processes.
4.3.1 Utilisation of national evaluations
The evaluations conducted by national and regional authorities are useful to JMPR in the
preparation of compound evaluations.
With the dossier submitted to the JMPR, submitters should include copies of available
evaluations performed by regional or national authorities. This recommendation in no manner
negates the requirement for the manufacturer(s) to provide all relevant original studies, as
these will continue to be the primary source.
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
Physical and chemical properties
Metabolism and degradation of pesticides after application to animals, plants and soil
Analytical methods
Stability of pesticide residues in stored analytical samples
Information on good agricultural practices (GAP)
Results of supervised trials
Processing studies
Results of national monitoring programmes
Re-evaluation of additional information
Re-evaluation of compounds in the CCPR periodic review programme
Definition of residues
The Joint Meeting carries out a scientific evaluation and takes into account all information to
which it has access. Better evaluations result from an understanding of the processes of
residue behaviour rather than from only an empirical treatment of data. In addition, the
available information varies to a great extent. Therefore, the JMPR does not follow rigid rules
in its evaluations but considers the submitted information on a case-by-case basis. The basic
principles outlined below are followed as far as practical and possible.
As part of the evaluation process the members of the FAO Panel prepare the monographs,
including all relevant information concerning the pesticide, and the appraisal summarising the
findings, conclusions and recommendations, and giving full explanation and reasoning for
them. The monographs and appraisals are prepared in a uniform format, described in the FAO
Panel Manual attached as Appendix X, to facilitate access to the required information by the
reader. The monographs and appraisals are published by FAO in the series Pesticide Residues
in Food - Evaluations Part I. Residues. In addition, a short summary of information evaluated
and the recommendations for each compound are included in the Report of the JMPR.
The JMPR has recognized the need to explain the basis for its recommendations in full.
Information on GAP and data on supervised residue trials are summarized in detail in the
monograph and the reasoning behind the conclusions and recommendations is explained, i.e.,
data are provided in sufficient detail for the reader to understand the basis for the
recommendations. The increased volume of the monographs since the early to mid 90s is
largely due to the inclusion of more detailed explanations and reflects the increased resources
required for the work.
Data submitted on physical and chemical properties of pure active ingredient are evaluated in
order to recognize the influence of these properties on the behaviour of the pesticide during
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
and after its application on crops or animals. Data on physical and chemical properties are
also needed for an understanding of analytical methods.
The volatility of the compound and its stability in water and after radiation from ultraviolet
light may considerably affect the disappearance after application.
The solubility of the pesticide is especially of great interest, as the ability of the compound to
penetrate plant and animal tissues is dependent on its solubility in water and organic
materials, as is its behaviour during processing.
The designation of a residue as either fat-soluble or non-fat soluble is important for MRL-
setting purposes and for compliance with relevant standards. The fat-soluble status
determines the nature of a sample that should be taken for enforcement analysis.
The distribution of the residue between muscle and fat obtained from livestock metabolism
and feeding studies should be the prime indicator of fat-solubility. In some cases the
information available on distribution of the residue (parent compound and/or metabolites)
from metabolism or feeding studies does not allow an assessment of fat solubility to be made.
In the absence of other useful information, the physical property chosen by the JMPR to
provide an indication of solubility in fat is the octanol-water partition coefficient, usually
reported as log P
It should be noted that there are errors in estimates of log P
with differences of one unit for
the same compound being reported. Different approaches to the development of these data
often give different results. Interpretations must recognize these differences.
The partitioning of residues between fat and muscle as a function of P
can be predicted
The fat tissue/blood partition coefficient refers to the ratio of chemical concentration or
solubility in adipose tissue and blood. The solubility of a chemical in adipose tissue or whole
blood is equal to the sum total of its solubility in lipid and water fractions of these matrices.
The partition constant k for fat and muscle can be calculated assuming P
(octanol:water) has
the same value as P
, the partition constant for lipid and water. Further, if it is assumed that
muscle contains 5% lipid with the remainder water and that fat is 80% lipid then:
= [lipid]/[water] P
k = [partition coefficient residues in fat:blood]/[partition coefficient of residues in
muscle muscle ow
fat fat ow
ater] fraction w [ lipid] fraction [ P
ater] fraction w [ ] lipid fraction [ P
= k
9 . 0 0.1) (P
2 . 0 ) 8 . 0 (P
= k
A plot of log P
versus predicted partitioning between fat and muscle (Figure 5.1) reveals
that partitioning is essentially independent of log P
for compounds with values greater than
The 2005 JMPR decided to revise the empirical limits recommended by the 1991 JMPR when
considering log P
so that when no evidence is available to the contrary and log P
exceeds 3, the compound would be designated fat-soluble and when log P
is less than 3 it
would not
Haddad S, Poulin P, Krishnan K. 2000. Relative lipid content as the sole mechanistic determinant of the adipose
tissue:blood partition coefficients of highly lipophilic organic chemicals. Chemosphere 40:839-843.
2005 JMPR Report p. 28
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
0 2 4 6 8
log P
Figure 5.1 Plot of predicted partition of residue between meat and fat based on log P
k = concentration ratio of residues in fat/muscle
The variable composition of some residues, e.g., where the residue is defined as a mixture of
parent and metabolites, presents a problem since the fat-solubilities of the metabolites may be
different from those of the parent compound. In this case, information on the log P
of each
individual metabolite should be considered if available. The relative concentrations within the
mixture are also subject to change and, as a result, the tendency of the mixture to partition into
fat will also change. The JMPR recognized that many compounds which are neither clearly
fat-soluble nor clearly water-soluble required special consideration.
Residue concentrations for the residue definition in both muscle and fat may be determined in
the goat metabolism study, where the data allow. These values are compared to the residue
concentrations found in the muscle and fat in the corresponding cattle feeding study. Data for
milk and milk fat may also be considered as an additional factor regarding the fat solubility of
a pesticide, although in some instances the residue may be designated fat soluble in meat but
not in milk due to differences in partitioning of the individual components included in the
residue definition.
Some worked examples are provided for recently reviewed compounds with log P
> 3 to
illustrate different situations and the determinants that may be used to define a residue as
being fat-soluble or not fat-soluble for the purposes of JMPR and the estimation of maximum
residue levels for meat.
Cyprodinil has a log P
= 4, the residue is defined as parent compound. The residue in goat
fat is 75 higher than the residue in muscle in the metabolism study, indicating greater
solubility of the residue in fat versus muscle (2003 JMPR). On the basis of the data from the
metabolism study, the residue is designated as being fat-soluble.
Flutolanil has a log P
= 3.17 and the residue is defined as the sum of flutolanil and
trifluoromethyl benzoic acid for animal commodities. The cattle feeding study indicates that
the residues in muscle and fat are comparable (2002 JMPR). On the basis of the data
provided, the residue as defined for flutolanil is designated as not being fat-soluble.
Haloxyfop-R-methyl ester (active form) has log P
= 4; haloxyfop methyl (racemate) log P
= 3.52; haloxyfop acid log P
= 1.32; the residue of haloxyfop is defined as haloxyfop esters,
haloxyfop and its conjugates expressed as haloxyfop. Results from two cattle feeding studies
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
have been reported by the JMPR (1996, 2001); the first by the 1996 JMPR showed residues in
fat are higher than in muscle while the second reported by the 2001 JMPR showed residues in
fat and muscle were comparable. The results can be explained by the analytical methods
utilised in the two studies. Metabolism studies showed haloxyfop was present in fat as a non-
polar conjugate that is easily hydrolysed under alkaline conditions to yield haloxyfop; in milk
fat the conjugates were identified as conjugates of triacylglycerols. The cattle feeding study
reported in the 1996 JMPR utilised an alkaline hydrolysis step to extract residues from all
tissues while the later study utilised base extraction for muscle, kidney and liver but not fat.
An alkaline extraction is an integral part of the analytical method for both plant and animal
matrices and it is clear that the later study reported by the 2001 JMPR should be discounted.
On the basis of the cattle feeding study where both fat and muscle samples were analysed
using an appropriate residue method, the residue should be designated as fat-soluble.
Fipronil has a complex residue definition and the log P
for fipronil is 3.5 and log P
for a
primary metabolite (MB 46136) is 3.8. The residue concentrations (parent + MB 46136) are
20 to 30 higher in goat fat compared to muscle in the metabolism study (2001 JMPR). In the
cattle feeding study, residues (fipronil and MB 46136) were not detected in muscle
(< 0.01 mg/kg) following dosing at the equivalent of 0.43 ppm. The individual components of
the residue in fat were 3 to 4 higher for fipronil and were 40 to 50 higher for MB 46136
than those in muscle (< 0.01 mg/kg). Following combined dermal and oral administration to
cattle, levels of fipronil and MB 46136 were < 0.01 mg/kg in muscle, however fipronil levels
in fat were 4 to 6 higher than the muscle LOQ and levels of MB 46136 ranged from 7 to
77 higher than the muscle LOQ over three fat depots sampled. The data clearly show that the
residue as defined (fipronil and MB 46136) is fat-soluble. As is often the case, there are
significant differences in residue levels in renal fat compared to abdominal fat illustrating the
need for individual fat depots to be analysed in cattle feeding studies.
The above examples demonstrate that log P
of an individual component of a residue is an
initial indicator, however it is not the only factor used to assess fat-solubility.
In order to apply these principles consistently, all residue definitions are re-examined during
the periodic review of the compounds.
Chemical degradation and metabolism are major mechanisms of disappearance of pesticides
after application to plants, animals or soil. The rates of degradation and metabolism are
dependent on the chemistry of the compounds and factors such as temperature, humidity,
light, surface of the crops, pH of crop liquid and composition of soils. Metabolism studies
provide fundamental information on the fate of the compound. Metabolites provide a
qualitative or semi-quantitative picture of the composition of the residues, suggest probable
residue behaviour, and indicate the distribution of residues within various tissues. The site and
level of residues may also depend on whether the compound is absorbed by the leaves or roots
of crops, whether it is mobile in the plant, and its persistence and mobility in soil.
Data on metabolism are used in evaluating both the toxicological and residue profiles of
pesticides. The FAO Panel examines the metabolism in experimental animals and compares it
with both that in food-producing farm animals and in plant species on which the pesticide is
used. This is required to decide upon the relevance of the toxicological studies to humans, and
to define the residues in plants and farm animal products. The ADI and ARfD estimate, based
on toxicological studies in experimental mammalian animals, are valid for foodstuffs only if
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
the metabolite pattern is qualitatively and semi-quantitatively similar. If there are plant or
farm animal metabolites which have not been identified as mammalian metabolites in
experimental animals, these toxicological end points do not encompass those metabolites.
Separate studies dosing with these metabolites may be necessary for assessment of their
toxicological properties if significant residues occur in food items.
The information on the composition of the terminal residue is used to assess the suitability of
the residue analytical methods for the development of residue data from supervised trials and
to decide on the definition of residues.
As part of the evaluation process the JMPR regularly assesses the validity of the analytical
methods used in the supervised trials, food processing studies and farm animal feeding
Each method is examined, based on its validation data and performance characteristics, for its
overall suitability for the purpose intended, the compounds determined by the method and the
substrates that may be analysed. Particularly important are the data for analytical recoveries.
Method validation is needed on matrices representative of those in the trials and studies. The
JMPR estimates the LOQ for the method as the lowest residue concentration where reliable
recoveries (usually 70120%) were achieved. The limit of detection provides an indication of
presence of low level resides in various matrices, but as they do not provide quantitative data,
they are not taken into account in estimation of residue levels. The JMPR, however,
recognises that over time the LOQ may vary or change compared to the value estimated
during method validation.
Where data are available the efficiency of the sample extraction steps used in the analytical
methods are compared with radiolabel measurements on residue components in samples from
the metabolism studies.
Residue samples from supervised trials, food processing studies and farm animal feeding
studies are routinely stored under frozen conditions for a year or more before laboratory
analysis. In such situations freezer storage stability studies are needed to provide assurance
that the residues in the stored sample are essentially the same as in the fresh sample. If more
than 30% of the residue is lost during storage before analysis, residues from studies involving
similar storage periods may not be valid.
The results and conditions of the frozen stored sample testing should be compared with the
duration and storage conditions of the analytical samples from the trials to help deciding on
the validity of the trial residue data.
The following points are to be noted during evaluation of a freezer storage study (See also
section 3.3.4 Stability of residues during storage and sample processing):
design of the study - (intended sampling intervals, replication, number of
procedural recovery tests)
storage vessels (size, material, sealed)
nature of the samples being tested (commodity, unchopped, chopped or
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
nature of the residue (single compound or mixed)
incurred or spiked residue (spiking levels)
procedural recoveries and variability of procedural recoveries
temperatures of storage (intended and actual record of temperature).
Procedural recoveries (samples spiked and analysed at the time a stored sample is analysed)
should be used to decide on the validity of the batch of analyses. The analytical results for the
stored sample should not be adjusted for the procedural recoveries.
In some storage stability study reports the term % recovery is used for % analytical or
procedural recovery and also for % remaining after storage. To avoid confusion, JMPR
evaluations will report the concentration remaining or % remaining after storage for the stored
samples and % procedural recovery for the analytical recovery tests.
In many cases simple inspection of the residue data can indicate whether the residues were
stable for the intervals tested. Where the result is not so clear because of data scatter or
because of marginal stability, further analysis of the data is warranted.
If a first-order decay is assumed, a plot of ln(conc) vs time will provide the disappearance
half-life. Half-life = ln(0.5) slope.
Storage time for 30% loss of residue = 0.51 half-life = approx 0.5 half-life.
The validity of residue samples stored for intervals exceeding this time should be questioned.
An essential element to enable the JMPR to estimate maximum residue levels of pesticides is
information on Good Agricultural Practices. The FAO Panel relies on current registered labels
for reliable GAP information. The FAO Panel uses the information on national GAPs to
identify the likely scenarios which may lead to the highest residues in food or feed (often
referred to as the critical GAP or maximum GAP), and relates these uses to the conditions
prevailing in the execution of supervised trials. Therefore information on national GAP from
those countries in which the supervised trials have been carried out, or from countries in close
proximity with similar climatic conditions and agricultural practice is of the utmost
With regard to the required presentation of adequate information on Good Agricultural
Practice in the use of a pesticide in a country, the FAO Panel recognized that several countries
may apply different pesticide use authorization systems. Some use a rigorous formal product-
based registration scheme, while others use less formal authorization approaches. The
authorized safe use or approved uses from the latter countries may still be included in the
GAP table provided that the country involved supplies the information on nationally approved
uses or authorized safe use. The terms approved and authorized are understood as GAP
information from countries which do not have a full registration scheme, but where there is a
form of authorization of use. This distinction recognizes the different terminologies and
approaches to GAP authorizations at the national levels and does not imply that one national
system is preferred over another.
Registered and approved use of a pesticide may vary considerably from country to country
and the use patterns are often very different, especially in regions with great differences in
climate. Growing conditions and, naturally, types of crops may also cause differences in the
use pattern. According to the definition of Good Agricultural Practice, a pesticide should be
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
applied in such a way as to leave a residue which is the smallest amount practicable. Residue
levels exceeding the smallest amount practicable, due to unnecessarily high application rates
(overdose) or unnecessarily short pre-harvest intervals (PHIs), are contrary to the concept of
Estimation of maximum residue levels is mainly based on reliable residue data from
supervised trials carried out in such a way that treatments in the trials are equivalent to the
uses which normally reflect the corresponding critical Good Agricultural Practice.
Where residues derived from the most critical GAP lead to acute intake concern, trials
reflecting a less critical alternative GAP are considered for estimation of maximum residue
The importance of reliable data has already been emphasized in the requirements for
information and data from trials described in section 3.5 Residues resulting from supervised
trials on crops.
The principles followed in evaluating supervised trial data are described in detail in the
section in Chapter, 6 JMPR Practices in estimation of maximum residue levels.
Processed food in connection with Codex MRLs for pesticides refers to products resulting
from the application of physical, chemical or biological processes to a primary food
commodity whereas primary food commodities treated with ionising radiation, washed or
submitted to similar treatments are not considered to be processed food in this context. The
term raw agricultural commodity (RAC) is the same as primary food commodity.
Originally the main interest for processed foods was on those important in international trade,
such as milled cereal grains and other grain products, oil from oilseeds, juices and dried fruit.
MRLs were established on these commodities. More recently interest has increased in
obtaining better information about the residue levels in other types of processed food, e.g.,
primary food commodities which are peeled, cooked or baked. Some of those commodities
are usually not moving in international trade, but information on the residue levels is essential
to allow more refined dietary intake estimates to be conducted. As in the case of residue
distributions between edible and non-edible parts of a food commodity, this may have the
consequence that higher MRLs are acceptable when it is demonstrated that residues found in
the whole commodity are destroyed or depleted through food processing. Experience has
shown that residue levels usually decrease during processing, such as peeling, cooking and
juicing. However, in other cases the residue level may increase during processing as in the
case of oil from oilseeds and olives. Further, in some cases the active ingredient can be
transformed during processing into metabolites that are more toxic than the parent compound.
The JMPR is aware that there is a considerable trade in manufactured foods based, for
example, on fruits, vegetables, cereals and meat. However, the variety of forms under which
the products are offered makes it impossible to recommend MRLs for all possible processed
foods. For this reason the JMPR has agreed that in the case of processed foods where residues
do not concentrate, MRLs will not be recommended, but for dietary intake purposes, residues
present in the processed food are taken into account where possible.
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
The JMPR frequently estimates maximum residue levels for important processed foods and
feeds moving in international trade when residues concentrate in these products at levels
higher than in the RAC from which they are derived, e.g., oil, bran and peel. Even when the
estimates are not recommended for use as maximum residue limits or when residues do not
concentrate in the processed product, the JMPR will continue to record in its monographs the
effect of processing on the level and fate of residues in food in order to allow better estimates
of the dietary intake of pesticides.
Processing studies are among the critical supporting studies required for the evaluation of a
new and periodic review compound. See Chapter 3 section 7, Fate of residues in storage and
processing, for the objectives and data requirements.
All the residues (parent and relevant metabolites) determined in the RAC also have to be
determined in the processed products. In addition, any degradation products found in
metabolism studies which require a separate dietary risk assessment also have to be
considered. The residue has to be calculated according to the definition relevant for
compliance with MRLs and the estimations of dietary intake.
As a result of the processing studies, it is possible to recognize residue reductions and
concentrations and to calculate processing factors for important products.
The processing factor, Pf, is defined as the ratio of the residue found in the processed
commodity to the residue in the raw commodity before processing.
Processing factors are very much affected and depend on the processing yield. The
characteristics of pesticide residues such as water or fat solubility, the distribution of the
pesticide on the commodity, e.g., surface or systemic, or its application in pre or post-harvest
treatments are also relevant. Therefore, the processing factor should be considered as a
combination of the process and the commodity.
Whenever more than two processing studies have been conducted for a particular pesticide in
the same RAC, the median Pf would generally provide the best estimate for the processing
factor, especially where studies may result in processing factors including both "less than" and
real values, or some high unexplainable processing factors.
If the processing factors from two trials are irreconcilable, e.g., 10-fold different, the mean is
inappropriate as it would represent neither process. In this case it is preferable to choose one
of the values as being representative. The highest processing factor should be chosen as the
default (conservative) value if there is no other reason to choose the alternative.
Processing factors may be determined from the RAC at various days after the last application.
In this case the results from the shortest PHI, which closely reflects the critical GAP, onward
should be taken into account. However, where the processing factors are not different all data
can be considered as shown with the example of processing of grape treated with fenhexamid:
PHI (days) 14 21 2835
Average PF 0.343 0.298 0.366
Median 0.355 0.32 0.36
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
When residues in the processed commodity are undetectable or < LOQ the calculated
processing factor (residue level in RAC LOQ) should be reported with a less than (<)
symbol. If residues in the processed commodity are undetectable or < LOQ in several
processing studies it may mean that residues in the processed commodity are very low or
essentially zero and the calculated processing factors are merely a reflection of the starting
residue levels in the RAC. In this case the best estimate of the processing factor is the lowest
less than value rather than the median of less than values.
When residues in the in the RAC are < LOQ but they are concentrated in the processed
commodity (level > LOQ), the calculated processing factor (level in processed
commodity/LOQ in RAC) should be reported with a higher than (>) symbol.
When residues in the processed commodity and in the RAC are both < LOQ (unquantifiable)
the study is of no value for deriving a processing factor.
If several studies are available and a step that is routinely used in the processing of that RAC,
e.g., cleaning or washing, is omitted in a study, it may be inappropriate to include that study in
the calculation of the average processing factor.
Data from national monitoring programmes are essential for estimation of EMRLs and
maximum residue limits for spices. See also sections 6.11.1 and 6.11.2 in Chapter 6 on
Estimation of maximum residue levels, HR and STMR values in spices and Estimation of
extraneous maximum residue levels.
Usually new information on GAP and related data from trials do not cause difficulties if the
data received are of the same type and in agreement with data from earlier evaluations.
However, information about new developments in the area of metabolism of the compound
may be more problematic. Such information may require that the original residue definition be
changed, which means that evaluation of old and new data together may be very complicated.
Other than in exceptional circumstances, the evaluation of the results of additional metabolism
studies, and of supervised trials revealing information on the proportions of the parent
compound and significant metabolites can only be carried out at the time of a periodic review
when all relevant information is available and taken into consideration in deciding on the
definition of the residue.
In a similar way, problems may arise when a residue definition originally included two
pesticides of which one of the compounds is also a metabolite of the other, and for
toxicological or other reasons the decision is taken that the pesticides must subsequently be
determined separately. In such a case old residue data are often inapplicable.
Improvements of analytical procedures may also cause difficulties. If the LOQ is lowered, the
old residue data below the original LOQ are difficult to interpret and may be inapplicable and
unavailable for later evaluations. In this context, as for new information on the metabolic
profile of the compounds, the whole set of data on the compound has to be taken into
consideration and decisions have to be taken by the JMPR on a case-by-case basis.
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
In most of such cases, however, all of the information required for the scientific re-evaluation
is not available to the JMPR. Therefore, such complex problems are best and most efficiently
handled during the periodic review of the compound for which all relevant original reports are
required to be resubmitted and can be taken into consideration.
The periodic review programme requires different actions from those for the re-evaluation of
additional information, called hereunder normal situation, and those compounds to be
evaluated within the periodic review programme must be clearly identified in advance. See
also Chapter 3 section 2 New and periodic review compounds.
As discussed in detail in Chapter 3, data submitters should supply all relevant valid
information at the time of the periodic review irrespective of whether it has been supplied
The JMPR evaluates all relevant information on periodic review compounds in terms of
identity, metabolism and environmental fate (methods of residue analysis, current use patterns
(registered and officially authorized uses), supervised residue trials, farm animal feeding
studies, and fate of residues in storage and processing, as in the case of a new compound.
However, the conclusions and recommendations are somewhat different in periodic reviews
and normal reviews.
A periodic review compound, unlike a new compound, already has existing MRL
recommendations. Existing MRL recommendations are dealt with differently in a normal
review and a periodic review.
Comparison of the data evaluation of a periodic review compound with normal re-evaluation
(re-evaluation of some particular information made available to the JMPR) clarifies the major
5.11.1 New and existing MRLs
If no MRL exists for the individual commodity or for the relevant commodity group, there is
little difference in the treatment of information supplied for a normal evaluation or for a
periodic review.
For an individual commodity subject to an evaluation, if new data are supplied where an MRL
already exists the data are evaluated and the MRL may or may not require revision.
In a periodic review, where adequate information is supplied on an individual commodity, the
MRL is either revised or confirmed to be relevant to modern GAP.
In a normal evaluation, when information on a single commodity included in a group
commodity MRL is received, evaluation would either show that the group MRL could remain
or that an individual MRL and a group (with specified exceptions) MRL could be
In a periodic review when information on only a single commodity included in a group
commodity MRL is received it may be necessary to withdraw the group MRL and estimate a
single-commodity MRL.
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
5.11.2 GAP information.
Under normal circumstances if no new GAP information is supplied the MRL would remain.
New GAP information may allow previously recorded residue data to be reinterpreted to
permit estimation of a new maximum residue level.
In the normal situation where new residue data are to be evaluated, judgement is required on a
case-by-case basis to decide whether previously recorded GAP is still valid. GAP information
recorded many years ago for some compounds may still be acceptable.
Under the periodic review programme the absence of GAP and residue information becomes
significant. For example, if no GAP information is supplied for a particular commodity the
JMPR reviewer can assume that there is no GAP for that commodity. Only GAP supplied for
the purposes of re-evaluation is considered valid. If no GAP information is supplied,
withdrawal of the MRL will be recommended. Similarly, if GAP information is available but
insufficient supporting residue data are provided, the MRL may be recommended for
5.11.3 Supporting studies.
Critical supporting studies (metabolism, farm animal feeding, processing, analytical methods
and storage stability of analytical samples) are evaluated to assist with the interpretation of
data from supervised residue trials, to revise or confirm the residue definition, to validate
residue and other trials and provide further information on residues in food as consumed. The
FAO Panel may not recommend MRLs for new or periodic review compounds in the absence
of critical supporting studies if their omission is not adequately justified.
5.12.1 General principles
Residue definitions are required to clearly establish the compound or compounds of interest
when estimating dietary intake risks associated with the presence of residues in food or feed
commodities and also to provide the basis for monitoring of MRL compliance.
A pesticide residue is the combination of the pesticide and its metabolites, degradates, and
other transformation products. Although metabolites, degradation products and impurities are
included in the definition of pesticide residues, this does not necessarily mean that metabolites
or degradation products should always be included in the residue definition for enforcement
(MRLs) purposes or for estimation of dietary intake (STMR, HR).
The WHO Panel considers and indicates in its evaluations which metabolites are of
toxicological significance and should be included in the dietary risk assessment.
FAO Panel reviewers and the respective reviewers on the Toxicological and Environmental
Groups should communicate closely prior to the JMPR meeting on questions such as which
metabolites are of toxicological significance.
In tabulating the residue trials data the FAO Panel reviewer should indicate the levels of
relevant metabolites separately from those of the parent compound, but in a way which allows
subsequent combination, in order to ensure that changes in the residue definition can be
accommodated at the Joint Meeting.
If it is recommended that the residue definition for the risk assessment be different from that
for enforcement this must be clearly stated in the appraisal.
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
These two requirements (intake risk assessment and MRL compliance) are sometimes not
compatible and residue definitions that are the result of compromise between these competing
requirements may sometimes appear arbitrary. For this reason, and because of the various
purposes for which they are used, definitions of residues established by national governments
often do not agree.
The basic requirements for the definition of residues are:
The residue definition for MRL purposes should be
o based on a single compound whenever possible
o most suitable for monitoring compliance with GAP
o the same for all commodities if possible
Common moiety residues for MRL purposes should be avoided
The residue definition for dietary intake estimations and risk assessment should
include compounds of toxicological interest.
The requirements for the two residue definitions are sometimes not compatible and, as a
compromise, various definitions of residues are possible. For some compounds it may be
necessary to establish separate residue definitions for MRL enforcement and dietary intake
estimation purposes. The residue definition for dietary intake purposes should include
metabolites and degradation products of toxicological concern irrespective of their source,
whereas the residue definition for compliance with MRLs needs to be a simple residue
definition, i.e., indicator molecule, suitable for practical routine monitoring and enforcement
of the MRL at a reasonable cost.
Although metabolites, degradation products and impurities are included in the definition of
pesticide residues, this does not necessarily mean that metabolites or degradation products
should always be included in the residue definition for enforcement (MRLs) purposes or for
estimation of dietary intake (STMR). Inclusion of transformation products (metabolites and
degradation products) in the residue definition depends on a number of factors, and the
decision on whether they should be included is very complex and decisions have to be made
on a case-by-case basis.
The metabolites and other transformation products have generally been identified and
quantified in metabolism experiments with methods based on the use of labelled compounds.
In some cases the methods used for supervised trials are complicated and or require specific
extraction and cleanup procedures, sophisticated instrumentation, and consequently do not fit
in multi-residue procedures, which increase the cost and limit their application for regulatory
analytical work.
Furthermore, residue methods for incurred conjugated metabolites cannot be validated without
labelled compound and having access to specialised laboratories, and some countries may
experience extreme difficulty obtaining even cold metabolites for use as standards in the
analytical work. Therefore, inclusion of metabolites in the residue definition, particularly
polar metabolites, is not practical for monitoring compliance with GAP. Complicated residue
definitions typically require single-residue methods, thus lead to lower number of monitoring
and/or enforcement analyses (vs. residues that can be analysed using multi-residue methods),
as clearly indicated by the results of EU or US monitoring programmes.
It should be stressed that in choosing the appropriate analytes and the analytical method for
the testing of the residue trials samples, the manufacturer or sponsor must consider the needs
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
of both risk assessment and compliance. In practice this will mean generating the data in such
a way as to give the flexibility to establish two separate residue definitions where appropriate.
In cases where it is likely that a multi-component residue definition will be required for risk
assessment purposes, the manufacturer or sponsor should, in testing field trial samples, either:
a. analyse separately for the individual components of the residue, where analytical
methods allow, rather than carrying out a total residue analysis,
b. if total residue methodology is used to produce data for risk assessment, and the
suitable indicator molecule can be analysed with a multi-residue procedure, a second
series of analyses of the field trial samples should be carried out for the indicator
molecule, e.g., parent compound.
This approach allows the risk assessment to be carried out on the toxicologically significant
residue components whilst ensuring that data are available to allow a different simple residue
definition to be established, where appropriate, for compliance with the MRLs.
In cases where the manufacturer or sponsor has submitted residue trials data in which an
analytical method for total residues has been used and it is not possible to identify a suitable
simple residue definition for practical routine monitoring and enforcement of the MRL at
reasonable cost, the FAO Panel may be unable to estimate MRLs for the compound.
The following examples further illustrate the complexity of the situation.
Several pesticides are metabolized to a compound, which itself is used as a pesticide
(example: benomyl carbendazim), and in some cases, the toxicology is substantially
different for the pesticide and the metabolite (example: dimethoate omethoate). Whenever
possible, the parent pesticide and its metabolite(s) used as pesticides should be subject to
separate MRLs. Analysing food commodities in trade for the metabolite may provide no
information on which compound was used.
Where it is not possible to set separate MRLs because the parent pesticide is degraded rapidly
or an analytical method is not available for measuring and distinguishing the parent
compounds (examples: ethylene-bis-dithiocarbamates, benomyl carbendazim, thiophanate-
methyl carbendazim), the MRLs applying to the pesticides concerned can only be
determined in terms of the metabolite(s) or conversion products.
Another problem occurs when the metabolite from a pesticide may also originate from sources
other than use of the pesticide. In this case, a residue of the metabolite present in a sample is
of no use in determining GAP compliance, and the metabolite should not be included in the
residue definition for MRL (example; cyromazine melamine, also prometryn
melamine). Common metabolites for a certain group of pesticides, e.g., triazoles, should also
be excluded from residue definitions of individual pesticides.
The JMPR considers the following factors when proposing or revising a residue definition:
The composition of the residues found in animal and plant metabolism studies.
The toxicological properties of metabolites and degradation products (for risk
The nature of the residues determined in supervised residue trials.
The fat-solubility.
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
The practicality of regulatory analytical methods.
Whether metabolites or analytes common to other pesticides are formed.
Whether a metabolite of one pesticide is registered for use as another pesticide
The definitions of residues already established by national governments and long-
established and customarily accepted definitions.
JECFA marker residue definitions already established for compounds that may
leave pesticide residues in animal commodities.
Transgenic and non-transgenic crops may metabolize the pesticide differently. The principles
for deciding residue definition do not change and depend strongly on metabolism and
analytical methods. When a commodity produced by a non-transgenic crop cannot be readily
distinguished from the transgenic crop commodity, the residue definition should be the same
for both. No single approach is applicable to all situations and a case-by-case approach is
needed at present.
Fat-solubility is a property of the residue and is primarily assessed from the partition of the
residue between muscle and fat observed in metabolism and farm animal feeding studies.
Should this information be insufficient, section 2 in this chapter, Physical and chemical
properties provides guidelines for deciding whether a pesticide is fat-soluble based on the
octanol-water partition coefficient. Sampling protocols for animal commodities depend on
whether a residue is fat-soluble or not.
The JMPR has for many years included the qualification fat-soluble in the definition of the
residues of fat-soluble pesticides, using the expression:
Definition of the residue: [pesticide] (fat-soluble)
The 1996 JMPR recommended that fat-soluble should no longer be included in the
definition of the residue because fat-soluble is a qualification of sampling instructions and is
not relevant to the dietary intake residue definition. In order to avoid confusion while
conveying the information that a residue is fat-soluble, the JMPR agreed that a separate
sentence should indicate that the residue is fat-soluble.
JMPR policies on residue definitions have evolved over recent years and, therefore, all residue
definitions are re-examined during the periodic review of the compounds.
An explanation of the residue definition for each compound is located in the monographs
under the section, Residue Analysis. The residue definition should explicitly state if it applies
to plant commodities or animal commodities or both.
5.12.2 Principles followed in defining residues for MRLs
The definition of residues for enforcement purposes should be as practical as possible and
preferably based on a single residue component as an indicator of the total significant residue
- the parent compound, a metabolite or a derivative produced in an analytical procedure. A
residue definition for prothioconazole (JMPR 2008) may serve as a good example of a
practical residue definition for MRL compliance, in which case the major metabolite, desthio-
prothioconazole, (which can be recovered with several multi-residue procedures), was
selected as a marker residue from a very complex residue composition. The selected residue
component should reflect the application condition of the pesticide (dosage rate, pre-harvest
interval) and it should be determined with a multi-residue procedure whenever possible.
Monitoring for additional residue components only adds to the cost of analyses.
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
The advantage of this approach is appreciable as overall costs can be reduced and many more
samples may be analysed by the regulatory laboratories. In addition, more laboratories can
participate in regulatory monitoring of residues, since a relatively simple and rapid analytical
procedure may not require the expensive equipment and time necessary for an extensive
determination of all components of a residue. Nevertheless, the expression of residues with a
single compound does not reduce the data requirement. Complete information on the total
residue composition and the relative ratio of residue components is needed to determine
whether a single compound can be used and is often needed for risk assessment purposes.
As far as possible the same definition of the residue should apply to all commodities, although
there are exceptions. For example, if the major residue in animal commodities is a specific
animal metabolite, a definition which includes that metabolite is needed for regulatory
monitoring. However, the animal metabolite is not required in the residue definition for crop
commodities if it is not found in the crops. Separate definitions would then be proposed for
commodities of plant and animal origin.
Example: residue definition of thiabendazole:
thiabendazole or, in the case of animal products, sum of thiabendazole and 5-
It is generally preferable to express a residue in terms of the parent compound. Even if the
residue consists mainly of a metabolite, the residue should be expressed in terms of the parent
pesticide after molecular weight adjustment. Some examples are given to illustrate the
practical application of the principle:
If the parent compound can exist as an acid or its salts, the residue is preferably expressed as
the free acid.
Example: residue definition of 2,4-D:
If metabolites are known to be present in significant amounts but the analytical method
measures the total residue as a single compound, the residue is expressed as the parent
compound. The metabolites included in the residue should be listed.
Example: residue definition of fenthion:
sum of fenthion, its oxygen analogue and their sulphoxides and sulphones, expressed
as fenthion.
Fenthion, its oxygen analogue and their sulphoxides and sulphones are all oxidised to a single
compound (fenthion oxygen analogue sulphone) for measurement, but the residue is
expressed as the parent fenthion.
There are exceptions:
Example: residue definition of amitraz:
sum of amitraz and N-(2,4-dimethylphenyl)-N'-methylformamidine calculated as N-
Ideally it should be possible to measure the residue as defined, with an LOQ adequate for
proposed MRLs, with a high degree of specificity by a multi-residue regulatory analytical
method. Although circumstances may warrant exceptions, the definition of a residue should
not normally depend on a particular method of analysis, which means that the definition
should not contain the words determined as. However, in the case of dithiocarbamates it is
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
necessary to describe the residue as .... determined and expressed as .... to produce a
practical definition for residues.
Example: residue definition of thiram for compliance with MRLs:
total dithiocarbamates, determined as CS
evolved during acid digestion and expressed
as mg CS
Where the residue is defined as the sum of the parent compound and metabolites expressed as
the parent, the concentrations of the metabolites should be adjusted according to their
molecular weight before being added to produce the total residue. The words expressed as
in the residue definition signify adjustment for molecular weight.
Example: residue definition of methiocarb:
sum of methiocarb, its sulphoxide and its sulphone, expressed as methiocarb.
No allowance was made for molecular weights in the definitions of residues of some older
compounds. Because such definitions are widely accepted the need for change should be
carefully considered. The best time for the reconsideration of an existing residue definition is
during a periodic review.
Examples: (no recalculation for molecular weight)
residue definition of DDT:
sum of p,p'-DDT, o,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDE and p,p' TDE (DDD).
residue definition of heptachlor:
sum of heptachlor and heptachlor epoxide
Metabolites arising from different sources should generally be excluded from definitions of
residues for enforcement purposes unless the definition is a combined one covering the
various sources. For example, p-nitrophenol arises from both parathion and parathion-methyl.
It is often a major component of aged residues but is not included in the definitions of the
Where a metabolite of one pesticide is registered for use as a second pesticide, separate MRLs
would normally be established if the analytes of the two compounds were different. Preferably
no compound, metabolite or analyte should appear in more than one residue definition.
Example: Triadimenol is a registered pesticide and a metabolite of triadimefon. The MRLs for
triadimefon are for triadimefon only. The MRLs for triadimenol are for triadimenol
only, but cover triadimenol residues arising from the use of either triadimefon or
There are cases of pesticides, however, where the chemical instability of the parent compound
or the limitations of analytical methodology do not allow the application of the above
principle. In such cases the residue definition has to be based on the stable common moiety.
Benomyl and thiophanate-methyl both degrade to carbendazim.
Examples: residue definition of benomyl,: thiophanate-methyl and carbendazim.
residue definition of benomyl:
sum of benomyl and carbendazim, expressed as carbendazim.
residue definition of carbendazim:
Chapter 5 JMPR practices in estimating maximum residue levels and proposing maximum residue limits
residue definition of thiophanate-methyl:
sum of thiophanate-methyl and carbendazim, expressed as carbendazim
Notes: Benomyl: Residues arising from the use of benomyl are covered by the MRLs for
Carbendazim: MRLs cover carbendazim residues occurring as a metabolic product of
benomyl or thiophanate-methyl, or from direct use of carbendazim.
Thiophanate-methyl: Residues arising from the use of thiophanate-methyl are covered
by the MRLs for carbendazim.
A major part of the residue of some pesticides is bound or conjugated, with the free residue
disappearing very quickly. The bound or conjugated residue is therefore a better indicator for
monitoring compliance with GAP. If the residue is defined as bound or conjugated there must
be a clear instruction for the regulatory analyst as to how to measure it. The instruction could,
for example, be to extract samples with a particular solvent under specified conditions, or
perhaps to begin with a hydrolysis step. This option should be avoided as far as possible, as
such a method cannot be validated without the use of incurred labelled residue in various
sample matrices, and neither the labelled incurred residue nor facilities for detecting
residues are available in all regulatory laboratories.
Example: residue definition of bendiocarb:
plant products: unconjugated bendiocarb;
animal products: sum of conjugated/unconjugated bendiocarb, 2,2 dimethyl-1,3-
benzodioxol-4-ol/N-hydroxymethyl-bendiocarb, expressed as bendiocarb.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
Comparability of supervised trial conditions to GAP
Definition of independent supervised residue trials
Combining of data populations
Estimation of maximum residue levels
Specific considerations in estimating maximum residue levels for individual commodities
Estimation of group maximum residue levels, STMR and HR values for plant commodities
Extrapolation of residue data to minor crops
Processed commodities
Statistical methods for estimation of MRLs for plant commodities based on supervised trial
Estimation of maximum residue levels based on monitoring data
Estimation of maximum residue levels and STMR values for commodities of animal origin
Residues arising from the consumption of feed items
Processing, cooking factors and edible portion residue data
Expression of maximum residue limits)
Expression of MRLs at or about the LOQ
Recommendations for maximum residue limits
The JMPR evaluates the possible risks to consumers from pesticide residues in foods by
assessing available residue data and then using this information to estimate the short-term and
long-term dietary intakes of residues. This chapter deals with the residue data assessment and
the following chapter will deal with estimating dietary intakes.
The following guidelines are provided for selecting data for estimation of maximum residue
levels for establishing MRLs, and supervised trials median residue (STMR) levels as well as
the highest residue in edible portion of composite sample (HR) where an acute reference dose
(ARfD) had been established by the JMPR.
Maximum residue levels are estimated for residues in or on the portion of the commodities to
which Codex MRLs apply. For dietary intake purposes the residue levels are estimated on the
edible portion of the commodity. In some cases, however, sufficient data on the edible portion
is not available. In this case, STMR and HR are also estimated on the commodities to which
Codex MRLs apply.
In addition to residues in or on the whole commodity, the JMPR is also interested in residues
in the edible part of the crop. Residues of systemic pesticides may be expected to be present in
all parts of the crop, while residues of non-systemic pesticides are not always present or may
be present in minor quantities in the edible part of a crop. For each pesticide, information on
the distribution between edible and non-edible parts should be available to the JMPR from
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
supervised trials or specific experiments. This information is also essential for deciding on the
toxicological acceptability of the dietary intake of residues on or in food commodities. For
example, MRLs are established for whole bananas including the inedible peel. Some MRLs
may appear to be unacceptably high, based on residues on the whole commodity. However,
information that residues in the edible portion are practically non-detectable often alleviates
that concern. Another example is oranges where usually most residues are found in the peel,
especially for non-systemic pesticides.
Besides primary and some processed food commodities, when the available information
permits, JMPR also recommends MRLs for animal feeds and food processing by-products,
e.g., apple pomace and grape pomace, which can be used as animal feed and are traded
internationally. With the exception of fresh forage commodities, animal feeds are
commodities of trade and therefore require Codex MRLs if pesticide use results in detectable
residues in the feed. While JMPR no longer recommends maximum residue levels for fresh
forage commodities, residues in these animal feeds are taken into account when estimating
livestock dietary burdens. Residues in feed may also lead to detectable residues in animal
tissues, milk and eggs, necessitating MRLs for those commodities. Some food commodities
themselves, e.g., cereal grains, may be used as feedstuffs for food-producing animals.
General principles
When estimating maximum residue levels, the FAO Panel examines all residue data arising
from supervised trials supporting or reflecting the reported GAPs. As a general precondition,
for reliable estimation of maximum residue levels an adequate number of independent trials
are required reflecting the highest of national maximum GAPs and conducted according to
well designed protocols that consider geographical distribution and the inclusion of a number
of different growing and management practices, and growing seasons.
Firstly, the uniformity or continuity of residue population reflecting GAPs is considered.
When there is a large gap in residue values, indicated by a high coefficient of variation of
residues in composite samples or other appropriate statistical methods, the presence of
different populations may be suspected. In such cases the residue data and trial conditions
need more stringent analysis before residue levels for MRL, STMR or HR can be estimated.
The decline rate of a pesticide may vary between different geographical locations due to such
factors as the weather, cultivation practices and soil conditions. Under practical conditions the
number of trials which can be performed for a given commodity is limited. Nevertheless, a
larger data set representing a statistically, not different residue population provides a more
accurate estimation of the selected percentile than a small data set derived from trials
representing only one critical GAP. Consequently, where only limited number of trial data is
available from a GAP, assumed to lead to the highest magnitude of residues, one approach is
to consider those GAPs which may possibly lead to a similar magnitude of residues, and this
assumption can be confirmed based on prior experience and with suitable statistical methods.
However, caution must be exercised in combining residue data populations of statistically
different magnitude, as it may lead to erroneous estimation of maximum residues, when based
on statistical methods (described in the following section), and an underestimation of the
dietary intake.
The JMPR takes into account the following general principles in selecting the residue data
population(s) for the estimation of maximum residue levels, STMR and HR values.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
Only the results of supervised trials conducted at the highest nationally recommended,
authorized or registered uses, i.e., maximum application rate, maximum number of
treatments, minimum pre-harvest interval (PHI), are considered in estimation of maximum
residue levels, i.e., maximum GAP per country.
If a sufficient number of trials are available, reflecting the maximum GAP of one country or
geographical region, the MRL estimates should be based on those residue data alone.
Where prior experience indicate that the agricultural practice and climatic conditions lead to
similar residues, the critical GAP of one country can be applied for the evaluation of
supervised trials matching this critical GAP but carried out in another country.
The Meeting does not consider it appropriate to combine residue data sets deriving from
different GAPs without sufficient justification. This method could include residue data with
different median (mean) values, which would result in lower estimated daily intake and also
lower MRLs if the latter would be calculated based on statistical methods, e.g., using the
NAFTA statistical calculator.
When considering combining different residue data, the distribution of residue data is
carefully examined and only those datasets combined which may be expected to arise from
the same parent populations, based on comparable GAP. In such cases expert judgement can
be assisted with appropriate statistical tests, e.g., Mann-Whitney U-test or Kruskal-Wallis H-
In establishing comparability of residue trials data in which more than one parameter, i.e.,
application rate, number of treatments or PHI, deviate from the maximum registered use,
consideration should be given to the combination effect on the residue value which may lead
to an underestimation or overestimation of the STMR. Generally, trials should not be used
where two critical parameters of GAP deviate. For example, a trial result should not normally
be selected for the estimation of the STMR if both the application rate is lower (perhaps
0.75 kg/ha in the trial; 1 kg ai/ha GAP) than the maximum rate registered and the PHI is
longer (perhaps 18 days in the trial, 14 days GAP) than the minimum registered PHI, as these
parameters could combine to underestimate the residue. When results are selected for the
estimation of STMRs and HR values, despite combination effects, the reasoning should be
outlined in the appraisal.
If a residue value is lower than another residue value from the same trial which is within
GAP, then the higher residue value should be selected in identifying the STMR and HR
values. For example, if the GAP specified a minimum PHI of 21 days and the residue levels in
a trial reflecting GAP were 0.7, 0.6 and 0.9 mg/kg at 21, 28 and 35 days respectively, then the
residue value of 0.9 mg/kg would be selected.
Application rate
The actual application rates in the trials should generally deviate no more than 25% of the
maximum application rate. Deviations from this should be explained in the appraisal.
Pre-harvest interval
The latitude of acceptable intervals around the PHI depends on the rate of decline of residues
of the compound under evaluation. The allowable latitude should relate to a 25% change in
residue level and may be estimated from residue decline studies. As the rate of decline is
gradually decreasing, the deviation corresponding to the +25% concentration is shorter than
that reflecting the 25% concentration. The ranges around the label PHI for accepting
supervised trials data are wider for a slowly declining residue than a rapidly declining residue.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
The situation for 1
order decline is illustrated
in Figure 6.1. Where the information
available does not enable applying this principle, the 25% permissible deviation
recommended by the OECD Guidelines may be applied, but it should be based on a case by
case assessment, as in case of -25% PHI and rapidly declining residues it may lead to
acceptance of larger residues than + 25%.
PHI = 14 days
Residue at day 14 plus 30%
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
PHI = 14 days
Residue at day 14 plus 25%
Residue at day 14 minus 25%
8 10 12 14 16 18 20
PHI = 14 days
Residue at day 14 plus 25%
Residue at day 14 minus 25%
Figure 6.1 Illustration of latitude of permissible deviation from the PHI indicated on the
For first order decay
e C C
At time t
0 1
e C C
At time t
0 2
e C C
) (
1 2 1
t t k
) ln( ) (
2 1
t t k = ........................................................................ 2
Hamilton, D., Personal communication, 2009
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
Relation between k and t
2 / 1
5 . 0
= =
2 / 1
) 5 . 0 ln(
k = ............................................................................. 3
From 2 and 3
) ln( ) (
) 5 . 0 ln(
2 1
2 / 1
t t
) 5 . 0 ln(
) ln(
2 / 1
2 1
t t = .......................................................... 4
If t
is the PHI and C
is the residue concentration at the PHI, we can calculate the time
intervals where the concentration is within a chosen percentage.
= 125% of C
1 t
= 0.32 t
= 75% of C
1 t
= 0.42 t
When the PHI is more than a few days, the estimation of half-life should exclude the data
from day 0 (day of application) because the initial decline of residues is generally much faster
than the later decline. As the 1
order decline provided the best fit for about 35% of cases
large number of trials, the calculation described with equations 14 may not always provide
reliable estimates. However, the graphical method shown in Figure 6.1 can be used for any
Number of treatments
Consideration of whether the number of applications reported in trials is comparable to the
registered maximum number will depend on the persistence of the compound and the interval
between applications. Nevertheless, when a large number of applications are made in trials
(more than 5 or 6) earlier treatments should not be considered to contribute greatly to the final
residue unless the compound is persistent or the treatments are made with unusually short
intervals. Residue data are sometimes provided from just prior to the final treatment as well as
after it, which is direct evidence of residue contributions from previous applications to the
final residue. Also, treatments from more than about 3 half-lives (obtained from residue
decline trials) prior to the final treatment should not make a significant contribution to the
final residue.
In many situations different formulations would cause no more variation than other factors,
and data derived with different formulations would be considered comparable. The most
common formulation types which are diluted in water prior to application include EC, WP,
water dispersible granules (WG), suspension concentrates (SC) (also called flowable
concentrates), and soluble concentrates (SL). Experience from trials demonstrates that these
formulations lead to similar residues. Residue data may be translated among these formulation
types for applications that are made to seeds, prior to crop emergence, i.e., pre-plant, at-plant,
and pre-emergence applications, just after crop emergence or directed to the soil, such as row
middle or post-directed applications (as opposed to foliar treatments).
Timme, G.; Frehse, H., Laska, V. Statistical interpretation and graphic representation of the degradation behaviour of
pesticide residues II. Pflanzenschutz-Nachrichten Bayer 33. 47-, Pflanzenschutz-Nachrichten Bayer, 1986, 39, 187-203.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
For late season foliar applications of formulations diluted in water, the decision on the need
for additional data depends upon two factors: (1) the presence of organic solvents or oils in
the product and (2) the pre-harvest interval. Provided the pre-harvest interval is longer than 7
days, formulations without organic solvents or oils will be considered equivalent for residue
purposes. With the exception of water dispersible granular formulations, when the PHI is less
than or equal to 7 days, bridging data will normally be needed to show residues are equivalent
from these formulations.
For mid- to late-season uses of formulations containing organic solvents or oils, e.g., EC, or
water in oil emulsions (EO), bridging studies should be provided to establish whether the
residues resulted from their application are comparable to those obtained with another
6.2.1 Interpretation tables for supervised trials data
When residue data are available from several countries the results may be tabulated to show
the comparison of trial conditions with GAP to assist with interpretation. In the example in
Table XI.1 residue data on tomatoes from six countries are compared with GAP. Note that
some countries specify application rate (kg ai/ha) while others specify spray concentration
(kg ai/hL) in their GAP. Italian trials may be evaluated against the conditions of Spanish
This concept may also be used for tabulation of trial data used for evaluations of alternative
The interpretation table provides the set of residues that match maximum GAP from the
various countries. The next step is to decide if the residues constitute a single population or
different populations.
The estimation of maximum residue level, STMR and HR values relies on the selection of
residue data from trials within GAP. One data point (residue value) is selected from each
relevant and independent trial. A sufficient number of trials are needed to represent field and
cultural practice variability.
Judgements are needed on whether trials should be considered sufficiently independent to be
treated separately.
The following trial conditions are usually recorded and are taken into consideration:
geographical location and site trials at different geographic locations are
considered independent
dates of planting (annual crops) and treatments - trials involving different planting
dates or treatment dates are considered independent
crop varieties some varieties may be sufficiently different to influence the residue
formulations comparability or independence of trials with different formulations
should to be assessed taking into account the principles described in sections 6.2
and 6.5
application rates and spray concentrations trials at significantly different
application rates and spray concentrations are counted as separate trials;
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
types of treatment, e.g., foliar, seed treatment, directed application different types
of treatment on different plots at the same site are considered as separate trials
treatment operations trials at the same site treated in the same spray operation are
not counted as separate trials
application equipment trials at the same site treated by different equipment, other
things being equal, are not counted as separate trials
addition of surfactants a trial with the addition of surfactant may constitute
sufficient difference to be treated as independent.
As weather (not climate) is usually a major factor in determining the resultant residues for
such trials, only one field trial would normally be selected per trial site if multiple plots/trials
are conducted in parallel. For trials at the same location there should be convincing evidence
that additional trials are providing further independent information on the influence of the
range of farming practices on residue levels.
Various situations may apply when several residue values are described as replicates such
as when there are:
a. replicate analysis samples from one laboratory sample (duplicate analysis)
b. replicate laboratory samples obtained with sub-division from one field sample
c. replicate field samples analysed separately (each sample is taken randomly through a
whole sprayed plot)
d. replicate plots or sub or split-plot field samples are analysed separately (the whole trial
is subject to the same spraying operation, but it is divided into 2 or more areas that are
sampled separately)
e. replicate trial samples are analysed separately (trials from the same site that are not
independent may be considered as replicate trials).
The reviewer should therefore specify the type of replicate when preparing the monograph.
The highest value of the residues from replicate field samples (c, d, e) should be taken as the
single value for the trial, while the mean value of residues obtained from replicate test
portions (a) withdrawn from one laboratory sample or from replicate laboratory samples (b)
shall be used for the purpose of identifying the STMR or HR value or estimating the
maximum residue level.
6.3.1 Treatment of apparent outliers
Residue values above the majority of the population have to be treated individually and
should only be disregarded if there is adequate information, experimental evidence to justify
their exclusion. At the time of evaluating the results, utmost care is required to decide that a
result is invalid. The exclusion of an apparent outlier must be justified by agricultural practice
or other evidence deriving from the experimental set up or analytical conditions.
6.3.2 Residues below LOQ
As a general rule, where all residue trials data are < LOQ, the STMR value would be assumed
to be at the LOQ, unless there is scientific evidence that residues are essentially zero. Such
supporting evidence would include residues from related trials at shorter PHIs, exaggerated,
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
but related application rates or a greater number of applications, expectations from
metabolism studies or data from related commodities.
Where there are two or more sets of trials with different LOQs, and no residues exceeding
LOQ have been reported in the trials, the lowest LOQ should normally be used for the
purpose of selection of the STMR value (unless the residues can be assumed to be essentially
zero as given above). The size of the trials database supporting the lowest LOQ value should
be taken into account in the decision.
The HR value should also be assigned a level of 0 when there is evidence that the residues are
essentially zero.
6.3.3 Rounding of residue values
In identifying the STMR or HR value from a residue trial, the actual residue value reported
should be used in the estimation of dietary intake without rounding up or down. This would
even be the case where the actual results were below the practical LOQ considered
appropriate for enforcement purposes. Rounding of residue values is inappropriate since the
STMR and HR value are used at an intermediate stage in the dietary intake calculation.
As a general precondition, for reliable estimation of residue levels an adequate number of
independent trials are required which reflect the national maximum GAP and conducted
according to well designed protocols that consider geographical distribution and the inclusion
of a number of different growing and management practices, and growing seasons.
Under practical conditions the number of trials which can be performed for a given
commodity is limited. On the other hand, a larger data set representing statistically not
different residue population provides more accurate estimation of the selected percentile of
residue population than a small data set derived from trials representing the critical one
In estimating an STMR, the JMPR evaluates whether data sets for a given commodity or
commodity group should be combined and whether residue data reflecting different countries
GAPs should be combined, provided that the GAP-s are similar.
The inevitable sampling variation may lead to an inaccurate estimation of the true residue
population resulted from the use of a pesticide according to maximum GAP. In deciding
whether the results of trials reflecting different countries GAPs give rise to different
populations of residues data, the size of the database reflecting the different countries GAPs
should be taken into account. Statistical tools are available that can be used to ascertain if data
sets come from populations characterized by similar median/mean and variance.
In view of the skewed distribution of residues and the difficulties of describing the residue
distribution with parametric methods, distribution free statistical methods should be applied
for testing the similarity of sample populations.
Statistical tests are useful tools in the evaluation of pesticide residue trial data. However, due
to the complexity of the task, which includes the consideration of several factors such as
metabolism and rate of disappearance, such tests are not definitive and can only support
expert judgement.
The field to field variation of residues skewed towards the high values do not follow normal
distribution, even if this might be indicated by statistical tests based on small data sets.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
Consequently, distribution free statistics should be used for comparing two or more residue
data sets.
The JMPR routinely use the Mann-Whitney U-test in comparing two data sets to assess
whether they can be combined. For cases where more than two data sets are to be compared
the U-test is not applicable, in which case the Kruskal-Wallis H-test may be used. Their
principles are explained in the next sections, and the calculation can be performed
automatically with the Excel template which can be downloaded from As usual if the calculated probability is
larger than 0.05 the null hypothesis is accepted and the data sets can be combined.
6.4.1 The Mann-Whitney U-test
Test statistics (U
and U
) are calculated using the individual results from both residue
populations and then the smaller test statistic is compared to a tabulated critical value
=5%). Where the test statistic is less than or equal to the tabulated value, the two median
values are considered to be similar.
The JMPR has agreed to combine residue populations where GAPs were similar and where
the U-test suggested their medians are similar and to use the combined population for the
estimation of maximum residue levels and STMR values. Where the populations are different,
only the population which contained the highest valid residue value for both estimates is used.
Example: tebufenozide
Residue populations of mandarin and orange flesh from Italy and Spain were compared using
the Mann-Whitney U-test to determine whether the populations were similar or different.
Residues in mandarin flesh: 0.069, 0.076, 0.082, 0.092, 0.14, 0.18 mg/kg
Residues in orange flesh: 0.021, 0.03, 0.04, 0.04, 0.05, 0.053, 0.11, 0.13, 0.13, 0.15 mg/kg
The test statistics, U
and U
values, are calculated as:
= n
+ [n
+1)]/2 - R
= n
+ [n
+1)]/2 - R
and n
are the number of data points in populations 1 and 2 respectively (n
and R
are assigned to the smaller when the sample sizes are different)
R is the sum of ranks of the corresponding values
The calculation for Mann-Whitney U-test is shown in Table 6.1
1. In a table, list all the measurements from lowest to highest. Use bold or coloured fonts to
distinguish between the two data sets.
Table 6.1 Illustration of the calculations for the U-test
Residues (mg/kg) Ranks for mandarins Ranks for oranges
0.021 1
0.03 2
0.04 3.5
0.04 3.5
0.05 5
0.053 6
0.069 7
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
Residues (mg/kg) Ranks for mandarins Ranks for oranges
0.076 8
0.082 9
0.092 10
0.11 11
0.13 12.5
0.13 12.5
0.14 14
0.15 15
0.18 16
Rank 64 72
U values U
= 17 U
= 43
Critical Value (n
= 6, n
= 10,
= 5%) 11
> 11 Populations similar
2. In a column for each population, place the corresponding ranks next to each measurement.
For ties assign the average of the ranks, e.g., for 0.04, 0.04 the ranks are 3.5 and 3.5
instead of 3 and 4.
3. Calculate the sum of the ranks for each population.
4. Calculate the U values using the above equations (U
= 17; U
= 43).
5. Check the correctness of the calculation (U
+ U
= n
6. Compare the lower U value with the tabulated critical value (Appendix XIII). The critical
value is 11 (n
= 6, n
= 10). Since U
is greater than 11, it is concluded that the samples
probably came from populations with the same median.
As the lower of U
and U
is greater than the critical value of 11 it can be concluded that the
populations have similar distributions and can be combined for the purposes of estimating an
STMR value. This conclusion has an effect on the calculation of the long-term intake of the
residues, as the median values for the individual populations were 0.087 mg/kg for mandarin
flesh and 0.0515 mg/kg for orange flesh instead of 0.079 mg/kg for the combined population.
6.4.2 Kruskal-Wallis H-test
Kruskal-Wallis H-test assumes that the samples are taken from continuous populations of
similar shape, the errors in individual residue values are independent. It is applicable for k
independent samples, provided that the data sets are not too small ( 4). For the purpose of the
test, samples are independent if the supervised trials have been carried out at different sites.
The null hypothesis, H
, is that the k independent sets of samples were taken from the same
parent population. The alternative hypothesis is that the samples come from different
populations. However, if the null hypothesis is rejected we do not know whether the median
values, the shape or the variance of the tested populations are different.
The calculation is illustrated in Table 6.2 with the example of deltamethrin residues in leafy
vegetables (2002 JMPR) and performed as follows:
The residue values belonging to the k data sets consisting of N
residue values are marked
with different colours and or letters to differentiate the data sets from each other.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
Table 6.2 Illustration of the calculations for Kruskal-Wallis test for comparison of multiple
independent samples
Independent residue data sets All
Corrected rank numbers for
sample sets
Ties T
Lettuce Spinach
Lettuce Spinach
No of
8 10 16 34 34 8 10 16
Sum of
ranks, R
595 160 215.5 219.5 17 156
3200 4644.02 3011.27
0.07 0.07 0.03 0.03 1.5 1.5 2 6
0.08 0.12 0.03 0.03 1.5 1.5
0.1 0.13 0.04 0.04 3 3
0.11 0.15 0.06 0.06 4 4
0.32 0.18 0.08 0.07 5.5 5.5 2 6
0.32 0.18 0.09 0.07 5.5 5.5
0.34 0.25 0.09 0.08 7.5 7.5 2 6
0.39 0.26 0.1 0.08 7.5 7.5
0.29 0.1 0.09 9.5 9.5 2 6
0.41 0.1 0.09 9.5 9.5
0.1 0.1 13 13 5 120
0.14 0.1 13 13
0.17 0.1 13 13
0.2 0.1 13 13
0.5 0.1 13 13
1 0.11 16 16
0.12 17 17
0.13 18 18
0.14 19 19
0.15 20 20
0.17 21 21
0.18 22.5 22.5 2 6
0.18 22.5 22.5
0.2 24 24
0.25 25 25
0.26 26 26
0.29 27 27
0.32 28.5 28.5 2 6
0.32 28.5 28.5
0.34 30 30
0.39 31 31
0.41 32 32
0.5 33 33
1.0 34 34
Combine the residues from the k data sets in one data set consisting of N=N
residue data,
and arrange the residues in ascending order.
Determine the rank number of individual residues (r
) giving the same rank for the same
residue values (ties) and calculate the sum of the ranks (R
) for each data set.
Calculate the H statistics and the correction factor (C
) for the ties.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
) 1 ( 3
) 1 (
The calculated H value is 4.465
Where T
= t
-t, and t is the number of ties. For instance the residue values of 0.03 occur
twice, so t =2 and T
= 2
- 2 = 6. The value of 0.1 occurs 5 times, so t = 5 and T
= 5
5 =
Calculate the corrected H
The calculated Cf and Hc values are 0.9960 and 4.4829, respectively
The H
value follows
(chi square) distribution with = k-1 degrees of freedom. If
the null hypothesis is retained, this indicates that the tested residue populations
are not significantly different and can be combined for the estimation of maximum residue
levels and STMR values.
The critical
values are:
2 3 4 5 6
5.9915 7.8147 9.4877 11.0705 12.5916
In our example = 31=2, the corresponding critical value is 5.99, consequently we can
conclude that the three populations tested are not significantly different from each other and
can be combined.
The performance of the Kruskal-Wallis test is facilitated by an Excel template, which
performs the calculations for 7 data sets after inserting the residues composing of the data sets
and arranging the ranks corrected for ties for each sample set.
The ranks are corrected for ties accurately if the sum of corrected ranks is equal to the total
number of samples.
The JMPR examines the possibility of estimating maximum residue levels based on the
residue values selected from submitted information and trial data, and subsequently proposes
Maximum Residue Limits in commodities for pesticides used according to Good Agricultural
In estimating maximum residue levels, the FAO Panel takes into account all relevant
information and especially the residues arising from supervised trials (see Chapter 3, Section
5 Residues resulting from supervised trials on crops) and the congruence of the trial
conditions and the established GAP. (See Chapter 3, Section 4 Use Patterns and Chapter 5,
Section 6 Information on good agriculture practice.) The procedure for estimating and
recommending Codex MRLs may be somewhat different from that applicable at national level
as Codex MRLs cover residues derived from authorized uses worldwide and therefore reflect
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
a variety of agricultural practices and environmental conditions while at the national level
MRLs are more related to the national GAP.
Although supervised residue trials are conducted according to the GAP prevailing at the time,
GAP can often be modified by changes in the rate of application, the type of formulation, the
method of application, the number of applications and PHI. Judgement is then required in
order to determine whether the trial conditions are still close enough to GAP to be relevant.
6.5.1 Information considered in estimating maximum residue levels
The nominal rate of application in a trial would normally be considered still consistent with
GAP when it is within approximately 25% of the GAP rate, which includes the probable
variation in commercial practice. When little or no residue is present, data from higher
application rates may be important.
See sections, 5.3 and 6.2
Application method and number
The method of application can be quite influential on residue levels. For example, directed
application is not comparable to cover spray, and aerial application may not be comparable to
ground application.
For a non-persistent pesticide the number of applications is unlikely to influence residue
levels. For a persistent pesticide the number of applications would be expected to influence
residue levels. The nature of the crop should also be considered. For example, summer squash
may be harvested only a few days after flowering; hence residues of a non-systemic pesticide
applied before flowering would be expected to be low and the number of applications should
have little influence on the residue level.
Pre-harvest interval
The pre-harvest interval usually, but not always, influences the level of residues found. (See
section 6.2.Comparability of supervised trial conditions to GAP).
Non-detectable residues
Some pesticide uses, such as seed treatments and pre-emergence herbicide treatments, usually
lead to non-detectable residues in the final harvested commodity; but when many results are
provided residues may be detected in occasional samples. While residues resulting from use
according to GAP are most likely to be undetectable, the occasional detectable residues
should not be ignored when a maximum residue level is estimated. Phorate on potatoes and
residues arising from the pre-planting application of glyphosate are two examples.
Greater certainty that the climatic conditions are properly reflected in the supervised trials is
afforded when the trials are carried out in a country with established GAP and reflect the
range of climatic conditions and crop management practices within that country. Trials
conducted in other countries with similar climatic conditions and crop management practices
may be acceptable on a case-by-case basis. An assessment of those conditions is difficult, and
a critical evaluation is needed as only some difference in conditions, such as temperature or
intensity of sunlight, may be of great importance for the persistence of many pesticides and
consequently for the residue level.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
Crop description
The CCPR establishes MRLs on commodities as they move in trade to enable the control of
compliance with and enforcement of GAP. Consequently, the maximum residue levels are
estimated on a whole commodity basis (see Appendix VI) as far as practical.
The trials should be carried out with the same crops as those specified in the national GAPs.
The proper description of the crops used in the supervised trials is important for deciding if
crops referred to in GAP are in accordance with those for which trials have been carried out.
Codex Classifications should be used for describing harvested commodities. A crop
description such as beans is difficult to interpret because of the wide variety of beans
grown. A more specific description is needed. Foliar application to head lettuce and leaf
lettuce may produce different residue levels, so it may not be possible to use trials for a crop
simply described as lettuce.
Crop groups such as leafy vegetables, cole crops and grain legumes on national labels may not
have the same meaning as the Codex commodity groups. It is necessary to check the crops
included in a national label crop grouping.
Variability of residues
An awareness of the expected variability of residues is necessary. If the data truly reflect the
range of conditions, application methods, seasons and cultural practices likely to be
encountered commercially, then considerable variation in the resulting residue levels is
expected. Analysis of supervised trials evaluated by the JMPR between 1997 and 2007
revealed that the coefficient of variation of residues between fields can sometimes be over
110%. Where copious data are available, consideration of the spread and variability of the
residues helps to avoid misleading interpretations of small differences in estimates of the
maximum level. Where only limited data are available, which is the case for the majority of
supervised data sets (most frequently 89)
actual variability may be underestimated and
judgement is required to arrive at an estimate that is realistic, practical and consistent. It is not
a criticism to say that the data are widely spread and variable. If results have been obtained at
a number of places over some years they are likely to be a better approximation to commercial
practice and will be widely spread. In addition to the variability of residues within a confined
area which can be considered uniform regarding climate, agricultural practices, pest situation
and use recommendations, there may be an even greater variation of residues among areas of
widely differing conditions, e.g., countries being in temperate, Mediterranean and tropical
zones. The differences in use conditions can be so large that they result in different residue
populations (see section 6.4 Combining of data populations).
Frequently the situation is complex even when much data and information is available. There
can be alternative interpretations, and judgement is required to arrive at an estimate that is
realistic, practical and consistent.
6.5.2 Principles of selection of residue data for estimation of MRLs
When estimating maximum residue levels, the FAO Panel examines all residue data arising
from supervised trials supporting or reflecting the reported GAPs.
In the case of suspected multiple residue populations, limited data indicating the high
population may not be sufficient to estimate a maximum residue level reflecting that
population (and use pattern), and the FAO Panel may estimate a maximum residue level
reflecting only those uses for which sufficient residue data are available. On the other hand, it
FAO Pesticide Residues in Food 2008- Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 193 FAO, Rome.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
is not possible to reconsider and reduce a previous estimate based on a new small trial data set
indicating lower residues, unless the GAP on which the old recommendation was based has
been changed or the original trials on which the MRL were estimated are now considered
In accordance with the Codex definitions and general practice of the JMPR, the maximum
residue levels are primarily estimated based on the GAP that leads to the highest residue
(ONE GAP, the critical or maximum GAP), i.e., the trials represent the maximum residue
anticipated when a pesticide is applied according to the one GAP (label directions, usually
maximum permitted application rate, shortest PHI). Application should be made using
equipment and spray volumes likely to give rise to the highest residues. The Codex
Alimentarius definition (JMPR practice) implies that only the results of supervised trials
conducted at the highest nationally recommended, authorized or registered use are included
in MRL estimation, i.e., one maximum GAP per country, and one of these is used to select
data for MRL estimation. To ensure the residue values selected for estimating maximum
residue levels are independent, only one field trial would normally be selected per trial site if
multiple plots/trials are conducted in parallel. See also section 6.2.
The focus on the maximum GAP allows for alternative GAP to be assessed if there is an
identified dietary intake problem. In such cases, where residue data permits, an alternative
national GAP is considered and the supporting residue data sets are used for estimation of
MRLs which do not raise acute intake concern.
Maximum residue level estimates may be based on an accepted/recognized extrapolation of
trial data to cover commodities within a group which had shown a similar residue pattern.
Principles used for the evaluation of data sets for one pesticidecommodity combination may
be applied for evaluation of residues within one commodity group, e.g., application of one
GAP principle for estimating MRL for a group based on the highest residues data set
obtained in one commodity.
There may be some situations which are not covered by the general principles outlined in this
section. Such cases require a case-by-case consideration and expert judgement based on all
available information and prior experience.
In cases, where only small number of residue data is available, MRL estimates should take
into account:
the highest values, median value and approximate 75
percentile value in the
available data set of supervised residue trials
residue levels resulting from application rates other than the label rate (for instance,
using residues below LOQ in samples derived from double rate treatments to
support no detectable residues following the application at maximum label rate,
using highest residues from samples taken at longer intervals than PHI)
experience of typical distributions of residue data from supervised trials
knowledge of residue behaviour from the metabolism studies, e.g., is it a surface
residue, does it translocate from foliage to seeds or roots
knowledge of residue trials on comparable crops.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
6.6.1 Fruits and vegetables
All the previously described general considerations apply for estimating maximum residue
levels in fruits and vegetables. Applications on fruit and vegetables may take place at any
stage of the developments of the plants and in the soil before and after sowing, and the residue
levels are highly dependent on the treatment.
The pre-harvest interval (PHI) is usually an important component of GAP that has a strong
influence on the resulting residues. It is especially important for fruit and vegetables for foliar
application close to harvest. See Chapter 6 section 2 Comparability of supervised trial
conditions to GAP for the latitude of acceptable intervals around the PHI.
The whole fruit residue level may sometimes be derived from residue data obtained separately
for peel and pulp if the weights of peel and pulp are available.
6.6.2 Grains and seeds
Maximum Residue Limits for seeds or grains apply to the whole commodity. It is important
for the JMPR to be able to distinguish between the forms in which the commodities are
present and to describe the raw and processed commodities according to the Codex
Commodity Classification, as some grains and seeds are still in the husks and others are
without husk. Sometimes residues are reported in polished rice. The residue levels are usually
considerably different for those sorts of commodities. The estimation of the maximum residue
levels should be based on residues in commodities which may move in international trade.
When grains and seeds are milled, the commodities belong to the processed commodities.
6.6.3 Forage and fodder
Pesticides are needed in the production of animal forage and fodder crops, so residues in the
resulting forage and fodder may be expected.
The succulent or high-moisture stages of the crop are known as forage and mostly are grazed
directly or are cut and fed to livestock without delay. Examples are: maize forage, alfalfa
forage and pea vines. The dry or low-moisture stages of the crop are known as hay, straw or
fodder, which may be readily stored and transported as commodities of trade.
In the past, JMPR has recommended MRLs for forage crops and has used information on their
residue status in estimating farm animal dietary burden. The 2002 JMPR decided that forage
was not an item of international trade requiring Codex MRLs and would no longer
recommend MRLs for forage commodities. Forage residue data would continue to be
evaluated and used in the estimation of farm animal dietary burden.
MRLs are recommended for fodder which is an item in international trade.
6.6.4 Animal products
When residues occur in crops and animal feeds there is the potential for residues to be
transferred to animals. The results of farm animal feeding studies and residues in animal feed
and processing by-products of food serve as a primary source of information for estimating
animal commodity maximum residue levels (See also Chapter 3 section 9 Information and
data from farm animal feeding and external animal treatment studies and Chapter 6 section
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
12 Estimation of maximum residue levels and STMR values for commodities of animal
origin). In addition, animal metabolism studies may also provide useful information.
Uptake of pesticides by animals can lead to residues in animal products following either direct
application of the pesticide to the animal or its housing, or ingestion of feed containing
pesticide residues.
Animal feeds with residues of pesticides may derive from:
crops produced mainly for animal feed, e.g., pasture, straw, forage,
crops produced mainly for human food which are fed to animals, e.g., cereal grains,
waste from crops grown primarily for human food, e.g., skins, pulp, stems, stubble
or trash,
animal feeds that have not themselves been treated, but in which environmental
contaminants occur, for example, from crops or pastures grown in DDT
contaminated soil.
When animals are fed, the potential for dilution of feed residues is considerable. Not all
producers of the primary crop are likely to have used the same pesticide simultaneously, and
the pesticides used are not always used at their highest permitted use rates or at the nearest
time to harvest. However, the animals could be exposed for extended periods to certain
commodities such as fodder, grain and feeds treated post-harvest which contain residues at the
highest level
. For example, on a farm on which 20 ha of an animal feed (forage, fodder or
grain) were grown per year with a yield of 10 t/ha on a dry weight basis, enough would be
produced to feed 333 head of cattle for 1 month. If the feed constituted less than 100% of the
diet, more head of cattle could be fed for 1 month, or the duration of feeding might be longer.
On the other hand, it is unlikely that the individual ingredients of mixed feeds produced from
commercially available ingredients would all contain residues at the theoretical maximum
level. Consequently, the highest residues in individual feed items are used for estimating the
maximum residue levels in animal commodities, and the STMR or STMR_P should be
applied to each of the components of mixed commodities.
The 2002 JMPR
recognized that the practice followed in species selection for the
recommendation of maximum residue levels for animal tissues, milk and eggs has not always
been consistent. Following an evaluation of the results of animal transfer studies and taking
into account current practices in many countries, the Meeting decided that when residues in
animal products arise from residues in feeds, in general, the results of cattle feeding studies
may be extrapolated to other domestic animals (ruminants, horses, pigs, rabbits and others)
and laying hen feeding studies to other types of poultry (turkey, goose, duck and others). The
suite of maximum residue levels recommended should be selected from: MM 0095 Meat
(from mammals other than marine mammals)
, MO 0098 Kidney of cattle, goats, pigs and
sheep, MO 0099 Liver of cattle, goats, pigs and sheep and ML 0106 Milks. Where residues in
liver and kidney are essentially the same or nil, an option is to recommend a MRL for
MO 0105 Edible offal (Mammalian). Maximum residue levels should be recommended for
FAO,Pesticide residues in food, Report 2004, FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 178 FAO, Rome p. 26
FAO, Pesticide residues in food, Report 2002, FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 172 FAO, Rome p. 22
muscular tissues with trimmable fat removed. For fat-soluble pesticides a portion of adhering fat is analysed and MRLs
apply to the fat.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
poultry and selected from: PM 0110 Poultry meat
, PO 0111 Poultry, Edible offal of
PE 0112 Eggs.
The 2002 JMPR also noted that extrapolation based on direct animal treatment is generally
not justified as there are significant species differences in residue transport through skin and
in animal behaviour, e.g., grooming in cattle but not in sheep, that have implications for
possible residues in tissues. Therefore, when residues arise from direct application to animals
the resulting MRLs should relate to the species stated on the registered label and the animal
studies provided, i.e., if the label use specifically applies to sheep MRLs should only apply to
sheep commodities (meat, offal). The JMPR agreed that extrapolation to a second species
would be considered where the uses were similar and where past experience suggests
sufficient comparability between species.
The information from the animal metabolism and feeding studies and the likely levels of
residues should support the decision to extrapolate. Extrapolation is encouraged to the group
when there is no reason to expect higher residues than in cattle.
Some compounds are very readily metabolised or are quickly broken down in the presence of
animal tissues, eggs or milk. In such cases the parent compound and sometimes their primary
metabolites are not found in animal tissues, eggs or milk following exposure of animals to
residues in their feed, irrespective of the feeding levels. Consequently, monitoring programs
are unlikely to detect residues of such compounds in animal commodities.
When suitable farm animal metabolism and feeding studies and analytical methods are
available for such compounds JMPR recommends MRLs at or about the LOQ for animal
commodities. These recommended MRLs indicate that the situation has been fully evaluated
and that, for the commodities moving in trade, residues should not occur above the stated
LOQ. In such cases, a footnote is inserted under the recommended MRLs stating that no
residues are expected from consumption of feed commodities with [xxx pesticide] residues as
evaluated by JMPR.
For pesticides which are not fat-soluble, maximum residue levels are estimated for muscle
tissue and recommended for use as MRLs for meat.
For fat-soluble pesticides, maximum residue levels are estimated based on residues in
trimmable fat expressed on the lipid content. For those commodities, e.g., rabbit meat, where
the adhering fat is insufficient to provide a suitable sample, the whole meat commodity
(without bone) is analysed and the maximum residue level is estimated on the whole
commodity basis.
Edible offal
The maximum residue levels are estimated on a whole commodity basis.
Milk and milk products
For milk it is known that the fat content varies widely among different breeds of dairy cattle.
In addition, as there are a large number of milk products, with varying fat content, it would be
impractical to propose separate MRLs for each product. It was therefore originally decided to
muscular tissues including adhering fat and skin from poultry carcasses as prepared for wholesale or retail distribution. For
fat-soluble pesticides a portion of adhering fat is analysed and MRLs apply to the poultry fat.
such edible tissues and organs, other than poultry meat and poultry fat, from slaughtered poultry as have been passed fit for
human consumption. Examples: liver, gizzard, heart, skin.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
estimate MRLs for fat-soluble compounds for milk and milk products on a fat basis, i.e., the
residue levels expressed as if wholly contained in the extracted fat.
The JMPR had followed the CCPR convention
, until 2007, of expressing the MRL for fat-
soluble compounds in milk on a calculated whole product basis, assuming all milks contained
4% fat. (The residue is calculated for the whole product based on the residue measured in the
fat.) For compounds which are not fat-soluble, the analytical portion for enforcement purposes
is whole milk and MRLs are expressed on a whole milk basis. Many pesticides, however,
have intermediate solubility in fat; even if they are regarded as fat-soluble, they can be
distributed equally between the fat and non-fat portions of milk.
The 2007 JMPR decided that, for fat-soluble pesticides, two maximum residue levels would
be estimated, if the data permitted. One MRL for whole milk and one for milk fat. For
enforcement purposes, a comparison can be made between either the residues in milk fat with
the MRL for milk (fat), or the residue in whole milk with the MRL for milk. When needed,
maximum residue levels for milk products can then be calculated from the two values, by
taking into account the fat content of the milk product and the contribution from the non-fat
fraction. The 2008 CCPR agreed
that for regulation and monitoring of residues of fat-
soluble pesticides in milk, where MRLs have been established for both whole milk and milk
fat, whole milk should be analysed and the result should be compared with the Codex MRL
for whole milk. The Committee asked the JMPR to insert a footnote to this effect for MRLs
for whole milk in all cases where the MRLs have been established for both milk fat and whole
Details of expressing residues in milk and milk products are given in this chapter in section 13
Expression of maximum residue limits.
For eggs, the maximum residue level is estimated on the whole commodity after removal of
the shell.
The establishment of commodity group MRLs as opposed to MRLs for individual
commodities has long been considered an acceptable procedure at both the national and
international levels. The use of the approach recognises that economics may not justify
residue trials on all of the individual crops in a group. It also follows logically national
registration systems where the registered use may be on a crop group, such as citrus. In
principle the approach recognizes that adequate data for the major crops of a group may be
sufficient to estimate maximum residue levels for the whole group.
Some pesticides may behave differently in different circumstances. Consequently, it is not
possible to define precisely those commodities on which trials will always provide data that
can lead to a group MRL. If the highest residue situation can be identified, however, the
relevant data can be extrapolated to other crops with confidence, although it is recognised that
this approach may result in an over-estimate of residues in some commodities. An acceptable
FAO/WHO 2000: Codex Alimentarius Volume 2B, Pesticide Residues in Food Maximum residue limits. Joint
FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, page 4. Rome, 2000.
Report of the fortieth session of the Codex committee on pesticide residues 2008, Alinorm 08/31/24, para 125 and 161,
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
example is extrapolation of residue data from gherkins to cucumber; however, the converse is
not possible due to the higher residues that can be expected in gherkins as a consequence of
the difference in surface/weight ratio.
Extrapolation requires a detailed knowledge of local agricultural practices and growth
patterns. For example, wheat is generally grown under similar practices around the world, but
grapes may be grown utilising widely varying practices. For the latter, care must be taken to
ascertain if the relevant GAPs are comparable. In view of the large differences in commodity
surface texture, shape, plant growth habits, rate of growth and seasonal cultivation and the
significant role played by the surface/weight ratio, the JMPR has emphasized that decisions to
extrapolate should be made on a case-by-case basis when adequate relevant information is
As many factors can influence a decision to propose a group MRL the JMPR approaches the
issue of setting group or individual MRLs on a case-by-case basis. The potential complexity
of the process is highlighted by the current lack of international consensus on suitable criteria.
These considerations have prevented the JMPR from developing specific guidance for group
MRL estimation that might be applied at the international level.
Although no specific guidance is available, the following general principles and observations
reflect the current views of the JMPR on estimating group MRLs.
a. The use pattern (rate, application method, timing, PHI) should be the same and
applicable for the whole crop group. Crops within a crop group should have similar
physical nature, growth pattern and production characteristics, similar cultural
practices and similar pests that require the same pesticide treatment.
b. The nature of residues: systemic or non-systemic, degradation/disappearance rate.
c. Relevant and adequate residue data should be available for at least one major
commodity of the group. (However, all relevant data for the commodities of the group
should be taken into account including Residue levels measured across several crop or
commodity types.)
d. The JMPR continues to rely on the Codex Classification of Foods and Feeds as the
primary basis for recommending MRLs for individual or grouped commodities. The
distinction between the crop group and the commodity group should be noted. The
distinction is not always clear because the same words are used to describe the crop
and the commodity, e.g., in one context, "pineapples" can mean the crop in the field
and in another context "pineapples" can mean the fruit itself. For field uses, pesticides
are applied to the crop, so it is the crop or crop group that should appear on pesticide
product labels. MRLs and residues are expressed on commodities, so commodities and
commodity groups appear in MRL tables.
e. Generally the JMPR now refrains from estimating maximum residue levels for large
Codex classes of foods or feeds such as fruits, vegetables, grasses, nuts and seeds,
herbs and spices, or mammalian products. Residue data and approved uses are usually
more likely to refer to smaller Codex groups such as pome fruits, citrus fruits, root
and tuber vegetables, pulses, cereal grains, cucurbit fruiting vegetables, milks, meat of
cattle, pigs and sheep. As well as being more likely to be supported by the available
residue data and information on GAP, this approach is considered to be more in line
with current national approaches and affords a more accurate estimation of dietary
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
f. In some cases the JMPR may, in the absence of sufficient data for one commodity, use
data from a similar crop for which GAP is similar to support estimates of maximum
residue levels, e.g., pears and apples or broccoli and cauliflower.
g. After dietary intake assessment, commodity group MRLs may be proposed on the
following minimum conditions
o The pesticide is registered or authorized for use on the crop group;
o Relevant and adequate residue data are available for at least one major
commodity of the group. (However, all relevant data for the commodities of
the group should be taken into account.) If the recommended group MRL is
subsequently found to be inadequate for some commodities and their
registered uses, there would be no impediment to submission of further data
to amend the group MRL or to propose specific commodity MRLs.
o In line with the alternative GAP proposal, if the IESTI calculations
suggested that short-term intake would exceed the ARfD of the compound
for one or more commodities in the group, the JMPR would examine and
recommend alternative proposals including alternative GAP and single
commodity MRLs.
h. If other considerations permit, data on residues in one or more of the major
commodities with the potential for high residues within a group may allow estimates
of maximum residue levels to be extrapolated to minor crops in the group. An example
of where other considerations do not permit such extrapolation is where the variability
of the residue levels is too great, despite there being data available on the major crop
within the group. In such circumstance a group limit cannot then be estimated.
i. When residue levels in a number of commodities in a group vary widely, separate
recommendations should be made for each commodity. A limit for a group except
one or more commodities which are known to deviate from the norm may be
justified, e.g., citrus fruits, except mandarins; in such cases separate MRLs should be
estimated for the exceptional commodities.
j. Residue data for a crop growing quickly in summer cannot be extrapolated to the same
or related crops growing slowly under less favourable conditions, e.g., from summer to
winter squash.
k. In establishing group MRLs, detailed knowledge of the metabolism or mechanism of
disappearance of a pesticide in one or more crops must be taken into account.
l. Group MRLs recommended by the JMPR that generally appear to be acceptable
include those listed in Table 6.1
m. All else being equal, data may sometimes be extrapolated from a crop picked when
immature but which grows quickly to maturity, to a closely related species with a
lower surface area/weight ratio. Thus, because of dilution by crop growth, estimated
maximum residue levels can be extrapolated from gherkins to cucumbers, but not vice
Report of the 39
Session of the CCPR (2007) para 34
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
n. Individual MRLs can be extrapolated more readily to groups when there is no
expectation that terminal residues will occur and when this is supported by studies of
metabolism. Examples are early treatments, seed treatments and herbicide treatments
in orchard crops.
While the JMPR generally follows these principles on a case-by-case basis, it recognizes
certain difficulties or limitations in the acceptance of group limits at the international level. A
primary weakness is the lack of formal criteria or an agreed mechanism to determine the
members of a group for which data are needed before a group MRL can be established. One
approach, as occasionally used at the national level, is to identify commodities of a group
(often botanical) that represent both major crops within the group and those most likely to
contain the highest residues. The factors used to determine whether a crop is a major or
representative member of the group include its dietary significance as a food or feed.
Table 6.1 Examples for commodity groups and mutual support for estimation of maximum
residue levels
Compound Commodities with data
supporting MRL
Group or commodities with MRL
Pirimicarb mandarin, orange citrus fruits FC
Thiabendazole mandarin, orange citrus fruits FC
Bifenazate apple, pear pome fruits FP
Fludioxonil apple, pear pome fruits FP
Pirimicarb apple pome fruits FP
Thiacloprid apple, pear pome fruits FP
Bifenazate apricot, cherry, peach stone fruits FS
Pirimicarb cherry, nectarine, peach, plum stone fruits FS
Pyraclostrobin cherry, peach, plum stone fruits FS
Thiacloprid peach, sweet cherry stone fruits FS
Pirimicarb currant, gooseberry, raspberry berries and other small fruits (except grapes and
Thiacloprid currant, raspberry, strawberry berries and other small fruits (except grapes) FB
Endosulfan avocado, custard apple, mango,
mutual support: avocado, custard apple, mango,
Endosulfan litchi, persimmon mutual support: litchi, persimmon FI
Pirimicarb broccoli, Brussels sprouts,
cauliflower, cabbage
Brassica vegetables VB
Bifenazate cantaloupe, cucumber, summer
cucurbit fruiting vegetables VC
Propamocarb cucumber, melon, summer
cucurbit fruiting vegetables VC
Pirimicarb cucumber, summer squash cucurbit fruiting vegetables (except melons and
Thiacloprid melon, watermelon mutual support: melon, watermelon VC
Pirimicarb sweet peppers, tomato fruiting vegetables other than cucurbits (except
mushrooms, fungi, sweet corn)
Pirimicarb beans, peas legume vegetables (except soybeans) VP
Propargite dry beans, dry broad-bean, dry
chick-pea, dry lupin
mutual support: dry beans, dry broad-bean, dry
chick-pea, dry lupin
Pirimicarb dry beans, dry peas pulses (except soybeans) VD
Endosulfan potato, sweet potato mutual support: potato, sweet potato VR
Pirimicarb carrot, potato, sugar beet root and tuber vegetables VR
Endosulfan hazel nuts, Macadamia nuts mutual support: hazel nuts, Macadamia nuts TN
Bifenazate almond, pecan tree nuts TN
Thiacloprid almond, pecan, walnut tree nuts TN
Aminopyralid barley, oats, wheat barley, oats, wheat, triticale GC
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
Compound Commodities with data
supporting MRL
Group or commodities with MRL
Pirimicarb barley, maize, wheat cereal grains (except rice) GC
Pirimicarb barley straw, maize fodder,
wheat straw
straw and fodder of cereal grains except rice AS
Aminopyralid barley straw, oats straw, wheat
straw of barley, oats, wheat and triticale AS
The premise of this approach is that if data are available for representative crops, and if GAP
and cultural practices among the individual members are similar, the residue levels should not
vary widely then a maximum residue level can be estimated that will suffice for those
members of the group for which no data are available. This approach is necessitated by the
economics of data generation and evaluation requires the use of common sense and expert
While the JMPR acknowledges advantages in this approach, there is unfortunately no
consensus at the international level on the selection of representative commodities for
estimating maximum residue levels for groups. Similarly, while the JMPR bases its
recommendations on the Codex Classification of Foods and Feeds, this classification has not
been uniformly adopted at the national level.
Until agreement is reached at the international level, the JMPR will continue to make
judgements on a case-by-case basis, using the general policy summarized above or as it may
be subsequently amended.
6.7.1 Estimation of HR and STMR values
Where there are adequate trials data the STMR values should, in principle, be identified for
the individual commodities and these values used for the intake assessment. However, where
the MRL has been recommended for a group of commodities, e.g., pome fruit, a single STMR
value should be calculated for the group of commodities.
Large portion size and unit weights are available for single commodities, not for commodity
groups. Consequently, when an HR value is identified for a commodity group it can be used
only on single commodities for IESTI calculation. The IESTI calculations for a group HR
should be applied to the key commodities of the group for which large portion size and unit
weight data are available, especially to those commodities with data supporting a MRL
Section 6.7 outlined the process involved in the estimation of group maximum residue levels,
provided examples and discussed limitations. Data considered adequate for the estimation of
an MRL of a major crop, of a group, are considered generally sufficient to estimate maximum
residue levels for the whole group, including the minor crops of that group.
However, decisions to extrapolate from one or more major crops to minor crops are taken by
JMPR are on a case-by-case basis when adequate information is available. Adequate
information includes information on GAP for the relevant crops, a reference to the residue
data used to support the original MRL, and an explanation of the logic for the extrapolation.
The data submitted to support extrapolation to a minor crop must include the following
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
Background information on the reasons for describing the crop as minor, the
importance of the use of the pesticide in terms of pests controlled, the extent of its
use on the minor crop, and the nature of the problems or potential problems for
international trade
A description of the cultural practices for the production of the major crop and the
approved or registered uses of the pesticide on the major crop from which
extrapolation is proposed
A description of the cultural practices for the production of the minor crop, the
approved or registered uses of the pesticide on the minor crop, and the reasons for
expecting similar residue levels on the minor crop to those of the major crop
Supervised residue trials on the major crop supporting the MRL or reference to the
JMPR Evaluations, if trials data have previously been reviewed by the JMPR.
The data submission should also include the following supporting information where
Data on supervised trials with approved or registered uses on the minor crop
A copy of the label describing the registered or approved uses and an English
translation of the instructions for use
Monitoring data from selective surveys on the minor crop produced under typical
commercial conditions where the pesticide is known to have been used.
6.9.1 General principles
The use of data on the effects of processing or cooking practices on residue levels in RAC for
estimation of processing factors is described in Chapter 5.Section 8 Processing studies
The best estimate of the processing factor should be applied for the estimation of maximum
residue level, HR-P and STMR-P in processed commodities.
To estimate a maximum residue level for a processed product the MRL or maximum residue
level of the RAC is multiplied by the processing factor. For the purpose of IEDI estimation,
the STMR of the RAC is multiplied by the processing factor to give the median residue in the
processed commodity. The HR, STMR value estimated in this way for the processed
commodity should be referred to as the HR-P and STMR-P of the processed product.
Maximum residue level for the processed commodity will only be recommended if the
resulting residue value is higher than the maximum residue level proposed for the
corresponding RAC.
HR-Ps and/or STMR-Ps for commodities for human consumption are estimated regardless of
the availability of consumption data.
If data are available for the residues in the edible portion of the commodity, e.g., in banana
pulp, the HR and STMR should be estimated directly from the residues in the edible portion
found in supervised trials at the maximum registered use rate (as opposed to using pesticide
residue values for the whole commodity).
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
If these data are not available for the edible portion, the whole commodity residue values are
used in the dietary intake estimations, even though this may result in a gross over-estimate of
the actual residues likely to be consumed.
6.9.2 Special considerations for dried chili peppers
As a special case the CCPR agreed for dried chili peppers, a very minor crop, that a generic
factor can be used for conversion of residues from fresh peppers to dried chili peppers. The
JMPR evaluated the available information and used the concentration factor of:
10 for the estimation of residue levels of pesticides in dried chili peppers from the
HR values estimated for residues in or on sweet peppers;
7 for the estimation of residue levels in dried chili peppers from maximum residue
levels in or on fresh chili peppers.
The 2007 JMPR recommended that:
where representative processing studies on residues in or on chili peppers are
available, the residue levels for dried chili peppers should be estimated based on the
actual experimental data
the relevant concentration factor should be applied to multiply the actual measured
residue values in fresh chili peppers, and estimate the maximum residue and
median residue levels from the converted data set.
Some regulatory agencies use statistically based calculation methods to facilitate harmonised
estimation of maximum residue levels, i.e., aimed at obtaining the same MRL estimates by
different evaluators from the same residue data set. It has also been suggested that application
of appropriate, validated statistical methods would also improve the transparency of Codex
maximum residue level estimation and, consequently, might lead to their wider acceptance at
the international level.
The FAO Panel currently applies statistical methods to assist in the selection of similar data
populations, and, where the data package is suitable, takes into account statistical
considerations, e.g., evaluations of aldicarb residues in potato (1996), EMRL
recommendations for DDT residues in meat (2000), and estimation of MRLs for spices
The FAO Panel has therefore welcomed the development and availability of the NAFTA
statistical calculation method, described in the NAFTA paper Statistical Basis of the NAFTA
Method for Calculating Pesticide maximum Residue Limits from Field Trial Data
. The
NAFTA spreadsheet
is a decision-tree logic (Figure 6.2 Chapter 6, Section 10) that utilizes
statistical calculations to arrive at maximum residue level that should be acceptable to
different parties considering the same data set. The spreadsheet looks only at numbers and not
at the basis of those numbers. It is designed to give a consistent decision, independent of the
prejudice of the reviewer(s). Detailed instruction for its use can be downloaded from
Statistical Basis of the NAFTA Method for Calculating Pesticide maximum Residue Limits from Field Trial Data US EPA
and Canada PMRA, May, 2007: EPA-HQ-OPP-2007-0632-0002
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
104 Where more than 10% of the
residue data are below the LOQ, the maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) spreadsheet,
assuming lognormal distribution of residue data, should be used to convert the < LOQ values
to real numbers. Based on the MLE parameters, fill-in values consistent with the associated
lognormal distribution are calculated for the censored data points. These fill-in values are
generally considered more appropriate than standard imputed values such as LOQ when
calculating summary statistics and statistical intervals for lognormal distributions, such as
those calculated using the NAFTA tolerance spreadsheet. The effect of the converting the
residue data to the postulated lognormal distribution is illustrated in Figure 6.3 (Chapter 6,
Section 10). It should be noted that the MLE assumes that the data set follows a lognormal
distribution which is the case in about 70% of residue data sets. If the residue data does not
follow lognormal distribution, the use of MLE methods will produce a biased estimate.
The spreadsheets for the calculations can be downloaded from the NAFTA website or can
also be obtained from the joint FAO Secretary of the JMPR.
The output of the calculations is shown in Table 6.2 (Chapter 6, Section 10). The spreadsheet
automatically selects the best estimate for the MRL and indicates it with highlighted cell.
The NAFTA spreadsheet suggests the use of the 95/99 Rule where the residue data set
contains more than 15 data points. The White Paper
states that MRL spreadsheet provides
reasonable estimates with a relatively small range of calculated MRLs for sample sizes as
small as 10. If the data set has less than 10 data points, the MRL calculations from the
NAFTA spreadsheet have large probability of underestimating the true 95
percentile value
and are not very precise.
The outcome of NAFTA simulations, using lognormal data populations, indicate that the
failure rate is practically independent from the spread of residue data (CV) within the parent
population, which enables the drawing of general conclusions from the simulated data.
However, where the NAFTA procedure would be used alone for estimation of maximum
residue levels based on 6 to 10 data points, which occurs frequently in the deliberations of the
JMPR (Figure 6.4), the recommended MRL would be underestimated, i.e., it would be below
the targeted 95
percentile of the residue data populations, in 27% and 20% of cases.
The FAO Panel have utilised the NAFTA procedure on various data sets in the estimation of
MRLs since 2005, and concluded that the statistical spreadsheet can be used as a tool to assist
evaluators in the estimation of maximum residue levels, but that the output could not be
automatically applied. It is emphasised that expert judgement in the proper selection of
residue data set is the key component in obtaining a reliable estimate for a MRL.
The 2008 JMPR concluded that statistical calculations, as part of the maximum residue level
estimation process, should only be used where the data are suitable to yield valid conclusions.
Considerations should include:
data from a single population or the equivalent of a single population
the data should be from a random sample or stratified random sample from the
sufficient data ( 15) should be available to minimize the errors of extrapolation to
the required high percentile values
Statistical Basis of the NAFTA Method for Calculating Pesticide Maximum Residue Limits from Field Trial Data
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
the number of residue values below the LOQ and the residue distribution around
no statistical test should be applied for excluding potential outliers; residue data
should only be excluded if experimental evidence indicates that the data is invalid.
Examine probability
plot and lognormal
test statistic
Examine probability
plot and lognormal
test statistic
field trial data
More than 10%
More than 10%
Enter data into
MLE spreadsheet
Enter data into
MLE spreadsheet
Enter data into
MRL spreadsheet
Enter data into
MRL spreadsheet
Is the data
Is the data
Are there more
than 15 samples?
Are there more
than 15 samples?
3 Use Mean+3SD
as MRL
3 Use Mean+3SD
as MRL
1 Use 95J99 Rule
as MRL
1 Use 95J99 Rule
as MRL
2 Use minimum of
UCLMedian95th and
95J99 Rule as MRL
2 Use minimum of
UCLMedian95th and
95J99 Rule as MRL
Yes Yes
No No
No No
No No Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Copy MLE-based
fill-in values
Copy MLE-based
fill-in values
*If more than 60% of the data are non-detects, the fill-in values from the MLE spreadsheet should be used with caution.
Figure 6.2 Decision tree for applying the NAFTA spreadsheet for obtaining the estimated
maximum residue value
In cases, where only small number of residue data is available, MRL estimates should take
into account:
the highest values, median value and approximate 75
percentile value in the
available data set of supervised residue trials
residue levels resulting from application rates other than GAP (for instance, using
residues below LOQ in samples derived from double rate treatments to support no
detectable residues following the application at maximum application rate, using
highest residues from samples taken at longer intervals than PHI)
experience of typical distributions of residue data from supervised trials
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
knowledge of residue behaviour from the metabolism studies, e.g., is it a surface
residue, does it translocate from foliage to seeds or roots
knowledge of residue trials on comparable crops.
Figure 6.3 The lognormal probability plots based on original data (upper chart) and after
fitting the residues reported as < LOQ to the most likely lognormal distribution (lower chart)
The use of the statistical spreadsheets provides information on the 95
and 99
percentile of residue distributions. It was previously judged necessary to round up
considerably on the value selected for the maximum residue level. This is no longer the
situation where the statistical estimation tools are utilized. In order to more fully reflect the
impact of this new tool, the Meeting concluded that the scaling steps last presented in the
2001 JMPR Report would replaced by a refined scale (see Section 6.13 Expression of
Maximum residue limits)
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
Table 6.2 Output of NAFTA calculation
Regulator: EPA
Chemical: Pymetrozine
Crop: Leaf Lettuce
PHI: 0-1 Day
App. Rate:
n: 14
min: 0.14
max: 1.94
median: 0.77
average: 0.83
Percentile 99
Percentile 99.9
1.7 2.0 2.5
EU Method I
Normal (2.5)
(3.0) ()
2.5 3.5
95/99 Rule
(9.0) ()
EU Method II
Mean+3SD 2.5
Approximate Shapiro-Francia Normality
Test Statistic
0.9503p-value > 0.05 : Do not reject lognormality assumption
Tabled values in parentheses indicate 95% upper confidence bounds on the point estimates of the 95
or 99
No upper confidence bounds on the 99.9
percentile are provided and these are represented by "(--)". Tabled values
that are shown directly without parentheses represent point estimates of the indicated percentile (e.g., 95, 99, or
This is the MRL estimate that would be produced by EU Method I. It is the 95% upper confidence limit on the 95
percentile, but assumes that the residues are distributed normally.
This is the estimated 99
percentile value assuming a lognormal distribution with the given mean and standard
Lognormal distribution with the given mean, standard deviation, and sample size. If the residues are distributed
lognormally, one can be 95% confident that 95% of the values in the parent distribution lie below this estimate.
EU Method II. This method makes no assumption regarding the form of the distribution (e.g. normal, lognormal, etc.).
It is calculated by doubling the 75
percentile of the residue values.
This estimate is produced by adding 3 standard deviations to the mean. By Chebychev's Rule, at least 8/9 or 89% of
measurements will fall within 3 standard deviations of the mean. This is true regardless of the shape of the frequency
This value is calculated by estimating the 95
percentile from the upper confidence limit of the median value (50
percentile). It assumes a coefficient of variation of 1 and a lognormal distribution. In a lognormal distribution, the
percentile is 3.9 times the median. The value represented in this cell is 3.9 times the upper confidence limit on
the median.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
Figure 6.4: Frequency of occurrence of data sets consisting of n residue values used by JMPR
between 2002 and 2007
The JMPR is aware of the need for harmonised approach in estimation of MRLs which would
also facilitate work sharing, and looks forward to the further developments in statistical
methods for estimation of MRLs such as being developed by the OECD Working Group on
Pesticide Residues. The FAO Panel will apply the most reliable method available in
combination with the general principles described in this and the previous sections.
6.11.1 Estimation of maximum residue levels, HR and STMR values in spices
The 2004 CCPR accepted the definition of spices irrespective of whether they were classified
as spices in the Codex Classification, and agreed to the setting of MRLs for spices on the
basis of monitoring data
. It was further clarified that chili peppers, herbs
and tea are
excluded from the definition of spices, and GAP and corresponding supervised trial data
should be used for estimation of maximum residue levels for these commodities.
The principal differences between the residue data derived from monitoring programmes and
supervised field trials are as follows:
The origin and treatment of the commodities sampled are not known.
The sampled commodity might be aggregated from the produce of several small
The residues in spice samples are determined by multi-residue procedures with
relatively high LOQs.
When residue values are reported as being below the LOQ, it is not known whether
the sampled commodity was or was not treated with or exposed to the pesticide.
Report of the thirty-sixth session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues, Alinorm 04/27/24, (paras 235 247)
Report of the thirty-seventh session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues, Alinorm 05/28/24, (para 182) 2005,
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
Consequently, estimation of maximum residue levels for pesticides on the basis of monitoring
results requires a different approach to that used in evaluating the results of supervised residue
The Meeting assumes that the Member States report only valid results. Therefore, all residue
data are taken into account as there are no scientific grounds to exclude any value as an
The distributions of residues are scattered or skewed upwards, and no distribution fitting
appeared to be appropriate. Consequently, distribution-free statistics should be used in
estimating the maximum residue level, covering the 95
percentile of the population at the
95% confidence level. Thus, the estimated maximum residue level encompasses at least 95%
of the residues with 95% probability (in 95% of cases). To satisfy this requirement, a
minimum of 5859 samples are required. The minimum sample size of 58 provides 95%
assurance of finding at least one residue value above the 95
percentile of the residue
population in the sampled object. It is not known, however, how many of the measured values
are above the 95
percentile and what percentile (95.1th, 99
or 99.9
) the highest residue
The procedure used for estimating maximum residue levels depends on the number of
samples containing detectable residues.
When no sample contains detectable residues, the highest reported LOQ value is
used as the maximum residue level and the high residue value. The median residue
value is calculated from the reported LOQ values.
When large numbers of residue data is available, the highest residues may be above
the upper confidence limit of the 95
percentile of the residues and they need not be
considered in estimating maximum residue levels.
Where the number of samples containing detectable residues does not allow the
calculation of the upper 95
confidence limit for the 95
percentile, sufficient
allowance should be given when the maximum residue level is estimated to be
above the highest residue value observed. Note that the samples with residues
reported below the LOQ cannot be taken into consideration as they were not
necessarily treated with or exposed to the pesticide.
The 2004 JMPR recommended that monitoring results should not be used for estimating
maximum residue levels that reflect post-harvest use, which results in much higher residue
values than foliar application or spray drift exposure.
STMR and the highest residue values can be calculated only from supervised trials. The
corresponding values from the monitoring data are indicated as median and high residue
values, and these can be used like the STMR and highest residue values for estimating short-
term and long-term dietary intake of residues (see Chapter 7).
6.11.2 Estimation of extraneous maximum residue levels
Chemicals for which EMRLs (extraneous maximum residue limits) are most likely to be
needed are those which have been widely used as pesticides, are persistent in the environment
for relatively long periods after use has been discontinued and are expected to occur in foods
or feeds at levels of sufficient concern to warrant monitoring.
Predictions of persistence in the environment (and the potential for uptake by food or feed
crops) can often be based on a combination of data sources normally available for chemicals
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
previously approved as pesticides. These may include information on their physical and
chemical properties, metabolism studies, data on supervised field trials, data on environmental
fate, rotational crop data, the known persistence of similar chemicals, and especially from
monitoring data.
All relevant and geographically representative monitoring data (including nil residue results)
are required to make reasonable estimates to cover international trade. Better extraneous
maximum residue level estimates, taking into account trade concerns, can be made when more
extensive data are available. However, typically data are available from only three or four
(usually developed) countries at the most. By the nature of national monitoring, data are
usually received primarily on those commodities in which residues have been found at the
national level and which have the potential to create trade difficulties.
In estimating an extraneous maximum residue level the JMPR attempts to take into account a
number of factors. These include the amount of data, the relative importance of the
commodity in international trade, the potential for trade difficulties or accounts thereof, the
frequency of positive results, a knowledge of the propensity of a particular crop to take up
residues, e.g., the uptake of DDT by carrots, historical monitoring data, e.g., previous
monographs, and the level and frequency of residues in similar crops, especially those in the
same crop group. In some cases the estimate has turned out to be the highest level reported,
especially if a relatively good database is available and the spread of results is reasonably
In recent years there have been cases where the extraneous maximum residue level was
estimated below the highest residue found, especially if the higher values occur infrequently.
For example, the 1993 JMPR recommended an EMRL of 0.2 mg/kg for DDT in carrots,
although 2 of 4 imported samples reported from one country were 0.4 and 0.5 mg/kg. The
JMPR took into account that only 2 of over 800 imported samples exceeded 0.2 mg/kg. This
limit covers > 99% of the residue population with 99% confidence. A similar approach was
taken for DDT in the fat of meat by the 1996 JMPR. This approach also recognizes that
residues gradually decline and that monitoring data can be outdated by the time they are
received by the JMPR. It is more likely to be used when the higher residues occur
In the context of EMRLs, the JMPR does not consider extreme values to be outliers in a
statistical sense, because high residue levels are usually not true statistical outliers but values
on one tail of a large distribution. The challenge is to decide when it is reasonable to discard
those values in order to reflect the expected gradual decline in the levels of chemicals that are
typically subject to EMRL recommendations, while not creating unnecessary barriers to trade.
Generally, the JMPR considers that the databases needed for estimating extraneous maximum
residue levels should be substantial because the EMRL data are based on analysis of samples
of unknown origin and very far from a normal distribution. (Note that it is difficult to compare
the database required for EMRLs and MRLs because the nature of the data is quite different
supervised trials for MRLs and monitoring data for EMRLs). For example, samples from 598
randomly selected animals are needed to ensure that the estimated EMRLs cover 99.5% of a
population, allowing a 0.5% violation rate with 95% confidence (Codex Alimentarius, Vol. II,
2nd Ed., p. 372). On the other hand, if a country had only 100 random samples analysed with
a 10% violation rate this is quite significant, despite the small number of samples.
As EMRL databases are derived from the random monitoring of different populations, the
JMPR does not normally consider a world population of data, but gives independent
consideration to different populations, e.g., of different geographical regions or of different
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
animals, before deciding which data populations might be combined. Therefore, all relevant
monitoring data should be submitted regardless of the number of samples analysed.
The JMPR compares data distribution in terms of the likely percentages of violations that
might occur if a given EMRL is proposed. Since there is no internationally agreed level of
acceptable violation rate, the JMPR recommends EMRLs based on the available data.
However, violation rates of 0.5 to 1% or greater are generally considered unacceptable.
The 2000 JMPR, in the evaluation of DDT in meat, estimated the residue levels in fat that
related to violation rates of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5%. The compromise among an acceptable violation
rate, recommended EMRL and the potential for trade disruption are not scientific matters to
be decided by JMPR. They are the province of risk manager decision making.
It is to be expected that there will be a gradual reduction or elimination of residues of the
chemicals for which EMRLs have been proposed. The rate will depend on a number of
factors, including the nature of the chemical, the crop, the location and environmental
Because residues gradually decrease, the JMPR recommends reassessment of EMRLs about
every 5 years. Eventually, the data may indicate that there is no longer a need to monitor for
the chemical. This view would be based on the conclusion that there is no longer a potential
for significant disruption of trade and that the incidence or level of residues is no longer a
significant health concern.
Although the JMPR does not use targeted monitoring data for estimating extraneous
maximum residue levels, it agrees that follow-up studies are important when high residues are
found in random monitoring to give a clearer view of the significance of the high levels. If
properly conducted, such studies may indicate whether or not the higher residues resulted
from intentional unauthorized uses and may allow the identification of areas in which
production should be limited or where residue reduction strategies should be implemented.
Residue levels in animal commodities, e.g. meat, milk and eggs, may arise from consumption
of feed items containing residues or from direct application to a farm animal of a pesticide to
control pests such as ectoparasites. Methods of estimating maximum residue levels in animal
commodities have been developed in recent years and their detailed explanations were given
in the JMPR reports.
The current procedures applied by the Meeting are described below.
6.12.1 Residues arising from consumption of feed items
Animals can be exposed, for extended periods, to certain commodities such as fodder, grain
and feeds treated post-harvest containing residues at the highest level. In addition, in the
experience of the Meeting, the residue levels of many pesticides on animal feed commodities
show only a limited decrease during storage. Alternatively, it is unlikely that the individual
ingredients of mixed feeds produced from commercially available ingredients would all
contain residues at the theoretical maximum level.
Consequently, the highest residues in individual feed items are used for estimating the
maximum residue levels in animal commodities, and the STMR or STMR-P should be applied
to each of the components of mixed commodities. The STMR-P is also used for individual
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
feed items that are processed commodities, e.g., apple pomace. The estimation of residues that
will arise in animal commodities is a two-step process involving farm animal feeding studies
and dietary burden calculations. These two independent sets of information are compiled
(Figure 6.5), then combined in order to estimate animal commodity residues that may arise.
Dietary burden
feeding studies
data sets
MRLs and STMRs in
animal commodities
Farm animal
Analysis of
Figure 6.5 Estimation of residues in animal commodities
The following decision matrix is recommended for use in estimating maximum residue levels
and STMR values:
Maximum residue level STMR
feed commodity, highest residue or STMR-P (for
dietary burden calculation)
highest residue level
(from feeding study in farm
feed commodity STMR or STMR-P (for dietary burden
mean residue level
(from feeding study in farm animals)
STMR-P: supervised trials median residue in a processed commodity calculated by multiplying the STMR of the raw
commodity by the corresponding processing factor
Residue levels in tissues and eggs of the relevant group of animals in the feeding study. For milk, choose the mean
residue in milk from the relevant group of animals in all cases.
The JMPR is currently utilising the livestock diets listed in the tables included in Appendix IX
to estimate livestock dietary burdens from available residue data. To assists their use, Table
IX.1 lists the Codex commodities with their code numbers corresponding to the feedstuffs.
The tables IX.2-IX.4 include the Codex commodity group codes for all feedstuffs to facilitate
the selection of commodities for calculation of the appropriate animal burden. The Excel
spreadsheet which can be used for the calculations can be downloaded from the FAO/AGP
Website (
The livestock diet tables were developed by the OECD Working Group on Pesticides
. They
include data for beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, lambs, swine, broilers, layers and turkeys. Data
are available from different geographic regions: Australia, Japan, EU, and US-Canada.
Feedstuff categories in the OECD tables were chosen to ensure that the highest residue levels
are estimated and a realistic although not nutritionally optimal livestock diet is composed. The
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
primary purpose of the tables was to estimate a highest livestock dietary burden from the
geographic regions which could then be used to set an appropriate dosing regime for a
livestock feeding study.
For simplicity and ease of use, the tables include information on percentage dry matter (DM)
for each feed item as well as whether the STMR or highest residue (HR) should be used in the
maximum dietary burden calculations. If the residues are already expressed on dry matter
basis then the corresponding percentage of dry matter (DM%) should be replaced with 100%.
Feeding studies are normally available for lactating dairy cattle and laying hens. In such
situations, livestock dietary burdens will be calculated for beef and dairy cattle, broiler and
laying hens.
Maximum residue levels in animal commodities are derived from the highest residue values in
feed commodities, and STMRs for animal commodities are derived from the STMRs for feed
commodities. Separate tables are made for each MRL and STMR estimate, in which all feed
items, their Codex commodity group and the residue levels found in crop residue trials are
listed. The basis for the residue level is provided; i.e., the basis of the maximum residue level
estimate is the highest level for raw agricultural commodities and the STMR-P for processed
The steps involved in the calculation are explained below with an example, see Table 6.3. For
simplifying the example the Japanese feed consumption figures are not included, but should
be considered in the evaluations.
a. The highest residue or the STMR /STMR-P values are entered into the Excel
spreadsheet containing the corresponding livestock diet (Appendix IX), and the
residues are expressed on dry weight basis;
b. The dietary burdens are calculated from commodity percent of diet;
c. Feed items having no residue value are deleted from the spreadsheet, and the
remaining entries are sorted on Crop/Commodity group (ascending) and Residue DW
Table 6.3: Maximum dietary burden of beef cattle
Commodity/crop Commod Residue Basis % Dry Residue dw Diet content (%) Residue contribution (ppm)
group mg/kg matter mg/kg US-CAN EU AU US-CAN EU AU
Grape pomace, dry AB 0.038 STMR-P 100 0.038 20 0.01
Bean forage (green) AL 2.1 high residue 35 6.000 30 60 1.80 3.60
Alfalfa fodder AL 4 high residue 89 4.494 60 80 2.70 3.60
Pea vines (green) AL 0.86 high residue 25 3.440 20 20 60 0.69 0.69 2.06
Maize fodder AS AF 4.3 high residue 83 5.181 25 25 40 1.30 1.30 2.07
Wheat straw and fodder, Dry AS AF 4.3 high residue 88 4.886 10 20 80 0.49 0.98 3.91
Barley forage AS AF 1.4 high residue 30 4.667 30 30 50 1.40 1.40 2.33
Wheat milled (bran) CM 0.084 STMR-P 88 0.095 40 30 40 0.04 0.03 0.04
Rice GC 0.57 STMR 88 0.648 20 40 0.13 0.26
Wheat GC 0.035 STMR 89 0.039 20 40 80 0.01 0.02 0.03
Total 255 165 550 8.54 4.40 17.91
d. Selection of commodities from each group
Starting with the feed item with the highest residue level, the percentage of each feed
in the livestock diet is allocated. Usually, only one feed commodity from each Codex
commodity group is used; if more than one is used, it is only up to the full percentage
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
feed allocation for that group. Note that some groups have two codes (e.g. AS and AF;
AM and AV). Feeds are allocated a percentage of the diet for each animal until no
more than 100% of the diet is used. The assignment of feed commodities to Codex
groupds is illustrated in Figure 6.6
Figure 6.6 Grouping feed items for calculation of dietary burden of livestock
The first commodity group in Table 6.3 is AB, but with only one commodity, no
For AL (legume feeds) the animal diet content in US-Canada, Bean forage is first with
30%, no change. Alfalfa fodder is next with 60%, but bean forage has used 30% for
the group, so alfalfa fodder becomes 30% (=6030). As pea vines, at 20%, are less
than the previous total for the group, the 20% is deleted.
For the animal diet content in EU, the only commodity is Pea vines with 20%, no
For the animal diet content in Australia, Bean forage is first with 60%, no change.
Alfalfa fodder is next with 80%, but bean forage has used 60% for the group, so alfalfa
fodder becomes 20 % (=8060). As pea vines, at 60%, are less than the previous total
for the group, the 60% is deleted.
After selection of commodities within each group the following commodities remain
(Table 6.4)
Match to specific Codex commodity?
Accept commodity
Use group code
Raw agricultural commodity
Processed commodity
AL Legume forages and fodders
AS Cereals and grasses
AF Forages and fodders
AM, AV Miscellaneous forages
and fodders
CM Milled cereal products
AB By-products of fruit and
vegetable processing
SM Miscellaneous secondary food
commodities of pant origin
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
Table 6.4 Commodities selected to contribute to the maximum burden of beef cattle
Commodity/crop Commod Residue Basis % Dry Residue dw Diet content (%) Residue contribution (ppm)
group mg/kg matter mg/kg US-CAN EU AU US-CAN EU AU
Grape pomace, dry AB 0.038 STMR-P 100 0.038 20 0.01
Bean forage (green) AL 2.1 high residue 35 6.000 30 60 1.80 3.60
Alfalfa fodder AL 4 high residue 89 4.494 30 20 1.35 0.90
Pea vines (green) AL 0.86 high residue 25 3.440 20 0.69
Maize fodder AS AF 4.3 high residue 83 5.181 25 25 40 1.30 1.30 2.07
Wheat straw and fodder, Dry AS AF 4.3 high residue 88 4.886 40 1.95
Barley forage AS AF 1.4 high residue 30 4.667 5 5 0.23 0.23
Wheat milled (bran) CM 0.084 STMR-P 88 0.095 40 30 40 0.04 0.03 0.04
Rice GC 0.57 STMR 88 0.648 20 40 0.13 0.26
Wheat GC 0.035 STMR 89 0.039 40 40 0.02 0.02
Total 150 120 300 4.84 2.26 8.85
e. If the total diet contributions exceed 100 % reduce diet contributions to 100 % in such
a way as to retain the highest possible dietary burden. Delete (or reduce) the
contributions from those commodities with lowest residue dw until the 100 % is
Sort on Residue dw (descending), and delete the diet content values from the lower
rows first, to achieve a 100% diet.
For the US-Canadian list, delete the 40% for wheat bran, and reduce the rice to 10%.
For the EU list, reduce the 40% wheat to 20% wheat. For the Australian list, retain
only the first two entries to achieve 100% of diet (Table 6.5)
f. Where the selected feed items with residues from the use of the pesticide do not add
up to 100% it is assumed that the animals are fed with other feed items which do not
contain residue.
The STMR dietary burden is calculated from the STMR or STMR-P residue values estimated
for the animal feed items following the same procedure as for the maximum burden.
Table 6.5 Selection of commodities to obtain 100% diet with maximum residue burden
Commodity/crop Commod Residue Basis % Dry Residue dw Diet content (%) Residue contribution (ppm)
group mg/kg matter mg/kg US-CAN EU AU US-CAN EU AU
Bean forage (green) AL 2.1 high residue 35 6.000 30 60 1.80 3.60
Maize fodder AS AF 4.3 high residue 83 5.181 25 25 40 1.30 1.30 2.07
Wheat straw and fodder, Dry AS AF 4.3 high residue 88 4.886 40
Barley forage AS AF 1.4 high residue 30 4.667 5 5 0.23 0.23 0.00
Alfalfa fodder AL 4 high residue 89 4.494 30 20 1.35
Pea vines (green) AL 0.86 high residue 25 3.440 20 0.69
Rice GC 0.57 STMR 88 0.648 10 40 0.06
Wheat milled (bran) CM 0.084 STMR-P 88 0.095 40 30 40 0.03
Wheat GC 0.035 STMR 89 0.039 20 40 0.01
Grape pomace, dry AB 0.038 STMR-P 100 0.038 20
Total 100 100 100 4.7416 2.2529 5.6724
The calculation for dairy cattle and poultry are the same as for beef.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
The final results of the calculated dietary burden as shown in Table 6.6 for beef-cattle,
together with the dairy-cattle as well as broiler- and layer-poultry, are included as appendix of
the Report of the JMPR.
Table 6.6: Final table with 100% diet calculation for maximum residue burden for beef cattle.
Commodity/crop Commod Residue Basis % Dry Residue dw Diet content (%) Residue contribution (ppm)
group mg/kg matter mg/kg US-CAN EU AU US-CAN EU AU
Bean forage (green) AL 2.1 high residue 35 6.000 30 60 1.80 3.60
Maize fodder AS AF 4.3 high residue 83 5.181 25 25 40 1.30 1.30 2.07
Barley forage AS AF 1.4 high residue 30 4.667 5 5 0.23 0.23
Alfalfa fodder AL 4 high residue 89 4.494 30 1.35
Pea vines (green) AL 0.86 high residue 25 3.440 20 0.69
Rice GC 0.57 STMR 88 0.648 10 0.06
Wheat milled (bran) CM 0.084 STMR-P 88 0.095 30 0.028
Wheat GC 0.035 STMR 89 0.039 20 0.008
Total 100 100 100 4.74 2.25 5.67
The maximum and STMR dietary burdens used for the estimation of maximum and STMR
residues are reported in the appraisal of the evaluation of residues (Table 6.7).
Table 6.7: Example for summarising the maximum and STMR livestock dietary burdens
Livestock dietary burden, [xxxx compound], ppm of dry matter diet
US-Canada EU Australia
max. mean max. mean max. mean
Beef cattle 4.74 2.83 2.25 2.03 5.67 4.05
Dairy cattle 4.55 3.1 4.79 3.27 6.12
Highest maximum beef or dairy cattle dietary burden suitable for MRL estimates for mammalian tissues and milk
Highest mean beef or dairy cattle dietary burden suitable for STMR estimates for mammalian tissues and milk.
Note: if the maximum or mean burden for beef is higher than that of dairy cattle then those values shall be used for
estimation of residue levels for mammalian tissues. Use of the calculated dietary burdens to estimate maximum residue levels and
STMR values for commodities of animal origin
The calculations of dietary burden are compared with the feeding levels in studies of farm
animals to estimate maximum residue levels and STMR values on the basis of the following
When a feeding level in a feeding study matches the dietary burden, the residue
levels reported in the study can be used directly as estimates of residue levels in
tissues, milk and eggs resulting from the dietary burden.
When a feeding levels in a feeding study differs from the dietary burden, the
resulting residues in tissues, milk and eggs can be estimated either by interpolation
between the closest feeding levels or calculation from the linear regression equation
if good fit is observed as shown in Figure 6.7.
When the dietary burden is below the lowest feeding level in the study, the
resulting residues in tissues, milk and eggs can be estimated by applying the
transfer factor (residue level in milk or tissue residue level in diet) at the lowest
feeding level to the dietary burden.
When the dietary burdens of beef and dairy cattle are different, the higher value
should be used for calculating the residues in muscle, fat, liver and kidney, as in the
case shown in Table 6.7.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
Figure 6.7 Interpolation between closest feeding levels
For estimating maximum and highest residue levels in meat, fat, liver, kidney and
eggs, the highest residue level found in an animal in the relevant feeding group of
the study should be used.
For estimating STMR values in meat, fat, liver, kidney and eggs, the mean residue
levels in animals in the relevant feeding group of the study are used.
For estimating maximum residue levels and STMRs in milk, the mean residue
levels in the animals in the relevant feeding group of the study are used.
No more than about 30% above the highest feeding level can be extrapolated to a
dietary burden.
The estimated maximum and mean animal dietary burdens (listed in Table 6.7) are compared
with the residues obtained from animal transfer studies for estimating maximum residue levels
and STMR for animal commodities.
For MRL estimation, the high residues in the tissues are calculated by interpolating the
maximum dietary burden (6.12 ppm) between the relevant feeding levels (5 and 25 ppm) from
the dairy cow feeding study and using the highest tissue concentrations from individual
animals within those feeding groups.
The STMR values for the tissues were calculated by interpolating the mean dietary burden
(4.07 ppm) between the relevant feeding levels (1 and 5 ppm) and using the mean tissue
concentration from each feeding group.
In Table 6.8 below, dietary burdens are shown in round brackets (), feeding levels and residue
concentrations from the feeding studies are shown in square brackets [] and estimated
concentrations related to the dietary burden are shown without brackets.
The data from the dairy cattle feeding study are used to support mammalian meat and milk
MRLs, as the dietary burden for dairy cattle is higher than that of beef-cattle.
The mean and highest residues corresponding to the calculated maximum and mean dietary
burden are used for estimation of maximum residue levels and STMR values for the relevant
animal commodities taking into account the fat solubility of the residues.
6.12 ppm
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
Table 6.8 Summary of residues corresponding to the estimated dietary burden
Dietary burden (ppm)
Feeding level [ppm]
Milk Muscle Liver Kidney Fat
mean highest highest highest highest
MRL beef or dairy cattle
[5, 25]
[0.1, 0.57]
[0.07, 0.4]
[0.01, 0.08]
[0.07, 0.4]
[1.8, 7.2]
mean mean mean mean mean
STMR beef or dairy cattle
[1, 5]
[0.03, 0.1]
[0.01, 0.05]
[0.03, 0.01]
[0.01, 0.04]
[0.25, 1.3]
Where the pesticide also has veterinary uses and JECFA has recommended maximum residue
limits for animal commodities the higher residues deriving from the two kinds of use will
form the basis for recommending maximum residue levels for Codex purposes.
6.12.2 Residues arising from direct application to farm animals
Pesticides may be applied directly to farm animals for control of lice, flies, mites and ticks.
Application methods include dips, sprays, pour-ons and jetting. Residue trials using the
required method of application, dosage and withdrawal times are needed if residues may
occur in animal commodities.
The number of supervised trials on animals is, of necessity, far less than for crops. (See also
Chapter 3 Section 9 Information and data from farm animal feeding and external animal
treatment studies.
The conditions of a supervised residue trial on farm animals should match the maximum
conditions described on the label. If more than one application method is permitted, e.g., dip
or pour-on treatments, residue data should be available for each method. The evaluation
should record the highest residue occurring in individual animal tissues resulting from the
approved method and dose. The highest residues will support the MRL recommendations. The
evaluation should record the average milk residues each day across the treatment group and
the MRL recommendation will depend on the highest of these average milk residues on a day
achieved within the conditions described on the label.
The STMR concept is designed for supervised field trials on crops to obtain the typical
residue value when a pesticide is used at maximum GAP. The STMR methodology is not
directly applicable to a single direct-animal treatment trial. However, the idea of a typical
residue value when a pesticide is used directly on animals (at maximum label conditions) is
useful in long-term dietary intake estimations. For this purpose the median of the residues in
the tissues of animals slaughtered at the shortest interval after treatment (or later if residues
were higher later) is taken to represent that typical value.
6.12.3 Reconciliation of MRL recommendations resulting from direct treatment and
from residues in animal feed
Where the maximum residue level recommendations from the two sources of residues do not
agree, the higher recommendation will prevail. Similarly, the estimates for typical residues
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
from direct use at maximum label conditions or STMR values derived from the farm animal
dietary burden and animal feeding studies, whichever is the higher, should be adopted for
long-term intake estimation.
The estimated maximum residue levels and recommended residue limits are expressed in mg
residue (as defined)/kg commodity. The portion of commodity to which Codex MRLs apply is
given in Codex Alimentarius Vol. 2 (extracted in Appendix VI).
The residues are expressed on fresh-weight basis or as they enter international trade (as
received by the laboratory) in most commodities, with the exception of animal feeds. Because
of the great variation of their moisture content, MRLs for animal feeds are recommended on a
dry-weight basis. This implies that the commodity is analysed for pesticide residues as
received, that the moisture content of the sample is determined (preferably) by a standard
method recommended for use on that commodity, and that the residue content is then
calculated as if it were wholly contained in the dry matter.
If it is not clear in animal feed residue data submissions whether residues are expressed on a
dry weight basis, or the moisture content of the feed is not reported, either a worst case
assumption could be made that the residues are expresses on a fresh weight basis or the data
may not be suitable for estimating maximum residue levels.
For animal products there are certain special cases which need to be mentioned:
For meat and fat-soluble pesticides (see also Chapter 5 section 2 Physical and chemical
properties and Chapter 3 section 9.3.1 Nature of fat samples in studies on fat-soluble
compounds) the residue limits for meat are expressed on the fat (the residue content in
trimmable fat or fat tissue expressed on the lipid content) which is indicated in brackets (fat)
after the residue value. For those commodities where the adhering fat is insufficient to provide
a suitable sample, the whole meat commodity (without bone) is analysed and the MRL applies
to the whole commodity.
For all other pesticides the MRLs apply to the whole commodity as it moves in trade.
During the past years, the MRLs and EMRLs for fat-soluble pesticide residues in milk and
milk products had been expressed on a calculated whole product basis assuming all milks to
contain 4% fat. Milk products with a fat content of 2% or more had been expressed on a fat
basis. The MRL would be 25 times the MRL for milk, i.e., the same value as if expressed on
the fat of milk. The MRL for milk products, with a fat content lower than 2%, were
considered to be half the value for milk and are expressed on a whole product basis.
The 2004 JMPR decided that two maximum residue levels would be estimated, if the data
permit: one for whole milk and one for milk fat. For enforcement purposes, a comparison can
be made either of the residue in milk fat with the MRL for milk (fat) or of the residue in
whole milk with the MRL for milk. When needed, maximum residue levels for milk products
can then be calculated from the two values, by taking into account the fat content of the milk
product and the contribution from the non-fat fraction.
Milk MRLs for fat-soluble pesticides were indicated by the letter F.
Examples for recommended MRLs (mg/kg) for diazinon
MO 0098 Kidney of cattle, pigs and sheep: 0.03
MM 0097 Meat of cattle, pigs and sheep: 2 (fat)
ML 0106 Milks 0.02 F
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
Based on the decision of the 2008 CCPR, a footnote will be inserted to indicate where MRLs
are established for both milk fat and whole milk: for monitoring and regulatory purposes,
whole milk is to be analysed and the result compared to the MRL for whole milk.
For compounds that are not fat-soluble, MRLs are expressed on the whole milk.
MRLs based on direct animal treatment are footnoted the MRL accommodates external
animal treatment.
MRLs reflecting special uses or conditions are also distinguished by letters after the limit:
Currently the following cases are distinguished by the letters indicated below:
E The MRL is based on extraneous residues
Po The MRL accommodates post-harvest treatment of the commodity
PoP The MRL for the processed commodity accommodates post-harvest treatment of the
primary commodity
In order to more fully reflect the impact of the statistical calculation methods, the JMPR
concluded that the scaling steps last presented in the 2001 JMPR Report (0.01, 0.02, 0.03,
0.05, 0.07, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, and 50 mg/kg
would be replaced with a more detailed scale where the statistical tools are successfully used.
The Meeting continues using one significant figure for residues below 10 mg/kg and 2
significant figures up to 99 mg/kg. Residues from 100 would be expressed as multiple of 10,
e.g., 110, 120. Applying more digits in expressing the MRLs would provide a false
impression on the precision (uncertainty) of the estimation process including also the
uncertainty of sampling, sample preparation and analysis. Nevertheless, the option to use
other values as necessary is maintained.
6.13.1 Expression of MRLs at or about the LOQ
The LOQ is the lowest concentration of a compound that can be determined in a commodity
with an acceptable degree of certainty. See Appendix II Glossary of terms.
The JMPR recognizes the difficulties that may arise in regulatory laboratories analysing low
levels of residues in samples of unknown origin, and so usually estimates an LOQ which is
achievable under those conditions. It is this figure that is proposed as a maximum residue
limit at or about the LOQ. These limits are indicated with an asterisk (*) after the numerical
value, e.g., 0.02*. This limit is often referred to as a practical LOQ to distinguish it from the
LOQs reported in supervised trials.
An MRL so identified does not always necessarily imply that residues of the pesticides do not
occur in that commodity. The application of a more sensitive or specific method may reveal
detectable residues in some commodities as shown, e.g., in Tables 14 and 26 of the 1995
monograph on quintozene
In many instances the use of a pesticide according to GAP results in a residue level in crops or
commodities that is too low to be measurable by available analytical methods. Setting and
enforcing MRLs for residues occurring at or about the LOQ of analytical procedures may
require different approaches depending on the composition and definition of the residues. It is
emphasized that all available relevant information should be carefully considered ensuring
Pesticide residues in food1995 evaluations. Part I. Residues. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper 137, 1996.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
that an MRL established at a level equivalent to a practical LOQ of the individual residue
components will fully accommodate the levels of these components which could occur in
commodities following treatment according to GAP.
As in cases of detectable residues, the definition of residues at or about the LOQ may also
include a single residue component, e.g., fenpropimorph in sugar beet, or several residues
components, e.g., aldicarb, its sulphoxide and its sulphone expressed as aldicarb in peanut oil,
bentazone, 6-hydroxy bentazone and 8-hydroxy bentazone expressed as bentazone in soya
bean; and fenthion, its oxygen analogue and their sulphoxides and sulphones expressed as
fenthion in potato.
In cases where several metabolites are included in the definition of the residue two basic
situations can be distinguished.
a. The residue components are, or may be converted to, a single compound or analyte by
the analytical method, e.g., fenthion. The total residue is measured as a single
compound and expressed as the parent compound, i.e., fenthion oxygen analogue
sulphone is measured and expressed as fenthion. The MRL is set and enforced on the
basis of the total measured residue. After the conversion of all the residue components
a single compound is determined, the MRL can be simply enforced either at or above
the LOQ. This situation is similar to other cases where the residue is defined as a
single compound.
b. The residue components are determined separately by the method. The concentrations
of measurable residues are adjusted for molecular weight and summed, and their sum
is used for estimating the maximum residue level.
The problem is best illustrated with an example. The residues of bentazone in plant
commodities are defined as the sum of bentazone, 6-hydroxybentazone and 8-
hydroxybentazone, expressed as bentazone. The LOQs reported in supervised trials for each
of the three components were generally 0.02 mg/kg, but the practical LOQs were regarded as
0.05 mg/kg for regulatory purposes. If an MRL for bentazone was set as the sum of the
practical LOQs of the three components of the residue, it would have to be established at
0.2 mg/kg (3 times the practical limit of determination to incorporate all three residue
components and round it to the next whole number). In this case, any one of the residue
components could be present at 0.2 mg/kg, or all of the three at 0.06 mg/kg, without
exceeding the MRL. Consequently, individual residue components could be respectively 10
and 3 times those which should arise from the recommended use of the compound but would
be within the MRL. Similarly, if the sum of the LOQs achieved in the supervised trials was
considered, an MRL of 0.1 mg/kg would be needed, which would still allow 5 times the
residue that would arise from treatments complying with GAP.
The 1995 JMPR concluded that when residues are undetectable in a commodity an MRL
based on the sum of the LOQs of the individual residue components may not be appropriate
for enforcement purposes. The best option should be selected on a case-by case basis taking
into account the relative ratio of metabolites.
From the regulatory laboratory perspective the best option is to choose a simple enforcement
residue definition, i.e., a single component if possible. Standards of the single component
should be readily available and not excessively expensive.
Chapter 6 Estimation of residue levels in plant commodities based on supervised trial data
The JMPR recommends to the CCPR that the estimated maximum residue levels be used as
MRLs if the risk assessment process demonstrates that consumption of the relevant foods
does not result in dietary intakes of residues exceeding the ADI or ARfD (Chapter 7,
Estimating dietary intake of pesticide residues).
In those cases where a full ADI could not be estimated or the previously estimated ADI has to
be withdrawn, the JMPR does not recommend MRLs or withdraws its previous
6.14.1 Recommendation of temporary MRLs
A temporary maximum residue limit is a maximum residue limit for a specified limited
period, which is clearly related to required information.
As a general JMPR policy, TMRLs will not be introduced for a new compound, a compound
in the periodic review programme or when there is no established GAP.
In the past the JMPR recommended a TMRL in some special circumstances on a case-by-case
basis, for example:
The JMPR was informed that experiments were in progress and data from residue
or processing trials would be available for a specified meeting in the future.
Immediate withdrawal of an MRL might be too disruptive if insufficient
opportunity had been given for comment and data submission.
TMRLs for specific commodities were recommended to replace group commodity
MRLs or fruit and vegetable MRLs where residue trials on those specific
commodities were known to be in progress
6.14.2 Guideline Levels
A Guideline Level is the maximum concentration of a pesticide residue occurring after use of
the pesticide according to Good Agricultural Practice, but for which no Acceptable Daily
Intake has been established or it has been withdrawn by the JMPR. There may still be a need
to inform regulatory authorities about the residue levels to be expected in food items when
these pesticides are used in accordance with Good Agricultural Practice.
Over a number of years the Codex Committee established a list of Guideline Levels for
pesticides. These Guideline Levels had not been submitted to the Commission for adoption,
but were used for the internal reference of the Committee. In 1993 the Codex Alimentarius
Commission decided that Guideline Levels would no longer be established. The existing
Guideline Levels had been submitted to a review programme in order to delete compounds
from the list. Currently, Guideline Levels exist for methyl bromide and guazatine.
Chapter 7 Estimating dietary intake of pesticide residues
Long-term dietary intake
Short-term dietary intake
Handling of cases where JMPR estimates of dietary intake exceed the ADI or ARfD
To assess whether the maximum residue level proposed to CCPR, for use as a MRL, provides
sufficient consumer safety, available residue data are combined with cultural dietary
information to estimate potential residue intake by consumers. The consumer is considered to
be adequately protected when estimated dietary intake of pesticide residues does not exceed
the acceptable daily intake (ADI) or the acute reference dose (ARfD).
The JMPR has, from the outset, tried to estimate potential pesticide residue intake by utilising
available data. In using the MRL as the residue level and the dietary patterns for the quantity
of food consumed, then summing all intakes, the JMPR arrived at the Theoretical Maximum
Daily Intake or TMDI. Nonetheless the JMPR was aware that TMDI calculations can result in
a gross overestimation of intake. Conversely, existing uses of a pesticide, not brought to the
attention of the JMPR, could result in an underestimation of the residue intake.
Until 1997 the TMDI dietary intake calculations had been carried out according to the
Guidelines for predicting dietary intake of pesticide residues
published by the WHO in
1989. The dietary intake of any particular pesticide residue was obtained by multiplying the
residue level in the food by the amount of commodity consumed from a global and five
cultural diets, also known as regional diets. Total intake of the pesticide residue in each of
the diet groups was then obtained by summing the intakes from all commodities containing
the residue concerned. Intake estimation could be refined by allowing for the residue level in
the edible portion of the commodity, the reduction or increase of residue levels on commercial
processing such as canning and milling, and the reduction or increase in the level of residue
on preparation or cooking of the food.
Based on the request of the CCPR a Joint FAO/WHO Consultation on Guidelines for
predicting the Dietary Intake of Pesticide Residues
in 1995 reviewed the existing guidelines
and recommended feasible approaches for improving the reliability and accuracy of methods
for predicting the dietary intake of pesticide residues. The aim was to promote a greater
acceptance of Codex MRLs by governments and, more importantly, by consumers. The report
of the consultation contained recommendations for improving estimates of dietary intake,
most notably the use of supervised trials median residue (STMR) levels in lieu of MRLs in the
calculation of International Estimated Daily Intakes (IEDIs) and National Estimated Daily
Intakes (NEDIs).
WHO. 1989. Guidelines for predicting dietary intake of pesticide residues. GEMS/Food WHO, Geneva.
WHO. 1995. Recommendations for the revision of the guidelines for predicting dietary intake of pesticide residues. Report
of the FAO/WHO Consultation, (WHO/FNU/FOS/95.11) Geneva.
Chapter 7 Estimating dietary intake of pesticide residues
The IEDI incorporates those factors which can be applied at the international level and which
comprise a subset of factors that might be considered at national level. The factors to be
considered for IEDI calculations are:
median residue data from supervised trials (STMR)
residue definitions, which include all metabolites and degradation products of
toxicological concern
for residues at or below the limit of quantification (indicated with *), the median
residue should be estimated to be the LOQ except when evidence from trials and
supporting studies suggests that that residues are essentially zero
the edible portion
effects on residue levels due to storage, processing or cooking practices
other known uses of the pesticide.
The National Estimated Daily Intake (NEDI) should be based on the same factors as for the
IEDI, but the following additional factors based on national use pattern of the pesticides and
food consumption data should also be taken into consideration, which would allow a
refinement of the NEDI:
proportion of crop or food commodity treated
proportion of crop domestically produced and imported
compliance monitoring and surveillance data
total diet (market basket) studies
food consumption data, including that of subgroups of the population.
The revised guidelines also contained sections on the risk assessment of acute hazards posed
by pesticide residues and predicting dietary intake of acutely toxic pesticide residues. The
guidelines have been further refined into operating procedures. See this chapter, Section 3
Short-term dietary intake.
The revised guidelines
were issued in 1997.
Long-term dietary intakes are calculated by multiplying the residue concentrations (STMRs,
STMR-Ps or, where these are not available, recommended MRLs) by the average daily per
capita consumption estimated for each commodity, on the basis of the GEMS/Food diets
and summing the intakes for each food.
GEMS/Food Regional Diets, also referred to as cultural diets, are based on FAO food balance
sheets from selected countries and expert knowledge. Consumption data derived from Food
Balance Sheets reflect what is grown in a country plus what is imported, minus what is
exported, and then divided by the number of inhabitants. GEMS/Food regional diets based on
WHO. 1997. Guidelines for predicting dietary intake of pesticide residues, 2nd revised edition Unpublished document
WHO. 1998. GEMS/Food Regional Diets. Regional per capita consumption of raw and semi-processed agricultural
commodities. Food Safety Unit. WHO/FSF/FOS/98.3, Geneva.
Chapter 7 Estimating dietary intake of pesticide residues
food balance sheets include commodities that contain inedible or non-eaten portions. The
consumption of the edible portion of food commodities should be used in estimating intakes
rather than that of entire commodities. Corrections for wastage and home production can also
improve this data. Because food balance sheets are thought to overestimate consumption of
most commodities, the use of the per capita food consumption based on these sheets is
generally thought to accommodate high percentile consumers (WHO 1997).
Until 2005 the JMPR used 5 regional diets. In 1997 Joint FAO/WHO Consultation on Food
Consumption and Exposure Assessment of Chemicals recommended that new diets be
developed based on a cluster analysis approach using major food groups. This
recommendation was reconfirmed at a Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Exposure
Assessment held in May 2005 in Annapolis, Maryland USA. This meeting agreed that the
new diets would more accurately reflect the diversity of global food consumption patterns
than the original five GEMS/Food Regional Diets
. Accordingly, 13 GEMS/Food
Consumption Cluster Diets were developed based on FAO Food Balance Sheets. Data are
currently available for 13 cluster diets with the number of countries given in brackets: A:
Africa (22), B: Africa/Europe/Middle East (9), C: Africa/Middle East (10), D: Europe/Middle
East (19), E: Europe (17), F: Europe (7), G: Far East (15), H: Latin America (12), I: Africa
(15), J: Africa (11), K: Latin America (20), L: Far East (10) and M: Europe/Latin America
(7). These Consumption Cluster Diets have been incorporated by the Dutch National Institute
for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), in cooperation with WHO/GEMS/Food, into
an automated spreadsheet
to ensure consistency in IEDI calculations.
To use the spreadsheets, estimates made by JMPR (ADI, STMR (-P), HR (-P), and when
necessary MRL values) are entered according to the manual attached to the templates. The
calculations and generation of a final table are performed automatically. Great care is needed
in data entry to ensure the food items are correctly matched with the corresponding residue
value, taking into account, such factors as the processed proportion of a raw agriculture
commodity where STMR-P values are available for the processed food, or the edible portion
of the commodity if residues are available for the edible portion. To calculate processing
factors, the principles described in Section 8 of Chapter 5 should be followed.
On some occasions STMR values may not be available for certain residuecommodity
combinations. In such cases the MRL values may be entered in the spreadsheet to provide an
intermediate estimate between the TMDI and the IEDI. Such situations should be fully
explained in the report.
Notes for intake spreadsheets:
diets are expressed in g/person/day
daily intakes are expressed in g/person
the MRL is not entered unless it is used in the calculation
data entry for meat and fat is based on 20/80% fat/muscle values for cattle and
other mammalian animals and 10/90% fat/muscle values for poultry.
The procedure followed is illustrated in the example below.
WHO 2008a. Dietary exposure assessment of chemicals in food Report of a Joint FAO/WHO Consultation Annapolis,
Maryland, USA 26 May 2005,
Chapter 7 Estimating dietary intake of pesticide residues
For deltamethrin, the cattle fat residue values from dietary exposure were a HR of 0.19 mg/kg
and a STMR of 0.16 mg/kg. The cattle muscle residue values were a HR of 0.027 mg/kg and a
STMR of 0.01 mg/kg. The poultry fat residue values were a HR of 0.09 mg/kg and a STMR
of 0.038 mg/kg. The poultry muscle residue values were a HR of 0.02 mg/kg and a STMR of
0.02 mg/kg. The following tables illustrate the new calculation procedure for meat.
The automated excel template has the entries for 20/80% fat/muscle values for mammals and
the 10/90% fat/muscle values for poultry, and performs the calculation correctly.
DELTAMETHRIN (135): International Estimate of Daily Intake
ADI=0.01 mg/kg bw or 600 g/person; 550 g/person for Far East
Diets: g/person/day. Intake = daily intake: g/person MRL
Code Commodity mg/kg mg/kg diet intake diet intake diet Intake
MM 95 Meat (mammals
other than marine)
27.7 90.2 158.3
Muscle (meat
0.01 22.16 0.222 72.16 0.722 126.64 1.266
Fat (meat
0.16 5.54 0.886 18.04 2.887 31.66 5.066
PM110 Poultry meat 7.1 61 115.1
Muscle (meat
0.02 5.68 0.114 48.8 0.976 103.59 2.072
Fat (meat
0.04 1.42 0.057 12.2 0.488 11.51 0.460
TOTAL = 1.278 5.072 8.864
% ADI = 0% 1% 2%
The format of a spreadsheet for calculating long-term intake is provided in Tables XI.4 and
XI.5 (Appendix XI). The tables are completed for an IEDI estimation for parathion-methyl
and for a mixed TMDI-IEDI calculation for myclobutanil.
International estimated daily intakes (IEDIs) are derived only where STMRs or STMR-Ps are
used in the calculation. Theoretical maximum daily intakes (TMDIs) use MRLs in the
(or STMR-P
) is STMR (or STMR-P) for food commodity i
is MRL for food commodity i
is GEMS/Food regional consumption of food commodity i
JMPR intake estimates take into account JMPR recommendations. They may not always
agree with a calculation that includes all current Codex MRLs because Codex MRLs whose
withdrawal has been recommended by the JMPR are not included in the estimate.
Chapter 7 Estimating dietary intake of pesticide residues
Long-term dietary intakes are expressed as percentage of the ADI for a 60 kg person with the
exception of the intake calculated for the diets G and L, in which a body weight of 55 kg is
. The percentages are rounded up to one whole number up to nine and to the nearest 10
above that. When the percentage is higher than 100 for the compounds for which IEDIs are
calculated, the information provided to the JMPR does not allow an estimate that the dietary
intake would be below the ADI and a note to this effect is included in the Report. However,
percentages above 100 should not necessarily be interpreted as giving rise to a health concern
due to the conservative assumptions upon which the assessments are based
. In cases where
the ADI is exceeded, JMPR indicates in its report which part of the risk assessment leaves
most room for refinement (see Chapter 7.Section 6).
At the National level, further refinements of the dietary intake calculations are possible, taking
into account more detailed information on food consumption, monitoring and surveillance
data, total diet or reliable data on the percentage of crop treated and percentage of crop
In 1994 the JMPR considered the assessment of acute dietary risk in response to the CCPRs
reservations about MRLs proposed for acutely toxic pesticides. The CCPR had suggested that
the traditional ADI may not be appropriate for assessing risks reflecting short-term exposure
to residues. Revised guidelines
were published in 1997 by the WHO and contained chapters
on risk assessment of acute hazards and predicting dietary intake of acutely toxic pesticide
residues. Procedures and practical guidelines were subsequently developed and the 1999
JMPR commenced formal routine assessment of acute dietary risk for pesticide residues in
High intake of a residue would occur when a large portion of a food with a high residue was
consumed. The large portion size was agreed as the 97.5
percentile daily consumption for
eaters of that food. Research in the UK and other countries had shown that the residue level in
a unit of fruit or vegetable, e.g., a single apple or a single carrot, may be substantially higher
than the residue in a composite sample representing the typical residue in the lot. This issue
was accounted for through the introduction of a variability factor into the risk assessment.
This concept provided the basis for the assessment of short-term dietary intake of pesticide
The highest residue from the supervised residue trials at maximum GAP was generally seen as
the better option than the MRL for short-term dietary intake calculations. The MRL is
expressed on commodity moving in trade rather than the edible portion and the residue
definition for enforcement does not necessarily match the residue definition for dietary intake
estimation. The estimation of an MRL usually involves 'rounding up' to an accepted value,
and rounding of values at an intermediate stage of a calculation is undesirable. Furthermore,
the use of the MRL in an intake calculation may give the impression that adjusting the MRL
FAO. 2003. Pesticide Residues in Food 2003- Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 176 FAO, Rome.
Chapter 3.
FAO. 2008. Pesticide Residues in Food 2008- Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 193 FAO, Rome. P
WHO. 1997. Guidelines for predicting dietary intake of pesticide residues, 2nd revised edition Unpublished document
Chapter 7 Estimating dietary intake of pesticide residues
will change the intake, but there will be no real change of dietary intake if the MRL is
changed but GAP and other factors remain the same.
The highest residue in the composite sample of the edible portion from the trials used for
estimating the maximum residue level is defined as the HR, expressed in mg/kg. In those
cases where information is available only on the whole commodity and not on the edible
portion, the HR expressed on the whole commodity may be used in the dietary intake
calculations, though this is the least preferred option.
A 'high residue' is needed in the intake calculation for those processed commodities where
bulking and blending are not likely to influence residues in the commodity as consumed, e.g.,
dried fruit or canned pineapple. In such cases the processing factor is applied to the highest
residue from the supervised residue trials at maximum GAP rather than to the MRL. Similar
arguments regarding rounding and residue definition apply as for the HR. The high residue in
a processed commodity is referred to as the HR-P (highest residue - processed commodity).
The HR-P is the residue in a processed commodity calculated from the highest residue of the
raw agricultural commodity and the corresponding processing factor.
The values provided by WHO GEMS/Food for the highest large-portion diet with the
associated body weight and country for children and general population are used in the IESTI
Data on unit weights and large portion consumption (97.5
percentile diets) and the mean
body weights for the populations associated with the food consumption data are provided on
the WHO Web site
Calculations of intake recognize four different cases (1, 2a, 2b and 3). Case 1 is the simple
case where the residue in a composite sample reflects the residue level in a meal-sized portion
of the commodity. Case 2 is the situation where the meal-sized portion as a single fruit or
vegetable unit might have a higher residue than the composite. Case 2 is further divided into
case 2a and case 2b where the unit size is less than or greater than the large portion size
respectively. Case 3 allows for the likely bulking and blending of processed commodities such
as flour, vegetable oils and fruit juices.
LP: Highest large portion reported (97.5
percentile of eaters), in kg food per day
HR: Highest residue in composite sample of edible portion found in the supervised trials used for
estimating the maximum residue level, in mg/kg
HR-P: Highest residue in a processed commodity, in mg/kg, calculated by multiplying the highest
residue in the raw commodity by the processing factor
U Unit weight of the whole commodity (as defined for MRL setting, including inedible parts)
: Unit weight of the edible portion, in kg, median value provided by the country where the trials
which gave the highest residue were carried out
: Variability factor - the factor applied to the composite residue to estimate the residue level in a
high-residue unit; defined as the residue level in the 97.5
percentile unit divided by the mean
residue level for the lot.
Supervised trials median residue, in mg/kg
Supervised trials median residue in processed commodity, in mg/kg
See Appendix II, Glossary of Terms, for definitions of ARfD, HR, HR-P, STMR and STMR-P, and processing factor.
Chapter 7 Estimating dietary intake of pesticide residues
It should be noted that:
The LP should be matched to the Codex commodity to which the HR or STMR
values relate. In the case of commodities that are predominantly eaten as the fresh
fruit or vegetable, the LP should relate to the raw agricultural commodity.
However, when major portions of the commodity are eaten in a processed way, e.g.,
grains, and when information on the residue in the processed commodity is
available, the LP should relate to the processed commodity, e.g., flour or bread.
Although it was decided at the International Conference on Pesticide Residues
Variability and Acute Dietary Risk Assessment in 1998
that the median unit
weight (U
) should be used in the IESTI equation, this value is not always
available. Countries frequently use other values, such as the mean or an
approximate value. JMPR uses the values that were submitted by Codex Member
States to WHO GEMS/Food, on the assumption that these values represent median
unit weights.
Case 1
The residue in a composite sample (raw or processed) reflects the residue level in a meal-sized
portion of the commodity (unit weight, U, is below 0.025 kg). Case 1 also applies to meat,
liver, kidney, edible offal, and eggs, and for grains, oil seed, and pulse commodities when the
estimates are based on post-harvest use of the pesticide.
Case 2
The meal-sized portion, such as a single fruit or vegetable unit might have a higher residue
than the composite (whole fruit or vegetable unit weight, U, is above 0.025 kg).
Case 2a
Unit edible weight of raw commodity (U
) is less than large portion weight.
(HR or HR-P) + (LP-U
) (HR or HR-P)
The Case 2a formula is based on the assumption that the first unit contains residues at the
[HR ] level and the next ones contain residues at the HR level, which represents the
residue in the composite from the same lot as the first one.
Case 2b
Unit edible weight of raw commodity, U
, exceeds large portion weight.
IESTI = LP (HR or HR-P) v
The Case 2b formula is based on the assumption that there is only one consumed unit and it
contains residues at the [HR ] level.
PSD Report of the International Conference on Pesticide Residues Variability and Acute Dietary Risk Assessment. York
UK. Feb 1999.
Chapter 7 Estimating dietary intake of pesticide residues
Case 3
Case 3 is for those processed commodities where due to bulking or blending the STMR-P
represents the likely highest residue. Case 3 also applies to milk, grains, oil seeds, and pulses
for which estimates are based on the pre-harvest use of the pesticide.
The acute reference dose (ARfD) of a chemical is the estimate of the amount of a substance
in food or drinking-water, expressed on a body weight basis, that can be ingested over a short
period of time, usually during one meal or one day, without appreciable health risk to the
consumer on the basis of all the known facts at the time of the evaluation. ARfDs are derived
from toxicological data obtained from feeding studies on laboratory animals. The estimated
short-term dietary intake of a residue is compared with its ARfD in the risk assessment.
The JMPR WHO Core Assessment Group has already assessed many compounds and either
assigned an ARfD or decided that an ARfD is unnecessary. The JMPR decided that it was
inappropriate to use the ADI for a compound that has not yet been assessed for an ARfD.
In the short-term risk assessment of a compound, there are three situations with respect to the
1) an ARfD is available
2) an ARfD is unnecessary
3) the compound has not yet been evaluated for an ARfD.
When an ARfD is available the calculated IESTI values may be expressed as % of ARfD.
When an ARfD is deemed unnecessary, IESTI calculations are not necessary. In this case in
the residue evaluations it is not necessary to estimate HR and HR-P values because they are
not required.
When the compound has not yet been evaluated for an ARfD, HR and HR-P values should be
estimated and IESTI values calculated. The ARfD section in the table heading should state:
may be necessary but has not yet been established. The final column in the IESTI tables
cannot be completed (% ARfD) and entries should be indicated by a dash .
For commodities where large portion diet information is available and for compounds for
which ARfDs have been established, an acute risk assessment is carried out for each
commoditycompound combination by assessing the IESTI as a percentage of the ARfD of
the compound. If the percentage is higher than 100, the information provided to the JMPR
does not allow an estimate that the acute dietary intake of the residue in that commodity
would be below the acute reference dose and a note to this effect is included in the Report.
See Appendix X, section Dietary risk assessment for standard statements depending on the
results of the IESTI calculations.
Chapter 7 Estimating dietary intake of pesticide residues
An automated Excel template, similar to that described under long-term intake calculation,
had been developed by Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
(RIVM), in cooperation with WHO/GEMS/Food
Tables XI.6 and XI.7 (Appendix XI) provide examples of the format used in the IESTI
calculation spreadsheets; the examples used are for parathion-methyl. For each compound,
two tables are required, one for the general population and one for children between the ages
of 2 and 6 years.
The table heading should show the compound, IESTI, general population or children and the
The commodities and the STMR, STMR-P, HR and HR-P values are taken from the
recommendation tables. Only those values needed in the calculations should be entered in the
IESTI tables. Note that STMR values are generally not used in IESTI calculations and should
not be entered into the tables (exceptions: STMR values are used for milk, STMR values for
commodities like wheat are precursors to the STMR-P values for the processed commodities).
The percentages of the ARfD are rounded to one significant figure for values up to and
including 100% and to two significant figures for values above 100%.
The IESTI values in the table are expressed as g/kg bw in preference to the traditional mg/kg
bw for more convenient reading; the % ARfD is unchanged by the choice of units.
Body weights
In selecting the appropriate body weight, an ad hoc meeting (1999) recommended the use of
15 kg for children aged 6 and under and 60 kg for the general population. Since it is necessary
to express the IESTI as per kg bodyweight for comparison with the ARfD, the JMPR
recommended that body weights provided by the appropriate national Governments should be
used in the calculation. The JMPR agreed that where these were not available, default values
of 15 or 60 kg should be used.
Food unit weights and % edible portion
Food unit weights are quite influential on Case 2 IESTI calculations. Data on unit weights for
a particular food provided to WHO GEMS/Food may cover a range.
The JMPR decided to use the unit weight appropriate to the region where GAP had been used
to recommend the MRL. The JMPR agreed that in cases where no data had been supplied the
calculation would not be carried out unless it could be concluded that a typical unit size was
generally similar from region to region.
National governments that supplied unit weight data (U) also supplied information on the
percentage edible portion size. The unit weight in Case 2 calculations is the edible portion unit
weight (U
). For example, the avocado unit weight (U) is 0.3 kg with 60% of its weight
edible, resulting in a unit weight edible portion (U
of 0.18 kg.
Variability factors
Since its introduction by the 1997 Expert consultation
, the variability factor has been
gradually refined based on the increased data base and information on the nature of the
distribution of residues in crop units.
FAO/WHO. 1997. Geneva consultation acute dietary intake methodology. Geneva, Switzerland.10-14 February 1997.
Chapter 7 Estimating dietary intake of pesticide residues
The 2003 JMPR
evaluated the available information on the relation of maximum residues in
crop units and the average residue in the corresponding composite samples
. The Meeting
agreed to adopt a default variability factor of 3 for the estimation of residue levels in high-
residue units in the IESTI calculations where unit weights, U, exceed 25 g (0.025 kg). The
default variability factors of 5, 7 and 10 were replaced by a common default factor of 3
(JMPR report 2003). The applicability of the default variability factor of 3, which is the
rounded mean (2.8) of variability factors, was confirmed by the 2005 JMPR
based on the
evaluation of an extensive data base of residues in crop units
. The FAO Panel agreed to
continue the current practice of using specific unit variability factors in preference to the
default value where the supporting data are available, valid and sufficient.
The 2007 JMPR
noted that the parameters to be used in the IESTI equation are under
debate, especially within the EU. The reason for this is the different views on which level of
conservatism in the calculations is appropriate. CCPR concurs with the level of conservatism
that JMPR currently applies.
Summary of choice of values in IESTI calculation spreadsheets
1. Commodity, STMR, STMR-P, HR and HR-P: use the relevant values directly from the
recommendations table.
2. Large portion diet: use the values provided by WHO GEMS/Food for the highest large-
portion diet, body weight and country for children and general population.
3. Unit weight: choose the country, unit weight and edible portion weight from the values
provided by WHO GEMS/Food. The country should be associated with the region
where GAP had been used to recommend the MRL.
4. Case: decide the case from the unit weight, U, unit weight edible portion, U
, and large
portion size.
7.5.1 Animal commodities IESTI calculations
See also Chapter 6, section 12 Estimation of maximum residue levels and STMR values for
commodities of animal origin.
According to the recommended sampling principles (ReferencesPesticide Residues in Food,
CODEX ALIMENTARIUS, 1993), a lot would comply with the MRL if:
a. the final sample (consisting of combined primary samples) of commodities other than
meat and poultry products did not contain a residue above the MRL, or
b. none of the primary samples of meat and poultry products analysed contained a
residue above the MRL.
This implies that a variability factor should not be used in the IESTI calculation for animal
Report of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO
Core Assessment Group. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper, 176, 2004
Hamilton DJ, Ambrus , Dieterle RM, Felsot A, Harris C, Petersen B, Racke K, Wong S-S, Gonzalez R, Tanaka K, Earl
M, Roberts G and Bhula R. Pesticide residues in food Acute dietary Intake. Pest Manag Sci 60:311-339 (2004).
Report of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO
Core Assessment Group. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper, 183, 2005
Ambrus ., Variability of pesticide residues in crop units, Pest Manag Sci. 62: 693-714, 2006.
FAO. 2007. Report of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment
and the WHO Core Assessment Group.. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 191 2007. FAO, Rome.
Chapter 7 Estimating dietary intake of pesticide residues
The estimation of acute intake from the consumption of animal commodities, except milk,
should be performed using the Case 1 defined by the methodology. The mixed 20/80%
fat/muscle values for cattle and other mammalian animals and the mixed 10/90% fat/muscle
values for poultry should be used.
For milk, Case 3 should be applied (bulking or blending large portion at the STMR level).
Where the procedures described in this chapter have been applied to pesticides evaluated as
new compounds or under the periodic review program the results are the best estimates of
dietary intake of those pesticides according to the available data and methods applicable at the
international level. The JMPR, by the use of footnotes, draws attention to those cases when
intake estimates exceed the ADI or the ARfD.
If the JMPR estimate of long-term intake for a new or periodic review compound still exceeds
the ADI for one or more of the GEMS/Food regional diets a footnote will be attached to the
compound in the recommendations table:
The information provided to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the dietary intake
would be below the ADI JMPR [year].
If the JMPR estimate of short-term intake of a new or periodic review compound still exceeds
the ARfD for one or more food commodities a footnote will be attached to those commodities
in the recommendations table:
The information provided to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the dietary intake
would be below the ARfD JMPR [year].
There is a public perception that small differences in estimated intake are real differences in
terms of food safety, e.g., 120% ARfD is unacceptable whereas 80% ARfD is acceptable.
However, there is conservatism in the derivation of the ARfD and in the estimation of intake.
For example, a safety factor for inter-individual variation is included when the ARfD is
established, and as such the ARfD is designed to protect those individuals at the upper-end of
human susceptibility. There is likely to be very limited overlap between the population with
the greatest sensitivity to a particular pesticide and the population with estimated intake of
residues greater than the ARfD. Therefore, in cases where the ARfD is exceeded, additional
considerations should be taken into account, e.g., the amount by which the ARfD is exceeded,
the basis on which the ARfD has been established, and the uncertainties in the estimate of
. In cases where the ADI and/or ARfD are exceeded, the JMPR indicates in its Report
which part of the risk assessment leaves most room for refinement. If no more refinements are
possible, the estimated maximum residue level will not be adopted as an MRL by CCPR.
FAO. 2007. Report of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment
and the WHO Core Assessment Group.. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 191 2007. FAO, Rome.
Chapter 8 Use of JMPR recommendations by regulatory authorities
Safety assessment of pesticides
Residue studies and recommended MRLs
Interpretation of residue analytical results in comparison with MRLs
The evaluations and appraisals of the compounds are, in most cases, based on unpublished
proprietary data submitted for the purpose of the JMPR assessment. In this context the JMPR
documents are a unique source of information. Regulatory authorities and other interested
specialists are encouraged to make use of the critical evaluations of the JMPR.
The JMPR monographs and reports should be of help to FAO and WHO Member States in the
safety assessment of pesticides and their residues. However, two major problems can be
encountered when a Member State attempts to use these assessments: (1) the JMPR assesses
the toxicology of active ingredients and not formulations, which are controlled at the national
level, and (2) relationships between the purity and specifications of the active ingredients
involved in the tests evaluated by the JMPR and the technical materials of commerce are often
The purity of technical active ingredient depends on, among others, the route and conditions
of synthesis, the purity of raw materials used for the manufacture, and the packing and storage
conditions. The toxicity of certain impurities can be several magnitudes higher than that of the
active ingredient, and therefore their presence even in very small concentrations may
substantially affect the toxicity of the pesticide product.
The Joint Meeting evaluates toxicological studies on test materials that in most cases
correspond to active ingredients that are sold by the companies which provided the data. The
purity and specifications of active ingredients that national regulatory authorities are asked to
approve may or may not correspond to those that were tested and summarized in the JMPR
monographs. For this reason, national registration authorities should carefully consider the
extent of similarity between any active ingredient being considered for registration and the
technical material assessed by the Joint Meeting. To be able to make this determination,
registration authorities should seek information on manufacturing impurities in pesticide
products, as emphasised in the FAO International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and
Use of Pesticides (Sections 6.2.2 and 6.2.3)
. The safety of other components of formulations
should also be considered when registering pesticides. For these reasons the JMPR does not
FAO International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides
Chapter 8 Use of JMPR recommendations by regulatory authorities
recommend use of JMPR Evaluations as the sole basis for safety assessment for national
If the evaluations are used for registration purposes, authorities should use documentation
provided by manufacturers in accordance with national laws relating to the submission and
use of unpublished proprietary data to ensure that the JMPR evaluations are of pesticides
manufactured by the same routes, of comparable purity and with similar impurities to the
pesticides that are being registered.
8.2.1 Relevance of pesticide specifications for JMPR evaluations
The 2006 edition of the FAO Manual
on the development and use of FAO specifications for
plant protection products
provide an outline of the current procedure for data evaluation.
Under this new procedure the data requirements were expanded dramatically. FAO in co-
operation with WHO now evaluates, in confidence, the physico-chemical properties, the
impurity, toxicological and ecotoxicological profiles of technical materials. The evaluations
ensure that specifications include all relevant impurities. These impurities, following the
definition in the FAO-Manual on specifications, are those by-products of the manufacture or
storage of a pesticide which, compared with the active ingredient, are toxicologically
significant to health or the environment, are phytotoxic to treated plants, cause taint in food
crops, affect the stability of the pesticide, or cause any other adverse effect. Besides the
assessment of the toxicological, ecotoxicological and impurity profile data by WHO, the FAO
also seeks access to registration data from competent authorities to assess whether:
(i) the technical material, for which an FAO specification is proposed, is equivalent to
that registered by the authority, as assessed by a comparison between the data
submitted to FAO and those submitted for registration; or
(ii) their decision that technical materials from different manufacturers are equivalent
was based on data similar to those provided to FAO.
FAO specifications apply now only to products for which the technical materials produced by
each manufacturer have been evaluated by these organisations. This is a radical change
because, under the previous procedure, the FAO specification could be taken to apply to any
notionally similar product. To take account of this change, the new procedure also defines the
process for the determination of equivalence (similarity) of technical pesticides, so that an
FAO specification can be extended to truly equivalent products.
The new procedure, including the definition of equivalence, was developed to enhance
product quality, to improve pesticide user and consumer protection as well as to reduce
unwanted effects on the environment. This procedure is now widely accepted by both research
companies and manufacturers of generic compounds.
The data submissions to the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Specifications (JMPS) are
coordinated with JMPR evaluations, however it should be noted that JMPS itself does not
serve Codex directly.
Manual on development and use of FAO and WHO specifications for pesticides. February 2006 Revision of First Edition.
FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper. Revised.
Chapter 8 Use of JMPR recommendations by regulatory authorities
The information relating to pesticide residues, e.g., results of supervised trials, metabolism,
animal transfer and processing studies, can be used more generally than the safety
assessments of pesticides.
The comparability of the trial conditions discussed in detail in Chapters 5 and 6 should be
assessed for deciding on the applicability of JMPR conclusions and recommendations for the
particular national use conditions.
Codex MRLs are intended to be used primarily to enforce and control compliance with
nationally authorized uses of pesticides on commodities moving in international trade. The
applicability of Codex MRLs for national use, depends on the relation of GAP on which the
maximum residue level estimates were based to the national GAP. In making decisions on
comparability of national use conditions to the trial conditions described in the monographs,
the results of a few supervised trials carried out under typical growing conditions of the
country can be of great value.
In accordance with the principles of FAO International Code of Conduct on the Distribution
and Use of Pesticides, governments should promote the use of safe, efficient and cost
effective application methods in order to reduce the exposure of consumers and the
environment resulting from the use of pesticides. When the national use conditions lead to
substantially lower residues than the Codex MRL, the establishment of lower national MRLs
may be considered for enforcing domestic uses since higher MRLs would encourage
unauthorized use of the pesticide, which is against the principle of GAP. However, for
imported commodities the national authorities have an obligation to accept higher Codex
MRLs which afford an acceptable level of consumer protection, in accordance with the
provisions laid down in the Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) agreement of the Uruguay
Round of GATT (General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade).
A question frequently asked is whether the Codex MRLs, which are based on the limits
recommended by the JMPR, should be considered either as strict limits or with the allowance
of a further margin when considering the analysis of samples for enforcement purposes.
By definition an MRL is a limit not to be exceeded. The burden of proof is on the monitoring
authority to establish, with a high degree of assurance, whether the residue in the lot being
examined exceeds the MRL, in order to take any regulatory actions.
The uncertainty of the analytical results (S
) deriving from the random variation of the
consecutive procedures comprises the uncertainties of sampling (S
), sample preparation (S
and analysis (S
) = [(S
+ (S
+ (S
Since the average residue is the same the equation can be written as:
) = [(CV
+ (CV
+ (CV
Chapter 8 Use of JMPR recommendations by regulatory authorities
The uncertainty of the final analytical result (CV
) cannot be smaller than that of any step of
its measurement.
Based on the evaluation of large number of residue data, the average sampling uncertainty
following the Codex sampling procedure
was estimated
to be:
small and medium size crops (unit mass 250g, minimum sample size =10): 25%
large crops (unit mass > 250 g, minimum sample size = 5): 33%
Brassica leafy vegetables (unit mass > 250 g, minimum sample size = 5): 20%.
The Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues
is currently working on a revision of the
Guidelines on the estimation of uncertainty of results for the determination of pesticide
residues (CAC/GL 59-2006), taking into account the general Codex criteria for acceptable
precision and trueness of the residue data. Both parameters should be considered when the
measurement results are interpreted.
International collaborative studies revealed that, in the comparison of an analytical result with
the MRL, trueness (influenced by mainly systematic errors) is more important than precision,
i.e., random errors.
In order to obtain reliable results, the laboratories performing regulatory enforcement analysis
are encouraged to:
establish internal quality control measures which enable them to assess the within
laboratory variation of results
participate in international sample check programmes to assess the accuracy of their
pay attention to information on storage stability of residues and the definition of
strictly adhere to Codex guidelines for preparing the portion of commodity for
validate the sampling procedures used for obtaining samples, and ensure proper
training of sampling officers.
The same precautions should be applied in performing supervised trials or selective surveys to
provide data for estimating maximum residue levels.
Ambrus, A. & Soboleva, E. (2004) JAOAC International. 87, 1368-1379
Report of the Forty-first Session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues, Beijing, China, 20 25 April
Chapter 9 - References
The following documents were referred to or used in the preparation of the second edition
(2009) of the FAO Manual:
Codex Alimentarius Commission Procedural Manual - Eighteenth edition, 2008
Report of the 41st session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues, para 187, Beijing, China, 20
25 April 2009
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Test No. 501: Metabolism in Crops,
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Test No. 502: Metabolism in Rotational Crops.
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals Test No. 503: Metabolism in Livestock Codex
Alimentarius Commission, Recommended method of sampling for the determination of pesticide
residues for compliance with MRLs
FAO, Portion of Commodities to which Codex Maximum Residue Limits Apply and which is
Analysed. In Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme Codex Alimentarius Vol. 2A, Part I.
Section 2. Analysis of Pesticide Residues, FAO, Rome, 2000, 27-36.
OECD Guidance Document on Pesticide Residue Analytical Methods, Series on Pesticides Number
39, Series on Testing and Assessment Number 72$FILE/JT03268144.PDF
Codex Secretariat (2003) Revised Guidelines on Good Laboratory Practice in Residue Analysis
CAC/GL 40-1993, Rev.1-2003,
Skidmore, M.W., Paulson, G.D., Kuiper, H.A., Ohlin, B. and Reynolds, S. 1998. Bound xenobiotic
residues in food commodities of plant and animal origin. Pure & Applied Chemistry, 70, 1423-
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Test No 506: Stability of Pesticide Residues in Stored
Fussell R.J., Jackson-Addie K., Reynolds S.L. and Wilson M.F., (2002): Assessment of the stability
of pesticides during cryogenic sample processing, J. Agric. Food Chem., 50, 441.
Fussell, R.J., Hetmanski, M.T., Macarthur, R., Findlay, D. Smith, F., Ambrus . and Brodesser J.P.
(2007): Measurement Uncertainty Associated with Sample Processing of Oranges and Tomatoes
for Pesticide Residue Analysis. J. Agric. Food Chem., 55, 1062-1070.
FAO/WHO. 1993. Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds in Codex Alimentarius, 2nd ed.,
Volume 2. Pesticide Residues, Section 2. Joint FAO/WHO Food Standard Programme. FAO,
Chapter 9 - References
FAO. 2006. Manual on the development and use of FAO specifications for pesticides. 1st Edition.
OECD Draft New Test Guideline: Crop Field Trial 19-Feb-2009
Draft Revised Guidance Document on Overview of Residue Chemistry Studies (Series on Testing and
Assessment No.64) 18-Feb-2009
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Test No. 504: Residues in Rotational Crops (Limited
Field Studies)
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Test No. 507: Nature of the Pesticide Residues in
Processed Commodities - High Temperature Hydrolysis
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Test No. 508: Magnitude of the Pesticide Residues in
Processed Commodities
OECD Guidelines for the Testing of Chemicals, Test No. 505: Residues in Livestock
Haddad S, Poulin P, Krishnan K. 2000. Relative lipid content as the sole mechanistic determinant of
the adipose tissue: blood partition coefficients of highly lipophilic organic chemicals.
Chemosphere 40:839-843.
FAO. 2005. Pesticide Residues in Food 2005- Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No.
183 FAO, Rome.
Hamilton, D., Personal communication, 2009
Timme, G.; Frehse, H., Laska, V. Statistical interpretation and graphic representation of the
degradation behaviour of pesticide residues II. Pflanzenschutz-Nachrichten Bayer 33. 47-,
Pflanzenschutz-Nachrichten Bayer, 1986, 39, 187-203.
FAO. 2008. Pesticide Residues in Food 2008- Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No.
193 FAO, Rome.
FAO. 2004. Pesticide Residues in Food 2004- Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No.
178 FAO, Rome.
FAO. 2002. Pesticide Residues in Food 2002- Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No.
172 FAO, Rome.
Technical footnotes:
FAO/WHO 2000: Codex Alimentarius Volume 2B, Pesticide Residues in Food Maximum residue
limits. Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, page 4. Rome, 2000.
Report of the 40
session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (2008), Alinorm 08/31/24,
Beijing, China .para 125 and 161,
Report of the 39
Session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues (2007), Alinorm 07/30/24
Beijing, China
Chapter 9 - References
FAO. 2006. Pesticide Residues in Food 2006- Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper
No. 187 FAO, Rome.
Statistical Basis of the NAFTA Method for Calculating Pesticide maximum Residue Limits from
Field Trial Data US EPA and Canada PMRA, May, 2007: EPA-HQ-OPP-2007-0632-0002 EPA-HQ-
Report of the 36
session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues, Alinorm 04/27/24, (paras
235 247) 2004,
Report of the 37
session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues, Alinorm 05/28/24, (para
182) 2005,
WHO. 1989. Guidelines for predicting dietary intake of pesticide residues. GEMS/Food WHO,
WHO. 1995. Recommendations for the revision of the guidelines for predicting dietary intake of
pesticide residues. Report of the FAO/WHO Consultation, (WHO/FNU/FOS/95.11) Geneva.
WHO. 1997. Guidelines for predicting dietary intake of pesticide residues, 2nd revised edition
Unpublished document (WHO/FSF/FOS/97.7).
WHO. 1998. GEMS/Food Regional Diets. Regional per capita consumption of raw and semi-
processed agricultural commodities. Food Safety Unit. WHO/FSF/FOS/98.3, Geneva.
WHO 2008a. Dietary Exposure Assessment Of Chemicals In Food - Report of a Joint FAO/WHO
Consultation Annapolis, Maryland, USA 26 May 2005,
Excel template for IEDI calculation:
FAO. 2003. Pesticide Residues in Food 2003- Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No.
176, FAO, Rome.
FAO. 2008. Pesticide Residues in Food 2008- Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No.
193 FAO, Rome. P 51.
Unit weights and large portions size:
Hamilton DJ, Ambrus , Dieterle RM, Felsot A, Harris C, Petersen B, Racke K, Wong S-S, Gonzalez
R, Tanaka K, Earl M, Roberts G and Bhula R. Pesticide residues in food Acute dietary Intake.
Pest Manag Sci 60:311-339 (2004).
Ambrus ., Variability of pesticide residues in crop units, Pest Manag Sci. 62: 693-714, 2006.
FAO. 2007. Pesticide Residues in Food 2007- Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No.
191 FAO, Rome.
FAO International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides
Ambrus, A. & Soboleva, E. (2004) JAOAC International. 87, 1368-1379
Chapter 9 - References
Report of the 41
Session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues, Beijing, China, 20 25
April 2009,
Stephenson G.S., Ferris, I.G., Holland, P.T., and Nordberg, M., 2006, Glossary of terms related to
pesticides (IUPAC Recommendations 2006), Pure & Appl. Chem. 78. 2075-2154.
OECD. 2001. Dossier Guidance OECD guidance for industry data submissions on plant protection
products and their active substances.
The following documents were referred to or used in the preparation of the first edition (2002)
of the FAO Manual:
FAO. 1997. Pesticide Residues in Food 1997- Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No.
145 FAO, Rome.
FAO. 1998 Pesticide Residues in Food 1998- Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No.
148 FAO, Rome.
FAO. 1999. Manual on the development and use of FAO specifications for plant protection products.
Fifth Edition. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper. No. 149. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 1999. Pesticide Residues in Food 1999 - Evaluations. Part I - Residues. FAO Plant Production
and Protection Paper No. 157. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 1999. Pesticide Residues in Food 1999 - Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper
No. 153. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 2000. Pesticide Residues in Food 2000 - Evaluations. Part I - Residues. FAO Plant Production
and Protection Paper No. 165. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 2000. Pesticide Residues in Food 2000 - Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper
No. 163. FAO, Rome.
Holland, P.T. 1996. Glossary of terms relating to pesticides. Pure & Appl. Chem., 68, 1167-1193.
Joint FAO/IAEA Expert Consultation on Practical Procedures to Validate Method Performance of
Analysis of Pesticide and Veterinary Drug Residues, and Trace Organic Contaminants in Food
(Hungary, 8-11 Nov, 1999). Annex 5, Glossary of Terms.
Skidmore, M.W., Paulson, G.D., Kuiper, H.A., Ohlin, B. and Reynolds, S. 1998. Bound xenobiotic
residues in food commodities of plant and animal origin. Pure & Appl. Chem., 70, 1423-1447.
Thompson, M., Ellison, S.L.R., Fajgelj, A., Willetts, P. and Wood, R. 1999. Harmonised guidelines for
the use of recovery information in analytical measurement. Pure & Appl. Chem., 71, 337-348.
WHO. 1997a. Guidelines for predicting dietary intake of pesticide residues (revised). Prepared by the
Global Environment Monitoring System Food Contamination Monitoring and Assessment
Programme (GEMS/Food) in collaboration with Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues
Chapter 9 - References
WHO. 1997b. Food consumption and exposure assessment of chemicals. Report of a FAO/WHO
Consultation. Geneva, Switzerland, 10-14 February. World Health Organization, Geneva.
WHO. 1998. GEMS/Food Regional Diets. Regional per capita consumption of raw and semi-
processed agricultural commodities. Food Safety Unit. WHO/FSF/FOS/98.3, Geneva.
The following documents were referred to or used in the preparation of the first edition (1997)
of the FAO Manual:
Ambrus . 1996a. Estimation of Uncertainty of Sampling for Analysis of Pesticides Residues. J.
Environ. Sci. Health. B31. 435-442
Ambrus , Solymosn M.E. and Korss I. 1996. Estimation of Uncertainty of Sample Preparation for
the Analysis of Pesticide Residues. J. Environ. Sci. Health. B31. No. 3. 443-450
EPA. 1996. EPA Residue Chemistry Test Guidelines OPPTS 860.1300, Nature of the Residue - Plants,
Livestock. EPA 712-C-96-172.
EPA. 1996. EPA Residue Chemistry Test Guidelines OPPTS 860.1520, Processed Food/Feed. EPA
FAO. 1989. Pesticide Residues in Food 1989 - Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper
No. 99. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 1990. Pesticide Residues in Food 1990 - Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper
No. 102. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 1990. International Code of Conduct on the Distribution and Use of Pesticides. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 1991. Pesticide Residues in Food 1991 - Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper
No. 111. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 1992. Pesticide Residues in Food 1992 - Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper
No. 116. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 1993. Pesticide Residues in Food 1993 - Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper
No. 122. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 1994. Pesticide Residues in Food 1994 - Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper
No. 127. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 1995. Pesticide Residues in Food 1995 - Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper
No. 128. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 1995. Manual on the development and use of FAO specifications for plant protection products.
4th edition. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 128. FAO, Rome.
FAO. 1996. Pesticide Residues in Food 1996 - Report. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper
No. 140. FAO, Rome.
FAO/WHO. 1993. Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds in Codex Alimentarius, 2nd ed.,
Volume 2. Pesticide Residues, Section 2. Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. FAO,
Chapter 9 - References
FAO/WHO. 1993. Portion of Commodities to which Codex MRLs apply in Codex Alimentarius, 2nd
ed., Volume 2. Pesticide Residues, Section 4.1. Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme.
FAO Rome.
FAO/WHO. 1995. Codex Alimentarius Commission Procedural Manual, 9th ed. Joint FAO/WHO
Food Standard Programme. FAO, Rome.
FAO/WHO. 1995. Recommendations for the revision of the guidelines for predicting dietary intake of
pesticide residues, Report of FAO/WHO Consultation, WHO/FNU/FOS/95.11.WHO, Geneva.
FAO/WHO. 1997. Codex Alimentarius, 2nd ed., Volume 2A. Pesticide Residues. Joint FAO/WHO
Food Standard Programme, FAO, Rome.
Hamilton, D.J., Holland, P.T., Ohlin, B., Murray, W.J., Ambrus, A., De Baptista, G.C. and
Kovacicov, J. 1997. Optimum use of available residue data in the estimation of dietary intake of
pesticides. Pure & Appl. Chem. 69, 1373-1410.
IPCS. 1996. Guidelines for the preparation of toxicological working papers for the Core Assessment
Group of the Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues. IPCS/96.32, Geneva.
IPCS. 1996. Procedural guidelines for the preparation and review of working papers for the Core
Assessment Group of the Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues. IPCS/96.33, Geneva.
ISO. 1993. Alphabetical List of Entities and Codes in English (ISO 3166:1993).
IUPAC Commission on Agrochemicals and the Environment. 1996. Pure & Appl. Chem., Vol. 68, No.
5, pp. 1167-1193.
OECD. OECD GLP Guidelines:
Number 1 The OECD Principles of Good Laboratory Practice. Environment monograph No. 45, Paris
Number 4 GLP Consensus Document, Quality Assurance and GLP. Environment monograph No. 48,
Paris (1992).
Number 6 GLP Consensus Document. The Application of the GLP Principles to Field Studies,
Environment monograph No. 50, Paris (1992).
Number 8 GLP Consensus Document. The Role and Responsibilities of the Study Director in GLP
Studies, Environment monograph No. 74, Paris (1993).
WHO. 1989. Guidelines for predicting dietary intake of pesticide residues. GEMS/Food WHO,
WHO. 1995. Recommendations for the revision of the guidelines for predicting dietary intake of
pesticide residues. Report of the FAO/WHO Consultation, (WHO/FNU/FOS/95.11) Geneva.
Appendix I Abbreviations used in the text
Appendix I
ADI acceptable daily intake
ai active ingredient
ARfD acute reference dose
bw body weight
CAS Chemical Abstracts Service
CAC Codex Alimentarius Commission
CCN Codex Classification Number (this may refer to classification number for
compounds or commodities)
CCPR Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues
CIPAC Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council
CLI Crop Life International (formerly GCPF)
cv coefficient of variation
CXL Codex Maximum Residue Limit (Codex MRL). See MRL.
EMDI estimated maximum daily intake
EMRL extraneous maximum residue limit
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
GAP good agricultural practice(s)
GCPF Global Crop Protection Federation (replaced by CLI)
GEMS/Food Global Environment Monitoring System Food Contamination Monitoring
and Assessment Programme
GIFAP Groupement International des Associations Nationales de Fabricants de
Produits Agrochimiques (International Group of National Associations of
Manufacturers of Agrochemical Products) (replaced by GCPF)
GLP good laboratory practice
high performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometric
HR highest residue in the edible portion of the commodity found in the trials used
to estimate a maximum residue level in the commodity
HR-P residue in a processed commodity calculated by multiplying the HR of the
raw agricultural commodity by the corresponding processing factor
IEDI International estimated daily intake
IESTI International estimate of short term intake
IUPAC International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Appendix I Abbreviations used in the text
ISO International Standard Organization
ISO-E International Standard Organization English common name
JMPR Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues (Joint Meeting of the FAO
Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the
WHO Core Assessment Group)
LOQ limit of quantification, limit of quantification (synonymous with LOD, limit
of determination)
LP large portion consumed (kg food/day) for IESTI calculations
MRL Maximum Residue Limit
NEDI national estimated daily intake
NOAEL no-observed-adverse-effect level
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
PHI pre-harvest interval
RAC raw agricultural commodity
SPS WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
STMR supervised trials median residue
STMR-P supervised trials median residue processed commodity
TAR total applied radioactivity (crops) or total administered radioactivity
TMDI theoretical maximum daily intake
TMRL Temporary Maximum Residue Limit
TRR Total radioactive residue (Note: the same abbreviation is sometimes used for
:total recovered radioactivity in specified plant part or animal part)
U Unit weight of the whole agricultural commodity, i.e., as defined for MRL
compliance including inedible parts
Unit weight of the edible portion (kg) for IESTI calculations
USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
UV ultraviolet
variability factor for IESTI calculations
WHO World Health Organization of the United Nations
WTO World Trade Organization
Appendix II Glossary of terms
Appendix II
At the very early meetings some definitions were adopted by JMPR. A glossary of definitions
accepted by successive JMPR Meetings was added as Appendix IV to the report of the 1969
Meeting (FAO/WHO Report, 1970a). Additions and amendments to the definitions have since
been made at subsequent meetings. Below are the present definitions used by the JMPR and
CAC with the explanatory notes added to the definitions. The reader is referred to the IUPAC
recommended Glossary of Terms relating to Pesticides (Stephenson 2006
) for the definition
of relevant terms not given in these Guidelines.
Acceptable daily intake (ADI)
The ADI of a chemical is the daily intake which, during an entire lifetime, appears to be
without appreciable risk to the health of the consumer on the basis of all the known facts at
the time of the evaluation of the chemical by the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide
Residues. It is expressed in milligrams of the chemical per kilogram of body weight. (Codex
Alimentarius, Vol. 2A)
Note. For additional information on ADIs relative to pesticide residues, refer to the Report of
the 1975 Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues, FAO Plant Production and
Protection Series No.1 or WHO Technical Report Series No. 592.
Acute reference dose (ARfD)
ARfD of a chemical is an estimate of the amount of a substance in food and/or drinking-water,
normally expressed on a body-weight basis, which can be ingested in a period of 24 hours or
less without appreciable health risk to the consumer on the basis of all known facts at the time
of the evaluation. (JMPR 2002)
Note: This definition differs from that used previously with respect to the duration of intake.
This change was made because consumption data are available on a daily basis and cannot be
further divided into individual meals.
Accuracy (of measurement)
Closeness of agreement between the result of a measurement and the (conventional) true value
of the measure
Note 1: Use of the term precision for accuracy should be avoided.
Note 2: True value is an ideal concept and, in general, cannot be known exactly.
Application rate
Mass of pesticide active ingredient applied over a specific area or per unit volume of an
environmental component (air, water, soil)
Critical supporting studies
Critical supporting studies are metabolism, farm animal feeding, processing, analytical
methods and freezer storage stability studies.
Stephenson G.S., Ferris, I.G., Holland, P.T., and Nordberg, M., 2006, Glossary of terms related to pesticides (IUPAC
Recommendations 2006), Pure & Appl. Chem. 78. 2075-2154.
Appendix II Glossary of terms
Definition of residues (for compliance with MRLs)
The definition of a residue (for compliance with MRLs) is that combination of the pesticide
and its metabolites, derivatives and related compounds to which the MRL applies. (JMPR
Report 1995, 2.8.1.)
Explanatory not: The residue definition for compliance with MRLs depends on the results of
metabolism and toxicology studies, supervised residue trials, analytical methods and its
general suitability for monitoring compliance with GAP.
Definition of residues (for estimation of dietary intake)
The definition of a residue (for estimation of dietary intake) is that combination of the
pesticide and its metabolites, impurities and degradation products to which the STMR applies.
Explanatory note: The residue definition for estimation of dietary intake depends on the
results of metabolism and toxicology studies and its general suitability for estimating dietary
intake of the residue for comparison with the ADI.
Derived edible products
For the purposes of Codex Alimentarius, the term derived edible products means food or
edible substances isolated from primary food commodities or raw agricultural commodities
not intended for human consumption as such, using physical, biological or chemical
processes. (JMPR Report 1979, Annex 3)
Desirable information
Information desired for the continued evaluation of the compound. (JMPR Report 1986, 2.5)
Extraneous Maximum Residue Limit (EMRL)
The EMRL refers to a pesticide residue or a contaminant arising from environmental sources
(including former agricultural uses) other than the use of the pesticide or contaminant
substance directly or indirectly on the commodity. It is the maximum concentration of a
pesticide residue that is recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission to be legally
permitted or recognized as acceptable in or on a food, agricultural commodity or animal feed.
The concentration is expressed in milligrams of pesticide residue or contaminant per kilogram
of the commodity (Codex Alimentarius Vol. 2A).
Explanatory notes:
The term EMRL is synonymous with Extraneous Residue Limit (ERL) previously used by
the JMPR.
Residues in food of animal origin arising from residues in animal feed derived from activities
that are controllable by farming practices are covered by maximum residue limits. The term
practical residue limit, which has led to much confusion, has been abandoned.
The definition of EMRL replaced the expressions practical residue limit and unintentional
residue, in existence since the 1967 JMPR.
Good Agricultural Practice
Good agricultural practice in the use of pesticides (GAP) includes the nationally authorized
safe uses of pesticides under actual conditions necessary for effective pest control. It
encompasses a range of levels of pesticide applications up to the highest authorized use,
applied in a manner which leaves a residue which is the smallest amount practicable.
Appendix II Glossary of terms
Authorized safe uses are determined at the national level and include nationally registered or
recommended uses, which take into account public and occupational health and
environmental safety considerations.
Actual conditions include any stage in the production, storage, transport, distribution of food
commodities and animal feed. (CAC, 1995)
Guideline level
A Guideline Level is the maximum concentration of a pesticide residue that might occur after
the official recommended or authorized use of a pesticide for which no acceptable daily intake
or temporary acceptable daily intake is established and that need not be exceeded if good
practices are followed. It is expressed in milligrams of the residue per kilogram of the food.
(JMPR Report 1975, Annex 3)
Highest residue (HR)
The HR is the highest residue level (expressed as mg/kg) in a composite sample of the edible
portion of a food commodity when a pesticide has been used according to maximum GAP
conditions. The HR is estimated as the highest of the residue values (one from each trial) from
supervised trials conducted according to maximum GAP conditions, and includes residue
components defined by the JMPR for estimation of dietary intake.
Highest residue processed (HR-P)
The HR-P is the highest residue in a processed commodity calculated by multiplying the HR
of the raw agricultural commodity by the corresponding processing factor.
International estimated daily intake (IEDI)
The IEDI is a prediction of the long-term daily intake of a pesticide residue on the basis of the
assumptions of average daily food consumption per person and median residues from
supervised trials, allowing for residues in the edible portion of a commodity and including
residue components defined by the JMPR for estimation of dietary intake. Changes in residue
levels resulting from preparation, cooking, or commercial processing are included. When
information is available, dietary intake of residues resulting from other sources should be
included. The IEDI is expressed in milligrams of residue per person.
Reference: WHO. 1997. Guidelines for predicting dietary intake of pesticide residues
(revised). Prepared by the Global Environment Monitoring System Food Contamination
Monitoring and Assessment Programme (GEMS/Food) in collaboration with Codex
Committee on Pesticide Residues (WHO/FSF/FOS/97.7.
International estimated short-term intake (IESTI)
The IESTI is a prediction of the short-term intake of a pesticide residue on the basis of the
assumptions of high daily food consumption per person and highest residues from supervised
trials, allowing for residues in the edible portion of a commodity and including residue
components defined by the JMPR for estimation of dietary intake. The IESTI is expressed in
milligrams of residue per kg body weight.
Note: IESTI has been used as an acronym for international estimated short-term intake and
international estimate of short-term intake. Both are intended to have the same meaning.
Limit of determination (LOD)
The LOD is the lowest concentration of a pesticide residue or contaminant that can be
identified and quantitatively measured in a specified food, agricultural commodity or animal
Appendix II Glossary of terms
feed with an acceptable degree of certainty by a regulatory method of analysis. (Codex
Alimentarius, Vol. 2A)
Explanatory note: LOD has also been used as an abbreviation for limit of detection, which
may be confusing. JMPR has now adopted LOQ see the following definition
Limit of quantification (LOQ)
The LOQ is the smallest concentration of the analyte that can be quantified. It is commonly
defined as the minimum concentration of analyte in the test sample that can be determined
with acceptable precision (repeatability) and accuracy under the stated conditions of the test.
Reference: Joint FAO/IAEA Expert Consultation on Practical Procedures to Validate Method
Performance of Analysis of Pesticide and Veterinary Drug Residues, and Trace Organic
Contaminants in Food (Hungary, 8-11 Nov, 1999). Annex 5, Glossary of Terms.
Explanatory note: Limit of quantification and limit of quantitation are used synonymously
and are abbreviated to LOQ. The FAO Panel estimates the LOQ of an analytical method for
residues in specified substrates as being the lowest level where satisfactory recoveries were
achieved. JMPR has used LOD (limit of determination) in the past with the same meaning as
Maximum residue level
The maximum residue level is estimated by the JMPR as the maximum concentration of
residues (expressed as mg/kg) which may occur in a food or feed commodity following Good
Agricultural Practices. The estimated maximum residue level is considered by the JMPR to be
suitable for establishing Codex MRLs.
Maximum Residue Limit (MRL)
The MRL is the maximum concentration of a pesticide residue (expressed as mg/kg),
recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission to be legally permitted in or on food
commodities and animal feeds. MRLs are based on GAP data and foods derived from
commodities that comply with the respective MRLs are intended to be toxicologically
acceptable. (Codex Alimentarius Vol. 2A)
Codex MRLs, which are primarily intended to apply in international trade, are derived from
estimations made by the JMPR following:
a) a toxicological assessment of the pesticide and its residue; and
b) a review of residue data from supervised trials and supervised uses including those
reflecting national good agricultural practices. Data from supervised trials conducted at the
highest nationally recommended, authorized or registered uses are included in the review. In
order to accommodate variations in national pest control requirements, Codex MRLs take into
account the higher levels shown to arise in such supervised trials, which are considered to
represent effective pest control practices.
Consideration of the various dietary residue estimates and determinations both at the national
and international level in comparison with the ADI, should indicate that foods complying with
Codex MRLs are safe for human consumption.
Explanatory note: The MRL applies to the product when first offered in commerce, unless
otherwise indicated. For commodities entering international trade the MRL is applicable at the
point of entry into a country or as soon as practicable thereafter and, in any event, before
Appendix II Glossary of terms
Multi-ingredient manufactured food
For the purposes of Codex Alimentarius, the term multi-ingredient manufactured food
means a processed food consisting of more than one major ingredient. (JMPR Report 1979,
Annex 3)
Pesticide means any substance intended for preventing, destroying, attracting, repelling, or
controlling any pest including unwanted species of plants or animals during the production,
storage, transport, distribution and processing of food, agricultural commodities or animal
feeds, or which may be administered to animals for the control of ectoparasites. The term
includes substances intended for use as a plant-growth regulator, defoliant, desiccant, fruit-
thinning agent, or sprouting inhibitor and substances applied to crops either before or after
harvest to protect the commodity from deterioration during storage and transport. The term
normally excludes fertilizers, plant and animal nutrients, food additives and animal drugs.
(CAC, 1995)
Pesticide residue
A pesticide residue is any specified substance in food, agricultural commodities, or animal
feed resulting from the use of a pesticide. The term includes any derivatives of a pesticide,
such as conversion products, metabolites, reaction products, and impurities considered to be
of toxicological significance (Codex Procedural Manual 18
Explanatory note: The term pesticide residue includes residues from unknown sources, i.e.,
background residues, as well as those from known uses of the chemical in question.
Adjuvants are not included in the definition of residues.
Primary feed commodity
For the purpose of the Codex Alimentarius the term primary feed commodity means the
product in or nearly in its natural state intended for sale to:
a) the stock farmer as feed which is used without further processing for livestock animals
or after silaging or similar farm processes;
b) the animal feed industry as a raw material for preparing compounded feeds.
Reference: FAO/WHO. 1993. Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds in Codex
Alimentarius, 2nd ed., Volume 2. Pesticide Residues, Section 2. Joint FAO/WHO Food
Standard Programme. FAO, Rome.
Primary food commodity
For the purposes of the Codex Alimentarius, the term primary food commodity means the
product in or nearly in its natural state intended for processing into food for sale to the
consumer or as a food without further processing. It includes irradiated primary food
commodities and products after removal of certain parts of the plant or parts of animal tissue.
(JMPR Report 1979, Annex 3)
Processing factor
The processing factor for a specified pesticide residue, commodity and food process is the
residue level in the processed product divided by the residue level in the starting commodity,
usually a raw agricultural commodity.
Appendix II Glossary of terms
Processing factor =
residue level [mg/kg] in processed product
residue level [mg/kg ] in RAC
Explanatory note: Alternative terms sometimes used for processing factor are; concentration
factor when residue levels increase, and reduction factor (inverse of processing factor)
when residue levels decrease.
Processed food - general definition
For the purposes of the Codex Alimentarius, the term processed food means the product,
resulting from the application of physical, chemical or biological processes to a primary food
commodity intended for direct sale to the consumer, for direct use as an ingredient in the
manufacture of food or for further processing. Primary food commodities treated with
ionizing radiation, washed, sorted or submitted to similar treatment are not considered to be
'processed foods (JMPR Report 1979, Annex 3)
Provisional tolerable daily intake
A value based on toxicological data. It represents tolerable human intake of a former
agricultural pesticide that may occur as a contaminant in food, drinking water and the
environment. (JMPR Report 1994, 2.3)
Explanatory note: The term tolerable rather than acceptable is used to signify
permissibility rather than acceptability of the intake of environmental contaminants
unavoidably associated with the consumption of otherwise wholesome food. Use of the term
provisional expresses the fact that reliable data on the consequences of human exposure to
these pesticides are lacking and that the submission from any source of relevant safety data is
Regulatory method of analysis
A regulatory method of analysis is a method suitable for the determination of a pesticide
residue in connexion with the enforcement of legislation (JMPR Report 1975, Annex 3).
Explanatory note: For this purpose, it is often necessary to identify the nature of the residue as
well as to determine its concentration. Subject to any expression of requirements in the
particular legislation, the accuracy, the precision and limit of determination of a regulatory
method need to be sufficient only to demonstrate clearly whether or not a Maximum Residue
Limit has been exceeded. Usually regulatory methods are not specified in pesticide residues
legislation, and at any given time there may be a number of methods suitable for a particular
Required information
Information required to estimate maximum residue levels or confirm temporary estimates.
(JMPR Report 1986, 2.5)
Explanatory note: Results of further work required should be made available not later than the
specified date, after which the compound will be re-evaluated. The re-evaluation may be
carried out at an earlier Meeting if relevant information should become available. Each
recommended TMRL will be directly related to an item of required information (JMPR
Report 1992, 2.8).
Secondary food commodity
For the purposes of Codex Alimentarius, the term secondary food commodity means a
primary food commodity which has undergone simple processing, such as removal of
certain portions, drying, husking and comminution, which do not basically alter the
Appendix II Glossary of terms
composition or identity of the product. Secondary food commodities may be processed further
or may be used as ingredients in the manufacture of food or may be sold directly to the
consumer. (JMPR Report 1979, Annex 3)
Single-ingredient manufactured food (JMPR Report 1979, Annex 3)
For the purposes of Codex Alimentarius, the term single-ingredient manufactured food
means a processed food which consists of one identifiable food ingredient with or without
packing medium or with or without minor ingredients, such as flavouring agents, spices and
condiments, and which is normally pre-packaged and ready for consumption with or without
Supervised trials (for estimating maximum residue levels)
Supervised trials for estimating maximum residue levels are scientific studies in which
pesticides are applied to crops or animals according to specified conditions intended to reflect
commercial practice after which harvested crops or tissues of slaughtered animals are
analysed for pesticide residues. Usually specified conditions are those which approximate
existing or proposed GAP.
Supervised trials median residue (STMR)
The STMR is the expected residue level (expressed as mg/kg) in the edible portion of a food
commodity when a pesticide has been used according to maximum GAP conditions. The
STMR is estimated as the median of the residue values (one from each trial) from supervised
trials conducted according to maximum GAP conditions.
Supervised trials median residue processed (STMR-P) (new definition)
The STMR-P is the expected residue in a processed commodity calculated by multiplying the
STMR of the raw agricultural commodity by the corresponding processing factor.
Temporary MRL (TMRL) or Temporary EMRL (TEMRL) (Codex Alimentarius Vol.
A TMRL or a TEMRL is an MRL or EMRL established for a specified, limited period and is
recommended under either of the following conditions:
1. Where a temporary acceptable daily intake has been estimated by the Joint FAO/WHO
Meeting on Pesticide residues for the pesticide or contaminant of concern; or
2. Where, although an acceptable daily intake has been estimated, the good agricultural
practice is not sufficiently known or residue data are inadequate for proposing an MRL or
ERL by the Joint FAO/WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues.
Note. TMRLs and TEMRLs are not to be advanced further than Step 7 of the Codex
The 1992 JMPR gave the following definition (Report, section 2.8):
A temporary maximum residue limit is a maximum residue limit for a specified, limited
period, which is clearly related to required information.
The temporary maximum residue limit is a successor of the temporary tolerance
introduced by the 1966 JMPR, which was changed to temporary maximum residue limit in
Appendix II Glossary of terms
At the 1988 JMPR the decision was taken not to establish Temporary Acceptable Daily
Intakes any longer for new and periodic review compounds.
According to the Report of 1992 JMPR, there is still a possibility that TMRLs may be
recommended when the information lacking on some residue aspects is unlikely to affect the
validity of an estimated maximum residue level and would be available shortly. Each
recommended TMRL will be directly related to an item of required information.
See also Chapter 6 section 14.1, Recommendation of temporary MRLs.
Appendix III CIPAC codes for pesticide formulations
Appendix III
AB Grain bait KP Combi-pack solid/solid
AE Aerosol dispenser LA Lacquer
AL Other liquids to be applied undiluted LN Long-lasting insecticidal net
AP Other powders to be applied undiluted LS Solution for seed treatment
BB Block bait LV Liquid vapouriser
BR Briquette MC Mosquito coil
CB Bait concentrate ME Micro-emulsion
CF Capsule Suspension for Seed
MG Microgranule
CG Encapsulated granule MV Vapourizing mats
CL Contact liquid or gel OD Oil dispersion
CP Contact powder OF Oil miscible flowable concentrate (oil miscible
CS Capsule suspension OL Oil miscible liquid
DC Dispersible concentrate OP Oil dispersible powder
DP Dustable powder PA Paste
DS Powder for dry seed treatment PB Plate bait
DT Tablet for direct application PC Gel concentrate or paste concentrate
EC Emulsifiable concentrate PO Pour-on
ED Electrochargeable liquid PR Plant rodlet
EG Emulsifiable Granule PS Seed coated with a pesticide
EO Emulsion, water in oil RB Bait (ready to use)
EP Emulsifiable powder SA Spot-on
ES Emulsion for seed treatment SB Scrap bait
EW Emulsion, oil in water SC Suspension concentrate (= flowable concentrate)
FD Smoke tin SD Suspension concentrate for direct application
FG Fine granule SE Suspo-emulsion
FK Smoke candle SG Water soluble granule
FP Smoke cartridge SL Soluble concentrate
FR Smoke rodlet SO Spreading oil
FS Flowable concentrate for seed
SP Water soluble powder
FT Smoke tablet SS Water soluble powder for seed treatment
FU Smoke generator ST Water soluble tablet
FW Smoke pellet SU Ultra-low volume (ULV) suspension
GA Gas TB Tablet
GB Granular bait TC Technical material
GE Gas generating product TK Technical concentrate
GF Gel for Seed Treatment TP Tracking powder
GG Macrogranule UL Ultra-low volume (ULV) liquid
GL Emulsifiable gel VP Vapour releasing product
GP Flo-dust WG Water dispersible granule
GR Granule WP Wettable powder
GS Grease WS Water dispersible powder for slurry seed
GW Water soluble gel WT Water dispersible tablet
HN Hot fogging concentrate XX Others
KK Combi-pack solid/liquid ZC Mixed formulation of CS and SC
Appendix III CIPAC codes for pesticide formulations
KL Combi-pack liquid/liquid ZE Mixed formulation of CS and SE
KN Cold fogging concentrate ZW Mixed formulation of CS and EW
Appendix IV MRL periodic review procedure by CCPR
Appendix IV
Periodic review may also be referred to as periodic re-evaluation. The two terms are
synonymous. Periodic review programme and periodic review procedure also mean the
same thing.
The periodic review programme was initiated to ensure that the data supporting Codex MRLs
met contemporary standards. A complete data submission is requested for old compounds.
Recommendations to confirm, amend or delete existing MRLs or to introduce new MRLs
arise from the new data. The periodic review procedure consists of two distinct phases as
described below:
Identify candidate chemicals for re-evaluation
CCPR will submit a proposal to the CAC each year, as ongoing work, to re-establish the
Electronic Working Group (EWG) on Priorities. The EWG on Priorities is tasked with
preparing a draft Codex Priority List of Pesticides for JMPR evaluation for the consideration
of CCPR, i.e., proposals for evaluation by JMPR are finalized by the Committee for adoption by the
CAC in the same year.
When prioritizing chemicals for periodic re-evaluation by the JMPR, the Committee will
consider the following criteria:
If the intake and/or toxicity profile indicates, through scientific and/or technical
data, some level of public health concern;
Chemicals that have not been reviewed toxicologically for more than 15 years
and/or not having a significant review of maximum residue limits for 15 years;
The year the chemical is listed in the list for Candidate Chemicals for Periodic Re-
evaluation Not Yet Scheduled;
The date that data will be submitted;
Whether the CCPR has been advised by a national government that the chemical
has been responsible for trade disruption;
If there is a closely related chemical that is a candidate for periodic re-evaluation
that can be evaluated concurrently;
The availability of current labels arising from recent national re-evaluations.
The nature of the data to be submitted, and the reason for its submission; for
example, a request from CCPR.
Appendix IV MRL periodic review procedure by CCPR
Notify data owners or other parties of candidate list
Within two months of the CAC meeting, the Chair of the EWG will issue a broadcast email to
all CCPR member countries and observers proposing additions to the previously prepared
periodic re-evaluation schedule (noting the 15 year rule).
Each CCPR meeting will have finalised the Priority Lists of Pesticides for the following
years JMPR evaluations. Therefore, nominations and comments on the Codex Priority Lists
of Pesticides will apply to subsequent years to the forthcoming CCPR meeting.
The due date for nominations and comments on the draft priority list of compounds will be 30
November. The Chair of the EWG on Priorities then prepares a draft CCPR agenda paper
Establishment of Codex Priority Lists of Pesticides by 21 December of that year.
The draft agenda paper will then be submitted to the Codex Secretariat for circulation to all
member countries and observers as a circular letter on 1 January with comments due on 1
The Chair of the EWG on Priorities will finalise the CCPR agenda paper which includes the
Codex Priority Lists of Pesticides and submit to Codex Secretariat. The Codex Priority Lists
of Pesticides will comprise four appendices: Appendix 1 Codex Priority List of Pesticides,
Appendix 2 - Periodic Re-evaluations, Appendix 3: Chemical-commodity combinations for
which specific GAP is no longer supported and Appendix 4: Chemicals with extraneous
MRLs and recent deletions.
Invite commitment to support continued (or new) codex maximum residue limits (CXLs)
Following nomination the data owners (or other interested parties) of the chemicals for
periodic review, governments and international organizations inquire of data owners their
willingness to provide data for that review and also to advise them of the implications should
support not be forthcoming.
The invitation for a commitment will request a written response within six months of
notification to be provided to:
Chairman, CCPR
Chairman, Electronic Working Group on Priorities
JMPR Secretariats
the requester (government or international organization representative). Names,
titles and addresses will be provided.
The invitation will request that the following information be provided in the response:
A list of all commodities for which interested parties are willing to support CXLs
A brief summary of all current Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) which they are
willing to provide and which is pertinent to the residue data they are willing to
provide, e.g., commodities and countries for which detailed GAP summaries and
representative labels can be provided,
A list of all chemistry (residue, metabolism, animal transfer, processing, analytical
sample storage stability and analytical methods) and toxicology studies and other
data that they are willing to provide (regardless of whether previously provided)
Appendix IV MRL periodic review procedure by CCPR
and the complete data package submissions to the JMPR. Comments on the status
of registrations for the chemicals at the national level are encouraged. Data for
which a submission is committed should be identified in the response by study or
report title and number, author and date.
Note: Data should be submitted in both paper and electronic form.
Repeat the notification and invitation
By means of a Codex Circular Letter to accompany the report of the Meeting the Secretariat
will repeat the notification and request. On receipt of the request by the Circular Letter,
governments and international organizations will immediately repeat their notification and
invitation to identified interested parties who may not have been represented at the CCPR
(they would not have received the report of the Meeting or the accompanying Circular Letter).
Interested parties need only respond to one of the requests, but should copy addressees listed
under Invite commitment to support continued (or new) codex maximum residue limits.
Status report on data commitments
The Electronic Working Group on Priorities provides a report to the CCPR on the status of
commitments received to provide data for each compound previously identified. This
information will be used to schedule JMPR reviews or to make other recommendations such
as withdrawal of CXLs.
Response to data commitments
If there is no commitment to provide and identify or develop data to support current CXLs,
the CXL(s) will be recommended by the CCPR for withdrawal by the next session of the
Codex Commission.
If a commitment is made to provide and identify or develop data to support current CXLs, the
MRL(s) are scheduled for JMPR review. The JMPR review will result in one of the following
(i) Sufficient data are submitted to confirm the CXL and it remains in place.
(ii) Sufficient data are submitted to support a new proposed MRL, it enters the process at
Step 3 and the existing CXL is deleted automatically after no more than 4 years.
If insufficient data have been submitted to support a new MRL or to confirm the
existing CXL, data submitters are so advised by written notification from the FAO
Joint Secretary or by issuance of the JMPR Report.
On being advised of the data inadequacy, data submitters may by the next CCPR Meeting,
provide to the FAO and CCPR Secretaries a written commitment to generate and submit a
complete dossier of required data for review within 4 years. The CXL is maintained for no
more than 4 years following advice of data inadequacy (by direct notification or by issuance
of the JMPR Report). The 4-year period may be extended by the CCPR only to the extent
necessary for the JMPR to schedule and complete review of the available new data.
The new data are scheduled for the second JMPR review and the first part of the PHASE II if
a commitment is made procedure is repeated:
Sufficient data are submitted to confirm the CXL and it remains in place.
Appendix IV MRL periodic review procedure by CCPR
Sufficient data are submitted to support a new proposed MRL and it enters the process
at Step 3. The CXL is automatically deleted no more than 4 years after the new
proposal enters the process.
(iii) Insufficient data are submitted to confirm the CXL or support a proposed MRL and
the CCPR recommends deletion of the CXL.
(iv) If the committed data are not submitted, or if the data submitted for the initial periodic
review are insufficient and no commitment is made by the next CCPR Meeting to
generate new data, the CCPR recommends deletion of the CXL.
Appendix IV MRL periodic review procedure by CCPR
deleted after no more
than 4 years
STEP 3 (3(a))
Codex MRL adopted by the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The Codex Alimentarius Commission may decide to
delete certain Codex MRLs based on the recommendations made to it by the Codex Committee on Pesticide
Appendix V Recommended sampling methods for supervised field trials
Appendix V
General recommendations
Control samples
Sampling in decline studies and at normal harvest time
Sampling processed commodities
Sampling stored commodities
Sample size reduction
Sample packing and storage
The best information about the residue behaviour of the pesticide under study would be
obtained by the analysis of the entire yield of a plot. Since this is not practicable,
representative samples have to be taken. Careful attention to the details of sampling is
essential if worthwhile samples are to be obtained. Valid analytical results can only be
obtained if the samples have been properly taken, despatched and stored before analysis.
In selecting sampling points and the sampling methods, all factors that control the residue
distributions over the entire experimental plot must be considered. The best approach for any
given plot can only be determined by a sufficiently trained person who is capable of
recognising the importance and usefulness of the residue data sought, and who can interpret
the results.
The samples must be representative to enable the analytical result to be applied to the entire
experimental unit. The greater the number of plants sampled in a field plot, the more
representative the sample will be. However, economics and the practical problems involved in
handling large samples affect the magnitude of the sampling programme. The sample size
suggested is the minimum that experience has shown is needed to give a representative, valid
sample. The sizes are not usually dictated by the analytical method, which can often
determine minute amounts of pesticides in small sample amounts.
Method of sampling
Generally, the selection of the portions that make up the field sample should be made
depending on the circumstances:
randomly, e.g., by the use of random numbers
systematically, .e.g., in the case of field crops on a diagonal (X or an S course)
stratified random sampling from predetermined sampling-positions, e.g., in the case
of tree fruits inner part and outer part of the canopy, i.e., fruits , directly exposed to
spray and those covered by foliage, proportionally to the abundance of fruits in
each strata; within one strata each fruit has an equal chance of being taken.
Appendix V Recommended sampling methods for supervised field trials
Points to be considered are:
Avoid taking samples at the beginning or at the extreme ends of plots (start and
finish of spraying).
Take and bag the required weight or number of samples in the field and do not
subsample until the samples are in a clean field laboratory or in the analytical
Sample all parts of the crop that can be consumed by humans or livestock.
Sample the parts of the crop that normally constitute the commercial commodity as
described in Appendix V.
Where appropriate, consider commercial harvesting practice which reflects normal
Good Agricultural Practice (see also this appendix section Contamination).
Under normal circumstances one sample per plot is sufficient. Additional samples may be
taken and held for security reasons, i.e., to guard against the possibility that a sample is lost or
destroyed during transport, to ensure the investment in the trial is not wasted.
Sample integrity should be maintained throughout the procedure.
Sample handling
Take care not to remove surface residues during handling, packing or preparation.
Avoid any damage to or deterioration of the sample which might affect residue
To provide a representative sample of the raw commodity, adhering soil may have
to be removed from some crops, such as root crops. This may be done by brushing
and, if necessary, gentle rinsing with cold running water (see also this Appendix V,
section Bulb vegetables, root vegetables, tuber vegetables).
Sample control plots before treated plots (see also this appendix sections
Contamination and Control samples).
It is vital to avoid any contamination with the pesticide under study or with other chemicals
during sampling, transportation or subsequent operations. Special attention should, therefore,
be paid to the following:
Ensure that sampling tools and bags are clean. To avoid contamination use new
bags and containers of suitable size and adequate strength. The bags or containers
should be made of materials which will not interfere with the analysis.
Avoid contamination of the sample by hands and clothes which may have been in
contact with pesticides.
Do not allow the samples to come into contact with containers or equipment
(including vehicles) that have been used for transporting or storing pesticides.
Avoid sampling at the plot borders because the residue deposit may not be
Appendix V Recommended sampling methods for supervised field trials
Take special care to avoid contamination when commercial mechanical harvesting
practices are used (see also this appendix sections Cereals, Seeds and Herbs
and Spices: tea leaves: hops; beer).
Avoid cross-contamination of crop and soil samples.
Sampling should proceed from the control to the lowest treatment and so on to the
highest treatment.
Control samples are in every way as important as samples from test plots. The quality of
control samples should be similar to that of the test samples, e.g., maturity of fruit, type of
foliage, etc.
Always take control samples. In decline studies of up to 14 days duration, control samples
from the start and from the end of the study may suffice (see also this appendix section
Sampling in decline studies.).
Representative and valid sampling protocols might be different for decline studies and residue
trials at normal harvest time.
Sampling in decline studies
The first sampling may take place on the day of application. These samples have to be taken
immediately after application, or in the case of spray application, immediately after the spray
has dried (approximately two hours).
Take great care to avoid contamination.
Take samples so as to be representative of the average size or weight of crop on the
Sampling at normal harvest time
Take samples so as to be representative of typical harvesting practice.
Avoid taking diseased or undersized crop parts or commodities at a stage when they
would not normally be harvested.
Detailed sampling procedures
The following recommendations refer to the sampling of mature crops at normal harvest time,
unless otherwise stated. The classification of the crops is contained in Section 2 of Codex
Alimentarius Volume 2A
Fruits and tree nuts
Circle each tree or bush and select fruit from all segments of the tree or plant, high
and low, exposed and protected by foliage. For small fruits grown in a row, select
fruit from both sides, but not within 1 metre of the end of the row.
FAO/WHO. 1993. Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds in Codex Alimentarius, 2nd ed., Volume
2. Pesticide Residues, Section 2. Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme. FAO, Rome.
Appendix V Recommended sampling methods for supervised field trials
Select the quantity of the fruit according to its density on the tree or plant, i.e., take
more from the heavily-laden parts.
Take both large and small fruits where appropriate, but not so small or damaged
that they could not be sold (except when taking immature samples for a residue
decline study).
Take samples of fruit juices, cider and wine in a manner reflecting common
Table V.1 Sampling of fruits
Commodity Codex Code No. Quantity, method of collection
Citrus fruits e.g., orange, lemon, mandarin,
pomelo, grapefruit, clementine, tangelo,
Group 001
Pome fruits e.g., apples, pears, quinces,
Group 002 12 fruits from several places on 4
individual trees.
Large stone fruit e.g., apricots, nectarines,
peaches, plums
Group 003 (If this produces a sample weight of less
than 2 kg, more fruit should be taken to
yield a 2 kg sample)
Miscellaneous fruit e.g., avocados, guavas,
mangoes, papayas, pomegranates,
persimmons, kiwifruit, litchi
Group 006
Small stone fruit e.g., cherries Group 003 1 kg from several places on 4 trees
Grapes FB 0269 12 bunches, or parts of 12 bunches, from
separate vines to give at least 1 kg
Currants, raspberries and other small berries Group 004 1 kg from 12 separate areas or bushes
FB 0275, FB 0276
FB 0268
1 kg from 12 separate areas or bushes
Miscellaneous small fruits e.g., olives, dates,
Group 005 1 kg from several places on 4 trees
Pineapples Fl 0353 12 fruits
Bananas Fl 0327 24 fruits. Take two fingers each from
top, middle and lowest hand of four
harvestable bunches
Tree nuts e.g., walnuts, chestnuts, almonds Group 022 1 kg
Coconut TN 0655 12 nuts
Fruit juices, wine, cider Group 070 1 litre
Bulb vegetables, root vegetables, tuber vegetables:
Take samples from all over the plot, excluding 1 metre at the edges of the plot and
the ends of the rows. The number of sampling points depends on the sample size of
the crop (see below).
To provide a representative sample of the raw commodity, adhering soil may have
to be removed. This may be done by brushing and, if necessary, gentle rinsing with
cold running water.
Trim off tops according to local agricultural practice. Details of any trimming
should be recorded. Where the tops are not used as animal feed (carrots, potatoes)
they should be discarded; otherwise, e.g., turnips, beets, they should be bagged
Appendix V Recommended sampling methods for supervised field trials
Table V.2 Sampling of bulb, root and tuber vegetables
Commodity Codex Code No. Quantity, method of collection
Fodder beets,
Sugar beets
AM 1051
VR 0596
12 plants
Potatoes VR 0589 12 tubers (the sample should weigh at
least 2 kg - where necessary, take a larger
number to produce a 2 kg sample)
Other root crops e.g., carrots, red beet,
Jerusalem artichoke, sweet potato, celeriac,
turnip, swede, parsnip, horseradish, salsify,
chicory, radish, scorzonera
Group 016 12 roots (the sample should weigh at
least 2 kg - where necessary, take a larger
number to produce a 2 kg sample)
Bulb onions
VA 0384
VA 0385
12 plants
Spring onions VA 0389 24 plants (the sample should weigh at
least 2 kg - where necessary, take a larger
number to produce a 2 kg sample)
VA 0381
VA 0388
12 bulbs from 12 plants.(the sample
should weigh at least 2 kg - where
necessary, take a larger number to
produce a 2 kg sample)
Brassica vegetables, leafy vegetables, stalk and stem vegetables, legume vegetables and
fruiting vegetables:
Take the sample from all parts of the plot, leaving 1 metre at the edges and ends of
rows. The number of sampling points depends on the sample size of the crop (see
Sample items of crops such as peas or beans protected from the spray by foliage
and also from parts exposed to the spray.
To provide a representative sample of the raw commodity, adhering soil may have
to be removed. This may be done by brushing and, if necessary, gentle rinsing with
cold running water.
Do not trim except for the removal of obviously decomposed or withered leaves.
Details of any trimming should be recorded.
The quantities to be taken are shown in Table V.3.
If the plot is small, cut the whole yield.
If the plot is large but mechanical harvesting is not carried out, cut not less than
twelve short lengths of row chosen from all over the plot. Cut stalks 15 cm above
the ground and remove the grain from the straw.
Care should be taken to avoid contamination when mechanical methods are used to
separate the parts of the crop. The operation is best carried out in the laboratory.
If the plots are harvested mechanically, take not less than twelve grab samples of
grain and straw from the harvester at uniform intervals over the plot.
Do not sample within 1 metre of the edges of the plot.
The quantities to be taken are shown in Table V.4.
Appendix V Recommended sampling methods for supervised field trials
Grasses, forage and animal feed:
Cut with shears at normal harvest height (usually 5 cm above the ground) the
vegetation from not less than twelve areas uniformly spaced over the entire plot,
leaving 1 metre at the edges of the plot.
Record height of cutting and avoid soil contamination.
Crops which are harvested mechanically can be sampled from the harvester as it
proceeds through the crop.
The quantities to be taken are shown in Table V.5.
Sugar cane (GS 0659)
Select whole canes from 12 areas of the plot and take short, e.g., 20 cm, sections from all parts
of the length of the canes. Care is necessary owing to the rapid changes which normally occur
in cane juices. If required, 1 litre samples of juice should be taken and frozen immediately and
then shipped in cans.
Table V.3 Sampling of other vegetables
Commodity Codex Code
Quantity, method of collection
Large Brassica crops e.g., cabbage,
cauliflower, kohlrabi
Group 010 12 plants
Broccoli VB 0400 1 kg from 12 plants
Brussels sprouts VB 0402 1 kg from 12 plants. Buttons to be taken from at
least two levels on each plant.
Cucumbers VC 0424 12 fruits from 12 separate plants
Gherkins, courgettes, squash Group p 011 12 fruits from 12 plants (the sample should weigh
at least 2 kg - where necessary take a larger
number of fruit to produce a 2 kg sample)
Melons, gourds, pumpkins, watermelons Group 011 12 fruits from 12 separate plants
Egg plants (aubergines) VO 0440 12 fruits from 12 separate plants
Sweet corn VO 0447 12 ears (the sample should weigh at least 2 kg -
where necessary take a larger number of items to
produce a 2 kg sample.)
Mushrooms VO 0450 12 items (the sample should weigh at least 0.5 kg -
where necessary take a larger number of items to
produce a 0.5 kg sample)
VO 0448
VO 0051
24 fruits from small-fruiting varieties, 12 from
large fruiting varieties. From 12 plants in all cases.
(The sample should weigh a minimum of 2 kg -
where necessary take a larger number of items to
produce a 2 kg sample.)
VL 0476 12 plants
VL 0482,
VL 0483
12 plants
Chicory leaves
VL 0502
VL 0469
1 kg from 12 plants
Kale VL 0480 2 kg from 12 plants sampled from two levels on
the plant
Small-leaf salad crops e.g., cress,
dandelion, corn salad
Group 013 0.5 kg from 12 plants (or sites
in plot)
Peas, Phaseolus beans e.g., French, kidney,
Group 014 1 kg (fresh green or dry seed as appropriate)
Pulses e.g., dried broad beans, field beans,
lentils, soya beans
Group 015 1 kg
Appendix V Recommended sampling methods for supervised field trials
Commodity Codex Code
Quantity, method of collection
Celery VS 0624 12 plants
VS 0621
VS 0627
12 sticks from 12 separate plants.(the sample
should weigh a minimum of 2 kg where necessary
take a larger number of sticks to produce a 2 kg
Globe artichoke VS 0620 12 heads
Fodder crops Groups 050,
051, 052
2 kg from 12 separate areas of plot. (Crops
harvested mechanically can be sampled from the
harvester as it proceeds through the crop.)
Oilseed e.g., rape seed, mustard seed,
poppy seed
Group 023
Note: (a) also at immature stages during decline studies
Table V.4 Sampling of cereals
Commodity Codex Code No. Quantity, method of collection
Cereal grains e.g., wheat, barley, oats,
rye, triticale and other small grain cereals;
maize (off the cob), rice, sorghum
Group 020 1 kg
Straw of the above crops Group 051 0.5 kg
Maize straw, fodder and forage
(mature plants excluding cobs)
AF 0645 (forage)
AS 0645 (fodder)
12 plants. (Cut each stem into three equal
lengths (with leaves attached). Take top
portion from stems 1 to 4, middle portion from
stems 5 to 8 and bottom portion from stems 9
to 12, thus ensuring that parts of all 12 stems
are included in the sample.)
Green or silage maize Group 051 12 plants. (Cut each stem and subsample as in
previous item, retaining any cobs present on
the appropriate portions of stem.)
Maize cobs Group 051 12 ears. (The sample should weigh at least 2
kg - where necessary, take a larger number of
ears to produce a 2 kg sample.)
Table V.5 Sampling of forage crops and animal feed
Commodity Codex Code No. Quantity, method of collection
Green forage or silage crops of alfalfa,
clover, pea and bean forage, vetch,
sainfoin, lotus, soya bean fodder and
forage, rye forage, fodder cereals, sorghum
Group 050, 051 1 kg
Dry hay of the above crops Group 050, 051 0.5 kg
Use essentially the same technique as for cereals, taking samples of mature seed from at least
twelve parts of the plot. Where the sample is harvested by hand, seed should normally be sent
to the laboratory in the pod. Where mechanical harvesting is used, only the seed should be
Cotton seed (Codex Code No. SO 0691):
Pick the cotton at the normal stage of harvesting. Take 1 kg, with or without fibre.
Appendix V Recommended sampling methods for supervised field trials
Peanuts (Codex Code No. SO 0697):
Collect at the normal stage of harvesting. Take 1 kg.
Sesame seed, rape seed (Codex Code Nos. SO 0700, SO 0495):
Collect the pods when they have reached the stage of maturity at which they are
normally harvested. Take 1 kg.
Sunflower seed, safflower seed (Codex Code Nos. SO 0702, 0699):
Where the sampling is done by hand select ripe heads. Where it is done
mechanically submit the seed to the laboratory. Take 12 heads or 1 kg of seed .
Coffee and cacao beans (Codex Code Nos. SB 0716, 0715):
Take samples in a manner reflecting common practice, quantity 1 kg. - The freshly
harvested produce is not normally required.
Herbs and spices; tea leaves; hops; beer
Take samples in a manner reflecting common practice.
The freshly harvested produce is not normally required for tea although herbs, such
as parsley and chives, should be sampled fresh. In the case of hops, both fresh and
dried cones should be supplied.
Table V.6. Sampling of herbs, spices; tea leaves; hops and beer
Commodity Codex Code No. Quantity, method of collection
Garden herbs and medicinal plants e.g.,
parsley, thyme
Group 027 Group
028 Group 057
0.5 kg fresh
0.2 kg dry
Teas (dry leaves) Group 066 0.2 kg
Hops (dry cones) DH 1100 0.5 kg
Beer 1 litre
Farm animal feeding and external animal treatment studies are conducted in order to quantify
levels of residues in meat, milk, eggs and edible meat by-products, such as fat, liver, kidney
following the use of a pesticide product.
The sampling protocol shall be designed taking into account the specific objectives of the
studies. The minimum mass of samples to be collected (taken from OECD Guidelines for the
Testing of Chemicals, Test No. 505: Residues in Livestock) is shown in the following tables.
Table V.7. Sampling ruminants
Sampling Method Analytical Sample
Laboratory Sample
Meat Collect approx. equal pieces of loin,
flank or hind-leg (round piece)
After coarse pre-chopping,
macerate in a mincer and then
mix carefully.
0.5 kg
Appendix V Recommended sampling methods for supervised field trials
Sampling Method Analytical Sample
Laboratory Sample
Fat Collect approx. equal quantities RI
subcutaneous, mesenterial and
perirenal fat
After coarse pre-chopping,
macerate in a mincer and then mix
0.5 kg
Liver Collect the entire organ or
representative parts thereof, e.g., a
cross-section RIthe lobes
After coarse pre-chopping,
macerate in a mincer and then mix
0.4 kg
Kidney Sub-sample from both kidneys Macerate tissue in a mincer and
then mix carefully.
0.2 kg
Collect milk from each animal
0.5 l
For fat-soluble compounds, samples of perirenal, mesenterial and subcutaneous fat from ruminants should be analysed
individually, not as a composite
For fat-soluble compounds, residues in the milk fat need to be determined at the end of dosing in addition to the
plateau level. The fat should preferably be separated from the milk by physical means, not by chemical solvent
extraction, because in solvent extraction residues are extracted from both the aqueous and the lipid phase. As in this
way, cream (containing 4060% fat) and not 100% milk fat is obtained; the lipid content of the cream should also
be reported. Where a depuration phase is included after the dosing period, samples taken at a minimum of four
time-points after the last day of treatment is recommended
Tissues from different animals should not be combined or pooled at sampling.
Table V.8. Poultry
' D
Sampling Method Analytical Sample Preparation
0.5 kJ
0.05 kJ
0.05 kJ
For dermal uses on poultry, skin should also be analysed.
The prerequisite for combining of sample material is that at least 3 samples per dose group are available (i.e., at least 9
animals are involved).
Samples can be prepared either before or after transport to the analytical laboratory. The eggs are homogenised by
addition of solvent on commencement of analysis.
Analyses of eggs should be conducted on the egg yolk and white combined in one sample, For fat-soluble residues
some analysis of the deposition of residues into yolk and white fractions may be conducted to determine how the
residue partitions between the egg fractions. The residue levels in yolk and whites may be analysed separately
provided the weights of each are known, so that the residue can be calculated on a whole egg basis for the purpose
of MRL setting. Yolk and white would require separation prior to storage of the samples.
Table V.9. Pig/Swine
Sampling Method Analytical Sample Preparation
Meat Collect approx. equal pieces of
loin, flank or hind-leg (round
After coarse pre-chopping, macerate in
a mincer and then mix carefully.
0.5 kg
Appendix V Recommended sampling methods for supervised field trials
piece) muscle
Fat Collect approx. equal quantities of
subcutaneous, mesenterial and
perirenal fat
After coarse pre-chopping, macerate in
a mincer and then mix carefully
0.5 kg
Liver Collect the entire organ or
representative parts thereof
After coarse pre-chopping, macerate in
a mincer and then mix carefully.
0.4 kg
Kidney Sub-sample from both kidneys Macerate tissue in a mincer and then
mix carefully.
0.2 kg
Skin Collect approx. equal pieces of
back, flank and belly
After coarse pre-chopping, macerate in
a mincer and then mix carefully
0.5 kg
For dermal uses on swine, skin should also be analysed.
For fat-soluble compounds, samples of perirenal, mesenterial and subcutaneous fat from ruminants should be analysed
individually, not as a composite.
Where a commodity is normally processed between harvest and marketing, for example by
milling, pressing, fermentation, drying or extraction, data may be required on the processed
crop or its products. Details of the processing method should be supplied with the samples
together with storage and handling histories. In such cases, the trials should be designed to
provide samples with appropriate residue levels so that the fate of residues can be studied
during the processing. Sample separately any cleanings, husks or by-products which could be
used for animal feed. The minimum mass of samples as described in the Codex recommended
method of sampling should be observed as far as practical.
Supervised trials of post-harvest treatments of stored products should be carried out over a
wide range of storage facilities, and the sampling technique must be carefully chosen if valid
samples are to be obtained. Procedures for taking valid samples from most commodities in
storage units are well established. Such procedures are acceptable in sampling for pesticide
residue analysis and may be used if adequate references are given.
The sampling procedures are usually designed for three kinds of storage conditions.
Sampling from bulk
Obtaining a representative sample from a (large) bulk container, e.g., of cereal grains, is
difficult; if possible, samples should be taken at frequent intervals from the stream during
transfer into another container. A probe sample is not representative but may be acceptable if:
it is possible to reach every part of the storage container
a larger number of individual samples are taken before mixing and reducing to
produce a final sample.
Pesticide residues are normally higher in the dust fraction and this should be recognised in the
sampling procedure.
Sampling bagged commodities
Sampling of the commodity within a bag must be random. A representative sample from a
large stack of bags can be obtained only if every bag is accessible. This is not always possible
Appendix V Recommended sampling methods for supervised field trials
in practice and the alternative is to obtain a sample from a number of randomly chosen bags
by probing. Since pesticide treatments are often directed to the surface of the bag, selective
sampling to show the effect of the position of the bag in the stack and the penetration of the
pesticide into the bag may be necessary.
Sampling fruit and vegetables in packing houses
Where post-harvest treatments are applied to fruit and vegetables in packing houses, an
adequate number of samples must be taken to determine the range of residue levels resulting
from variations in the treatment process. The effects on residue levels of concentration,
temperature, duration of treatment, drying (after dip treatments) and subsequent handling may
need to be considered.
Post-harvest treated fruit and vegetables should be kept in, or packed in, commercial
containers or punnets and stored at ambient or cool-room temperature according to normal
commercial practice. Samples should then be drawn for analysis from the commercial
containers at suitable intervals representing the time expected between treatment and
subsequent marketing. The rate of disappearance or degradation of some residues depends on
whether the commodity is held in a sealed or partly sealed container or is open to the air.
The sizes of samples to be taken are the identical as suggested in Tables V.1V.3.
Large samples cannot be handled economically, especially if freezing and long transport are
involved. Take only that amount prescribed in the Study Plan noting the minimum sample
size requirements indicated in Tables V.1V.9.
Except cereal grains sampled on a conveyor belt or from the stream of material transferred
from one large container to another, mixing of samples and sample size reduction at the field
site is not recommended and should be avoided.
Once packed and labelled, samples may be stored or immediately sent to the residue
laboratory according to the nature of the sample. The mode of shipping (e.g. deep-frozen or at
ambient temperature shall be selected taking into account the stability of the residue and the
kind of study undertaken.
It is important that packing and shipment are carried out in such a way that the samples arrive
as soon as possible (normally within 2436 hours) after being taken and without change of
any kind, e.g., deterioration, physical damage, contamination, loss of residue, or change in
moisture content.
Storage and shipping should always be under deep-frozen conditions.
Individual samples should be placed in suitable containers, e.g., heavy polyethylene bags, and
then put inside additional heavy paper bags and, where necessary, frozen or refrigerated as
soon as possible after sampling according to the nature of the chemical involved. Polyethylene
Appendix V Recommended sampling methods for supervised field trials
bags alone may become brittle in contact with dry ice and therefore there is a risk of breakage
and subsequent loss of the sample.
Avoid other plastic containers or plastic-lined caps, unless made of Teflon or other inert
plastic which does not interfere with the analytical method (laboratories have frequently
experienced such interference), and PVC bags should be avoided. If cans are used, they
should first be checked to demonstrate the absence of materials such as oil films, lacquers or
resin from soldered joints that could interfere with analyses.
Glass containers should be used for liquid samples and should be thoroughly cleaned and
rinsed with one or more suitable pesticide-free solvent such as acetone, isopropyl alcohol or
hexane, and dried before use. Pesticides can migrate to the walls of a container and be
adsorbed; hence even a glass container, after the sample is poured out, should be rinsed with
solvent if the extraction is not made in the container itself.
In summary, any type of container or wrapping material should be checked before use for
possible interference with the analytical method and at the limit of determination of the
Fasten boxes securely with strong twine, rope or tape.
Shipment of samples
Non-perishable commodities containing residues that are known to be stable over the period
required to reach the laboratory can be shipped in a non-frozen state, but samples should be
protected against any effects which might cause degradation or contamination.
Where samples need to be frozen, use shipping containers of polystyrene foam, if available, as
they are excellent for this purpose. If not available, use two cardboard boxes of slightly
different size with insulation between. Proper insulation is essential to ensure samples arrive
at the residue laboratory still frozen. Sufficient dry ice must be used for some to remain when
samples are received at the residue laboratory. This usually requires a minimum of one kg of
dry ice per kg of sample. For journeys lasting more than two days, two kg of dry ice or more
per kg of sample may be required. Poorly insulated containers require more dry ice. Use
caution in handling dry ice (gloves and ventilated work area). Packages must of course
comply with transport regulations.
Frozen samples must never be allowed to thaw, either before or during shipment. They must
be shipped under conditions that permit their arrival at the residue laboratory still solidly
The consignee should be advised by FAX or email of the full details of shipment of samples,
including shipping document numbers and flight numbers, so that delay in delivery to the
laboratory is avoided.
When samples have to be shipped across national boundaries, quarantine regulations must be
observed and appropriate permits obtained well in advance of dispatching samples.
Labels and records
Label each sample with the appropriate sample identification. The label and ink should be
such that the writing will not be illegible if the label becomes wet. Attach the label securely so
that it cannot come loose during shipment, and place the label so that it will not become wet
from condensation.
Complete the Sampling Report (residue data sheets) clearly and accurately with all the
requested trial details. Failure to do so may mean that data will not be acceptable. The
Appendix V Recommended sampling methods for supervised field trials
completed sheets should be protected by enclosing them in protective polythene bags which
should be sent with the sample. Duplicate sheets should be kept by the sender.
Use a label on the outside of the shipping container stating the following: Perishable Goods:
Deliver immediately upon arrival and 'This material is not fit for human consumption.
Sample reception and handling
Immediately upon arrival of the samples, the residue laboratory personnel should:
Verify that the copy of the Sampling Report is included with the samples.
Check and report on the condition of the samples.
Check to see that the samples match the details of the Sampling Report.
Check the Sampling Report for accuracy (especially the rate and interval data) and
verify that the information is complete.
Check the Sampling Report to determine whether any special treatment or testing is
If there are any deviations of any consequence, or the Sampling Report is not received or is
incomplete (in such a way that a proper comparison is not possible), the samples should be
stored in the simplest form that will preserve the residue and the crop. The trial organiser
should then be contacted immediately to determine how to proceed.
Note: it is dangerous to put packages containing dry ice into deep freeze.
Samples should be analysed as quickly as possible after collection before physical and
chemical changes occur. If prolonged storage is unavoidable, it is usually preferable to store
the samples at a low temperature, preferably at or below 20 C. This removes the residue
from contact with enzymes which might degrade the pesticide and also prevents further
possibility of residues being bound in the tissue. Do not store samples (whole or
homogenised) for analysis unless an adequate check has been made on the stability of the
residue. Fumigant residue samples need special attention and ideally should be analysed
immediately on receipt at the laboratory. Storage at 20 C is likely to be inadequate to
prevent loss of fumigant residues.
Studies of the stability of residues in samples, over the time and at the temperature of storage,
should be carried out with representative pesticides and substrates. When there is doubt about
the stability of residues in storage, spiked control samples should be held under the same
conditions as the samples or extracts.
Light degrades many pesticides; it is therefore advisable to protect the sample and any
solutions or extracts from needless exposure. Samples other than water should ordinarily be
stored in a freezer, preferably at 20 C or below. Even then, physical and chemical changes
may occur either in the sample or in the residues sought. Extended storage in freezers can
cause moisture to migrate to the surface of the sample then to the freezer coils, slowly
desiccating the sample. This effect may be of importance if water content affects the
subsequent analysis and can affect the calculated residue concentration. Water samples should
be stored slightly above freezing to avoid rupture of the container as a result of freezing.
Appendix VI Portion of commodities to which Codex maximum residue limits apply and which is analysed
Appendix VI
Codex Maximum Residue Limits are in most cases stated in terms of a specific whole raw
agricultural commodity as it moves in international trade. In some instances, a qualification is
included that describes the part of the raw agricultural commodity to which the maximum
residue limit applies, for example, almonds on a shell-free basis and beans without pods. In
other instances, such qualifications are not provided. Therefore, unless otherwise specified,
the portion of the raw agricultural commodity to which the MRL applies and which is to be
prepared as the analytical sample for the determination of pesticide residues is as described in
the following table.
Classification of Commodities Portion of Commodity to Which the Codex
MRL Applies (and Which Is Analysed)
(Codex Classification
Group 016: Root and tuber vegetables)
Root and tuber vegetables are starchy foods derived from the
enlarged solid roots, tubers, corms or rhizomes, mostly
subterranean, of various species of plants. The entire
vegetable may be consumed.
Root and tuber vegetables:
beets, carrots, celeriac, parsnips, potatoes, radishes,
rutabagas, sugar beet, sweet potatoes, turnips, yams
Whole commodity after removing tops. Wash
the roots or tubers in cold running water,
brushing gently with a soft brush to remove
loose soil and debris, if necessary, and then
dab lightly with clean tissue paper to dry. For
carrots, after drying the tops are carefully cut
off with a knife by cutting through the bottom
of the stem at the lowest point of attachment
of the outer petioles. If an annulus of root
tissue is thereby severed from hollow-crown
roots, the material should be re-combined with
the roots.
(Codex Classification Group: 009 Bulb vegetables)
Bulb vegetables are pungent, flavourful foods derived from
the fleshy scale bulbs or growth buds of alliums of the lily
family (Liliaceae). The entire bulb may be consumed
following removal of the parchment-like skin.
Remove adhering soil (e.g., by rinsing in
running water or by gentle brushing of the dry
Bulb vegetables:
garlic, leeks, onions, spring onions
Bulb, dry onions and garlic:
Whole commodity after removal of roots and
whatever parchment skin is easily detached.
Leeks and spring onions:
Whole vegetable after removal of roots and
adhering soil.
69 The number and categories of groups for portion of commodities do not always correspond to the grouping used by the
current Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds. The corresponding groups are given in brackets.
Appendix VI Portion of commodities to which Codex maximum residue limits apply and which is analysed
(Does not correspond to Codex Classification Group 013: Leafy vegetables (including Brassica leafy
Leafy vegetables (except Group 4 vegetables) are foods
derived from the leaves of a wide variety of edible plants
including leafy parts of Group 1 vegetables. The entire leaf
may be consumed. Leafy vegetables of the brassica family are
grouped separately.
Leafy vegetables:
beet leaves, corn salad, endive, lettuce, radish leaves,
spinach, sugar beet leaves, Swiss chard
Whole commodity after removal of obviously
decomposed or withered leaves.
(Does not correspond to Codex Classification Group 010: Brassica vegetables)
Brassica (cole) leafy vegetables are foods derived from the
leafy parts, stems and immature inflorescences of plants
commonly known and botanically classified as brassicas and
also known as cole vegetables. The entire vegetable may be
Brassica leafy vegetables:
broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cabbage,
Chinese, cabbage, red, cabbage, Savoy, cauliflower,
collards, kales, kohlrabi, mustard greens
Whole commodity after removal of obviously
decomposed or withered leaves. For
cauliflower and headed broccoli analyse
flower head and stems, discarding leaves; for
Brussels sprouts analyse buttons only.
(Codex Classification Group 017: Stalk and stem vegetables)
Stem vegetables are foods derived from the edible stems or
shoots of a variety of plants.
Stem vegetables:
artichoke, celery, chicory (witloof), rhubarb
Whole commodity after removal of obviously
decomposed or withered leaves.
Rhubarb and asparagus: stems only.
Celery and asparagus: remove adhering soil
(e.g., by rinsing in running water or by gentle
brushing of the dry commodity).
(Codex Classification Group 014: Legume vegetables Group 015: Pulses)
Legume vegetables are derived from the dried or succulent
seeds and immature pods or leguminous plants commonly
known as beans and peas. Succulent forms may be consumed
as whole pods or as the shelled product. Legume fodder is in
Group 18.
Legume vegetables:
beans, broad beans, cow peas, dwarf beans, French
beans, green beans, kidney beans, Lima beans, navy
beans, runner beans, snap beans, soybeans, peas,
sugar peas
Whole commodity.
(Combination of Codex Classification Groups 011: Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits; 012 Fruiting vegetables
other than Cucurbits)
Fruiting vegetables - edible peel are derived from the
immature or mature fruits of various plants, usually annual
vines or bushes. The entire fruiting vegetables may be
Fruiting vegetables - edible peel:
cucumber, egg plant, gherkin, okra, pepper, summer
squash, tomato, mushroom
Whole commodity after removal of stems.
70 Mushroom is not included in the commodities listed in the original document
Appendix VI Portion of commodities to which Codex maximum residue limits apply and which is analysed
(Codex Classification Group 011 Fruiting vegetables, Cucurbits)
Fruiting vegetables inedible peel are derived from the
immature or mature fruits of various plants, usually annual
vines or bushes. Edible portion is protected by skin, peel or
husk which is removed or discarded before consumption.
Fruiting vegetables - inedible peel:
cantaloupe, melon, pumpkin, squash, watermelon,
winter squash
Whole commodity after removal of stems.
(Codex Classification Group 001 Citrus fruits)
Citrus fruits are produced by trees of the Rutaceae family and
are characterized by aromatic oily peel, globular form and
interior segments of juice-filled vesicles. The fruit is fully
exposed to pesticides during the growing season. The fruit
pulp may be consumed in succulent form and as a beverage.
The entire fruit may be used for preserving.
Citrus fruits:
Orange, lemon, mandarin
Whole commodity.
Group 10 - POME FRUITS
(Codex Classification Group 002 Pome fruits)
Pome fruits are produced by trees related to the genus Pyrus
of the rose family (Rosaceae). They are characterized by
fleshy tissue surrounding a core consisting of parchment-like
carpels enclosing the seed. The entire fruit, except the core,
may be consumed in the succulent form or after processing.
Pome fruits:
apple, pear, quince
Whole commodity after removal of stems.
(Codex Classification Group 003 Stone fruits)
Stone fruits are produced by trees related to the genus Prunus
of the rose family (Rosaceae) characterized by fleshy tissue
surrounding a single hard-shelled seed. The entire fruit,
except seed, may be consumed in a succulent or processed
Stone fruits:
apricots, cherries, sour cherries, sweet cherries,
nectarines, peaches, plums
Whole commodity after removal of stems and
stones but the residue calculated and
expressed on the whole commodity without
(Codex Classification Group 004: Berries and other small fruits )
Small fruits and berries are derived from a variety of plants
whose fruit is characterized by a high surface-weight ratio.
The entire fruit, often including seed, may be consumed in a
succulent or processed form.
Small fruits and berries:
blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, cranberries,
currants, dewberries, gooseberries, grapes,
loganberries, raspberries, strawberries
Whole commodity after removal of caps and
stems. Currants: fruit with stems.
(Codex Classification Group 005: Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruit - edible peel)
Assorted fruits - edible peel are derived from the immature or
mature fruits of a variety of plants, usually shrubs or trees
from tropical or subtropical regions. The whole fruit may be
consumed in a succulent or processed form.
Assorted fruits - edible peel:
dates, figs, olives
Dates and olives: whole commodity after
removal of stems and stones but residue
calculated and expressed on the whole fruit.
Figs: Whole commodity.
Appendix VI Portion of commodities to which Codex maximum residue limits apply and which is analysed
(Codex Classification Group 006: Assorted tropical and sub-tropical fruit - inedible peel)
Assorted fruits - inedible peel are derived from the immature
or mature fruits of different kinds of plants, usually shrubs or
trees from tropical or subtropical regions. Edible portion is
protected by skin, peel or husk. Fruit may be consumed in a
fresh or processed form.
Assorted fruits - inedible peel:
avocados, bananas, guavas, kiwi fruit, mangoes,
papayas, passion fruits, pineapples
Whole commodity unless qualified.
Pineapples: after removal of crown.
Avocado and mangoes: whole commodity
after removal of stone but calculated on whole
Bananas: after removal of crown tissue and
(Codex Classification Group 020: Cereal grains)
Cereal grains are derived from the clusters of starchy seeds
produced by a variety of plants primarily of the grass family
(Gramineae). Husks are removed before consumption.
Cereal grains:
barley, maize, oats, rice, rye, sorghum, sweet corn,
Whole commodity.
Fresh corn and sweet corn: kernels plus cob
without husk.
(Codex Classification Group 051: Straw, fodder and forage of cereal grains and grasses)
Stalk and stem crops are various kinds of plants, mostly of the
grass family (Gramineae) cultivated extensively as animal
feed and for the production of sugar. Stems and stalks used
for animal feeds are consumed as succulent forage, silage, or
as dried fodder or hay. Sugar crops are processed.
Stalk and stem crops:
barley fodder and straw, grass fodders, maize fodder,
sorghum fodder
Whole commodity.
(Part of Codex Classification Group 023: Nuts and seeds)
Legume oilseeds are mature seeds from legumes cultivated for
processing into edible vegetable oil or for direct use as human
Legume oilseeds:
Whole kernel after removal of shell.
(Codex Classification Group 050: Legume animal feeds)
Legume animal feeds are various species of legumes used for
animal forage, grazing, fodder, hay or silage with or without
seed. Legume animal feeds are consumed as succulent forage
or as dried fodder or hay.
Legume animal feeds:
alfalfa fodder, bean fodder, clover fodder, peanut
fodder, pea fodder, soybean fodder
Whole commodity.
Group 19 - TREE NUTS
(Codex Classification Group 022: Tree nuts)
Tree nuts are the seeds of a variety of trees and shrubs which
are characterized by a hard, inedible shell enclosing an oil
seed. The edible portion of the nut is consumed in succulent,
dried or processed form.
Tree nuts:
almonds, chestnuts, filberts, macadamia nuts, pecans,
Whole commodity after removal of shell.
Chestnuts: whole in skin.
Appendix VI Portion of commodities to which Codex maximum residue limits apply and which is analysed
Group 20 - OILSEEDS
(Codex Classification Group 23: Nuts and seeds)
Oilseed consists of the seed from a variety of plants used in
the production of edible vegetable oils. Some important
vegetable oilseeds are by-products of fibre or fruit crops.
cotton seed, linseed, rapeseed, safflower seed,
sunflower seed
Whole commodity.
(Codex Classification Group 024: Seed for beverages and sweets)
Tropical seeds consist of the seeds from several tropical and
semitropical trees and shrubs mostly used in the production of
beverages and confections. Tropical seeds are consumed after
Tropical seeds:
cacao beans, coffee beans
Whole commodity.
Group 22 - HERBS
(Codex Classification Group 027: Herbs)
Herbs consist of leaves, stems and roots from a variety of
herbaceous plants used in relatively small amounts to flavour
other foods. They are consumed in succulent or dried form as
components of other foods.
Herbs: Whole commodity.
Group 23 - SPICES
(Codex Classification Group 028: Spices)
Spices consist of aromatic seeds, roots, fruits and berries from
a variety of plants used in relatively small amounts to flavour
other foods. They are consumed primarily in the dried form as
components of other foods.
Spices: Whole commodity.
Group 24 - TEAS
(Codex Classification Group 066: Teas)
Teas are derived from the leaves of several plants, but
principally Camellia sinensis. They are used in the preparation
of infusions for consumption as stimulating beverages. They
are consumed as extracts of the dried or processed product.
Teas: Whole commodity.
Group 25 - MEATS
(Codex Classification Group 030: Meat)
Meats are the muscular tissue, including adhering fatty tissue,
from animal carcasses prepared for wholesale distribution.
The entire product may be consumed.
carcass meat (and carcass fat), carcass meat of cattle,
carcass meat of goats, carcass meat of horses, carcass
meat of pigs, carcass meat of sheep
Whole commodity. (For fat soluble pesticides
a portion of carcass fat is analysed and MRLs
apply to carcass fat.)
Group 26 - ANIMAL FATS
(Codex Classification Group 031: Mammalian fats)
Animal fats are the rendered or extracted fat from the fatty
tissue of animals. The entire product may be consumed.
Animal fats:
cattle fat, pig fat, sheep fat
Whole commodity.
(Codex Classification Group 0032: Edible offal (mammalian))
Meat byproducts are edible tissues and organs, other than
meat and animal fat, from slaughtered animals as prepared for
wholesale distribution. Examples: liver, kidney, tongue, heart.
The entire product may be consumed.
Appendix VI Portion of commodities to which Codex maximum residue limits apply and which is analysed
Meat byproducts (such as liver, kidney, etc.):
cattle meat byproducts, goat meat byproducts, pig meat
byproducts, sheep meat byproducts
Whole commodity.
Group 28 - MILKS
(Codex Classification Group 033: Milks)
Milks are the mammary secretions of various species of
lactating herbivorous ruminant animals, usually domesticated.
The entire product may be consumed.
Milks: Whole commodity
Group 29 - MILK FATS
(Codex Classification Group 086: Milk fats)
Milk fats are the fats rendered or extracted from milk.
Milk fats: Whole commodity.
(Codex Classification Group 036: Poultry meat)
Poultry meats are the muscular tissues, including adhering fat
and skin, from poultry carcasses as prepared for wholesale
distribution. The entire product may be consumed.
Poultry Meats: Whole commodity. (For fat soluble pesticides
a portion of carcass fat is analysed and MRLs
apply to carcass fat.)
(Codex Classification Group 037: Poultry fat)
Poultry fats are the rendered or extracted fats from fatty
tissues of poultry. The entire product may be consumed.
Poultry fats: Whole commodity.
(Codex Classification Group 038: Poultry, edible offal of)
Poultry byproducts are edible tissue and organs, other than
poultry meat and poultry fat, from slaughtered poultry.
Poultry byproducts: Whole commodity.
Group 33 - EGGS
(Codex Classification Group 039: Eggs)
Eggs are the fresh edible portion of the reproductive body of
several avian species. The edible portion includes egg white
and egg yolk after removal of the shell.
Eggs: Whole egg whites and yolks combined after
removal of shells.
Deviation form the Codex Guideline based on the decision of CCPR
Appendix VII Standardized format for organizing the data directory of information to be submitted
Appendix VII
The purpose of the data directory is to assist the reader (reviewer) to find the studies related to
the standard headings of a residue evaluation; or to be quite certain that no studies are
available for particular sections. Initially the data directory will also assist the FAO Secretary
to decide on the size of the review and how much work is required. See also Chapter 4,
Preparation of data submissions for the consideration of the FAO Panel of the JMPR.
The relevant sections required for the data directory are provided below and examples of
subheadings are included. OECD data point numbers indicate the studies classified in the
OECD Guidance Documents for Pesticide Registration
In each section the references should be in systematic order. The year is the year of
publication of the study, project or experiment in the residue evaluations. The study, project
or experiment number should correspond with the company name, i.e., if the study number
quoted is that of the contracted laboratory, the contracted laboratorys name should be given
in the reference. Where a laboratory name and study number and a company name and study
number are provided, both sets of information may be included. Where a study consists of a
number of individual trials, include all trial numbers in the reference. Refer to the following
Boner, P. L. 1998. Metabolism of [
C] methyl parathion in lettuce. Xenobiotic
Laboratories, Inc., Project XBL97072, PSI 97.438. Unpublished.
van Zyl, P. 1997. Determination of the magnitude of residues of pyriproxyfen in citrus.
South-Africa, 1996 trials. Study 96/194. Report 311/88176/N194. South African
Bureau of Standards. Report NNR-0048. Sumitomo, Japan. Unpublished.
Caez, V.M. 1989. The magnitude of methyl parathion residues on sunflower.
Huntingdon Analytical Services, Project PAL-MP-SS, includes MP-SS-7128, MP-SS-
7129. Unpublished.
If a section has no study, include the heading and the statement No study submitted.
The data directory should include the volume numbers in the dossier showing where each
study is located. For very large dossiers (five boxes or more), a summary of the allocations of
volumes to boxes should also be provided. In situations where the volume number is not
known at the time the directory is first submitted, an amended directory (including the volume
number) should be included with the final data submission.
Provide an electronic copy of the data directory in Word format.
(OECD data point numbers IIA 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 2.7, 2.9)
OECD. 2001. Dossier Guidance OECD guidance for industry data submissions on plant protection products and their
active substances.
Appendix VII Standardized format for organizing the data directory of information to be submitted
Physical and chemical properties
Vapour pressure
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier.
Octanol-water partition coefficient
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier.
Proposed subdivisions are indicated under those headings where generally a number of reports
for a range of commodities are provided. Rotational crop studies should appear under
environmental fate in soil.
Animal metabolism
(OECD data point numbers IIA 6.2.2, 6.2.3)
Subdivided according to laboratory animal, livestock, poultry
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier.
Plant metabolism
(OECD data point number IIA 6.2.1)
Subdivided, where necessary, according to crop
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier.
Environmental fate in soil
(OECD data point numbers IIA 6.6, 7.1, 7.2.1, 7.2.4, 7.3.1, 7.4.1, 7.4.2, 7.4.3, 7.4.4, 7.4.5)
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier.
Environmental fate in water-sediment systems
(OECD data point numbers IIA 7.5, 7.6, 7.8.3)
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier.
Analytical methods
Methods used in the supervised trials and processing studies
Enforcement methods (OECD data point number IIA 4.3)
Specialized methods
Subheadings by substrate, e.g., commodity or soil, may be of use.
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier.
Stability of residues in stored analytical samples
(OECD data point number IIA 6.1)
Appendix VII Standardized format for organizing the data directory of information to be submitted
Subdivided, where necessary, according to commodity
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier.
List of crops for which Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) information is available, the
relevant country(ies) (listed alphabetically), and whether labels will be available.
List of labels.
(OECD data point number IIA 6.3)
Subheadings by commodity organized according to the Codex Classification
Citrus fruits
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier.
Pome fruits
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier.
Stone fruits
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier..................etc.
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier ................ etc.
In storage
Subdivided, where necessary, according to commodity.
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier.
In processing
(OECD data point number IIA 6.5)
Subdivided, where necessary, according to commodity.
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier.
Farm animal feeding studies
(OECD data point number IIA 6.4)
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier.
Direct animal treatments
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier.
Appendix VII Standardized format for organizing the data directory of information to be submitted
Relevant study references. Volume in data dossier.
A list of the countries for which this information is available should be included.
State the source of the information and its date.
Appendix VIII Pesticide information for CCPR Working Group on Priorities
Appendix VIII
for evaluation _________________
for re-evaluation _______________
1. NAME:
This information is to be provided by Codex member countries for inclusion of a pesticide in the Codex Priority List.
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Appendix IX
The livestock feed tables were developed by the OECD Pesticide Residue Chemistry Group
and published in Draft Revised Guidance Document on Overview of Residue Chemistry
Studies (Series on Testing And Assessment No.64) 18Feb 2009.
The tables should be used based on the procedure described in section 6.12.1 of the Manual.
To assists their use, Table IX.1 provides matching Codex commodities with the feedstuffs
listed in the tables together with the Codex commodity code numbers.
The tables IX.2-IX.4 include the Codex commodity group codes as well to facilitate the
selection of commodities for calculation of the appropriate animal burden.
If the residues are already expressed on dry weight basis then the dry matter content given in
the tables should be replaced with 100%.
Table IX.1 Description of feedstuffs and the corresponding Codex commodity description
Codex OECD
Code Commodity Crop Feedstuff
Name of group
AL1020 Alfalfa forage (green) Alfalfa forage legumes, forage and fodder
AL1021 Alfalfa fodder Alfalfa hay legumes, forage and fodder
AF Alfalfa meal legumes, forage and fodder
AF Alfalfa silage legumes, forage and fodder
AF Barley forage legumes, forage and fodder
Barley straw and fodder,
dry Barley hay pulp, processed
VB0041 Cabbages, head Cabbage heads, leaves cereal, processed
Barley straw and odder,
dry Barley straw grasses, forage
VR0596 Sugar beet Beet, sugar tops cereal grain
AF Barley silage grasses, fodder
AV0569 Sugar beet leaves or tops Beet, mangel fodder grasses, forage
AL1030 Bean forage (green) Bean vines grasses, fodder
AL1031 Clover hay and fodder Clover hay pulses
AL1023 Clover Clover forage legumes, forage and fodder
AF Clover silage misc, forage and fodder
AS0645 Maize fodder Corn, field stover pulp, processed
AF Corn, pop stover pulp, processed
AF Corn, sweet forage
misc. edible products of plant
AF0645 Maize forage Corn, field forage/silage
miscellaneous, fodder and
AF Corn, sweet stover pulp, processed
AF Cowpea forage Brassica leafy vegetables
AF Cowpea hay miscellaneous, processed
AF Crown vetch forage root vegetables
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Codex OECD
Code Commodity Crop Feedstuff
Name of group
AF Crown vetch hay root vegetables
AF Grass forage (fresh)
AF Grass hay pulp, processed
AF Grass silage legumes, forage and fodder
AV480 Kale forage Kale leaves legumes, forage and fodder
AL1025 Lespedeza Lespedeza forage legumes, forage and fodder
AF Lespedeza Lespedeza hay miscellaneous, processed
AF Millet forage cereal, processed
AF Millet hay cereal, processed
AF Oat straw cereal, processed
AS0646 Millet fodder, dry Millet straw grasses, forage
AS0647 Oat straw and fodder, dry Oat hay cereal grain
AL0528 Pea vines (green) Pea vines cereal, processed
AF Oat silage cereal, processed
AF0647 Oat forage Oat forage grasses, fodder
AF Pea silage cereal grain
AL0072 Pea hay or fodder Pea hay grasses, fodder
Rice straw and fodder,
dry Rice straw pulp, processed
AL0697 Peanut fodder Peanut hay grasses, forage
VL0495 Rape greens Rape forage grasses, fodder
AF Rye silage miscellaneous, processed
AS0650 Rye straw and fodder, dry Rye straw miscellaneous, processed
AF Rice
whole crop
silage miscellaneous, processed
AF0650 Rye forage (green) Rye forage oilseed
AF0651 Sorghum forage (green) Sorghum, forage see Grasses legumes, forage and fodder
Sorghum, grain forage legumes, forage and fodder
Sorghum straw and
fodder, dry Sorghum, grain stover pulses
AF Sorghum, grain silage legumes, forage and fodder
AL1265 Soya bean forage (green) Soybean forage legumes, forage and fodder
AL0541 Soya bean fodder Soybean hay pulp, processed
AF Soybean silage miscellaneous, processed
AF Sugarcane tops pulp, processed
AL Trefoil forage grasses, forage
AF Trefoil hay grasses, fodder
AF Triticale forage grasses, forage
AF Triticale hay misc, forage and fodder
AF Triticale straw legumes, forage and fodder
AF Triticale silage legumes, forage and fodder
AV0506 Turnip leaves or tops Turnip tops (leaves) pulses
AF Vetch forage miscellaneous, processed
AF Vetch hay grasses, forage
Wheat straw and fodder,
dry Wheat hay cereal grain
AF Vetch silage grasses, fodder
AF Wheat forage grasses, fodder
Wheat straw and fodder,
dry Wheat straw grasses, forage
VR0463 Cassava Cassava/tapioca roots cereal grain
AF Wheat silage grasses, fodder
VR0577 Carrot Carrot culls grasses, forage
VR0589 Potato culls Potato culls miscellaneous, processed
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Codex OECD
Code Commodity Crop Feedstuff
Name of group
VR506 Turnip, Garden Turnip roots legumes, forage and fodder
GC0640 Barley Barley grain pulses
VR0497 Swede Swede roots legumes, forage and fodder
VD0071 Beans, dry Bean seed legumes, forage and fodder
GC0645 Maize Corn, field grain miscellaneous, processed
GC0656 Popcorn Corn, pop grain pulp, processed
VG0527 Cowpea Cowpea seed root vegetables
GC0646 Millet Millet grain pulp, processed
VD0545 Lupin Lupin seed pulp, processed
GC0647 Oats Oat grain misc, forage and fodder
VD0561 Field pea, (dry) Pea seed miscellaneous, processed
GC0653 Triticale Triticale grain cereal, processed
GC0651 Sorghum Sorghum, grain grain cereal grain
VD4521 Soya bean, dry Soybean seed cereal, processed
GC0649 Rice Rice grain grasses, fodder
GC0650 Rye Rye grain grasses, forage
AL1029 Vetch Vetch seed
GC0654 Wheat Wheat grain grasses, forage
AB Barley bran fractions cereal grain
AB9226 Apple pomace, dry Apple pomace, wet grasses, forage
AB Almond hulls grasses, fodder
AB0596 Sugar beet pulp, dry Beet, sugar dried pulp miscellaneous, processed
AB Beet, sugar ensiled pulp miscellaneous, processed
SM Coconut meal cereal, processed
DM0596 Sugar beet molasses Beet, sugar molasses grasses, forage
AB001 Citrus pulp, dry Citrus dried pulp cereal grain
AB Rape seed meal Canola meal grasses, forage
AB Brewer's grain dried grasses, fodder
Maize aspirated grain
fraction Corn, field asp gr fn grasses, forage
AB Maize gluten meal Corn gluten meal miscellaneous, processed
AB Maize milled byproducts Corn, field milled bypdts legumes, forage and fodder
AB Corn, field hominy meal legumes, forage and fodder
AB Cotton undelinted seed miscellaneous, processed
AB Cotton meal miscellaneous, processed
AB Cotton hulls miscellaneous, processed
AB Cotton gin byproducts miscellaneous, processed
AB Corn gluten feed pulses
AB Corn, sweet cannery waste legumes, forage and fodder
AB0269 Grape pomce, dry Grape pomace, wet miscellaneous, processed
SO0693 Linseed Flaxseed/linseed meal
AB Distiller's grain dried misc, forage and fodder
AB Lupin seed meal miscellaneous, processed
VS0626 Palm hearts Palm kernel meal root vegetables
SO0697 Peanut Peanut meal pulp, processed
AB Pineapple process waste legumes, forage and fodder
Potato process waste grasses, fodder
AB Potato dried pulp grasses, fodder
AB Rice hulls grasses, forage
AB Rape meal grasses, fodder
CM Rice bran/pollard grasses, forage
Sesame seed meal cereal grain
AB Sorghum, grain asp gr. Fn, root vegetables
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Codex OECD
Code Commodity Crop Feedstuff
Name of group
Safflower meal misc, forage and fodder
AB Soybean asp gr fn grasses, forage
AB Soybean meal grasses, fodder
AB Soybean okara
AB Soybean hulls grasses, forage
AB Wheat asp gr fn cereal, processed
AB Soybean pollard grasses, forage
AB Tomato pomace, wet cereal grain
AB Sugarcane molasses grasses, fodder
AB Wheat gluten meal cereal, processed
AB Sunflower meal grasses, forage
AB Sugarcane bagasse grasses, fodder
AB Wheat milled bypdts cereal, processed
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Table IX.2 Beef and dairy cattle
BEEF Cattle DAIRY Cattle
CROP Feedstuff IFN Code
Body weight (kg) 500 500 500 730 600 650 500 600
Daily intake (DM in kg) 9.1 12 20 14 24 25 20 17
AL1020 Alfalfa forage 2-00-196 HR 35 * 70 100 * 20 40 60 *
AL1021 Alfalfa hay 1-00-054 HR 89 15 * 80 10 20 40 60 25
AF Alfalfa meal 1-00-023 HR 89 * * 40 10 10 40 40 25
AF Alfalfa silage 3-08-150 HR 40 * 25 100 * 20 40 40 20
AF Barley forage 2-00-511 HR 30 * 30 50 * * 30 50 *
AS0640 Barley hay 1-00-495 HR 88 15 * 100 * 20 * 50 *
AS0641 Barley straw 1-00-498 HR 89 10 30 100 * 10 30 20 *
AF Barley silage NA HR 40 * 30 100 * * 30 50 *
AL1030 Bean vines 2-14-388 HR 35 * * 60 * * 20 70 *
AV0569 Beet, mangel fodder 2-00-632 HR 15 * 30 * * * 25 * *
VR0596 Beet, sugar tops 2-00-649 HR 23 * 20 * * * 30 * *
VB0041 Cabbage
leaves 2-01-046 HR 15 * 20 * * * 20 * *
AL1023 Clover forage 2-01-434 HR 30 * 30 100 * 20 40 60 *
AL1031 Clover hay 1-01-415 HR 89 15 30 100 * 20 40 60 *
AF Clover silage 3-01-441 HR 30 * 25 100 * 20 40 60 *
AF0645 Corn, field
ge 3-28-345 HR 40 15 80 80 * 45 60 80 20/50
AS0645 Corn, field stover 3-28-251 HR 83 15 25 40 * 15 20 40 *
AF Corn, pop stover 2-02-963 HR 85 15 25 20 * * 20 20 *
AF Corn, sweet forage 1-08-407 HR 48 * * 80 * 45 * 40 *
AF Corn, sweet stover NA HR 83 * * 40 * 15 * 20 *
AF Cowpea forage 2-01-655 HR 30 * 35 100 * 20 35 60 *
AF Cowpea hay 1-01-645 HR 86 * 35 100 * 20 35 60 *
AF Crown vetch forage 2-19-834 HR 30 * * 100 * 10 * 100 *
AF Crown vetch hay 1-20-803 HR 90 * * 100 * * * 100 *
AF Grass
(fresh) 2-02-260 HR 25 * 50 100 5 45 60 100 10
AF Grass hay 1-02-250 HR 88 15 50 100 40 45 60 60 70
AF Grass silage 3-02-222 HR 40 * 50 100 5 45 60 60 80
AV480 Kale leaves 2-02-446 HR 15 * 20 * * * 20 40 *
AL1025 Lespedeza forage 2-07-058 HR 22 * * 20 * 40 * 60 *
AF Lespedeza hay 1-02-522 HR 88 15 * 20 * 40 * 60 *
AF Millet forage 2-03-801 HR 30 * * 100 * 20 30 50 *
AF Millet hay 1-03-119 HR 85 10 * 100 * 20 * 50 *
AS0646 Millet straw 1-23-802 HR 90 10 10 80 * 10 * 50 *
AF0647 Oat forage 2-03-292 HR 30 * 20 100 * 30 20 90 5
AS0647 Oat hay 1-03-280 HR 90 15 20 100 * 30 20 90 5
AF Oat straw 1-03-283 HR 90 10 20 80 * 10 20 60 5
AF Oat silage 3-03-298 HR 35 * * 100 * * * 40 5
AL0528 Pea vines 3-03-596 HR 25 * 20 60 * 10 20 40 *
AL0072 Pea hay 1-03-572 HR 88 * 25 100 * 10 30 70 *
AF Pea silage 3-03-590 HR 40 * 25 100 * 10 30 40 *
AL0697 Peanut hay 1-03-619 HR 85 * * 60 * 15 * 60 *
VL0495 Rape forage 2-03-867 HR 30 * 10 100 * 10 10 40 *
AS0649 Rice straw 1-03-925 HR 90 * 10 60 55 * 5 20 25
AF Rice
whole crop
silage HR 40 5 55
AF0650 Rye forage 2-04-018 HR 30 * 20 100 * 20 20 20 *
AS0650 Rye straw 1-04-007 HR 88 10 20 20 * 10 20 20 5
AF Rye silage HR 28 * 5
forage see Grasses
Sorghum, grain forage 2-04-317 HR 35 15 20 70 * 40 20 70 40
AS Sorghum, grain stover 1-07-960 HR 88 15 15 70 * 15 15 70 5
AF Sorghum, grain silage HR 21 * 10
AL1265 Soybean forage 2-04-574 HR 56 * * 100 * 20 * 40 *
AL0541 Soybean hay 1-04-558 HR 85 * * 80 * 20 * 40 *
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
BEEF Cattle DAIRY Cattle
CROP Feedstuff IFN Code
Body weight (kg) 500 500 500 730 600 650 500 600
Daily intake (DM in kg) 9.1 12 20 14 24 25 20 17
AF Soybean silage 3-04-581 HR 30 * * 80 * 20 * 40 *
AF Sugarcane tops 2-04-692 HR 25 * * 50 * * * 25 *
AL Trefoil forage 2-20-786 HR 30 * 20 100 * 40 40 40 *
AF Trefoil hay 1-05-044 HR 85 15 20 90 * 40 40 40 *
AF Triticale forage 2-02-647 HR 30 * 20 100 * 20 20 70 *
AF Triticale hay NA HR 88 15 20 100 * 20 20 70 *
AF Triticale straw NA HR 90 10 20 50 * 10 20 70 *
AF Triticale silage 3-26-208 HR 35 * * 90 * * * 50 *
AV0506 Turnip
(leaves) 2-05-063 HR 30 * 40 80 * 30 20 * *
AF Vetch forage 2-05-112 HR 30 * 25 90 * 20 25 35 *
AF Vetch hay 1-05-122 HR 85 15 25 90 65 20 25 35 25
AF Vetch silage 3-26-357 HR 30 * * 90 * * * 50 60
AF Wheat forage 2-08-078 HR 25 * 20 100 * 20 20 60 *
AS0654 Wheat hay 1-05-172 HR 88 15 20 100 * 20 20 20 *
AS0654 Wheat straw 1-05-175 HR 88 10 20 80 * 10 20 20 *
AF Wheat silage 3-05-186 HR 30 * * 90 * * * 50 *
Roots & Tubers
VR0577 Carrot culls 2-01-146 HR 12 * 15 5 * 10 15 5 *
a roots 2-01-156 HR 37 * 20 * * * 15 * *
VR0589 Potato culls 4-03-787 HR 20 30 30 10 * 10 30 10 *
VR0497 Swede roots 4-04-001 HR 10 * 40 10 * * 20 10 *
VR506 Turnip roots 4-05-067 HR 15 * 20 10 * 10 20 10 *
Cereal Grains/Crops Seeds
GC0640 Barley grain 4-00-549 HR 88 50 70 80 70 45 40 40 40
VD0071 Bean seed 4-00-515 HR 88 * 20 50 * * 20 15 *
GC0645 Corn, field grain 4-20-698 HR 88 80 80 80 75 45 30 20 80
GC0656 Corn, pop grain 4-02-964 HR 88 80 * 80 75 45 30 20 80
VG0527 Cowpea seed 5-01-661 HR 88 * 20 20 * * 20 20 *
VD0545 Lupin seed 5-02-707 HR 88 * 20 40 * * 20 20 *
GC0646 Millet grain 4-03-120 HR 88 50 40 50 * 20 40 50 *
GC0647 Oat grain 4-03-309 HR 89 * 40 80 55 20 40 10 5
VD0561 Pea seed 5-03-600 HR 90 * 20 40 * * 20 20 *
GC0649 Rice grain 4-03-939 HR 88 20 * 40 * 20 * 20 *
GC0650 Rye grain 4-04-047 HR 88 20 40 80 35 20 40 * 15
GC0651 Sorghum, grain grain 4-04-383 HR 86 40 40 80 35 45 40 50 30
VD4521 Soybean seed 5-64-610 HR 89 5 10 20 15 10 10 20 10
GC0653 Triticale grain 4-20-362 HR 89 20 40 80 * 20 40 30 *
AL1029 Vetch seed 5-26-351 HR 89 * * 20 * * * 20 *
GC0654 Wheat grain 4-05-211 HR 89 20 40 80 25 20 40 20 10
AM 0660 Almond hulls 4-00-359 STMR 90 * * 10 * 10 * 10 *
AB9226 Apple
wet 4-00-419 STMR 40 * 20 20 * 10 10 10 *
AB Barley
fractions STMR 90 10 *
AB0596 Beet, sugar dried pulp 4-29-307 STMR 88 15 20 * 5 15 20 * 40
AB Beet, sugar
pulp 4-00-662 STMR 15 * 25 * * * 40 * *
DM0596 Beet, sugar molasses 4-30-289 STMR 75 10 10 * * 10 10 * *
AB Brewer's grain dried 5-00-516 STMR 92 50 10 50 45 30 15 20 40
AB Canola meal 5-08-136 STMR 88 5 * 20 * 10 10 15 *
AB001 Citrus dried pulp 4-01-237 STMR 91 10 5 30 * 10 20 30 *
SM Coconut meal 5-01-572 STMR 91 * 20 30 * * 10 * *
AB Corn, field asp gr. fn. 4-02-880 STMR 85 5 * * * * * * *
AB Corn, field
bypdts 5-28-235 STMR 85 50 30 15 5 25 30 15 *
AB Corn, field
meal 4-03-010 STMR 88 50 * 40 35 25 * 40 *
AB Corn, sweet
waste 2-02-875 STMR 30 * * 30 * 10 * 10 *
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
BEEF Cattle DAIRY Cattle
CROP Feedstuff IFN Code
Body weight (kg) 500 500 500 730 600 650 500 600
Daily intake (DM in kg) 9.1 12 20 14 24 25 20 17
AB Corn gluten feed 5-28-243 STMR 40 75 30 20 25 25 30 * 20
AB Corn gluten meal 5-28-242 STMR 40 75 15 20 * 25 20 * 15
AB Cotton meal 5-01-617 STMR 89 5 5 30 * 10 5 15 *
AB Cotton
seed 5-01-614 STMR 88 * * 30 * 10 10 20 *
AB Cotton hulls 1-01-599 STMR 90 10 * 20 * * * 10 *
AB Cotton
gin by-
products 1-08-413 STMR 90 5 * * * * * * *
AB Distiller's grain dried 5-00-518 STMR 92 50 10 50 10 25 10 * 15
d meal 5-02-043 STMR 88 5 10 10 * 10 15 10 *
AB0269 Grape
wet 2-02-206 STMR 15 * * 20 * * * 20 *
AB Lupin seed meal NA STMR 85 * 20 15 * * 20 15 *
VS0626 Palm
meal 5-03-486 STMR 90 * * 20 5 * 25 10 5
SO0697 Peanut meal 5-03-649 STMR 85 * 20 10 * 10 10 15 *
AB Pineapple
waste NA STMR 25 10 * 60 * 10 * 30 *
AB Potato
waste 4-03-777 STMR 12 30 40 5 * 10 30 * *
AB Potato dried pulp 4-03-775 STMR 88 * 10 5 * * 10 5 *
AB Rape meal 5-26-093 STMR 88 * 20 15 15 * 10 15 25
AB Rice hulls 1-08-075 STMR 90 * * 5 * * * 10 *
CM Rice
pollard 4-03-928 STMR 90 15 * 40 20 15 20 40 10
SN Sesame seed meal NA STMR 90
SM Safflower meal 5-26-095 STMR 91 5 20 20 * 10 10 15 *
AB Sorghum, grain asp gr fn NA STMR 85 5 * 20 * * * * *
AB Soybean asp gr fn NA STMR 85 5 * * * * * * *
AB Soybean meal 5-20-638 STMR 92 5 20 10 65 10 25 15 60
AB Soybean hulls 1-04-560 STMR 90 15 10 * * 10 * *
AB Soybean okara NA STMR 20 * * * 40 20
AB Soybean pollard NA STMR ? * * 15 * * * * *
AB Sugarcane molasses 4-13-251 STMR 75 10 10 30 * 10 10 25 *
AB Sugarcane bagasse 1-04-686 STMR 32 * * 20 * * * 25 *
AB Sunflower meal 5-26-098 STMR 92 5 20 30 * 10 10 15 *
AB Tomato
wet NA STMR 20 10 * 10 *
AB Wheat asp gr fn NA STMR 85 5 * * * * * * *
AB Wheat gluten meal 5-05-221 STMR 40 10 15 * * 10 20 * *
AB Wheat
bypdts. 4-06-749 STMR 88 40 30 40 55 30 30 40 45
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Table IX. 3 Percent of poultry diet
Codex code CROP Feedstuff IFN Code
Body weight (kg) 2 1.7 2 3 1.9 1.9 2 2 8 7 2
Daily intake (DM in kg) 0.16 0.12 0.15 N/A 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.10 0.50 0.50 0.15
AL1020 Alfalfa forage 2-00-196 HR 35 * * * 5 * * * * * * *
AL1021 Alfalfa hay 1-00-054 HR 89 * * * * * * * * * * *
AF Alfalfa meal 1-00-023 HR 89 5 5 10 * 5 10 10 10 5 5 10
AF Alfalfa silage 3-08-150 HR 40 * * * * * * * * * * *
AF Barley forage 2-00-511 HR 30 * * * * * * * * * * *
AS0640 Barley hay 1-00-495 HR 88 * * * * * * * * * * *
AS0641 Barley straw 1-00-498 HR 89 * * * * * 5 * * * * *
AF Barley silage NA HR 40 * * * * * * * * * * *
AL1030 Bean vines 2-14-388 HR 35 * * * * * * * * * * *
AV0569 Beet, mangel fodder 2-00-632 HR 15 * * * * * * * * * * *
VR0596 Beet, sugar tops 2-00-649 HR 23 * * * * * 5 * * * * *
VB0041 Cabbage
leaves 2-01-046 HR 15 * * * * * 5 * * * * *
AL1023 Clover forage 2-01-434 HR 30 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AL1031 Clover hay 1-01-415 HR 89 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Clover silage 3-01-441 HR 30 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF0645 Corn, field
silage 3-28-345 HR 40 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AS0645 Corn, field stover 3-28-251 HR 83 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Corn, pop stover 2-02-963 HR 85 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Corn, sweet forage 1-08-407 HR 48 * * * * * * * * * * *
AF Corn, sweet stover NA HR 83 * * * * * * * * * * *
AF Cowpea forage 2-01-655 HR 30 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Cowpea hay 1-01-645 HR 86 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Crown vetch forage 2-19-834 HR 30 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Crown vetch hay 1-20-803 HR 90 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Grass
(fresh) 2-02-260 HR 25 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Grass hay 1-02-250 HR 88 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Grass silage 3-02-222 HR 40 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AV480 Kale leaves 2-02-446 HR 15 * * * * * 5 * * * * *
AL1025 Lespedeza forage 2-07-058 HR 22 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Lespedeza hay 1-02-522 HR 88 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Millet forage 2-03-801 HR 30 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Codex code CROP Feedstuff IFN Code
Body weight (kg) 2 1.7 2 3 1.9 1.9 2 2 8 7 2
Daily intake (DM in kg) 0.16 0.12 0.15 N/A 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.10 0.50 0.50 0.15
AF Millet hay 1-03-119 HR 85 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AS0646 Millet straw 1-23-802 HR 90 * * * * * * * * * * *
AF0647 Oat forage 2-03-292 HR 30 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AS0647 Oat hay 1-03-280 HR 90 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Oat straw 1-03-283 HR 90 * * * * * * * * * * *
AF Oat silage 3-03-298 HR 35 * * * * * * * * * * *
AL0528 Pea vines 3-03-596 HR 25 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AL0072 Pea hay 1-03-572 HR 88 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Pea silage 3-03-590 HR 40 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AL0697 Peanut hay 1-03-619 HR 85 * * * * * * * * * * *
VL0495 Rape forage 2-03-867 HR 30 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AS0649 Rice straw 1-03-925 HR 90 * * * * * * * * * * *
AF Rice
whole crop
silage HR 40
AF0650 Rye forage 2-04-018 HR 30 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AS0650 Rye straw 1-04-007 HR 88 * * * * * * * * * * *
AF Rye silage HR 28
AF0651 Sorghum,forage see Grasses
Sorghum, grain forage 2-04-317 HR 35 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AS Sorghum, grain stover 1-07-960 HR 88 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Sorghum, grain silage HR 21
AL1265 Soybean forage 2-04-574 HR 56 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AL0541 Soybean hay 1-04-558 HR 85 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Soybean silage 3-04-581 HR 30 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Sugarcane tops 2-04-692 HR 25 * * * * * * * * * * *
AL Trefoil forage 2-20-786 HR 30 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Trefoil hay 1-05-044 HR 85 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Triticale forage 2-02-647 HR 30 * * * * * * * * * * *
AF Triticale hay NA HR 88 * * * * * * * * * * *
AF Triticale straw NA HR 90 * * * * * * * * * * *
AF Triticale silage 3-26-208 HR 35 * * * * * * * * * * *
AV0506 Turnip
(leaves) 2-05-063 HR 30 * * * * * * * * * * *
AF Vetch forage 2-05-112 HR 30 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Vetch hay 1-05-122 HR 85 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Vetch silage 3-26-357 HR 30 * * * * * * * * * * *
AF Wheat forage 2-08-078 HR 25 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AS0654 Wheat hay 1-05-172 HR 88 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AS0654 Wheat straw 1-05-175 HR 88 * * * * * 10 * * * * *
AF Wheat silage 3-05-186 HR 30 * * * * * * * * * * *
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Codex code CROP Feedstuff IFN Code
Body weight (kg) 2 1.7 2 3 1.9 1.9 2 2 8 7 2
Daily intake (DM in kg) 0.16 0.12 0.15 N/A 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.10 0.50 0.50 0.15
Roots & Tubers
VR0577 Carrot culls 2-01-146 HR 12 * 10 * * * 10 * * * 10 *
VR0463 Cassava/tapioca roots 2-01-156 HR 37 * 20 * * * 15 * * * 5 *
VR0589 Potato culls 4-03-787 HR 20 * 10 * * * 10 * * * 20 *
VR0497 Swede roots 4-04-001 HR 10 * 10 * * * 10 * * * 10 *
VR506 Turnip roots 4-05-067 HR 15 * 10 * * * 10 * * * 10 *
Cereal Grains/Crops Seeds
GC0640 Barley grain 4-00-549 HR 88 75 70 15 10 75 100 15 * 75 50 15
VD0071 Bean seed 4-00-515 HR 88 * 20 70 * * 20 70 * * 20 70
GC0645 Corn, field grain 4-20-698 HR 88 75 70 * 70 75 70 * 80 75 50 *
GC0656 Corn, pop grain 4-02-964 HR 88 75 * * 70 75 * * 80 * * *
VG0527 Cowpea seed 5-01-661 HR 88 10 5 5 * 10 10 5 * 10 5 10
VD0545 Lupin seed 5-02-707 HR 88 10 15 15 * 10 10 10 * 10 10 50
GC0646 Millet grain 4-03-120 HR 88 60 70 70 * 60 70 60 * 60 50 15
GC0647 Oat grain 4-03-309 HR 89 75 70 15 * 75 70 15 * 75 50 5
VD0561 Pea seed 5-03-600 HR 90 20 20 5 * 20 20 5 * 20 20 40
GC0649 Rice grain 4-03-939 HR 88 20 * 50 * 20 * 50 * 20 * 60
GC0650 Rye grain 4-04-047 HR 88 35 70 50 * 35 35 35 * 35 60 60
GC0651 Sorghum, grain grain 4-04-383 HR 86 75 70 70 65 75 70 70 55 75 50 15
SO4724 VD4521 Soybean seed 5-64-610 HR 89 20 20 15 * 20 15 15 * 20 15 15
GC0653 Triticale grain 4-20-362 HR 89 75 15 * * 75 15 * * 75 15 60
AL1029 Vetch seed 5-26-351 HR 89 * * * * * * * * * * *
GC0654 Wheat grain 4-05-211 HR 89 75 70 70 10 75 70 55 * 75 50 *
AM 0660 Almond hulls 4-00-359 STMR 90 * * * * * * * * * *
AB9226 Apple
wet 4-00-419 STMR 40 * * * * * * * * * *
AB Barley
fractions STMR 90 *
AB0596 Beet, sugar dried pulp 4-29-307 STMR 88 * * * * * * * * * *
AB Beet, sugar
pulp 4-00-662 STMR 15 * * * * * * * * * *
DM0596 Beet, sugar molasses 4-30-289 STMR 75 * * * * * * * * * *
AB Brewer's grain dried 5-00-516 STMR 92 * 10 * * * 10 * * 10 5
AB Canola meal 5-08-136 STMR 88 15 18 5 * 15 10 5 15 20 *
AB001 Citrus dried pulp 4-01-237 STMR 91 * * * * * * * * * *
SM Coconut meal 5-01-572 STMR 91 * * * * * * * * * *
AB Corn, field asp gr fn 4-02-880 STMR 85 * * * * * * * * * *
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Codex code CROP Feedstuff IFN Code
Body weight (kg) 2 1.7 2 3 1.9 1.9 2 2 8 7 2
Daily intake (DM in kg) 0.16 0.12 0.15 N/A 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.10 0.50 0.50 0.15
AB Corn, field
bypdts 5-28-235 STMR 85 50 60 * * 50 50 * 50 50 20
AB Corn, field
meal 4-03-010 STMR 88 20 * 20 * 20 20 20 20 20 *
AB Corn, sweet
waste 2-02-875 STMR 30 * * * * * * * * * *
AB Corn gluten feed 5-28-243 STMR 40 * 10 * * * * * * * *
AB Corn gluten meal 5-28-242 STMR 40 * 10 * * * 10 * * 10 10
AB Cotton meal 5-01-617 STMR 89 20 5 10 * 20 5 10 20 10 *
AB Cotton
seed 5-01-614 STMR 88 * * * * * * * * * *
AB Cotton hulls 1-01-599 STMR 90 * * * * * * * * * *
AB Cotton
gin by-
products 1-08-413 STMR 90 * * * * * * * * * *
AB Distiller's grain dried 5-00-518 STMR 92 * 10 * 5 * 10 * * 10 *
SO0693 Flaxseed/linseed meal 5-02-043 STMR 88 20 10 * * 20 10 * 20 10 *
AB0269 Grape
wet 2-02-206 STMR 15 * * * * * * * * * 20
AB Lupin seed meal NA STMR 85 * 10 20 * * 10 20 * 10 *
VS0626 Palm
meal 5-03-486 STMR 90 * * * * * * * * 5 10
SO0697 Peanut meal 5-03-649 STMR 85 25 10 10 * 25 10 10 25 10 *
AB Pineapple
waste NA STMR 25 * * * * * * * * * *
AB Potato
waste 4-03-777 STMR 12 * * * * * * * * * *
AB Potato dried pulp 4-03-775 STMR 88 * 20 * * * 15 * * * 5
AB Rape meal 5-26-093 STMR 88 * * 5 5 * 10 5 * 20 *
AB Rice hulls 1-08-075 STMR 90 * * * * * * * * * * 20
CM Rice
pollard 4-03-928 STMR 90 10 10 20 5 10 5 20 20 10 * 15
SN Sesame seed meal NA STMR 90 5
SM Safflower meal 5-26-095 STMR 91 25 10 15 * 25 5 15 * 25 5 *
AB Sorghum, grain asp gr fn NA STMR 85 * * * * * * * * * * *
AB Soybean asp gr fn NA STMR 85 * * * * * * * * * * 25
AB Soybean meal 5-20-638 STMR 92 25 40 25 35 25 25 25 30 25 45 *
AB Soybean hulls 1-04-560 STMR 90 * 10 5 * * 5 5 * * * *
AB Soybean okara NA STMR 20
AB Soybean pollard NA STMR ? * * * * * * * * * * *
AB Sugarcane molasses 4-13-251 STMR 75 * * * * * * * * * * *
AB Sugarcane bagasse 1-04-686 STMR 32 * * * * * * * * * * 15
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Codex code CROP Feedstuff IFN Code
Body weight (kg) 2 1.7 2 3 1.9 1.9 2 2 8 7 2
Daily intake (DM in kg) 0.16 0.12 0.15 N/A 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.10 0.50 0.50 0.15
AB Sunflower meal 5-26-098 STMR 92 25 10 15 * 25 10 15 * 25 10 *
AB Tomato
wet NA STMR 20
AB Wheat asp gr fn NA STMR 85 * * * * * * * * * * 20
AB Wheat gluten meal 5-05-221 STMR 40 * 10 * * * 10 * * * 10 10
AB Wheat
bypdts 4-06-749 STMR 88 50 20 20 5 50 20 20 30 50 20 20
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Table IX. 4 Percent of sheep diet
RAM/EWE LAMB SWINE, breading SWINE, finishing
CROP Feedstuff IFN Code
Body weight (kg)
85 75 60 40 40 60 270 260 60 100 100 60 110
Daily intake (DM in kg) 2 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.7 2.5 2 6 2.5 3.1 3 2.50 1.00
AL1020 Alfalfa forage 2-00-196 HR 35 90 40 100 90 40 90 * * * * * * *
AL1021 Alfalfa hay 1-00-054 HR 89 70 40 70 70 40 35 * * 10 * * 10 *
AF Alfalfa meal 1-00-023 HR 89 20 20 * 20 20 * 5 10 10 5 10 10 5
AF Alfalfa silage 3-08-150 HR 40 75 40 75 75 40 75 * * * * * * *
AF Barley forage 2-00-511 HR 30 70 50 100 30 50 100 * * * * * * *
AS0640 Barley hay 1-00-495 HR 88 65 * 70 65 * 25 * * 10 * * 5 *
AS0641 Barley straw 1-00-498 HR 89 25 60 30 25 60 30 * * 10 * * 10 *
AF Barley silage NA HR 40 * 50 * * 50 * * * * * * * *
AL1030 Bean vines 2-14-388 HR 35 30 30 * 30 30 * * * * * * * *
AV0569 Beet, mangel fodder 2-00-632 HR 15 * 10 * * 10 * * 15 * * * * *
VR0596 Beet, sugar tops 2-00-649 HR 23 15 20 * 20 20 * * 10 * * * * *
VB0041 Cabbage
leaves 2-01-046 HR 15 * 10 * * 10 * * 10 * * * * *
AL1023 Clover forage 2-01-434 HR 30 85 85 100 30 30 100 * 20 * * * * *
AL1031 Clover hay 1-01-415 HR 89 80 80 75 20 20 35 * 20 10 * * 10 *
AF Clover silage 3-01-441 HR 30 85 85 75 30 30 75 * 20 * * * * *
AF0645 Corn, field
silage 3-28-345 HR 40 70 * 80 30 30 60 * 20 * * * * *
AS0645 Corn, field stover 3-28-251 HR 83 50 * * 25 * * * 20 * * * * *
AF Corn, pop stover 2-02-963 HR 85 25 * * 25 * * * 20 * * * * *
AF Corn, sweet forage 1-08-407 HR 48 75 * 25 25 * * * * * * * * *
AF Corn, sweet stover NA HR 83 70 * 30 30 * * * * * * * * *
AF Cowpea forage 2-01-655 HR 30 75 35 100 30 35 100 * 20 * * * * *
AF Cowpea hay 1-01-645 HR 86 50 35 65 20 35 35 * 20 10 * * 10 *
AF Crown vetch forage 2-19-834 HR 30 80 * 95 30 * 95 * * * * * * *
AF Crown vetch hay 1-20-803 HR 90 65 * 70 20 * 35 * * * * * * *
AF Grass
(fresh) 2-02-260 HR 25 95 95 100 25 50 100 * 20 * * * * *
AF Grass hay 1-02-250 HR 88 90 90 70 15 30 25 * 20 10 * * 10 *
AF Grass silage 3-02-222 HR 40 90 90 75 20 50 50 * 20 * * * * *
AV480 Kale leaves 2-02-446 HR 15 * 10 * * 10 * * 10 * * * * *
AL1025 Lespedeza forage 2-07-058 HR 22 80 * * 30 * * * * * * 10 * *
AF Lespedeza hay 1-02-522 HR 88 70 * 20 20 * * * * * * 10 * *
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
RAM/EWE LAMB SWINE, breading SWINE, finishing
CROP Feedstuff IFN Code
Body weight (kg)
85 75 60 40 40 60 270 260 60 100 100 60 110
Daily intake (DM in kg) 2 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.7 2.5 2 6 2.5 3.1 3 2.50 1.00
AF Millet forage 2-03-801 HR 30 80 * 100 35 * 60 * * * * * * *
AF Millet hay 1-03-119 HR 85 75 * 65 20 * 20 * * 10 * * 10 *
AS0646 Millet straw 1-23-802 HR 90 50 * 35 15 * 15 * * 10 * * 10 *
AF0647 Oat forage 2-03-292 HR 30 25 40 100 35 40 100 * 20 * * * * *
AS0647 Oat hay 1-03-280 HR 90 80 40 65 20 40 20 * 20 10 * * 10 *
AF Oat straw 1-03-283 HR 90 10 40 35 20 40 15 * * 10 * * 10 *
AF Oat silage 3-03-298 HR 35 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
AL0528 Pea vines 3-03-596 HR 25 75 20 90 35 20 90 * 20 * * * * *
AL0072 Pea hay 1-03-572 HR 88 75 20 70 25 20 30 * 20 15 * * 10 *
AF Pea silage 3-03-590 HR 40 73 20 75 35 20 70 * 20 * * * * *
AL0697 Peanut hay 1-03-619 HR 85 79 * 25 25 * * * * * * * * *
VL0495 Rape forage 2-03-867 HR 30 50 40 90 30 40 90 * 20 * * * * *
AS0649 Rice straw 1-03-925 HR 90 10 10 20 10 10 15 * * 10 * * 10 *
AF Rice
whole crop
silage HR 40
AF0650 Rye forage 2-04-018 HR 30 75 40 100 30 40 100 * 20 * * * * *
AS0650 Rye straw 1-04-007 HR 88 25 40 20 10 40 20 * * * * * * *
AF Rye silage HR 28
AF0651 Sorghum,forage see Grasses
Sorghum, grain forage 2-04-317 HR 35 30 20 100 30 20 65 * 20 10 * * * *
AS Sorghum, grain stover 1-07-960 HR 88 30 20 * 20 20 * * 20 * * * * *
AF Sorghum, grain silage HR 21
AL1265 Soybean forage 2-04-574 HR 56 80 * 90 35 * 80 * * * * * * *
AL0541 Soybean hay 1-04-558 HR 85 65 * 70 20 * 25 * * * * * * *
AF Soybean silage 3-04-581 HR 30 70 * 75 40 * 65 * * * * * * *
AF Sugarcane tops 2-04-692 HR 25 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
AL Trefoil forage 2-20-786 HR 30 75 40 90 35 20 90 * 20 * * * * *
AF Trefoil hay 1-05-044 HR 85 60 40 70 25 20 70 * 20 15 * * 10 *
AF Triticale forage 2-02-647 HR 30 60 40 100 30 30 100 * 20 * * * * *
AF Triticale hay NA HR 88 80 40 70 20 20 25 * 20 10 * * 10 *
AF Triticale straw NA HR 90 10 40 20 10 10 15 * * 10 * * 10 *
AF Triticale silage 3-26-208 HR 35 30 * * 25 * * * * * * * * *
AV0506 Turnip
(leaves) 2-05-063 HR 30 65 30 75 20 30 75 * * * * * * *
AF Vetch forage 2-05-112 HR 30 80 30 100 30 20 100 * * 10 * * * *
AF Vetch hay 1-05-122 HR 85 75 30 75 20 20 30 * * 10 * * 10 *
AF Vetch silage 3-26-357 HR 30 80 * * 30 * * * * * * * * *
AF Wheat forage 2-08-078 HR 25 75 40 100 30 30 100 * 20 10 * * * *
AS0654 Wheat hay 1-05-172 HR 88 80 40 65 20 20 25 * 20 10 * * 10 *
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
RAM/EWE LAMB SWINE, breading SWINE, finishing
CROP Feedstuff IFN Code
Body weight (kg)
85 75 60 40 40 60 270 260 60 100 100 60 110
Daily intake (DM in kg) 2 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.7 2.5 2 6 2.5 3.1 3 2.50 1.00
AS0654 Wheat straw 1-05-175 HR 88 25 40 20 10 40 15 * * 10 * * 10 *
AF Wheat silage 3-05-186 HR 30 30 * * 25 * * * * * * * * *
Roots & Tubers
VR0577 Carrot culls 2-01-146 HR 12 20 20 * 40 20 * * 25 10 * 25 5 *
VR0463 Cassava/tapioca roots 2-01-156 HR 37 * 20 * * 20 * * 40 * * 40 * *
VR0589 Potato culls 4-03-787 HR 20 50 30 * 40 20 * * 50 10 * 50 * *
VR0497 Swede roots 4-04-001 HR 10 * 30 80 * 30 80 * 40 5 * 40 * *
VR506 Turnip roots 4-05-067 HR 15 75 30 80 75 30 80 * 40 5 * 40 5 *
Cereal Grains/Crops Seeds
GC0640 Barley grain 4-00-549 HR 88 40 40 85 40 60 85 20 80 85 20 80 80 30
VD0071 Bean seed 4-00-515 HR 88 20 20 85 20 20 85 * 20 20 * 20 20 *
GC0645 Corn, field grain 4-20-698 HR 88 50 30 85 50 30 85 85 70 80 85 70 80 85
GC0656 Corn, pop grain 4-02-964 HR 88 50 30 85 50 30 85 * * * * * * *
VG0527 Cowpea seed 5-01-661 HR 88 * 20 75 * 20 75 10 10 10 10 20 10 *
VD0545 Lupin seed 5-02-707 HR 88 * 10 100 * 10 100 * 15 25 * 20 25 *
GC0646 Millet grain 4-03-120 HR 88 40 30 * 40 30 * 20 70 70 20 70 70 *
GC0647 Oat grain 4-03-309 HR 89 * 40 90 * 60 90 * 70 80 * 70 80 *
VD0561 Pea seed 5-03-600 HR 90 20 20 * 20 20 * 15 20 40 15 20 40 *
GC0649 Rice grain 4-03-939 HR 88 20 * * 20 * * 20 * 60 20 * 65 *
GC0650 Rye grain 4-04-047 HR 88 20 40 * 20 45 * * 70 80 * 70 70 35
GC0651 Sorghum, grain grain 4-04-383 HR 86 40 40 80 50 40 80 80 70 80 80 70 80 55
SO4724 VD4521 Soybean seed 5-64-610 HR 89 25 10 40 15 20 40 15 10 10 15 20 10 *
GC0653 Triticale grain 4-20-362 HR 89 20 30 85 20 40 85 * 60 80 * 60 80 *
AL1029 Vetch seed 5-26-351 HR 89 * * * * * * * * 10 * * 10 *
GC0654 Wheat grain 4-05-211 HR 89 20 40 80 20 60 80 * 70 80 * 70 80 35
AM 0660 Almond hulls 4-00-359 STMR 90 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
AB9226 Apple
wet 4-00-419 STMR 40 10 10 * 10 10 * * * * * * * *
AB Barley
fractions STMR 90
AB0596 Beet, sugar dried pulp 4-29-307 STMR 88 15 40 * 20 40 * * 20 * * 20 * *
AB Beet, sugar
pulp 4-00-662 STMR 15 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
DM0596 Beet, sugar molasses 4-30-289 STMR 75 15 5 * 10 5 * * 5 * * 5 * *
AB Brewer's grain dried 5-00-516 STMR 92 70 30 * 40 10 * * 10 10 * 10 10 *
AB Canola meal 5-08-136 STMR 88 15 * 35 15 * 35 15 20 20 15 20 20 *
AB001 Citrus dried pulp 4-01-237 STMR 91 20 * * 15 * * * 15 10 * * 10 *
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
RAM/EWE LAMB SWINE, breading SWINE, finishing
CROP Feedstuff IFN Code
Body weight (kg)
85 75 60 40 40 60 270 260 60 100 100 60 110
Daily intake (DM in kg) 2 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.7 2.5 2 6 2.5 3.1 3 2.50 1.00
SM Coconut meal 5-01-572 STMR 91 * 20 35 * 20 35 * * 10 * * 10 *
AB Corn, field asp gr fn 4-02-880 STMR 85 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
AB Corn, field
bypdts 5-28-235 STMR 85 35 30 * 50 30 * 60 75 70 60 75 70 *
AB Corn, field
meal 4-03-010 STMR 88 50 * * 50 * * 20 * 40 20 * 40 *
AB Corn, sweet
waste 2-02-875 STMR 30 30 * * 20 * * * * * * * * *
AB Corn gluten feed 5-28-243 STMR 40 35 30 80 50 30 80 20 20 20 20 20 20 10
AB Corn gluten meal 5-28-242 STMR 40 35 30 * 50 30 * 20 10 25 20 10 25 5
AB Cotton meal 5-01-617 STMR 89 15 15 45 10 10 45 15 10 10 15 5 10 *
AB Cotton
seed 5-01-614 STMR 88 25 * 25 25 * 25 * * * * * * *
AB Cotton hulls 1-01-599 STMR 90 15 * 20 20 * 20 * * * * * * *
AB Cotton
gin by-
products 1-08-413 STMR 90 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
AB Distiller's grain dried 5-00-518 STMR 92 35 10 * 25 10 * * 20 20 * 20 20 *
SO0693 Flaxseed/linseed meal 5-02-043 STMR 88 15 20 * 20 10 * 10 20 10 10 20 10 *
AB0269 Grape
wet 2-02-206 STMR 15 * * * * * * * * 10 * * 10 *
AB Lupin seed meal NA STMR 85 * 25 * * 20 * * 10 25 * 10 25 *
VS0626 Palm
meal 5-03-486 STMR 90 * * * * * * * 10 10 * 10 10 15
SO0697 Peanut meal 5-03-649 STMR 85 20 20 * 15 20 * 15 20 10 15 20 10 *
AB Pineapple
waste NA STMR 25 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
AB Potato
waste 4-03-777 STMR 12 50 40 * 25 20 * * 20 * * * * *
AB Potato dried pulp 4-03-775 STMR 88 * 40 * * 20 * * 10 * * 20 * *
AB Rape meal 5-26-093 STMR 88 15 15 * 15 15 * * 10 15 * 20 15 20
AB Rice hulls 1-08-075 STMR 90 20 * 20 10 * 15 * * 10 * 0 10 *
CM Rice
pollard 4-03-928 STMR 90 * 30 * * 30 * 10 10 30 10 0 20 10
SN Sesame seed meal NA STMR 90
SM Safflower meal 5-26-095 STMR 91 15 * * 15 * * 15 * 20 15 * 20 *
AB Sorghum, grain asp gr fn NA STMR 85 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
AB Soybean asp gr fn NA STMR 85 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
AB Soybean meal 5-20-638 STMR 92 25 25 35 15 25 35 15 30 30 15 30 30 *
AB Soybean hulls 1-04-560 STMR 90 50 * 20 20 * 20 * * 10 * * 10 *
AB Soybean okara NA STMR 20
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
RAM/EWE LAMB SWINE, breading SWINE, finishing
CROP Feedstuff IFN Code
Body weight (kg)
85 75 60 40 40 60 270 260 60 100 100 60 110
Daily intake (DM in kg) 2 2.5 2.5 1.5 1.7 2.5 2 6 2.5 3.1 3 2.50 1.00
AB Soybean pollard NA STMR ? * * * * * * * * * * * * *
AB Sugarcane molasses 4-13-251 STMR 75 10 5 10 10 5 10 * * * * * * *
AB Sugarcane bagasse 1-04-686 STMR 32 * * 10 * * * * * * * * * *
AB Sunflower meal 5-26-098 STMR 92 20 20 40 20 20 40 15 10 30 15 10 30 *
AB Tomato
wet NA STMR 20
AB Wheat asp gr fn NA STMR 85 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
AB Wheat gluten meal 5-05-221 STMR 40 10 30 * 10 30 * 10 10 25 10 10 25 *
AB Wheat
bypdts 4-06-749 STMR 88 40 40 * 50 50 * 50 50 40 50 50 40 15
Percent DM. (Percent dry matter) for beef, dairy, and sheep feedstuffs, the percent moisture should be reported for representative samples of raw
agricultural and processed commodities.
Classification of Feedstuff. R: roughage; CC: carbohydrate concentrate; PC: protein concentrate.
Residue Level. HR: Highest Residue (or HAFT); STMR: Supervised Trial Median Residue.
Percent DM. Percent dry matter. For beef, dairy, and sheep feedstuffs, the percent moisture should be reported for representative samples of raw
agricultural and processed commodities.
* Indicates that item is not used or is a minor feedstuff (less than 5 percent of livestock diet).
Percent of Livestock Diet. Percentages of feedstuffs in livestock daily rations for mature and marketable animals are best estimates based upon
production data of livestock meat, milk, and eggs for human consumption. Percent of diet is based on a dry weight basis for beef and dairy cattle,
sheep, and on an as-fed basis for poultry and swine. The reference animals used for the table values are based on the listed body weights and
daily dry matter intake. The following reference animals were used:
United States/Canada
Beef: Finishing, body weight of 500 kg, consuming 9.1 kg of daily dry matter feed. Dairy: mature cows, body weight of 600 kg, producing
23 kg of milk a day, consuming 18.2 kg of daily dry matter feed.
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Ram/Ewe: breeding, body weight of 85 kg, consuming 2.0 kg of daily dry matter feed. Fattened Lamb, finishing, body weight of 40 kg,
consuming 1.5 kg of daily dry matter feed.
Boar/Sow, breeding, body weight of 270 kg, consuming 2.0 kg of daily dry matter feed. Finishing Hog, body weight of 100 kg, consuming 3.1 kg
of daily dry matter feed.
Broiler, body weight of 2.5 kg, consuming 0.16 kg of daily dry matter feed. Layer: body weight of 3.2 kg, consuming 0.12 kg of daily dry matter
Turkey: body weight of 12 kg, consuming 0.5 kg of daily dry matter feed.
European Union
Beef: Finishing, body weight of 500 kg, consuming 10 kg of daily dry matter feed. Dairy: mature cows, body weight of 650 kg, producing 40 kg
of milk a day, consuming 25 kg of daily dry matter feed.
Ram/Ewe: breeding, body weight of 75 kg, consuming 2.5 kg of daily dry matter feed. Fattened Lamb, finishing, body weight of 40 kg,
consuming 1.7 kg of daily dry matter feed.
Boar/Sow, breeding, body weight of 260 kg, consuming 2.0 kg of daily dry matter feed. Finishing Hog, body weight of 100 kg, consuming 3 kg
of daily dry matter feed.
Broiler, body weight of 1.7 kg, consuming 0.12 kg of daily dry matter feed. Layer: body weight of 1.9 kg, consuming 0.13 kg of daily dry matter
Turkey: body weight of 20 kg, consuming 0.7 kg of daily dry matter feed.
Beef: Finishing, body weight of 400 kg, consuming 9.1 kg of daily dry matter feed. Dairy: mature cows, body weight of 600 kg, producing 23
kg of milk a day, consuming 18.2 kg of daily dry matter feed.
Ram/Ewe: breeding, body weight of 85 kg, consuming 2.0 kg of daily dry matter feed. Fattened Lamb, finishing, body weight of 40 kg,
consuming 1.5 kg of daily dry matter feed.
Boar/Sow, breeding, body weight of 270 kg, consuming 2.0 kg of daily dry matter feed. Finishing Hog, body weight of 100 kg, consuming 3.1 kg
of daily dry matter feed.
Broiler, body weight of 2.5 kg, consuming 0.16 kg of daily dry matter feed. Layer: body weight of 3.2 kg, consuming 0.12 kg of daily dry matter
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Turkey: body weight of 12 kg, consuming 0.5 kg of daily dry matter feed.
Alfalfa. Residue data are needed from a minimum of three cuttings, unless climatic conditions restrict the number of cuttings. Cut sample at late
bud to early bloom stage (first cut), and/or at early (one-tenth) bloom stage (later cuts). Alfalfa meal (17% protein). Residue data are not needed
for meal; however, the meal should be included in the livestock diet, using the hay MRL. Alfalfa hay should be field-dried to a moisture content
of 10 to 20%. Alfalfa silage. Residue data on silage are optional, but are desirable for assessment of dietary exposure. Cut at late bud to one-
tenth bloom stage for alfalfa, allow to wilt to approximately 60% moisture, then chop fine, pack tight, and allow to ferment for three weeks
maximum in an air-tight environment until it reaches pH 4. This applies to both silage and haylage. In the absence of silage data, residues in
forage will be used for silage, with correction for dry matter.
Barley hay. Cut when the grain is in the milk to soft dough stage. Hay should be field-dried to a moisture content of 10 to 20%.
Barley straw. Plant residue (dried stalks or stems with leaves) left after the grain has been harvested (threshed).
Barley silage. Residue data on silage are optional, but are desirable for assessment of dietary exposure. Cut sample at boot to early head stage,
allow to wilt to 55 to 65% moisture, then chop fine, pack tight, and allow to ferment for three weeks maximum in an air-tight environment until it
reaches pH 4. In the absence of silage data, residues in forage will be used for silage, with correction for dry matter.
Beet, sugar, tops. Based on current US agricultural practices, tops are fed only to grazing beef cattle and sheep. Other countries may feed
Cabbage. Heads, fresh.
Clover forage. Cut sample at the 10-20 cm (4-8 inch) to pre-bloom stage, at approximately 30% DM.
Clover hay. Cut at early to full bloom stage. Hay should be field-dried to a moisture content of 10 to 20%. Residue data for clover seeds are not
Clover silage. Residue data on silage are optional, but are desirable for assessment of dietary exposure. Cut sample at early to one-fourth bloom
stage for clover, allow to wilt to approximately 60% moisture, then chop fine, pack tight, and allow to ferment for three weeks maximum in an
air-tight environment until it reaches pH 4. This applies to both silage and haylage. In the absence of silage data, residues in forage will be used
for silage, with correction for dry matter. IFN codes are given for most commonly used red clover.
Corn forage (field and pop). Cut sample (whole aerial portion of the plant) at late dough/early dent stage (black ring/layer stage for corn only).
Corn stover (field and pop). Mature dried stalks from which the grain or whole ear (cob + grain) have been removed; contains 80 to 85% DM.
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Corn silage (field and pop). Freshly cut samples may be analysed or ensiled samples after ensiling for three weeks maximum, and reaching pH
5 or less, with correction for percent dry matter.
Corn forage (sweet). Samples should be taken when sweet corn is normally harvested for fresh market, and may or may not include the ears.
Freshly cut samples may be analysed or ensiled samples after ensiling for three weeks maximum, and reaching pH 5 or less, with correction for
percent dry matter.
Cowpea forage. Cut sample at 15 cm (6 inch) to pre-bloom stage, at approximately 30% DM.
Cowpea hay. Cut when pods are one-half to fully mature. Hay should be field-dried to a moisture content of 10 to 20%.
Crownvetch forage. Cut sample at 15 cm (6 inch) to pre-bloom stage, at approximately 30% DM.
Crownvetch hay. Cut at full bloom stage. Hay should be field-dried to a moisture content of 10 to 20 percent.
Grass. Zero day crop field residue data for grasses cut for forage should be provided unless it is not feasible, e.g., pre-plant/pre-emergent
pesticide uses. A reasonable interval before cutting for hay is allowed. Grasses include barnyard grass, bent grass, Bermuda grass, Kentucky
bluegrass, big bluestem, smooth brome grass, buffalo grass, reed canary grass, crabgrass, cup grass, dallies grass, sand dropseed, meadow foxtail,
eastern grama grass, side-oats grama, guinea grass, Indian grass, Johnson grass, love grass, napier grass, oat grass, orchard grass, pangola grass,
redtop, Italian ryegrass, sprangletop, squirreltail grass, stargrass, switch grass, timothy, crested wheatgrass, and wild ryegrass. Also included are
Sudan grass and sorghum forages and their hybrids.
Grass forage. Cut sample at 15-20 cm (6-8 inch) to boot stage, at approximately 25% DM.
Grass hay. Cut in boot to early head stage. Hay should be field-dried to a moisture content of 10 to 20%. Included are Sudan grass and sorghum
forages and their hybrids. For grass grown for seed only, PGIs (pre-grazing interval) and PHIs (pre-harvest interval) are acceptable. Residue data
may be harvesting the seed.
Grass silage. Residue data on silage are optional, but are desirable for assessment of dietary exposure. Cut sample at boot to early head stage,
allow to wilt to 55 to 65% moisture, then chop fine, pack tight, and allow to ferment for three weeks maximum in an air-tight environment until it
reaches pH 4. In the absence of silage data, residues in forage will be used for silage, with correction for dry matter. For the three grass feed types
in Japan, the listed values are the highest of percentages of Italian rye grass, orchard grass and timothy in diet for beef cattle and dairy cattle..
Kale Leaves, fresh
Lespedeza forage. Cut sample at 10-15 cm (4-6 inch) to pre-bloom stage, at 20 to 25% DM.
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Lespedeza hay. Annual/Korean. Cut at early blossom to full bloom stage. Sericea. Cut when 30-37.5 cm (12-15 inches) tall. Hay should be field-
dried to a moisture content of 10 to 20%.
Millet forage. Cut sample at 10 inch to early boot stage, at approximately 30% DM.
Millet hay. Cut at early boot stage or approximately 1 m (40 inches) tall, whichever is reached first. Hay should be field-dried to a moisture
content of 10 to 20%. Millet includes pearl millet.
Millet straw. Data are required for proso millet only:
Proso millet straw. Plant residue (dried stalks or stems with leaves) left after the grain has been harvested.
Oats forage. Cut sample between tillering to stem elongation (jointing) stage.
Oats hay. Cut sample from early lower to soft dough stage. Hay should be field-dried to a moisture content of 10 to 20%.
Oats straw. Cut plant residue (dried stalks or stems with leaves) left after the grain has been harvested (threshed).
Pea, field. Does not include the canning field pea cultivars used for human food. It includes cultivars grown for livestock feeding only such as
`Austrian winter pea'.
Field pea vines. Cut sample anytime after pods begin to form, at approximately 25% DM.
Field pea hay. Succulent plant cut from full bloom thru pod formation. Hay should be field-dried to a moisture content of 10 to 20%.
Pea, field, silage. Use field pea vine residue data for field pea silage, with correction for dry matter.
Peanut hay. Peanut hay consists of the dried vines and leaves left after the mechanical harvesting of peanuts from vines that have been sun-dried
to a moisture content of 10 to 20%.
Rice straw. Stubble (basal portion of the stems) left standing after harvesting the grain. In Japan, the maximum fed to cattle destined for human
consumption is limited to 20% on a wet weight basis by a regulation, and the maximum fed to lactating cows is limited to 20% on a wet basis by
a regulation.
Rye forage. Cut sample at 15-20 cm (6-8 inch) stage to stem elongation (jointing) stage, at approximately 30% DM.
Rye straw. Cut plant residue (dried stalks or stems with leaves) left after the grain has been harvested (threshed).
Sorghum forage. Cut sample (whole aerial portion of the plant) at soft dough to hard dough stage. Forage samples should be analysed as is, or
may be analysed after ensiling for three weeks maximum, and reaching pH 5 or less, with correction for dry matter.
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Sorghum stover. Mature dried stalks from which the grain have been removed; contains approximately 85% DM.
Soybean forage. Cut samples at 15-20 cm (6-8 inches) tall (sixth node) to beginning pod formation, at approximately 35% DM.
Soybean hay. Cut samples at mid-to-full bloom and before bottom leaves begin to fall or when pods are approximately 50% developed. Hay
should be field-dried to a moisture content of 10 to 20%.
Soybean silage. Residue data on silage are optional. Harvest sample when pods are one-half to fully mature (full pod stage). In the absence of
silage data, residues in forage will be used for silage, with correction for dry matter.
Trefoil forage. Cut sample at 12.5-25 cm (5-10 inch) or early bloom stage, at approximately 30% DM.
Trefoil hay. Cut at first flower to full bloom. Hay should be field-dried to a moisture content of 10 to 20%.
Triticale. See wheat.
Vetch forage. Cut sample at 15 cm (6 inch) to pre-bloom stage, at approximately 30% DM.
Vetch hay. Cut at early bloom stage to when seeds in the lower half of the plant are approximately 50% developed. Hay should be field-dried to
a moisture content of 10 to 20%. Vetch does not include crown vetch.
Wheat. Includes emmer wheat and triticale. No processing study is needed for a specific MRL on emmer wheat.
Wheat forage. Cut sample at 15-20 cm (6-8 inch) stage to stem elongation (jointing) stage, at approximately 25% DM.
Wheat hay. Cut samples at early flower (boot) to soft dough stage. Hay should be field-dried to a moisture content of 10 to 20%.
Wheat straw. Cut plant residue (dried stalks or stems with leaves) left after the grain has been harvested (threshed).
Carrot culls. Residue data for the raw agricultural commodity will cover residues on culls.
Cassava/tapioca roots. The whole root chipped mechanically into small pieces, then dried, and the dried chips pelted.
Potato culls. Whole unpeeled potato not suited for fresh market or processing.
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Barley or oat grain. Residue data are needed for kernel (caryopsis) with hull (lemma and palea).
Bean, cowpea, lupin, pea, soybean, vetch seed. Residue data are needed for mature, dried seed.
Corn grain (field and pop). Residue data are needed for mature kernel (caryopsis) with cob removed.
Millet grain. Residue data are needed for kernel plus hull (lemma and palea).
Pearl millet grain. Residue data are needed for kernel with hull (lemma and palea) removed
Rice grain. Residue data are needed for kernel (caryopsis) either with hull or without hull. Registrant should contact appropriate regulatory
agency for their specific data needs for rice grain.
Rye, triticale, sorghum (grain), or wheat grain. Residue data are needed for kernel (caryopsis) with hull (lemma and palea) removed.
General. In the US, no more than one by-product (almond hulls, apple pomace, aspirated grain fractions, carrot culls, citrus pulp, sweet corn
cannery waste, cotton gin byproducts, pineapple process waste, potato culls and potato processing waste) would be included in a diet.
Almond hulls. Dried pericarp which surrounds the nut.
Apple pomace, wet. By-product of the apple processing industry which remains after cider has been expressed from small whole apples, and the
stems, cores, and peelings remaining after preparation of apple juice and sauce for human consumption.
Aspirated grain fractions ("grain dust"). Dust collected at grain elevators during the moving/handling of grains/oilseeds for environmental and
safety reasons.
Residue data should be provided for any postharvest use on corn, sorghum, soybeans or wheat. For a pre-harvest use after the reproduction
stage begins and seed heads are formed, data are needed unless residues in the grain are less than the limit of quantification of the analytical
method. For a pre-harvest use during the vegetative stage (before the reproduction stage begins), data will not normally be needed unless the
plant metabolism or processing study shows a concentration of residues of regulatory concern in an outer seed coat, e.g., wheat bran, soya bean
hulls. If a MRL is needed, then it should be set at the higher of the residues found in the aspirated grain fraction of corn, sorghum, soybean, or
Beet, sugar. dried pulp. Dried material remaining from sugar beets which have been cleaned and freed from crowns, leaves, and sand and to
which has been extracted in the process of manufacturing sugar. Moisture content should be defined.
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Beet, sugar, molasses. The by-product of the manufacture of sucrose from sugar beets, and contains not less than 48% total sugars expresses as
invert and its density determined by double dilution must not be less than 79.5 Brix.
Brewers grains. Dried extracted residue of barley malt alone or in a mixture with other cereal grain or cereal products resulting from the
manufacture of wort or beer and may contain pulverized dried spent hops in an amount not to exceed 3%, evenly distributed. Moisture content
should be defined.
Canola meal. Meal obtained after the removal of most of the oil by direct solvent or prepress solvent extraction process.
Citrus, dried pulp. It is the ground peel, residue of the inside portions, and occasional fruits of the citrus family which have been dried,
producing a coarse, flaky product. It may contain dried citrus meal or pellets and whole citrus seeds.
Coconut meal. It is the ground residue which remains after removal of most of the oil from dried meat of coconut by a mechanical or solvent
extraction process.
Corn (field) milled byproducts. (Dry milled: grits, meal, flour and refined oil). If a MRL is needed for dry-milled processed commodities, then
it should be set at the highest concentration for grits, meal, and flour.
Corn (field). Hominy meal. A mixture of corn bran, germ, and part of starchy portion of corn kernels as produced in making of pearl hominy,
hominy grits, or table meal (< 4% fat).
Corn gluten feed. Part of the commercial shelled corn that remains after the extraction of the larger portion of the starch, gluten, and germ by the
processes employed in wet milling of field corn.
Corn gluten meal. It is the dried residue from corn after the removal of the larger portion of the starch and germ, and the separation of the bran
by the process employed in wet milling of field corn.
Corn, sweet. Residue data on early sampled field corn should suffice to provide residue data on sweet corn, provided the residue data are
generated at the milk stage on kernel plus cob with husk removed and there are adequate numbers of trials and geographical representation from
the sweet corn growing regions.
Corn (sweet) cannery waste. It includes husks, leaves, cobs, and kernels. Residue data for forage will be used for sweet corn cannery waste.
Cotton meal. Material obtained by finely grinding the cake which remains after removal of most of the oil from the cottonseed either by a
mechanical or solvent extraction process.
Cotton undelinted seed. Whole seed removed in the ginning process and still has fine cotton fibres attached.
Cotton hulls. It consists primarily of the outer covering of the harvested cottonseed.
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Cotton gin byproducts (commonly called gin trash). Include the plant residues from ginning cotton, and consist of burrs, leaves, stems, lint,
immature seeds, and sand and/or dirt. Cotton must be harvested by commercial equipment to provide an adequate representation of plant residue
for the ginning process. Two field trials for harvesting of stripper cotton are needed. No data are needed for picker cotton.
Distillers grains. The material obtained after distillation of ethyl alcohol from grain or grain mixture which has under gone yeast fermentation.
Moisture content should be defined.
Flaxseed/linseed meal. The ground residue which remains after removal of most of the oil from the whole flaxseed by a mechanical or solvent
extraction process.
Grape pomace, wet. Wet debris left behind after fruit have been pressed for juice, also called "marc". Moisture content should be defined.
Lupin seed meal The ground residue which remains after removal of most of the oil from the whole lupin seed by a mechanical or solvent
extraction process.
Palm kernel meal. It is the ground residue which remains after removal of most of the oil from the whole palm kernel by a mechanical or
solvent extraction process.
Peanut meal, It is the ground residue which remains after removal of most of the oil from the shelled nut by a mechanical or solvent extraction
Pineapple process residue (also known as wet bran). A wet waste by-product from the fresh-cut product line that includes pineapple tops (minus
crown), bottoms, peels, any trimmings with peel cut up, and the pulp (left after squeezing for juice); it can include culls.
Potato dried pulp. Dried processed potato waste. See processed potato waste.
Processed potato waste. (including wet and dry peel, raw chip, French fries, and cooked potatoes). MRLs for wet peel should be used for dietary
burden calculations. Residue data may be provided from actual processed potato waste generated using a pilot or commercial scale process that
gives the highest percentage of wet peel in the waste.
Rapeseed meal. Residue data are not needed for rapeseed oil since it is produced for industrial uses and is not an edible oil. The edible oil is only
produced from canola. (See canola).
Rice hulls. Consist primarily of the outer covering of the rice grain (with bran).
Safflower meal. It is the ground residue which remains after removal of most of the oil from the whole safflower seed by a mechanical or
solvent extraction process.
Appendix IX Maximum proportion of agricultural commodities in animal feed
Soya bean okara. Okara or soy pulp is a white or yellowish pulp consisting of insoluble parts of the soybean which remain in the filter sack
when pureed soybeans are filtered in the production of soy milk. As a significant byproduct of soy milk and tofu manufacturing, okara is used as
animal feed.
Soya bean meal. Material obtained by grinding the cake or chips which remain after the removal of most of the oil by solvent extraction process.
Sugarcane molasses. Residue data are needed for blackstrap molasses.
Sugarcane bagasse. US data indicates that sugarcane bagasse is mainly used for fuel. Other countries may use differently.
Sunflower meal. The ground residue which remains after removal of most of the oil from the whole sunflower seed by a mechanical or solvent
extraction process.
Tomato pomace, wet. By-product of tomato paste production consisting mainly of skins and seeds.
Wheat milled byproducts. If a MRL is needed, then it should be set at the highest value for wheat middlings, bran and shorts.
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
Appendix X
JMPR reports
Duties of the FAO panel chairman and rapporteur
Actions before the meeting
A residue evaluation (draft monograph)
Draft appraisal
The purpose of this manual is to assist members of the FAO Panel to prepare draft documents
for the Meeting in a consistent format. It may also be useful to people preparing submissions
for review by the FAO Panel. The manual is not intended to deal with the evaluation process
or to provide guidance on the estimation of maximum residue levels. Documents prepared in
the correct format assist JMPR members to digest information quickly, and after the Meeting
make it easier for the editor to produce final copy for publication.
Produce documents on a word-processor using Word version Office 2003 or later.
Introduce continuous line numbering into all documents for discussion. Line numbers assist
readers to find parts of the document to be discussed.
Spell-check documents, if possible, with English (UK).
Use metric units and convert non-metric units to metric.
Fahrenheit F C= (F-32)5/9
0.0929 m
1 lb = 0.4536 kg
1 gal (US) = 3.7854 litres
1 fl oz = 0.02957 litres
1 acre (A) = 0.404687 ha
fl oz/A 0.073069 L/ha
g/acre 2.470058 g/ha
100 sq ft = 9.290 sq m
1 lb/100 gal (US) = 0.1198 kg/hL
1 gpa = 9.353 L/ha (gpa is gallon per acre)
1 lb/acre = 1.1208 kg/ha
1 oz/1000 cu ft = 1.0012 g/m
(space fumigation)
1 quarts, US Liquid 0.946325 litre
Convert lb ai/acre to kg ai/ha, formulation concentration % to g/kg or g/L, residue
concentration ppm to mg/kg, but express feed concentrations of active ingredients in feeding
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
trials as ppm. This convention is used to avoid confusion between mg/kg feed and mg/kg
body weight.
Use Times New Roman font size 11 for text and at least size 9 for tables.
Left and right margins should be 1 inch (25 mm) and top and bottom margins 0.5 inch (12.5
mm). Lines should be fully justified, with widow/orphan protection.
Tabs for general text should be set at half-inch (12.5 mm) intervals.
Paragraphs immediately following a heading should be left aligned. The first line of
subsequent paragraphs should be indented half-inch (12.5 mm).
A page header should be introduced on the top left of each page of the draft document to
show the title of the document, for example: PHORATE Evaluation, or PHORATE Appraisal,
Position page numbers at Top of page (header), and centred and use Times New Roman
font size 12.
3.1 Tables
This section contains guidelines for creating tables. Examples of particular table layouts, e.g.,
residue data tables, are provided under the relevant headings in the section A residue
evaluation (draft monograph).
Insert tables in their intended positions in the text or thereabouts, not at the end of the
Use the Table function in Word. Generally, separate items of information should be recorded
in separate cells of tables. For example, the Codex Commodity Number and the Codex
commodity description should be in separate cells of the row. In particular, ensure that
separate lines of tables are in separate rows of cells.
Generally avoid the use of symbols and indicate endnotes to a table (at the end of the table
rather than at the bottom of the page) by superscript letters.
Do not join cells vertically (as distinct from deleting lines separating them). This causes the
same problems as cells that are several lines deep.
Use the portrait (vertical) rather than the landscape (horizontal) layout for tables as far as
possible. Use the same page margins as stated above. Wide tables can be accommodated
vertically by using font size 9.
Use the Headings function for multi-page tables to ensure that the table header appears at
the top of each page. Do not include the table caption as a header within the table itself as the
caption will appear on subsequent pages and thus make it difficult for the reader to find the
beginning of a long table.
Do not construct a table covering several pages as a series of separate single-page tables. This
usually produces a number of partly filled pages.
Avoid abbreviations if they make the table difficult to understand. If an abbreviation is
unlikely to be familiar to readers and is not in the list of abbreviations at the beginning of the
reports and evaluations, explain its meaning in a table endnote.
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
Common specialized abbreviations which do not need explanation are:
ARfD acute reference dose
ADI acceptable daily intake
CAC Codex Alimentarius Commission
CAS Chemical Abstracts Service
CCPR Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues
ECD Electron capture detector
EMRL extraneous maximum residue limit
FPD Flame photometric detector
g ai/m grams active ingredient per metre
g ai/m
grams active ingredient per cubic metre
g ai/t grams active ingredient per tonne
GAP good agricultural practice(s)
GC-MS(MS) Gas chromatograph coupled with mass detector
HR highest residue in the edible portion of the commodity found in the trials
used to estimate a maximum residue level in the commodity
HR-P residue in a processed commodity calculated by multiplying the HR of the
raw agricultural commodity by the corresponding processing factor
IEDI international estimated daily intake
IESTI international estimate of short term intake
kg ai/ha kilograms active ingredient per hectare
kg ai/hL kilograms active ingredient per hectolitre
LC-MS/MS Liquid chromatograph with mass detector
LOQ limit of quantification (limit of quantification)
LP large portion consumed (kg food/day) for IESTI calculations
mg/kg milligrams per kilogram
MRL Maximum Residue Limit
NTID Nitrogen-phosphor selective detector
PHI pre-harvest interval
RAC raw agricultural commodity
STMR supervised trials median residue
STMR-P supervised trials median residue, processed commodity
TMDI theoretical maximum daily intake
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
Note that the above abbreviations, and those of names of countries and organizations, are
printed without stops (thus UK, USA, FAO, CCPR) but general abbreviations in common use
have stops (c., e.g., etc., i.e., viz.). Consult the list at the beginning of recent JMPR Reports
and Residue Evaluations for the correct form of abbreviations. Note the form of et al. (italics,
with full stop after al).
Use Codex commodity descriptions
if possible and deal with commodities in the order of
the Types in the Codex Classification of Foods and Feeds, i.e., Fruits, Vegetables,..., and
then in the order of the groups within the types, e.g., Citrus fruits, Pome fruits, Stone fruits,
Express residue concentrations as mg/kg and include references or study numbers in residue
tables as it is important to identify the source of any reported data.
3.2 Diagrams
Use either electronic copies provided by manufacturers or draw diagrams using a commercial
chemical structure drawing program, as shown below.
O,O-bis(4-nitrophenyl) O-methyl phosphorothioate
Figure X.1. Aerobic metabolism of parathion-methyl. (Evaluations 2000, Part 1 Residues, p.
Published JMPR Reports normally consist of 6 or 7 chapters and a number of annexes.
Some chapters and annexes are essentially compiled by the editor. The chapters and annexes
of special interest to Panel members preparing for a Joint Meeting are the following.
Chapter 2. General considerations. Reports on any issue not specifically related to a
compound are prepared for Chapter 2.
Chapter 3. Response to specific concerns raised by CCPR
Chapter 4. Dietary risk assessment for pesticide residues in food. The summarized results of
the dietary risk assessments are reported in Chapter 4.
Chapter 5. Reports on individual compounds. The editor will convert Appraisal documents
into reports for Chapter 4. Panel members, when writing Appraisals, should be aware that
essentially the same words will appear as the JMPR report on the compound, which means
that Appraisals should be complete in themselves and should not refer to specific Tables or
Figures in the Evaluation.
FAO/WHO. 1993. Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds in Codex Alimentarius, 2nd ed., Volume 2. Pesticide
Residues, Section 2. Joint FAO/WHO Food Standard Programme. FAO, Rome.
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
Annex 1. Detailed table of all MRL, STMR, HR, ADI, ARfD and residue definition
recommendations from the meeting. Annex 1 is compiled from the recommendation tables of
each compound.
Annex 3. Spreadsheet calculations of long-term intakes and comparison with ADIs.
Annex 4. International estimated short term intakes of pesticide residues
Annex 6. Livestock dietary burden
The Chairperson maintains liaison with the WHO Group Chairperson on the progress of the
Meeting, and together they arrange the schedule for joint sessions. The FAO Panel
Chairperson serves as either Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson of the Joint Meeting.
The Chairperson ensures that all items are given reasonable discussion and tries to bring the
Meeting to an agreement. Reasonable progress must be made, and the intention is to distribute
advanced drafts of general report items to the WHO Group by the fourth last day of the Joint
Meeting and final drafts of most report items by the third last day of the Joint Meeting.
The system has evolved where individual Panel members act as rapporteurs for discussion on
any documents they have prepared. With the volume of work to be dealt with it would not be
practical to channel all the work through one person.
The FAO Panel Rapporteur keeps in touch with the WHO Group Rapporteur, ensures that
documents are exchanged, and keeps records of the exchanges.
The FAO Panel Rapporteur acts as the channel for copying, and ensures that documents are
not delayed.
The FAO Joint Secretary to the JMPR will assign a peer reviewer for each compound on
the FAO Panel agenda. The primary reviewer should send an essentially complete evaluation,
an appraisal and dietary intake spreadsheets (electronic copies), to the peer reviewer
approximately 46 weeks prior to the meeting. The peer reviewer should read the papers and
send comments to the primary reviewer so that final drafts can be prepared for the meeting. In
the last two or three weeks before the meeting, Panel members are usually very busy with
final preparations and will not have time to devote full attention to the review of lengthy
documents. For the pre-meeting peer review process to work properly documents must be
distributed in adequate time.
Panel members should send an electronic copy of the table of recommendations for each
compound to reach the FAO Joint Secretary two weeks before the commencement of the
meeting. The purpose is to allow the FAO Joint Secretary or the editor to prepare much of
Annex 1 before the meeting.
Panel members should send an electronic copy of the table of recommendations and of the
section on processing studies and residues in the edible portion of food commodities for each
compound to reach the WHO Joint Secretary two weeks before the commencement of the
meeting. The purpose is to inform GEMS/Food about potential dietary intake situations for
the compounds being evaluated.
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
Panel members should send final drafts of their papers to the FAO Joint Secretary in time for
copies to be prepared for the meeting.
Authors should prepare a brief list of questions on each compound and points for discussion
by Panel members. The list should be available on the first day of the Panel meeting and
should aim to focus attention on any difficult questions that have arisen during the review.
Prepare a draft evaluation for the Meeting using the following format. The use of uppercase,
alignment of headings, bold and underlining should follow this format. In the top right-hand
corner of the first page state the year, the draft number and the authors family name. A
reference number will be assigned to the compound at the Meeting, e.g., FAO/2001/ref no.
EV1 is added to the file name to show that it is draft 1 of the evaluation. The layout is shown
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
COMPOUND (Codex number)
Animal metabolism
Plant metabolism
Environmental fate in soil
Environmental fate in water-sediment systems, if relevant
Analytical methods
Stability of pesticide residues in stored analytical samples
In storage
In processing
Residues in the edible portion of food commodities
Direct animal treatments
Farm animal feeding studies
Provide a very brief history of the compound in the introductory sentence.
Parathion-methyl was first evaluated in 1965 and has been reviewed several times since, most
recently in 1991, 1992, 1994 and 1995.
If a question was raised at the CCPR refer to the Session number and year.
At the 30th (1998) Session of the CCPR it was suggested (ALINORM 99/24, Appendix
If the compound is being reviewed in the CCPR periodic review programme, state this in the
first paragraph.
Parathion-methyl was listed by the 1998 CCPR (30th Session, ALINORM 99/24, Appendix
VII) for Periodic Re-evaluation for residues by the 2000 JMPR.
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
Mention briefly previous JMPR requests for further information if relevant to the topic.
Summarize the information available to the Meeting. State that information was supplied by
(list of countries) and the (basic) manufacturers. Do not include company names.
For new and periodic review compounds, state explicitly whether information was or was not
provided on critical supporting studies (metabolism, farm animal feeding, processing,
analytical methods, freezer storage stability).
For periodic review compounds, begin with the EXPLANATION section followed by the
IDENTITY section. Omit the EXPLANATION section for new compounds.
ISO common name:
Chemical name
IUPAC: [Indented 12.5 mm]
CAS Registry No:
Synonyms and trade names:
Structural formula:
Molecular formula:
Molecular weight:
Physical and chemical properties
Pure active ingredient [Underlined, sentence case, left aligned]
Vapour pressure:
Melting point:
Octanol/water partition coefficient:
Specific gravity:
Dissociation constant:
Technical material [Underlined, sentence case, left aligned]
Melting range:
Thermal Stability:
Animal metabolism
For new and periodic review compounds animal metabolism studies should be available to
both the FAO Panel and the WHO Group. Metabolism in laboratory animals, normally rats,
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
should be reviewed from the FAO Panel perspective. It should provide information which
helps in the interpretation of farm animal metabolism and feeding studies. This information
includes rates and pathways of excretion, identity and relative abundance of metabolites, and
possible target organs for residues. Animal metabolism studies are sometimes supplied to the
WHO Group only; the FAO Panel reviewer should specifically request these studies for a new
compound or a periodic review compound if they have not been provided.
Introduce the section with a statement of the type of metabolism data received.
The Meeting received information on the fate of orally dosed spinosyns in lactating
goats and laying hens and dermally applied spinosyns in lactating goats.
Each study can then be introduced with a paragraph which acts as a checklist of the
information to be recorded.
Tissue, egg and excreta residues were measured in laying hens (groups of 5, each bird
weighing 1.01.4 kg) dosed orally for 7 days by capsule with radiolabelled mancozeb
C]ethylenediamine) equivalent to 3, 14 or 36 ppm mancozeb in the feed (study
reference). The feed intake was 8896 g/bird/day. Eggs and excreta were collected
throughout, and birds were slaughtered 24 hours after the final dose for tissue
Examine the animal metabolism in terms of the requirements for farm animal feeding studies
(see Chapter 3 section, Information and data from farm animal feeding and external animal
treatment studies). Draw conclusions from the animal metabolism which will assist
interpretation of the farm animal feeding studies. Make statements about bioaccumulation and
possible target tissues for residues.
Include studies on bioaccumulation in fish in this section.
Include an animal metabolism diagram at the end of the section.
Plant metabolism
Introduce the section with a statement of the type of metabolism data received.
The Meeting received information on the fate of spinosyns after foliar application to
apples, cabbage, tomatoes, turnips, grapes and cotton.
Again, the studies can then be introduced with a paragraph which acts as a checklist of the
information to be recorded.
A tomato crop was treated with radiolabelled mancozeb ([
C]ethylenediamine) at
2.7 kg ai/ha, on nine occasions at approximately weekly intervals, and ripe tomatoes
were harvested 5 days after the final treatment (study reference).
Draw conclusions from the plant metabolism studies which assist interpretation of the residue
trials. State whether the residues are on the surface or within the plant tissues. Describe the
mobility of the residues within the crop and say whether transfer from foliage to fruit, root or
other edible portion is likely. Draw attention to any plant metabolite which is not also an
animal metabolite.
Include a plant metabolism diagram at the end of the section.
Environmental fate in soil. Environmental fate in water-sediment systems
Follow the same format as described for the animal and plant metabolism sections, i.e.,
provide an introductory statement and then a paragraph describing the studies on each mode
of environmental fate.
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
Include studies on residues in rotational crops in this section.
Analytical methods
The introductory sentence or paragraph should state the range of analytical methods received
for evaluation and should mention the analytes (parent and degradation products) and the
substrates tested.
Each analytical method should be briefly described in one or two paragraphs or in a summary
table format. Include the extraction, cleanup and final method of determination, e.g., GLC-
FPD. Draw attention to critical or difficult steps in the analysis and difficult substrates. Report
the method validation analytical recoveries in terms of substrates tested, spiking levels,
number of tests and range of recoveries. State the LOQ.
Include the results of testing the compound through standard enforcement and multiresidue
analytical methods whether the compound is successfully analysed by the method or not.
Stability of pesticide residues in stored analytical samples
The introductory sentence should summarize the information provided to the JMPR.
The Meeting received data on the stability of residues in snap beans, kidney beans, cotton
seed, strawberry, plum, apple, sunflower seed, almond kernel, spinach, green peppers, orange,
clover, canola seed, canola crude oil, canola meal, canola processing waste, sorghum flour,
maize and processed maize commodities stored frozen.
Introduce the section with a statement of the compound uses.
Parathion-methyl is registered in many countries for control of insect pests on fruit,
vegetables, cereals, oilseeds and forage crops. The information available to the Meeting on
registered uses is summarized in Table ......
Comparison of Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) with conditions in the supervised trials is a
necessary part of the evaluation process and therefore the table of GAP should be prepared in
such a way to allow easy comparison. An excerpt of the GAP table from the parathion-methyl
evaluation (Evaluations 2000, Part 1Residues, p. 617) is provided below for reference.
The first column in the table should list the crops, and all uses on each crop should be brought
together. This facilitates evaluation of the residue data. Other columns in the table should list
countries (in alphabetical order), the formulation type, application (method, rate, spray
concentration, number) and PHI. Note that this is the general case and there is often a need for
further information such as details of the use pattern, e.g., furrow treatment or seed treatment,
crop growth stage, grazing withdrawal, etc.
Avoid trade names in the table; give the composition and formulation type, e.g., 100 g/kg WP,
200 g/L EC. Use CIPAC abbreviations for formulation types (see Appendix III).
Indicate where official labels have been provided. GAP summaries provided to JMPR have
often included details that are not on labels, e.g., only one of application rate and spray
concentration may be stated on the label but both have been included in GAP summaries
provided to JMPR. The maximum number of applications is often not on the label. US labels
may state the maximum amount of pesticide permitted in a season, which should be included
in the table (preferably as a footnote) as maximum amount rather than calculated from the
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
application rate and maximum number of applications. Any information that is not on a label
should be indicated by a table endnote if it is included in the table.
Indicate by an endnote to the table uses that are not yet official but are still proposed uses.
Table X.1. Registered parathion-methyl uses
Crop Country Form Application PHI
Method Rate, kg ai/ha Spray conc.
kg ai/hL
Number days
Agric and
horti crops
Netherlands EC soil treatment 2.6 1
Alfalfa Hungary CS 450 g/L foliar 0.45 14
Alfalfa Hungary EC 480 g/L foliar 0.24-0.34 14
Alfalfa USA EC 480 g/L foliar 0.28-1.1 15
Apple Australia ME 240 foliar - 0.03 note
apples and pearsapply as determined by trap counts at minimum intervals of 2 weeks
Remarks can be added as table endnotes, e.g., aerial application, field and glasshouse use,
glasshouse use only, growth stage restriction, interval between applications, post-harvest use,
seed treatment, table grapes only, wine grapes only.
If there are many uses, split them into separate tables for fruits, vegetables, etc.
Use the following units for application rates and spray concentrations; note that abbreviations
are without full stops:
field treatment kg ai/ha
grain treatment, post-harvest g ai/t
furrow treatment g ai/m
space fumigation g ai/m
spray concentration kg/ai/hL
Where there are many residue tables, insert a list of them at the beginning of the section, in
numerical order. An excerpt from a list of parathion-methyl residue tables is provided below
(Evaluations 2000, Part 1 Residues, p. 594).
The Meeting received information on parathion-methyl supervised field trials for
Fruits Apple, pear Table 20.
Peach Table 21.
Grapes Table 22.
Vegetables Onions Table 23.
Broccoli Table 24.
Cabbage Table 25.
Describe in introductory paragraphs those points that apply to all the trials, e.g., expression of
residues below LOQ, adjustment for recoveries, rounding and residues in control plots.
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
Residue levels and application rates were reported as chlormequat chloride, but the
residues were generally recalculated as cation in the Appraisal. When residues were
not detected they are shown as below the LOQ, e.g., < 0.1 mg/kg. Residues,
application rates and spray concentrations have generally been rounded to two
significant figures. HR and STMR values from the trials conducted according to
maximum GAP have been used for the estimation of maximum residue levels. These
results are underlined.
Laboratory reports included method validation including batch recoveries with
spiking at residue levels similar to those occurring in samples from the supervised
trials. Dates of analyses or duration of residue sample storage were also provided.
Field reports provided data on the sprayers used and their calibration, plot size,
residue sample size and sampling date. Although trials included control plots, no
control data are recorded in the tables except where residues in control samples
exceeded the LOQ. Residue data are recorded unadjusted for % recovery.
Discuss details which are not readily included in the tables but are still needed to assess the
validity and relative importance of the results, for example the intervals between spray
applications, the number of replicate plots, whether samples are replicates from the same or
different plots or merely replicate analyses of the same sample, the size of plots, growing
season, method of application, irrigation and, in animal trials and feed studies, animal weights
and ages. The reviewers judgement is required to decide which details could influence the
residues or the validity of the trials.
Tables of residues resulting from supervised trials should be carefully prepared in such a way
as to assist evaluations. An excerpt from the parathion-methyl evaluation (Evaluations 2000,
Part 1Residues, p. 602) is provided below for reference.
Deal with commodities in Codex commodity order, i.e., fruits before vegetables, citrus fruits,
then pome fruits, stone fruits, etc. Where a crop produces more than one commodity, e.g.,
cereal crops produce grains and forage and fodder, prepare separate residue data tables for the
grain and the forage and fodder.
The table caption should be clear and comprehensive. Include the compound and the crops or
crop groups, and indicate that the residues were found in supervised trials.
The year in the first column of the table is the year of the trial rather than the year of the
report. Where trials have been conducted in a large country, include the state or region in
brackets after the country, e.g., USA (CA).
Application should include the formulation type, the rate of application (kg ai/ha), spray
concentration (kg ai/hL), the water volume (L/ha) and the number of applications.
List the pre-harvest intervals (PHIs) vertically and report individual residues as far as
possible. If there are a number of values at the same level they can be recorded as < 0.05 (7),
where there are 7 values of < 0.05 mg/kg.
Underline those residues which are within GAP and have been selected for estimation of
STMR, but wherever such underlining is used its meaning should be explained in the
introductory paragraphs of the section, Residues resulting from supervised trials on crops.
Underlining is very helpful for people assessing the results, particularly when the tables are
extensive, and allows other Panel members to see where the reviewer has judged data to be
within or outside GAP.
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
Round numbers in tables to a practical level. A formulation concentration should be reported
as 250 g ai/kg, not 250.00 g ai/kg. Residues should be reported as 0.046, 0.36 and 4.5 mg/kg,
not 0.0463, 0.363 and 4.47 mg/kg.
Table X.2. Parathion-methyl and paraoxon-methyl residues in wine grapes from supervised
trials in France and Italy.
GRAPES Application PHI Residues, mg/kg Ref
country, year
Form kg
no. days parathion-
France, 1994
(Chenin Blanc)
CS 0.29 0.15 200 2
< 0.01
< 0.01
< 0.01
< 0.01
< 0.01
< 0.01
AP/2582/HR F1
France, 1994
(Chenin blanc)
EC 0.30 0.15 200 2 0
< 0.01
< 0.01
< 0.01
< 0.01
< 0.01
< 0.01
< 0.01
Tours F1
France, 1994
CS 0.32 0.16 200 2 0
< 0.01
< 0.01
< 0.01
< 0.01
< 0.01
< 0.01
Site II
Italy, 1994
(Sangiovese) - red
CS 0.30 0.060 500 2 0
0.30 0.12
In tabulating the residue trials data the FAO Panel reviewer should indicate the levels of
relevant metabolites separately from those of the parent compound, but in a way which allows
subsequent combination, in order to ensure that changes in the residue definition can be
accommodated at the Joint Meeting.
An example is taken from the 2008 JMPR evaluation of spinetoram which shows the proper
presentation of residue levels of two metabolites obtained from replicate samples (Table X.3)
together with the calculated total residue.
Where the residue definition for dietary intake assessment is different from enforcement the
relevant residue data may be reported in separate table (X.4)
Table X.3. Residues of spinetoram from supervised trials on orange in the USA (for
estimation of maximum residue level)
Application Residue, mg/kg ORANGE
Location, year
g ai/hL g ai/ha No
g ai/ha
Citrus fruits
SC or
53-105 3 210 1
Foliar application using low spray volume (~700 L/ha)
Deleon Springs,
FL, 2004
SC 10 70-72 3 213 1 0.030
< 0.01
< 0.01
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
Application Residue, mg/kg ORANGE
Location, year
g ai/hL g ai/ha No
g ai/ha
Mount Dora, FL,
2004 (Valencia)
SC 11 71-72 3 214 1 0.011
< 0.01
Table X.4. Residues of spinetoram and metabolites from supervised trials on orange in the
USA (for estimation of STMR)
Application Residue, mg/kg ORANGE
Location, year
g ai/ha
Citrus fruits
3 210 1
Foliar application using low spray volume (~700 L/ha)
0.030 < 0.01 0.011 0.016 0.057 Deleon Springs,
FL, 2004
SC 10 70-72 3 213 1
0.028 < 0.01 0.014 0.024 0.066
0.011 ND < 0.01 < 0.01 0.021 Mount Dora,
FL, 2004
SC 11 71-72 3 214 1
0.022 < 0.01 0.012 0.017 0.051
In storage
Include information on the fate of residues during commercial storage of food commodities,
e.g., during cold storage of fruit or silo storage of cereal grains.
In processing
Introduce the section with a statement on the data provided on processed commodities.
The Meeting received information on the fate of incurred residues of parathion-methyl
and paraoxon-methyl during the processing of apples, peaches, grapes, olives, snap
beans, soya beans, potatoes, sugar beet, wheat, maize, rice, cotton seed, sunflower
seed and canola. Information on the fate during drying of hops is included in the
supervised residue trials.
Set out tables carefully so that it is absolutely clear which sample is derived from which in the
processing. Indicate the scale of the process by the weight of commodity processed and
whether the initial RAC residue is from the actual bulked sample or from a separate field
sample from the same trial. Note any problems with sampling or analysis. Provide a brief
description of the field treatments in the trial and state the application rate in the study with
respect to the maximum label rate, e.g., 5label rate.
Introduce each processed commodity with a paragraph summarizing the information
provided, tabulate the residue data and include a flow diagram to explain complex
commercial processes.
Soya beans. Parathion-methyl was applied twice to soybeans at 2.8 kg ai/ha (5label
rate) in two trials in USA in 1988 and the crops were harvested 15 days after the final
treatment for processing (Figure X.2). In one trial (MP-SY-2102) the residue levels
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
were below LOQ for all commodities. In trial MP-SY-2101 parathion-methyl levels
depleted in the meal and increased in the oils (Table X.5).
Table X.5 Parathion-methyl and paraoxon-methyl residues in soya beans and processed
SOYA BEANS Application PHI Residues, mg/kg Ref
country, year
Form kg
no. days commodity parathion-
USA (IA), 1988
(Pioneer 9271)
EC 2.8 200 2 15 dry seed
crude oil
refined oil
< 0.05
< 0.05
< 0.05
< 0.05
< 0.1
< 0.1
Excerpt from Table 59. (Evaluations 2000, Part 1Residues, p. 654)
hull and separate
solvent extract
whole soybean
crude oil
refined oil soapstock
Figure X.2. Soybean processing (ref)
(Evaluations 2000, Part 1 Residues, p. 655)
Processing factors (residue in processed commodity residue in raw commodity) may be
included in the processing residue data table in simple cases. In more complex cases with
different residue definitions for enforcement and dietary intake it is preferable to summarize
processing factors in a separate table. Examples are given in tables X.6 and X.7.
Table X.6 Processing factors, HR-P and STMR-P values for various commodities
Raw agricultural commodity Processed commodity
Commodity STMR
Commodity Processing
Plum 0.80 3.6 Prunes (dried plums) 1.91
0.96 4.3
Juice 0.10 0.080
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
Raw agricultural commodity Processed commodity
Commodity STMR
Commodity Processing
Preserves 0.50 0.40
Table X.7 Example for presenting a complex case
Propineb residues (mg/kg) Propylenethiourea residues
Adjusted values
Commodity Processing
For HR/ HR-
Cherry 0.128 0.351 0.01 0.02
Washed 0.63 0.0803 0.221 1 0.01 0.02 0.103 0.287
Juice 0.55 0.0701 0.68 0.0068 0.0858
Preserves 0.15 0.0191 0.5 0.005 0.0306
Jam 0.35 0.0446 0.78 0.0078 0.0626
Tomato 1.0 2.93 0.03 0.16
Washed 0.45 0.45 1.32 0.4 0.012 0.064 0.478 1.53
Juice 0.12 0.12 0.91 0.0273 0.183
Preserves 0.15 0.15 0.75 0.0225 0.202
Ketchup 0.12 0.12 0.54 0.0162 0.157
Paste 1.1 1.1 11 0.33 1.86
Adjusted STMR-P = STMR-P
+ 2.3 STMR-P
adjusted HR-P = HR-P
+ 3.3 HR-P
Residues in the edible portion of food commodities
Draw attention to those commodities where residue levels in the edible portion are different
from those in the whole commodity, e.g., citrus, bananas, trimmed celery and cabbage with
outer leaves discarded.
Direct animal treatments
Pesticides may be applied directly to farm animals for control of lice, flies, mites and ticks.
Application may include dips, sprays, pour-ons and jetting. Residue trials using the required
method of application, dosage and withdrawal times are needed if residues may occur in
animal commodities. Where feasible, data from supervised residue trials on animals should be
summarized in tables similar to those for crops.
Farm animal feeding studies
Farm animal feeding studies use unlabelled compounds to establish the relationship between
the levels of the residues in the feed and likely residues in tissues, milk and eggs.
Farm animal feeding studies may be introduced by a paragraph that acts as a checklist of the
Groups of 10 laying hens (each bird weighing 1.01.3 kg) were fed aged mancozeb
residues at nominal levels of 5, 15 and 50 ppm (1, 3 and 10) in the diet for 28
days (study reference). Eggs were collected each day for analysis. On day 29 six hens
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
from each group were slaughtered for tissue collection. The remaining hens from each
group were placed on a residue-free diet and slaughtered on days 36 and 43. Birds
consumed 130 g feed each per day.
Introduce the section with a statement on the residue monitoring data provided. Tabulate the
information and list the commodity, number of samples analysed and the residues detected
according to Chapter 3, Section.10.
It will usually be preferable to summarize the information in a table.
References to unpublished reports, journals and books should be listed in tabular form as in
the following example. References are sorted alphabetically according to study (or report)
number, then author, then year.
Code Author Year Title
MacDougall D 1964 Guthion. In: Zweig, G., Analytical Methods for Pesticides, Plant Growth
Regulators and Food Additives, Vol. II, Academic Press, New York,
Meagher WR, Adams
JM, Anderson CA and
MacDougall D
1960 Colorimetric determination of Guthion residues in crops. J. Agric. Food
Chem. 8, 282-6
B221/85 Gildemeister H, Brkle
WL and Sochor H
1985 Hoe 029664-14-C. Anaerobic soil metabolism study with the fungicide
triphenyltin hydroxide (TPTH). Hoechst Analyt. Labor., Germany. Rep.
B221/85. Unpublished.
OEK 83 001E Fischer R and Schulze
1983 The effect of Hoe 02782 OF AT202 (fentin acetate, active ingredient
96.4%) on Salmo gairdneri (Rainbow trout) in a static test. Hoechst Pfl. Fo.
Biol., Germany. Rep. OEK 83 001E. Unpublished.
OEK 83/028E Fischer R and Schulze
1983 The effect of Hoe 29664 OF AT205 (fentin hydroxide, active ingredient
97.0%) on Salmo gairdneri (Rainbow trout) in a static test. Hoechst Pfl. Fo.
Biol., Germany. Rep. OEK 83/028E. Unpublished.
a. Study references in tables require the study number (or report number).
b. Citations in the text should be of the form: Author, year, study (or report) number.
c. Citations in the text should name both of two authors, but only the first of three or
more e.g., from the example above: Gildemeister et al. 1985, B221/85.
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
Prepare a draft appraisal for the Meeting using the following format. The use of uppercase,
alignment of headings, bold and underlining should follow this format. In the top right-hand
corner of the first page state the year, the draft number and the authors family name. A
reference number will be assigned to the compound at the Meeting, e.g., FAO/2001/ref no.
AP1 is added to the file name to show that it is draft 1 of the appraisal. The layout is shown
COMPOUND (Codex number)
Animal metabolism
Plant metabolism
Environmental fate in soil
Environmental fate in water-sediment systems
Methods of analysis
Stability of residues in stored analytical samples
Definition of the residue
Results of supervised trials on crops
Fates of residues during processing
Residues in animal commodities
Required (by [year])
Long-term intake
Short-term intake
Interpretation of the residue data should generally be in the APPRAISAL section of the
The APPRAISAL section of the monograph, together with the FURTHER WORK OR
prepared as a separate document for intensive discussion at the meeting. It contains the logic
and a full explanation for each recommendation.
Line numbering should be used in the draft Appraisal to assist discussion at the Meeting.
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
Briefly explain the reasons for the review and summarize the information available. The
subject order in the appraisal should follow the order in the evaluation.
Do not include tables in the text of the appraisal, unless it makes the presentation clearer, i.e.,
abbreviations of metabolites used in the text, summary of detailed processing studies or
corresponding processing factors, with the exception of the farm animal dietary burden
calculation table and the animal commodity STMR and MRL calculation table.
If it is recommended that the residue definition for the risk assessment be different from that
for enforcement, this must be clearly stated in the appraisal.
When the residue definition includes more than one component, the appraisal should include
an explicit description of how the total residue is calculated from the components. The
explanation should show necessary molecular weight adjustments and how less-than LOQ
residues are dealt with.
Example: fipronil
When one component of the fipronil residue is above and the other below the LOQ, the
combined residue is assumed to be close to the residue of the measurable component plus the
LOQ of the other. To indicate that one of the residue results is a real measurement, express
the sum of the values as a real figure, e.g., < 0.002 + 0.004 mg/kg = 0.006 mg/kg. The method
for calculating the total residue for various situations is illustrated below.
Fipronil Metabolite MB 46136 or MB 46513 Total
< 0.002 < 0.002 < 0.004
< 0.002 0.004 0.006
0.003 0.005 0.008
The residue concentrations for fipronil (437.2 g/mol) and the metabolites MB 46136
(453.1 g/mol, factor 0.965) and MB 46513 (389.02 g/mol, factor 1.1) are expressed in the
evaluation tables as the individual compounds per se, but are calculated in the appraisal
according to the respective residue definition (expressed as fipronil). The LOQs of the
individual compounds are not adjusted by these factors.
Example: spinosad
The residue definition for spinosad requires the addition of spinosyns A and D residues.
Spinosyn A constitutes approximately 85% of the residue initially and in practice constitutes
the majority of the spinosyn residue. In this calculation where the residue of spinosyn D was
< LOQ it was assumed to be zero except when both spinosyns A and D residues were < LOQ
and in that case the total was taken as < LOQ. These are reasonable assumptions since the
spinosyn D level is usually much less than the spinosyn A level. The method for calculating
the total residue for various situations is illustrated below.
spinosyn A spinosyn D Sum of spinosyns A and D
0.59 0.082 0.67
0.03 < 0.01 0.03
< 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01
Provide in full the interpretation used to estimate a maximum residue level. Explain
extrapolations, comparability and any conditions of use, crop characteristics etc. which
influence the interpretation. As an example the following paragraph states the relevant use
pattern on the crop, the number of trials and country to match the use pattern and the residue
data selected for estimating STMRs in rank order. The concluding paragraph on this
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
commodity states explicitly the recommended MRL and STMR and includes the residue
expressions according to the relevant residue definitions.
The UK use pattern on strawberries allows thiram applications of 1.6 kg ai/ha
beginning at white bud burst, with repeats at 710 day intervals and a PHI of 7 days.
Seven strawberry trials in Belgium were evaluated against the use pattern of the UK.
The highest thiram residues (median underlined) in each trial within range of the UK
use pattern were: 1.4, 1.4, 2.1, 2.1, 2.4, 2.8 and 3.1 mg/kg. The highest residue,
3.1 mg/kg as thiram, is equivalent to 2.0 mg/kg dithiocarbamates as CS
The Meeting estimated a maximum residue level of 5 mg/kg for dithiocarbamates (as
) in strawberry arising from the use of thiram. The Meeting estimated an STMR
value of 2.1 mg/kg for thiram (as thiram) on strawberry.
Examples of other concluding sentences are:
The Meeting agreed to withdraw the recommendations for cherries (1 mg/kg), peaches
(3 mg/kg) and plums (1 mg/kg).
The Meeting estimated an STMR value of 0.05 mg/kg and a maximum residue level of
0.05* mg/kg for pecans. The HR was 0.05 mg/kg.
The Meeting estimated an STMR value of 0.38 mg/kg and a maximum residue level of
2 mg/kg for sweet peppers. The latter replaces the previous recommendation (0.5
mg/kg). The HR was 1.4 mg/kg.
The Meeting agreed to withdraw the previous maximum residue level recommendation
for citrus fruits (5 mg/kg), to be replaced by recommendations for oranges (1 mg/kg)
and mandarins (2 mg/kg).
The Meeting agreed to maintain the current recommendation of 0.2 mg/kg for
Use a standard introductory paragraph.
On the basis of the data from supervised trials the Meeting concluded that the residue
levels listed below are suitable for establishing maximum residue limits and for IEDI
and IESTI assessment.
State the residue definitionchoose the appropriate statement. Additional statements will be
required if the residue definitions are different for crops and animals.
For plants and animals: Definition of the residue for compliance with MRLs and
estimation of dietary intake: [residue definition].
For plants and animals: Definition of the residue for compliance with MRLs: [residue
definition 1]. For estimation of dietary intake: [residue definition 2].
If the residue is fat-soluble, insert the following sentence after the residue definition.
The residue is fat-soluble.
List all commodities with MRL, STMR and HR recommendations, alphabetically in the
recommendations table. HR recommendations are not required for those compounds where an
ARfD is unnecessary.
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
Commodity MRL, mg/kg STMR or
HR or
CCN Name New current mg/kg mg/kg
Include at the end of the table, HR-Ps and STMR-Ps for processed commodities with no
recommended maximum residue levels if these residue values are used in the dietary intake
The recommendations table for periodic review compounds should include all current MRLs
or, more correctly, current JMPR MRL recommendations. The table will then show whether
each MRL is maintained, amended or withdrawn.
Any recommendations to withdraw MRLs should be entered in the table of
Recommendations, which will be reproduced in Annex 1 to the report, and not merely
mentioned as a recommendation in the text. A statement such as the Meeting recommended
the withdrawal of the MRL for pome fruits could be easily missed when Annex 1 is being
Where no residue is expected in animal commodities, irrespective of feeding levels, the JMPR
recommends MRLs at or about the LOQ for the animal commodities. These recommended
MRLs alert users of Codex MRLs that the situation has been fully evaluated and that, for the
commodities of trade, residues should not occur above the stated LOQ.
In such cases include a footnote under the recommendation table stating that No residues are
expected from consumption of feed commodities with [xxx pesticide] residues as evaluated by
The items listed as required or desirable should be numbered if there is more than one.
All items listed as required should have a year proposed as the due date. Choose 2 years from
the current Meeting as the due date in the absence of other information, e.g., a definite
commitment by a country or company to provide information by a nominated date.
Each item listed as required should be tied to a TMRL. If the required information is not
supplied by the due date, the Meeting can then recommend withdrawal of the TMRL.
TMRLs are generally not introduced for new compounds or periodic review compounds.
Their use should be kept to a minimum.
Information requested as desirable is not vital to the continued existence of MRLs, but is
requested because it may assist in an explanation, support an extrapolation or provide a more
complete data base.
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
Note that references to Annexes 3 are for text in the JMPR Reports. When converted to
monographs for the Residue Evaluations, the references must be changed to Annex [X] and
[Y] of [year] JMPR Report.
Long-term intake
Estimated intake within the ADI
Use the following standard statements for the long-term dietary risk assessment where the
estimated intake is within the ADI.
Situation: The compound was subject to a toxicology evaluation but not a residue evaluation.
MRLs, but not STMRs, are available. The TMDI for the 13 diets was less than the
Estimated Theoretical Maximum Daily Intakes for the GEMS/Food regional diets,
based on recommended MRLs, were in the range of [..] to [..]% of the maximum [ADI
](Annex 3). The Meeting concluded that the long-term intake of residues of [pesticide]
resulting from its uses that have been considered by the JMPR is unlikely to present a
public health concern.
Situation: The compound was new or subject to a periodic review for residues. The IEDI for
the 13diets was less than the ADI.
The International Estimated Daily Intakes of [pesticide], based on the STMRs
estimated for [..] commodities, for the GEMS/Food regional diets were in the range
of [..] to [..]% of the maximum ADI (Annex 3). The Meeting concluded that the long-
term intake of residues of [pesticide] resulting from its uses that have been considered
by JMPR is unlikely to present a public health concern.
Situation: The compound was subject to residue review, but not a periodic review, for a
number of commodities. The estimated intakes for the 13 regional diets were less than
the ADI.
In the current evaluation STMRs were estimated for [..] commodities. Where
consumption data were available these STMRs were used in the estimates of dietary
intake together with previous MRL recommendations for [..] other food commodities.
The results are shown in Annex 3.
The estimated daily intake for the five GEMS/Food regional diets were in the range of
[..] to [..]% of the maximum ADI (Annex 3). The Meeting concluded that the long-term
intake of residues of [pesticide] resulting from its uses that have been considered by
the JMPR is unlikely to present a public health concern.
Estimated intake exceeds the ADI
Use the following standard statements for the long-term dietary risk assessment where the
estimated intake exceeds the ADI.
Situation: The compound was subject to a toxicology evaluation but not a residue evaluation.
MRLs, but not STMRs, are available. The TMDI for at least one of the diets exceeded
the ADI.
Estimated Theoretical Maximum Daily Intakes for the 13 GEMS/Food regional diets,
based on recommended MRLs, were in the range of [..] to [...]% of the maximum ADI
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
(Annex 3). Further refinements of dietary intake estimates will be undertaken during
the periodic review of residues scheduled for [year].
Situation: The compound was new or subject to a periodic review for residues. The IEDI for
one of the diets exceeded the ADI.
The International Estimated Daily Intake of [pesticide], based on the STMRs
estimated for [..] commodities, was [...]% of the maximum ADI for the GEMS/Food
[list diet(s)] diet. International Estimated Daily Intakes for the other GEMS/Food
regional diets were in the range of [..] to [..]% of the ADI (Annex 3).
The information provided to the JMPR precludes an estimate that the dietary intake
would be below the maximum ADI.
Situation: The compound was subject to residue review, but not a periodic review, for a
number of commodities. The estimated intake exceeded the ADI for the all regional
In the current evaluation STMRs were estimated for [..] commodities. Where
consumption data were available these STMRs were used in the estimates of dietary
intake together with previous MRL recommendations for [..] other food commodities.
The results are shown in Annex 3.
The estimated daily intake exceeds the ADI for the thirteen GEMS/Food regional
diets: A [...]%, B .... and M [...]%.
The Meeting concluded that the long-term dietary intake of [pesticide] residues may
exceed the ADI for all GEMS/Food regional diets. Further refinements of dietary
intake estimates will be undertaken during the next periodic review of residues or
when additional relevant data are provided.
Short-term intake
ARfD unnecessary
Situation: The JMPR toxicology assessment has concluded that an ARfD is unnecessary.
The [year] JMPR decided that an ARfD is unnecessary. The Meeting therefore
concluded that the short-term intake of [pesticide] residues is unlikely to present a
public health concern.
All IESTI values within ARfD
Situation: The compound was new or subject to periodic review for residues. The estimated
short-term intakes for all commodities were within the ARfD.
The International Estimated Short term Intake (IESTI) for [pesticide] was calculated
for [..] food commodities [(and their processed fractions)] for which maximum residue
levels were estimated and for which consumption data were available. The results are
shown in Annex 4.
The IESTI represented [.. - ...]% of the maximum ARfD for the general population
and [.. - ...]% of the maximum ARfD for children. The Meeting concluded that the
short-term intake of residues of [pesticide], when used in ways that have been
considered by the JMPR, is unlikely to present a public health concern.
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
IESTI values exceed ARfD
Situation: The compound was new or subject to periodic review for residues. The estimated
short-term intakes for some commodities exceeded the ARfD.
The International Estimated Short term Intake (IESTI) for [pesticide] was calculated
for [..] food commodities [(and their processed fractions)] for which maximum residue
levels were estimated and for which consumption data were available. The results are
shown in Annex 4.
The IESTI represented [.. - ...]% of the maximum ARfD for the general population
and [.. - ...]% of the maximum ARfD for children. The values [...], [...] and [...]%
represent the estimated short-term intake for [commodity 1], [commodity 2] and
[commodity 3] respectively for the total population. The values [...], [...] and [...]%
represent the estimated short-term intake for [commodity 1], [commodity 2] and
[commodity 3] respectively for children.
The Meeting concluded that the short term intake of residues of [pesticide] from uses,
other than on these [..] commodities, that have been considered by the JMPR is
unlikely to present a public health concern.
ARfD not available, but may be necessary
Situation: The compound was subject to residue review for a number of commodities. The
compound has not been subject to a recent toxicological assessment, so there is no
ARfD, but an ARfD may be necessary.
The International Estimated Short Term Intake (IESTI) for [pesticide] was calculated
for [..] food commodities [(and their processed fractions)] for which maximum residue
levels were estimated at the present meeting and for which consumption data were
available. The results are shown in Annex 4. The Meeting concluded that an ARfD
may be necessary, but as it has not yet been established, the acute risk assessment for
[pesticide] was not finalized.
ARfD previously not available, but now established
Situation: The present JMPR has established an ARfD for a compound which had been
subject to residue review for a number of commodities in a previous year and where
the acute risk assessment was not then able to be finalized. The estimated short-term
intakes for all commodities were within the ARfD.
The Meeting estimated an ARfD ([....] mg/kg bw) for [pesticide]. The [year] JMPR
had calculated the International Estimated Short Term Intake (IESTI) for [pesticide]
for [..] food commodities [(and their processed fractions)] for which maximum residue
levels were estimated and for which consumption data were available, but was not
able to finalize the risk assessment because an ARfD was not the available.
The IESTI represented [.. - ...]% of the maximum ARfD for the general population and
[.. - ...]% of the maximum ARfD for children. The Meeting concluded that the short
term intake of residues of [pesticide], when used in ways that have been considered by
the JMPR, is unlikely to present a public health concern.
Appendix X JMPR manual for FAO panel members
Situation: The present JMPR has established an ARfD for a compound which had been
subject to residue review for a number of commodities in a previous year and where
the acute risk assessment was not then able to be finalized. The estimated short-term
intakes for some commodities exceeded the ARfD.
The Meeting estimated an ARfD ([....] mg/kg bw) for [pesticide]. The [year] JMPR
had calculated the International Estimated Short Term Intake (IESTI) for [pesticide]
for [..] food commodities [(and their processed fractions)] for which maximum residue
levels were estimated and for which consumption data were available, but was not
able to finalize the risk assessment because an ARfD was not the available.
The IESTI represented [.. - ...]% of the maximum ARfD for the total population and [..
- ...]% of the maximum ARfD for children. The values [...], [...] and [...]% represent
the estimated short-term intake for [commodity 1], [commodity 2] and [commodity 3]
respectively for the total population. The values [...], [...] and [...]% represent the
estimated short-term intake for [commodity 1], [commodity 2] and [commodity 3]
respectively for children.
The Meeting concluded that the short term intake of residues of [pesticide] from uses,
other than on these [..] commodities, that have been considered by the JMPR is
unlikely to present a public health concern.
Appendix XI Table and spreadsheet examples
Appendix XI
Table XI.1. Residue interpretation table. See Chapter 6 section 2.1, "Interpretation tables
for supervised trials data."
Table XI.2. Summary of good agricultural practices for pesticide uses. See Chapter 3
section 4"Use pattern."
Table XI.3. Residues data summary from supervised trials. See Chapter 3 section 5.
"Residues resulting from supervised trials on crops."
Table XI.4. Table format for long-term dietary intake calculation (parathion-methyl). See
Chapter 7 section 2 "Long-term dietary intake."
Table XI.5. Table format for long-term dietary intake calculation (myclobutanil). See
Chapter 7 section 2 "Long-term dietary intake."
Table XI.6. Table format for IESTI calculation for general population (parathion-methyl).
See Chapter 7 section 5 "IESTI tables."
Table XI.7. Table format for IESTI calculation for children (parathion-methyl). See
Chapter 7 section 5 "IESTI tables."
Appendix XI Table and spreadsheet examples
Table XI.1. Residue interpretation table for folpet residues on tomatoes. GAP and trial
conditions are compared for treatments considered valid for MRL and STMR
estimation. (JMPR 1998).
Crop Country Use pattern Trial folpet,
kg ai/ha kg ai/hL No of appl PHI days mg/kg
Tomato Chile GAP 1.7 0.15 7
Tomato Chile trial 1.7 1.5 7 7 [trial no.] 2.4
Tomato Hungary GAP 0.13 14
Tomato Hungary trial 0.65 0.13 3 14 < 0.05
Tomato Hungary trial 0.65 0.13 3 14 < 0.05
Tomato Hungary trial 0.65 0.13 3 14 < 0.05
Tomato Hungary trial 0.66 0.13 3 14 < 0.05
Tomato Hungary trial 0.63 0.12 5 14 < 0.02
Tomato Mexico GAP 2.0 no limit
Tomato Mexico trial 2.0 0.67 5 2 1.0
Tomato Mexico trial 2.0 0.71 5 2 1.6
Tomato Mexico trial 2.0 0.66 5 2 1.8
Tomato Mexico trial 2.0 0.71 5 2 0.45
Tomato Mexico trial 2.0 0.72 5 2 1.3
Tomato Portugal GAP 0.13 7
Tomato Portugal trial 1.3 0.16 4 7 0.34
Tomato Portugal trial 1.3 0.16 4 7 0.58
Tomato Spain GAP 0.15 10
Tomato Italy trial 1.2 0.13 4 10 0.60
Tomato Italy trial 1.3 0.13 4 10 0.70
Tomato Italy trial 1.3 0.13 4 10 (14) Note
Tomato Italy trial 1.2 0.13 4 10 0.43
Tomato Spain trial 1.6 0.20 6 10 1.3
Tomato Spain trial 2.5 0.16 6 10 1.2
The residue on day 14 (0.80 mg/kg) exceeded the residue on day 10 (0.62 mg/kg).
Appendix XI Table and spreadsheet examples
Table XI.2. Summary of good agricultural practices for pesticide uses.
(Application on agricultural and horticultural crops)
Responsible body for reporting (name, address): Date:
Pesticide(s) (common name(s)): Page:
CCPR No(s).: Country:
Trade name(s):
Main uses, e.g., insecticide, fungicide:
Use Pattern
Crop and/or
situation (a)
F or G
Pest or group of
pests) controlled (c)
Formulation Application Application rate
per treatment
(days) (k)
Remarks (1)
Conc. of ai
method, kind
stage (j)
number (range) kg ai/hL water L/ha kg ai/ha
Explanatory notes: (explanatory notes are needed only on page 1 of a multi-page GAP summary)
Include only the information provided on the label.
(a) In case of group of crops the Codex classification should be used (g) Method, e.g., high volume spraying, low volume spraying, spreading, dusting, drench
(b) Outdoor or field use (F), or glasshouse application (G) (h) Kind, e.g., overall, broadcast, aerial spraying, row, individual plant, between the plants
(c) e.g., biting and sucking insects, soil borne insects, foliar fungi (i) g/kg or g/l
(d) e.g., wettable powder (WP), emulsifiable concentration (EC), granule
(j) Growth stage at last treatment
(e) Use CIPAC/FAO Codes where appropriate (k) PHI = Pre-harvest interval
(f) All abbreviations used must be explained (l) Remarks may include: Extent of use/economic importance/restrictions (e.g., feeding, grazing)/minimal
intervals between applications)
Appendix XI Table and spreadsheet examples
Table XI.3. Residues data summary from supervised trials
(Application on agricultural and horticultural crops)
Active ingredient: Crop/crop group:
Responsible body for reporting (name, address): Submission date:
Country: Page:
Content of ai (g/kg or g/l): Indoor/outdoor:
Formulation (e.g., WP): Other ai in formulation:
Commercial product (name): (Common name and content):
Producer of commercial product Residues calculated as:
Report-No.: Crop Date of (1)
Sowing or
Application rate per
Dates of Growth stage
Commodity, Residues Remarks
incl. Postal
Variety planting;
(2) Flowering or
(3) Harvest (b)
kg ai/ha water
kg ai/hL treatment(s) or
no. of
treatments and
last date
last treatment
or date
days) (d)
Explanatory notes: (explanatory notes are needed only on page 1 of a multi-page residue data summary)
(a) According to Codex Classification/Guide
(b) Only if relevant
(c) Year must be indicated
(d) Days after last application (Label pre-harvest interval, PHI, underline)
(e) Remarks may include: Climatic conditions; Reference to analytical method and information on which metabolites are included
Note: All entries to be filled in as appropriate
Appendix XI Table and spreadsheet examples
Table XI.4. Table format for long-term dietary intake calculation (parathion-methyl example).
BUPROFEZIN (173) International Estimated Daily Intake (IEDI) ADI = 0 - 0.009 mg/kg bw
STMR or Diets: g/person/day Intake = daily intake: g/person
Commodity mg/kg diet
diet intake diet intake diet intake diet intake diet intake diet intake
FC 0001 Citrus fruit (excl lemon juice, excl mandarin
juice, excl orange juice, excl grapefruit juice,
excl NES juice)
0.04 0.7 15.7 0.4 86.5 2.4 52.6 1.5 24.2 0.7 16.2 0.5 12.0 0.3
- Citrus juice NES 0.13 1 0.0 0.0 1.7 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.1 0.3 0.0
VC 0424 Cucumber 0.035 1 0.3 0.0 12.7 0.4 5.9 0.2 11.5 0.4 6.1 0.2 7.1 0.2
JF 0203 Grapefruit juice 0.13 1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 1.1 0.1 0.2 0.0
-d Lemon juice 0.13 1 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.1
- Mandarin + mandarin-like hybrid juice 0.13 1 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.2 0.9 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.9 0.1
FI 0345 Mango (incl juice, incl pulp) 0.01 0.7 6.3 0.0 1.0 0.0 4.6 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.3 0.0
JF 0004 Orange juice 0.13 1 0.0 0.0 2.1 0.3 4.4 0.6 1.4 0.2 16.2 2.1 22.6 2.9
VO 0448 Tomato (excl juice, excl paste, excl peeled) 0.24 1 1.3 0.3 178.4 42.8 102.8 24.7 53.4 12.8 1.6 0.4 0.0 0.0
JF 0448 Tomato juice 0.053 1 5.2 0.3 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 2.1 0.1 6.9 0.4 15.2 0.8
-d Tomato paste 0.22 1 0.5 0.1 1.3 0.3 3.5 0.8 1.0 0.2 3.8 0.8 4.5 1.0
-d Tomato, peeled 0.041 1 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 4.9 0.2 3.2 0.1
Total intake (g/person)= 1.2 46.8 27.9
Body weight per region (kg bw) = 60 60 60 60 60 60
ADI (g/person)= 540 540 540 540 540 540
%ADI= 0.2% 8.7% 5.2% 2.7% 0.9% 1.1%
Rounded %ADI= 0% 9% 5% 3% 1% 1%
Note: Only the first 6 regional diets are shown in the example table.
Appendix XI Table and spreadsheet examples
Table XI.5. Table format for long-term dietary intake calculation (myclobutanil example).
MYCLOBUTANIL (181): daily intake estimate (mixed TMDI-IEDI calculation). ADI = 0.03 mg/kg bw or 1800 g/person
Code Commodity MRL mg/kg STMR-P mg/kg
FI 0327 Banana 0.15
MM 0812 Cattle meat 0.01*
ML 0812 Cattle milk 0.01*
MO 0812 Cattle, Edible offal of 0.01*
FB 0278 Currant, black 0.26
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01*
FB 0269 Grapes 1
DH 1100 Hops, dry 0
FS 0014 Plums (including prunes) 0.2
FP 0009 Pome fruits 0.5
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01*
PO 0111 Poultry, edible offal of 0.01*
DF 0014 Prunes 0.5
FS 0012 Stone fruits
FB 0275 Strawberry 0.19
VO 0448 Tomato 0.06
Tomato juice 0.05
Tomato paste 0.02
* at or about LOQ
except plums
As the diet table contains entries for (1) Stone fruit (excl dried plums, including dried apricots) and (2) Plum (excluding dried), the correct
consumption figures for stone fruits can be obtained as: stone fruits excluding plums and prunes = (2) - (1). The values calculated for the 13
regional diets shall be inserted in the Excel spreadsheet. Attention: the new values shall be inserted in the appropriate cell one by one making
sure that the formula in the intake columns are not affected.
Appendix XI Table and spreadsheet examples
The results of the calculation for the first 6 diets are shown below:
Myclobutanil () International Estimated Daily Intake (IEDI) ADI = 0 - 0.0300 mg/kg bw
STMR or Diets: g/person/day Intake = daily intake: g/person
Commodity mg/kg diet intake diet intake diet intake diet intake diet intake diet intake
FI 0327 Banana 0.15 38.8 5.8 17.4 2.6 16.0 2.4 6.6 1.0 21.5 3.2 33.8 5.1
Cattle meat (incl calf meat) 0.01 13.4 0.1 49.4 0.5 13.6 0.1 35.8 0.4 42.4 0.4 53.9 0.5
ML 0812 Cattle milk (excl processed products) 0.01 34.5 0.3 178.5 1.8 52.0 0.5 284.2 2.8 178.6 1.8 237.1 2.4
MO 0812 Cattle, edible offal of 0.01 2.5 0.0 8.8 0.1 1.8 0.0 6.3 0.1 4.6 0.0 4.0 0.0
FB 0278 Currants, black 0.26 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.3 1.6 0.4 1.0 0.3
PE 0112 Eggs 0.01 2.5 0.0 29.7 0.3 25.1 0.3 24.5 0.2 37.8 0.4 27.4 0.3
FB 0269 Grape (incl dried, incl juice, incl wine) 1 3.7 3.7 128.5 128.5 27.1 27.1 33.1 33.1 107.5 107.5 44.0 44.0
DH 1100 Hops, dry 0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.1 0.0
FS 0014 Plum (excl dried) 0.2 0.1 0.0 5.3 1.1 2.5 0.5 7.0 1.4 5.5 1.1 0.9 0.2
DF 0014 Plum, dried (prunes) 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.3
FP 0009 Pome fruit (incl apple juice) 0.5 0.5 0.3 84.1 42.1 21.9 11.0 45.2 22.6 61.7 30.9 46.2 23.1
PM 0110 Poultry meat 0.01 7.1 0.1 58.5 0.6 31.9 0.3 24.0 0.2 61.0 0.6 27.3 0.3
PO 0111 Poultry, edible offal of 0.01 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.0 1.7 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.2 0.0
FS 0012 Stone fruit (excl fresh and dried plums, excl
dried apricots)
0.62 0.7 0.4 42.7 26.4 13.8 8.5 26.6 16.5 27.0 16.8 9.3 5.8
FB 0275 Strawberry 0.19 0.0 0.0 5.0 1.0 2.0 0.4 1.7 0.3 5.2 1.0 4.1 0.8
VO 0448 Tomato (excl juice, excl paste, excl peeled) 0.06 1.3 0.1 178.4 10.7 102.8 6.2 53.4 3.2 1.6 0.1 0.0 0.0
JF 0448 Tomato juice 0.05 5.2 0.3 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 2.1 0.1 6.9 0.3 15.2 0.8
-d Tomato paste 0.02 0.5 0.0 1.3 0.0 3.5 0.1 1.0 0.0 3.8 0.1 4.5 0.1
Total intake (g/person)= 11.2 215.7 57.4
Bodyweight per region (kg bw) = 60 60 60 60 60 60
ADI (g/person)= 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800
%ADI= 0.6% 12.0% 3.2% 4.6% 9.2% 4.7%
Rounded %ADI= 1% 10% 3% 5% 9% 5%
Appendix XI Table and spreadsheet examples
Table XI.6. Table format for IESTI calculation for general population (parathion-methyl example).
PARATHION-METHYL (59): international estimate of short-term intake (IESTI) for GENERAL POPULATION. ARfD = 0.03 mg/kg bw (30 ug/kg bw)
Large portion diet Unit weight
Code Commodity STMR or
Country Body
weight, kg
portion, g
weight g
Country Unit wt,
portion g
ug/kg bw
% ARfD,
FP 0226 Apple 0.18 USA 65 1348 110 Fra 100 7 2a 5.4 20
Apple juice 0.015 60 3
VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.05 Fra 62.3 255 1 0.2 1
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.26 Fra 62.3 312 908 USA 717 5 2b 6.5 20
OR 0691 Cotton seed oil, edible 1.16 USA 65 9.1 3 0.2 1
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=Currants ...) 0.70 Fra 62.3 135.2 1 1.5 5
FB 0269 Grapes 0.41 Aus 67 513 125 Fra 118 7 2a 7.5 20
GC 0645 Maize 0.05 0.09 Fra 62.3 260 see maize flour
CF 1255 Maize flour 0.021 Aus 67 90 3 0.03 0
OR 0645 Maize oil, edible 0.051 Nl 63 43 3 0.03 0
FS 0247 Peach 0.22 Jpn 52.6 626 110 Fra 99 7 2a 5.1 20
VD 0072 Peas (dry) 0.24 Fra 62.3 445 1 1.7 6
VR 0589 Potato 0 NL 63 687 122 USA 99 7 2a 0 0
OR 0495 Rape seed oil, edible 0.10 Aus 67 65 3 0.1 0
GC 0654 Wheat 0.29 4.1 USA 65 383 see wheat bran and flour
CM 0654 Wheat bran, unprocessed 0.64 Aus 67 37 3 0.35 1
CF 1211 Wheat flour 0.11 USA 65 365 3 0.62 2
Appendix XI Table and spreadsheet examples
Table XI.7. Table format for IESTI calculation for children up to 6 years (parathion-methyl example).
PARATHION-METHYL (59): international estimate of short-term intake (IESTI) for CHILDREN UP TO 6 YEARS ARfD = 0.03 mg/kg bw (30 ug/kg bw)
Large portion diet Unit weight
Code Commodity STMR or
Country Body
weight, kg
portion, g
weight g
Country Unit wt,
portion g
ug/kg bw
% ARfD,
FP 0226 Apple 0.18 USA 15 679 110 Fra 100 7 2a 15.4 50
Apple juice 0.015 15 3
VD 0071 Beans (dry) 0.05 Fra 17.8 209 1 0.59 2
VB 0041 Cabbages, Head 0.26 Jpn 15.9 142 908 USA 717 5 2b 11.6 40
OR 0691 Cotton seed oil, edible 1.16 USA 15 6 3 0.48 2
DF 0269 Dried grapes (=Currants ...) 0.70 USA 15 59 1 2.77 9
FB 0269 Grapes 0.41 Aus 19 342 125 Fra 118 7 2a 22.6 80
GC 0645 Maize 0.05 0.09 Fra 17.8 148 see maize flour
CF 1255 Maize flour 0.021 Aus 19 60 3 0.07 0
OR 0645 Maize oil, edible 0.051 Fra 17.8 21 3 0.06 0
FS 0247 Peach 0.22 Aus 19 307 110 Fra 99 7 2a 10.4 30
VD 0072 Peas (dry) 0.24 Fra 17.8 107 1 1.44 5
VR 0589 Potato 0 UK 14.5 279 122 USA 99 7 2a 0 0
OR 0495 Rape seed oil, edible 0.10 Aus 19 18 3 0.1 0
GC 0654 Wheat 0.29 4.1 USA 15 151 see wheat bran and flour
CM 0654 Wheat bran, unprocessed 0.64 Aus 19 13 3 0.43 1
CF 1211 Wheat flour 0.11 Aus 19 194 3 1.13 4
Appendix XII. Number of trials required by OECD countries
Appendix XII.
The OECD Working Group on Pesticides elaborated guidance on the minimum number of
trials which should be generated for registration of a pesticide in all OECD countries where
the target GAP is uniform, i.e., maximum 25% deviation in one of the key parameters. The
underlying principles of the proposed scheme are basically applicable for the purpose of the
JMPR as well. The assumption is that the number of trials specified in each crop production
region reflects the economic (acreage) importance and/or dietary significance of the crop
within that production region. Therefore, there is no need to further consider acreage or
dietary intake for a crop/commodity or to determine whether a crop is major or minor in terms
of acreage, diet, or trade on a global basis for the purpose of determining a minimum number
of crop field trials for a comprehensive submission.
The reduction in the total number of trials within any OECD country or crop production
region is compensated for by the total number of crop field trials making up the
comprehensive submission data set and the wider geographic distribution of these data.
To qualify for this comprehensive submission approach, all crop field trials must meet the
following criteria:
a. Field trials are conducted according to the cGAP (within +/- 25% of the application
rate, number of applications or PHI). At least 50% of the trials must be conducted at or
above (within 25%) the cGAP. For this purpose, trials whose intended application
rates match the cGAP but actual rates fall up to 10% below the cGAP, e.g., due to the
normal variability in preparing spray solutions, are considered acceptable. In addition,
some of the trials need to be decline studies depending on national requirements.
b. The trials span a range of representative crop production practices for each crop
including those likely to lead to the highest residues, e.g., irrigated vs. non-irrigated,
trellis vs. non-trellis production, fall-planted vs. spring-planted.
Any reduction in the number of crop field trials should be distributed proportionally among
the crop production regions as shown in the example for a 40% reduction for barley below
(Table XII.1). A table with trial numbers for crops grown throughout OECD countries is
given in Table XII.2. In the event that the number of required trials changes in any given
region, the total number and reduced number should be adjusted accordingly.
Table XII.1. Example for calculation of minimum number of trials depending on the
crop production regions
Country/Region USA/CAN EU JP AUS NZ Total
Number required by legislation 24 16 2 8 4 54
Number with 40% reduction 14 10 2 5 2 33
In no case may the number of trials in a given crop production region be reduced below 2.
Thus, in the example in Table 3.7 the 40% reduction does not apply in Japan and therefore the
total number of trials is 33 rather than 32, which is the actual 40% reduction from 54.
Appendix XII. Number of trials required by OECD countries
The minimum total number of trials for any crop in a comprehensive submission is eight. In
addition, the total number of trials to be conducted may not be less than the requirement for
any given individual region.
The Table XII.2 addresses only outdoor crop field trials and not greenhouse (glasshouse) or
post-harvest treatments. For a comprehensive submission with similar critical GAPs, a
minimum of eight greenhouse trials is needed. For such greenhouse trials, geographic
distribution typically is not an issue. However for active ingredients which are susceptible to
photodegradation, consideration should be given to locations at different latitudes.
The number of post-harvest trials on a commodity should be at least four, taking into
consideration the application techniques, storage facilities, and packaging materials used. At
least three samples should be collected and analysed in studies on bulk and bagged
Appendix XII. Number of trials required by OECD countries
Table XII.2 Minimum number of Supervised Field Trials Required at cGAP for Field (or Outdoor) Uses
Number of trials currently required by region Number of Trials Required by Region with 40% Reduction
Acerola (Barbados cherry) 1 4 2 7 1 2 2 5
Alfalfa 18 12 2 4 36 11 7 2 2 22
Almond 5 4 2 6 2 19 3 2 2 4 2 13
Apple 20 16 2 8 6 52 12 10 2 5 4 33
Apple, Sugar 2 4 2 8 2 2 2 6
Apricot 7 12 2 6 2 29 4 7 2 4 2 19
Arracacha 2 4 2 8 2 2 2 6
Artichoke, Globe 3 4 2 2 11 2 2 2 2 8
Artichoke, Jerusalem 3 4 2 2 11 2 2 2 2 8
Asparagus 10 8 2 4 4 28 6 5 2 2 2 17
Atemoya 1 4 2 2 9 1 2 2 2 7
Avocado 5 4_ 2 8 2 21 3 2 2 5 2 14
Banana 5 4 2 8 19 3 2 2 5 12
Barley 24 16 2 8 4 54 14 10 2 5 2 33
Bean, Dried 12 16 2 2 32 7 10 2 2 21
Bean, Edible Podded 9 16 2 4 31 5 10 2 2 19
Bean, Lima, Dried 3 16 2 2 23 2 10 2 2 16
Bean, Lima, Green 8 8 2 8 2 28 5 5 2 5 2 19
Bean, Mung 3 16 2 2 23 2 10 2 2 16
Bean, Snap 8 16 2 2 28 5 10 2 2 19
Bean, Succulent Shelled 8 16 2 2 28 5 10 2 2 19
Beet, Garden 8 4 2 2 16 5 2 2 2 11
Blackberry 5 4 2 2 13 3 2 2 2 9
Blueberry 11 4 2 4 2 23 7 2 2 2 2 15
Bok choi 2 4 2 2 10 2 2 2 2 8
Boysenberry 2 8 2 2 14 2 5 2 2 11
Broccoli 12 8 2 8 4 34 7 5 2 5 2 21
Broccoli, Chinese (gal Ion) 2 8 2 2 14 2 5 2 2 11
Brussels Sprouts 5 12 2 4 2 25 3 7 2 2 2 16
Buckwheat 9 8 2 2 21 5 5 2 2 14
Cabbage 12 12 2 8 4 38 7 7 2 2 23
Cabbage, Chinese 5 8 2 2 17 3 5 2 2 12
Appendix XII. Number of trials required by OECD countries
Number of trials currently required by region Number of Trials Required by Region with 40% Reduction
Cacao Bean (cocoa) 3 8 2 13 2 5 2 9
Calabaza 2 4 2 2 2 2 6
Calamondin 1 4 2 7 1 2 2 5
Canary seed 5 4 3 2 2 7
Canola 22 12 2 8 2 46 13 7 2 5 2 29
Cantaloupe 8 12 2 8 2 32 5 7 2 5 2 21
Carambola 2 4 2 2 10 2 2 2 2 8
Caraway seed 2 4 6 2 2 2 6
Carob 3 4 2 9 2 2 2 6
Carrot 12 16 2 8 4 42 7 10 2 5 2 26
Cassava, bitter or sweet 2 4 2 2 10 2 2 2 2 8
Cauliflower 11 12 2 8 2 35 7 7 2 5 2 23
Celery 12 8 2 4 4 30 7 5 2 2 18
Cherry, Sweet 9 4 2 3 4 22 5 2 2 2 2 13
Cherry, Tart (Sour) 8 4 2 3 2 19 5 2 2 2 2 13
Chestnut 3 4 2 4 2 15 2 2 2 2 2 8
Chickpea (garbanzo bean) 3 16 2 4 2 27 2 10 2 2 2 18
Chicory 2 8 2 2 14 2 5 2 2 11
Clover 12 12 2 4 30 7 7 2 2 18
Coconut 5 4 2 11 3 2 2 7
Coffee 5 4 2 4 15 3 2 2 2 9
Collards 5 8 2 2 17 3 5 2 2 12
Corn, Field 20 16 2 2 4 44 12 10 2 2 2 28
Corn, Pop 3 2 5 2 0 2 4
Corn, Sweet 14 8 2 6 2 32 8 5 2 4 2 21
Cotton 12 8 2 8 30 7 5 2 5 19
Cowpea (dried shelled bean) 5 16 2 2 25 3 10 2 2 17
Cowpea (forage/hay) 3 12 2 2 19 2 7 2 2 13
Cowpea, (succulent, shelled
3 8 2 2 15 2 5 2 2 11
Crabapple 3 8 2 2 15 2 5 2 2 11
Cranberry 6 4 2 2 14 4 2 2 2 10
Cress, Upland 1 4 2 7 1 2 2 5
Cucumber 11 16 2 4 4 37 7 10 2 2 2 23
Currant 2 8 2 2 14 2 5 2 2 11
Appendix XII. Number of trials required by OECD countries
Number of trials currently required by region Number of Trials Required by Region with 40% Reduction
Dandelion 1 8 2 2 13 1 5 2 2 10
Dasheen (taro) 2 4 2 2 10 2 2 2 2 8
Date 3 4 2 9 2 2 2 6
Dill (dill seed, dillweed) 2 8 2 2 14 2 5 2 2 11
Eggplant 3 8 2 2 15 2 5 2 2 11
Elderberry 3 4 2 2 11 2 2 2 2 8
Endive (escarole) 3 4 2 2 11 2 2 2 2 8
Fennel 8 2 10 5 2 7
Fig 3 4 2 2 11 2 2 2 2 8
Filbert (hazelnut) 5 4 2 2 13 3 2 2 2 9
Flax (= linseed) 10 8 2 2 22 6 5 2 2 15
Fodder beet 0 8 2 4 14 0 5 2 2 9
Garlic 3 8 2 2 15 2 5 2 2 11
Genip 1 4 2 7 1 2 2 5
Ginger 2 4 2 8 2 2 2 6
Ginseng 5 4 2 11 3 2 2 7
Gooseberry 3 4 2 2 11 2 2 2 2 8
Grape 16 16 2 6 40 10 10 2 4 26
Grape, table 12 2 8 4 26 7 2 5 2 16
Grapefruit 8 4 2 2 2 18 5 2 2 2 2 13
Grasses 12 16 2 4 34 7 10 2 2 21
Guar 3 4 2 9 2 2 2_ 6
Guava 2 4 2 2 10 2 2 2 2 8
Herbs 4 2 6 2 2 4
Hops 3 12 2 2 19 2 7 2 2 13
Horseradish 3 4 2 2 11 2 2 2 2 8
Huckleberry 3 4 2 2 11 2 2 2 2 8
Kale 3 12 2 2 19 2 7 2 2 13
Kiwi fruit 3 4 2 6 15 2 2 2 4 10
Kohlrabi 3 8 2 2 15 2 5 2 2 11
Kumquat 1 4 2 2 9 1 2 2 2 7
Leek 5 12 2 4 2 25 3 7 2 2 2 16
Lemon 5 8 2 6 2 23 3 5 2 4 2 16
Lentil 8 4 2 2 16 5 2 2 2 11
Lettuce, Head 13 8 2 8 3 34 8 5 2 5 2 22
Appendix XII. Number of trials required by OECD countries
Number of trials currently required by region Number of Trials Required by Region with 40% Reduction
Lettuce, Leaf 13 8 2 8 3 34 8 5 2 5 2 22
Lime 3 4 2 2 11 2 2 2 2 8
Loganberry 2 8 2 2 14 2 5 2 2 11
Longan 1 4 2 7 1 2 2 5
Lotus Root 1 4 2 7 1 2 2 5
Lychee 1 4 2 2 9 1 2 2 2 7
Macadamia Nut 3 4 2 6 2 17 2 2 2 4 2 12
Mamey Sapote 2 4 2 8 2 2 2 6
Mandarin (tangerine) 5 8 2 8 4 27 3 5 2 5 2 17
Mango 3 4 2 8 17 2 2 2 5 11
Melon 3 12 2 2 19 2 7 2 2 13
Melon, Casaba 3 12 2 2 19 2 7 2 2 13
Melon, Crenshaw 3 12 2 2 19 2 7 2 2 13
Melon, Honeydew 5 12 2 2 21 3 7 2 2 14
Millet, Proso 8 8 2 2 20 5 5 2 2 14
Mint 5 8 2 2 17 3 5 2 2 12
Mulberry 3 8 2 13 2 5 2 9
Mushrooms 3 8 2 6 2 21 2 5 2 4 13
Muskmelons 8 12 2 2 24 5 7 2 2 16
Mustard Greens 8 8 2 2 20 5 5 2 2 14
Mustard, Chinese 2 8 2 2 14 2 5 2 2 11
Mustard seed 5 8 13 3 5 2 10
Nectarine 10 12 2 8 2 34 6 7 2 5 2 22
Oat 26 16 2 6 2 52 16 10 2 4 2 34
Okra 5 4 2 2 13 3 2 2 2 9
Olive 3 8 2 2 15 2 5 2 2 11
Onion, Dry Bulb 12 16 2 8 4 42 7 10 2 5 2 26
Onion, Green 5 8 2 4 2 21 3 5 2 2 2 14
Orange, Sour and Sweet 16 8 2 8 4 38 10 5 2 5 2 24
Papaya 3 4 2 9 2 2 2 6
Parsley 3 4 2 2 2 13 2 2 2 1 2 9
Parsnip 6 8 2 2 18 4 5 2 2 13
Passion Fruit 2 4 2 2 10 1 2 2 2 7
Pawpaw 3 4 2 9 2 2 2 6
Pea, Chinese 1 8 2 2 13 1 5 2 2 10
Appendix XII. Number of trials required by OECD countries
Number of trials currently required by region Number of Trials Required by Region with 40% Reduction
Pea, Dried Shelled 13 16 2 8 2 41 8 10 2 5 2 27
Pea, Edible podded 8 12 2 6 2 30 5 7 2 4 2 20
Pea, Edible Podded 3 8 2 2 15 2 5 2 2 11
Pea, Field (Austrian Winter)
3 12 2 8 2 27 2 7 2 5 2 18
Pea, Succulent Shelled (Pea,
Garden, Succulent)
14 12 2 2 30 8 7 2 2 19
Peach 16 12 2 8 4 42 10 7 2 5 2 26
Peanut 12 4 2 8 26 7 2 2 5 16
Peanut, Perennial 3 4 2 9 2 2 2 6
Pear 11 16 2 8 4 41 7 10 2 5 2 26
Pecan 5 4 2 4 2 17 3 2 2 2 2 11
Pepper, (other than bell) 3 4 2 2 11 2 2 2 2 8
Pepper, Bell 12 12 2 2 28 7 7 2 2 18
Persimmon 3 4 2 4 13 2 2 2 2 8
Pimento 2 4 2 2 10 2 2 2 2 8
Pineapple 8 4 2 14 5 2 2 9
Pistachio 3 4 2 9 2 2 2 6
Plantain 3 4 2 9 2 2 2 6
Plum 11 12 2 8 2 35 7 7 2 5 2 23
Pomegranate 3 4 2 9 2 2 2 6
Potato 26 16 2 8 4 56 16 10 2 5 2 35
Pumpkin 8 8 2 4 2 24 5 5 2 2 2 16
Quince 3 4 2 2 11 2 2 2 2 8
Radish 7 8 2 2 19 4 5 2 2 13
Radish, Oriental (daikon) 2 4 2 2 10 2 2 2 2 8
Rapeseed 3 12 2 2 19 2 7 2 2 13
Raspberry, Black and Red 6 4 2 2 14 4 2 2 2 10
Rhubarb 5 4 2 2 13 3 2 2 2 9
Rice 16 8 2 6 32 10 5 2 4 21
Rice, Wild 5 8 2 15 3 5 2 10
Rutabaga 8 8 2 2 20 5 5 2 2 14
Rye 10 16 2 2 30 6 10 2 2 20
Safflower 6 8 2 2 18 4 5 2 2 13
Sainfoin 3 12 2 2 19 2 7 2 2 13
Appendix XII. Number of trials required by OECD countries
Number of trials currently required by region Number of Trials Required by Region with 40% Reduction
Salsify 3 8 2 2 15 2 5 2 2 11
Saskatoons 2 4 6 2 2 2 6
Sesame 3 4 2 9 2 2 2 6
Shallot 3 8 2 2 15 2 5 2 2 9
Sorghum, Grain 12 8 2 6 2 30 7 5 2 4 2 20
Soybean (dried) 20 12 2 8 4 46 12 7 2 5 2 28
Spices 4 2 6 2 2 4
Spinach 11 8 2 2 23 7 5 2 2 16
Squash, Summer 11 8 2 4 25 7 5 2 2 16
Squash, Winter 5 8 2 2 17 3 5 2 2 12
Strawberry 10 16 2 8 4 40 6 10 2 5 2 25
Sugar Beet 14 16 2 2 34 8 10 2 2 22
Sugarcane 8 4 2 8 22 5 2 2 5 14
Sunflower 10 12 2 8 2 34 6 7 2 5 2 22
Sweet Potato 8 4 2 2 16 5 2 2 2 11
3 4 2 2 11 2 2 2 2 8
Tangelo 3 4 2 2 11 2 2 2 2 8
Tanier (cocoyam) 2 4 2 8 2 2 2 6
Tea 4 2 6 2 2 4
Tobacco 8 4 2 2 16 5 2 2 2 11
Tomato 27 16 2 8 4 57 16 10 2 5 2 35
Triticale 5 16 2 4 2 29 3 10 2 2 2 19
Turnip, root 5 4 2 4 15 3 2 2 2 9
Turnip, tops (leaves) 5 4 2 2 13 3 2 2 2 9
Walnut, Black and English 3 8 2 2 15 2 5 2 2 11
Watercress 2 4 2 2 10 2 2 2 2 8
Watermelon 8 4 2 4 2 20 5 2 2 2 2 13
Wheat 33 16 2 12 4 67 20 10 2 7 2 41
Yam, True 3 4 2 2 11 2 2 2 2 8
Appendix XIII. Critical values for Mann-Whitney U-test
Appendix XIII.
and n
are the number of data points in residue data sets 1 and 2 respectively, where n
is the smaller when the sample sizes are different. If
the calculated U
statistics is greater than the tabulated critical value, it indicates that the samples probably came from populations with the
same median. (The two populations are not different.)
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
4 - 0
5 0 1 2
6 1 2 3 5
7 1 3 5 6 8
8 2 4 6 8 10 13
9 2 4 7 10 12 15 17
10 3 5 8 11 14 17 20 23
11 3 6 9 13 16 19 23 26 30
12 4 7 11 14 18 22 26 29 33 37
13 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 33 37 41 45
14 5 9 13 17 22 26 31 36 40 45 50 55
15 5 10 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64
16 6 11 15 21 26 31 37 42 47 53 59 64 70 75
17 6 11 17 22 28 34 39 45 51 57 63 69 75 81 87
18 7 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 55 61 67 74 80 86 93 99
19 7 13 19 25 32 38 45 52 58 65 72 78 85 92 99 106 113
20 8 14 20 27 34 41 48 55 62 69 76 83 90 98 105 112 119 127
21 8 15 22 29 36 43 50 58 65 73 80 88 96 103 111 119 126 134 142
22 9 16 23 30 38 45 53 61 69 77 85 93 101 109 117 125 133 141 150 158
23 9 17 24 32 40 48 56 64 73 81 89 98 106 115 123 132 140 149 157 166 175
24 10 17 25 33 42 50 59 67 76 85 94 102 111 120 129 138 147 156 165 174 183 192
25 10 18 27 35 44 53 62 71 80 89 98 107 117 126 135 145 154 163 173 182 192 201 211
Subject index
abbreviations, 151, 238
acceptable daily intake, 153
accuracy of measurement, 153
acute dietary risk, 133
acute reference dose, 81, 129, 136, 137, 151, 153, 238
ADI, 2, 3, 10, 48, 50, 67, 126, 129, 131, 132, 133, 136,
139, 140, 151, 153, 154, 157, 238, 239, 258, 259, 268,
270, 271, 272
analytical methods, 24, 63, 67, 190, 242, 245
Analytical methods, 25
analytical methodsenforcement, 25
analytical recovery, 67
animal commodities, 97, 115
animal commodities IESTI calculations, 139
animal feeds, 98, 123, 195
animal metabolism, 244
application method and number, 94
application rate, 35, 43, 84, 153, 265, 267
application rate per season, 35
appraisal format, 254
approved uses, 69
ARfD,3, 10, 48, 81, 102, 126, 129, 135, 136, 137, 138,
139, 140, 151, 153, 238, 239, 257, 259, 260, 261, 273,
ARfD unnecessary, 136
asterisk, 125
at or about the LOQ, 125
authorized safe use, 69, 155
body weight, 138
bound residue, 79
chairman, 240
chemical degradation, 66
chili peppers, 106
chilli peppers, 106
CIPAC codes, 161
Climate, 94
Codex MRLs, 157
Codex Priority List of Pesticides, 7
coding system, 34
commodity of trade, 94
comparability of formulations, 86
comparison of residues with MRLs, 143
concentration factor, 158
conjugated residue, 79
consumption of feed items, 116
contamination, 168
control samples, 169
convert non-metric units to metric, 236
corrected for recovery, 43
critical supporting studies, 14, 47, 60, 61, 70, 73, 154,
crop description, 94
crop groups, 95
crop growth stage, 35
crop variety, 87
cultural diets, 130
current registered uses, 30
data deadline, 8
data directory, 9, 60, 61, 189
data submission, 60
decline studies, 169
definition of residues for enforcement purposes, 77
definitions, 153
derived edible products, 154
desirable, 154
diagrams, 239
dietary risk assessment statements, 258
direct animal treatments, 32, 53, 99, 122, 124, 252
dossier of data, 59
draft monograph format, 240
ecotoxicological profile, 142
edible offal, 99
eggs, 100
EMRL,5, 7, 8, 44, 45, 55, 56, 71, 106, 112, 114, 115,
124, 151, 154, 155, 160, 238
environmental fate, 15, 21, 190, 242, 245
equivalence of technical pesticides, 142
existing MRL recommendations, 72
explanation, 242
expression of maximum residue limits, 123
expression of residues, 43, 77, 247
extraction efficiency, 26
extraneous maximum residue limit, 56, 154
extraneous residues, 124
extrapolation, 104
FAO Panel of Experts, 1, 3, 17, 152
farm animal feeding, 52, 55, 174, 191, 242, 253
farm animal feeding study, 18, 253
farm animal metabolism, 18
farm animal metabolites, 67
fat - description, 55
fat - trimmable, 55
fat samples - nature of, 54
fate of residues in storage and processing, 47
fat-solubility, 76
fat-soluble, 54, 99
fat-soluble pesticides, 44, 55, 76, 98, 99, 100, 123, 124
food unit weights, 138
forage and fodder, 97
format of JMPR documents, 237
formulation - coding system, 34
Subject Index
formulations, 86
freezer storage stability, 67
fruits and vegetables, 97
further work or information, 257
GAP, 2, 3, 5, 10, 13, 18, 22, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,
37, 38, 40, 41, 43, 52, 53, 56, 60, 61, 63, 68, 69, 71,
73, 74, 75, 76, 79, 82, 83, 86, 87, 89, 90, 93, 94, 95,
96, 97, 101, 102, 104, 109, 112, 123, 125, 126, 134,
138, 139, 143, 151, 154, 155, 156, 159, 164, 190, 238,
245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 264, 265, 275, 276
GAP information, 34, 73
GAP summaries, 30, 164, 246
GAP summary, 265
GAP table - post-harvest, 32
GEMS/Food Regional Diets, 130
glossary of terms, 153
good agricultural practice, 2, 68, 155
grains and seeds, 97
grazing restrictions, 35
group MRL, 100, 127
guideline level, 127, 155
highest residue, 155
highest residue - processed commodity, 134, 155
historical background, 1
HR, 81, 134, 155
HR-P, 155
identity, 14, 243
IEDI, 130, 155
IEDI example, 268
IESTI, 156
IESTI calculation for a group HR, 104
IESTI calculation spreadsheet, 137
IESTI example, 273, 274
IESTI table, 137
independent supervised residue trials, 87
indicator molecule, 74
industry contact points, 9
intake spreadsheets, 131
international estimated daily intake, 132, 155
international estimated short-term intake, 156
interpretation table, 87
JMPR - general reports, 239
JMPR Reports, 239
Kruskal-Wallis H-test, 83, 89, 91
label, 9, 15, 18, 20, 26, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39, 53, 54,
84, 85, 95, 96, 99, 101, 105, 123, 164, 178, 190, 246,
250, 265
large portion size, 133
less-than LOQ residues, 255
limit of determination, 156
limit of quantification, 156
limit of quantitation, 156
LOD, 156
long-term dietary intake, 258
long-term dietary intake calculation, 268, 270
long-term dietary intake exceeds ADI, 139
long-term dietary intakes, 130, 133
LOQ, 25, 28, 36, 42, 45, 52, 57, 66, 67, 71, 72, 78, 88,
89, 96, 99, 107, 108, 109, 110, 113, 125, 130, 152,
156, 238, 245, 247, 250, 255, 257, 271
major crop, 41, 46, 102, 104, 105
major crops, 100, 103, 104, 105
mammalian metabolites, 67
Mann-Whitney U-test, 83
manufactured food, 70
maximum registered use, 83
maximum residue level, 93, 156
Maximum Residue Limit, 156
meat, 44, 49, 53, 57, 65, 70, 99, 101, 106, 114, 115, 121,
122, 123, 131, 132, 135, 139, 174, 175, 187, 188, 227,
233, 270, 271
metabolism, i, 3, 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
23, 26, 27, 29, 37, 41, 42, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 59, 60,
61, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 88, 89, 96,
98, 99, 102, 103, 109, 114, 143, 154, 164, 190, 232,
239, 242, 243, 244, 245, 253
Metabolism, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 41, 59, 63, 66, 67,
145, 189, 244
metabolism in rotational crops, 19
method of sampling, 167
method validation, 67
milk, 124
milk and milk products, 99, 100, 124
milk products, 124
milk residues, 123
minor crop, 104, 105, 106
minor crops, 102, 104
monitoring data, i, 44, 45, 55, 57, 81, 112, 113, 114, 115,
Monitoring data, 112
monitoring results, 46, 113
MRL, i, ii, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19, 24, 28, 33, 34, 36, 41,
44, 45, 46, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75,
77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100,
101, 102, 106, 107, 112, 115, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126,
127, 129, 130, 132, 133, 143, 145, 149, 154, 156, 157,
160, 163, 166, 187, 188, 193, 234, 256, 257, 258, 259
MRLs for spices, 44
multi-ingredient manufactured food, 157
national residue definition, 56
new and amended use, 34
new compound, 4, 13, 55, 139, 243, 258
non-detectable residues, 94
non-transgenic crops, 21
number of treatments, 86
number of treatments per season, 35
Subject Index
number of trials, 37
outlier, 88, 108, 114
peer reviewer, 240
periodic re-evaluation, 163
Periodic review, 10, 33, 163
periodic review compound, 13, 33
periodic review procedure, 163, 166
periodic review programme, 72
pesticide, 157
pesticide formulations, 161
pesticide residue, 157
pesticide specifications, 142
PHI - pre-harvest interval, 267
PHI, latitude, 84
physical and chemical properties, 5, 64, 114, 123, 243
physical and chemical properties, 14, 21, 63, 76, 189
plant metabolism, 18, 244
plateau levels, 53
Po, 124
PoP, 124
populations of data, 89
portion of the raw agricultural commodity, 181
poultry, 18
practical LOQ, 125
predictions of residue intake, 129
pre-harvest interval, 19, 35, 52, 77, 83, 86, 94, 97, 152,
238, 267
primary feed commodity, 157
primary food commodity, 69, 158
priority List, 7, 193
processed commodities, 250
processed food, 69, 158
processing, 105, 250
processing - effects on residue levels, 50
processing - nature of the residue, 48
processing - representative commodities, 50
processing factor, 70, 105, 158
processing factors, 24, 47, 50, 51, 71, 105, 251, 255
processing flow diagram, 250
processing studies - needs, 47
processing studies - objectives, 47
provisional tolerable daily intake, 158
purity of active ingredient, 141
rapporteur, 240
rate of application, 94
raw agricultural commodity, 69
recommendations format, 256
recovery values, 43
reduction factor, 158
registered labels, 68
registration scheme, 69
regulatory method of analysis, 158
relevant impurities, 142
replicates, 88
required information, 4, 63, 126, 159, 160, 257
re-registration by national authorities, 10, 33
residue analysis, 23, 190, 242, 245
residue data assessment, 81
residue definition, 71, 74, 76
residue definition - enforcement, 74, 255
residue definition - marker, 76
residue definition - multiple component, 75, 125
residue definition multiple component, 255
residue definition - risk assessment, 74, 255
residue definition - simple enforcement, 126
residue definition for compliance, 154
residue definition for estimation of intake, 154
residue dissipation studies, 36
residue evaluation - format for references, 253
residue evaluation format, 240
residue interpretation table, 264
residues below LOQ, 88
residues essentially zero, 88, 130
residues in animal feed, 97, 123, 154
residues in animal feed - dry weight, 43
residues in edible and inedible portions, 44
rotational crop studies, 41
rotational crop studies, 42, 190
rounding of data, 248
rounding of results, 89
ruminants, 18
sample extraction, 67
sample handling, 168
sample packing and storage, 177
sample reception and handling, 178
sampling bulb, root and tuber vegetables, 170
sampling cereals, 173
sampling forage crops and animal feed, 173
sampling fruit and vegetables in packing houses, 176
sampling fruits, 170
sampling herbs and spices; tea leaves; hops and beer, 174
sampling method, 167
sampling other vegetables, 172
sampling processed commodities, 175
sampling stored commodities, 176
secondary food commodity, 159
selection of new compounds, 7
selection of one residue value, 87
selective field surveys, 24, 46
shipment of samples, 177
short-term dietary intake, 37, 134, 136, 259
short-term intake exceeds ARfD, 140
single-ingredient manufactured food, 159
solubility, 48, 52, 64, 65, 66, 70, 76, 100, 122
specifications of active ingredient, 141
stability of pesticide residues, 67, 245
statistical test, 89
STMR, 3, 36, 40, 56, 74, 81, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90,
91, 93, 98, 100, 104, 105, 112, 113, 115, 116, 117,
118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133,
135, 136, 137, 139, 152, 154, 159, 160, 197, 198, 199,
200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211,
213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224,
225, 226, 227, 238, 239, 247, 248, 249, 251, 252, 255,
256, 257, 258, 259, 264, 268, 270, 271, 273, 274
STMR-P, 105, 160
storage in freezers, 179
storage stability of analytical samples, 67
stored products, 51
submission of monitoring data, 45
Subject Index
supervised field trials, 35
supervised residue trial on farm animals, 123
supervised trials, i, iii, 10, 24, 25, 26, 33, 34, 36, 37, 40,
42, 45, 56, 59, 60, 61, 63, 67, 68, 69, 72, 75, 81, 82,
83, 84, 87, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96, 105, 106, 109, 113, 115,
116, 122, 125, 126, 129, 130, 134, 143, 144, 152, 155,
156, 157, 159, 190, 238, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 256
supervised trials - data summary, 267
supervised trials - summary, 43
supervised trials median residue, 129, 159
supervised trials median residue processed, 159
tables, format in JMPR documents, 237
temporary MRL, 160
TEMRL, 160
theoretical maximum daily intake, 132
TMDI-IEDI example, 270
TMRL, 160
toxicological profile, 142
transformation products, 74
transgenic crop, 21, 56, 76
uncertainty of the analytical results, 143
underline residue data, 248
unit weight, 135
use pattern, 30, 193, 242, 245
variability factor, 134, 135, 138, 139, 152
variability of residues, 95
violation rate, 115
volatility, 64
WHO Core Assessment Group, ii, 3, 17, 136, 152
withdrawal or withholding period, 35
Working Group on Priorities, 163
working paper or monograph, 61
9 7 8 9 2 5 1 0 6 4 3 6 8
ISBN 978-92-5-106436-8 ISSN 0259-2517