Squig Racing Rules
Squig Racing Rules
Squig Racing Rules
Squig racing! The revolution for Ork sport! Where Squigs take the place of their Ork masters warbikes and race to the finish line! Squig Racing is a mini-game based loosely of the rules for Games Workshops Warhammer 40,000, where what happens in the game are determined by your dice rolls and your skill. Squigs are a race of halfflesh/half-fungus creatures. There are several different types of Squigs, such as Attack Squigs, Squiggoths and even Oil Squigs that are used to supply oil to weapons and vehicles. In this game, all the Squigs race to the finish, but only one can win- and thats why they have to bite, scratch, and tackle each other to get there first!
Teef Value 2 4
4 5
3 4
Bad Breath
Oil Slick
Headbutt Skill
Steak X1
Grot Rider
overtaking, Squigs in the next lane must take an armor save. Helpful anywhere! If there is a Squig directly next to yours, they cannot move for the next turn The Squig releases oil to grease up the racing track. Any Squigs behind yours may not re-roll Bouncing Tests The Squig attacks the one in front, causing it to skid and spin off course. Take an armor save The Ork master lures his Squig to a piece of steak, making him surge forward. Place the steak marker anywhere in front of your Squig and when it reaches it, it may move 2D6 for the next 3 turns Your Squig gets another one under the belt! If it fails a save of 4+, it cannot move for 2 turns due to immense pain You may throw one of your Grotz onto the Squig, allowing one more attack, but if the Squig fails a Bouncing Test, then the Grot is left behind
All the Squigs must begin at the Start line, one Squig per lane, with a maximum of ten Squigs.
Each turn, your Squig can perform up to two skills. They are: Move: As long as you have at least 1 endurance token, your Squig moves D6 inches forward. If not, then it may only move 3 inches due to extreme exhaustion. Attack: The Squig leaps onto another one, and bites it for all its worth! Your Squig may only attack those that are within 2 inches of you. Since all the Squigs have the same stats, you need to roll a 4 to hit, and a 4 to wound. If you succeed in both, then the opposing Squig must take an armor save of 3+, because since they are of the same strength and toughness, their armor is more acceptable (at least for their standards). Use Weapons/Gear: You may use any of the equipment that you have purchased. Make sure that you keep note of what you have used or how much of it.
Endurance Tokens:
Each Squig begins the race with 3 endurance tokens. These tokens represent how much of a beating or how much strain your Squig can take. There are several ways in which you can spend your tokens: 1. At the beginning of the race, your Ork master may kick his Squig forward in an attempt to beat the rest! The Squig loses one endurance token, but may begin the race 6 inches in front of the start line. If you are using a Girl Squig, you cannot perform this- Thats not how you treat a lady! 2. To boost your Squigs pace, you may spend one token to let it move another D6 inches forward. Robo Squigs may not use this skill because it ismostly machine rather than Squig. 3. If your Squig has been attacked, then you may spend an endurance token instead of taking an armor save. The Squig will not have to make a Bouncing Test.
Bouncing Test: If a Squig fails its armor save, then it loses its grip on the track entirely, and is flung into the air. In simple terms, it bounces away in a random direction. Roll a D6 to see how far it goes back. General Test: Each turn, the Ork master grows more angry and impatient, and to determine how angry he gets, rolls a D6. On a 1, he loses all faith in his Squig, picks it up and eats it. On anything else, he just stands there ranting and yelling to his Squig. Each Squig has the following stats: WS BS S T W 4 0 3 3 1
I 4
A 2
Ld 5
Sv 3+
You can also choose a particular type of Squig to race with. Here are their stats: Attack Squig (has an extra attack) WS BS S T W 4 0 4 3 1
I 4
A 3
Ld 5
Sv 3+
Running Squig (also has one extra endurance token) WS BS S T W I A 4 0 3 3 1 6 2 Robo Squig (tougher than normal) WS BS S T W 4 0 3 5 1
Ld 5
Sv 3+
I 4
A 2
Ld 4
Sv 3+
Girl Squig (harder to hit in combat due to squirming) WS BS S T W I A 6 0 3 3 1 4 2 Gun Squig (has a laser!) WS BS S 4 3 3
Ld 4
Sv 3+
T 3
W 1
I 4
A 2
Ld 4
Sv 3+
The Gun Squig has a small mind-powered laser strapped to its back, and the only reason why its aim is so bad is because, as mentioned, it is controlled by the Squigs brain! Each turn, the Squig MUST shoot his laser at the Squig in the next lane. The laser has a profile of: Name: Squig Laser Range: 6 inches Strength: 3 AP: 0 Notes: Assault 1