Stage: Business Analysis and Acceptance User Acceptance Test (UAT) Plan

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University of Edinburgh


Stage: Business Analysis and Acceptance User Acceptance Test (UAT) Plan [PROJECT NAME]

Document Version: [x.x] Date: [dd/mm/yy]

__________________________________________________________________________________ _ Information Services - Template Revised March 2009

Acceptance: User Acceptance Test Plan [Version: x.x]

[Project Name]


1 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT...................................................................... 3 1.1 Contributors................................................................................................................3 1.2 Version Control..........................................................................................................3 2 USER ACCEPTANCE TEST ......................................................................4 2.1 Definition.....................................................................................................................4 2.2 Roles and Responsibilities.........................................................................................4 2.3 Test Requirements .....................................................................................................5 2.4 Test Participants ........................................................................................................5 2.5 Test Schedule .............................................................................................................5 2.6 Assumptions ...............................................................................................................6 3 ACCEPTANCE TESTS AND OUTCOMES..................................................6 3.1 UAT Scenarios from Business Requirements Document ......................................6 3.2 Other UAT Scenarios ................................................................................................7 3.3 Open Issues..................................................................................................................7 3.4 Document Sign Off.....................................................................................................7

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Acceptance: User Acceptance Test Plan [Version: x.x]

[Project Name]


Document Management

When completing this document, please mark any section that is not required as N/A. A brief description of why the section is not required should also be included.

1.1 Contributors
Please provide details of all contributors to this document. Role Project Manager Project Sponsor Business Analyst (Owner) Systems Analyst Designer Technical Architect Add other document contributors as required Unit Name

1.2 Version Control

Please document all changes made to this document since initial distribution. Date Version Author Section Amendment

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Acceptance: User Acceptance Test Plan [Version: x.x]

[Project Name]


User Acceptance Test

2.1 Definition
The purpose of User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is to ensure that the solution by the project meets the functional and non-functional requirements specified in the business requirements. UAT may also identify issues that have not been specified in the BRD such as those relating to usability. UAT is the final step before rolling out the solution. UAT is typically carried out by end users in an environment that closely models the real world. A well-managed UAT process will give the Project Sponsor, project team and end users confidence that the solution being delivered meets the requirements. This document outlines the plan for UAT of the project deliverables. This document is a high level guide and will initially be developed during requirements gathering as part of the Business Analysis stage. Detailed test scripts/cases will be developed as part of the UAT Plan and will be used to record the results of user testing. Testing itself and the formal recording of UAT results takes place during the Acceptance stage.

2.2 Roles and Responsibilities

Role Project Manager Responsibilities Communication with the Project Sponsor and/or business representatives to agree the format and scope of the UAT plan Ensure acceptance criteria are agreed prior to commencing UAT Assist Project Sponsor and/or business representatives with the creation of a detailed test plan and schedule Review scripts/cases and scenarios for accuracy, completeness and sequencing. Confirm appropriate test data is defined and made available for testing Agree format and scope of UAT plan Define and agree acceptance criteria Ensure (with Project Manager) that detailed test scripts/cases, scenarios and instructions are made available to testers prior to the start of UAT Ensure (with Project Manager) that the test schedule is communicated and that UAT takes place at the agreed time frame Ensure that business issues identified during UAT are logged in the Test Log Validation of UAT environment


Business Analyst

Project Sponsor

Technical Architect Testers

Execute test scripts/cases Record test results

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Acceptance: User Acceptance Test Plan [Version: x.x]

[Project Name]


2.3 Test Requirements

UAT will take place beginning on [insert date] and end on [insert date] UAT will take place in [insert location]. (Some testers may choose to perform some testing from their regular work location where this is possible and is agreed in advance with the Project Manager and Project Sponsor Participants will receive training, guidance and instructions prior to the start of UAT A fully configured TEST environment including all of the functionality and adequate TEST data will be provided for UAT Test scripts/cases and scenarios will be prepared prior to the start of UAT Technical and business support will be provided for test participant during UAT UAT participants will conduct the tests and record results in the Test Log/JIRA or other format specified Issues recorded in the JIRA Test Log (and/or other test documentation) will tracked by the Project Manager and Project Sponsor

2.4 Test Participants

Testing participants must include representatives from all areas who will use or be impacted by the solution. Name Unit Represented Testing Area of Responsibility

2.5 Test Schedule

Activity Confirm testers for UAT Confirm test scenarios, test data and scripts/cases Ensure UAT environment is configured for testing i.e. new functionality and test data is migrated to the TEST environment prior to the start of UAT Oversee testing by UAT participants Responsibility Project Sponsor / Business Assurance Coordinator Project Sponsor / Business Assurance Coordinator Business Analyst Project Sponsor / Business Assurance Coordinator Business Analyst Systems Analyst / Designer Technical Architect Project Sponsor / Business Assurance Coordinator Target Date Date Completed

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Acceptance: User Acceptance Test Plan [Version: x.x]

[Project Name]


2.6 Assumptions

The UAT environment will be available and fully configured ahead of the UAT. The business team has reviewed and accepted functionality identified in the Business Requirements Document (BRD) and System Design Document (SDS). Code walkthroughs/reviews have been completed by the Development Team and signed off as part of the Peer Project Build Review (PPBR) Integration testing, including where relevant load and performance testing, has been completed and signed off as part of the Peer Project Integration Review. Testers will test the functionality documented in the approved BRD (taking into account any changes in business requirement subsequently agreed by the Project Team) Resources identified in this plan are available to conduct the UAT and address issues as they are raised by the test team. Business Analyst should record any additional assumptions here

The Project Manager must notify the Project Sponsor if any of these assumptions are not correct before commencing the UAT.

Acceptance Tests and Outcomes

3.1 UAT Scenarios from Business Requirements Document

User testing should be based on the test scenarios and acceptance criteria identified in the Business Requirement Document. Any deviation from these scenarios should be noted here.
BRD Ref Scenario / Acceptance Criteria Tested By Date Tested Outcome (PASS / FAIL)


Notes on Test and/or Test Outcome

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Acceptance: User Acceptance Test Plan [Version: x.x]

[Project Name]


3.2 Other UAT Scenarios

Additional test scenarios used in testing but not sourced from the Business Requirements Document should be identified here. The justification for including the scenario in the UAT must also be recorded.
Ref Test Scenario and Acceptance Criteria Tested By Date Tested Outcome (PASS / FAIL)


Notes on Test and/or Test Outcome

3.3 Open Issues

Any issues identified during UAT must be added to the Test Log. Please summarise or insert a copy of any open issues from the JIRA Test Log. It may be agreed that UAT can be signed off while some issues remain open please provide details of the UAT impact of each open issue.
BRD Ref JIRA Test Log Ref Issue Summary Impact on UAT Sign Off

Link to updated JIRA Test Log

3.4 Document Sign Off

Please add other signatories where required
Project Manager Project Sponsor Business Analyst Add other signatories here Name Name Name Date Signed Off Date Signed Off Date Signed Off

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