Format Adapted From Etp
Format Adapted From Etp
Format Adapted From Etp
UTP standard as described below. The report consists of many parts arranged in a certain order. It is recommended that the contents be in the following order, although not every report will include all the items listed. a) Title b) Acknowledgement c) Executive Summary / Abstract d) Table of Contents e) Identification and Definition of Problem Statement f) Objective and Scope g) Literature Review h) Theory i) BODY OF THE THESIS j) Conclusion k) Recommendation l) References m) Appendices
General Writing Format Students must follow specific guidelines for writing the report as stated below. a) Language The report must be written in English Language. b) Font and Spacing All text should be double-spaced (Times New Roman regular font-style, size 12) written on one side of each white A4 paper. However, foot note, computer program codes (must be reduced to font size 8), and captions for tables and figures should be single-spaced. Length The report shall not be more than 30 pages, excluding the appendices. Students are encouraged to be brief and concise in their writing and avoid jargon and passive voice as much as possible. d) Numbering All pages must be numbered in proper sequence from introduction to the end of the report including pages on figures, tables, computer programs and appendices. Page numbers appear by themselves and are not to be enclosed in parenthesis, hyphens or other decorative symbols. Page number must be positioned at the bottom and centred. e) Margin The top, bottom and right margins are 25 mm. The left margin must be 40 mm. f) Mathematical Text Mathematical text must be spaced out, superscript and subscript must be clearly shown as such. g) Heading Major headings, such as INTRODUCTION, should be in capitals. Times New Roman and font size 14 should be used. Secondary headings such as Example, the first letter should be capitalised, bold and font size 12 should be used, and tertiary heading should be in Times New Roman.
Tables and Figures Tables and figures less than a page in size should be inserted into the text near the point of reference with a three-line space above and below. Tables should be continuous and not carried over to the succeeding page. Margins limits are the same as text full-page. All tables and figures should be numbered consecutively. Tables and figures are must be within the main text. Table captions should be positioned at the top middle of each table. The captions for figures should be positioned at the bottom middle of each figure.
References The method of writing references must follow the standard format. See Appendix XV for samples of reference format.
Title Page The title page should be set out in accordance with the Appendix XVI and should include the followings: - name of the group members in FULL complete with the Matrix Number. - title of the ETP project - month and year in which the ETP final report is submitted Students must submit one copy of their ETP final report to the respective supervisor on week 14.
General Content This section will elaborate more about the general content needed in each part of the report format. a) Title The project title should reflect the focus on core issues of the research work. b) Acknowledgements Acknowledgements should include the names of the contributors to the project work including the supervisors and members of the group, preferably not more than one page.
Summary / Abstract The summary or abstract briefly covers the content of the work. It should contain the (i) Objectives of the project; i.e., state the core issue, research question or objective of the design work, (ii) Methodology; i.e., briefly describe the methods or techniques used in achieving the objectives, (iii) Results; i.e., describe the results obtained from the methodology employed, and (iv) Conclusions; i.e., interpretation of the results in relation to the theory or hypotheses. Draw conclusions and state the implications. The summary or abstract is presented so that any other reader, who is attracted by the title of the project, can know a little more without having to read the whole report. Any reference to the literature is not made in the abstract but if such references are necessary, they should be footnoted. Abstract should not be more than one page.
Table of Contents Table of contents lists all headings and sub-headings, tables, figures, appendices, bibliography with the page numbers.
Background of Project Work The background covers the research project, the definition of the problem, the achievement expected from the project, the importance of the project as well as the range and depth of the study.
Objective and Scope The aim of the study includes main/general matter that needs to be achieved or implemented. Objectives are more detailed and closely related to aim. Scope is the boundary for the research work planned by the students to ensure the feasibility of the project to be carried out within the given time frame.
Project Management Project management should focus on progress monitoring and task allocation with the usage of Gantt chart.
Literature Review Literature review includes the review of written materials on the topic and area chosen. It gives the background of the current studies of the problem area chosen from various written sources of references. This section reviews the previous research analytically, critically and objectively.
Theory, Methodology and Procedure This section shall contain all the relevant theories, hypotheses, facts and data obtained from references and literature reviews. The theories included must be relevant with the objectives and the findings of the project, thus allowing the comparison between the results achieved and the theory to be outstanding. The methodology must be relevant and used in the project.
Conclusions Conclusion highlights whether the work completed complies with the set objective and the significance of the findings. Recommendation for future work should be stated in this section to ensure the set objective can be achieved and improved or even expanded.
References This section is to record all references used for preparing the proposed project. Use the standard format as given in the appendix.
Appendices Lengthy calculations, figures, raw data, computer programs/source codes, outputs, etc. are to be enclosed as appendices. They should be titled and numbered according to chronological order. Each appendix is preferably named using capital letters and the appendices need to be listed down in the Table of Contents.