Chris Argyris - Workshop
Chris Argyris - Workshop
Chris Argyris - Workshop
Theories of Action,
Double-Loop Learning and
Organizational learning
The work of Chris Argyris
(1923-) has influenced
thinking about the
relationship of people and
organizational learning and
action research. Here we
examine some key aspects
Theories of action: theory in use and
espoused theory
Our starting point is Argyris and Schön’s (1974)
argument that people have mental maps with
regard to how to act in situations.
This involves the way they plan, implement and
review their actions. Furthermore, they assert
that it is these maps that guide people’s actions
rather than the theories they explicitly espouse.
What is more, fewer people are aware of the
maps or theories they do use (Argyris, 1980).
One way of making sense of this is to say that
there is split between theory and action.
However, Argyris and Schön suggest that two
theories of action are involved.
A theory of action is first a theory: ‘its
most general properties are properties
that all theories share, and the most
general criteria that apply to it – such as
generality, centrality and simplicity - are
criteria applied to all theories’ (Argyris and
Schön 1974: 4).
The distinction made between the two
contrasting theories of action is between
those theories that are implicit in what we
do as practitioners and managers, and
those on which we call to speak of our
actions to others. The former can be
described as theories-in-use. They govern
actual behaviour and tend to be tacit
Their relation to action 'is like the
relation of grammar-in-use to
speech; they contain assumptions
about self, others and environment -
these assumptions constitute a
microcosm of science in everyday
life' (Argyris & Schön 1974: 30).
The words we use to convey what
we, do or what we would like others
to think we do, can then be called
espoused theory.
When someone is asked how he
would behave under certain
circumstances, the answer he usually
gives is his espoused theory of action
for that situation.
This is the theory of action to which
he gives allegiance, and which, upon
request, he communicates to others.
However, the theory that actually
governs his actions is this theory-in-
use. (Argyris and Schön 1974: 6-7)
Making this distinction allows us to
ask questions about the extent to
which behaviour fits espoused
theory; and whether inner feelings
become expressed in actions.
In other words, is there congruence
between the two? Argyris (1980)
makes the case that effectiveness
results from developing congruence
between theory-in-use and espoused
For example, in explaining our actions to a
colleague we may call upon some
convenient piece of theory. We might
explain our sudden rush out of the office
to others, or even to ourselves at some
level, by saying that a 'crisis' had arisen
with one of 'our' clients.
The theory-in-use might be quite different.
We may have become bored and tired by
the paper work or meeting and felt that a
quick trip out to an apparently difficult
situation would bring welcome relief.
A key role of reflection, we could argue,
is to reveal the theory-in-use and to
explore the nature of the 'fit'. Much of the
business of supervision, where it is
focused on the practitioner’s thoughts,
feelings and actions, is concerned with the
gulf between espoused theory and theory-
in-use or in bringing the later to the
This gulf is no bad thing. If it gets too
wide then there is clearly a difficulty. But
provided the two remain connected then
the gap creates a dynamic for reflection
and for dialogue.
To fully appreciate theory-in-use
we require a model of the
processes involved.