Sampling & Proposal
Sampling & Proposal
Sampling & Proposal
Have we measured the concept that we intend to measure? Validity is an indication of how sound your research is. Validity is the accuracy of your measurement.
Criterion Construct
Split-Half Inter-item reliability
Please Note
Reliability is a necessary condition for validity.
Researchers often use the instruments tested earlier. Validity and reliability are the strengths of our
Purposes of Sampling
There are two basic purposes of sampling:
Methods of Sampling
Probability Sampling
Simple random sampling Stratified random sampling Systematic sampling Cluster and multistage sampling
Non-Probability Sampling
Purposive sampling Convenient (grab) sampling Quota (stratification) sampling Snowball (chain, hard-to-reach population) sampling
Selecting non-representative samples. This error may be the result of chance. Even if you are careful, this error will take place. The main protection against this kind of error is to use a larger enough sample.
This cannot be controlled by making the sample size bigger. Response Error Researcher Error (Population definition, measurement, data analysis) Interviewer Error (Respondent selection, questioning, cheating, recording) Response Error (unwillingness) Non-response Error Refusals Not-at-home
A research proposal is a critical element in the research process. A research proposal is a contract between the researcher and the client for whom the research is being performed. The research proposal once accepted, becomes the blueprint for the implementation of the project.
The research proposal works as a benchmark against which the final outcome is assessed.
A research proposal is a work plan, an outline, a framework, and a statement of intent.
to the buyer.
A research proposal tells What, when, where and to whom the research will be done.
Internal prepared by the staff of the organization. External submitted in response to a request for bid. Academic prepared for an academic degree.
Internal and external proposals have problemsolving orientation. Academic proposals focus on knowledge generation.
It has to compete against several others. It concentrates on known problems. It proposes an appropriate research design to address the problem. Research objectives are known; therefore, problem statement is brief. Qualification, resources, budgets and schedules are emphasized.
An unsolicited proposal is a request to sponsor the project. It does not have to compete against others. Its difficulty is to find the problem facing the management. It lays greater emphasis on problem statement and
Executive Summary Background Information Statement of the Problem Literature Review Objectives, Research Questions, Hypotheses Importance, Significance or Need of the Study Research Methods
Research Design Population and Sampling Data Analysis
management questions.
research questions.
investigative questions.
refine it.
Title Background information Statement of the problem Literature review and theoretical framework Objectives Research questions or hypotheses Research methods References