Unit 1
Unit 1
Unit 1
2. Literature Review
Gives theoretical rationale of problem being
studied, what research has been done and how it
relates to the problem
Helpful to divide the literature into sub-topics for
ease of reading
Quality of literature should be assessed
3. State the hypothesis(es)
Must pretest
Should include:
◦ statement of research question(s)
Research Question(s)
For e.g.
Workforce diversity, managerial expertise and
organizational effectiveness and their relationship
can’t be measured directly.
Same for feelings, attitudes and perceptions.
Reduction of abstract concepts to render
them measurable in a tangible way
e.g. Motivation
Steps of Operationalisation:
Define the construct to be measured
Content of measure (questions)
Response format (e.g. Likert Scale)
Validity and Reliability of the measurement
Operationalisation of Achievement Motivation
Type of questions that can be asked
Operationalize the concept “service quality”
and develop questions that would measure
service quality.
Types of Variables
Dependent Variable:
• Of primary interest
• It is to be understood and described
• Researcher to explain its variability or predict it
• There can be more than one (e.g. quality and volume of output)
Independent Variable:
Variable that influences the dependent variable in a positive or a negative way
Workforce Organizational
Diversity Effectiveness
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
Moderating Variable
Mediating (Intervening) Variable
It is one that surfaces between the time the
independent variables start operating to influence
the dependent variable and the time their impact is
felt on it.
There exist a temporal quality or a time dimension
in it.
It helps modeling a process
t1 t2 t3
Some more examples…
Flexible Timings Satisfactio
Theoretical Framework and Hypothesis
Theoretical Framework provides a conceptual foundation to
proceed for research.
Air Safety
Draw a framework for behavioral and
financial consequences of service quality