Recruitment and Selection: Unit 4
Recruitment and Selection: Unit 4
Recruitment and Selection: Unit 4
Unit 4
Concept of recruitment
Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for the jobs in the organization. Recruitment, as a process, starts with identification of need for human resources and ends with getting prospective employees to apply for the vacancies available.
Environmental factors
The situation in the labor market, the demand for manpower, the demographics, the knowledge and skills set available Stage of development of the industry to which the organization belongs Culture, social attitude and beliefs also impact on recruitment Law of the land and legal implication
Sources of recruitment
Internal sources External sources
Internal sources
Candidates from within the organization respond to job posting by sending their application. Advantage - It helps in maintaining good employee relationship - It boosts the morale of employees - It encourages competent and ambitious individuals - Cost of recruitment is minimal - Complete information about employee will be available
External sources
Advertisement Employee referrals Employment agencies: public agencies and private agencies Educational institution Interested applicants
Recruitment Policy
The characteristics of recruitment policy: 1. Complies with government policy on hiring 2. Provides employment security 3. Assures candidates of the managements interest in their development 4. Prevents the formation of small exclusive group 5. Reflects social commitment of organization by recruiting handicapped people 6. Flexible enough to accommodate change in the organization 7. Ensures long term employment opportunity for employees 8. Cost effective
The process of choosing the most suitable candidate for a job from among the available applicants is called selection The selection process involves series of steps which help in evaluating the candidates. The selection process in the organization has to be in accordance with the organizational requirements.
Rejection error
Application form
Items included in application form: - Personal information - Educational qualification - Work experience - Salary - Personality items - Reference checks
Selection test
Following are a few of the selection tests conducted in organizaton - Intelligence test - Aptitude test - Achievement test - Situational test - Interest test - Personality test - Polygraph test - graphology
Process of interview - Preparation - Conducting the interview - Closing the interview
Types of interview
Preliminary interview Seleciton interview Formal and structured interview Unstructured interview Stress interview Group interview Panel interview In-depth interview Decision making interview