11 Memory
11 Memory
11 Memory
Chapter 9 343-383
The amount of
remembered material
depends on the
amount of time spent
learning it.
Forgetting curve –
most information is
lost quickly with a
small part of it being
retained for long term.
Unless you rehearse
Types of encoding
Types of
Longterm memroy
Explicit Implicit
With Conscious recall Without conscious recall
False memories may feel real but brain scans can help
us discern if they are truthful. A brain scan will be able to
see if the memory is coming from the same place as
other memories that were truthfully recorded.
A psychologist was taken in custody for a rape he didn’t
commit, he was let go because he had an airtight alibi.
He was on TV in an interview right before the rape and
there was no way he could have gotten to the crime
scene in time to commit it. Later it was found out that the
eye witness had actually watched the interview and had
source amnesia.
Memory Construction vs Repression