Welding Operation

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Welding and Cutting are common industrial operations. The associated hazards are Fire and Explosion, Electric Shock, Burns, Exposure to Radiation and Toxic Fumes and Gases. Operators are required to be fully conversant with all Safe Practices.

Oxy-Acetylene Welding/Cutting Equipment Check Ensure that the tip of the torch is free from dirt metal. Move out any leaking cylinder immediately. Check leaks around regulators, hoses/fittings & nozzle with soap solution. Faulty equipment should be changed immediately.

Equipment Set-up
Use trolley for Oxygen & acetylene cylinder and chain them.
Arrange hoses to avoid tripping hazards. Always use red hose for Acetylene and other Fuel gases and black for Oxygen, and ensure that both are in equal length. Before attaching regulator to the cylinder, it is necessary to shift the valve to blow out foreign particles from the valve seat.

Equipment Set-up
Never use grease or oil on acetylene lines. Attach Flashback Arrestors to each regulator. Select the proper welding/cutting nozzles. Non-return valve should be installed in fuel gas line.

Always stand back from the regulator when opening the cylinder valve. Turn valve slowly to avoid bursting of the regulator. Leave key wrenches on Cylinders in use, so they can be closed quickly. Do not use an Acetylene pressure greater than 9 PSIG.

Use only a friction/spark lighter to light to torch. Never use matches, hot metal or welding arc. When leaving a Confined Space (Even if it is only for a break or lunch), shut off the gas supply.

If you run out of gas, extinguish the flame and connect the hose to the new Cylinder. Purge the line before re-igniting the torch. Purge the line before re-igniting the torch. Purge regulators after welding work is over and then turn off.

Electric Arc Welding

Equipment Check Make sure that splices are at least 3M away from the holder. Regularly inspect insulation on electrode holder, cables and accessories. Replace worn & damaged cables immediately. Ensure that cable and power sources are free from dirt/grease.

Equipment Set-up
Ground the work piece separately from the welding return connection. Never attach the ground cable to pipes containing flammable liquids or gases. Arrange cables so that they do not create tripping hazards. Cover the lug terminals to prevent shorting out by a metal object.

Use the current for which the cable is designed. Place electrode stubs in containers. Burn electrodes to not less than 38 to 50 MM in length. Burning them further damages the electrode holder.

When job is finished, disconnect the welding machine from the Power Source and remove the electrode from its holder. Store the electrode holder in a Safe place.

General Safety Precautions

Remove combustible materials from work are or cover them with Fire resistant blankets (Asbestos Blanket) , before starting the Welding Operations. For Work in Confined Space, fasten Cylinders/Welding machine securely outside and provide proper ventilation.

General Safety Precautions

Use Welders screen of Correct Specification. Use all necessary Personal Protective Equipment.

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