Optics: Reflection & Refraction Optical Systems

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Reflection & Refraction Optical Systems

UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

We describe the path of light as straight-line rays
geometrical optics approach

Reflection off a flat surface follows a simple rule:

angle in (incidence) equals angle out angles measured from surface normal (perpendicular)

surface normal incident ray same angle exit ray

Spring 2006

UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

Reflection, continued
Also consistent with principle of least time
If going from point A to point B, reflecting off a mirror, the path traveled is also the most expedient (shortest) route

too long shortest path; equal angles

Spring 2006

UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

Hall Mirror
Useful to think in terms of images

real you

mirror only needs to be half as high as you are tall. Your image will be twice as far from you as the mirror.
Spring 2006

image you

UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

Curved mirrors
What if the mirror isnt flat?
light still follows the same rules, with local surface normal

Parabolic mirrors have exact focus

used in telescopes, backyard satellite dishes, etc. also forms virtual image

Spring 2006

UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

Light also goes through some things
glass, water, eyeball, air

The presence of material slows lights progress

interactions with electrical properties of atoms

The light slowing factor is called the index of refraction

glass has n = 1.52, meaning that light travels about 1.5 times slower in glass than in vacuum water has n = 1.33 air has n = 1.00028 vacuum is n = 1.00000 (speed of light at full capacity)

Spring 2006

UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

Refraction at a plane surface

Light bends at interface between refractive indices
bends more the larger the difference in refractive index can be effectively viewed as a least time behavior
get from A to B faster if you spend less time in the slow medium

A Experts only: n1sin1 = n2sin2

n1 = 1.0 n2 = 1.5

Spring 2006 7

UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

Driving Analogy
Lets say your house is 12 furlongs off the road in the middle of a huge field of dirt
you can travel 5 furlongs per minute on the road, but only 3 furlongs per minute on the dirt
this means refractive index of the dirt is 5/3 = 1.667

Starting from point A, you want to find the quickest route:

straight across (AD)dont mess with the road right-angle turnoff (ABD)stay on road as long as possible angled turnoff (ABD)compromise between the two
A road dirt D (house) B C

AD: 6.67 minutes ABD: 6.0 minutes: the optimal path is a refracted one ACD: 7.2 minutes
Spring 2006


dist. 5 16 20 15 12

t@5 1 3.2

t@3 6.67 5 4

Note: both right triangles in figure are 3-4-5

UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

Total Internal Reflection

At critical angle, refraction no longer occurs
thereafter, you get total internal reflection for glass, the critical internal angle is 42 for water, its 49 a ray within the higher index medium cannot escape at shallower angles (look at sky from underwater)

incoming ray hugs surface

n1 = 1.0 n2 = 1.5


Spring 2006

UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

Refraction in Suburbia
Think of refraction as a pair of wheels on an axle going from sidewalk onto grass
wheel moves slower in grass, so the direction changes

Note that the wheels move faster (bigger space) on the sidewalk, slower (closer) in the grass

Spring 2006


UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

Even gets Total Internal Reflection Right

Moreover, this analogy is mathematically equivalent to the actual refraction phenomenon
can recover Snells law: n1sin1 = n2sin2

Wheel that hits sidewalk starts to go faster, which turns the axle, until the upper wheel re-enters the grass and goes straight again

Spring 2006


UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

What do you think you would see from underwater looking up at sky? Why do the sides of aquariums look like mirrors from the front, but like ordinary glass from the sides? If you want to spear a fish from above the water, should you aim high, right at the fish, or aim low (assume the fish wont move)?

Spring 2006


UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

Reflections, Refractive offset

Lets consider a thick piece of glass (n = 1.5), and the light paths associated with it
reflection fraction = [(n1 n2)/(n1 + n2)]2 using n1 = 1.5, n2 = 1.0 (air), R = (0.5/2.5)2 = 0.04 = 4%

incoming ray (100%)

n1 = 1.5 n2 = 1.0 image looks displaced due to jog

96% 8% reflected in two reflections (front & back) 4%

92% transmitted 4%
Spring 2006


UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

Lets get focused

Just as with mirrors, curved lenses follow same rules as flat interfaces, using local surface normal
A lens, with front and back curved surfaces, bends light twice, each diverting incoming ray towards centerline.
Follows laws of refraction at each surface. Parallel rays, coming, for instance from a specific direction (like a distant bird) are focused by a convex (positive) lens to a focal point. Placing film at this point would record an image of the distant bird at a very specific spot on the film. Lenses map incoming angles into positions in the focal plane.
Spring 2006 14

UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

Cameras, in brief
object pinhole image at film plane

In a pinhole camera, the hole is so small that light hitting any particular point on the film plane must have come from a particular direction outside the camera


image at film plane


In a camera with a lens, the same applies: that a point on the film plane more-or-less corresponds to a direction outside the camera. Lenses have the important advantage of collecting more light than the pinhole admits
Spring 2006 15

UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

The Eye
Now for our cameras Eye forms image on retina, where light is sensed
Cornea does 80% of the work, with the lens providing slight tweaks (accommodation, or adjusting) Refractive indices: air: 1.0 cornea: 1.376 fluid: 1.336 lens: 1.396 Central field of view (called fovea) densely plastered with receptors for high resolution & acuity. Fovea only a few degrees across.

Spring 2006


UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

Why are contacts and corneal surgery (e.g., radial keratotomy) as effective as they are without messing with innards of eye? Why cant we focus our eyes under water? Why do goggles help?

Spring 2006


UCSD: Physics 8; 2006

References and Assignments

lenses, etc.


Q/O #4 due Friday, 5/26 at 6PM HW #7 (due 06/01): TBA

Think up topics youd like to see covered before the end of the quarter
use the WebCT discussion board to contribute ideas or e-mail me

Spring 2006


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