Engineering Drawing Notes

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The key takeaways are that engineering drawings are important contractual documents that precisely specify components and assemblies. Attention to detail is critical as every line and comment is important.

The two main types of engineering drawings are assembly drawings, which show the relationship between parts, and part/detail drawings, which completely describe a single part.

The glass box concept is a visualization technique that imagines an object suspended inside a glass cube. Views of the object are projected onto different planes to create orthographic projections.

Computer Aided Design

Engineering Drawings
(Blueprints - 2D Detail Drafting)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

2D Drawing Principles: Tolerances ANSI/ISO Tolerance Designation ANSI/ISO Classification of Limits and Fits Surface Properties Economics of Tolerances/Surface properties

The engineering drawing is the specification for the component or assembly and is an important contractual document with many legal implications, every line and every comment is important.

Attention to Detail

Part and Assembly Drawings

Part Drawings: Detail drawings completely describe a single part with multiview orthographic projections. Should provide all the information necessary to economically manufacture a high quality part.
Assembly Drawings: Assembly drawings are used to show the position and functional relationship of parts in an assembly, also via multiview orthographic projections. Generally they have no dimensions on them. Parts are 'balloon' identified and referenced to either detail drawing numbers or catalog numbers, via a Bill of Materials (BOM)

Orthographic Views
Rear Top Left Front Bottom Rear Left Front Right Right Preferred 3 views form L shape


Bottom Title Block

The Glass Box Concept

The glass box concept theorizes that an object is suspended inside a sixsided glass cube (notice the use of hidden lines on the glass box, depicting lines that would not be visible from the given perspective).

As the object is viewed from a specific orientation (perpendicular to one of the sides of the cube) visual rays project from the object to the projection plane. These projectors are always parallel to each other.

The objects image is formed on the projection plane by the pierce points of the visual rays.

The process is repeated to construct the right side view on the profile plane

Similarly, the top view is projected to the horizontal plane

For many three-dimensional objects, two to three orthographic views are sufficient to describe their geometry.

The box can be unfolded to show the multiple views in a single x-y plane


Because the observation point is located at infinity, the integrity of feature size and location are maintained, and the views are oriented orthogonally in relationship to each other.




Notice that the projectors or extension lines, are perpendicular to the folding lines of the glass box. (Fold lines and extension lines are drawn very lightly, when used, and are not part of the finished drawing.)



Dimensional Data can then be added to the drawing

There are 3 distinct line weights to be aware of:

object lines are thick (approximately .030-.040 thick), hidden lines are a medium thickness (.015-.020), and extension, dimension, and center lines are thin (.007-.010).

Begin by projecting all of the known information between the views. Remember that points that represent end views of lines will project to lines again in the next view. Keep the projectors parallel and if you use labeling, be consistent from view to view.

Heavy-up all of the object lines that depict visible object lines, and show surfaces that would not be visible in the specific orientation, using hidden lines.

Complete the right side view by projecting all of the relevant lines and points using a 45 degree miter line. Clean up the drawing.

Remove the final construction lines to see the finished drawing

Section Views
Section views are used to clarify internal detail and to avoid dimensioning to hidden lines The are established by referencing a cutting plane Cutting planes depict the exact location on the part from which the section view will be projected, and should have associated arrowheads, indicating the direction from which the section view will be observed. Cutting planes are constructed as an integral feature of the parent view, and cutting plane arrowheads always indicate the direction for the observers line of sight.



Projected Section Views





Cutting Plane
Alpha Characters A - A, B - B, C C*, etc., are used to designate the required section view. The characters are placed near the arrowheads and as a subtitle of the view. There is no standard for the location of the section designators, other than near the cutting plane arrowheadsas the examples below illustrate. When the alphabet has been exhausted, use double characters AA - AA, BB - BB, CC CC*, etc. *Section Designators should NOT include the alpha characters I, O, or Q.
Cutting plane on reference view

Subtitle of actual view



Crosshatching Section Views

Crosshatching, is a repeating graphic pattern which is applied throughout all areas of the part that would be in contact with the cutting plane. Thus, the hole is not crosshatched. The recommended angle for the standard crosshatch pattern is 45, 30, or 60 degrees with horizontal. Similarly, crosshatch lines should be neither parallel nor perpendicular to the outline of the feature in sectionif avoidable (see the examples below).

Good Practice

Poor Practice

Poor Practice

Cross Hatch Standards

The general purpose cross hatch is used in most individual detail component drawings and in assembly applications where no confusion will result.

Each of the assembled components are depicted with a different crosshatch angle to assist in part differentiation. Specific crosshatch symbols are sometimes used to represent each different material type.

Cross Hatch Symbols


Cast Iron (General Use)

White Metal (Zinc)


Magnesium, Aluminum


Felt, Leather, & Fiber

Bronze, Brass, etc.


Marble, Slate, Glass, etc.

Water, Liquids

Wood; Cross Grain With Grain

Half Sections
Half section views are the result of cutting planes being positioned on parts in such a manner that only half of the resulting view or projection is shown in section.

Half sections are generally used on objects of symmetry, individual cylindrical parts, or assemblies of parts.

Half Sections
Shown without section: Difficult to dimension without using hidden lines Internal features not as clear

Offset Sections
Offset sections allow us to provide greater breadth of detail with fewer section views. All of the features are aligned with the cutting plane.


Coordinate Dimensioning and Tolerancing

The collective process of modeling, defining and describing geometric sizes and feature relationships, and providing all of the required technical information necessary to produce and inspect the part is called dimensioning and tolerancing.

The current National Standard for dimensioning and tolerancing in the United States is ASME Y14.5M - 1994.

Drawing Notes
Notes should be concise and specific. They should use appropriate technical language, and be complete and accurate in every detail. They should be authored in such a way as to have only one possible interpretation.

General Notes

Local Notes


8.20 M10 X 1.25


82 CSK

1.5 X 45 CHAM

Line Types
Object Lines
thick thin thin

Hidden Lines
Center Lines Phantom Lines Dimension Lines Extension Lines Leader Lines


Cutting Plane Line

Sections - Hatching


Break Lines



Arrowheads are used as terminators on dimension lines. The points of the arrowheads on leader lines and dimension lines must make contact with the feature object line or extension lines which represent the feature being dimensioned. The standard size ratio for all arrowheads on mechanical drawings is 3:1 (length to width).

R 8.5

Of the four different arrowhead types that are authorized by the national standard, ASME Y14.2M 1994, a filled arrowhead is the highest preference.





Dimension Lines and Extension Lines

Extension lines overlap dimension lines (beyond the point of the arrowheads) by a distance of roughly 2-3mm

There should be a visible gap (~1.5 mm) between the object lines and the beginning of each extension line.



Dimensions should be placed outside the actual part outline. Dimensions should not be placed within the part boundaries unless greater clarity would result.

Placement of Linear Dimensions

Order of Preference

Arrows in / dimension in


Arrows out / dimension in


Arrows in / dimension out


Arrows out / dimension out

When there is not enough room between the extension lines to accommodate either the dimension value or the dimension lines they can be placed outside the extension lines as shown in the fourth example (use Flip Arrows in ProE).

Reference Dimensions
Reference Dimension Symbol (X.XXX)


2.250 1.000 (.750) .500 .500 1.250 .500 (.750)

Reference dimensions are used on drawings to provide support information only. They are values that have been derived from other dimensions and therefore should not be used for calculation, production or inspection of parts. The use of reference dimensions on drawings should be minimized.

Location of Dimensions
Shorter (intermediate) dimensions are placed closest to the outline of the part, followed by dimensions of greater length. Dimensions nearest the object outline should be at least .375 inches (10 mm) away from the object, and succeeding parallel dimension lines should be at least .250 inches (6 mm) apart.
.250 (6mm) Minimum Spacing

1.438 1.000

.375 (10mm) Minimum Spacing





Dimensions should be placed outside the actual part outline

Basic Dimensioning Good Practice

4.375 1.438 1.000 1.875 .688 1.062 1.250


Extension lines should not cross dimension lines if avoidable

1.438 1.250 In-line dimensions can share arrowheads with contiguous dimensions

1.000 1.875 .688 1.062

2.312 4.375


Diameter Dimensions
Holes and cutouts
1.375 .625 THRU




.250 x .62 DP

Diameter Dimensions
Shafts and Holes Whenever it is practical to do so, external diameters are dimensioned in rectangular (or longitudinal) views. Cylindrical holes, slotted holes, and cutouts that are irregular in shape would normally be dimensioned in views where their true geometric shape is shown.
.25 THRU

1.25 .75 2.00

Placement with Polar Coordinates

To dimension features on a round or axisymmetric component

18 3X 6X .562 .188

18 3.50 .875





Radial Dimensions
To indicate the size of fillets, rounds, and radii

R.312 R14.25




Angular Dimensions:
92 92

To indicate the size of angular details appearing as either angular or linear dimensions.


Length o f Chord


Length o f Arc
2 x 45 or 2 x 2 CHAM


2 x 45


63 63



Times and By Symbol: X

8X .250 THRU

.12 X 45 CHAMFER

.375 CSK .562 X 82

The X symbol can also be used to indicate the word by. For instance, when a slot that has a given width by a specified length, or a chamfer that has equal sides (.12 X .12). When used to imply the word by, a space must precede and follow the X symbol. If the same feature is repeated on the drawing (such as 8 holes of the same diameter and in a specified pattern), the number of times the instruction applies is called out using the symbol X.

Drilled Holes
Normally specified by diameter and depth (or THRU note used).
12.5 45 14 THRU




12.5 32


2x 12 THRU

Specify reaming if accuracy/finish is important.




ASME/ANSI Hole Depth Symbol

Features such as blind holes and counterbores, must have a depth called out to fully describe their geometry.

Depth or Deep Symbol*

.625 .375 .625



* This symbol is currently not used in the ISO standard. It has been proposed.

ASME/ANSI Countersink Symbol

Countersink Symbol*


The symbol denotes a requirement for countersunk holes used to recess flathead screws. The height of the symbol is equal to the letter height on the drawing, and the included angle is drawn at 90. Note that this symbol is not used in the ISO (international) standard.
.375 .562 X 90

* This symbol is currently not used in the ISO standard. It has been proposed.

ASME/ANSI Counterbore Symbol

Counterbore Symbol* This symbol denotes counterbored holes used to recess machine screw heads.

.312 .375 .562 .312 .562 .375


* This symbol is currently not used in the ISO standard. It has been proposed.

Counterbores and Countersinks ISO Standard

12.5 50 32 2x 8.8 THRU 14 C BORE x 8.2 DP

Socket Cap Head or Machine screws





50 32

2x 8.8 THRU 15 CSK

Flat Head




Screw Threads
ISO specify metric only:

M 16 x 2
M 16 x 2 - 4h - 5H
Class of fit of mating thread (optional) Class of fit of this thread (optional)

ISO metric designation

Nominal Diameter (mm)

Thread Pitch(mm)

American Unified Threads:

3/4 - 10 - UNC

3/4 - 10 - UNC - 2A
Nominal Diameter (inches) Threads per inch Thread Series UNC = Unified Coarse UNF = Unified Fine

Thread Type (optional) A=External B=Internal Class of fit (optional)

Note: Use standard screw sizes only

Threads and Screw Fastening

Always a 'Cle arance Hole ' (typically scr e w ma jor Dia. + 10%) in at le ast one compone nt in a s cre w faste ne d joint.

Example Assembly



3 - M12 Hex. Screws 'A' Lid

Section 'A'-'A'

Threads and Screw Fastening (cont.)


Base Detail

3 Holes 10.3 x 25 DP M12x1.75 x 15 DP MIN EQ SP on 120 PD

Section 'A'-'A' 'A'

Threads and Screw Fastening (cont.)

Lid Detail
'A' 3 Holes 12.7 THRU EQ SP on 120 PD

Section 'A'-'A' 'A'

important to interchangeability and provision for replacement parts

It is impossible to make parts to an exact size. The tolerance, or accuracy required, will depend on the function of the part and the particular feature being dimensioned. Therefore, the range of permissible size, or tolerance, must be specified for all dimensions on a drawing, by the designer/draftsperson. Nominal Size: is the size used for general identification, not the exact size. Actual Size: is the measured dimension. A shaft of nominal diameter 10 mm may be measured to be an actual size of 9.975 mm. General Tolerances: In ISO metric, general tolerances are specified in a note, usually in the title block, typically of the form: "General tolerances .25 unless otherwise stated". In English Units , the decimal place indicates the general tolerance given in the title block notes, typically: Fractions = 1/16, .X = .03, .XX = .01, .XXX = .005, .XXXX = 0.0005, Note: Fractions and this type of general tolerancing is not permissible in ISO metric standards.


Specific Tolerances
Specific Tolerances indicate a special situation that cannot be covered by the general tolerance.

Specific tolerances are placed on the drawing with the dimension and have traditionally been expressed in a number of ways:
+0.05 40 - 0.03 Bilateral Tolerance
40.01 +0.04

40.05 39.97 Limit Dimensions

Unilateral Tolerance

Limits are the maximum and minimum sizes permitted by the the tolerance. All of the above methods show that the dimension has: a Lower Limit = 39.97 mm an Upper Limit = 40.05 mm a Tolerance = 0.08 mm Manufacturing must ensure that the dimensions are kept within the limits specified. Design must not over specify as tolerances have an exponential affect on cost.

Limits and Fits

1. Clearance Fits The largest permitted shaft diameter is smaller than the diameter of the smallest hole
Max. Clearance

Max. Min. Hole Hole

Max. Shaft

Min. Shaft

Min. Clearance


Max. Interference

2. Interference Fits The minimum permitted diameter of the shaft is larger than the maximum diameter of the hole
3. Transition Fits The diameter of the largest allowable hole is greater than that of the smallest shaft, but the smallest hole is smaller than the largest shaft

Max. Min. Hole Hole

Max. Shaft

Min. Shaft

Min. Interference


Interference or clearance

Max. Min. Hole Hole

Max. Shaft

Min. Shaft


Standard Limits and Fits -- ANSI

Extract from Table of Clearance Fits
RC 1 Close sliding fits are intended for the accurate location of parts which must assemble without perceptible play. RC 2 Sliding fits are intended for accurate location, but with greater maximum clearance than class RC 1. Parts made to this fit move and turn easily but are not intended to run freely, and in the larger sizes may seize with small temperature changes. RC 3 Precision running fits are about the closest fits which can be expected to run freely, and are intended for precision work at slow speeds and light journal pressures, but are not suitable where appreciable temperature differences are likely to be encountered. RC 4 Close running fits are intended chiefly for running fits on accurate machinery with moderate surface speeds and journal pressures, where accurate location and minimum play are desired. RC 5 Medium running fits are intended for higher running speeds, or heavy journal pressures, or both. RC 6 Basic hole system. Limits are in thousandths of an inch. Class RC 1
Limits of Clearance Nominal Size Range in Inches 0 - 0.12 Standard Limits Hole H5 + 0.2 -0 + 0.2 -0 + 0.25 -0 + 0.3 -0 + 0.4 -0 Shaft g4 - 0.1 - 0.25 - 0.15 - 0.3 - 0.2 - 0.35 - 0.25 - 0.45 - 0.3 - 0.55

Class RC 2
Limits of Clearance Standard Limits Hole H6 Shaft g5 - 0.1 - 0.3 - 0.15 - 0.35 - 0.2 - 0.45 - 0.25 - 0.55 - 0.3 - 0.7

Class RC 3
Limits of Clearance Standard Limits Shaft f6 - 0.3 - 0.55 - 0.4 - 0.7 - 0.5 - 0.9 - 0.6 - 1.0 - 0.8 - 1.3

Class RC 4
Limits of Clearance Standard Limits Hole H8 + 0.6 -0 + 0.7 -0 + 0.9 -0 + 1.0 -0 + 1.2 -0 Shaft f7 - 0.3 - 0.7 - 0.4 - 0.9 - 0.5 - 1.1 - 0.6 - 1.3 - 0.8 - 1.6

Class RC 5
Limits of Clearance Standard Limits Hole H8 + 0.6 -0 + 0.7 -0 + 0.9 -0 + 1.0 -0 + 1.2 -0 Shaft e7 - 0.6 - 1.0 - 0.8 - 1.3 - 1.0 - 1.6 - 1.2 - 1.9 - 1.6 - 2.4

Class RC 6
Limits of Clearance Standard Limits

0.12 - 0.24 0.24 - 0.40 0.40 - 0.71 0.71 - 1.19 1.19 - 1.97 1.97 - 3.15

0.1 0.45 0.15 0.5 0.2 0.6 0.25 0.75 0.3 0.95

0.1 + 0.25 0.55 -0 0.15 + 0.3 0.65 -0 0.2 + 0.4 0.85 -0 0.25 + 0.4 0.95 -0 0.3 + 0.5 1.2 -0

Hole H7 0.3 + 0.4 0.95 -0 0.4 + 0.5 1.12 -0 0.5 + 0.6 1.5 -0 0.6 + 0.7 1.7 -0 0.8 + 0.8 2.1 -0

Hole H9
+ 1.0 -0 + 1.2 -0 + 1.4 -0 + 1.6 -0 + 2.0 -0

Shaft e8 - 0.6 - 1.2 - 0.8 - 1.5 - 1.0 - 1.9 - 1.2 - 2.2 - 1.6 - 2.8

0.3 1.3 0.4 1.6 0.5 2.0 0.6 2.3 0.8 2.8

0.6 1.6 0.8 2.0 1.0 2.5 1.2 2.9 1.6 3.6

0.6 2.2 0.8 2.7 1.0 3.3 1.2 3.8 1.6 4.8

ISO Tolerance Designation

The ISO system provides for: 21 types of holes (standard tolerances) designated by uppercase letters A, B, C, D, E....etc. and 21 types of shafts designated by the lower case letters a, b, c, d, e...etc. These letters define the position of the tolerance zone relative to the nominal size. To each of these types of hole or shaft are applied 16 grades of tolerance, designated by numbers IT1 to IT16 - the "Fundamental Tolerances": ITn = (0.45 x 3 D +0.001 D) Pn
where D is the mean of the range of diameters and Pn is the progression:1, 1.6, 2.5, 4.0, 6.0, 10, 16, 25......etc. which makes each tolerance grade approximately 60% of its predecessor.

For Example:
Experience has shown that the dimensional accuracy of manufactured parts is approximately proportional to the cube root of the size of the part.
Example: A hole is specified as:

30 H7

x The H class of holes has limits of + + 0 . i.e. all tolerances start at the nominal size and go positive by the amount designated by the IT number.

IT7 for diameters ranging 30- 50 mm: Tolerance for IT7 = (0.45 x 3 40 +0.001x 40) 16 = 0.025 mm Written on a drawing as 30 H7 +0.025 +0

Graphical illustration of ISO standard fits

Hole Series H hole Standard

Selection of Fits and the ISO Hole Basis system

From the above it will be realized that there are a very large number of combinations of hole deviation and tolerance with shaft deviation and tolerance. However, a given manufacturing organization will require a number of different types of fit ranging from tight drive fits to light running fits for bearings etc. Such a series of fits may be obtained using one of two standard systems:

The Shaft Basis System: The Hole Basis System:

For a given nominal size a series of fits is arranged for a given nominal size using a standard shaft and varying the limits on the hole. For a given nominal size, the limits on the hole are kept constant, and a series of fits are obtained by only varying the limits on the shaft. The HOLE SYSTEM is commonly used because holes are more difficult to produce to a given size and are more difficult to inspect. The H series (lower limit at nominal, 0.00) is typically used and standard tooling (e.g. H7 reamers) and gauges are common for this standard.

ISO Standard "Hole Basis"

Clearance Fits

Type of Fit
Loose Running Fits. Suitable for loose pulleys and the looser fastener fits where freedom of assembly is of prime importance Free Running Fit. Where accuracy is not essential, but good for large temperature variation, high running speeds, heavy journal pressures Close Running Fit. Suitable for lubricated bearing, greater accuracy, accurate location, where no substantial temperature difference is encountered. Sliding Fits. Suitable for precision location fits. Shafts are expensive to manufacture since the clearances are small and they are not recommended for running fits except in precision equipment where the shaft loadings are very light. Locational Clearance Fits. Provides snug fit for locating stationary parts; but can be freely assembled and disassembled.

Hole Shaft








ISO Standard "Hole Basis

Transition Fits

Type of Fit

Hole Shaft

Locational Transition Fits . for accurate H7 location, a compromise between clearance and interference Push Fits. Transition fits averaging little or no H7 clearance and are recommended for location fits where a slight interferance can be tolerated for the purpose, for example, of eliminating vibration.
ISO Standard "Hole Basis"

Interference Fits
Type of Fit

Hole Shaft
H7 H7 p6 s6

Press Fit. Suitable as the standard press fit into ferrous, i.e. steel, cast iron etc., assemblies. Drive Fit Suitable as press fits in material of low modulus of elasticity such as light alloys.

ISO Clearance Fits

Nominal Sizes
Over mm 3 6 10 18 30 40 50 65 80 10 0 12 0 14 0 16 0 18 0 20 0 22 5 25 0 28 0 31 5 35 5 40 0 45 0 To mm 3 6 10 18 30 40 50 65 80 10 0 12 0 14 0 16 0 18 0 20 0 22 5 25 0 28 0 31 5 35 5 40 0 45 0 50 0

H11 0.00 1 mm +60 0 + 75 0 + 90 0 + 11 0 0 + 13 0 0 + 16 0 0 + 16 0 0 + 19 0 0 +190 0 +220 0 +220 0 +250 0 +250 0 +250 0 +290 0 +290 0 +290 0 +320 0 +320 0 +360 0 +360 0 +400 0 +400 0 c11 0.00 1 mm -60 -120 -70 -145 -80 -170 -95 -205 -110 -240 -120 -280 -130 -290 -130 -330 -150 -340 -170 -390 -180 -400 -200 -450 -210 -460 -230 -480 -240 -530 -260 -550 -280 -570 -300 -620 -330 -650 -360 -720 -400 -760 -440 84 0 -480 -850

H9 0.00 1 mm +25 0 +30 0 +36 0 +43 0 +52 0 +62 0 +74 0 +87 0 d10 0.00 1 mm -20 0 -30 -78 -40 -98 -50 -120 -65 -149 -80 -180 -100 -220 -120 -260

H9 0.00 1 mm +25 0 +30 0 +36 0 +43 0 +52 0 +62 0 +76 0 +87 0 e9 0.00 1 mm -14 -39 -20 -50 -25 -61 -32 -75 -40 -92 -50 -112 -60 -134 -72 -159

H8 0.00 1 mm +14 0 +18 0 +22 0 +27 0 +33 0 +39 0 +46 0 +54 0 f7 0.00 1 mm -6 -16 -10 -22 -13 -28 -16 -34 -20 -41 -25 -50 -30 -60 -36 -71

H7 0.00 1 mm +10 +12 0 +15 0 +18 0 +21 0 +25 0 +30 0 +35 0 g6 0.00 1 mm -2 -8 -4 -12 -5 -14 -6 -17 -7 -20 -9 -25 -12 -34 -12 -34

H7 0.00 1 mm +10 0 +12 0 +15 0 +18 0 +21 0 +25 0 +30 0 +35 0 h6 0.00 1 mm -6 0 -8 0 -9 0 -11 0 -13 0 -16 0 -19 0 -22 0

+100 0

-145 -305

+100 0

-84 -185

+63 0

-43 -83

+40 0

-14 -39

+40 0

-25 0

+115 0

-170 -355

+115 0

-100 -215

-72 0

-50 -96

+46 0

-15 -44

+46 0

-29 0

+130 0 +140 0 +155 0

-190 -400 -210 -440 -230 -480

+130 0 +140 0 +155 0

-190 -400 -135 -265 -135 -290

+130 0 +89 0 +97 0

-110 -240 -62 -119 -68 -131

+81 0 +57 0 +63 0

-96 -108 -18 -54 -20 -60

+52 0 +57 0 +63 0

-17 -49 -36 0 -40 0

Nominal Sizes
Over mm
3 6

H7 0.001 mm
+10 0 +12 0 +15 0 +18 0 +21 0 +25 0 +30 0 +35 0 +40 0

To mm
3 6 10

k6 0.001 mm
+6 +0 +9 +1 +10 +1 +12 +1 +15 +2 +18 +2 +21 +2 +25 +3 +28 +3

H7 0.001 mm
+10 0 +12 0 +15 0 +18 0 +21 0 25 0 +30 0 +35 0 +40 0

n6 0.001 mm
+10 +4 +16 +8 +19 +10 +23 +12 +23 +15 +33 +17 +39 +20 +45 +23 +52 +27


30 40 50 65 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450 500

ISO Transition Fits

18 30 40 50 65 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450

+46 0

+33 +4

+46 0

+60 +34

+52 0 +57 0 +63 0

-32 +40 +4 +45 +5

+52 0 +57 0 +63 0

+36 +4 +73 +37 +80 +40

Nominal Sizes
Over mm 3 6 10 18 30 To mm 3 6 10 18 30 40 50 65 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450 500

H7 0.001 mm +10 0 +12 0 +15 0 +18 0 +21 0 +25 0 p6 0.001 mm +12 +6 +20 +12 +24 +15 +29 +18 +35 +22 +42 +26

H7 0.001 mm +10 0 +12 0 +15 0 +18 0 +21 0 +25 0 +30 0 +30 0 +35 0 +35 0 +40 0 +40 0 +40 0 +46 0 +46 0 +46 0 +52 0 +52 0 +57 0 +57 0 +63 0 +63 0 s6 0.001 mm +20 +14 +27 +19 +32 +23 +39 +28 +48 +35 +59 +43 +72 +53 +78 +59 +93 +78 +101 +79 +117 +92 +125 +100 +133 +108 +151 +122 +159 +130 +169 +140 +198 +158 +202 +170 +226 +190 +244 +208 +272 +232 +292 +252

ISO Interference Fits

40 50 65 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450

+30 0 +35 0

+51 +32 +59 +37

+40 0

+68 +43

+46 0

+79 +50

+52 0 +57 0 +63 0

+88 +56 +98 +62 +108 +68

Flanged Sintered Bronze Plain Bearing

On-line Interactive Catalogs

Tolerance Calculation - 'Worst Case Method'

for correct fit in all cases, if manufactured to specification
Allowance The minimum allowable difference between mating parts: Allowance = Smallest Hole Size - Largest Shaft Size Clearance The maximum allowable difference between mating parts: Clearance = Largest Hole Size - Smallest Shaft Size The 'Tolerance Build-up Problem' Where the combined dimension of several mating parts results in an unacceptable condition: generally non-functional (e.g. rotating or sliding action impaired), or parts will not assemble, or aesthetically unacceptable (e.g. inconsistent gaps around car doors)
'Shaft in hole' Terminology Hole Shaft

Shaft in Hole Example

Worst Case Tolerancing

1. Allowance = Smallest Hole Size (A) Largest Shaft Size (B) 2. Clearance = Largest Hole Size (A) Smallest Shaft Size (B) A

If dimension with tolerance is 10

+ 0.125 - 0.125

Lid on Box Example

Largest feature size = 10.125

Smallest feature size = 9.875

Tolerance Calculation - Tensioner Assy. Example

76 +.25 A +.16 +.15 B76 +0

AxialClearance Clearance Axial by by design must Design must be be => 0.01but but =< 0.25 .25 >0.01 <0.25

Worst Case Tolerancing:

1. Allowance = Smallest Hole Size (76.16) Largest Shaft Size (76.15) = 0.01
2. Clearance = Largest Hole Size (76.25) Smallest Shaft Size (76.00) = 0.25

Surface Properties Texture and Hardness

Surface Finish
Basic Surface Texture Symbol

With Roughness Value (Typically Ra m or )

With Machining Allowance

Material Removal by Machining

Harden = HDN - may see symbol Heat Treat = H/T Rockwell = HRC, HRA etc or Ra or Rc Brinell = BNL


HDN to 65 HRC 0.125 DP

Comparative Roughness Values

Roughness Ra
25 m (1000 ) 12.5 m (500) 6.3 m (250)

Typical Processes
Flame Cutting Sawing, sand casting, forging, shaping, planing

3.2 m (125)
1.6 m (63) and stamping

Rough machining, milling, rough turning, drilling, and die casting

Machining, turning, milling, die and investment casting, injection molding,

0.8 m (32)
0.4 m (16) 0.2 m (8)

Grinding, fine turning & milling, reaming, honing, injection molding, stamping, investment casting
Diamond Turning, Grinding, lapping, honing Lapping, honing, polishing

0.1 m (4)

Superfinishing, polishing, lapping

Some Common Steel, Hardness and Surface Finish Specs.

Common Steel Specs: (10xx series: xx = % carbon) Mild steel (low carbon = up to 30 %): Low cost general purpose applications, typ. hardening not required

Common Types 1020 1040,

Medium Carbon (up to 60%): requiring higher strength; e.g. gears, 1060 axles, con-rods etc. High Carbon (> 60%): High wear, high strength; e.g. cutting tools, springs etc. Ground Bearing Shaft Examples:


General Purpose
1060: Surface HDN to 55 HRC 0.125 mm deep min.; 0.4 m (16 ) 303 Stainless: (natural surface hardness 5 HRC ); 0.4m (16 ) Better Finish, Longer Life

1020: Case HDN to 65 HRC 0.25 mm deep min.; 0.2m (8 )

440 Stainless: (natural circa 15 HRC); 0.2m (8 )

Specifying Welds on Drawings

Weld all Around Weld on other side


Length Weld on arrow side

Width of weld



= Weld 6mm fillet weld this side only


= Weld 6mm fillet weld both sides

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