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Binomial Heaps

Referred to MIT Press: Introduction to Algorithms 2nd Edition

Binomial Trees
The binomial tree B(k) is an ordered tree defined recursively. As shown in the binomial tree B(0) consists of a single node. The binomial tree B(k) consists of two binomial trees B(k-1) that are linked together: the root of one is the leftmost child of the root of the other.

Properties of binomial trees For the binomial tree B(k), 1. there are 2^k nodes, 2. the height of the tree is k, 3. there are exactly k!/(i!(k-i)!) nodes at depth i for i = 0, 1, ..., k, and 4. the root has degree k, which is greater than that of any other node; moreover if i the children of the root are numbered from left to right by k - 1, k - 2, ..., 0, child i is the root of a subtree B(i).

Binomial Heaps
A binomial heap H is a set of binomial trees that satisfies the following binomial-heap properties. 1. Each binomial tree in H obeys the min-heap property: the key of a node is greater than or equal to the key of its parent. We say that each such tree is min-heap-ordered. 2. For any nonnegative integer k, there is at most one binomial tree in H whose root has degree k.

Representing binomial heaps

Creating a new binomial heap

To make an empty binomial heap, the MAKE-BINOMIAL-HEAP procedure simply allocates and returns an object H , where head[H ] = NIL. The running time is (1).

Finding the minimum key

The procedure BINOMIAL-HEAP-MINIMUM returns a pointer to the node with the minimum key in an n-node binomial heap H. This implementation assumes that there are no keys with value . BINOMIAL-HEAP-MINIMUM(H) 1 y NIL 2 x head[H] 3 min 4 while x NIL 5 do if key[x] < min 6 then min key[x] 7 yx 8 x sibling[x] 9 return y

Uniting two binomial heaps The BINOMIAL-HEAP-UNION procedure repeatedly links binomial trees whose roots have the same degree. The following procedure links the B(k-1) tree rooted at node y to the B(k-1) tree rooted at node z; that is, it makes z the parent of y. Node z thus becomes the root of a B(k) tree. BINOMIAL-LINK(y, z) 1 p[y] z 2 sibling[y] child[z] 3 child[z] y 4 degree[z] degree[z] + 1

The following procedure unites binomial heaps H1 and H2, returning the resulting heap. It destroys the representations of H1 and H2 in the process. Besides BINOMIAL-LINK, the procedure uses an auxiliary procedure BINOMIAL-HEAPMERGE that merges the root lists of H1 and H2 into a single linked list that is sorted by degree into monotonically increasing order.
BINOMIAL-HEAP-UNION(H1, H2) 1 H MAKE-BINOMIAL-HEAP() 2 head[H] BINOMIAL-HEAP-MERGE(H1, H2) 3 free the objects H1 and H2 but not the lists they point to 4 if head[H] = NIL 5 then return H 6 prev-x NIL 7 x head[H] 8 next-x sibling[x]

9 while next-x NIL 10 do if (degree[x] degree[next-x]) or (sibling[next-x] NIL and degree[sibling[next-x]] =degree[x] ) 11 then prev-x x Cases 1 and 2 12 x next-x Cases 1 and 2(see the figure 2, 5) 13 else if key[x] key[next-x] 14 then sibling[x] sibling[next-x] Case 3 15 BINOMIAL-LINK(next-x, x) Case 3 (1, 4) 16 else if prev-x = NIL Case 4 17 then head[H] next-x Case 4 18 else sibling[prev-x] next-x Case 4 19 BINOMIAL-LINK(x, next-x) Case 4 20 x next-x Case 4 (3) 21 next-x sibling[x] 22 return H






Inserting a node
The following procedure inserts node x into binomial heap H , assuming that x has already been allocated and key[x] has already been filled in.

BINOMIAL-HEAP-INSERT(H, x) 1 H MAKE-BINOMIAL-HEAP() 2 p[x] NIL 3 child[x] NIL 4 sibling[x] NIL 5 degree[x] 0 6 head[H] x 7 H BINOMIAL-HEAP-UNION(H, H)

Extracting the node with the minimum key

The following procedure extracts the node with the minimum key from binomial heap H and returns a pointer to the extracted node.

BINOMIAL-HEAP-EXTRACT-MIN(H) 1 find the root x with the minimum key in the root list of H, and remove x from the root list of H (see the figure) 2 H MAKE-BINOMIAL-HEAP() 3 reverse the order of the linked list of x's children, and set head[H] to point to the head of the resulting list (see the figure) 4 H BINOMIAL-HEAP-UNION(H, H) 5 return x



Decreasing a key
The following procedure decreases the key of a node x in a binomial heap H to a new value k. It signals an error if k is greater than x's current key. BINOMIAL-HEAP-DECREASE-KEY(H, x, k) 1 if k > key[x] 2 then error "new key is greater than current key" 3 key[x] k 4yx 5 z p[y] 6 while z NIL and key[y] < key[z] 7 do exchange key[y] key[z] 8 If y and z have satellite fields, exchange them, too. 9 yz 10 z p[y] (see the figure)


Deleting a key
It is easy to delete a node x's key and satellite information from binomial heap H in O(lg n) time. The following implementation assumes that no node currently in the binomial heap has a key of -. BINOMIAL-HEAP-DELETE(H, x) 1 BINOMIAL-HEAP-DECREASE-KEY(H, x, -) 2 BINOMIAL-HEAP-EXTRACT-MIN(H)

Exercise 1 Draw the result after inserting nodes with integer keys from 1 through 15 into an empty binomial heap in reverse order.

Exercise 2 Draw the result after deleting the node with key 8 from the final binomial heap in exercise 1.

Solution to exercise 1

Solution to exercise 2

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