A Seminar On "Cloud Computing"
A Seminar On "Cloud Computing"
A Seminar On "Cloud Computing"
Introduction. Key
Cloud Computing.
Of Cloud Computing.
Disadvantages. Conclusion.
With traditional desktop computing, we run copies of software programs on our own computer. The documents we create are stored on our own pc.
Although documents can be accessed from other computers on the network, they cant be accessed by computers outside the network. This is PC-centric.
With cloud computing, the software programs one use arent run
Anyone with permission can not only access the documents, but can also edit and collaborate on those documents in real
Unlike traditional computing, this cloud computing model isnt PC-centric, its document-centric.
This cloud of computers extends beyond a single company or enterprise. The applications and data served by the cloud are available to broad group of users, cross-enterprise and cross-platform.
Access is via the Internet. Any authorized user can access these docs
authorized to the user access them. In addition, not only is the data,
but one can also share it with others. In effect, any device that accesses your data in the cloud also becomes yours.
Connecting hundreds or thousands of computers together in a cloud creates a wealth of computing power impossible with a single desktop PC.
Because data is stored in the cloud, users can instantly retrieve more information from multiple repositories. We are not limited to a single source of data, as we do with a desktop PC.
computing power and storage capability, and enables wide scale group
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS):
IaaS like Amazon Web Services provides virtual server instances with unique IP addresses. It blocks of storage on
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS):
PaaS in the cloud is defined as a set of software and product
development tools hosted on the provider's infrastructure.
data, the end user is free to use the service from anywhere.
Microsoft Exchange Server Microsoft Share Point Server 2007 Microsoft Dynamics CRM Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft Exchange Online Microsoft Share Point Online Microsoft Dynamics CRM online Microsoft SQL Data Services
The ability to share and edit documents in real time between multiple users
is one of the primary benefits of web-based applications; it makes collaborating easy and even fun.
Road Warriors:
You can access a single version of your document from any location.
who are cost conscious. With cloud computing you can save money on both
your hardware and software.
Grid computing
Grid computing links disparate computers, forming a single unified in frastructure.This facilitates the provisioning of computing resources, much like a public utility that can be on or off. Grid computing relies on software (middleware) that divides and directs pieces of a
Interoperability :
In order to ensure interoperability, it is necessary for decisionmakers to examine how different cloud service vendors import or
Hidden Costs :
Such costs may include higher network charges for storage and database applications, or latency issues for users who may be
Experts recommend testing and pilot programs to ensure there will not be any unexpected outcomes. These may include tests checking application validation, allocating/releasing resources,