Management Control System: Session 6
Management Control System: Session 6
Management Control System: Session 6
Prof. R.C.M.Pendyala
BSC is a set of financial & non-financial measures relating to a companys success factors. It is an approach advocated by Kaplan & Norton. It provides information to management to assist in strategic policy formulation & achievement. The main objective of BSC is to provide a comprehensive framework for translating a firms strategic objectives into a coherent set of performance measures
Components of BSC.
A well designed BSC combines financial measures of past performance with measures of a firms drivers of future performance. The specific objectives & measures of an organization BSC are derived from the firms vision & strategy . Generally , the BSC has the following perspectives from which a companys activity can be evaluated:
The Learning & Growth perspective is a measure of potential future performance it directs attention to the basis of all future success the organization's people and infrastructure. Adequate investment in these areas is critical to all long-term success.
3. Innovation & learning perspective i.e. can we continue to improve & create value?
3.Creating a BSC.
The following steps in the process of creating a BSC may be identified:Steps: 1. Identify the VISION i.e. Where an organization is going. For e.g. the vision of the company may be to dominate the market. 2. Identify the organization's STRATEGIES i.e. how an organization is planning to go there. For e.g. strategy may be to focus on cost efficiency , high quality & fresh investment in new technology.
3. Define critical success factors & perspectives i.e. what we have to do well in each perspective. 4. Identify measures which will ensure that everything is going in the expected way. 5. Evaluation of BSC , i.e. ensuring what we are measuring is right. 6. Create action plans & plan reporting of the BSC. 7. Follow up & mange i.e. which person should have reports & how reports should look like.
Competitive price .
Number of on time delivery, lead time from receipt of order to delivery to customer. Own quality relative to industry standards , number of defects or defect level. Response time , customer satisfaction surveys.
Efficiency of Mfg. cycle time manufacturing process Sales Annual sales versus Plan sales, perspective increase in number of customers in a unit of time New product Rate of new product introduction per introduction quarter
Technology Leadership
Product performance compared to competitors, number of new products with patented technology Manufacturing overheads per quarter as a percentage of sales, rate of decrease in cost per quarter. Market share in all major markets
Cost leadership
Market leadership
D. Financial Perspective
Goals Performance measures
Cost of sales
Extent to which it remained fixed or decreased each year Return on capital employed
Cash flow
Advantages of BSC:
The following are the advantages: 1. Wholistic Approach: 2. Creativity 3. System design 4. co-operation
It brings strategy & vision as the center of the management focus . It helps companies to assess overall performance , improve operational processes and enables management to develop better plans for the improvements. It provides the managemnet with a comprehensive picture of business operations.
Management accountants must integrate databases & potential sources of timely information on competitive forces confronting the business. This calls for innovation & creativity in gathering & analyzing information for the management decisions .
System design Designing internal & external information systems to assist managers in planning , monitoring & improving valuecreating processes is another challenge facing management accountants
Management accountants must solicit support from all senior managers for allocating resources to develop & improve value chain-oriented information systems . The management accountant should ensure that the top management is committed to value chain analysis and the organizational changes necessary for its successful implementation.