Summer Internship: Presentation
Summer Internship: Presentation
Summer Internship: Presentation
By Prakharesh Awasthi B.T+M.T Nuclear Science & Technology Batch 2009-14 Enrollment No. -A11123809001
Of Programme
into 3 stages. Linking the Fuel cycle of PHWR and FBR. Self Reliance. Long term use of Thorium.
Located on bank of holy river Ganges in the District Bulandsher in Uttar Pradesh. 80 km from district Head Quarter and 140 km from national Head Quarter. 2 reactors units of PHWR type having maximum generation capacity of 220 Mwe. Connected to five 220 KV lines Going to -Moradabad(1 Line). -Symbholi (1 Line). -Harduaganj(1 Line). -Khurja(2 Lines).
1. Administrative Building 2. Domestic Water Head Tank 10. Purification Building 3. Canteen 11. Turbine Building 4. NDCT 12. Pump House 5. Switch yard 6. Stack 7. Service Building 8 Supple mentary Control room 9. REACTOR BUILDING 10. PUMP HOUSE
type reactor, which is a horizontal pressure tube heavy water reactor. Natural uranium is used as a fuel and heavy water is used as moderator and coolant. Reactor building of 46m diameter and 72 meter Height. Double containment building. An internal pressure of 1.25 Kg per square cm. Consist of Integral Calendria with moderator, coolant tube assemblies, Regulating rods, control rods etc.
Heart of the Reactor. A cylindrical tank containing several tubes. These tubes are made Up of Nickel Free Zircolay. Fuel is housed in a heavy concrete room called Calandria Vault. Mainly contains - Fuel - PHT System - Moderator System - Regulating and Control rods
1. Calendria Shell 2. Over Pressure Relief Devices 3. Mechanical Shutoff System 4. Liquid Shutoff System 5. Moderator Inlet 6. Moderator Outlet 7. Calendria tube 8. Coolant Tube 9. End Shield 10. Cs octagonal Structure Assembly 11. Main Shell Assembly 12. calandria sheet 13. Tube Sheet calandria side 14. Lattice tube 15. End Shield support Plate 16. End Shield Cooling pipe 17. End Fitting Assembly 18. Feeder Pipes 19.Outer Shell 20. Support Log
PHT System
Heat Transport System. Heavy Water is flowing at 87.0 kg/cm2 through 306 coolant tubes over the fuel bundles. Extract the heat of fission and transfer this to the Steam Generation Cycle . If there is any break in PHT System Assembly, to avoid irradiation from fuel an EMERGENCY Cooling System has been provided.
Moderator System
Heavy Water is used at a pressure of 8 kg/cm2 and temperature of 65oC. Used to slow down the energy of Neutron. Moderator is filled up to 96% Level. Rest of 4% is filled with He as Cover Gas. Its a low temperature low pressure circuit. Constantly circulated through Moderator Heat Exchanger through pumps. NAPS Moderator System has five pumps for Moderator circulation. Only 4 operate during normal operation and one is standby.
Reactor Physics
part of technical service unit and has the prime responsibility to assure safe and smooth operation of NAPS reactors on the basis of data analysis.. Technical specifications like maximum bundle power, channel outlet temperature, reactivity, heat balance data analysis, etc. are done on day today basis.
electricity. U-235 is used as a nuclear fuel. Heavy water is used as a coolant as well as moderator in NAPS. About 200MeV energy is released per fission.
Fission is a process in which a heavy target nucleus (e.g. U235) is being bombarded by neutrons splits into two or more lighter nuclei
by releasing neutrons and energy(heat). 235 1 90 144+ n1+Gamma Ray + Energy 92U +0n -->38Sr + 54Xe 2
For a system of mono energetic neutrons also known as one speed neutrons, the net change in the rate of neutron density n with time is always equal to the rate of production of neutrons minus rate of neutron losses in various processes, i.e. Sources Absorption Leakage = n/t If S is the rate of production of neutron per unit volume in neutron /cm/sec and the a is the macroscopic absorption for one speed neutrons and is flux of these neutrons, and substituting the leakage value from Ficks Law diffusion theory, equation becomes S- a -(- D( 2) ) = n/t For steady state, n(r,t)/t =0 S- a + D( 2) = 0 This equation is known as steady state diffusion equation for one speed neutrons.
Consider an arbitrary volume V within a medium containing neutrons. As time goes on, the number of neutrons in V may change if there is a net flow of neutrons out of or into V, if some of the neutrons are absorbed within V, or if sources are present that emit neutrons within V. Let n be the density of neutrons at any point and time in V The total number of neutrons in V then the integration is to be performed throughout V. The rate of change in the number of neutrons is
Where, the subscript on the integral indicates that the integration is to be performed throughout V.
The rate of change in the number of neutrons is Which can also written as: In moving the time derivative inside the integral, it is necessary to change to partial derivative notation because n may be a function of space variables as well as time. Next, let s be the rate at which neutrons are emitted from sources per cm3 in V. The rate at which neutrons are produced throughout V is given by Production rate = The rate at which neutrons are lost by absorption per cm3/sec is equal to a, where a is the macroscopic absorption crosssection (which may be a function of position) and is the neutron flux. Throughout the volume V, the total loss of neutrons per second due to absorption is then Absorption rate =
Consider next the flow of neutrons into and out of V. If J is the neutron current density vector on the surface of V and n is a unit normal pointing outward from the surface, then, according to the results of the preceding section, Jn is the net number of neutrons passing outward through the surface per cm2/sec. It follows that the total rate of leakage of neutrons (which may be positive or negative) through the surface A of the volume is Leakage rate = This surface integral can be transferred into a volume integral by using the divergence theorem Leakage rate= Introducing all these values in equation of continuity, we get = -
All of the previous integrals are to be carried out over the same volume, and so their integrands must also be equal. The equation must hold for any arbitrary volume. Therefore, the integrands on the right when summed must equal to the integrand on the left. Thus, S- a - divJ = n/t Substituting the value of divJ from Ficks Law, we get S- a -(- D( 2) ) = n/t For steady state, n(r,t)/t =0 S- a + D( 2) = 0 The above equation is known as steady state diffusion equation for one speed neutrons.
Ficks Law
It was originally used to account for chemical diffusion. It was shown early in chemistry that if the concentration of a solute is greater in one region of a solution than in another, the solute diffuses from the region of higher concentration to the region of lower concentration. Furthermore, it was found that the rate of solute flow is proportional to the negative of the gradient of the solute concentration. This is the original statement of Fick's law. To a good approximation, neutrons in a reactor behave in much the same way as a solute in a solution. Thus, if the density (or flux) of neutrons is higher in one part of a reactor than in another, there is a net flow of neutrons into the region of lower neutron density. For example, suppose that the flux varies along the x -direction. Then Fick's law is written as Jx = -D
t1=input('enter the starting time'); t2= input('enter the timeinterval'); t3= input('enter the end time') t= t1:t2:t3; pin=input('enter the power'); p=pin/802; b= 23.842*p; v= 0.0756 + 0.867*p; b1=26.1834*p; a= 0.1058; I0= 0;
0; c =exp(-a*t); d =(a*I0 -b); e = (v-a); f =(x0 - b1/v -d/e); pi(t)= b1/v + c*d/e + f*exp(-v*t) plot(t,pi(t)) title('xenon poisioning'); xlabel('time'); ylabel('reactivity in mk');
Fig: showing the output of the above Mat Lab coding for a time period of 60hrs (t1 = 1, t2 = 10, t3 = 61) for a input of 802 MWe.
a part of technical service unit and has the prime responsibility to assure the safe and smooth operation of electronics instrumentation of NAPS. It assures the safe operation of instruments used in reactor power monitoring, radiation monitoring and turbo generator parameter measurements.
Nuclear Radiations
The radiations that include electromagnetic radiations starting from X-rays to high energy gamma rays, particles, particles, charged particles, uncharged particles, heavy ion particles radiations etc. All the nuclear radiations originate from nuclear processes. All these radiation can be classified into three categories Charged Particle Radiation: includes - particles, particles, heavy and some elementary particles. Uncharged Radiation: includes neutrons and many uncharged elementary particles. Electromagnetic Radiation: basically includes X-rays and gamma rays.
These are most commonly used detectors. The detector consist of gas filled tube, a positive electrode (anode) and a negative known as cathode As ionizing radiations enters through the tube the ion pairs are formed and moves towards the opposite electrode. This migration of ions and electrons gives rise to current which can be measured by an electronic instruments.
Also known as Semiconductor Detectors. Consist of a semiconductor material such as Silicon or Germanium crystal. The ionizing radiation produces the charge carriers in detector medium The migration of these charge carriers under the influence of applied voltage constitutes a pulse of current.