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Second level
Third level
Fourth level
Fifth level

Physiology Department
Medical School, University of Sumatera Utara

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Body function
Second level
nervous system
Third level
Fourth level
Both maintain
the internal environment in a
Fifth level
state of homeostasis
It enable to alter in response to changes in
the external environment

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Second level
glands that
chemicals or hormones.
Fourth level
to a gland that releases the
Fifth level
chemicals directly into the celluler
compartment and thence into blood stream

Hormones :
By origin
By site of action
By structure
Mechanisms of action
Lipid soluble hormones (cytoplasmic receptors)
Lipid insoluble hormones (cell-surface receptors)
Endocrine systems :
Control of secretion
Long-loop, short-loop

Hormone - a substance secreted by specialized cells,
released in to the bloodstream, causing a response in
target cells elsewhere in the body.
Response is mediated by receptors that are specific to
the hormone.

Functions of Hormone

Controlled behaviour and sexual function

Controlled salt and water balance
Maintain blood glucose
Reproductive function
Involve and influence metabolic system
Body respons to stress
Growth function

Endocrine glands

Hormones can be classified by several properties
1. Classification by site of action.
Autocrine secretion - substance released by cell that
affects the secreting cell itself
(e.g. norepinephrine is released by a neurosecretory cell in
the adrenal medulla, and norepinephrine itself inhibits
further release by that cell - this is also an example of
direct negative feedback)

Paracrine secretion - substance released by cell that affects

neighboring cells. Not released into bloodstream
(e.g. histamine released at site of injury to constrict blood
vessel walls and stop bleeding)
Endocrine secretion - substance released by cell into
bloodstream that affects distant cells.
(e.g. testosterone is secreted by Leydig cells in testis, makes
hair grow on your back)
Though hormones may also have autocrine or paracrine
actions, we're mainly concerned with endocrine actions

Exocrine secretion - substance released by cell into a duct

that leads to epithelial surface
(onto skin or into gut). Action doesnt depend on receptors in
target tissue. (e.g. sweat, saliva)
Endocrine and exocrine secretions are glandular
secretions; they come from specialized secretory cells that
are clumped together to form a gland. Endocrine glands are
sometimes called ductless glands.
Note that a secretion may have several sites of action
Example of norepinephrine above - autocrine action causes
negative feedback on secretion. Simultaneously, endocrine
action causes respiration rate to , peripheral blood vessels
to contract, etc.

Circulating & Local Hormones

act on distant targets
travel in blood

Local hormones
act on neighboring
cells or same cell
that secreted them

2. Classification by origin.
Another set of terms, related to those just discussed, is
commonly used to classify secretions, based both on
origin and site of action
Neurohormones - endocrine, source = nerve
Glandular hormones - endocrine, source = gland
Local Hormones - paracrine (source may not be gland)
Pheromones - exocrine

Chemical signaling by hormones: (a) Endocrine hormones are produced by cells of

endocrine glands and transported by the blood to target cells. (b) Some hormones are
released by neurosecretory cells, which function in both the nervous and endocrine
systems. (c) A few hormones are secreted over short distances through tissue fluid.

3. Classification by molecular structure.

Amines- small molecules derived from amino acids. The
catecholamines are epinephrine and norepinephrine,
secreted by the adrenal medulla. Lipid insoluble
Prostaglandins - fatty acids. Lipid soluble.

Steroids - cyclic hydrocarbons derived from cholesterol. Lipid

Peptides and proteins - large, complex, structure can differ
among species due to amino acid substitutions. Lipid

Steroids are fat soluble, so they bind to receptors in the

cytoplasm, either in the cytosol or directly in the nucleus.

When the steroid binds to the receptor, it disinhibits a

DNA binding site on the receptor.
The steroid-receptor complex then moves into the nucleus
and activates or suppresses specific genes. By altering
gene expression, steroids produce long-lasting effects.

Action of Lipid-Soluble Hormones

Hormone diffuses
through phospholipid
bilayer & into cell
Binds to receptor
turning on/off specific
Gene copies are
formed & direct
synthesis of new
New protein alters
cells activity

Action of Lipidinsoluble Hormones

The mechanism of peptide hormones

(1) Peptide hormones are produced by an endocrine gland and carried by the blood. (2)
Receptors on the plasma membrane of a target cell bind with the hormone. The hormone
itself does not enter the cell. (3) An enzyme in the plasma membrane changes ATP to cyclic
AMP (cAMP). The cAMP molecule is the second messenger, carrying the hormones signal
through the cell. (4) Enzymes are activated, triggering a series of reactions. (5) These
reactions bring about the changes controlled by the hormone.

The mechanism of steroid hormones

(1) Steroid hormones are released by endocrine cells and carried by the blood. (2)
Because of their size and structure, steroid hormones enter the cell. (3) The hormones
enter the nucleus, where they bind to receptor molecules. The hormone-receptor complex
binds to DNA and regulates gene expression. (4) If the gene is switched on it will be
transcribed and translated to protein. (5) The protein made in this way is the effect of the
hormones release.

Effects of hormones:
mechanisms of hormone action on target tissue
What does a hormone do when it arrives somewhere
via the blood?

1. First level controlling action: target/non-target.

Hormones have their effects only on target tissues. Cells in







specifically to that hormone. In non-target tissue, cells have

no receptors and are not affected by the hormone no matter
how much of it is present.

Hormone Receptors

Hormones only affect target cells with specific

membrane proteins called receptors

2. Second level controlling action: receptor density.

Target cells vary in the number of receptors they hold. A cell
with many receptors is more strongly affected than one with
few receptors, when exposed to the same amount of
Receptor density for a given tissue changes through time.
Down-regulation is a decrease in receptor density.
Up-regulation is an increase in receptor density.
Down and up-regulation commonly respond to the amount of
hormone in circulation over the long-term, as a damping
mechanism. If blood concentration of cortisol (a stress
hormone from the cortex of the adrenal gland) is high for a
long time, receptor densities will decrease to modulate the

3. Third level of control: cellular mechanisms of action.

Once they arrive at a target cell, peptide and steroid
hormones have different mechanisms of action. The
difference is based on fat-solubility, which determines
whether or not the hormone can penetrate the target cell's
plasma membrane (which is a lipid bilayer).
Peptides are not fat soluble, so they bind to receptors on the
target cell's surface, and act via a 'second messenger' in
the cell. Second messenger is cyclic adenosine
monophosphate. CAMP activates an enzyme (a protein
kinase), which activates other proteins that produce the final
'effect' once secreted from the cell. Peptides don't directly
alter gene expression, so the effects are generally short-term.

Mechanisms of Activation
Hormones can alter the rate of cellular activity
They do not alter the activity of the cell
Cellular activity is controlled by:

changes in PM permeability
synthesis of regulatory molecules
enzyme activity/de-activity
induction of secretion
stimulation of mitosis cell division

Hormonal Activation
Once bound to the cell will hormone affect the
cell by one of two mechanisms
Amino Acid based hormones and a second
messenger system, the second messenger then
brings about the desired affect
Steroids diffuse into the cell and bind to
receptors this then activates protein synthesis

Time Scale of Activation

The level of a given hormone in the blood
reflects the balance between release and
The persistence of a given hormone in the blood
is called the Half Life
Unlike the nervous system which has a rapid
response which is short lived the endocrine
system takes longer to have an effect but the
effect last longer

Hormone Release
Negative feed back loops
Endocrine gland stimulation
Humoral - Ca+ levels and PTH/calcitonin
- Glucose and Insulin
Neural - Fight or Flight
Hormonal - release is triggered by other hormones

Nervous system regulation

Endocrine systems.
Up to now have just described hormones themselves,
nothing about the ways they are integrated into systems that
regulate physiology and behavior.
Initiation of an endocrine response.
Hormones generally secreted at some (non-zero) resting
rate or baseline. Secretion regulated up or down by some
A chain of endocrine responses is usually initiated by
neurohormone. Nerve cells are stimulated by neural
activity, release a neurohormone that then alters secretion of
second hormone. Neurohormones transduce a neural
signal into an endocrine signal.

Pulsatility in
GnRH & LH release

GnRH (pg/10 min)

LH (ng/ml)



Time of day


Modulation of an endocrine response.

Sets of endocrine glands are usually organized into
hierarchical loops that allow feedback to regulate responses.
1. Feedforward circuit or open loop.
2. Feedback or closed loops
Short loop - hormone A affects secretion of hormone
B, and hormone B affects secretion of A. No
intervening steps.
Long loop - hormone A affects secretion of B,
hormone B affects secretion of C, and hormone C
affects secretion of A. Intermediate steps.

Feedback is usually negative, so that endocrine response

is self-limiting; secretion modulates itself and does not 'run
Feedback is sometimes positive, when a quick, large
response is necessary. When a system shows positive
feedback, it will run away (like a microphone held near an
amplifier) unless something changes to stop the positive

Feedback loops
Positive Feedback:
Hormones stimulate each
other, product of target cell
increases production of
initial hormone which
causes even more
secretion of the target cell
Tend to be rare and
shortlived because they
can quickly get out of
Negative feedback:
Short- and long-loops.
Product inhibits further
production of self and of
stimulating hormone.

Can operate on multiple



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