SLE What's Going On
SLE What's Going On
SLE What's Going On
Pharmacological agents
Rituximab EXPLORER and LUNAR
Ocrelizumab Next generation Rituximab, BELONG
Epratuzumab anti- CD22
Tocilizumab promising
Abetimus Tolerance of B Cells, Molecular product
Atacicept BAFF, APRIL
Rigeromid Spliceosomal peptide
Abatacept RA or SLE
Infliximab Serious Side effects
Rituximab, a chimeric antibody targeting
CD20-positive cells, was first used by Tullus in
2000 in a girl with class V lupus nephritis and
therapy-resistant nephrotic syndrome. The
therapeutic response was remarkable and her
proteinuria improved so much that her serum
albumin normalized.
EXPLORER, which included 237 patients with
moderate to severe extra-renal lupus did not
find any difference between rituximab and
Belimumab is a fully humanized
monoclonal antibody that binds to
soluble B-lymphocyte stimulator (BLyS)
and acts as a specific inhibitor of its
biological activity. BLyS, also known as Bcell activating factor (BAFF) is an
immunomodulatory cytokine that
promotes B-cell survival, B-cell
differentiation, and immunoglobulin class
a fully humanized fusion protein combining the Fc
portion of IgG and the TACI receptor that binds BLyS
as well as APRIL thus inhibiting both B-cell
stimulating factors. In a phase Ib study (49 patients
with mild to moderate lupus), Atacicept was
reported to be safe, well tolerated and had
beneficial therapeutic effects However, the phase
I/II randomized controlled trial of Atacicept in
patients with lupus nephritis (background treatment
included corticosteroids and Mycofenolate Mofetil)
was prematurely terminated due to safety concerns
(increased proteinuria, severe pneumonia)
The cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA-4) can
bind efficiently to CD80/CD86, thus preventing Tcell co-stimulation via the CD28 pathway.
Abatacept is a fusion protein of CTLA-4 and the Fc
portion of human IgG1 [49].
However, in two placebo controlled clinical trials of
lupus patients (with or without lupus nephritis),
Abatacept treatment was not effective as
compared to placebo [51]. Thus, currently
Abatacept is not approved for lupus treatment,
although some clinicians use it as an off label
(anti IL-6 receptor mAb) IL-6 is a multifactorial proinflammatory cytokine that was shown to play a role in
the pathogenesis and treatment of murine lupus
Moreover, elevated levels of IL-6 were found in sera of
active lupus patients. Tocilizumab is a fully humanized
mAb against the IL-6 receptor that prevents binding of IL6 to both, membrane and soluble receptors. A small
phase I trial (16 lupus patients) suggested that
Tocilizumab is safe and beneficial in SLE .
Further controlled clinical studies are required in order to
evaluate the therapeutic role of Tocilizumab in lupus.
Sirukumab a human anti IL-6 mAb is currently in a phase
II clinical study in patients with lupus nephritis.
(Anti-CD22 mAb) CD22 is a 140kD surface protein,
expressed on most mature B cells. It has a role in
controlling B cell responses
humanized IgG1 anti-CD22 mAb, was shown to
reduce the expression of CD22on the surface of
peripheral B cells obtained from healthy donors
and lupus patients. The reduction of those
molecules appears to result from both,
internalization of CD22 (via the F(ab)2 fragment)
and a specific phagocytosis mechanism e transfer
of B cell surface molecules to monocytes and NK
cells via the Fc fragment.
Thank you