Rituximab in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Lupus Nephritis
Rituximab in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Lupus Nephritis
Rituximab in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Lupus Nephritis
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antibodies directed towards cytoplasmic and nuclear cell Rituximab in SLE
compartments. Multiple systems can be involved, with
subsequent immune complex deposition driving comple- SLE is an archetypal antibody-mediated disease and
ment activation, inflammation and end-organ damage. hence promoting B cell depletion appears to target a plau-
Between 40 and 70% of patients with SLE develop lupus sible critical pathophysiological pathway. Early case re-
nephritis (LN), and the consequences can be devastating ports and then case series suggested benefit in the treat-
[2]. Even with aggressive immunosuppressive therapy, ment of SLE (reviewed in [14]). This led to the develop-
rates of end-stage renal disease over 5–10 years are in the ment of the EXPLORER trial (a randomised, double-blind,
region of 10%, a figure that has disappointingly remained placebo-controlled exploratory phase II/III SLE evalua-
largely unchanged over the last 30 years [3, 4]. Despite the tion of rituximab) [15]. The EXPLORER trial recruited
introduction of newer immunosuppressive agents such as 257 patients aged 16–75 years with moderate and severe
mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), treatment of SLE and LN SLE who met four of the American College of Rheumatol-
remains challenging. Current standard therapeutic regi- ogy (ACR) criteria for SLE including a positive test for
mens are associated with significant side effects and cu- antinuclear antibodies, active disease at screening [de-
mulative toxicity including premature ovarian failure, in- fined as ≥1 domain with a British Isles Lupus Assessment
creased risk of future malignancies and teratogenicity. Group (BILAG) A score (severe activity) or ≥2 domains
Prolonged corticosteroid use is associated with increased with a BILAG B score (moderate disease activity)], and
risk of premature cardiovascular disease and a 2- to 4-fold stable use of one immunosuppressive drug at entry which
increased risk of coronary events in SLE [5]. In addition, was continued throughout the trial (methotrexate, aza-
cosmetic changes associated with prolonged steroid use thioprine or MMF). 57% of participants were corticoste-
may contribute to non-adherence, which is a recognised roid dependent. Exclusion criteria included severe central
cause of treatment failure [6]. Consequently, there has nervous system or organ-threatening lupus, any other ac-
been a strong desire amongst physicians to develop new tive conditions requiring significant use of immunosup-
and innovative treatment regimens to help improve prog- pressives, previous B cell depletion therapy, and deranged
nosis and reduce the burden of iatrogenic morbidity [7]. hepatic or haematological serum parameters. Patients
Given the key role of B cells in the development of a dys- were randomised at a 2: 1 ratio to receive intravenous
regulated immune response, a strong argument exists for rituximab or placebo on days 1, 15, 168 and 182 (in addi-
the use of B cell-depleting agents in the management of tion to prednisolone and baseline immunosuppressive
SLE and LN. therapy). The primary endpoint was the effect of placebo
versus rituximab in achieving and maintaining clinical
response at week 52, assessed using the BILAG index or-
Rituximab gan system scores.
Unfortunately the EXPLORER trial failed to meet its
Rituximab is a chimeric mouse/human monoclonal primary endpoint. Potential reasons for this include in-
antibody directed against the CD20 receptor of the B cell. adequate trial size, concomitant background immuno-
CD20 is expressed on immature, mature and activated B suppressive/high-dose corticosteroid usage and appor-
cells, but not plasma cells, stem cells or pro-B cells. Ritux- tion of endpoints which were unable to discriminate
imab acts via antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotox- between minor disease fluctuations and meaningful
icity, complement-dependent cytotoxicity and apoptosis clinical response [16]. However, on further examina-
to effectively deplete B cells for 6–9 months in over 80% tion, a post hoc analysis of this trial suggested rituximab
of patients [8]. Importantly, rituximab has been exten- reduced the risk of a subsequent first severe flare and
sively used in the treatment of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma lowered mean severe flare rates [17]. In addition, effi-
[9] and has an excellent safety record. Adverse events fol- cacy signals were detected in subsets of patients includ-
lowing rituximab use are minimal and include infusion- ing African Americans and Hispanics [15].
related reactions and increased risk of infection [7, 10]. It is worth briefly reviewing the contrasting fate of the
Hence, there was confidence in transferring its use to au- anti-BLys antibody, belimumab. B lymphocyte-stimulat-
toimmune diseases, and rituximab has been successfully ing factor (BLyS) is a cytokine produced predominantly
used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, ANCA-as- by myeloid cells. BLyS is necessary for B cell maturation,
sociated systemic vasculitis and primary immune throm- survival and immunoglobulin production [16]. Belu-
bocytopenic purpura [11–13]. mimab, a soluble anti-BLyS monoclonal antibody was - 12/7/2014 10:57:15 PM
Mount Sinai School of Medicine
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Mount Sinai School of Medicine