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TO our

Goutam Chandra Roy
Abdul Ohab Rana
M.S in Food Engineering

Thermal Processing is an accepted terminology to describe the heating,
holding and cooling process required to eliminate the potential for a
foodborne illness.
Food product spoil by different microorganisms.
Microorganisms can destroy or reduce by different thermal processing
Thermal Processing Method are


During preservation processes for foods, an external agent is used
to reduce the population of microorganisms present in the food.
The population of vegetative cells such as E. coli, Salmonella, or
Listeria monocytogenes will decrease in a logarithmic manner.

A general model for description of the microbial curve would be:

where k = the rate constant and

n = the order of the model
This general model describes the reduction in the microbial population (N) as a
function of time.
A special case of above equation is:

Decimal Reduction Time (D)

The decimal reduction time D is dened as the time necessary for a 90%
reduction in the microbial population. Alternatively, the D value is the time
required for a one log-cycle reduction in the population of microorganisms.

Based on the denition of decimal reduction time,the following equation would

describe the survivor curve:

N0 = the initial microbial population and
N = the nal microbial population
t= time
D= decimal reduction time

Relationship between Decimal reduction time (D) and rate


Since the microbial population usually follows an exponential path, the

follow rst order kinetics. Therefore,

Again we have,

By comparison of above two equations, it is evident


The kinetics of a chemical reaction are more often described by

equation, and the rates of change in chemical components are
expressed by rst-order rate constants (k). In many situations, the
changes in quality attributes of food products during a
preservation process are described in terms of rst-order rate
constants (k).

Based on the definition of decimal reduction time, the following equation can be

For a thermal death time of F, we can obtain

Where, N0 =the initial microbial population

N = the desired nal microbial population
Then, if r is the number of containers exposed to the
preservation process, and N0 is the initial population of
spoilage microorganisms in each container, the total
microbial load at the beginning of the process is rN0, and
then we get:

If the goal of the preservation process is to achieve a probability of

one survivor from the microbial population for all containers
processed, then

The ratio on the left side of above equation represents the total number of
containers processed (r) and resulting in one container with spoilage.
The expression can be used to estimate the thermal death time required to
accomplish a stated spoilage probability, based on
-the initial population,
-the decimal reduction time, D and
-the microbial population.
The spoilage probability expression does assume that the survivor curve
for the spoilage microorganism follows a rst-order model.

The Z-value (Thermal Resistance Constant)

The Z-value is the increase or decrease in temperature required to reduce or
increase the decimal reduction time by one decimal. It is a measure of the
change in death rate with a change in temperature.
The z-value is obtained by plotting the logarithms of at least 2 D-values
against temperature or by the formula:

Where, T = temperature and

D = D-value

Graphical Representation of Z-value (Thermal

Resistance Constant)


Thermal death time (F):
The total time required to accomplish a stated reduction in a
population of vegetative cells or spores.
This time can be expressed as a multiple of D values, as long as the survivor
curve follows a rst-order model.
For example, a 99.99% reduction in microbial population would be equivalent
to four log-cycle reductions or F=4D.
A typical thermal death time in thermal processing of shelf-stable foods is
F=12D, with the D value for Clostridium botulinum.

Thus, FTz is the thermal death time for a temperature T and a thermal
resistance constant z.
A commonly used thermal death time is F25018 in the Fahrenheit
temperature scale, or F12110 in the Celsius temperature scale.
This reference thermal death time, simply written as F 0, represents the
time for a given reduction in population of a microbial spore with a z
value of 10C (or 18F) at 121C (or 250F).

Relationship between activation energy, Ea and thermal resistance constant

The survivor curves for microbial populations are inuenced by external agents such as
temperature, pressure, and pulsed electric elds increase, the rate of the microbial
population reduction increases.
In chemical kinetics, we use the Arrhenius equation to describe the inuence of
temperature on the rate constant. Thus,

k= rate constant (k)
Ea = Activation Energy .

These constants are determined from

experimental data by plotting ln k versus 1/TA,
and the slope of the linear curve is equal to

On the other hand, dened as the increase in temperature necessary to cause a

90% reduction in the decimal reduction time D. The D values for different
temperatures are plotted on semilog coordinates, and the temperature increase
for a one log-cycle change in D values is the z value given in the figure:

Based on the denition, z can be expressed by the following equation:

By comparing Arrhenius equation and the above equation by considering

that k=2.303/D,



The criteria for minimum thermal treatment of a food product

should be set within the frame of a microbiological risk
One element of risk assessment is exposure assessment.
Exposure assessment generally includes contamination of raw
materials, contamination during processing, growth and/or
inactivation of the microorganism, storage and distribution
conditions, and infectivity of the microorganism.
FSO is dened as the maximum frequency and/or
concentration of a hazard in a food at the time of consumption
that provides or contributes to the appropriate level of
protection (ALOP).
The FSO equation was developed by the ICMSF (International
Commission on Microbiological Specications for Foods,
2002) as,

Classical Thermal Death Model

Esty and Meyer (1922) observed that the heat resistance of a population
of Clostridium botulinum was dependent on the initial number of
microorganisms, and from their results, it could be inferred that the
decrease was exponential with time.
Bigelow et al.(1920) formulated the death kinetics of bacterial spores in
mathematical terms.
Inactivation of microorganisms is still described in terms of decimal
reduction time, i.e., the time to reduce the number of microbial cells by a
factor of 10 or D value.
The increase in temperature corresponding to a decrease of the D value
by a factor of 10 is called the z value.

Thus, thermal inactivation can be described by the two linear


In which N0 = the initial number,

Nt = the number at time t,
D = the decimal reduction time,
(1/D) = the slope of the curve.
The equation can be written in line with enzyme kinetics in the form:

The relation between D and temperature (T) can be described as

D=the decimal reduction time
Dref =reference D value
Tref= Corresponding to the reference temperature
z is the temperature increase that corresponds to a10-fold reduction of the D value.
z is the reciprocal of the slope in the above equation; z is expressed in C or F;
D can be Expressed in seconds or minutes;
T = temperature,

There are a number of nonlinear models:
Weibull Like Models
Biphasic Inactivation
Normal Distribution Model
S-shaped Curves
Sapru Model

Weibull Like Models

A simple way to describe nonlinear curves is the Weibull equation. This
equation can properly describe inactivation curves that are either upward
or downward concave.
Weibull and Weibull like equations have been applied for the description
of inactivation of bacterial spores as well as inactivation of vegetative
cells. They couldwell be described by a Weibull equation as was proposed
by Mafart et al.(2002).

Nt=the number of microorganisms at time t,
N0 =the initial number of microorganisms,
t=heating time,
=the scale parameter, and
p = the shape parameter.

Biphasic Inactivation
One of the causes of tailing that were suggested by Cerf(1977)
was the existence of two phenotypically different sub
populations. The majority is relatively heat sensitive, whereas
a minority is relatively heat resistant.

Nt = number of microorganisms at time t,

N0 = initial number of microorganisms,
1f = majority fraction of heat sensitive cells,
k1 = inactivation rate constant of sensitive(majority),
f = minority fraction of resistant cells,

Secondary Models
The oldest secondary model is the z concept as described above in the
paragraph on classical inactivation models. Contrary to the log linear
equation between D and T, the relation between k and1/T is expressed by the
Arrhenius equation:

Where Ea is the activation energy (kjmol1);R is the gas constant

(8.314446 Jmol1K1); T is the absolute temperature(K);
k is the rate constant at innite temperature.

The relation between and the Arrhenius equation can be written as

In heat processing, the difference between Tr and T is

relatively small and hence z may be considered as


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