Anaesthetic Implications in Concurrent Diseases
Anaesthetic Implications in Concurrent Diseases
Anaesthetic Implications in Concurrent Diseases
Presenter: Dr. Pavani .M. S
Moderator: Dr. Deepak. B.S
Diseases involving endocrine system
Disorders of nutrition
Diseases involving the cardiovascular system
Diseases of central nervous system, neuromuscular
diseases , mental disorders
Diseases involving kidneys, disorders of electrolytes
Diseases involving GI tract and liver
Diseases involving haematopoiesis and various forms of
Geriatric diseases
Haematological disorders
Diseases related to erythrocytes:- Anaemia
Anaemia:- clinically reduced no of circulating RBCs
Defined as Hb < 11.5g/dl /hct< 36%(women) ,
Hb<12.5g % /Hct < 40% (men)
Decrease in HCT >1% every 24hrs acute blood loss or
intravascular haemolysis
Adverse effect of anaemia is impaired tissue oxygen
delivery due to reduced CaO2
Compensatory mechanisms
Right ward shift of oxyhaemoglobin dissociation curve
release of oxygen from Hb to tissues
Tissue redistribution of blood to myocardium, brain,
muscles from skin and kidneys
Increased cardiac output as an indicator of decreased
blood viscosity.
Management of anaesthesia.
Avoid iatrogenic hyperventilation
Avoid hypothermia
Maintaining normovolemic hemodilution and blood
salvage in case of surgical blood loss
Volatile anesthetics less soluable due to decrease in
concentration of lipid rich RBCs uptake increased. But
no clinical differences in rate of induction due to
increased cardiac output
Hemolytic anaemias
Can be due to:
Extravascular haemolysis
Intravascular haemolysis
Characterized by reticulocytosis, increased MCV,
unconjugated bilirubinemia, increased LDH levels,
decreased serum haptoglobin
Hereditary spherocytosis
AD disease with defect in ankyrin and spectrin
Abnormal osmotic fragility and shortened half life
Haemolytic crisis often precipitated by viral or bacterial
Pigmented gall stones, splenomegaly
Anaesthetic risk depends on severity of anaemia and
whether haemolysis is stable
Episodic anaemia triggered by infection and
cholelithiasis to be asked in preop evaluation
Use of long term CPB excessive haemolysis
Hereditary elliptocytosis
AD disorder due to abnormality in spectrin or glycophorin
Prevalent in malaria endemic areas
Most patients are heterozygous and rarely have hemolysis
Seen with abetalipoproteinemia, cirrhosis and pancreatitis
Cholesterol or sphingomyelin accumulation on outer
membrane of erythrocyte speculated appearance signals
splenic macrophages hemolysis
Paroxysmal nocturnal
Result in complement mediated RBC hemolysis
Due to reduction in glycosophosphatidyl glycan
Are also at risk for venous thrombosis due to compliment activation
In absence of protectin dysplastic or aplastic anemia
Nocturnal hemolysis is due to CO2 retention and subsequent acidosis
Management:- Avoid predisposing factors like hypoxemia,
hypoperfusion, hypercarbia
Inhalational agents and propofol are more advantageous than
Maintain adequate hydration
Thalassemia minor:- presents with modest anemia and
rare morbidity due to hemolysis and ineffective
Thalessemia intermedia:- presents with more severe
anaemia with prominent microcytosis and hypochromia
May have visceromegaly and skeletal changes
secondary to bone marrow expansion making intubation
and regional anaesthesia probabaly diificult
Macrocytic/ megaloblastic
Microcytic anaemia
Correct the cause
Ferrous salts administered orally to correct anemia.
Increase of 2g/dl in 3weeks is favourable.
Hence postpone elective surgery for 4 weeks and
correct anemia preoperatively
Can be relative polycythemia or primary
polycythemia( polycythemia vera)
Hct > 55-60% exponential increase in blood viscocity
reduction in blood flow
More prone for thrombotic events
Polycythemia vera due to mutation in JAK-2 gene.
Diagnosis:-elevated Hb level (>18.5 g/dL in men and >16.5 g/dL
in women) and either the presence of the JAK2 mutation or two of
the following:
hypercellularity of the bone marrow, a subnormal serum
erythropoietin level, and endogenous erythroid colony formation.
Secondary polycythemia
Hypoxia causes increase in RBC mass with out increase in other
haematopoietic cell lines
High altitudes, congenital heart diseases, pulmonary disease,
extreme obesity, increased affinity heamoglobins, drugs causing
methamoglobinemia can cause secondary polycythemia
Due to increased erythropoietin levels:- as in renal diseases like
polycystic kidney disease, renal cysts, hydronephrosis, renal
tumours, uterine myomas, hepatomas, cerebellar haemangiomas.
Management :- specific to cause ..
Phlebotomy in cases of raised Hct >55% to prevent perioperative
Inherited or acquired group of enzymatic defects
involved in haeme biosynthesis
Rate limiting step ALA synthase enzyme. Heme
exhibits negative feedback on ALA synthase.
Thus decrease in heameincrease in ALA synthase
activityincreased porphyrin accumulaton in tissues.
Acute porphyrias cause severe neuropathy neuronal
damage and axonal degeneration due to direcet toxicity
of ALA synthetase enzyme or reduced intraneuronal
haeme level
Thank u