Function and Content Words

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Function and Content Words

French Group :
-Annisa Akbar
-Desiyana Putri


Functional word is a word that expresses a

grammatical or structural relationship with
other word in a sentence.
These kinds of words are called function words
because they specify grammatical relations
and have little or not semantic content.

The following is a list of the kind of words

considered to be function words

Articles/determiners: Words that give detail to nouns (The, a an, some, any)
Pronouns: Words that replace noun ( I, me, mine, he, she, and so on are part
of this class).
Conjunctions: Words that tie clauses together.
Subordinating Conjuction: Which, that, while, whether, before,
although/though, since, so that, as, if, than, etc.
Coordinating Conjuction: Or, but, for, so, yet, therefore, both, etc.
Forms indicating number: One, two, three, four, five, etc.
Auxiliary verb: Verbs that support the main verbs (Am, are, has, could,
Prepositions: Words that tell relation to other words (aboard, About,
above/over, after, against, along, alongside, among, about, at,on, to, etc).

Example of Functions
Human is the grows from time to time Come from
the kingdom Animalia, In class Mammalia, and
Family Hominidia. Included in the order in Primates
in Genus Homo sapens Species. This is the
scientific classification of human. Homo speens is
found in years before now, exactly in 1758.
Modern human has a unique and greater part of
body than primates or any human before recent
years. We are the only extant members of the
homonym clade. The only things that make human
different from animals brain and feeling.

Content words are words that have meaning.
They can be comparedto grammatical
words, which are structural.
Content words are sometimes called the open
class words because we can and regularly to
add new words to these classes.

The following is a list of the kind of

words considered to be content words
Nouns: People, places, things, and ideas (Patty,
seattle, cars, happiness)
Main verbs: Verbs without auxilliaries (Ran,
swim, thinks, etc)
Adjectives: Word that describe nouns (Red, soft
careful, etc)
Adverbs (except adverbs of frequency: Word that
describe verbs (Calmly, quickly, careful)
Question words: Words that denote a question
(Who, what, where, when, why)
Negative: Words that negate (Not, never)

Example of Contents

Human can also create a complex structure of sociality like

groups such as faily and also kinship network. The
interaction between human to human will from a values like
social rituals, and any activity they made. The phonemena
has been running since the thousand or million years ago.

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