Psychological Factors in Learning

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Hanja Aprima
Mutia Tanjung
Sri Lestari
Lecturer : Mrs. Nur Isnainiyah,


a. Definition of Motivation
Many experts, especially in the field of
psychology that seeks to reveal about
Hilgard says Motivation is a state that is
contained in a person who causes a person
to perform certain activities to achieve
certain goals
Frederic J. McDonald (1959) argues:

b. The function of Motivation

There are two functions of motivation in the
learning process, namely:
Encourage students to move


Motivation and needs are two things that
can not be separated. Motivation born
because of need, therefore, needs a
source of motivation. The needs of
students as the driving activity, are :

a. The need Ourselves as Activator

Event Itself
b. The need because of Other
c. The need to achieve results

The division of motivation can be seen from the
perspective of the needs and functional
perspective, as well as from nature.
a. Perspective Needs

According to Abraham Maslow, human needs

were stratified. These needs are:
.Physiological Needs
.The need for security
.Social Needs
.Needs To Be Themselves (self-


b. Functional Perspective

This perspective dividing the types of motivation

seen from the concept of motivation as
Activator, Expectations and Intensive.
.Motivation as an Activator, which is the

motivation that energizes for a particular activity.

.Motivation based on the Expectations, is the
motivation which sees that something was going
to happen in line with expectations.
.Motivation based on the Intensive, which is the
motivation that arise because their real purpose.

c. The Nature of Motivation

Judging from the nature of motivation to

distinguish between Intrinsic Motivation and
Extrinsic motivation.
Intrinsic motivation is the motivation that

comes from within the individual, for

example, students learn because it is driven
by his own desire to increase his knowledge.
Extrinsic motivation is a motivation that

comes from outside, for example, students

learn with passion because they want to go
to a college that they wants.


There are some of conditions which can do for
giving the satisfaction to the student in order to
student more dilligent in lerning, that are:
a) Retain from Learning of Result

Usually learning of result is shown by the value

or score which is gotten by student who has
done some of evalution from learning process.
Every retain who is given to the student has
influence to the learn of satisfaction, then every
satisfaction which is appeared from the retain
will influencial to motivation.

b) Peaceful in Learn

Peaceful someone in doing some of activities will

influencial to the satisfaction that person, so that will
bring influencial in spirit to do all of ablility in order to
get good score.
c) Environment Learning Situation

The environment condition not only from physics such

as condition of classroom with enough light, good
ventilation but also from non-physics like the
correlation between student and teacher and
correlation each student to others.
d) Chance to Explore-Self

Student will be satisfy in learning when they had been

clear expectation to the future, and on the contrary,

5. Principle of Learning Motivation

From the reseach of Kenneth H. Hoover (Oemar
Hamalik, 1995), has some of statement about it:
a. Reward is more effective than Punishment.
b. All students have the basics quality of

psychology necessary which needs get

c. Encouragement which appears from intrinsic is
more effective than encouragement
d. The actions or response student who according
by the goal, has given reinforcement to steady
result of learn.
e. Motivation is easy infect to other people.

Comprehension of student who is clear to the aims

can arouse learning of motivation.
g. Interest of student to do assignment which has
given by self is bigger than assignment that is
given by others.
h. Everything about appreciate like reward sometimes
need given from outside to increas the interest of
student learning.
i. Application of learning strategy which variation will
increase motivation of student learning.
j. Special interest which is had by student is very
useful in increase motivation of student learning
when it correlates with the lesson will be deliver.
k. In develop kind of technique to stimulate of student
interest, teacher have to know student condition.




There are not all worries have negative impact to

motivation of student learning.
The psychology of situation which seriously likes
worries or great emotion can cause difficult
student in learning process.
The most difficult task to do by student can
causes frustration, even though can appear
negative effects such as rise wrong act
Every student has different emotion.
The influence of peer group usually more effective
than influence from older people in arousing
Motivation has correlation with increasing


To get good result in studying, teacher have
creative for arousing student learning motivation.
Mentioned below some of effort to arouse student
learning motivation:
a. Clearer the goal which want to reach
b. Arousing student interest
c. Create the happiness situation in learning process
d. Give the proper reward according with student of

e. Given the valuation
f. Given the comment to the student result of work
g. Create the rivalry and team work



Observation is the process of utilization and

use of the senses of the individual to know
the environment. Observation process
occurs when individuals receive stimuli from
the environment outside him which further
stimulus is forwarded to the center of
consciousness, the brain to give meaning or

Physiologically there are five kinds of senses

for each individual namely:

A perfect observation is the observation by

using all the senses possessed. A person's
ability to observe can be influenced by two
factors namely internal factors and external
According to Bobbi De Porter (1995) in view
objects of the senses, divide it into three
styles, the style of the students who auditory,
visual, and kinesthetic.

In school learning activities, the teacher must

create for students to make observations as
well as possible to avoid mistakes in
interpreting observations. For that there are
some things you can do:
a. Building a clear structure of what is to be
b. Students closer to the material to be learned.
c. Connecting aspects are studied with a real
experience of the students.
d. In providing stimulus should begin from things
that are new general broken down into
specialized sections.
e. In the process of learning the teacher must
adapt materials learning developmental level


Some of the factors that can affect a

person's quality of attention seen from the
condition a stimulus that is:
a) Pull the power and stimulation
b) Changes and replacement stimulation.
c) Regularity stimulation.
d) Unfamiliarity stimulation.

Factors that can affect a person's attention

from the aspect of the individual include:
Interests person against a stimulus.

In the process of learning tasks and

responsibilities among teachers is to
encourage students to have a high level of
attention. For teachers, improve the students'
attention can be done in several ways,
including by:
a. Usage Variation Voice (voice teacher)
b. Concentration of attention (focusing)
c. The silence teacher (teacher silence)
d. Held eye contact
e. Motion teacher (teacher movement)

Variation in the Use Media and Learning

Toolsg. Variations in Interact

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