Emotional Intelligence

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Understanding ones own feelings ,
empathy for the feelings of others & the
regulation of emotions in a way that
enhances living

Optimism is the driving force behind
emotional intelligence.
EI was first introduced to the public in 1995
by Goleman, but the original founders were
aware of the benefits of emotional
intelligence as early as 1985.
Reuven Bar-On was the first to present EI
during his doctoral dissortation to the
academic community.

Reuven Bar-On
Emotional intelligence is, that aspect of
human intelligence that governs our ability to
recognize, understand, control and use emotions
in solving problems of a personal and
interpersonal nature (Bar-On, 2007, p.27).

John Mayer &

Peter Salovey
The term Emotional Intelligence (EI) refers to
the processes involved in the recognition, use,
understanding, and management of ones own
and others emotional state to solve emotionladen problems and to regulate behavior (Mayer
and Salovey, 2004, introduction)

Daniel Goleman
Emotional Intelligence is, the capacity for
recognizing our own feelings and those of others,
for motivating ourselves, and for managing
emotions well in ourselves and in our
relationships (Opdycke, 2007, n.p.).

Daniel Goleman
EQ Model (1995)

Self Awarness
Self-awareness is the first skill set in building Emotional
High self awareness is tuning in to the sensations you feel and being
able to name which emotion is happening at any given time.
People experience an average of 27 emotions every waking hour!
Rather than ignoring a feeling, the goal is to move toward it, into it,
and eventually through it. Leaning into your discomfort is the only
way to change. Components are here:

Emotional awareness
Accurate self assessment
Self confidence

Self Management

Self-management is your ability to use the awareness of your emotions

to stay flexible and direct behaviour positively. This second step is to
regulate feelings and manage them so they do more good, both to
yourself and others, than harm.
Our passions can be contagious and energize others, but our ranting
and raving can damage work relations beyond repair. When we get
mad, we often sound more upset than we really are because were
allowing raw emotions to surface unchecked.
Checking those emotions is what self-regulation is all about.
Components Include:
Self control

Social Awarness
Once we have become honest and intentional with our emotions, it is
time to look outward. After all, nobody in life will listen to us unless
they feel we have listened to them.
Emotional intelligence is both tuning into your own feelings and
tuning into the feelings of those around us. Empathy is being able to
see from anothers perspective.
Empathy begins with listening. Individuals who lack empathy are
more focused on their needs and issues and pay little attention to
anyone elses. No connection is made. Components are:
Social orientation
Political awareness.

Mastering the abilities of self-awareness, self management, and
social awareness pave the way for more effective relationships. This
fourth component, relationship management, is about interacting
with people and being adept at managing emotions in others. Here
are the components:

Conflict Management
Collaboration and co-operation.

EQ by Mayer and
Salovey (1997).


The Four Branch

Model of EI
Description of

Relation to
Intelligence and

Perceiving Emotions

Ability to identify emotions

in faces, pictures

Inputs information to

Facilitating Thought with


Ability to harness emotional

information and
directionality to enhance

Calibrates and adjusts

thinking so that cognitive
tasks make use of emotional

Understanding Emotions

Ability to comprehend
emotional information about
relationships, transitions
from one emotion to
another, linguistic
information about emotions

Central locus of abstract

processing and reasoning
about emotions and
emotional information

Managing Emotions

Ability to manage emotions

and emotional relationships
for personal and
interpersonal growth

Interface with personality

and personal goals

vey and Mayer created the Four-Branch Model of Emotional Intelligence, with a focus on its relation to
ligence and personality (Salovey, 2004, p165).

Personal Benefits of Emotional

Intelligence are:
Greater career success
Stronger personal relationships
Increased optimism & confidence
Better Health.

Professional Benefits of Emotional

Intelligence are:
Effective leadership skills
Improved communication
Less workplace conflict
Better problem solving skills
Increased likelihood of promotion

Is EQ can be developed?
What You think?

How to Raise Emotional

There is five ways to enhance emotional intelligence Given as:
Rapidly reduce stress
Connect to your emotions
Improve non verbal communication
Use humour to deal with challenges
Resolve conflict positively

Would You like to fly with

Your Brain Or Your
Heart ?????

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