Emotinnal Intelligence

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Emotional Intelligence(EI)

Supervised by:: Mr .NOUHI Mohamed

Field: Mechanical Engineering

Presented by :: HASSANI Imane


Academic year:2023/2024
 Introduction

 Emotional Intelligence

 Components of EI
Table of content
 Importance of EI at the
This presentation sets out:

 Conclusion
Emotional Intelligence(EI)

Anyone can become angry-that is

easy. But to be angry with the right
person, to the right degree, at the
right time, for the right purpose, and
in the right way this is not easy.
Emotional Intelligence(EI)

Emotional Intelligence
Daniel Goleman
Multiple Intelligence
Howard Gardner
Non-Intellectual Factors
David Wechsler
1920 EI Timeline
Social Intelligence
Edward LThorndike
What is Emotional Intelligence?

“Recognizing, understanding, expressing and managing your emotions and the emotions of others.”
Examples of high EI:
 Understanding your own emotions
 Picking up on others’ cues
 Managing your responses/reactions to others
 Being appropriate in social situations
 Developing relationships
 Treating others well
 Helping others manage their emotions
Emotional Intelligence

01 Resilience in Case of Crisis

02 Highly Motivated Employees

Efficient Information Sharing


04 Superior Knowledge Transfer

Five distinct components of EI:

1. Self-awareness

2. Self-management

3. Motivation

4. Empathy

5. Social skills
Components of Emotional Intelligence

Know your own Link it to goal Understand others’

emotions achievement emotions

Awareness Empathy

Management Social skills

Manage your own Manage others

emotions emotions
Types of Empathy
Cognitive Empathy
✓Understanding other’s feelings
✓Taking other’s perspective

Types of Empathy Emotional Empathy

✓Sharing an emotional experience
✓Distress in response to pain

Somatic Empathy
✓Physical level
✓Someone cries, you cry
Emotional Regulation


✓Radical Adults
Sincerity Maturity Intelligence ✓House Rules
✓Immediate ✓Emotional
Response Response
Emotionnal Intelligence and Rational considerations


✓Concentration ✓Self-Awareness
✓Comprehension ✓Self-Regulation
✓Analytical Skills ✓Motivation
✓Multi-talented ✓Empathy
✓Memory ✓Social Skills
Emotional Intelligence

✓Achieve goals Shooting ✓Slow down

✓Consume ✓Rest and digest
System System
✓Get things done ✓Care

Default EQ
✓Manage threats
Threat ✓Protection
System ✓Survive
How to increase Emotional Intelligence?

5 Questions to Increase Emotional Intelligence

Self-Awareness What am I feeling right now?

Empathy What is the other person feeling right

Self-Regulation What can I do to control my emotions?

Social Skills How can I show interest in this person?

Motivation Is it easy? Or difficult? And why?

How can we increase our emotional intelligence?
1. Acknowledge emotions.
2. Accept emotions.
3. Practice deep and focused listening when communicating with others.
4. Summarize and feedback on what you think you heard.
5. Practice noticing body language or nonverbal
6. Observe your own reactions to a colleague’s
7. Pay more attention to your own emotions.
How to Increase Your EI?

How to Increase Your EI?

5 Key Skills Method

Self-Management Stress Management
Self-Awareness Mindfulness
Social Awareness Effective Communication
Relationship Management Empathy
Controlling your Emotions
Identify how you feel and then…
 Pause
 Walk away
 Take a deep breath
 Do a crossword puzzle, Sudoku, etc.
 Laugh
 Relax
 Paint, draw, cook
Emotional Intelligence affects……

Your performance at school or work


Your physical health

Emotional Your mental health
Intelligence 03
Your relationships

Your Social Intelligence

The Benefits of Emotional Intelligence at Work
On the job, people with higher emotional intelligence excel at:
 Staying calm under pressure
 Resolving conflict effectively
 Behaving with empathy
 Leading by example
 Those with high levels of Emotional Intelligence delegate
more effectively and more emphatically
 Increasing our Emotional Intelligence makes us better
employees, leaders, colleagues and teammates
Emotionally Intelligent People are…

 Empathetic…care how others feel

 Willing to change…and open to it
 Positive people, that others want to
be around
 Focused on achieving goals while
motivating others
 More productive
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