Elementos Finitos
Elementos Finitos
Elementos Finitos
FEA in Biomechanics
FEA models have proven to be powerful tools
in analyzing biomechanical structures and to
evaluate designs for implants, prostheses and
musculoskeletal constructs.
The advantages are the ability to account for
complex geometries and material behaviors.
Always remember, FEA is a numerical
technique. Its answers are only as good as the
formulation of the problem.
Basics of Finite Element Analysis
P A, E P P P
L keq
with AE
Nodal Displacements, Forces
Consider a linear spring of stiffness k. Let the
displacements of its two ends, called nodes, be
denoted by ui and uj, known as nodal displacements.
Let the forces acting at its two ends, called nodal
forces, be denoted by fi and fj.
ui uj displaceme
y nt
fi fj
x i j Nodal
k force
e frame
Force-Displacement Relations
f k u u
j j i
ui uj
fi fj
Element Stiffness Matrix
These relations can be written in matrix
form as
k k u i fi
k k u f
j j
or more briefly as
ku f
Element Stiffness Matrix (contd)
In this relation
k k
k k
is known as the element stiffness matrix (always
u i
u j
f i
f j
Matrix Reduction
Note that when a displacement or DOF is set
to zero, rows and columns of k associated
with that displacement are eliminated and
only the remaining set is solved
k k u i fi associated
k k u f with ui
j j
with ui
Multiple Elements
Now consider two springs of different stiffness linked
to each other
Globally numbered
u1 ui(1) u2 u(1)
j ui
u3 u(2)
1 2
1 2 F2 3 F3
k1 k2
Continuity Relations
When two elements are joined together the
joined nodes become one and must have the
same displacement
u2 u(1)
j u(2)
F2 f j
F3 f j(2)
Global Stiffness Matrix
In this relation
k1 k1 0
K k1 k1 k2 k2
0 k2 k2
k1 k1 0
K k1 k1 k2 k2
0 k2 k2
u1 0 u2 u3
1 2
1 2 F2 3 F3
k1 k2
Solution for Global Structure (contd)
k1 k1 0 u1 F1
k k k k u Row(s)
1 1 2 2 2 F2
0 k2 k2 u 3
with u1
with u1
Rod Elements
The spring models introduced thus far
constitute one class of finite elements and are
known as rod, spar (ANSYS), or truss
(ALGOR) elements
In the form shown these elements can be
used to model only unidimensional (one
dimensional) problems
The more general form of these elements can
be used to model two or three dimensional
An aluminum (E = 10.4 106 psi) rod of variable
cross section is subjected to a point load of 1000 lb at
its narrower end. Determine the deflection of the rod
at its loaded end.
1000 lb
Al = 0.250 in2
Ar = 0.125
12 in in2
Example, contd.
The variable cross section rod can be approximated
as a number of rods of constant cross section. For
this example let us choose three rods of equal length
that span the length of the original rod.
1000 lb
A1 A2 A3
4 4 4
in in in
Example, contd.
The cross-sectional area of each rod
can be assumed to be the average of
the segment each rod spans:
1 A Ar 4 0.229in2
A1 A l A l l
2 12
1 Al Ar Al A r
A 2 Al 4 Al 8 0.188in2
2 12 12
1 A Ar 8 A 0.146in2
A 3 Al l r
2 12
Example, contd.
The equivalent stiffness of each rod can now be
computed from
Ai Ei
which results in
u1 0 u2 u3 u4
1 2 3
1 2 3 4 1000 lb
k1 k2 k3
Example, contd.
The equilibrium equations can now be written as:
k1 k1 0 0 u1 R1
k k k k2 0 u 2 0
1 1 2
0 k2 k2 k3 k3 u 3 0
0 0 k3 k3 u 4 1000
Row and
with u1
Example, contd.
Solving the remaining equations we obtain
u 2 10.84 4.89 0 0 1.68
u 3 105 4.89 8.69 3.80 0
3.73 10 in
u 4 0
3.80 3.80 1000 6.36
ur u4 6.36 103 in
Comparison with Exact Results
1000 lb
Comparison with Exact Results (contd)
Displacement (in)
4 u2
2 u1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
x (in)
Formulation of the Finite Element Method
Element 1
Example, contd
Rewriting the equations in the matrix form,
Example, contd
The left side represents the internal virtual work done and the
right side represents the external work done by the actual
forces as they go through the virtual displacement.
B(m) represents the rows of the strain displacement matrix
C(m) is the elasticity matrix of element m
H(m) is the displacement interpolation matrix
U is a vector of the three global displacement components at
all nodes
F is a vector of the external concentrated forces applied to
the nodes
Formulation of the Finite Element Method
The previous equation can be rewritten as follows,
The above equation describes the static equilibrium problem. K is the stiffness matrix.
Stiffness matrix for element 1
Example, contd
Calculating the stiffness matrix for element 2.
Example, contd
The stiffness of the structure as a whole is obtained by combing
the two matrices.
Example, contd
The load vector R, equals Rc because only concentrated
loads act on the nodes
where Py is the known external force and F1x, F1y, F3x, and F3y are
the unknown reaction forces at the supports.
Example, contd
The following matrix equation can be solved for nodal point
Example, contd
The solution can be obtained by applying the boundary conditions
Example, contd
The equation can be divided into two parts,