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The process in which we can produce a

geometrical shape from a raw material is
known as manufacturing.
It is the last stage of production.
The entire process to manufacture
a component is known as production.

* Man
The device which is used to convert an
effort to an useful work is known as

Machine tool
It has the ability to produce its own
parts as well as other parts.
Machining Center
It can perform no of operation at a
time with the help of ATC & AWC
ATC-Automatic Tool Changer
AWC-Automatic Work Changer
According to tool holding capacity &
magazine shape ATC is up 3 types
Drum type(40 tools)
Elliptical type(8-20 tools)
Loop chain type(200 tools)
Machining center type

Vertical machining center Horizontal machining center

Spindle in vertical
position Spindle in horizontal position
Conventional Machining Process
The machining process where the tool
is directly contact with the job is
known as conventional machining.
In this machining the tool must be
harder than the job.
Ex-cnc milling, cnc turning, grinding
milling, turning, etc
Non Conventional Machining Process
The machining process where the tool is not
directly in contact with the job is known as
Non conventional machining.
Here the tool can be softer than the job.
Wire EDM
Cutting Speed
The speed at which the cutting
edges of the tool travels over the
job is known as cutting speed.
C.S = *D*N/1000
where D =Diameter of the cutter
N =RPM of the machine
Unit = m/min
The advancement of the tool towards the
job is known as feed. Unit- mm
When feed is compared with time it is
known as feed rate. Unit- mm/min
The advancement between consecutive
tooth of cutter is known as feed per tooth.
Unit- mm/tooth
The advancement of tool in one revolution
is known as feed per revolution.
Unit- mm/rev
Types of Feed rate
Rapid Feed rate-The idle movement of
the tool with max. available federate
of the m/c is known as Rapid feed.
Plunge Feed rate-The feed rate at the
time of taking depth of cut.
Cutting Feed rate-The feed rate at
the time of cutting operation.
Feed rate = F*Z*N
F = feed/tooth
Z = No of flutes or teeth
N = RPM of the machine
CNC-Computer Numerical Control
Need For CNC- A machine tool has several
controllable function i.e
- Speed
- Feed
- Tool positioning
- Clamping the work piece
- Coolant flow etc
All these can be done either manually or
Automatically, for automatic control
several technologies are adopted
and CNC
is the latest among them.
CNC Advantages-
-Difficult contours & surfaces are easily made.
-Closer geometrical & dimensional tolerances
are possible.
-Higher rate of production.
-Very low lead time.
-One m/c can perform several operation.
-Rejection is almost nil.
-No dependence over human operational.
-Dimensional variation can be
correctable very easily.
-Reduces inspection cost.
-Reduces tooling cost.
Higher initial cost.
Maintenance is expensive.
May need A.C & voltage stabilizer.
Productivity depends on the
Classification of NC System-
According to no of axis-
-2 axis m/c
-3axis m/c
-4axis m/c
-5 axis m/c
Five Axis machines
Table rotates round two simultaneous continuous axes
Designed for five axis precision machining of workpieces having
small dimensions and a complex geometry.


Location of Rotary axes on compound NC Tilt Round Table

According to Tool position-
-Absolute System
-Incremental system
According to Feed back Device-
-Analog Type
-Digital type
According to Servo control System-
-Open Loop
-Closed Loop
According to Motion control system-
-Point to point control
-Straight cut
Part Program-The set of instruction by
which we can produce a part is known as
part program.
It has 2 parts
-Main Block
-Sub Block
Main Program-
It contains machine definition,
tool definition & raw material definition.
It doesnt deals with tool movement.
Sub Program-
It only contains of tool movement.
DNC-Direct Numerical Control
When a program is generated in computer &
send to a single m/c ,then it is known as direct numerical
DNC-Distributed Numerical Control
If the program is send to a no of m/c for mass
production is known as distributed numerical control.
*The cables used for DNC in CTTC are RS-232
& RS-422.
Transducer (Feedback device)

Transducer is of two types

1.Analog type type
Analog transducer is a feed back device which
produces a variable electrical voltage. This
voltage varies in proportion to the rotational
speed of the input shaft and can be easily
measured and converted into linear distances to
indicate corresponding positions of m/c table.
Digital transducer : It is normally
employed to convert the rotary
motion of the machine lead screws
into countable electrical pulses. The
number of these pulses indicates the
linear distance moved by the table of
the m/c corresponding to the
rotation of the lead screws obviously,
this device must be attached to the
lead screw of the m/c table
The soft ware which controls the program
in different languages is known as
*LAXMI NUMERIC(Indian Controller)

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