RRC Redirection On Weak Coverage - TRIAL
RRC Redirection On Weak Coverage - TRIAL
RRC Redirection On Weak Coverage - TRIAL
Parameters modified
When this switch is turned on, UEs located in weak coverage are redirected to the neighboring GSM cell through RRC redirection. When this switch is
turned off, this algorithm is disabled
At 2G side, location update request increased around 2%, where LU SR remain stable
Similar percentage of redirected RRC to GSM (2%)
Traffic and number of users remain stable, because most of the call that established in
poor Ec/No level usually failed to access, perform immediate HO to 2G, or drop the call.
Thus we didnt see traffic / users reduction here.
This RRC redirection feature works for all type of RRC and make decision based on Ec/No
reported from RRC Connection Request message
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