Models of Teaching Lit
Models of Teaching Lit
Models of Teaching Lit
Carol Wilding serves as President and Chief Executive Officer of Toronto Board
of Trade, Canadas largest local chamber of commerce, representing nearly 10,000 c
orporate and individual members who reflect a broad spectrum of sectors and busines
ses throughout the Toronto region. Since Ms. Wilding was appointed in 2007, the Toro
nto Board of Trade has intensified its city-building efforts: promoting economic a
nd community prosperity, advocating for sustainable infrastructure to maintain Toronto
s thriving business community, and strengthening local and regional governance to e
nhance Torontos economic competitiveness. Ms. Wilding previously served as Presid
ent of Mount Sinai Hospital Foundation and President & Chief Executive Officer
of Foster Parents Plan Canada, and in accountancy roles at PricewaterhouseCoope
rs. Ms. Wilding is a director on the boards of the Royal Ontario Museum, the Toronto
City Summit Alliance, and Pickering College. Ms. Wilding served as an Ex-Officio Boar
d Member of Mount Sinai Hospital. She was a member of the Mayors Economic Com
petiveness Advisory Committee. She is an active member of the Young Presidents Or
ganization and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. Ms. Wilding has ear
ned several prestigious awards including the Outstanding Public Contribution Alu
mni Award from the Schulich Business School, the Queens Golden Jubilee Me
dal and the Public Sector Excellence Award for Technology. Ms. Wilding is a Cha
rtered Accountant and holds an Honours degree in Business Administration from York
Why teach literature?
o contributes to the holistic development of an
o resource for language learning
o manifests valuable language experience
o gives us cultural background
o speaks to the heart and personal experiences of
the learner
o encourages imagination, creativity, personal
Which purpose do you adhere to?
Cultural model
Language model
Personal growth model
Integrated model
Cultural Model
(information-based approach - Carter, 1998)