Organisational Behaviour: Radhika Vandna Gohel Faculty of Commerce & Management JHBWC

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Radhika Vandna Gohel
Faculty of Commerce & Management
What is OB?
Meaning of OB

Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of the way people

interact within groups. Normally this study is applied in an
attempt to create more efficient business organizations.
Organizational Behavior is an intellectual concept of
organization & has become a special subject of study.
It is the knowledge of human behavior at work.
Traditionally the concept was different.
But now it has taken complicated and diversified shapes within
an organization.
It has became necessary to learn about human behavior within
an organization for improving its performance.
An organization is not a successful until and unless it
understands, predicts and controls human behavior.
OB is a part of total management, but plays a crucial role in
every area of management, and has been accepted by all the
concerned people.
It is an accepted fact that organization can develop only when its
people are developed.
Study of their behavior therefore becomes inevitable for the
development of people.
Since organizational behavior is a science, its concept, features
foundation , role, behavior, process models and taxonomy are
clarified in the very beginning to decipher and develop the
subject as a full fledged discipline of study.
OB has been defined as the knowledge of peoples behavior at
It is meaningful solution to complex human problems.

OB is the study and application of knowledge about how

people act within an organization.

It is a human tool for human development.

It applies broadly to the behavior of people in all types
of organization.
Few Basic Things
Organization Organization
Structure (Organizing)
Two or more persons Identify the work
Common Goals Grouping the work
Co-operative Efforts Establishing the
Division of work relationship
Communication Delegating Authority
Rules & Regulations Providing for Co-
Pyramidal shape ordination and control
Importance of Sound Organization
1. Enlarges abilities
2. Facilitates administration
3. Facilitates growth & diversification
4. Permits optimum use of resources
5. Stimulates creativity
6. Facilitates Co-ordination
Who are Managers?
Indispensable resources
Priceless assets of an organization
Coordinators & Directors
What managers do?
Managers work with and through other people
Managers are mediator
Mangers are symbols
Managers act as change agents and add value to organizational effort
Managerial Roles:
1. Interpersonal roles

2. Informational roles

3. Decisional roles
Concept of Organizational
Organizations are not so not much about plant and machinery as
People can make or break company.
In a competitive world a company has
to strive in the market by differentiating
Above all they must recognize the
importance of moving closer to the heart
of employees through novel
compensation method method, participative schemes
& retention plans.
Precisely stated OB is the study of human attitudes, behavior
and performance.

It is the study of what people do in an organization and how

that behavior affects the performance of the organization.

OB is he systematic study and careful application of knowledge

about how people-as individuals and as groups act within the
It is an action oriented and goal-oriented discipline. Its goals are
to make managers more effective at describing, understanding,
predicting and controlling human behavior.

Describe Behavior:
Understand Behavior:
Predict behavior:
Control Behavior:
Organization Culture
Nature and Scope of OB
OB offers a set of tools concepts an theories that
people to understand, analyze and describe what goes on in
organizations and why.
E.G Why X wants to quit the job and Y is willing to
hang on for over three decades in the same organization.
Why some people work with passion, love and commitment
and why others waste resources and spend their time
The study of OB offers guidelines that help people
at work to understand and appreciate many forces that
influence behavior in organizations.
It helps people at working at all levels to make
appropriate decisions about how to behave and get along with
other people in order to achieve organizational goals.

1. Three levels of analysis: (Individuals, Group & Organization)

2. Distinct field of study:
(What people think, feel do)
3. Interdisciplinary in nature:
(social science, anthropology, sociology, economics)
4. Use of scientific methods:
(empirical, research-based approach)
5. Focus on Application:
(researchers have shed light on practical questions e.g what
steps could be taken to reduce work related stress, what can be
done to improve quality of organizational communication)
6. Contingency thinking:
(different situations require different behavioral practices for
greatest effectiveness)
7. Subset of management:
(Efficiency and Effectiveness)
8. Positive & Optimistic:
9. Integrative in nature:
(It values dignity, growth & satisfaction rather than
expenses of these values )
Importance of OB
1. Uncover hidden aspects of organization

2. Explain and predict behavior

3. Acquire people skills and win the race

4. Formulate informed judgments

Other Significances of OB
Provides a road map to our lives in organizations..
Uses scientific research to help us understand and predict
organizational life..
Helps us influence organizational events
Helps an individual understand himself/herself and others better
It leads leaders
Useful for maintaining cordial IR
Useful in marketing
Helpful to managers to understand ones employee
Economical perspective
Relationship between
Management & OB
Emergence of OB
They are understood as the beliefs, feelings and action
tendencies of an individual or group of individuals towards
objects, ideas and people.
Attitudes are learned.
Attitudes refer to feelings beliefs of an individual or groups of
Attitudes endure, unless something happens.
Attitudes can fall anywhere along a continuum for very
favorable to unfavorable.
Attitudes are organized and are core to individual.
All people, irrespective of their status or
intelligence, hold attitudes.
Three components of
The ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through
the senses.
The way in which something is regarded, understood, or
Personality is The combination of characteristics or qualities
that form an individual's distinctive character.
Learning is understood as the modification of behavior through
practice, training or exercise. This simple meaning needs to be
supplemented with five important components of learning so as
to make its important clear.
1. It involves change
2. Not all changes reflect learning
3. Learning is reflected in behavior.
4. change in behavior should occur as a result of experience,
practice or training.
5. The practice or experience must be reinforced in
order for learning to occur.
Transactional Analysis
As a theory of personality, transactional analysis gives us a
picture of how people are structured psychologically using the
three part ego-state model. The concept of life script explains
how our present life patterns originated in childhood. We may
continue to replay childhood strategies in grown-up life, even
when these produce results that are ultimately self-defeating or

People are okay

Everyone has value and worth
Everyone has the capacity to think
Early script decision can be changed
Generally Transactional Analysis is a system of popular
psychology based on the idea that one's behaviour and social
relationships reflect an interchange between parental (critical
and nurturing), adult (rational), and childlike (intuitive and
dependent) aspects of personality established early in life.
Three Ego States
The ego plays an important role in human behaviour. People
interact with each other in terms of psychological positions or
behavioural patterns known as ego states. Ego states are
persons way of thinking, feeling and behaving at any time.
There are 3 important ego states. Ego states: child, adult and
parent. A person of any age have these ego states in varying
degree. A healthy person is able to move from one ego state to
ADULT CHILD Personality
1. Parent ego state:
The parent ego state means that the values, attitudes
and behaviours of parents an integral part of the personality of
an individual. These people tend to talk to people and treat
others like children. The characteristics of a person with parent
ego state are: Judgemental Rule maker Moralising Over
protective indispensable
2. Adult ego state:
The adult ego state is authentic, direct, reality based,
fact seeking and problem solving. They assume that
human beings as equal, worthy and responsible.
The process of adult ego state formation goes through ones own
experiences and continuously updating attitudes left over from
childhood. People with adult ego state, gather relevant
information, carefully analyse it, generate alternatives and make
logical choices.
3. Child ego state: the child ego state is characterized by very
immature behaviour. The important features of child ego state
are creativity, anxiety, depression, dependence, fear, joy,
emotional sentimental etc.

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