OB Models
OB Models
OB Models
Course Objective
The main objective of this paper is to familiarize
the students with the basic concepts of
organizational behavior and underlying theories in
predicting individual behavior and group
Course Outcome
• Students will be exposed to fundamental
concepts of management and
organizational behavior.
• Knowledge of the basic concepts and
theories underlying personality,
perception and learning.
• Understanding concept of motivation,
leadership ,individual behaviour in groups
and team building
The five models of
organisational behaviour
• autocratic model,
• custodial model,
• supportive model,
• collegial model and
• system model.
Autocratic model
• Autocratic model is the model that depends upon
strength, power and formal authority.
• In an autocratic organisation, the people
(management/owners) who manage the tasks in an
organisation have formal authority for controlling the
employees who work under them. These lower-level
employees have little control over the work function.
Their ideas and innovations are not generally welcomed,
as the key decisions are made at the top management
Custodial model
• The custodial model is based around the concept of
providing economic security for employees – through
wages and other benefits – that will create employee
loyalty and motivation.
• In some countries, many professional companies
provide health benefits, corporate cars, financial
packaging of salary, and so on – these are incentives
designed to attract and retain quality staff.
Supportive model
• It is not based upon control and authority (the
autocratic model) or upon incentives (the
custodial model), but instead tries to motivate
staff through the manager-employee relationship
and how employees are treated on a day-to-day
• Quite opposite to the autocratic model, this
approach states that employees are self-
motivated and have value and insight to
contribute to the organisation, beyond just their
day-to-day role.
Collegial model
• The collegial model is based around
teamwork – everybody working as
colleagues (hence the name of the model).
• The overall environment and corporate
culture need to be aligned to this model,
where everybody is actively participating
– is not about status and job titles –
everybody is encouraged to work together
to build a better organisation.
System model
• In the system model, the organisation looks at
the overall structure and team environment, and
considers that individuals have different goals,
talents and potential.
• The intent of the system model is to try and
balance the goals of the individual with the
goals of the organisation.
6 Contributing Disciplines to the Organization
Behaviour Field
• Psychology.
• Sociology.
• Social Psychology.
• Economics.
• Anthropology.
• Political Sciences
• Psychology has perhaps the first influence on the field
of OB because it is a science of behaviour. A
psychologist studies almost all aspects Of behaviour.
• Psychology deals with studying human behaviour that
seeks to explain and sometimes change the behaviour of
humans and other animals.
• The major focus of sociologists is on studying the social
systems in which individuals fill their roles. The focus is on
group dynamics.
• They have made their greatest contribution to OB through
their study of group behaviour in organization, particularly
formal and sophisticated organizations.
• Sociological concepts, theories, models, and techniques help
significantly to understand better the group dynamics,
organizational culture, formal organization theory and
structure, corporate technology, bureaucracy,
communications, power, conflict, and intergroup behavior
Social Psychology
• It has been defined as the scientific investigation of how the
thoughts, feelings, and behavior of individuals are influenced
by the actual, imagined or implied the presence of others.
• It deals with how people are affected by other individuals
who are physically present or who are imagined to be present
or even whose presence is implied.
• In general, sociology focuses on how groups, organizations,
social categories, and societies are organized, how they
function, how they change.
• The main aim of anthropology is to acquire a better
understanding of the relationship between the human
being and the environment. Adaptations to surroundings
constitute culture. The manner in which people view
their surroundings is a part of the culture.
• Culture includes those ideas shared by groups of
individuals and languages by which these ideas are
communicated. In essence, culture is a system of learned
Political Sciences
• Contributions of political scientist are significant to the
understanding of behavior in organizations. Political
scientists study the behavior of individuals and groups within
a political environment.
• They contribute to understanding the dynamics of power
centres, structuring of conflict and conflict resolutions tactics,
allocation of power and how people manipulate power for
individual self-interest
• Economics contributes organizational
behavior to a great extent in designing the
organizational structure. Transaction cost
economics influence the organization and
its structure.
• Transaction costs economics implies costs
components to make an exchange on the
Challenges and opportunities
• Improving Peoples’ Skills.
• Improving Quality and Productivity.
• Total Quality Management (TQM).
• Managing Workforce Diversity.
• Responding to Globalization.
• Empowering People.
• Coping with Temporariness.
• Stimulating Innovation and Change.
• Emergence of E-Organisation & E-
• Improving Ethical Behavior.
• Improving Customer Service.
• Helping Employees Balance Work-Life
• Flattening World.
Need to understand human behaviour
• To make the organization more effective.
• Effective utilization of resources.
• To understand the basis of motivation.
• To maintain cordial industrial relations
• To increase the overall productivity of the industry.
• Improving inter-personal relations in the organizations.
• Design appropriate motivational techniques
• Zero wastage
• To build a healthy and happy environment
• Timely Achievement of Organisational goals
• Organisational Development and growth
• Define management.
• Differentiate between management and
• Management is a science or an art.
• Management as a profession.
• Explain function of management.
• What are the roles of a manager?