Indus Valley Civilization - Pptivc

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Indus Valley

(33001300 BCE)
mature peri26001900 BCE
Discovery and history of excavation

The ruins ofHarrappawere first described in Earliest civilizations in Indus Valley was
1842 byCharles Massonin hisNarrative of discovered in 1856 by a railroad crew.
Various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan,
and the Punjab,
In 187275 Alexander Cunningham
published the first Harappanseal
In 1912, that more Harappan
seals were discovered by
J.Fleet, prompting an
excavation campaign under
Sir John Hubert Marshallin
192122 and resulting in the
discovery of the civilization at
Harappa by Sir John Marshall,
Rai Bahadur Daya Ram Sahni
and Madho Sarup Vats, and at
Das Banerjee, E.J.H.MacKay,
and Sir John Marshall. By 1931,
much of Mohenjo-Daro had
been excavated, but
excavations continued, such as
that led by
Sir Mortimer Wheeler, director
of theArchaeological Survey of
Roots of Indus Valley Civilization

Harappa or Indus valley civilization(IVC) is a bronze age

The Indus Valley Civilization encompassed most of
Pakistan and parts of northwestern India, Afghanistan
and Iran, extending fromBalochistanin the west to
Uttar Pradeshin the east, northeastern Afghanistan to
the north andMaharashtrato the south.
Geography of IVC
This civilization located at north
western region of indian sub-

Many of the harappan

settlements are found on the
plane of saraswati which is dry
today. It is also called indus-
saraswati civilization and
harappan civilization.

The imp harappan sites are Kot

Diji, Amri, Mohenjo-daro,
Harappa, Kali banga, Mehrgarh,
Mundigak, Damb Sadaat, Gumla,
Dholavira, Lothal.
Mohenjo-Dara means The
mound of the Dead
Mohenjo-daro is located in the
Larkana Districtof Sindh, Pakistan
Uniqueness about the Mohenjo-
daro is absence of any large scale
monuments like Egyption
It discovered in 1922 by indian
Archaeologist Rakhal Das
Mohenjo-Daro was designated
the world heritage site in 1980. 3 miles in circumference with
Mohenjo-daro was built in the populations of 40,000
26th century BCE
Architecture and urban infrastructure of
IVC city (Mohenjo-Daro)
Mohenjo-daro has a
planned layoutbased on a
street grid ofrectilinear
buildings. Most were built of
fired and mortaredbrick;
some incorporated sun-dried
The city divided into two parts
lower part and upper part.

The town was well

demarcated b/t official areas
of the high lands and
residential areas in low lands
to the east.
Lower part of the city

In the lower part of the

city the people lived and
carried out their
professional work.
The city houses were
well designed with
houses of commoners
or the lower class
having two rooms and
that of rich spanning
from 5 to may be 6
The streets based on the
advanced grid system Some houses have their own well
that were oriented from
east to west and were 5
to 10m wide.
The drainage system
from the houses linked
with the wide streets
drainage system to
dispose waste in the
Upper part of the city
The upper part built on the
raised platform is the CITADEL
CITADEL describe as the fort or
administrative block.
They faced west. Massive wall
measuring 1400ft*600ft on
mound 40ft high had a brick
embankment which was 45ft
The massive wall of citadel
provided protection from attack
and flood.
Citadel also protect the imp
buildings as Granary and
Assembly or the town hall.

GRANARY used for storing the

gran in 1st flour storing
The another marvel situated in
the heart of the CITADEL is a
swimming pool famously known
Measurement are 12m long,7m
wide and 2.43m deep.
Great bath has two flight of steps
one-one on each side.
In bath provide two opening one
to inlet water through a well and
another at the bottom used as an
outlet to drain water in the river
By this idea bath clean
Small rooms around the bath
probably used as changing

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