Indus Valley Civilization - Pptivc
Indus Valley Civilization - Pptivc
Indus Valley Civilization - Pptivc
(33001300 BCE)
mature peri26001900 BCE
Discovery and history of excavation
The ruins ofHarrappawere first described in Earliest civilizations in Indus Valley was
1842 byCharles Massonin hisNarrative of discovered in 1856 by a railroad crew.
Various Journeys in Balochistan, Afghanistan,
and the Punjab,
In 187275 Alexander Cunningham
published the first Harappanseal
In 1912, that more Harappan
seals were discovered by
J.Fleet, prompting an
excavation campaign under
Sir John Hubert Marshallin
192122 and resulting in the
discovery of the civilization at
Harappa by Sir John Marshall,
Rai Bahadur Daya Ram Sahni
and Madho Sarup Vats, and at
Das Banerjee, E.J.H.MacKay,
and Sir John Marshall. By 1931,
much of Mohenjo-Daro had
been excavated, but
excavations continued, such as
that led by
Sir Mortimer Wheeler, director
of theArchaeological Survey of
Roots of Indus Valley Civilization