Electrical Machine Design

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Output equation main dimensions choice of specific

loadings Design of stator air gap length - Design of
squirrel cage rotor- rotor bars and slots - Design of end
rings Design of wound rotor operating
characteristics no load current and short circuit
current dispersion co-efficient.
Output Equation of Induction Motor
Choice of Average Flux density or Specific
magnetic Loading

i) Power Factor The value of flux density in air gap should

be small otherwise it will draw large magnetising current

ii) Iron loss If Bav is higher increase in iron loss

efficiency reduces

iii) Overload Capacity ratio of maximum output to the rated

For 50Hz machines of normal design the value of Bav lies between 0.3 and
0.6wb/m2. For Machines used in cranes, rolling mills etc., where a large
overload capacity is required , a value of 0.65 wb/m2 may be used.
Choice of Ampere conductors per metre or Specific Electric

i) Copper loss and temperature rise

ii) Voltage small value of ac should be taken for high voltage

machines as in their case the space required for insulation is large.

iii) Overload Capacity large value of ac will need large number of

conductors per phase and thus increases the leakage reactance. This
reduces the diameter of the circle diagram resulting in lower value
of overload capacity.

Value lies between 5000 to 45,000 ampere conductors per metre.

Design of Stator

Two types of windings used in induction motor Single layer

mush windings or double layer winding
Concentric Winding
Stator Slots

Two types Open Slots & Semi Enclosed Slots

In double layer winding, open slots are used and

semi-closed slots are used in mush windings.
Number of Slots

Tooth Pulsation loss

Leakage reactance

Mechanical Difficulties

Magnetizing current & Iron Loss

Length of Airgap

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