Ellipse 8.6 Introduction

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The key takeaways are that Ellipse is planning and optimization software for backhaul networks including point-to-point and point-to-multipoint wireless networks. It addresses interference analysis, data management, and deployment models.

Ellipse is planning and optimization software that addresses point-to-point and point-to-multipoint wireless networks. It offers support for non-wireless links and superior interference analysis to enable aggressive frequency reuse.

Some key technical differentiators of Ellipse include its rich geographical user interface, innovative tools for LOS analysis and path routing, strong reporting capabilities, project management features, and flexible and scalable architecture.



General Concepts

Key Technical Differentiators

Ellipse modules
Ellipse Engine


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What is Ellipse?
Planning and optimization software for backhaul networks
Addresses point-to-point and
point-to-multipoint wireless
Transport Module with support of non-wireless links .
Offers superior interference
analysis, enabling aggressive
frequency reuse
Hosts comprehensive data
management in support of
carrier-grade implementations

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Mentum Ellipse Packaging

Several license options

Stand-alone license: node looked to pc or dongle
Network license with commuting option
Mentum offers 4 editions of the Mentum Ellipse software to
address different requirement levels

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Multi-user Collaboration
Multi-user Collaboration

Scalable solution for single

to multi-user deployment

Supports both Oracle

and SQL database

Administration of
users and projects on Data
the web Mager

Possibility to work

Mentum Planet import

Site name, coordinates, group,

flags and tower height

Import filter based on groups, flags and coordinates

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Flexible Deployment Models

Standalone and Floating licenses, with ability to commute Floating licenses,

Thick Clients with optional centralized data sharing (e.g. digital maps, predictions),

Thin Clients Server solution through Citrix or Windows Terminal Services,

Ability to mix deployment models.

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Landscapes Cityscapes Cityscapes HD Skylines


Clutter Clutter Clutter Clutter
Linear Vectors Linear Vectors Height-attributed Clutter Clutter Heights
Clutter Heights 3D Building Polygons
Linear Vectors Linear Vectors

Typical Resolution
1m 5m 10m 15m 30m 50m 100m Accuracy Ratings
Land Use Information Type

Generalized Clutter Exceptional

Very good
Detailed Clutter Good
Cityscapes Landscapes
Clutter with Height Cityscapes
HD Poor
Not Available or Irrelevant
3D Vector Model

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Key Technical differentiators

Provides a rich geographical user interface (Free Maps, Web Maps, Free OSM Maps)
Innovative tools like LOS analysis in matrix view and path routing to speed up initial design
Strong Reporting Tools (Financial Reports, Regulatory body Reports)
Project Management capabilities
Flexible and scalable Architecture
Best-in-Class Microwave Point-to-Point Link Engineering Functions (Ellipse is well recognized as
ITU leader in terms of its implementation of recommendations
Powerful Interference Calculation and Unique Automatic Channel Allocation functions
End to end transmission view and IP Capacity management

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Mentum Ellipse Modules

Core Module

Transport Module

PMP Module

Performance Module

Ellipse Engine

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Ellipse 8.6.2

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Built-in GIS
Provides a rich geographical user interface

Online access to free-of-charge digital mapping

data (SRTM)

Option to download OSM vectors (need key)

Multi-resolution support

Possibility to work with multiple UTM

zones in the same project

Well known map standard formats

MapInfo grids (*.grd and *.grc) for height and clutter display

Shape and MapInfo vector format, including building heights

Image data (JPG, TIFF, BMP, PNG, GIF)

Powerful and customizable layer display options

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Core Module : Link Analysis

Latest ITU recommendations

Off-path obstacle profile analysis
Diversity calculations/MIMO (up to 8 antennas per side)
Rain/Multipath/Refraction unavailability calculation
ATPC and Adaptive
Modulation support
Performance analysis
Link power optimization
Passive repeaters

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PMP Module : Small cell backhaul microwave
Frequencies to use
15-42 GHz, V-band (60 GHz), E-band (70-80 GHz), Sub 6
LOS - Line of sight
First Fresnel zone is free from Obstacles
nLOS Near Line of sight
Up to 40 % blockage of the first Fresnel zone
NLOS No Line of sight
Propagation model P3M for Sub-6 frequencies
Shorter distances up to around 500 meter for higher frequencies

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Point to MultiPoint
Point-to-multipoint communication is accomplished via a specific and distinct type of
connection, providing multiple paths from a single location to multiple locations (highly used
for small cell backhaul)

A mix between cell planning and

link planning

NLOS and nLOS planning

PmP analysis layers (Best Server, C/I, Signal Strength, Max Data rate)

Link quality reports

Interference analyses

Auto-connection of terminals to sectors

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PM Module :Connection to Network Performance Management
Network Performance
Management Platforms Ellipse

VistaInsight for RAN Cell Traffic

Mobile Knowledge MW Link Channel Performance
Pack **
VistaInsight for MW Link Channel Configuration

Mentum Planet
*Huawei, ALU, Ericsson Excel-files
**Huawei, Nokia, Ericsson
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Example of supported NPM data

RAN Cell Traffic (Vendors: Huawei, Nokia, Ericsson)

Downlink/Uplink Traffic Volume

Link Channel Performance (Vendors: Huawei, ALU, Ericsson)


Link utilization
Link Channel Configuration (Vendors: Huawei, ALU, Ericsson)

Frequency 1&2
TX level
ATPC settings
Adaptive modulation settings
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Performance module
It pulls Traffic data and KPIs directly from the network (both for RAN cells and links), aggregates
them, and lets the user analyze performance through tables and graphs.

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Ellipse Engine (Ellipse API)
It enables users to run Ellipse analyses without the Ellipse GUI

E.g. Ellipse Analyses can be embedded within other software

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Ellipse Engine - Main Capabilities

Import and export project data (site, links, etc)

Create new sites and links
Generate path and interference analyses
Generate line-of-sight analyses
Perform Automatic Channel Assignments on MW links or PMP links
Optimize power
Export KMZ files for use in Google Earth
Make HTTP requests
Extended commands

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Large-scale Bulk Reporting

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Planets Microwave menu

Planet provides basic Ellipse

functionality through its
Microwave window category
Ability to create links directly
from Planet or import them
in mlink format
Link editor will look like
Ellipses GUI
Users can run Link Analyses

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Thank you!

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