Industrial Policy
Industrial Policy
Industrial Policy
The industries policy plan of a country , its
Official strategic efforts to encourage the
development and growth of Manufacturing
sector of economy
Why a comprehensive industrial policy
Due to industrial development,
Overall economic development increase
Living standard of people improves
Overall economic position become very bright
& hope
What is an Industry
Definition of industry:
An industry makes a products from raw
material by the use of manual labor or
machinery that is usually carried out
systemically with division of labor
Objectives statement of Industrial Policy
• During the first half of this phase, i.e., 1988 to 1999 the
country had faced worst political conditions in the
history of Pakistan
• During the second half of this phase (i.e., 2000-2008),
industries of Pakistan faced greater influence of cheaper
goods imported under WTO agreements.
(WTO: is an intergovernmental organization that
regulates and facilitates international trade.
Government use WTO to establish, revise and enforce
the rules that govern international trade)
Approach 5 (1988-2008)
• The highlights of industrial policy of this phase are as below,
• (a) Deletion Policy: Although this policy was announced
during Phase 4 in 1987 but also pursued by the governments
in later phase. The objective of deletion policy was to obtain
self-reliance in engineering sector.
• (b) Deregulation Policy: Almost the whole industrial sector
was exempted from the requirement of government
sanctions except:
• Arms and ammunitions
• Security printing, currency and mint
• High explosives
• Radioactive substances
Approach 5 (1988-2008)