Topic 6 T&D Part II
Topic 6 T&D Part II
Topic 6 T&D Part II
Training and Development
Training and Development
The use of formal training and development
programmes has a number of advantages.
1. It commits management to support the training
and development function both in terms of
funding and actual involvement.
2. It is a sign of transparency.
A good T&D programme comprises 3
Planning Implementation Evaluation
training focus conducting appraising or
training needs assessment
coordinating evaluating
setting programme
objectives and content
controlling and
selecting training methods monitoring the feedback
identifying trainees programme
identifying trainers
(1) The Planning Phase
Training Focus
It is needed because the organization cannot
possibly train every employee that wishes
to be trained, otherwise it d be a costly and
un useful investment.
The focus may be;
on the priority functions on each year or
Training Needs Assessment (TNA)
Is a diagnostic step
A TNA establishes the current and potential
difference between the abilities, which employees
should possess, and the abilities, which they
possess in order to perform their jobs effectively
and efficiently.
The difference between the two positions indicates
that the employee is whether
adequately qualified,
Training Needs Assessment (TNA)
There are two main types of assessing training
(1) Organisation-wide TNA - (Macro TNA)
It is aimed at establishing broad-based
objectives such as the investigation of the
training requirements of all categories of
employees in the whole organisation, or the
investigation of a single category of
employees in the whole organisation.
An organization-wide training needs
assessment can be conducted by performing
the inclusive tasks in the following three
steps: preparation, data collection and
assessment, and recommendations
Step One: Preparation
The training officer performs the following tasks:
Establishing the objectives of the TNA,
Step Two: Data Collection and
At this step, the training officer, gathers
information that establishes the current level
of employee abilities, and the required level
of abilities after considering the following
The external influences
The organisation’s strategy
The internal influences
Step Three: Recommendations
Training officer ranks the needs on the
following bases:
Strikingly critical skill deficiencies.
(2) The Job-Related TNA- (MicroTNA)
Comprehensive Assessment
(ii) Key Task Assessment
The key task approach aims to identify and
analyse just the key tasks in a job - not the
whole job.
The key tasks in a job are those duties in which
careful and adequate performance is essential
to the success of the job. It is suitable for such
jobs as managerial jobs where the job
comprises a large number of different tasks, not
all of which are critical to effective performance
of the job.
(iii) Problem-Centred Assessment
Under this approach, the identified problem
tasks in a job are analysed so as to help
design a suitable training programme to solve
the problems.
For instance, a company may identify that its
accountants have performance difficulties with
mathematical skills. The training officer, then
concentrates his or her assessment on this aspect
of the accountant’s work in order to come up with a
sharper description of the difficulty being faced and
which would help in tailor-designing a suitable
training programme to alleviate this difficulty.
Setting Programme Objectives
Training objectives are clear aims that the
training programme intends to achieve.
They should state clearly the desired
behaviour expected from the training
programme. In effect, training objectives
indicate the type of learning expected out
of the training programme, and are as a
result used eventually as benchmarks for
evaluating the training programme.
Identifying Programme Content
The contents of a training programme refer to its items
or constituent themes, courses, or subjects, which
are aimed at enabling the programme to achieve the
desired training objectives.
The contents should determine the success of the
programme, and thus justify the organisation’s
investment in the programme. Suitable programme
contents appeal to the trainees: they convince them
to find the programme relevant to their needs and
motivate them to learn as planned. Obviously, the
contents of a programme influence the trainer in the
choice of the training methods.
Selecting the Training Method
In selecting a suitable T&D method, the HR
department should be guided by the following
(i) Cost of the Method
(ii) Programme Content.
(iii) Number of Trainees involved
(iv) Training venue and facilities.
(v) Trainee capabilities.
(vi) Trainer’s capabilities and preference.
(vii) Learning principles.
Identifying the Trainees
The following are the main guidelines that govern the
selection of employees for training:
(i) Basic Education
(ii) Tenure of Service
(iii) Employee’s Loyalty and Commitment
(iv) Government Regulations
(v) Availability of Employees
(vi) Employee Preference
(vii) Career Development Programme
(viii) Union Regulations
Identifying the Trainer
The following are criteria for selecting the right trainer;
Qualifications of his team members, experience,
it involves;
setting the convenient date when the
The following items are normally included in the budget
of a training programme:
Outfit Allowances, training fees
Subsistence allowances
Incidental Allowances
Book Allowances
(3) Evaluation and Feedback
A comprehensive questionnaire is usually
administered on the participants at the end of
the programme to assess the reaction of the
Methods of Training
Job instruction
Video presentations
Job rotation
Apprenticeship Role-playing
Coaching Behaviour modelling
Case study
Programmed learning
Committee assignments
Study tours
(1) Job Instruction OJT
(3) Apprenticeship
It has the following advantages;
It involves high learner participation therefore
accelerates the apprentice's learning speed.
It exposes the learner to real job experience,
which accords him transferability of knowledge
between theory and practice.
It gives the learner ample opportunities to repeat
the tasks he is taught.
The close interaction between the apprentice
and the master enables the apprentice to
receive prompt feedback, which he may use to
reinforce correct job behaviour as well as rectify
incorrect job behaviour if any.
(4) Coaching
Coaching is usually less formal than apprenticeship in
that it is provided when required rather than being
part of a formally drawn programme. It is carried
out by the trainee’s supervisor.
Because coaching is rather informal it usually
carries the disadvantages of interruptions from the
coach's substantive business, and lack of
seriousness from the trainee.
(Coaching as discussed here should be distinguished
from football team coaching which is in fact job
instruction learning).
(5) Lecturing
Lecturing involves a presentation of learning
materials where the presenter speaks, makes
limited use of visual and audio aids, allows
limited interaction with the participants, and
the participants listen and make notes.
It is mainly one-way communication from the
speaker to the listeners. It relies on
communication to impact the learning
The advantages;
The presenter can communicate everything
he wishes to communicate within the shortest
The trainer can organize his presentation in
(6) Audio-Visual Presentations
Video, television, and slide presentations as
methods of learning, have great similarities
with lecturing.
The advantages of using this method include;
Time economy
Amusement and enjoyment (Participants are
(7) Vestibules
This is a method where facilities, tools and
equipment similar to those that trainees
would find at their jobs are set up in the
training venue for their training.
Because of their similarity with the real
working environment, vestibules have the
advantages of high transference, repetition,
and participation.
However, vestibules are expensive to set up.
(9) Behaviour Modelling
It means imitating, matching or copying behaviour
through the process of observing an ideal
It could be videotaped and watched and receive
It is available in two forms: mechanical simulation,
and computer games.
A mechanical simulator is a facility that replicates
the major features of the trainee’s actual work
situation. (eg a driving simulator, which is used
in the training of drivers).
Games are commonly used to train managers
and other levels of business personnel. (Eg the
trainee and the computer may then bargain on
such items as salaries and benefits).
Business and management games can be
bought from the software markets
it involves a trainee's independent learning from
carefully prepared instructional material. This
method is particularly useful where employees are
geographically dispersed, but also where the
learning requires little interaction either among the
trainees or between the trainees and the trainers.
It provides learners with advantages of high
participation, repetition, relevance and feedback.
However it has low transference and the likelihood of
dishonest trainees looking up for provided answers
instead of working them out by themselves.
(13)Committee Assignments
Under this method an employee is assigned to
serve on an important committee in order to
broaden his or her experience.
The employee is given direct access to
experience and contribute to the planning and
decision making processes of the
Unless the committees comprise carefully
selected members, it could be a poor learning
(14)Study Tours
In a study tour the trainees are able to
relate concepts learnt earlier (probably
theoretically) with practical processes.
Study tours are common to the training
of college students. They accord the
trainee the advantages of relevance,
repetition, participation, and feedback.
Problems Facing Training and
1. Poor data bank.
2. Poor choice of trainers
3. Shortage of funds
4. Shortage of training institutions and programmes
5. Poor top management support
6. Poorly conducted training needs assessments
7. Untrainable employees
8. Training vs. Production
9. Employee Turnover
10. Poor evaluation of the training programmes
11. Shortage of HRM experts