B. Communication Style
B. Communication Style
B. Communication Style
Communication Style
There are three basic
communication styles
Elements of the Aggressive Style
Mottos and Beliefs
"Everyone should be like me."
"I am never wrong."
"I've got rights, but you don't."
Communication Style
Close minded, Poor listener, monopolizing
Has difficulty seeing the other person's point of view
Achieves goals, often at others' expense
Domineering, bullying,
Condescending, sarcastic
Puts others down, bossy
Doesn't ever think they are wrong
Moves into people's space, overpowers
Jumps on others, pushes people around
Nonverbal Cues
Points, shakes finger
Squints eyes critically
Rigid posture
Critical, loud, yelling tone of voice
Fast, clipped speech
Verbal Cues
"You must (should, ought better)."
"Don't ask why. Just do it."
Verbal abuse
Provokes counteraggression, alienation from
others, ill health
Wastes time and energy oversupervising others
Pays high price in human relationships
Fosters resistance, defiance, sabotaging, striking
back, forming alliances, lying, covering up
Forces compliance with resentment
Elements of the Passive Style
Mottoes and Beliefs
"Don't express your true feelings."
"Don't make waves."
"Don't disagree."
"Others have more rights than I do."
Communication Style
Always agrees
Doesn't speak up
Apologetic, self-conscious
Trusts others, but not self
Doesn't express own wants and feelings
Allows others to make decisions for self
Sighs a lot
Tries to sit on both sides of the fence to avoid conflict
Asks permission unnecessarily
Lets others make choices
Has difficulty implementing plans
Nonverbal Cues
Nods head often;
Lack of facial animation, Smiles and nods in agreement
Downcast eyes, Slumped posture, Low volume
Fast, when anxious; slow, hesitant, when doubtful
Verbal Cues
"You should do it."
"You have more experience than I do."
"I can't......, "This is probably wrong, but..., "I'll try..."
Confrontation and Problem Solving
Avoids, ignores, leaves, postpones
Withdraws, is sullen and silent
Agrees externally, while disagreeing internally
Expends energy to avoid conflicts that are
anxiety provoking
Agrees too often
Feelings Felt
Wonders why doesn't receive credit for good
Chalks lack of recognition to others' inabilities
Gives up being him or herself
Builds dependency relationships
Doesn't know where he or she stands
Slowly loses self esteem
Promotes others' causes
Elements of the Assertive Style (Tegas)
Communication Style
Effective, active listener
States limits, expectations
Expresses self directly, honestly, and as soon as possible
about feelings and wants
Checks on others feelings
Observes behavior rather than labeling it
Trusts self and others, Confident, Self-aware
Open, flexible, versatile, Playful, sense of humor
Operates from choice
Knows what it is needed and develops a plan to get it
Realistic in her expectations
Fair, Consistent
Takes appropriate action toward getting what she wants
without denying rights of others
Nonverbal Cues
Open, natural gestures
Attentive, interested facial expression
Direct eye contact, Confident or relaxed posture
Vocal volume appropriate, expressive
Varied rate of speech
Verbal Cues
"I choose to..."
"What are my options?"
"What alternatives do we have?"
Confrontation and Problem Solving
Negotiates, bargains, trades off, compromises
Confronts problems at the time they happen
Doesn't let negative feelings build up
Feelings Felt
Well being
Even tempered
Increased self-esteem and self-confidence
Increased self-esteem of others
Feels motivated and understood
Others know where they stand