Various types of heat treatment processes are:
• Annealing is one of the most important heat treatment operation
applied to steel. It is the process of heating the steel in a furnace
to a point not exceeding 50° above its upper critical point.
Blue Annealing – Severely cold worked steels, which are quite hardened
and have a very high yield point, are heated to 300ºC( blue color) in an
open furnace and cooled down slowly. It helps to work further on the
sheet without crack.
Box Annealing – In this process the job is kept in a closed annealing pot or
box, heated to a sub-critical temperature and cooled down slowly together
with box. It is used mainly for sheet, strip, or wire.
Black Annealing – In this process, the iron base alloys are heated to 400ºC and
cooled down slowly. After this the job appears in a black color, which is free
from oxide.
Pack Annealing – In this process the articles are covered with sand (pack),
heated to a light red color (800ºC) and cooled down slowly together with pack.
It is done on various shock resisting tool steel like chuck key, power tools, etc.
Water Annealing – This is a process of heating the article to above its upper
critical point, slowly cooling it down to black heat (approx. 400ºC) and then
finally quenching in water. This is carried out to speed up the annealing process
when there is lack of time.
Isothermal Annealing – Isothermal annealing reduces the total time
required for an annealing operation. In this process, steel is heated to austenite
state and then cooling it down to a temperature of about 650°C at a relatively
faster rate. Then it is held at constant temperature i.e. isothermally for some
time and then cooling it down to the room temperature at a rapid rate.
• questions
Table 2-1.-Heat Colors for Steel
Table 2-2.-Approximate Soaking Periods for Hardening, Annealing, and Normalizing
In hardening process, the steel is first heated to a point exceeding 50ºC
above the upper critical point for hypo-eutectoid steels and 30-50ºC above for
hyper-eutectoid steel.
Then the steel is soaked at this temperature for a considerable time to ensure
that all the pearlite and cementite have changed into austenite. After that the
steel is cooled rapidly to keep the austenite to remain as such at room
This process consists of two operations – heating and quenching. If these two
operations are properly carried out, then the required structure is obtained.
Effects of Hardening.
(a) Maximum hardness.
(b) Smallest grain size.
(c) Minimum ductility.
(d) Maximum tenacity.
Higher temperatures will result into high ductility, but low strength and
hardness. Low tempering temperatures will produce low ductility, but high
strength and hardness.
(a) Austie Tempering – Steel jobs of smaller diameter not exceeding 1/4” and
containing 0.9% carbon are heated to above the upper critical point and
quenched in a salt or lead bismuth bath of 260-340C. When the job reaches
the temperature of bath, it is removed and quenched in water. This method
does not promote the formation of martensite. Thus there are no stress/strain
effects, but strength, ductility and hardness are induced.
(b) Mar Tempering – In this process the steel is heated above its upper critical
point and quenched in a bath (260˚C). It is held in the bath for a definite time
and then cooled down to room temperature in still air. The transformation of
martensite takes place under conditions of slow rate of cooling and therefore,
internal stresses are reduced to a greater extent.
Colour Method. If a piece of clean polished steel is heated, it will be
seen that a series of colours appear on the surface as the temperature
rises. By heating the hardened job until a particular colour appears, a
definite amount of brittleness is removed. Always quench the job when the
required colour appears. The colour should be observed on a dark
background or in the shade, because colours vary with the intensity of
light. There are two methods of hardening and tempering by colours:
Process – Heat approximately half the tool from the working edge upwards
to a cherry red colour. Now dip half the heated portion into water, moving
the tool up and down to prevent the formation of water line. When the
cooled part becomes black, remove the tool and quickly polish the tip. The
heat from the upper part will flow down to the lower part. When a dark
purple colour (290C) appears on the polished tip, quench the whole tool in
Double Heating Method – This method is employed where the whole body is to be
hardened and tempered and the shank alone left soft and tough. In this method the
body (tool) is heated up to its upper critical point and quenched drastically for
hardening. In the second heating, it is heated up to tempering temperature and again
quenched. This method is followed for drills, reamers, scrapers, hacksaw blades etc.
Alloy Bath Method – An alloy bath consists of lead and tin in varying proportions
which, when melted, will have temperatures varying between 180-320C depending
upon the percentage of each of the constituents. Hardened articles are immersed in
this molten bath, which is maintained at the tempering temperature required, till they
reach the temperature of the bath. They are then quickly cooled in water.
Oil Bath Method – In this method, oil, having a high flash point (where oil
starts burning into flame), is heated to the required temperature. The
article to be tempered is immersed in it until the article attains the
temperature of the oil. The job is then cooled in water.
Hot Sand Method – Large hardened articles are covered with sand and
heated to tempering temperature. It is then removed and quenched as
usual. The correct temperature is ascertained by means of a thermometer.