The Mems Design Process: Dr. T. Ramesh

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Design Process

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National Institute of Technology
Tiruchirappalli – 620 015
A digital pressure sensor by Freescale incorporates calibration and
compensation in a paired ASIC;

An inkjet cartridge by Hewlett Packard uses integrated circuitry in the

nozzle region of thermal inkjet chip to control droplet size and placement;

High aspect ratio MEMS accelerometers by Freescale provide on-axis


The digital micro-mirror for digital light projection by Texas Instruments led
a revolution in optical MEMS and light switching products;

Seacoast Science’s micro gas chromatograph sensor arrays use

micromachined, parallel-plate polysilicon capacitors filled with polymers;

Microfluidic chips by Caliper integrate sampling, separations, and analysis;

Film bulk acoustic resonators (FBAR) by Avago Technologies revolutionized

electronic filter design for the handset market;

Encapsulated resonator timekeeping references by SiTime compete with


Micromachined MM3 electronic stability program (ESP) gyroscopic sensor

cluster by Bosch enables consumer and automotive orientation sensing;

SiSonic microphones by Knowles dramatically enhance the

manufacturability of printed circuit boards compared to polymeric electret
condenser microphones. Timeline of research and development cycles from first research reports to first
commercialization of several MEMS products.
Timeline of some technological advances in fabrication (above the horizontal line) and micromachining, particularly as pertains to piezoresistive
sensing (below the horizontal line).
Design Process
The product definition phase and requires customer and market

Concepts with geometric and material property detail are

analyzed for predicted performance and the design can be
refined based on results from analytical, numerical, or finite
element models using data from in-house processes or the

Concept screening (CS), a tool to streamline the process of

selecting a design idea to prototype

Designers should take care to build in test structures and

checkpoints in the Two process to more accurately evaluate
process-dimensional tolerances and resulting material properties
of as-fabricated structures.

The overall performance of the device or system should be

carefully considered with signal conditioning and systems
Examples of MEMS
Bubble Jet The ink jet printer is one of the successful microsystems now.
One of the ways to dose drops of ink on a piece of paper is to
squeeze the liquid ink close to an opening - the nozzle - in a
way that a single drop with a reproducible volume and a certain
speed will leave the nozzle. This can be accomplished by a
piezoelectric element; however, the first successful technology
uses thermal expansion of ink Vapour.
When the heating element heats the ink, its temperature is
raised above the critical point, so a bubble is formed without a
nucleation barrier.

The pressure in the bubble is used to displace the ink, and

because the flow resistance to the nozzle is smaller than to the
ink reservoir ink is ejected.

When switching off the heating power the ink cools and the
vapour bubble collapses and an ink bubble (in fact, often many
bubbles) breaks off.
Actuators Micro actuators can be used for positioning of small masses.
Comb drive actuators

Inter digesting teeth contract under a voltage difference. The

maximum force these actuators can deliver is quite small,
therefore one needs many of them in parallel.

Future applications in positioning mirrors or tips in read-write

heads in data storage devices.
Comb drives have important
Currently, much effort is taken to develop micro resonators for applications in mechanical
telecommunication purposes. Connecting a comb drive to a microsensors. Since they represent a
spring gives a resonator, which can be used in an capacity the value of which depends on
electromechanical high quality factor filter. the overlap of the fingers, they can be
used as position sensitive devices.
Currently there is a search for actuators, which are fast and Deflection of seismic masses in inertia
strong. Electrostatic actuators are fast but the maximum force, sensors and shear stress in fluid flow
even using clever designs, seems to be limited to about 1 mN. sensors is measured using comb drive
Therefore considerable effort is undertaken to fabricate actuators. In both types of devices
piezoelectric actuators. In general, thermal actuators tend to be comb drives are also applied in servo
strong but slow. systems where the force is the sensor
output, needed to keep the fingers in a
fixed position.
Materials and Process Selection
MEMS devices consist of primary (structural) materials and secondary
(dielectric, interconnect) materials. MEMS processes frequently also utilize
secondary materials (not contributing to the structure) as sacrificial materials
in the fabrication flow.

Attributes of concern to the design process include the material properties,

net shape of the device including surface roughness and tolerances, the
processing constraints on pressure, temperature, and materials

MEMS devices are integrated with Complementary Metal – Oxide

Semiconductor (CMOS) electronics and thus are limited in their processing
materials set, equipment, and temperature.

Selecting the best process for a given geometry and material requires
screening of available process capabilities, ranking of available processes, and
detailed comparisons of their merits in terms of dimensional control,
roughness, stress, temperature, and so on.
The performance of micro electronic and mechanical systems (MEMS) strongly depends on the mechanical
properties of materials used.

The evaluation of the mechanical properties of MEMS materials is indispensable for designing MEMS devices.

Accurate values of mechanical properties (elastic properties, internal stress, strength, fatigue) are necessary for
obtaining the optimum performances.

Elastic properties are necessary in prediction of the amount of deflection from an applied force and material
strength sets device operational limits. Also, in view of reliability and life time requirements, mechanical
characterization of MEMS materials becomes increasingly important.

Small size of MEMS devices often leads to their usage in harsh environments, and good knowledge of mechanical
properties may lead to elimination of some of the mechanical failure modes through proper material selection,
design, fabrication and packaging processes.

As the interest in MEMS grows, the demand for applicable data increases. Reliability, accuracy and repeatability of
evaluation methods also became an issue.

However, MEMS use materials such as silicon and many other thin films that are not fully characterized regarding
their mechanical properties because they had not previously been considered as mechanical materials.
 The properties of thin films have so far been evaluated mostly to satisfy demands in semiconductor device
research, but evaluations were mainly focused on the electrical properties, while investigations of
mechanical properties were limited mainly to internal stresses.

 The bulk properties were adopted whenever mechanical properties were needed, but with the growing
application of thin films in various mechanical structures grew the need for better understanding of their
mechanical and electromechanical properties.

 Therefore mechanical properties of thin films used in MEMS need to be accurately evaluated – they should be
measured at the same scale as micro- and nanodevices since they differ from bulk material properties.

 Thin-film and bulk materials usually have different compositions, phase and microstructure and the formation
process for thin films must be taken into account (deposition, thermal treatment, implantation and

 Mechanical processing as the processing method for most bulk structures is in case of thin films substituted
with photolithography and etching.

 Also, bulk and thin film have different surface finishing of processed structures. When size effect is
concerned, one must have in mind that the ratio of surface area to the volume increases as dimensions of a
device decrease.
Mechanical properties
 MEMS devices use materials such as silicon and many other thin films. These materials had not previously
been considered mechanical materials and for that reason are not fully characterized regarding their
mechanical properties.

 The evaluation of the mechanical properties of electrical materials forming MEMS devices is needed to
provide the engineering base for full exploitation of the MEMS technology.

 It is essential both from the aspect of MEMS device performances, as well as from the reliability aspect.

 Elastic (deflection from applied force), inelastic (deformed structure does not return to its initial state) , and
strength (operational limits of MEMS device).

 The key factor in manufacturing reliable MEMS devices is good understanding of the relation between the
material properties and its processing.

 When studying material properties, measured values should be independent of test method and the size of
the specimen. However, when MEMS devices are in question, the size of the specimen may affect the
measurements. For that reason an extensive process should be initiated in defining test methods with
adequate sensibility and repeatability that would provide accurate values of mechanical properties.
Elastic properties
 Elastic properties are directly related to the device performance. Young’s modulus and Poisons ratio are basic elastic
properties that govern the mechanical behavior.

 Since two independent mechanical properties are necessary for full definition of mechanical properties of MEMS
materials, their properties can be accurately determined by measuring Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio.

 Young’s modulus (E) is a measure of a material stiffness. It is the slope of the linear part of stress-strain (ε-σ) curve of a

 Poisson’s ratio is a measure of lateral expansion or contraction of a material when subjected to an axial stress within the
elastic region. Load-deflection technique enables measuring E together with σ.

 The load deflection technique is easy to apply

because the membrane is flat without load
enabling easy load-deflection relationship

 The deflection of the membrane center (d) is

measured with the applied pressure (P) across the
The pressure-deflection behavior of a circular membrane (Tsuchiya, 2008) is expressed by

where P is the applied pressure, d is the center deflection, a, t, E, σ0 and v are the radius, thickness, Young’s
modulus and Poisons ratio of the circular membrane, respectively.

As the equation shows, the range of Poison’s ratio of materials is not wide and rough estimation of the ratio is
acceptable using the bulk properties.
Source: Amal Jerald Joseph and Pavai (2017), B.Tech. Thesis, NITT
Internal stress

Internal stress (σ), the strain generated in thin films on thick substrates, causes the deformation of the
microstructure and occasionally destruction of the structure.

It has two sources:

 thermal mismatch between a substrate and a thin film – extrinsic stress,\

 microscopic structural change of a thin film (caused by chemical reactions, ion bombardement,
absorption, adsorption etc.)- intrinsic stress.

In case of thin film compression the compressive stress is in question. Compressive stress is expressed as a
negative value and it may cause buckling.

In case of thin film expansion the tensile stress is in question. Tensile stress is expressed as a positive value and if
excessive may lead to fracture of structures.
According to Hooke’s law, for isotropic materials under biaxial stress (such as thin films on substrates), internal
stress is described by

where ε, E and g are the strain, Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the thin film, respectively.

As a micro fabricated test for strain measurement the beam buckling method is often used. In order to
measure ε of thin films the doubly supported beam shown in figure 2 is loaded by the internal stress. The
preparation of pattern with incrementally increasing size enables determination of the critical length of the
beam which causes buckling.

Fig. 2. Doubly supported beam structure

The strain deduced from the buckling length of the beam (Tabata, 2006) is given as:

where ε, t and lc are the strain, thickness of the thin film and the buckling length, respectively. In this case, the
internal stress is assumed to be uniform along the thickness direction.

In case of the stress distribution along the thickness direction, variation of ε may cause vertical deflection of
the cantilever beam.

 The strength of a material determines how much force can be applied to a MEMS device. It needs to be
evaluated in order to assure reliability of MEMS devices.

 Strength depends on the geometry, loading conditions as well as on material properties. As the useful
measure for brittle materials, the fracture strength is defined as the normal stress at the beginning of

 The flexural strength is a measure of the ultimate strength of a specified beam in bending and it is related to
specimen’s size and shape.

 For inelastic materials, the yield strength is defined as a specific limiting deviation from initial linearity.

 The tensile strength is defined as a maximum stress the material can withstand before complete failure while
the compressive strength is usually related to brittle materials.

 MEMS devices are often exposed to cyclic or constant stress for a long time during operation. Such
operational conditions may induce fatigue.

 Fatigue may be observed as change in elastic constants and plastic deformation leading to sensitivity
changes and offset drift in MEMS devices.

 It may also be observed as the strength decrease that may lead to fracture and consequentially failure of
the device.

 Fatigue behavior of a MEMS device also depends on its size, surface effects, effect of the environment such
as humidity and temperature, resonant frequencies etc.

 In order to realize highly reliable MEMS device a detailed analysis of the fatigue behavior must be
performed using accelerated life test method as well as life prediction method.

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