Macrobenthos Coast: Ulangan Tengah Semester

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Nama : Rini Alfiani
Kelas : T. IPA Biologi D

Ulangan Tengah Semester

Benthic organism size classification

• Megafauna (-flora)
• Macrofauna >10 mm
• Meiofauna 10 – 0.1mm
Interstitial organisms

• Microfauna <0.1mm
Pacific Coast
Pacific Coast

has five arms, a hole that serves as the mouth and anus
Lili Laut

Crinoidae eat by filtering small particles of food from seawater

using fur like hand. This section has a sticky mucus, which will
catch the food was passed.
sea cucumber

These animals do not chintz and anus are at the opposite pole from
his body. Regional ambulakral and inter-ambulakral arranged
alternately along the body.

has five arms, a hole that serves as the mouth and not
have anus. Ophitrix have a ambulakral
Kutu Laut
life stages of sea lice spread
out and find a new host is
still not fully known.
Temperature, sun irradiation
intensity, and ocean
currents are the main
factors that influence.
Salinity of sea lice is needed
in order to survive is above
25 ‰.

Termasuk kedalam class annelida yang hidup di laut.

Memiliki ciri-ciri tubuh berwarna kuning keemasan dan tubuh
yang beruas-ruas
Kerang mutiara

pearl mussels produce pearls from manure

that enters the body shells

Termasuk ke dalam kelas

crustacae yang hidup di laut
Stenopus hispidus

has a body color is red and white serves to camouflage

themselves with the surroundings
Landak laut
Also known as sea urchins or
sea urchins (Echinoidea) is a
marine animal that is circular
and has thorns on the skin
that can be driven. This animal
is divided into approximately
950 species and are found
from the tidal reach a depth of
5,000 meters.

known as Act cleaners

Udang sentadu
mantis shrimp armed with powerful
claws that are used to attack their prey
by piercing, stun or cut limbs. Although
rare, some kind of large-sized mantis
shrimp is able to break the glass
aquarium with a single blow using
their paws.
Oratosquilla oratoria
(udang renggong)
Udang, baik itu udang air
tawar maupun udang
laut merupakan salah
satu komoditi perikanan
yang berprospek cerah.
Pasalnya, permintaan
akan hewan air bungkuk
itu tak pernah surut tiap
Sotong atau "ikan" nus adalah
binatang yang hidup di perairan,
khususnya sungai maupun laut atau
danau. Hewan ini dapat ditemukan di
hampir semua perairan yang
berukuran besar baik air tawar, air
payau, maupun air asin pada
kedalaman bervariasi, dari dekat
permukaan hingga beberapa ribu
meter di bawah permukaan.
Sotong sering kali disalahtafsirkan
sebagai cumi-cumi. Keduanya berbeda
karena sotong bertubuh pipih,
sementara cumi-cumi lebih berbentuk
silinder. Selain itu, cangkang dalam
sotong tersusun dari kapur yang keras,
sedangkan pada cumi-cumi lunak.
Kepiting tapal kuda
blue-ringed octopus

Memiliki cincin biru ditubuhnya untuk menyamarkan diri

dengan lingkungan. Gurita cincin biru ini memiliki racun.
Abundance and Biomass in sandy sediments
Feeding Mode

• Suspension feeders
– Tentacles
– Water pumping

• Deposit feeders
– Selective (eat food between grains)
– Non- selective (eat sediments)
Anemon pasir
Body shape anemone like
flowers, so it is also called the
sea rose. Mouth pieces form a
flat, circular, sometimes
contracted, and equipped with
tentacles except on the type
Limnactinia, mouth pieces are
not equipped with large
tentakel.Sebagian sea
anemones have stinging cells
that are useful to protect
themselves from predators.

included into the filter feeder.

body color bright blue one

included into the filter feeder. body color is bright

yellow and orange one
Sabellidae (feather duster worms)
are a family of sedentary marine
polychaete tube worms where the
head is mostly concealed by feathery
branchiae. They build tubes out of
parchment, sand, and bits of shell.
Glomerula secretes a tube of calcium
carbonate. They tend to be common
in the intertidal zones around the
world. Their oldest fossils are known
from the Early Jurassic
Ceriantharians have a crown
of tentacles that are
composed of two whorls of
distinctly different sized
tentacles. The outer whorl
consists of large tentacles that
extend outwards. These
tentacles taper to points and
are mostly used in food
capture and defence. The
smaller inner tentacles are
held more erect than the
larger lateral tentacles and are
used for food manipulation
and ingestion.
Brain Coral
Brain corals extend their
tentacles to catch food at
night. During the day, they use
their tentacles for protection
by wrapping them over the
grooves on their surface. The
surface is hard and offers good
protection against fish or
hurricanes. Branching corals,
such as staghorn corals, grow
more rapidly, but are more
vulnerable to storm damage.
Sea pens
Although named after their
feather-like appearance
reminiscent of antique quill
pens, only sea pen species
belonging to the suborder
Subselliflorae live up to the
comparison. Those
belonging to the much
larger suborder Sessiliflorae
lack feathery structures and
grow in club-like or radiating
forms. The latter suborder
includes what are
commonly known as sea
Antedon Sp.
Black coral

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