Agile Project Management With SCRUM: Theory and Practice
Agile Project Management With SCRUM: Theory and Practice
Agile Project Management With SCRUM: Theory and Practice
1980 Classes
Maamar, Zakaria and Sutherland, Jeff (2000) Toward Intelligent Business
Frozen Objects: Focusing on Techniques to Enhance
1970 Procedures
Business Objects that Exhibit Goal-Oriented Behaviors. Communications of the ACM 40:10:99-101.
Enterprise Systems are cas
Business entities are examples of complex adaptive
Modification time is on the order of months or years,
roughly time required to change software.
Automating business processes renders parts of the
business in software.
Business systems have severely constrained rule
sets, making ideal test bed for cas concepts.
Sutherland, Jeff and van den Heuvel, Willem-Jan (2002) Developing and integrating
enterprise components and services: Enterprise application integration and complex
adaptive systems. Communications of the ACM 45:10:59-64.
Objects Meet Requirements for
Variation: there is a continuing abundance of different
elements (class libraries).
Heredity or replication: the elements have the capacity
to create copies or replicas of themselves (inheritance).
Differential "fitness": the number of copies of an element
that are created in a given time varies, depending on
interactions between the features of that element and
the features of the environment in which it persists
Daniel Dennett. Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life. Simon and
Schuster, 1995, p. 343.
Do Programmers Meet Evolutionary
Brooks, Fred. No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering. IEEE
Computer, Vol. 20, No. 4, April 1987, pp. 10-19.
Change is Imperative:
Wasserman's 7 Factors Driving Change
Tony Wasserman. Toward a Discipline of Software Engineering. IEEE Software 13:6:23-31, Nov 1996.
"Why Are Systems Late, Over Budget, Wrong?"
"The Waterfall Methodology!" (Paul Bassett)
Analysis Paralysis
– static modeling overused
– specs are stale baked
– no generic models
– no standard architectures
Large Project Teams
User Intermediaries
No Early Warning Signals
Bassett, Paul G. Framing Software Reuse: Lessons from the Real World. Yourdon
Press Computing Series, 1997.
Wicked Problems: Righteous Solutions
Out of a total cost of $37B for the sample set, 75% of [DOD] projects failed or were never used,
and only 2% were used without extensive modification. Jarzombek. The 5th Annual JAWS S3 Proceedings,
Rittel, H and Webber M. Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning. Policy Sciences, Vol. 4. Elsevier, 1973.
Degrace and Hulet's book, Wicked Problems, Righteous Solutions, Prentice Hall, 1990
Software Development is an Empirical
James Coplien. Borland Software Craftsmanship: A New
Look at Process, Quality, and Productivity. Proceedings
of the 5th Annual Borland International Conference,
Orlando, 1994.
One of most remarkable organizations, processes, and
development cultures seen in AT&T Bell Laboratories Pasteur
process research project
Project management, product management, QA integral to team,
all making technical contributions
Higher communication saturation than 89% of projects
More even distribution of workload
“Anti-schismogenetic” – no cliques
Highly iterative development
Strong architectural interaction with implementation
More time spent in project team meetings than anything else –
several hours a day
Gerry Weinberg notes that CMM Level 1 and 2 teams need strong
managerial direction. Level 3 paradigm shift is self-directing team.
Borland team was clearly in this category, although not by
commonly accepted criteria.
Team comments on Quattro project
Larman, Craig and Basili, Vic. A History of Iterative and Incremental Development.
IEEE Computer, June 2003 (in press)
History of Iterative and Incremental
Development (IID)
1985 – Barry Boehm’s Spiral Model
– Boehm, Barry. A Spiral Model of Software Development and Enhancement.
Proceedings of an International Workshop on Software Process and Software
Environments. March, 1985
1986 – Brooks, Fred. No Silver Bullet. IEEE Computer, April 1987
– Nothing … has so radically changed my own practice, or its effectiveness [as
incremental development].
1994 – First SCRUM at Easel Corporation
MacCormack, Alan. Product-Development Practices That Work: How Internet Companies Build
Software. MIT Sloan Management Review 42:2:75-84, Winter 2001.
SCRUM Origins: Takeuchi and Nonaka
Lessons from Fuji-Xerox, Canon, Honda, NEC, Epson, Brother,
3M, Xerox, HP
Old model – Relay Race
– Speed and flexibility not adequate in today’s market
New model - Rugby
Takeuchi, Hirotaka and Nonaka, Ikujiro. 1986. The new new product development
game. Harvard Business Review 64:1:137-146 (Jan/Feb), reprint no. 86116.
Moving the SCRUM downfield
Takeuchi and Nonaka Success Factors
Built-in instability
Self-organizing project teams
Overlapping development phases
Subtle control
Organizational transfer of learning
“These characteristics are like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Each element, by itself,
does not bring about speed and flexibility. But taken as a whole, the characteristics
can product a powerful new set of dynamics that will make a difference.”
Factor 1: Built-in instability
Top management kicks off development process by signaling
broad goal.
Project team is offered extremely challenging goals with wide
measure of freedom.
– Example: Fuji-Xerox gave FX-3500 project team two years to come
up with a copier that cut costs in half
Top management creates an element of tension in the project
team through challenging requirements with wide freedom to
achieve strategic objective.
– Honda Executive: “It’s like putting the team members on the second
floor, removing the ladder, and telling them to jump or else. I believe
creativity is born by pushing people against the wall and pressuring
them almost to the extreme.”
Factor 2: Self-organizing project teams
A project team takes on a self-organizing character as it is driven
to a state of “zero information” – where prior knowledge does not
Left to stew, the process begins to create its own dynamic order.
The project team begins to operate like a start-up company.
A group possesses a self-organizing capability when it exhibits
three conditions.
– Autonomy
– Self-transcendence
– Cross-fertilization
At some point, the team begins
to create its own concept.