Research PPT Jatin
Research PPT Jatin
Research PPT Jatin
• Origin of the Indian wine industry lie in the hand of two industrialist and businessmen shamrao
chougule and kanwan grower.
• Origination of idea of making wine – Research in both markets about grapes . Grapes were of 6-7 francs
per kilogram in France and in India for Rs 1-2. They saw an opportunity that Higher profits could be
earned if processing the grape
• After conducting a systematic investigation they came up with outcome that making wine in India is
difficult but is possible. Other outcomes of research were
• Problems faced – Wine was alien in India , tropical weather , Infertile soil
• Solution- Consultants from France and their expertise and experience helped and educated them how
to make wine. Irrigation techniques were developed to tackle tropical weather.
• Starbucks Corporation is an American coffee company and coffeehouse chain which was
founded in Seattle in Washington in 1971.
• Starbucks strategy at all times has been consumer oriented, that is they put the client at
the centre point thus, every one of their decisions and activities are made on the
requirements of the clients.
• Starbucks entered in the Indian market after 6 years of planning and researching about
Indian market considering Indian market to be a complex market .
• After 6 years of research on indian market ,Starbucks entered India through a joint
venture of 50-50 weightage with TATA beverages.
• Advantages of entering through a joint venture
-Sourcing of coffee from TATAs coffee plant in Karnataka which was cheaper.
- Got contract to supply to TAJ SATS which supplies to TATAs premium chain of hotels
• For Starbucks, their store location is crucial for being successful and rapid development
• The area which Starbucks selects for its stores are by and large in the central point of
crowded zones, and are fundamentally frequented by target clients.
• For this they conducted an analysis which aimed to provide perfect location for
Starbucks to open its first store in India and as a result it inaugurated its first store in
India in horniman circle in Mumbai on 12th of October 2012 which is an upscale area of
India’s economic capital which attracted an enormous amount of customers on its very
first day.
• Due to the extensive research of 6 years the company analysed the market and entered
the market with a joint venture which made India a tremendous success for Starbucks as
its the fastest rising new market in the history of Starbucks which is all been possible due
to proper planning and implementation of its strategy which was picture-perfect
according to the Indian market . This justifies importance of research in the world of
culinary arts .