Introduction To Radiowave Propagation: DR Costas Constantinou
Introduction To Radiowave Propagation: DR Costas Constantinou
Introduction To Radiowave Propagation: DR Costas Constantinou
Dr Costas Constantinou
School of Electronic, Electrical & Computer Engineering
University of Birmingham
• For an overview, see Chapters 1 – 4 of L.W. Barclay
(Ed.), Propagation of Radiowaves, 2nd Ed., London:
The IEE, 2003
• The main textbook supporting these lectures is: R.E.
Collin, Antennas and Radiowave Propagation, New
York: McGraw-Hill, 1985
Introduction (cont.)
• Simple free-space propagation occurs only rarely
• For most radio links we need to study the influence
of the presence of the earth, buildings, vegetation,
the atmosphere, hydrometeors and the ionosphere
• In this lectures we will concentrate on simple
terrestrial propagation models only
Radio Spectrum
Symbol Frequency range Wavelength, Comments
ELF < 300 Hz > 1000 km Earth-ionosphere waveguide
ULF 300 Hz – 3 kHz 1000 – 100 km
VLF 3 kHz – 30 kHz 100 – 10 km
LF 30 – 300 kHz 10 – 1 km Ground wave propagation
MF 300 kHz – 3 MHz 1 km – 100 m
HF 3 – 30 MHz 100 – 10 m Ionospheric sky-wave propagation
VHF 30 – 300 MHz 10 – 1 m Space waves, scattering by objects
similarly sized to, or bigger than, a free-
UHF 300 MHz – 3 GHz 1 m – 100 mm space wavelength, increasingly affected
SHF 3 – 30 GHz 100 – 10 mm by tropospheric phenomena
EHF 30 – 300 GHz 10 – 1 mm
c f ; c 3 108 ms 1
Electromagnetic waves
• Spherical waves
– Intensity (time-average) Wm S 2 E H
• Maths reminder
log a b c log a b,
log a b
log c b
log c a
, loga b c loga b loga c
Basic calculations
• Example: Two vertical dipoles, each with gain 2, separated in
free space by 100m, the transmitting one radiating a power of
10mW at 2.4GHz
L0 dB 32.4 20 log10 2400 20 log10 0.1 80.0
Prx dBW 10 log10 10 2 10 log10 2 10 log10 2 80.0 94.0
• This corresponds to 0.4nW (or an electric field strength of
• The important quantity though is the signal to noise ratio at
the receiver. In most instances antenna noise is dominated by
electronic equipment thermal noise, given by N k BTB
where k B 1.38 10is JK 1
Boltzman’s constant, B is the receiver
bandwidth and T is the room temperature in Kelvin
Basic calculations (cont.)
• The noise power output by a receiver with a Noise Figure F =
10dB, and bandwidth B = 200kHz at room temperature (T =
300K) is calculated as follows
N dBW 10 log10 k BTB 10 log10 F
N dBW 10 log10 1.38 10 23 300 200 103 10 log10 10
N 140.8 dBW 110.8 dBm
• Thus the signal to noise ratio (SNR) is given by
SNR dB P dBW N dBW 94.0 140.8
SNR 46.8 dB
Basic calculations (cont.)
Propagation over a flat earth
• The two ray model (homogeneous ground)
z Tx
r1 Rx
hr air, e0, m0 x
P ground, er, m0, s
r 15, 102 Sm 1
TM v TE h 1
Propagation over flat earth
Ev ,h E0 1 v ,h exp j
Prx Prx 0 1 exp j 4 Prx 0 sin 2 2
2ht hr
Prx 4 Prx 0 sin
• There are two sets of ranges to consider, separated by a
4ht hr
d d b & sin
2 2 2 2
d d b & 4sin 2
2 2 2
Propagation over flat earth
• Thus there are two simple propagation path loss laws
L dB L0 3.0 l for d d c
where l is a rapidly varying (fading) term over distances of the
scale of a wavelength, and
L dB L0 20 log10 for d d c
This simplifies to
4d 4ht hr
L dB 20 log10 20 log10
L dB 40 log10 d 20 log10 ht 20 log10 hr
• The total path loss (free space loss + excess path loss) is
independent of frequency and shows that height increases the
received signal power (antenna height gain) and that the
received power falls as d-4 not d-2
Propagation over flat earth
Typical ground
1/d4 power law regime (d > dc)
(earth), with
r = 15
s = 0.005Sm-1
ht = 20m and
hr = 2m
2 ht
• Answer: f ˆ
e cos cos tan
2n 1
, n 0,1,2,
4 ht
Path clearance on LOS paths
r0 Rx
r11 r1 hc
d1 d2
• Assume that in the worst case scenario we get the strongest
possible scattering from the sub-path obstacle: specular
reflection at grazing incidence
Path clearance on LOS paths
• The electrical path difference between the direct and
scattered rays from the top of the obstacle is,
k k r1 r0 k r11 r12 r01 r02
r012 hc2 r01 r022 hc2 r02
r01 , r02 hc
• Since typically hc2 hc2
k k r01 r01 r02 r02
2r01 2r02
khc2 1 1 khc2 1 1
2 r01 r02 2 d1 d 2
khc2 d
2d1d 2
Path clearance on LOS paths
• Additionally, comparing similar triangles gives,
h d hd
hc r 1 t 2 h cos
P plane
Site sheilding
• The Kirchhoff integral describing the summing of secondary
wavefronts in the Huygens-Fresnel principle yields the field at
the receiver
exp jkr
u 1
E R k1 du
f r
where k1 describes the transmitter power, polarisation and
radiation pattern, f(r) describes the amplitude spreading
factor for the secondary waves (2D cylindrical wave f(r) = r1/2,
3D spherical wave f(r) = r) and u1 is a large positive value of u
to describe a distant upper bound on the wavefront
Site shielding
• Stationary phase arguments (since the exponent is oscillatory,
especially for high frequencies) show that only the fields in
the vicinity of the point O contribute significantly to the field
at R
• If point O is obstructed by the knife-edge, then only the fields
in the vicinity of the tip of the knife-edge contribute
significantly to the field at R
• Using the cosine rule on the triangle TPR, gives
r 2 PR TP TR 2 TP TR cos
2 2 2
d2 d1 d 2 d1 2 d1 d 2 d1 cos
2 2 2
Site shielding
• If we assume that d1, d2 >> l, u (stationary phase and far-field
approximations), then u/d1, a << 1 and d 2 << d
u 2
2 2 2 2
d 2 2d 2 2d1 d 2 2d1d 2 2 d 1 d1d 2 1 2
2 d1 d 2
2d1d 2
• Thus, using stationary phase arguments, we may only keep
the fast varying exponential term inside the Kirchhoff integral
and evaluate the slowly varying f(r) term at the stationary
phase point O, to give,
k1 exp jkd 2 u1
f d2 exp jk u du
Site shielding
d1 d 2 2
• Since k u u , we make the substitution
d1d 2
2 d1 d 2 2 d
u k 2u k & du
d1d 2 2 k2
which simplifies the integral to the form,
k1 exp jkd 2
k2 f d 2 0
exp j 2
2 d
2 d1 d 2
where, 0 u0
d1d 2
• The path-gain factor, F, is given by,
E R 1
2 d
F exp j
E0 R 2 0
• Useful engineering approximations:
20 log10 F 13 20 log10 0 0 2.4
20 log10 F 6.02 9.11 0 1.27v02 0 0 2.4
20 log10 F 6.02 9.0 0 1.65v02 0.8 0 0
Site shielding
Multipath propagation
• Mobile radio channels are predominantly in the VHF
and UHF bands
– VHF band (30 MHz f 300 MHz, or 1 m 10 m)
– UHF band (300 MHz f 3 GHz, or 10 cm 1 m)
• In an outdoor environment electromagnetic signals
can travel from the transmitter to the receiver along
many paths
– Reflection
– Diffraction
– Transmission
– Scattering
Multipath propagation
• Narrowband signal
(continuous wave
– CW) envelope
Area mean or path Fast or multipath
loss (deterministic or fading (statistical)
dB 2
• If x is measured in linear units (e.g. Volts)
1 ln x ln mx
p x exp
dB x 2 2 dB
cdf PL LThreshold
exp X 2 2 dB
dB 2
1 LT L d
1 erfc
2 2
• This can be used to calculate the probability that the signal-
to-noise ratio will never be lower than a desired threshold
value. This is called an outage calculation
• Typical values of dB = 10 dB are encountered in urban
outdoor environments, with a de-correlation distance
between 20 – 80 m with a median value of 40 m
Fast fading models
• Constructive and destructive
– In spatial domain
– In frequency domain Re
– In time domain (scatterers, tx and rx in P
relative motion)
• Azimuth dependent Doppler shifts
– Each multipath component travels
corresponds to a different path length.
– Plot of power carried by each t
component against delay is called the
power delay profile (PDP )of the
– 2nd central moment of PDP is called the
delay spread
Fast fading models
• The relation of the radio system channel bandwidth Bch to the
delay spread d is very important
– Narrowband channel (flat fading, negligible inter-symbol interference
(ISI), diversity antennas useful) ch 1
Y 2 1 0.80
Fast fading models
• For Rician fading
Y Y 2 y s2 Yys
2 exp I 0 2 , Y 0
p Y 2
0, Y 0
where ys is the amplitude of the dominant (LOS) component
with power y s2 2. The ratio K Rice y s2 2 2 is called the Rician
K-factor. The mean value of Y is
Y 2 1 K I 0 K 2 K I1 K 2 exp K 2
The Rician K-factor can vary considerably across small areas in
indoor environments
Fading models
• Similar but much more complicated outage calculations
– E.g. Rayleigh and log-normal distributions combine to give a Suzuki
• The spatial distribution of fades is such that the “length” of a
fade depends on the number of dB below the local mean
signal we are concerned with
Fade depth (dB) Average fade length ()
0 0.479
-10 0.108
-20 0.033
-30 0.010
Tropospheric propagation
• Over long-distances, more than a few tens of km, and
heights of up to 10 km above the earth’s surface,
clear air effects in the troposphere become non-
• The dielectric constant of the air at the earth’s
surface of (approx.) 1.0003 falls to 1.0000 at great
heights where the density of the air tends to zero
• A consequence of Snell’s law of refraction is that
radiowaves follow curved, rather than straight-line
Tropospheric propagation
• The variation of the ray
A B n + dn
curvature with refractive index is
derived: d dh
A n
AA: wavefront at time t
BB: wavefront at time t + dt
AB and AB: rays normal to the
: radius of curvature of AB
c dt
AB d v dt d
c dt
AB d d v dv dt
n dn O
d c c
dt n n dn d
Tropospheric propagation
n n nd dn dnd
Retaining only terms which are correct to first order in small
dn nd
1 1 dn
n d
But this is the curvature, C, of the ray AB, by definition.
Furthermore, dh d cos
1 1 dn
C cos
n dh
For rays propagating along the earth’s surface b is very small
and we may take cosb = 1. Moreover, n–1 1.
Tropospheric propagation
• If n = constant, dn/dh = 0 C = 0 and the ray has zero
curvature, i.e. the ray path is a straight line
• A ray propagating horizontally above the earth must have a
curvature C = (earth’s radius)–1 = a–1 in order to remain
parallel with the earth’s surface. But its actual curvature is
given by C and not C.
• The difference between the two curvatures gives the
curvature of an equivalent earth for which dn/dh = 0 and
which has an effective radius ae,
1 1 dn 1
ae a dh ka
Tropospheric propagation
• k is known as the k-factor for the earth
• Typically, dn/dh –0.03910–6 m–1 1/(25,600 km)
• Therefore, 1 1 1 1
ae 6, 400 km 25, 600 km k 6, 400 km
• The k-factor of the earth is k = 4/3
• The effective radius of the earth is ae = 4a/3
• These values are used in the standard earth model which
explains why the radio horizon is bigger than the radio horizon
Tropospheric propagation
• Problem: Find the radio horizon of an elevated antenna at a
height ht above the earth
• Answer: R 2ae ht