People Groups: Concept and Terminology
People Groups: Concept and Terminology
People Groups: Concept and Terminology
An Ethnolinguistic Reference
Copyright © 2005 Orville Boyd Jenkins Orville Boyd Jenkins August 2005
People Groups
Concept and Terminology
Two parts to that word:
Ethno (cultural)
Language is a primary and dominant
identifying factor of a people group.
But there are other factors that determine or
are associated with ethnicity.
People Groups
Concept and Terminology
Other factors:
marriage rules and practices
age-grades and other obligation
inheritance patterns and rules
These are some of the common ethnic
factors defining or distinguishing a people.
• Religion
– May be so important an ethnic
characteristic that it would determine a
boundary within a group of otherwise
identical persons
– thus a sufficient reason to consider
religious groups separate ethnicities, or
people groups.
What is a People Group?
Technical and Practical Definitions
Ethnolinguistic “package”
Relationship patterns
People Group (Ethnic) Segment
Smaller groupings within the same
ethnic entity
Geographic – Ethno-geography;
country borders; rural~urban
People Group (Ethnic) Segment
Copyright © 2005 Orville Boyd Jenkins Orville Boyd Jenkins March 2005