Specific Learning Disorders - Mrs. Sodhi
Specific Learning Disorders - Mrs. Sodhi
Specific Learning Disorders - Mrs. Sodhi
• mentally retarded,
• slow in comprehension,
Confidence Building
The majority of dyslexic children have come to the conclusion that
they are stupid!
In any school in any week of the year a dyslexic child experiences a
huge amount of failure. With sequencing difficulties, any form of
writing or math/s is going to present severe problems, and the
dyslexic child cannot fail to notice that almost all of the other
children are able to do the work which he or she finds so hard. Why
can't he read and spell? He must be dumb, thick, stupid. It's the
conclusion that anyone would reach in similar circumstances, and it
needs changing before any corrective teaching is going to be
Dyslexic Children Should Read Out Loud
Dyslexic children’s reading can be improved if they are allowed to
read out loud or move their lips while reading. These actions activate
the 'Broca's area' of the brain which remembers speech muscle
Make it easier for dyslexic children to go home with an
accurate note of their homework
Many a times, homework is hastily written on the board in the last
minute of a lesson, and dyslexic children often arrive home with
an incoherent and incomplete note of what is to be done. Parents
try to help, but cannot work out what the homework is supposed to
Bullying of dyslexic children is very common, and can seriously
affect their self-esteem. Even verbal bullying can have a very bad
impact, and needs to be dealt with seriously.
Increase motivation in Class
Use praise or other means of tangible recognition. The only
feedback students receive should not be grades on papers and
tests and report cards. Praise is a means of increasing motivation
for learning.
Realising the fact that many of the students
in Council Affiliated Schools have Special
Learning Disorders, CISCE has in place
several provisions to facilitate learning and
taking of examinations at both the ICSE and
ISC levels.
In cases of candidates suffering from Dyslexia,
Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia, Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), certain
concessions/support are admissible, depending
on the nature and degree of the disability on a
case to case basis.
Only a child who is genuinely challenged and
has been assessed so by a qualified and
registered Medical Practitioner / Clinical
Psychologist / Special Educator, approved by
the Central / State Government would be
eligible to avail of the special
dispensations. The Council reserves the right
to ask its own Panel of Doctors to assess any
Principals are requested to send a detailed
Psycho-Educational Evaluation Report (from
a qualified and registered Clinical
Psychologist/Special Educator, approved by
the State/Central Government), specifying the
areas of difficulty and the concessions/support
that are required by the candidate to
satisfactorily complete her/his examination
papers at the ICSE/ISC Examination.
Ms.Sheetalkumar i/b. M/s. Milan Bhise & Co. for the petitioner.
Mr. I..M. Chhagla with Mr. Naval Agarwal and Mr. A.G. Kathari for respondent
Nos. 1 to 4.
Ms. Mugdha Jadhav, ABP for respondent Nos.6 and 7.
Mr. J. K. Mistry i/b. Mr. P. M. Havnur for respondent No.9.
Ms. Avantika Wankhede i/b. M/s. Divya Shah & Associates for respondent No.10.
DATED : 20TH JULY, 2006.
1. In the light of the discussion in the matter on earlier dates of hearing, the
senior counsel for respondent Nos. l to 4 handed in the Scheme to provide
facilities to the students with learning disabilities of dyslexia, dysgraphia
and/or dyscalculia. The Scheme is marked ‘X’ for identification purposes.
The counsel for the petitioner and the counsel for other respondents are
agreeable to the said scheme.
2. Having considered the said scheme we find it adequate, proper and
beneficial to the students with learning disabilities. We, accordingly,
accept the Scheme and observe that the said Scheme becomes operative
with immediate affect.
3. The State Government, Education Authorities and all Schools in the State of
Maharashtra having affiliation with any of the Boards vis., Secondary School
Certificate Board (SSC), Indian Council of Secondary Education (ICSE) and
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) shall abide by the said
Scheme in relation to the students with learning disabilities. The schools in
the State of Maharashtra are also directed to abide by the circulars issued by
the State Government from time-to-time not inconsistent with the Scheme
‘X’' approved by us today. The disobedience or non-compliance of the
Scheme in relation to the students with learning disabilities by any of the
schools in the State of Maharashtra shall be treated as disobedience of the
order of this Court and they shall be proceeded with accordingly.
4. We direct the three Boards viz., SSC, ICSE and CBSE to circulate the
Scheme to all the schools under their jurisdiction and having their affiliation.
5. We record our appreciate ion for the sincere and concerted effort of the senior
counsel, the counsel, the Assistant Government Pleader and all concerned
parties in finalization of the Scheme.
6. The writ petition is disposed of with no order as to cost.
1. Preamble:
All Schools (SSC, ICSE, CBSE) must give the above options. If the school
cannot, provide the facility to teach lower level maths. The Parents can have
the option to teach the child privately, but; the Examination will be conducted
by the School.
(7) Students with learning disabilities shall be
pardoned and exempted from:
Spelling errors, and the content of the answer This facilitation is
should be evaluated rather than the already being
syntax/structure of the written language or the provided by CISCE.
Directional mistakes in maps in the subject of
Errors in mathematical calculation arising out
of writing numbers in the wrong order
(example 10/01), and emphasis should be laid
and marks be awarded for the method
employed by such students.
(8) Students with learning disabilities of standard 1 to 9 shall be exempted
from drawing figures, diagrams, charts, maps and graphs in written
examinations. The marks of such questions/sub questions shall be based
on the rest of the paper proportionately. Alternatively, supplementary
questions may be formulated specifically for such students.
(9) Students with learning disabilities of standards 1 to IX who fail to obtain
the minimum prescribed marks to determine promotion to higher standards
shall be granted a maximum of an aggregate of 20 grace marks instead of
15. The 20 grace marks can be given in one subject or may be divided in
one or more subjects.
(10) Cursive writing should not be enforced for students with learning
disabilities. Such students may be permitted to continue writing in print.
(11) Students suffering from "Auditory discrimination” having a listening
comprehension problem may be permitted the use of a tape recorder in the
(12) Students with learning disabilities shall be exempted from long descriptive
answers in homework or class work. They should be allowed to write in
point form.
4. Students with learning disabilities having very specific problems in certain
areas may request additional facilities they may need along with supporting
documentation and all relevant test reports to the principal of the school,
who in turn shall forward the same to the board. Such facilities may be
granted on a case to case basis by the board.
5. It is advisable that students diagnosed with Learning Disability are provided
facilities for Remedial Education.
6. The following recommendations are given:
Awareness programmes for teachers/principals about identifying at
risk LD students.
Compulsory LD training module for all teachers. Education
department should ensure this to sensitise the teaching fraternity.
Each school should have a committee of teachers/educators to review
the students academic problems.
Medical/Health checkup to be strictly adhered to.
Vernacular students should be tested in the regional language by
providing these tests in respective languages.
Testing procedures should be uniform.
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