01 Briefing Thar Coal Project
01 Briefing Thar Coal Project
01 Briefing Thar Coal Project
LBOD Spinal Drain FLOW
Pumping Station-01
For raw water
Brine Water
Channel Carrier Channel
RO Plant
Energy is the life line of any developed and developing society. It plays a vital role
in the economic development. Like other developing countries Pakistan is also
facing acute energy crisis specially shortage of electricity in country. Which affects
the Pakistan’s socio economic activities and Industrial development, for this creates
many problems like unemployment, poverty, mental stress and hunger.
To face such crisis there is need for huge power generation in the country to fulfill
the required requirement.
Power generation through coal is the cheapest way.
Fortunately Sindh Province is rich in the coal reservoirs.
About 175 Billion metric tons coal reservoir located in Thar in Sindh province.
About 100,000 MW of electricity may be generated from this reservoir, which will
address the country’s power requirement up to several decades.
About 5.62 Billion Rs: as Revenue will be generated yearly.
5-6 cusec water is required to generate 100 MW of Electricity.
Phase-II designed for 35 cusec for generation of 660 MW
• It is to informed the Forum that the scheme Construction of Water Carrier with
Capacity 100 Cs from Spinal Drain RD-362 (LBOD) to Nabisar for Power
Generation Units were launched by Government of Sindh.
• The water Carrier channel is designed for 100 Cs, in the start it was decided that 35
Cs Treated water will be provided to Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company
(SECMC) block-II looking to this water carrier channel and its all other
components were designed for 35 Cs, but in future and passing time it will be
increased upto 100 Cs .
• It is clear understanding that all the quantum of water which is 100 Cs is only for
the block-II which is allocated to Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company (SECMC).
• Now a request is received for an other 40 Cs of water for block-I .It is required for
other company, separately other then 100 Cs the following items / components will
be required.
1. New pumping station cumulative discharge 60 cusecs.
2. Existing water carrier channel can be enhanced up to capacity 160 cusecs by
raising banks and C.C Lining of existing channel.
3. Existing Brine water channel will be same capability can be increased by raising
banks and C.C Line work.
4. Discharge capacity of Raw water reservoir and Treated water reservoir can be
increased by raising banks and depth.
5. RO Plant will be enhanced, from 24(US) MGD to 50 (US) MGD.
6. For extra 40 cusec new scheme is to be launched the PC-I will be prepared by new
consultants to be hired .